First draft of the PascaLIGO parser using streams.
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
ocamldep: -pp camlp5o
ocamlc: -pp camlp5o
Normal file
Normal file
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
open LexToken
let semi = parser [< 'SEMI _ >] -> ()
let vbar = parser [< 'VBAR _ >] -> ()
let end_ = parser [< 'End _ >] -> ()
let rbracket = parser [< 'RBRACKET _ >] -> ()
let times = parser [< 'TIMES _ >] -> ()
let arrow = parser [< 'ARROW _ >] -> fun _ _ -> ()
let comma = parser [< 'COMMA _ >] -> ()
let rbrace = parser [< 'RBRACE _ >] -> ()
let equal = parser [< 'EQUAL _ >] -> ()
let ass = parser [< 'ASS _ >] -> ()
let dot = parser [< 'DOT _ >] -> ()
let down = parser [< 'Down _ >] -> ()
let or_ = parser [< 'Or _ >] -> fun _ _ -> ()
let and_ = parser [< 'And _ >] -> fun _ _ -> ()
let cat = parser [< 'CAT _ >] -> fun _ _ -> ()
let cons = parser [< 'CONS _ >] -> ()
let cons' = parser [< 'CONS _ >] -> fun _ _ -> ()
let list = parser [< 'List _ >] -> ()
let map = parser [< 'Map _ >] -> ()
let set = parser [< 'Set _ >] -> ()
let left_assoc item op =
let rec op_elem i = parser
[< f=op; j=item; r = op_elem (f i j) ?! >] -> r
| [< >] -> i
in parser [< i=item; r = op_elem i >] -> r
let rec right_assoc item op = parser
[< i=item >] -> i
| [< i=item; f=op; j = right_assoc item op ?! >] -> f i j
let opt item = parser
[< i=item >] -> Some i
| [< >] -> None
let rec series item sep term = parser
[< i=item; l = after_item item sep term >] -> i,l
and after_item item sep term = parser
[< t=term >] ->
[], None, t
| [< s=sep; io = item_or_closing item sep term >] ->
match io with
`Some (item, items, term, closing) ->
(s, item)::items, term, closing
| `Closing closing ->
[], Some s, closing
and item_or_closing item sep term = parser
[< t=term >] ->
`Closing t
| [< s = series item sep term >] ->
let item, (items, term, closing) = s
in `Some (item, items, term, closing)
(* Compound constructs *)
let par item = parser
[< 'LPAR _; _=item; 'RPAR _ >] -> ()
let brackets item = parser
[< 'LBRACKET _; _=item; 'RBRACKET _ >] -> ()
(* Sequences *)
(* Possibly empty sequence of items *)
let rec seq item = parser
[< h,t = nseq item >] -> h::t
(* Non-empty sequence of items *)
and nseq item = parser
[< i=item; l = seq item >] -> i,l
(* Non-empty separated sequence of items *)
and nsepseq item sep = parser
[< i=item >] -> i, []
| [< i=item; s=sep; h,t = nsepseq item sep ?! >] -> i, (s,h)::t
(* Possibly empty separated sequence of items *)
and sepseq item sep = opt (nsepseq item sep)
(* Main *)
let rec contract = parser
[< _ = nseq declaration; 'EOF _ >] -> ()
and declaration = parser
[< _ = type_decl; _ = opt semi >] -> ()
| [< _ = const_decl; _ = opt semi >] -> ()
| [< _ = lambda_decl; _ = opt semi >] -> ()
and type_decl = parser
[< 'Type _; 'Ident _; 'Is _; _=type_expr >] -> ()
and type_expr = parser
[< _=cartesian >] -> ()
| [< _=nsepseq variant vbar >] -> ()
| [< 'VBAR _; _ = nsepseq variant vbar >] -> ()
| [< 'Record _; _ = series field_decl semi end_ >] -> ()
| [< 'Record _; 'LBRACKET _; _ = series field_decl semi rbracket >] -> ()
and variant = parser
[< 'Constr _; 'Of _; _=cartesian >] -> ()
| [< 'Constr _ >] -> ()
and cartesian = parser
[< _ = nsepseq function_type times >] -> ()
and function_type strm = right_assoc core_type arrow strm
and core_type = parser
