Michelson: annotations must start with _a-zA-Z
or be empty
Empty annotations are used to mean no annotation, or as a wildcard when destructing pairs for instance.
This commit is contained in:
@ -2149,8 +2149,9 @@ Syntax
Primitive applications can receive one or many annotations.
An annotation is a sequence of characters that matches the regular
expression ``[\@\:\%\$][_0-9a-zA-Z\.]*``. They come after the primitive
name and before its potential arguments for primitive applications.
expression ``[@:%](|[_a-ZA-Z][_0-9a-zA-Z\.]*)``. They come after the
primitive name and before its potential arguments for primitive
@ -2169,6 +2170,12 @@ For instance these two annotated instructions are equivalent:
PAIR %x %y :t @my_pair
An annotation can be empty, in this case is will mean *no annotation*
and can be used as a wildcard. For instance, it is useful to annotate
only the right field of a pair instruction ``PAIR % %right`` or to
ignore field access constraints, *e.g.* in the macro ``UNPPAIPAIR %x1 %
%x3 %x4``.
Annotations and Macros
@ -2320,11 +2327,11 @@ Micheline expressions are encoded in JSON like this:
``[ expr, ... ]``
- A primitive application is an object with two fields ``"prim"`` for
- A primitive application is an object with two fields ``"prim"`` for
the primitive name and ``"args"`` for the arguments (that must
contain an array). A third optional field ``"annots"`` contains
a list of annotations, including their leading ``@``, ``%``, ``%`` or
``$`` sign.
contain an array). A third optional field ``"annots"`` contains a
list of annotations, including their leading ``@``, ``%`` or ``%``
``{ "prim": "pair", "args": [ { "prim": "nat", "args": [] }, { "prim":
"nat", "args": [] } ], "annots": [":t"] }``
@ -172,8 +172,8 @@ Overrides `michelson-print-errors' and `michelson-highlight-errors'"
(defconst michelson-font-lock-defaults
'("\\<[\$@][A-Za-z-_0-9\.]*\\>" . michelson-face-var-annotation)
'("\\<[%:][A-Za-z-_0-9\.]*\\>" . michelson-face-type-annotation)
'("\\<[@]\\(\\|[A-Za-z-_][A-Za-z-_0-9\.]*\\)\\>" . michelson-face-var-annotation)
'("\\<[%:]\\(\\|[A-Za-z-_][A-Za-z-_0-9\.]*\\)\\>" . michelson-face-type-annotation)
'("\\<[0-9]+\\>" . michelson-face-constant)
'("\\<[A-Z][a-z_0-9]+\\>" . michelson-face-constant)
'("\\<[A-Z][A-Z_0-9]*\\>" . michelson-face-instruction)
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
parameter (map (int :k) (int :e));
storage (pair (int :k) (int :e));
code { CAR; PUSH @acc_e (int :e) 0; PUSH @acc_k (int :k) 0; PAIR; SWAP;
code { CAR; PUSH @acc_e (int :e) 0; PUSH @acc_k (int :k) 0; PAIR % %r; SWAP;
{ DIP {DUP; CAR; DIP{CDR}}; DUP; # Last instr
NIL operation; PAIR}
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
parameter unit;
storage unit;
PAPAPAPAIR @name %1 %2 %3 %4 %5;
CDDDAR %4 @fourth;
PAPAPAPAIR @name %x1 %x2 %x3 %x4 %x5;
CDDDAR %x4 @fourth;
DROP; CDR; NIL operation; PAIR}
@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
parameter (unit :param_unit);
storage (unit :u1);
code { DROP ;
UNIT :u4 @4; UNIT :u3 @3; UNIT :u2 @2; UNIT :u1 @1;
CAST unit ; CAST (unit :u1);
UNIT :u4 @a4; UNIT :u3 @a3; UNIT :u2 @a2; UNIT :u1 @a1;
PAIR; UNPAIR @x1 @x2;
PPAIPAIR @p1 %x1 %x2 %x3 %x4; UNPPAIPAIR @uno @due @tre @quattro;
PPAIPAIR @p1 %x1 %x2 %x3 %x4; UNPPAIPAIR %x1 % %x3 %x4 @uno @due @tre @quattro;
PAPAPAIR @p2 %x1 %x2 %x3 %x4; UNPAPAPAIR @un @deux @trois @quatre;
PAPPAIIR @p3 %x1 %x2 %x3 %x4; UNPAPPAIIR @one @two @three @four;
DIP { DROP; DROP; DROP }; NIL operation; PAIR }
@ -350,7 +350,6 @@ let expand_pappaiir original =
match i, IntMap.find_opt i field_annots_pos with
| 0, None -> annot
| _, None -> []
(* XXX Hackish, cannot annotate cdr only with PAIR *)
| 0, Some ([], cdr_annot) -> "%" :: cdr_annot @ annot
| _, Some ([], cdr_annot) -> "%" :: cdr_annot
| 0, Some (car_annot, cdr_annot) -> car_annot @ cdr_annot @ annot
@ -123,13 +123,22 @@ let fail_unexpected_annot loc annot =
Lwt.return (error_unexpected_annot loc annot)
