(*****************************************************************************) (* *) (* Open Source License *) (* Copyright (c) 2018 Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a *) (* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),*) (* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation *) (* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, *) (* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the *) (* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: *) (* *) (* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included *) (* in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. *) (* *) (* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR*) (* IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, *) (* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL *) (* THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER*) (* LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING *) (* FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER *) (* DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *) (* *) (*****************************************************************************) (* TODO test `close ~wait:true`. *) include Logging.Make(struct let name = "p2p.connection" end) module Crypto = struct (* maximal size of the buffer *) let bufsize = 1 lsl 16 - 1 let header_length = 2 let max_content_length = bufsize - Crypto_box.zerobytes (* The header length is only stored in the encrypted message, but within the space allowed by boxzerobytes, so it does not cost in space in the buffer. *) let max_encrypted_length = bufsize - Crypto_box.boxzerobytes (* The size of extra data added by encryption. *) let boxextrabytes = Crypto_box.zerobytes - Crypto_box.boxzerobytes (* The number of bytes added by encryption + header *) let extrabytes = header_length + boxextrabytes type data = { channel_key : Crypto_box.channel_key ; mutable local_nonce : Crypto_box.nonce ; mutable remote_nonce : Crypto_box.nonce ; } (* We do the following assumptions on the NaCl library. Note that we also make the assumption, here, that the NaCl library allows in-place boxing and unboxing, since we use the same buffer for input and output. *) let () = assert (Crypto_box.boxzerobytes >= header_length) let write_chunk ?canceler fd cryptobox_data msg = let msglen = MBytes.length msg in fail_unless (msglen <= max_content_length) P2p_errors.Invalid_message_size >>=? fun () -> let buf_length = msglen + Crypto_box.zerobytes in let buf = MBytes.make buf_length '\x00' in MBytes.blit msg 0 buf Crypto_box.zerobytes msglen ; let local_nonce = cryptobox_data.local_nonce in cryptobox_data.local_nonce <- Crypto_box.increment_nonce local_nonce ; Crypto_box.fast_box_noalloc cryptobox_data.channel_key local_nonce buf ; let encrypted_length = buf_length - Crypto_box.boxzerobytes in let header_pos = Crypto_box.boxzerobytes - header_length in MBytes.set_int16 buf header_pos encrypted_length ; let payload = MBytes.sub buf header_pos (buf_length - header_pos) in P2p_io_scheduler.write ?canceler fd payload let read_chunk ?canceler fd cryptobox_data = let header_buf = MBytes.create header_length in P2p_io_scheduler.read_full ?canceler ~len:header_length fd header_buf >>=? fun () -> let encrypted_length = MBytes.get_uint16 header_buf 0 in let buf_length = encrypted_length + Crypto_box.boxzerobytes in let buf = MBytes.make buf_length '\x00' in P2p_io_scheduler.read_full ?canceler ~pos:Crypto_box.boxzerobytes ~len:encrypted_length fd buf >>=? fun () -> let remote_nonce = cryptobox_data.remote_nonce in cryptobox_data.remote_nonce <- Crypto_box.increment_nonce remote_nonce ; match Crypto_box.fast_box_open_noalloc cryptobox_data.channel_key remote_nonce buf with | false -> fail P2p_errors.Decipher_error | true -> return (MBytes.sub buf Crypto_box.zerobytes (buf_length - Crypto_box.zerobytes)) end (* Note: there is an inconsistency here, since we display an error in bytes, whereas the option is set in kbytes. Also, since the default size is 64kB-1, it is actually impossible to set the default size using the option (the max is 63 kB). *) let check_binary_chunks_size size = let value = size - Crypto.extrabytes in fail_unless (value > 0 && value <= Crypto.max_content_length) (P2p_errors.Invalid_chunks_size { value = size ; min = Crypto.extrabytes + 1 ; max = Crypto.bufsize ; }) module Connection_message = struct type t = { port : int option ; versions : P2p_version.t list ; public_key : Crypto_box.public_key ; proof_of_work_stamp : Crypto_box.nonce ; message_nonce : Crypto_box.nonce ; } let encoding = let open Data_encoding in conv (fun { port ; public_key ; proof_of_work_stamp ; message_nonce ; versions } -> let port = match port with None -> 0 | Some port -> port in (port, public_key, proof_of_work_stamp, message_nonce, versions)) (fun (port, public_key, proof_of_work_stamp, message_nonce, versions) -> let port = if port = 0 then None else Some port in { port ; public_key ; proof_of_work_stamp ; message_nonce ; versions }) (obj5 (req "port" uint16) (req "pubkey" Crypto_box.public_key_encoding) (req "proof_of_work_stamp" Crypto_box.nonce_encoding) (req "message_nonce" Crypto_box.nonce_encoding) (req "versions" (Variable.list P2p_version.encoding))) let write ~canceler fd message = let encoded_message_len = Data_encoding.Binary.length encoding message in fail_unless (encoded_message_len < 1 lsl (Crypto.header_length * 8)) P2p_errors.Encoding_error >>=? fun () -> let len = Crypto.header_length + encoded_message_len in let buf = MBytes.create len in match Data_encoding.Binary.write encoding message buf Crypto.header_length len with | None -> fail P2p_errors.Encoding_error | Some last -> fail_unless (last = len) P2p_errors.Encoding_error >>=? fun () -> MBytes.set_int16 buf 0 encoded_message_len ; P2p_io_scheduler.write ~canceler fd buf >>=? fun () -> (* We return the raw message as it is used later to compute the nonces *) return buf let read ~canceler fd = let header_buf = MBytes.create Crypto.header_length in P2p_io_scheduler.read_full ~canceler ~len:Crypto.header_length fd header_buf >>=? fun () -> let len = MBytes.get_uint16 header_buf 0 in let pos = Crypto.header_length in let buf = MBytes.create (pos + len) in MBytes.set_int16 buf 0 len ; P2p_io_scheduler.read_full ~canceler ~len ~pos fd buf >>=? fun () -> match Data_encoding.Binary.read encoding buf pos len with | None -> fail P2p_errors.Decoding_error | Some (next_pos, message) -> if next_pos <> pos+len then fail P2p_errors.Decoding_error else return (message, buf) end type 'meta metadata_config = { conn_meta_encoding : 'meta Data_encoding.t ; conn_meta_value : P2p_peer.Id.t -> 'meta ; private_node : 'meta -> bool ; } module Metadata = struct let write ~canceler metadata_config cryptobox_data fd message = let encoded_message_len = Data_encoding.Binary.length metadata_config.conn_meta_encoding message in let buf = MBytes.create encoded_message_len in match Data_encoding.Binary.write metadata_config.conn_meta_encoding message