voting: 3 new small tests
This commit is contained in:
@ -197,6 +197,7 @@ let test_voting () =
delegates >>=? fun operations ->
delegates >>=? fun operations ->
Block.bake ~operations b >>=? fun b ->
Block.bake ~operations b >>=? fun b ->
(* voting twice for the same proposal is not allowed *)
Op.ballot (B b) del1 Vote.Nay >>=? fun op ->
Op.ballot (B b) del1 Vote.Nay >>=? fun op ->
Block.bake ~operations:[op] b >>= fun res ->
Block.bake ~operations:[op] b >>= fun res ->
Assert.proto_error ~loc:__LOC__ res begin function
Assert.proto_error ~loc:__LOC__ res begin function
@ -331,7 +332,98 @@ let test_voting () =
let test_period1 () =
Context.init 10 >>=? fun (b,delegates) ->
Context.get_constants (B b) >>=? fun { parametric = {blocks_per_voting_period} } ->
Block.bake_n (Int32.to_int blocks_per_voting_period) b >>=? fun b ->
let del1 = List.nth delegates 0 in
let del2 = List.nth delegates 1 in
Op.proposals (B b) del1 [protos.(0)] >>=? fun ops1 ->
Op.proposals (B b) del2 [protos.(1)] >>=? fun ops2 ->
Block.bake ~operations:[ops1;ops2] b >>=? fun b ->
Block.bake_n ((Int32.to_int blocks_per_voting_period)-1) b >>=? fun b ->
(* we remain in the proposal when there is no winner *)
Context.Vote.get_current_period_kind (B b) >>=? begin function
| Proposal -> return_unit
| _ -> failwith "%s - Unexpected period kind" __LOC__
end >>=? fun () ->
let test_period2_supermajority supermajority () =
Context.init 100 >>=? fun (b,delegates) ->
Context.get_constants (B b) >>=? fun { parametric = {blocks_per_voting_period} } ->
Block.bake_n (Int32.to_int blocks_per_voting_period) b >>=? fun b ->
let del1 = List.nth delegates 0 in
let proposal = protos.(0) in
Op.proposals (B b) del1 [proposal] >>=? fun ops1 ->
Block.bake ~operations:[ops1] b >>=? fun b ->
Block.bake_n ((Int32.to_int blocks_per_voting_period)-1) b >>=? fun b ->
(* we remain in the proposal when there is no winner *)
Context.Vote.get_current_period_kind (B b) >>=? begin function
| Testing_vote -> return_unit
| _ -> failwith "%s - Unexpected period kind" __LOC__
end >>=? fun () ->
(* assert our proposal won *)
Context.Vote.get_current_proposal (B b) >>=? begin function
| Some v -> if Protocol_hash.(equal proposal v) then return_unit
else failwith "%s - Wrong proposal" __LOC__
| None -> failwith "%s - Missing proposal" __LOC__
end >>=? fun () ->
(* majority/minority vote depending on the [ok] parameter *)
(fun del ->
Context.Contract.pkh del >>=? fun pkh ->
| (B b) pkh >>=? fun {deactivated} -> return (not deactivated))
delegates >>=? fun active_delegates ->
let num_delegates = List.length active_delegates in
let num_nays = num_delegates / 5 in
let num_yays = num_nays * 4 in
let num_yays = if supermajority then num_yays else num_yays - 1 in
let open Alpha_context in
let nays_delegates, rest = List.split_n num_nays active_delegates in
let yays_delegates, _ = List.split_n num_yays rest in
map_s (fun del ->
Op.ballot (B b) del proposal Vote.Yay)
yays_delegates >>=? fun operations_yays ->
map_s (fun del ->
Op.ballot (B b) del proposal Vote.Nay)
nays_delegates >>=? fun operations_nays ->
let operations = operations_yays @ operations_nays in
Block.bake ~operations b >>=? fun b ->
Block.bake_n ((Int32.to_int blocks_per_voting_period)-1) b >>=? fun b ->
Context.Vote.get_current_period_kind (B b) >>=? begin function
| Testing ->
if supermajority then return_unit
else failwith "%s - Expected period kind Proposal, obtained Testing" __LOC__
| Proposal ->
if not supermajority then return_unit
else failwith "%s - Expected period kind Proposal, obtained Testing_vote" __LOC__
| _ -> failwith "%s - Unexpected period kind" __LOC__
end >>=? fun () ->
let tests = [
let tests = [
Test.tztest "voting" `Quick (test_voting) ;
Test.tztest "voting" `Quick (test_voting) ;
Test.tztest "voting: test period 1" `Quick (test_period1) ;
Test.tztest "voting: test period 2, with supermajority" `Quick (test_period2_supermajority true) ;
Test.tztest "voting: test period 2, without supermajority" `Quick (test_period2_supermajority false) ;
Reference in New Issue
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