let parse_annots loc l =
(* allow emtpty annotations as wildcards but otherwise only accept
annotations that starto with [a-zA-Z_] *)
let sub_or_wildcard wrap s acc =
let len = String.length s in
if Compare.Int.(len = 1) then ok @@ wrap None :: acc
else match s.[1] with
| 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '_' ->
ok @@ wrap (Some (String.sub s 1 (len - 1))) :: acc
| _ -> error (Unexpected_annotation loc) in
List.fold_left (fun acc s ->
match acc with
| Ok acc ->
begin match s.[0] with
| '@' -> ok (`Var_annot (String.sub s 1 @@ String.length s - 1) :: acc)
| ':' -> ok (`Type_annot (String.sub s 1 @@ String.length s - 1) :: acc)
| '%' -> ok (`Field_annot (String.sub s 1 @@ String.length s - 1) :: acc)
| '@' -> sub_or_wildcard (fun a -> `Var_annot a) s acc
| ':' -> sub_or_wildcard (fun a -> `Type_annot a) s acc
| '%' -> sub_or_wildcard (fun a -> `Field_annot a) s acc
| _ -> error (Unexpected_annotation loc)
| exception Invalid_argument _ -> error (Unexpected_annotation loc)
@ -137,28 +146,75 @@ let parse_annots loc l =
) (ok []) l
>|? List.rev
let opt_var_of_var_opt = function
| `Var_annot None -> None
| `Var_annot Some a -> Some (`Var_annot a)
let opt_field_of_field_opt = function
| `Field_annot None -> None
| `Field_annot Some a -> Some (`Field_annot a)
let opt_type_of_type_opt = function
| `Type_annot None -> None
| `Type_annot Some a -> Some (`Type_annot a)
let classify_annot loc l
: (var_annot option list * type_annot option list * field_annot option list) tzresult
let _, rv, _, rt, _, rf =
(fun (in_v, rv, in_t, rt, in_f, rf) a ->
match a, in_v, rv, in_t, rt, in_f, rf with
| (`Var_annot _ as a), true, _, _, _, _, _
| (`Var_annot _ as a), false, [], _, _, _, _ ->
true, opt_var_of_var_opt a :: rv,
false, rt,
false, rf
| (`Type_annot _ as a), _, _, true, _, _, _
| (`Type_annot _ as a), _, _, false, [], _, _ ->
false, rv,
true, opt_type_of_type_opt a :: rt,
false, rf
| (`Field_annot _ as a), _, _, _, _, true, _
| (`Field_annot _ as a), _, _, _, _, false, [] ->
false, rv,
false, rt,
true, opt_field_of_field_opt a :: rf
| _ -> raise Exit
) (false, [], false, [], false, []) l in
ok (List.rev rv, List.rev rt, List.rev rf)
with Exit -> error (Ungrouped_annotations loc)
let get_one_annot loc = function
| [] -> ok None
| [ a ] -> ok a
| _ -> error (Unexpected_annotation loc)
let get_two_annot loc = function
| [] -> ok (None, None)
| [ a ] -> ok (a, None)
| [ a; b ] -> ok (a, b)
| _ -> error (Unexpected_annotation loc)
let parse_type_annot
: int -> string list -> type_annot option tzresult
= fun loc annot ->
parse_annots loc annot >>? function
| [] -> ok None
| [ `Type_annot _ as a ] -> ok (Some a)
| _ -> error (Unexpected_annotation loc)
parse_annots loc annot >>?
classify_annot loc >>? fun (vars, types, fields) ->
error_unexpected_annot loc vars >>? fun () ->
error_unexpected_annot loc fields >>? fun () ->
get_one_annot loc types
let parse_composed_type_annot
: int -> string list -> (type_annot option * field_annot option * field_annot option) tzresult
= fun loc annot ->
parse_annots loc annot >>? function
| [] -> ok (None, None, None)
| [ `Type_annot _ as a ] -> ok (Some a, None, None)
| [ `Type_annot _ as a ; `Field_annot _ as b] -> ok (Some a, Some b, None)
| [ `Type_annot _ as a ; `Field_annot _ as b; `Field_annot _ as c ] ->
ok (Some a, Some b, Some c)
| [ `Field_annot _ as b ] ->
ok (None, Some b, None)
| [ `Field_annot _ as b; `Field_annot _ as c ] ->
ok (None, Some b, Some c)
| _ -> error (Unexpected_annotation loc)
parse_annots loc annot >>?
classify_annot loc >>? fun (vars, types, fields) ->
error_unexpected_annot loc vars >>? fun () ->
get_one_annot loc types >>? fun t ->
get_two_annot loc fields >|? fun (f1, f2) ->
(t, f1, f2)
let check_const_type_annot
: int -> string list -> type_annot option -> unit tzresult Lwt.t
@ -170,10 +226,10 @@ let parse_field_annot
: int -> string list -> field_annot option tzresult
= fun loc annot ->
parse_annots loc annot >>?
