(* Polymorphic sets *) module RB = RedBlack type 'elt t = { tree : 'elt RB.t; cmp : 'elt -> 'elt -> int } type 'elt set = 'elt t let create ~cmp = {tree = RB.empty; cmp} let empty set = {tree = RB.empty; cmp=set.cmp} let is_empty set = RB.is_empty set.tree let add elt set = {set with tree = RB.add ~cmp:set.cmp RB.New elt set.tree} exception Not_found let find elt set = try RB.find ~cmp:set.cmp elt set.tree with RB.Not_found -> raise Not_found let find_opt elt set = RB.find_opt ~cmp:set.cmp elt set.tree let elements set = RB.elements set.tree let iter f set = RB.iter f set.tree let fold_inc f set = RB.fold_inc (fun ~elt -> f elt) set.tree