buf 0 encoded_message_len with | None -> fail P2p_errors.Encoding_error | Some last -> fail_unless (last = encoded_message_len) P2p_errors.Encoding_error >>=? fun () -> Crypto.write_chunk ~canceler cryptobox_data fd buf let read ~canceler metadata_config fd cryptobox_data = Crypto.read_chunk ~canceler fd cryptobox_data >>=? fun buf -> let length = MBytes.length buf in let encoding = metadata_config.conn_meta_encoding in match Data_encoding.Binary.read encoding buf 0 length with | None -> fail P2p_errors.Decoding_error | Some (read_len, message) -> if read_len <> length then fail P2p_errors.Decoding_error else return message end module Ack = struct type t = Ack | Nack let encoding = let open Data_encoding in let ack_encoding = obj1 (req "ack" empty) in let nack_encoding = obj1 (req "nack" empty) in let ack_case tag = case tag ack_encoding ~title:"Ack" (function | Ack -> Some () | _ -> None) (fun () -> Ack) in let nack_case tag = case tag nack_encoding ~title:"Nack" (function | Nack -> Some () | _ -> None ) (fun _ -> Nack) in union [ ack_case (Tag 0) ; nack_case (Tag 255) ; ] let write ?canceler fd cryptobox_data message = let encoded_message_len = Data_encoding.Binary.length encoding message in let buf = MBytes.create encoded_message_len in match Data_encoding.Binary.write encoding message buf 0 encoded_message_len with | None -> fail P2p_errors.Encoding_error | Some last -> fail_unless (last = encoded_message_len) P2p_errors.Encoding_error >>=? fun () -> Crypto.write_chunk ?canceler fd cryptobox_data buf let read ?canceler fd cryptobox_data = Crypto.read_chunk ?canceler fd cryptobox_data >>=? fun buf -> let length = MBytes.length buf in match Data_encoding.Binary.read encoding buf 0 length with | None -> fail P2p_errors.Decoding_error | Some (read_len, message) -> if read_len <> length then fail P2p_errors.Decoding_error else return message end type 'meta authenticated_connection = { fd: P2p_io_scheduler.connection ; info: 'meta P2p_connection.Info.t ; cryptobox_data: Crypto.data ; } let kick { fd ; cryptobox_data ; _ } = Ack.write fd cryptobox_data Nack >>= fun _ -> P2p_io_scheduler.close fd >>= fun _ -> Lwt.return_unit (* First step: write and read credentials, makes no difference whether we're trying to connect to a peer or checking an incoming connection, both parties must first introduce themselves. *) let authenticate ~canceler ~proof_of_work_target ~incoming fd (remote_addr, remote_socket_port as point) ?listening_port identity supported_versions metadata_config = let local_nonce_seed = Crypto_box.random_nonce () in lwt_debug "Sending authenfication to %a" P2p_point.Id.pp point >>= fun () -> Connection_message.write ~canceler fd { public_key = identity.P2p_identity.public_key ; proof_of_work_stamp = identity.proof_of_work_stamp ; message_nonce = local_nonce_seed ; port = listening_port ; versions = supported_versions } >>=? fun sent_msg -> Connection_message.read ~canceler fd >>=? fun (msg, recv_msg) -> let remote_listening_port = if incoming then msg.port else Some remote_socket_port in let id_point = remote_addr, remote_listening_port in let remote_peer_id = Crypto_box.hash msg.public_key in fail_unless (remote_peer_id <> identity.P2p_identity.peer_id) (P2p_errors.Myself id_point) >>=? fun () -> fail_unless (Crypto_box.check_proof_of_work msg.public_key msg.proof_of_work_stamp proof_of_work_target) (P2p_errors.Not_enough_proof_of_work remote_peer_id) >>=? fun () -> let channel_key = Crypto_box.precompute identity.P2p_identity.secret_key