| [] -> ok None
| [ `Field_annot _ as a ] -> ok (Some a)
| _ -> error (Unexpected_annotation loc)
classify_annot loc >>? fun (vars, types, fields) ->
error_unexpected_annot loc vars >>? fun () ->
error_unexpected_annot loc types >>? fun () ->
get_one_annot loc fields
let extract_field_annot
: Script.node -> (Script.node * field_annot option) tzresult
@ -198,97 +254,57 @@ let check_correct_field
if String.equal s1 s2 then ok ()
else error (Inconsistent_field_annotations ("%" ^ s1, "%" ^ s2))
let parse_var_annot
: int -> ?default:var_annot option -> string list ->
var_annot option tzresult Lwt.t
var_annot option tzresult
= fun loc ?default annot ->
Lwt.return (parse_annots loc annot) >>=? fun annot ->
begin match annot, default with
| [], None -> ok None
| [], Some d -> ok d
| [ `Var_annot _ as a ], _ -> ok (Some a)
| _ -> error (Unexpected_annotation loc)
end |> Lwt.return
let parse_field_annot loc annot =
Lwt.return (parse_field_annot loc annot)
let classify_annot
: int -> annot list ->
(var_annot list * type_annot list * field_annot list) tzresult Lwt.t
= fun loc l ->
let _, rv, _, rt, _, rf =
(fun (in_v, rv, in_t, rt, in_f, rf) a ->
match a, in_v, rv, in_t, rt, in_f, rf with
| (`Var_annot _ as a), true, _, _, _, _, _
| (`Var_annot _ as a), false, [], _, _, _, _ ->
true, a :: rv,
false, rt,
false, rf
| (`Type_annot _ as a), _, _, true, _, _, _
| (`Type_annot _ as a), _, _, false, [], _, _ ->
false, rv,
true, a :: rt,
false, rf
| (`Field_annot _ as a), _, _, _, _, true, _
| (`Field_annot _ as a), _, _, _, _, false, [] ->
false, rv,
false, rt,
true, a :: rf
| _ -> raise Exit
) (false, [], false, [], false, []) l in
Lwt.return (ok (List.rev rv, List.rev rt, List.rev rf))
with Exit -> Lwt.return (error (Ungrouped_annotations loc))
let get_one_annot loc = function
| [] -> Lwt.return (ok None)
| [ a ] -> Lwt.return (ok (Some a))
| _ -> Lwt.return (error (Unexpected_annotation loc))
let get_two_annot loc = function
| [] -> Lwt.return (ok (None, None))
| [ a ] -> Lwt.return (ok (Some a, None))
| [ a; b ] -> Lwt.return (ok (Some a, Some b))
| _ -> Lwt.return (error (Unexpected_annotation loc))
parse_annots loc annot >>?
classify_annot loc >>? fun (vars, types, fields) ->
error_unexpected_annot loc types >>? fun () ->
error_unexpected_annot loc fields >>? fun () ->
get_one_annot loc vars >|? function
| Some _ as a -> a
| None -> match default with
| Some a -> a
| None -> None
let parse_constr_annot
: int -> string list ->
(var_annot option * type_annot option * field_annot option * field_annot option) tzresult Lwt.t
(var_annot option * type_annot option * field_annot option * field_annot option) tzresult
= fun loc annot ->
Lwt.return (parse_annots loc annot) >>=? fun annot ->
classify_annot loc annot >>=? fun (vars, types, fields) ->
get_one_annot loc vars >>=? fun v ->
get_one_annot loc types >>=? fun t ->
get_two_annot loc fields >>|? fun (f1, f2) ->
parse_annots loc annot >>?
classify_annot loc >>? fun (vars, types, fields) ->
get_one_annot loc vars >>? fun v ->
get_one_annot loc types >>? fun t ->
get_two_annot loc fields >|? fun (f1, f2) ->
(v, t, f1, f2)
let parse_two_var_annot
: int -> string list -> (var_annot option * var_annot option) tzresult Lwt.t
: int -> string list -> (var_annot option * var_annot option) tzresult
= fun loc annot ->
Lwt.return (parse_annots loc annot) >>=? fun annot ->
classify_annot loc annot >>=? fun (vars, types, fields) ->
fail_unexpected_annot loc types >>=? fun () ->
fail_unexpected_annot loc fields >>=? fun () ->
parse_annots loc annot >>?
classify_annot loc >>? fun (vars, types, fields) ->
error_unexpected_annot loc types >>? fun () ->
error_unexpected_annot loc fields >>? fun () ->
get_two_annot loc vars
let parse_var_field_annot
: int -> string list -> (var_annot option * field_annot option) tzresult Lwt.t
: int -> string list -> (var_annot option * field_annot option) tzresult
= fun loc annot ->
Lwt.return (parse_annots loc annot) >>=? fun annot ->
classify_annot loc annot >>=? fun (vars, types, fields) ->
fail_unexpected_annot loc types >>=? fun () ->
get_one_annot loc vars >>=? fun v ->
get_one_annot loc fields >>|? fun f ->
parse_annots loc annot >>?
classify_annot loc >>? fun (vars, types, fields) ->
error_unexpected_annot loc types >>? fun () ->
get_one_annot loc vars >>? fun v ->
get_one_annot loc fields >|? fun f ->
(v, f)
let parse_var_type_annot
: int -> string list -> (var_annot option * type_annot option) tzresult Lwt.t
: int -> string list -> (var_annot option * type_annot option) tzresult
= fun loc annot ->
Lwt.return (parse_annots loc annot) >>=? fun annot ->
classify_annot loc annot >>=? fun (vars, types, fields) ->
fail_unexpected_annot loc fields >>=? fun () ->
get_one_annot loc vars >>=? fun v ->
get_one_annot loc types >>|? fun t ->
parse_annots loc annot >>?