[< 'Ident _ >] -> ()
| [< 'Ident _; _=type_tuple >] -> ()
| [< 'Map _; _=type_tuple >] -> ()
| [< 'Set _; _ = par type_expr >] -> ()
| [< 'List _; _ = par type_expr >] -> ()
| [< _ = par type_expr >] -> ()
and type_tuple = parser
[< _ = par (nsepseq type_expr comma) >] -> ()
and field_decl = parser
[< 'Ident _; 'COLON _; _=type_expr >] -> ()
(* Function and procedure declarations *)
and lambda_decl = parser
[< _=fun_decl >] -> ()
| [< _=proc_decl >] -> ()
| [< _=entry_decl >] -> ()
and fun_decl = parser
[< 'Function _; 'Ident _; _=parameters; 'COLON _;
_=type_expr; 'Is _; _ = seq local_decl; _=block;
'With _; _=expr >] -> ()
and entry_decl = parser
[< 'Entrypoint _; 'Ident _; _=entry_params;
'COLON _; _ = type_expr; 'Is _; _ = seq local_decl;
_=block; 'With _; _=expr >] -> ()
and entry_params = parser
[< p = par (nsepseq entry_param_decl semi) >] -> p
and proc_decl = parser
[< 'Procedure _; 'Ident _; _parameters; 'Is _;
_ = seq local_decl; _=block >] -> ()
and parameters = parser
[< p = par (nsepseq param_decl semi) >] -> p
and param_decl = parser
[< 'Var _; 'Ident _; 'COLON _; _=param_type >] -> ()
| [< 'Const _; 'Ident _; 'COLON _; _=param_type >] -> ()
and entry_param_decl = parser
[< _ = param_decl >] -> ()
| [< 'Storage _; 'Ident _; 'COLON _; _=param_type >] -> ()
and param_type = parser [< c = cartesian >] -> c
and block = parser
[< 'Begin _; _ = series statement semi end_ >] -> ()
| [< 'Block _; 'LBRACE _; _ = series statement semi rbrace >] -> ()
and statement = parser
[< _=instruction >] -> ()
| [< _=data_decl >] -> ()
and data_decl = parser
[< _=const_decl >] -> ()
| [< _=var_decl >] -> ()
and const_decl = parser
[< 'Const _; _ = unqualified_decl equal >] -> ()
and var_decl = parser
[< 'Var _; _ = unqualified_decl ass >] -> ()
and local_decl = parser
[< _=fun_decl; _ = opt semi >] -> ()
| [< _=proc_decl; _ = opt semi >] -> ()
| [< _=data_decl; _ = opt semi >] -> ()
and unqualified_decl op = parser
[< 'Ident _; 'COLON _; _=type_expr; _=op; _=expr >] -> ()
and instruction = parser
[< _=block >] -> ()
| [< 'If _; _=expr; 'Then _; _=if_clause; _ = opt semi;
'Else _; _=if_clause >] -> ()
| [< _ = case instruction >] -> ()
| [< 'Ident _; _=arguments >] -> ()
| [< 'Ident _; 'ASS _; _=expr >] -> ()
| [< 'Ident _; _ = brackets expr; 'ASS _; _=expr >] -> ()
| [< 'Ident _; 'DOT _; _ = nsepseq selection dot;
_ = opt (brackets expr); 'ASS _; _=expr >] -> ()
| [< _=loop >] -> ()
| [< 'Fail _; _=expr >] -> ()
| [< 'Skip _ >] -> ()
| [< 'Patch _; _=expr; 'From _; 'Map _; _=path >] -> ()
| [< 'Patch _; _=expr; 'From _; 'Set _; _=path >] -> ()
and path = parser
[< 'Ident _ >] -> ()
| [< 'Ident _; 'DOT _; _ = nsepseq selection dot >] -> ()
and injection kind element = parser
[< _=kind; _ = series element semi end_ >] -> ()
| [< _=kind; 'End _ >] -> ()
| [< _=kind; 'LBRACKET _; _ = bracketed element >] -> ()
and bracketed element = parser
[< _ = series element semi rbracket >] -> ()
| [< 'RBRACKET _ >] -> ()
and binding = parser
[< _=expr; 'ARROW _; _=expr >] -> ()
and if_clause = parser
[< _=instruction >] -> ()
| [< 'LBRACE _; _ = series statement comma rbrace >] -> ()
and case rhs = parser
[< 'Case _; _=expr; 'Of _; _ = cases rhs; 'End _ >] -> ()
| [< 'Case _; _=expr; 'Of _; 'LBRACKET _; _ = cases rhs;
'RBRACKET _ >] -> ()
and cases rhs = parser
