(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (** Generic interface for a datatype with comparison, pretty-printer and serialization functions. *) module type T = sig type t val compare: t -> t -> int val equal: t -> t -> bool val (=): t -> t -> bool val (<>): t -> t -> bool val (<): t -> t -> bool val (<=): t -> t -> bool val (>=): t -> t -> bool val (>): t -> t -> bool val min: t -> t -> t val max: t -> t -> t val pp: Format.formatter -> t -> unit val encoding: t Data_encoding.t val to_bytes: t -> MBytes.t val of_bytes: MBytes.t -> t option end (** Generic interface for a datatype with comparison, pretty-printer, serialization functions and a hashing function. *) module type HASHABLE = sig include T type hash val hash: t -> hash val hash_raw: MBytes.t -> hash end