classify_annot loc >>? fun (vars, types, fields) ->
error_unexpected_annot loc fields >>? fun () ->
get_one_annot loc vars >>? fun v ->
get_one_annot loc types >|? fun t ->
(v, t)
@ -79,12 +79,12 @@ val error_unexpected_annot : int -> 'a list -> unit tzresult
(** Same as {!error_unexpected_annot} in Lwt. *)
val fail_unexpected_annot : int -> 'a list -> unit tzresult Lwt.t
(** Parse string annotations. *)
val parse_annots : int -> string list -> annot list tzresult
(** Parse a type annotation only. *)
val parse_type_annot : int -> string list -> type_annot option tzresult
val parse_field_annot :
int -> string list -> field_annot option tzresult
(** Parse an annotation for composed types, of the form
[:ty_name %field1 %field2] in any order. *)
val parse_composed_type_annot :
@ -109,20 +109,18 @@ val check_correct_field :
val parse_var_annot :
int ->
?default:var_annot option ->
string list -> var_annot option tzresult Lwt.t
val parse_field_annot :
int -> string list -> field_annot option tzresult Lwt.t
string list -> var_annot option tzresult
val parse_constr_annot :
int -> string list ->
(var_annot option * type_annot option * field_annot option * field_annot option) tzresult Lwt.t
(var_annot option * type_annot option *
field_annot option * field_annot option) tzresult
val parse_two_var_annot :
int -> string list -> (var_annot option * var_annot option) tzresult Lwt.t
int -> string list -> (var_annot option * var_annot option) tzresult
val parse_var_field_annot :
int -> string list -> (var_annot option * field_annot option) tzresult Lwt.t
int -> string list -> (var_annot option * field_annot option) tzresult
val parse_var_type_annot :
int -> string list -> (var_annot option * type_annot option) tzresult Lwt.t
int -> string list -> (var_annot option * type_annot option) tzresult
@ -1068,6 +1068,18 @@ let address_size =
| None -> assert false
| Some size -> size
(* Lwt versions *)
let parse_var_annot loc ?default annot =
Lwt.return (parse_var_annot loc ?default annot)
let parse_constr_annot loc annot =
Lwt.return (parse_constr_annot loc annot)
let parse_two_var_annot loc annot =
Lwt.return (parse_two_var_annot loc annot)
let parse_var_field_annot loc annot =
Lwt.return (parse_var_field_annot loc annot)
let parse_var_type_annot loc annot =
Lwt.return (parse_var_type_annot loc annot)
let rec parse_data
: type a.
?type_logger: type_logger ->
@ -1468,7 +1480,7 @@ and parse_instr
| Prim (loc, I_PUSH, [ t ; d ], annot),
stack ->
parse_var_annot loc annot >>=? fun annot ->
(Lwt.return (parse_ty ~allow_big_map:false ~allow_operation:false t)) >>=? fun (Ex_ty t) ->
Lwt.return @@ parse_ty ~allow_big_map:false ~allow_operation:false t >>=? fun (Ex_ty t) ->
parse_data ?type_logger ctxt t d >>=? fun (v, ctxt) ->
typed ctxt loc (Const v) (Item_t (t, stack, annot))
| Prim (loc, I_UNIT, [], annot),
@ -1483,7 +1495,7 @@ and parse_instr
(Item_t (Option_t ((t, some_field), none_field, ty_name), rest, annot))
| Prim (loc, I_NONE, [ t ], annot),
stack ->
(Lwt.return (parse_ty ~allow_big_map:false ~allow_operation:true t)) >>=? fun (Ex_ty t) ->
Lwt.return @@ parse_ty ~allow_big_map:false ~allow_operation:true t >>=? fun (Ex_ty t) ->
parse_constr_annot loc annot >>=? fun (annot, ty_name, some_field, none_field) ->
typed ctxt loc (Cons_none t)
(Item_t (Option_t ((t, some_field), none_field, ty_name), stack, annot))
@ -1510,24 +1522,24 @@ and parse_instr
parse_var_field_annot loc annot >>=? fun (annot, field_annot) ->
let annot = default_annot annot
~default:(gen_access_annot pair_annot expected_field_annot ~default:default_car_annot) in
Lwt.return (check_correct_field field_annot expected_field_annot) >>=? fun () ->
Lwt.return @@ check_correct_field field_annot expected_field_annot >>=? fun () ->
typed ctxt loc Car (Item_t (a, rest, annot))
| Prim (loc, I_CDR, [], annot),
Item_t (Pair_t (_, (b, expected_field_annot), _), rest, pair_annot) ->
parse_var_field_annot loc annot >>=? fun (annot, field_annot) ->