[< _ = nsepseq (case_clause rhs) vbar >] -> ()
| [< 'VBAR _; _ = nsepseq (case_clause rhs) vbar >] -> ()
and case_clause rhs = parser
[< _=pattern; 'ARROW _; _=rhs >] -> ()
and loop = parser
[< 'While _; _=expr; _=block >] -> ()
| [< 'For _; 'Ident _; 'ASS _; _=expr; _ = opt down;
'To _; _=expr; _ = opt step_clause >] -> ()
| [< 'For _; 'Ident _; 'In _; _=expr; _=block >] -> ()
| [< 'For _; 'Ident _; 'ARROW _; 'Ident _; 'In _;
_=expr; _=block >] -> ()
and step_clause = parser
[< 'Step _; _=expr >] -> ()
(* Expressions *)
and interactive = parser
[< _=expr; 'EOF _ >] -> ()
and expr = parser
[< _ = case expr >] -> ()
| [< _=disj_expr >] -> ()
and disj_expr strm = left_assoc conj_expr or_ strm
and conj_expr strm = left_assoc set_membership and_ strm
and set_membership = parser
[< _ = core_expr; 'Contains _; _=set_membership >] -> ()
| [< _ = comp_expr >] -> ()
and comp_expr strm = left_assoc cat_expr op_comp strm
and op_comp = parser
[< 'LT _ >] -> fun _ _ -> ()
| [< 'LEQ _ >] -> fun _ _ -> ()
| [< 'GT _ >] -> fun _ _ -> ()
| [< 'GEQ _ >] -> fun _ _ -> ()
| [< 'EQUAL _ >] -> fun _ _ -> ()
| [< 'NEQ _ >] -> fun _ _ -> ()
and cat_expr strm = right_assoc cons_expr cat strm
and cons_expr strm = left_assoc add_expr cons' strm
and add_expr strm = left_assoc mult_expr add_op strm
and add_op = parser
[< 'PLUS _ >] -> fun _ _ -> ()
| [< 'MINUS _ >] -> fun _ _ -> ()
and mult_expr strm = left_assoc unary_expr mult_op strm
and mult_op = parser
[< 'TIMES _ >] -> fun _ _ -> ()
| [< 'SLASH _ >] -> fun _ _ -> ()
| [< 'Mod _ >] -> fun _ _ -> ()
and unary_expr = parser
[< 'MINUS _; _=core_expr >] -> ()
| [< 'Not _; _=core_expr >] -> ()
| [< _=core_expr >] -> ()
and core_expr = parser
[< 'Int _ >] -> ()
| [< 'Nat _ >] -> ()
| [< 'Mtz _ >] -> ()
| [< 'Ident _ >] -> ()
| [< 'Ident _; _ = brackets expr >] -> ()
| [< 'Ident _; 'DOT _; _ = nsepseq selection dot;
_ = opt (brackets expr) >] -> ()
| [< 'Ident _; _=arguments >] -> ()
| [< 'String _ >] -> ()
| [< 'Bytes _ >] -> ()
| [< 'C_False _ >] -> ()
| [< 'C_True _ >] -> ()
| [< 'C_Unit _ >] -> ()
| [< 'C_None _ >] -> ()
| [< 'C_Some _; _=arguments >] -> ()
| [< 'Constr _; _ = opt arguments >] -> ()
| [< _ = par paren_expr >] -> ()
| [< _ = injection list expr >] -> ()
| [< 'Nil _ >] -> ()
| [< _=structure >] -> ()
and paren_expr = parser
[< _=disj_expr; 'COLON _; _=type_expr >] -> ()
| [< _=disj_expr >] -> ()
| [< _=disj_expr; 'COMMA _; _ = nsepseq expr comma >] -> ()
| [< _ = case expr >] -> ()
| [< _ = case expr; 'COMMA _; _ = nsepseq expr comma >] -> ()
and structure = parser
[< _ = injection map binding >] -> ()
| [< _ = injection set expr >] -> ()
| [< _=record_expr >] -> ()
and selection = parser
[< 'Ident _ >] -> ()
| [< 'Int _ >] -> ()
and record_expr = parser
[< 'Record _; _ = series field_assignment semi end_ >] -> ()
| [< 'Record _; 'LBRACKET _;
_ = series field_assignment semi rbracket >] -> ()
and field_assignment = parser
[< 'Ident _; 'EQUAL _; _=expr >] -> ()
and arguments = parser
[< _ = par (nsepseq expr comma) >] -> ()
(* Patterns *)
and pattern = parser
[< _ = nsepseq core_pattern cons >] -> ()
and core_pattern = parser
[< 'Ident _ >] -> ()
| [< 'WILD _ >] -> ()
| [< 'Int _ >] -> ()
| [< 'String _ >] -> ()
| [< 'C_Unit _ >] -> ()
| [< 'C_False _ >] -> ()
| [< 'C_True _ >] -> ()
| [< 'C_None _ >] -> ()
