Link camligo grammar, get rid of personal loaders
This commit is contained in:
@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ library:
- vendor/pascaligo/parser.c
- vendor/reasonligo/parser.c
- vendor/camligo/parser.c
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
module AST.Camligo.Parser where
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import AST.Skeleton
import Duplo.Error
import Duplo.Tree
import Duplo.Pretty
import Product
import Parser
import ParseTree
-- import Debug.Trace
@ -4,24 +4,19 @@ module AST.Parser
, parse
) where
import Control.Monad.Catch
import System.FilePath
import qualified AST.Pascaligo.Parser as Pascal
import qualified AST.Reasonligo.Parser as Reason
import AST.Skeleton
import ParseTree
import Parser
data UnsupportedExtension = UnsupportedExtension String
deriving stock Show
deriving anyclass Exception
import Extension
parse :: Source -> IO (LIGO Info, [Msg])
parse src = do
case takeExtension $ srcPath src of
"religo" -> mkRawTreeReason src >>= runParserM . Reason.recognise
"ligo" -> mkRawTreePascal src >>= runParserM . Pascal.recognise
ext -> throwM $ UnsupportedExtension ext
recogniser <- onExt ElimExt
{ eePascal = Pascal.recognise
, eeCaml = error "TODO: caml recogniser"
, eeReason = Reason.recognise
} (srcPath src)
toParseTree src >>= runParserM . recogniser
@ -40,24 +40,24 @@ example = "../../../src/test/contracts/coase.ligo"
sample' :: FilePath -> IO (LIGO Info)
sample' f
= mkRawTreePascal (Path f)
= toParseTree (Path f)
>>= runParserM . recognise
>>= return . fst
source' :: FilePath -> IO ()
source' f
= mkRawTreePascal (Path f)
= toParseTree (Path f)
>>= print . pp
sample :: IO ()
= mkRawTreePascal (Path example)
= toParseTree (Path example)
>>= runParserM . recognise
>>= print . pp . fst
source :: IO ()
= mkRawTreePascal (Path example)
= toParseTree (Path example)
>>= print . pp
recognise :: RawTree -> ParserM (LIGO Info)
@ -35,13 +35,13 @@ example = "./contracts/multisig.religo"
-- example = "./contracts/letin.religo"
raw :: IO ()
raw = mkRawTreeReason (Path example)
>>= print . pp
raw = toParseTree (Path example)
>>= print . pp
sample :: IO ()
sample = mkRawTreeReason (Path example)
>>= runParserM . recognise
>>= print . pp . fst
sample = toParseTree (Path example)
>>= runParserM . recognise
>>= print . pp . fst
recognise :: RawTree -> ParserM (LIGO Info)
recognise = descent (\_ -> error . show . pp) $ map usingScope
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ import Control.Monad.Catch
import Control.Monad
import Control.Concurrent
import System.IO.Unsafe
-- | Ensure the function is run in single thread, w/o overlapping.
-- If called concurently, everyone will get results of the winner.
@ -13,8 +15,8 @@ import Control.Concurrent
-- If function throws an error, will rethrow it in caller thread.
debounced :: forall s r. (s -> IO r) -> IO (s -> IO r)
debounced act = do
debounced :: forall s r. (s -> IO r) -> (s -> IO r)
debounced act = unsafePerformIO do
i <- newEmptyMVar
o <- newEmptyMVar
@ -31,7 +33,7 @@ debounced act = do
putMVar i i'
readMVar o >>= either throwM return
_test :: IO ([Int] -> IO Int)
_test :: [Int] -> IO Int
_test = debounced \s -> do
threadDelay 2000000
unless (odd (length s)) do
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
module Extension where
import Control.Monad.Catch
import System.FilePath
data Ext
= Pascal
| Caml
| Reason
data ElimExt a = ElimExt
{ eePascal :: a
, eeCaml :: a
, eeReason :: a
data UnsupportedExtension = UnsupportedExtension String
deriving stock Show
deriving anyclass Exception
getExt :: MonadThrow m => FilePath -> m Ext
getExt path = do
case takeExtension path of
"religo" -> return Reason
"ligo" -> return Pascal
"mligo" -> return Caml
ext -> throwM $ UnsupportedExtension ext
onExt :: ElimExt a -> FilePath -> IO a
onExt ee path = do
getExt path >>= return . \case
Pascal -> eePascal ee
Caml -> eeCaml ee
Reason -> eeReason ee
@ -16,8 +16,6 @@ module ParseTree
-- * Invoke the TreeSitter and get the tree it outputs
, toParseTree
, mkRawTreePascal
, mkRawTreeReason
@ -42,17 +40,17 @@ import TreeSitter.Tree hiding (Tree)
import System.FilePath (takeFileName)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import Duplo.Pretty as PP
import Duplo.Tree
import Extension
import Debouncer
import Product
import Range
foreign import ccall unsafe tree_sitter_PascaLigo :: Ptr Language
foreign import ccall unsafe tree_sitter_ReasonLigo :: Ptr Language
foreign import ccall unsafe tree_sitter_CamlLigo :: Ptr Language
data Source
= Path { srcPath :: FilePath }
@ -105,17 +103,17 @@ instance Pretty1 ParseTree where
(pp forest)
mkRawTreePascal :: Source -> IO RawTree
mkRawTreePascal = toParseTree tree_sitter_PascaLigo
mkRawTreeReason :: Source -> IO RawTree
mkRawTreeReason = toParseTree tree_sitter_ReasonLigo
-- | Feed file contents into PascaLIGO grammar recogniser.
toParseTree :: Ptr Language -> Source -> IO RawTree
toParseTree language = unsafePerformIO $ debounced inner
toParseTree :: Source -> IO RawTree
toParseTree = debounced inner
inner fin = do
language <- onExt ElimExt
{ eePascal = tree_sitter_PascaLigo
, eeCaml = tree_sitter_CamlLigo
, eeReason = tree_sitter_ReasonLigo
} (srcPath fin)
parser <- ts_parser_new
-- True <- ts_parser_set_language parser tree_sitter_PascaLigo
True <- ts_parser_set_language parser language
Reference in New Issue
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