let annot = default_annot annot
~default:(gen_access_annot pair_annot expected_field_annot ~default:default_cdr_annot) in
Lwt.return (check_correct_field field_annot expected_field_annot) >>=? fun () ->
Lwt.return @@ check_correct_field field_annot expected_field_annot >>=? fun () ->
typed ctxt loc Cdr (Item_t (b, rest, annot))
(* unions *)
| Prim (loc, I_LEFT, [ tr ], annot),
Item_t (tl, rest, _stack_annot) ->
(Lwt.return (parse_ty ~allow_big_map:false ~allow_operation:true tr)) >>=? fun (Ex_ty tr) ->
Lwt.return @@ parse_ty ~allow_big_map:false ~allow_operation:true tr >>=? fun (Ex_ty tr) ->
parse_constr_annot loc annot >>=? fun (annot, tname, l_field, r_field) ->
typed ctxt loc Left (Item_t (Union_t ((tl, l_field), (tr, r_field), tname), rest, annot))
| Prim (loc, I_RIGHT, [ tl ], annot),
Item_t (tr, rest, _stack_annot) ->
(Lwt.return (parse_ty ~allow_big_map:false ~allow_operation:true tl)) >>=? fun (Ex_ty tl) ->
Lwt.return @@ parse_ty ~allow_big_map:false ~allow_operation:true tl >>=? fun (Ex_ty tl) ->
parse_constr_annot loc annot >>=? fun (annot, tname, l_field, r_field) ->
typed ctxt loc Right (Item_t (Union_t ((tl, l_field), (tr, r_field), tname), rest, annot))
| Prim (loc, I_IF_LEFT, [ bt ; bf ], annot),
@ -1546,7 +1558,7 @@ and parse_instr
(* lists *)
| Prim (loc, I_NIL, [ t ], annot),
stack ->
(Lwt.return (parse_ty ~allow_big_map:false ~allow_operation:true t)) >>=? fun (Ex_ty t) ->
Lwt.return @@ parse_ty ~allow_big_map:false ~allow_operation:true t >>=? fun (Ex_ty t) ->
parse_var_type_annot loc annot >>=? fun (annot, ty_name) ->
typed ctxt loc Nil (Item_t (List_t (t, ty_name), stack, annot))
| Prim (loc, I_CONS, [], annot),
@ -1586,8 +1598,8 @@ and parse_instr
| Typed ({ aft = Item_t (ret, rest, _) ; _ } as ibody) ->
let invalid_map_body = Invalid_map_body (loc, ibody.aft) in
trace invalid_map_body
(Lwt.return (stack_ty_eq 1 rest starting_rest) >>=? fun Eq ->
Lwt.return (merge_stacks loc rest starting_rest) >>=? fun rest ->
(Lwt.return @@ stack_ty_eq 1 rest starting_rest >>=? fun Eq ->
Lwt.return @@ merge_stacks loc rest starting_rest >>=? fun rest ->
typed ctxt loc (List_map ibody)
(Item_t (List_t (ret, list_ty_name), rest, ret_annot)))
| Typed { aft ; _ } -> fail (Invalid_map_body (loc, aft))
@ -1604,8 +1616,8 @@ and parse_instr
| Typed ({ aft ; _ } as ibody) ->
let invalid_iter_body = Invalid_iter_body (loc, rest, ibody.aft) in
trace invalid_iter_body
(Lwt.return (stack_ty_eq 1 aft rest) >>=? fun Eq ->
Lwt.return (merge_stacks loc aft rest) >>=? fun rest ->
(Lwt.return @@ stack_ty_eq 1 aft rest >>=? fun Eq ->
Lwt.return @@ merge_stacks loc aft rest >>=? fun rest ->
typed ctxt loc (List_iter ibody) rest)
| Failed { descr } ->
typed ctxt loc (List_iter (descr rest)) rest
@ -1613,7 +1625,7 @@ and parse_instr
(* sets *)
| Prim (loc, I_EMPTY_SET, [ t ], annot),
rest ->
(Lwt.return (parse_comparable_ty t)) >>=? fun (Ex_comparable_ty t) ->
Lwt.return @@ parse_comparable_ty t >>=? fun (Ex_comparable_ty t) ->
parse_var_type_annot loc annot >>=? fun (annot, tname) ->
typed ctxt loc (Empty_set t) (Item_t (Set_t (t, tname), rest, annot))
| Prim (loc, I_ITER, [ body ], annot),
@ -1628,8 +1640,8 @@ and parse_instr
| Typed ({ aft ; _ } as ibody) ->
let invalid_iter_body = Invalid_iter_body (loc, rest, ibody.aft) in
trace invalid_iter_body
(Lwt.return (stack_ty_eq 1 aft rest) >>=? fun Eq ->
Lwt.return (merge_stacks loc aft rest) >>=? fun rest ->
(Lwt.return @@ stack_ty_eq 1 aft rest >>=? fun Eq ->
Lwt.return @@ merge_stacks loc aft rest >>=? fun rest ->
typed ctxt loc (Set_iter ibody) rest)
| Failed { descr } ->
typed ctxt loc (Set_iter (descr rest)) rest
@ -1653,8 +1665,8 @@ and parse_instr
(* maps *)
| Prim (loc, I_EMPTY_MAP, [ tk ; tv ], annot),
stack ->
(Lwt.return (parse_comparable_ty tk)) >>=? fun (Ex_comparable_ty tk) ->
(Lwt.return (parse_ty ~allow_big_map:false ~allow_operation:true tv)) >>=? fun (Ex_ty tv) ->
Lwt.return @@ parse_comparable_ty tk >>=? fun (Ex_comparable_ty tk) ->