msg.public_key in let (local_nonce, remote_nonce) = Crypto_box.generate_nonces ~incoming ~sent_msg ~recv_msg in let cryptobox_data = { Crypto.channel_key ; local_nonce ; remote_nonce } in let local_metadata = metadata_config.conn_meta_value remote_peer_id in Metadata.write ~canceler metadata_config fd cryptobox_data local_metadata >>=? fun () -> Metadata.read ~canceler metadata_config fd cryptobox_data >>=? fun remote_metadata -> let info = { P2p_connection.Info.peer_id = remote_peer_id ; versions = msg.versions ; incoming ; id_point ; remote_socket_port ; private_node = metadata_config.private_node remote_metadata ; local_metadata ; remote_metadata ; } in return (info, { fd ; info ; cryptobox_data }) module Reader = struct type ('msg, 'meta) t = { canceler: Lwt_canceler.t ; conn: 'meta authenticated_connection ; encoding: 'msg Data_encoding.t ; messages: (int * 'msg) tzresult Lwt_pipe.t ; mutable worker: unit Lwt.t ; } let read_message st init = let rec loop status = Lwt_unix.yield () >>= fun () -> let open Data_encoding.Binary in match status with | Success { result ; size ; stream } -> return_some (result, size, stream) | Error _err -> lwt_debug "[read_message] incremental decoding error" >>= fun () -> return_none | Await decode_next_buf -> Crypto.read_chunk ~canceler:st.canceler st.conn.fd st.conn.cryptobox_data >>=? fun buf -> lwt_debug "reading %d bytes from %a" (MBytes.length buf) P2p_peer.Id.pp st.conn.info.peer_id >>= fun () -> loop (decode_next_buf buf) in loop (Data_encoding.Binary.read_stream ?init st.encoding) let rec worker_loop st stream = begin read_message st stream >>=? fun msg -> match msg with | None -> protect ~canceler:st.canceler begin fun () -> Lwt_pipe.push st.messages (Error [P2p_errors.Decoding_error]) >>= fun () -> return_none end | Some (msg, size, stream) -> protect ~canceler:st.canceler begin fun () -> Lwt_pipe.push st.messages (Ok (size, msg)) >>= fun () -> return_some stream end end >>= function | Ok (Some stream) -> worker_loop st (Some stream) | Ok None -> Lwt_canceler.cancel st.canceler >>= fun () -> Lwt.return_unit | Error [Canceled | Exn Lwt_pipe.Closed] -> lwt_debug "connection closed to %a" P2p_peer.Id.pp st.conn.info.peer_id >>= fun () -> Lwt.return_unit | Error _ as err -> Lwt_pipe.safe_push_now st.messages err ; Lwt_canceler.cancel st.canceler >>= fun () -> Lwt.return_unit let run ?size conn encoding canceler = let compute_size = function | Ok (size, _) -> (Sys.word_size / 8) * 11 + size + Lwt_pipe.push_overhead | Error _ -> 0 (* we push Error only when we close the socket, we don't fear memory leaks in that case... *) in let size = Option.map size ~f:(fun max -> (max, compute_size)) in let st = { canceler ; conn ; encoding ; messages = Lwt_pipe.create ?size () ; worker = Lwt.return_unit ; } in Lwt_canceler.on_cancel st.canceler begin fun () -> Lwt_pipe.close st.messages ; Lwt.return_unit end ; st.worker <- Lwt_utils.worker "reader" ~run:(fun () -> worker_loop st None) ~cancel:(fun () -> Lwt_canceler.cancel st.canceler) ; st let shutdown st = Lwt_canceler.cancel st.canceler >>= fun () -> st.worker end module Writer = struct type ('msg, 'meta) t = { canceler: Lwt_canceler.t ; conn: 'meta authenticated_connection ; encoding: 'msg Data_encoding.t ; messages: (MBytes.t list * unit tzresult Lwt.u option) Lwt_pipe.t ; mutable worker: unit Lwt.t ; binary_chunks_size: int ; (* in bytes *) } let send_message st buf = let rec loop = function | [] -> return_unit | buf :: l -> Crypto.write_chunk ~canceler:st.canceler st.conn.fd st.conn.cryptobox_data buf >>=? fun () -> lwt_debug "writing %d bytes to %a" (MBytes.length buf) P2p_peer.Id.pp st.conn.info.peer_id >>= fun () -> loop l in loop buf let encode_message st msg = try ok (MBytes.cut st.binary_chunks_size (Data_encoding.Binary.to_bytes_exn st.encoding msg)) with Data_encoding.Binary.Write_error _ -> error P2p_errors.Encoding_error let rec worker_loop st = Lwt_unix.yield () >>= fun () -> protect ~canceler:st.canceler begin fun () -> Lwt_pipe.pop st.messages >>= return end >>= function | Error [Canceled | Exn Lwt_pipe.Closed] -> lwt_debug "connection closed to %a" P2p_peer.Id.pp st.conn.info.peer_id >>= fun () -> Lwt.return_unit | Error err -> lwt_log_error "@[error writing to %a@ %a@]" P2p_peer.Id.pp st.conn.info.peer_id pp_print_error err >>= fun () -> Lwt_canceler.cancel st.canceler >>= fun () -> Lwt.return_unit | Ok (buf, wakener) -> send_message st buf >>= fun res -> match res with | Ok () -> Option.iter wakener ~f:(fun u -> Lwt.wakeup_later u res) ; worker_loop st | Error err -> Option.iter wakener ~f:(fun u -> Lwt.wakeup_later u (Error [P2p_errors.Connection_closed])) ; match err with | [ Canceled | Exn Lwt_pipe.Closed ] -> lwt_debug "connection closed to %a" P2p_peer.Id.pp st.conn.info.peer_id >>= fun () -> Lwt.return_unit | [ P2p_errors.Connection_closed ] -> lwt_debug "connection closed to %a" P2p_peer.Id.pp st.conn.info.peer_id >>= fun () -> Lwt_canceler.cancel st.canceler >>= fun () -> Lwt.return_unit | err -> lwt_log_error "@[error writing to %a@ %a@]" P2p_peer.Id.pp st.conn.info.peer_id pp_print_error err >>= fun () -> Lwt_canceler.cancel st.canceler >>= fun () -> Lwt.return_unit let run ?size ?binary_chunks_size conn encoding canceler = let binary_chunks_size = match binary_chunks_size with | None -> Crypto.max_content_length | Some size -> let size = size - Crypto.extrabytes in assert (size > 0) ; assert (size <= Crypto.max_content_length) ; size in let compute_size = let buf_list_size = List.fold_left (fun sz buf -> sz + MBytes.length buf + 2 * Sys.word_size) 0 in function | buf_l, None -> Sys.word_size + buf_list_size buf_l + Lwt_pipe.push_overhead | buf_l, Some _ -> 2 * Sys.word_size + buf_list_size buf_l + Lwt_pipe.push_overhead in let size = Option.map size ~f:(fun max -> max, compute_size) in let st = { canceler ; conn ; encoding ; messages = Lwt_pipe.create ?size () ; worker = Lwt.return_unit ; binary_chunks_size = binary_chunks_size ; } in Lwt_canceler.on_cancel st.canceler begin fun () -> Lwt_pipe.close st.messages ; while not (Lwt_pipe.is_empty st.messages) do let _, w = Lwt_pipe.pop_now_exn st.messages in Option.iter w ~f:(fun u -> Lwt.wakeup_later u (Error [Exn Lwt_pipe.Closed])) done ; Lwt.return_unit end ; st.worker <- Lwt_utils.worker "writer" ~run:(fun () -> worker_loop st) ~cancel:(fun () -> Lwt_canceler.cancel st.canceler) ; st let shutdown st = Lwt_canceler.cancel st.canceler >>= fun () -> st.worker end type ('msg, 'meta) t = { conn : 'meta authenticated_connection ; reader : ('msg, 'meta) Reader.t ; writer : ('msg, 'meta) Writer.t ; } let equal { conn = { fd = fd2 } } { conn = { fd = fd1 } } = P2p_io_scheduler.id fd1 = P2p_io_scheduler.id fd2 let pp ppf { conn } = P2p_connection.Info.pp (fun _ _ -> ()) ppf conn.info let info { conn } = conn.info let local_metadata { conn } = conn.info.local_metadata let remote_metadata { conn } = conn.info.remote_metadata let private_node { conn } = conn.info.private_node let accept ?incoming_message_queue_size ?outgoing_message_queue_size ?binary_chunks_size ~canceler conn encoding = protect begin fun () -> Ack.write ~canceler conn.fd conn.cryptobox_data Ack >>=? fun () -> Ack.read ~canceler conn.fd conn.cryptobox_data end ~on_error:begin fun err -> P2p_io_scheduler.close conn.fd >>= fun _ -> match err with | [ P2p_errors.Connection_closed ] -> fail P2p_errors.Rejected_socket_connection | [ P2p_errors.Decipher_error ] -> fail P2p_errors.Invalid_auth | err -> Lwt.return (Error err) end >>=? function | Ack -> let canceler = Lwt_canceler.create () in let reader = Reader.run ?size:incoming_message_queue_size conn encoding canceler and writer = Writer.run ?size:outgoing_message_queue_size ?binary_chunks_size conn encoding canceler in let conn = { conn ; reader ; writer } in Lwt_canceler.on_cancel canceler begin fun () -> P2p_io_scheduler.close conn.conn.fd >>= fun _ -> Lwt.return_unit end ; return conn | Nack -> fail P2p_errors.Rejected_socket_connection let catch_closed_pipe f = Lwt.catch f begin function | Lwt_pipe.Closed -> fail P2p_errors.Connection_closed | exn -> fail (Exn exn) end >>= function | Error [Exn Lwt_pipe.Closed] -> fail P2p_errors.Connection_closed | Error _ | Ok _ as v -> Lwt.return v let pp_json encoding ppf msg = Data_encoding.Json.pp ppf (Data_encoding.Json.construct encoding msg) let write { writer ; conn } msg = catch_closed_pipe begin fun () -> debug "Sending message to %a: %a" P2p_peer.Id.pp_short conn.info.peer_id (pp_json writer.encoding) msg ; Lwt.return (Writer.encode_message writer msg) >>=? fun buf -> Lwt_pipe.push writer.messages (buf, None) >>= return end let write_sync { writer ; conn } msg = catch_closed_pipe begin fun () -> let waiter, wakener = Lwt.wait () in debug "Sending message to %a: %a" P2p_peer.Id.pp_short conn.info.peer_id ( pp_json writer.encoding ) msg ; Lwt.return (Writer.encode_message writer msg) >>=? fun buf -> Lwt_pipe.push writer.messages (buf, Some wakener) >>= fun () -> waiter end let write_now { writer ; conn } msg = debug "Try sending message to %a: %a" P2p_peer.Id.pp_short conn.info.peer_id (pp_json writer.encoding) msg ; Writer.encode_message writer msg >>? fun buf -> try Ok (Lwt_pipe.push_now writer.messages (buf, None)) with Lwt_pipe.Closed -> Error [P2p_errors.Connection_closed] let rec split_bytes size bytes = if MBytes.length bytes <= size then [bytes] else MBytes.sub bytes 0 size :: split_bytes size (MBytes.sub bytes size (MBytes.length bytes - size)) let raw_write_sync { writer } bytes = let bytes = split_bytes writer.binary_chunks_size bytes in catch_closed_pipe begin fun () -> let waiter, wakener = Lwt.wait () in Lwt_pipe.push writer.messages (bytes, Some wakener) >>= fun () -> waiter end let is_readable { reader } = not (Lwt_pipe.is_empty reader.messages) let wait_readable { reader } = catch_closed_pipe begin fun () -> Lwt_pipe.values_available reader.messages >>= return end let read { reader } = catch_closed_pipe begin fun () -> Lwt_pipe.pop reader.messages end let read_now { reader } = try Lwt_pipe.pop_now reader.messages with Lwt_pipe.Closed -> Some (Error [P2p_errors.Connection_closed]) let stat { conn = { fd } } = P2p_io_scheduler.stat fd let close ?(wait = false) st = begin if not wait then Lwt.return_unit else begin Lwt_pipe.close st.reader.messages ; Lwt_pipe.close st.writer.messages ; st.writer.worker end end >>= fun () -> Reader.shutdown st.reader >>= fun () -> Writer.shutdown st.writer >>= fun () -> P2p_io_scheduler.close st.conn.fd >>= fun _ -> Lwt.return_unit