| [< 'C_Some _; _ = par core_pattern >] -> ()
| [< 'Constr _; _ = opt tuple_pattern >] -> ()
| [< _ = injection list core_pattern >] -> ()
| [< 'Nil _ >] -> ()
| [< _ = par paren_pattern >] -> ()
and paren_pattern = parser
[< _=core_pattern; 'CONS _; _=pattern >] -> ()
| [< _=core_pattern >] -> ()
| [< _=core_pattern; 'COMMA _; _ = nsepseq core_pattern comma >] -> ()
and tuple_pattern = parser
[< _ = par (nsepseq core_pattern comma) >] -> ()
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
(* Driver for the parser of PascaLIGO *)
open SParser (* TEMPORARY *)
(* Error printing and exception tracing *)
let () = Printexc.record_backtrace true
(* Reading the command-line options *)
let options = ()
open EvalOpt
(* Auxiliary functions *)
let sprintf = Printf.sprintf
(* Extracting the input file *)
let file =
match options.input with
None | Some "-" -> false
| Some _ -> true
(* Error printing and exception tracing *)
let () = Printexc.record_backtrace true
let external_ text =
Utils.highlight (Printf.sprintf "External error: %s" text); exit 1;;
type Error.t += ParseError
let error_to_string = function
ParseError -> "Syntax error.\n"
| _ -> assert false
let print_error ?(offsets=true) mode Region.{region; value} ~file =
let msg = error_to_string value in
let reg = region#to_string ~file ~offsets mode in
Utils.highlight (sprintf "Parse error %s:\n%s%!" reg msg)
(* Path for CPP inclusions (#include) *)
let lib_path =
match options.libs with
[] -> ""
| libs -> let mk_I dir path = Printf.sprintf " -I %s%s" dir path
in List.fold_right mk_I libs ""
(* Preprocessing the input source and opening the input channels *)
let prefix =
match options.input with
None | Some "-" -> "temp"
| Some file -> Filename.(file |> basename |> remove_extension)
let suffix = ".pp.ligo"
let pp_input =
if Utils.String.Set.mem "cpp" options.verbose
then prefix ^ suffix
else let pp_input, pp_out = Filename.open_temp_file prefix suffix
in close_out pp_out; pp_input
let cpp_cmd =
match options.input with
None | Some "-" ->
Printf.sprintf "cpp -traditional-cpp%s - > %s"
lib_path pp_input
| Some file ->
Printf.sprintf "cpp -traditional-cpp%s %s > %s"
lib_path file pp_input
let () =
if Utils.String.Set.mem "cpp" options.verbose
then Printf.eprintf "%s\n%!" cpp_cmd;
if Sys.command cpp_cmd <> 0 then
external_ (Printf.sprintf "the command \"%s\" failed." cpp_cmd)
(* Instanciating the lexer *)
module Lexer = Lexer.Make (LexToken)
module Log = LexerLog.Make (Lexer)
let Lexer.{read; buffer; get_pos; get_last; close} =
Lexer.open_token_stream (Some pp_input)
and cout = stdout
let log = Log.output_token ~offsets:options.offsets
options.mode options.cmd cout
and close_all () = close (); close_out cout
(* Tokeniser *)
let tokeniser = read ~log
(* Main *)
let () =
let ast = Parser.contract tokeniser buffer in
if Utils.String.Set.mem "ast" options.verbose
then begin
ParserLog.offsets := options.offsets;
ParserLog.mode := options.mode;
ParserLog.print_tokens ast
Lexer.Error err ->
close_all ();
Lexer.print_error ~offsets:options.offsets
options.mode err ~file
| Parser.Error ->
let region = get_last () in
let error = Region.{region; value=ParseError} in
let () = close_all () in
print_error ~offsets:options.offsets
options.mode error ~file
| Sys_error msg -> Utils.highlight msg
Reference in New Issue
Block a user