Lwt.return @@ parse_ty ~allow_big_map:false ~allow_operation:true tv >>=? fun (Ex_ty tv) ->
parse_var_type_annot loc annot >>=? fun (annot, ty_name) ->
typed ctxt loc (Empty_map (tk, tv)) (Item_t (Map_t (tk, tv, ty_name), stack, annot))
| Prim (loc, I_MAP, [ body ], annot),
@ -1670,8 +1682,8 @@ and parse_instr
| Typed ({ aft = Item_t (ret, rest, _) ; _ } as ibody) ->
let invalid_map_body = Invalid_map_body (loc, ibody.aft) in
trace invalid_map_body
(Lwt.return (stack_ty_eq 1 rest starting_rest) >>=? fun Eq ->
Lwt.return (merge_stacks loc rest starting_rest) >>=? fun rest ->
(Lwt.return @@ stack_ty_eq 1 rest starting_rest >>=? fun Eq ->
Lwt.return @@ merge_stacks loc rest starting_rest >>=? fun rest ->
typed ctxt loc (Map_map ibody)
(Item_t (Map_t (ck, ret, ty_name), rest, ret_annot)))
| Typed { aft ; _ } -> fail (Invalid_map_body (loc, aft))
@ -1690,8 +1702,8 @@ and parse_instr
| Typed ({ aft ; _ } as ibody) ->
let invalid_iter_body = Invalid_iter_body (loc, rest, ibody.aft) in
trace invalid_iter_body
(Lwt.return (stack_ty_eq 1 aft rest) >>=? fun Eq ->
Lwt.return (merge_stacks loc aft rest) >>=? fun rest ->
(Lwt.return @@ stack_ty_eq 1 aft rest >>=? fun Eq ->
Lwt.return @@ merge_stacks loc aft rest >>=? fun rest ->
typed ctxt loc (Map_iter ibody) rest)
| Failed { descr } ->
typed ctxt loc (Map_iter (descr rest)) rest
@ -1801,8 +1813,8 @@ and parse_instr
| Typed ibody ->
let unmatched_branches = Unmatched_branches (loc, ibody.aft, stack) in
trace unmatched_branches
(Lwt.return (stack_ty_eq 1 ibody.aft stack) >>=? fun Eq ->
Lwt.return (merge_stacks loc ibody.aft stack) >>=? fun _stack ->
(Lwt.return @@ stack_ty_eq 1 ibody.aft stack >>=? fun Eq ->
Lwt.return @@ merge_stacks loc ibody.aft stack >>=? fun _stack ->
typed ctxt loc (Loop ibody) rest)
| Failed { descr } ->
let ibody = descr stack in
@ -1818,8 +1830,8 @@ and parse_instr
| Typed ibody ->
let unmatched_branches = Unmatched_branches (loc, ibody.aft, stack) in
trace unmatched_branches
(Lwt.return (stack_ty_eq 1 ibody.aft stack) >>=? fun Eq ->
Lwt.return (merge_stacks loc ibody.aft stack) >>=? fun _stack ->
(Lwt.return @@ stack_ty_eq 1 ibody.aft stack >>=? fun Eq ->
Lwt.return @@ merge_stacks loc ibody.aft stack >>=? fun _stack ->
typed ctxt loc (Loop_left ibody) (Item_t (tr, rest, annot)))
| Failed { descr } ->
let ibody = descr stack in
@ -1827,9 +1839,9 @@ and parse_instr
| Prim (loc, I_LAMBDA, [ arg ; ret ; code ], annot),
stack ->
(Lwt.return (parse_ty ~allow_big_map:false ~allow_operation:true arg))
Lwt.return @@ parse_ty ~allow_big_map:false ~allow_operation:true arg
>>=? fun (Ex_ty arg) ->
(Lwt.return (parse_ty ~allow_big_map:false ~allow_operation:true ret))
Lwt.return @@ parse_ty ~allow_big_map:false ~allow_operation:true ret
>>=? fun (Ex_ty ret) ->
check_kind [ Seq_kind ] code >>=? fun () ->
parse_var_annot loc annot >>=? fun annot ->
@ -1861,45 +1873,45 @@ and parse_instr
| Prim (loc, I_ADD, [], annot),
Item_t (Timestamp_t tn1, Item_t (Int_t tn2, rest, _), _) ->
parse_var_annot loc annot >>=? fun annot ->
Lwt.return (merge_type_annot tn1 tn2) >>=? fun tname ->
Lwt.return @@ merge_type_annot tn1 tn2 >>=? fun tname ->
typed ctxt loc Add_timestamp_to_seconds
(Item_t (Timestamp_t tname, rest, annot))
| Prim (loc, I_ADD, [], annot),
Item_t (Int_t tn1, Item_t (Timestamp_t tn2, rest, _), _) ->
parse_var_annot loc annot >>=? fun annot ->
Lwt.return (merge_type_annot tn1 tn2) >>=? fun tname ->
Lwt.return @@ merge_type_annot tn1 tn2 >>=? fun tname ->
typed ctxt loc Add_seconds_to_timestamp
(Item_t (Timestamp_t tname, rest, annot))
| Prim (loc, I_SUB, [], annot),
Item_t (Timestamp_t tn1, Item_t (Int_t tn2, rest, _), _) ->
parse_var_annot loc annot >>=? fun annot ->
Lwt.return (merge_type_annot tn1 tn2) >>=? fun tname ->
Lwt.return @@ merge_type_annot tn1 tn2 >>=? fun tname ->
typed ctxt loc Sub_timestamp_seconds
(Item_t (Timestamp_t tname, rest, annot))
| Prim (loc, I_SUB, [], annot),
