chore(ide) Disable the ID Example contracts until LIGO-676 is resolved
Jev Björsell
2020-07-03 10:42:50 -0700
42c0baa00bMerge branch 'dont-trace-strong' into 'dev'
Gabriel Alfour
2020-07-03 16:22:42 +0000
99448ef371Merge branch '199-add-an-option-to-specify-output' into 'dev'
Rémi Lesenechal
2020-07-03 13:45:48 +0000
cbf1680e36Remove trace_strong in compiler
Tom Jack
2020-07-03 08:24:50 -0500
ec2c1571afCLI: --output option for compile-contract
2020-07-03 12:46:52 +0200
ab773a56a4errors are printed to std err:
Lesenechal Remi
2020-07-01 17:52:13 +0200
567515a5ceMerge branch 'feature/initial_req_serokell' into 'dev'
Rémi Lesenechal
2020-07-03 11:57:53 +0000
f25c9bd33aget-scope: adding a test with includes
Lesenechal Remi
2020-07-01 16:50:10 +0200
93d96b2e7bMerge branch 'fix/order_of_match_bool' into 'dev'
Pierre-Emmanuel Wulfman
2020-07-02 21:42:11 +0000
2893fc0412fix detection of matching on bool in the spiller
Pierre-Emmanuel Wulfman
2020-07-02 23:21:14 +0200
43b70361bcMerge branch 'gardening/improve_on_error_formatting' into 'dev'
Rémi Lesenechal
2020-07-02 18:10:56 +0000
d0071ca0e8bunch of fixes to the PPs:
2020-07-02 13:14:14 +0200
2f0ffc10acMerge branch 'dont-strip-annots' into 'dev'
Tom Jack
2020-07-02 09:29:38 +0000
3656d9e1ffMerge branch 'rinderknecht@pprint_comments' into 'dev'
Christian Rinderknecht
2020-07-01 19:12:01 +0000
6c50ec0ed1Merge branch 'dev' of into rinderknecht@pprint_comments
Christian Rinderknecht
2020-07-01 20:49:05 +0200
42893548c5Merge branch 'gardening/bad_pp_error_stacking' into 'dev'
Rémi Lesenechal
2020-07-01 16:54:20 +0000
e1177de402fix bad error PP that can appear in tests
Lesenechal Remi
2020-07-01 16:40:12 +0200
6a3ab09f7cget_scope: scopes for records update/access, constants and applications
Lesenechal Remi
2020-07-01 15:37:49 +0200
728cf3f1baget_scope fixes: - merge inner_def maps in the main fold - make use of the expression variable locations
Lesenechal Remi
2020-07-01 13:10:52 +0200
01423174b2Don't strip annots when running Michelson
Tom Jack
2020-07-01 04:39:11 -0500
12f7b7c904Merge branch 'typer-error-revert-rename' into 'dev'
Rémi Lesenechal
2020-06-24 19:54:17 +0000
0dc4315359compare (lowercase) has a bit of a special meaning in OCaml, renaming the Compare module to Compare_types for now to avoid potential confusion (?)
Suzanne Dupéron
2020-06-24 20:23:36 +0100
e319e2d2cdMerge branch 'typer-error-revert' into 'dev'
Rémi Lesenechal
2020-06-24 17:44:31 +0000
351018f8d2errors for compare in the new typer
Lesenechal Remi
2020-06-22 15:26:47 +0200
9e02cb2969Merge branch 'feature-weakly-typed-adt-creation' into 'dev'
Suzanne Dupéron
2020-06-24 10:33:37 +0000
1bd7af80b8Merge branch 'feature-new-typer-14-debug-prints' into 'dev'
Suzanne Dupéron
2020-06-24 10:18:44 +0000
5589d47123Merge branch 'bugfix-temporarily-disable-webide-test' into 'dev'
Suzanne Dupéron
2020-06-24 10:18:37 +0000
a4e414bd76Temporarily disable webide stage, because it contains a randomly failing test.
Suzanne Dupéron
2020-06-24 10:37:57 +0100
2eb16c2c56Merge branch 'dev' of into rinderknecht@pprint_comments
Christian Rinderknecht
2020-06-24 11:20:13 +0200
b07c57c159Fixed variable.
Christian Rinderknecht
2020-06-24 11:19:56 +0200
942000065bWeakly-typed creation of ADT elements
Suzanne Dupéron
2020-06-19 03:45:25 +0100
c1d211d98cDebug prints for the new typer: output JSON
Suzanne Dupéron
2020-06-17 22:39:14 +0100
1cc64d6812reasons for failing tests
Suzanne Dupéron
2020-06-17 23:18:58 +0100
283dcf418aDebug prints for the new typer
Suzanne Dupéron
2020-06-17 23:15:17 +0100
bd8a57df44Add a pretty-printer to the heuristics
Suzanne Dupéron
2020-06-17 22:59:35 +0100
018e269b2eHave separate ppf and Yojson modules for PP_json
Suzanne Dupéron
2020-06-24 02:04:59 +0100
65161148d3Merge branch 'feature/new-typer-13-json-printer' into 'dev'
Suzanne Dupéron
2020-06-23 22:47:18 +0000
0cf9dc576erework error when comparing two sum types
Lesenechal Remi
2020-06-17 18:40:32 +0200
ae4a13b63fMerge branch 'bugfix-url-mainnet-tezos' into 'dev'
Suzanne Dupéron
2020-06-23 21:27:39 +0000
5cbeab0a3bUse xrefcheck's config to increase the timeout
Suzanne Dupéron
2020-06-23 21:55:08 +0100
2b790b0ebcDisable remote link checks and use static version of xrefcheck because it's faster to install than the whole Haskell environment
Suzanne Dupéron
2020-06-23 21:48:21 +0100
72bff930ccUpdate URL to tezos documentation (the /mainnet/ path component was removed)
Suzanne Dupéron
2020-06-23 20:44:00 +0100
591f28014dMerge branch 'bugfix-typer-12' into 'dev'
Suzanne Dupéron
2020-06-23 19:36:25 +0000