Item_t (Timestamp_t tn1, Item_t (Timestamp_t tn2, rest, _), _) ->
parse_var_annot loc annot >>=? fun annot ->
Lwt.return (merge_type_annot tn1 tn2) >>=? fun tname ->
Lwt.return @@ merge_type_annot tn1 tn2 >>=? fun tname ->
typed ctxt loc Diff_timestamps
(Item_t (Int_t tname, rest, annot))
(* string operations *)
| Prim (loc, I_CONCAT, [], annot),
Item_t (String_t tn1, Item_t (String_t tn2, rest, _), _) ->
parse_var_annot loc annot >>=? fun annot ->
Lwt.return (merge_type_annot tn1 tn2) >>=? fun tname ->
Lwt.return @@ merge_type_annot tn1 tn2 >>=? fun tname ->
typed ctxt loc Concat
(Item_t (String_t tname, rest, annot))
(* currency operations *)
| Prim (loc, I_ADD, [], annot),
Item_t (Mutez_t tn1, Item_t (Mutez_t tn2, rest, _), _) ->
parse_var_annot loc annot >>=? fun annot ->
Lwt.return (merge_type_annot tn1 tn2) >>=? fun tname ->
Lwt.return @@ merge_type_annot tn1 tn2 >>=? fun tname ->
typed ctxt loc Add_tez
(Item_t (Mutez_t tname, rest, annot))
| Prim (loc, I_SUB, [], annot),
Item_t (Mutez_t tn1, Item_t (Mutez_t tn2, rest, _), _) ->
parse_var_annot loc annot >>=? fun annot ->
Lwt.return (merge_type_annot tn1 tn2) >>=? fun tname ->
Lwt.return @@ merge_type_annot tn1 tn2 >>=? fun tname ->
typed ctxt loc Sub_tez
(Item_t (Mutez_t tname, rest, annot))
| Prim (loc, I_MUL, [], annot),
@ -1916,19 +1928,19 @@ and parse_instr
| Prim (loc, I_OR, [], annot),
Item_t (Bool_t tn1, Item_t (Bool_t tn2, rest, _), _) ->
parse_var_annot loc annot >>=? fun annot ->
Lwt.return (merge_type_annot tn1 tn2) >>=? fun tname ->
Lwt.return @@ merge_type_annot tn1 tn2 >>=? fun tname ->
typed ctxt loc Or
(Item_t (Bool_t tname, rest, annot))
| Prim (loc, I_AND, [], annot),
Item_t (Bool_t tn1, Item_t (Bool_t tn2, rest, _), _) ->
parse_var_annot loc annot >>=? fun annot ->
Lwt.return (merge_type_annot tn1 tn2) >>=? fun tname ->
Lwt.return @@ merge_type_annot tn1 tn2 >>=? fun tname ->
typed ctxt loc And
(Item_t (Bool_t tname, rest, annot))
| Prim (loc, I_XOR, [], annot),
Item_t (Bool_t tn1, Item_t (Bool_t tn2, rest, _), _) ->
parse_var_annot loc annot >>=? fun annot ->
Lwt.return (merge_type_annot tn1 tn2) >>=? fun tname ->
Lwt.return @@ merge_type_annot tn1 tn2 >>=? fun tname ->
typed ctxt loc Xor
(Item_t (Bool_t tname, rest, annot))
| Prim (loc, I_NOT, [], annot),
@ -1965,7 +1977,7 @@ and parse_instr
| Prim (loc, I_ADD, [], annot),
Item_t (Int_t tn1, Item_t (Int_t tn2, rest, _), _) ->
parse_var_annot loc annot >>=? fun annot ->
Lwt.return (merge_type_annot tn1 tn2) >>=? fun tname ->
Lwt.return @@ merge_type_annot tn1 tn2 >>=? fun tname ->
typed ctxt loc Add_intint
(Item_t (Int_t tname, rest, annot))
| Prim (loc, I_ADD, [], annot),
@ -1981,13 +1993,13 @@ and parse_instr
| Prim (loc, I_ADD, [], annot),
Item_t (Nat_t tn1, Item_t (Nat_t tn2, rest, _), _) ->
parse_var_annot loc annot >>=? fun annot ->
Lwt.return (merge_type_annot tn1 tn2) >>=? fun tname ->
Lwt.return @@ merge_type_annot tn1 tn2 >>=? fun tname ->
typed ctxt loc Add_natnat
(Item_t (Nat_t tname, rest, annot))
| Prim (loc, I_SUB, [], annot),
Item_t (Int_t tn1, Item_t (Int_t tn2, rest, _), _) ->
parse_var_annot loc annot >>=? fun annot ->
Lwt.return (merge_type_annot tn1 tn2) >>=? fun tname ->
Lwt.return @@ merge_type_annot tn1 tn2 >>=? fun tname ->
typed ctxt loc Sub_int
(Item_t (Int_t tname, rest, annot))
| Prim (loc, I_SUB, [], annot),
@ -2003,13 +2015,13 @@ and parse_instr
| Prim (loc, I_SUB, [], annot),
Item_t (Nat_t tn1, Item_t (Nat_t tn2, rest, _), _) ->
parse_var_annot loc annot >>=? fun annot ->
Lwt.return (merge_type_annot tn1 tn2) >>=? fun _tname ->
Lwt.return @@ merge_type_annot tn1 tn2 >>=? fun _tname ->
typed ctxt loc Sub_int
(Item_t (Int_t None, rest, annot))
| Prim (loc, I_MUL, [], annot),
Item_t (Int_t tn1, Item_t (Int_t tn2, rest, _), _) ->
parse_var_annot loc annot >>=? fun annot ->
Lwt.return (merge_type_annot tn1 tn2) >>=? fun tname ->
Lwt.return @@ merge_type_annot tn1 tn2 >>=? fun tname ->
typed ctxt loc Mul_intint
(Item_t (Int_t tname, rest, annot))
| Prim (loc, I_MUL, [], annot),
@ -2025,7 +2037,7 @@ and parse_instr
| Prim (loc, I_MUL, [], annot),
Item_t (Nat_t tn1, Item_t (Nat_t tn2, rest, _), _) ->
parse_var_annot loc annot >>=? fun annot ->
Lwt.return (merge_type_annot tn1 tn2) >>=? fun tname ->
Lwt.return @@ merge_type_annot tn1 tn2 >>=? fun tname ->
typed ctxt loc Mul_natnat
(Item_t (Nat_t tname, rest, annot))
| Prim (loc, I_EDIV, [], annot),
@ -2038,14 +2050,14 @@ and parse_instr
| Prim (loc, I_EDIV, [], annot),
Item_t (Mutez_t tn1, Item_t (Mutez_t tn2, rest, _), _) ->
parse_var_annot loc annot >>=? fun annot ->
Lwt.return (merge_type_annot tn1 tn2) >>=? fun tname ->
Lwt.return @@ merge_type_annot tn1 tn2 >>=? fun tname ->
typed ctxt loc Ediv_tez
(Item_t (Option_t ((Pair_t ((Nat_t None, None), (Mutez_t tname, None), None), None),
None, None), rest, annot))
| Prim (loc, I_EDIV, [], annot),
Item_t (Int_t tn1, Item_t (Int_t tn2, rest, _), _) ->
parse_var_annot loc annot >>=? fun annot ->
Lwt.return (merge_type_annot tn1 tn2) >>=? fun tname ->
Lwt.return @@ merge_type_annot tn1 tn2 >>=? fun tname ->
typed ctxt loc Ediv_intint
(Item_t (Option_t
((Pair_t ((Int_t tname, None), (Nat_t None, None), None), None),
@ -2066,32 +2078,32 @@ and parse_instr
| Prim (loc, I_EDIV, [], annot),
Item_t (Nat_t tn1, Item_t (Nat_t tn2, rest, _), _) ->
parse_var_annot loc annot >>=? fun annot ->
Lwt.return (merge_type_annot tn1 tn2) >>=? fun tname ->
Lwt.return @@ merge_type_annot tn1 tn2 >>=? fun tname ->
typed ctxt loc Ediv_natnat
(Item_t (Option_t ((Pair_t ((Nat_t tname, None), (Nat_t tname, None), None), None),
None, None), rest, annot))
| Prim (loc, I_LSL, [], annot),
Item_t (Nat_t tn1, Item_t (Nat_t tn2, rest, _), _) ->
parse_var_annot loc annot >>=? fun annot ->
Lwt.return (merge_type_annot tn1 tn2) >>=? fun tname ->
Lwt.return @@ merge_type_annot tn1 tn2 >>=? fun tname ->
typed ctxt loc Lsl_nat
(Item_t (Nat_t tname, rest, annot))
| Prim (loc, I_LSR, [], annot),
Item_t (Nat_t tn1, Item_t (Nat_t tn2, rest, _), _) ->
parse_var_annot loc annot >>=? fun annot ->
Lwt.return (merge_type_annot tn1 tn2) >>=? fun tname ->
Lwt.return @@ merge_type_annot tn1 tn2 >>=? fun tname ->
typed ctxt loc Lsr_nat
(Item_t (Nat_t tname, rest, annot))
| Prim (loc, I_OR, [], annot),
Item_t (Nat_t tn1, Item_t (Nat_t tn2, rest, _), _) ->
parse_var_annot loc annot >>=? fun annot ->
Lwt.return (merge_type_annot tn1 tn2) >>=? fun tname ->
Lwt.return @@ merge_type_annot tn1 tn2 >>=? fun tname ->
typed ctxt loc Or_nat
(Item_t (Nat_t tname, rest, annot))
| Prim (loc, I_AND, [], annot),
Item_t (Nat_t tn1, Item_t (Nat_t tn2, rest, _), _) ->
parse_var_annot loc annot >>=? fun annot ->
Lwt.return (merge_type_annot tn1 tn2) >>=? fun tname ->
Lwt.return @@ merge_type_annot tn1 tn2 >>=? fun tname ->
typed ctxt loc And_nat
(Item_t (Nat_t tname, rest, annot))
| Prim (loc, I_AND, [], annot),
@ -2102,7 +2114,7 @@ and parse_instr
| Prim (loc, I_XOR, [], annot),
Item_t (Nat_t tn1, Item_t (Nat_t tn2, rest, _), _) ->
parse_var_annot loc annot >>=? fun annot ->
Lwt.return (merge_type_annot tn1 tn2) >>=? fun tname ->
Lwt.return @@ merge_type_annot tn1 tn2 >>=? fun tname ->
typed ctxt loc Xor_nat
(Item_t (Nat_t tname, rest, annot))
| Prim (loc, I_NOT, [], annot),
@ -2119,49 +2131,49 @@ and parse_instr
| Prim (loc, I_COMPARE, [], annot),
Item_t (Int_t tn1, Item_t (Int_t tn2, rest, _), _) ->
parse_var_annot loc annot >>=? fun annot ->
Lwt.return (merge_type_annot tn1 tn2) >>=? fun tname ->
Lwt.return @@ merge_type_annot tn1 tn2 >>=? fun tname ->
typed ctxt loc (Compare (Int_key tname))
(Item_t (Int_t None, rest, annot))
| Prim (loc, I_COMPARE, [], annot),
Item_t (Nat_t tn1, Item_t (Nat_t tn2, rest, _), _) ->
parse_var_annot loc annot >>=? fun annot ->
Lwt.return (merge_type_annot tn1 tn2) >>=? fun tname ->
Lwt.return @@ merge_type_annot tn1 tn2 >>=? fun tname ->
typed ctxt loc (Compare (Nat_key tname))
(Item_t (Int_t None, rest, annot))
| Prim (loc, I_COMPARE, [], annot),
Item_t (Bool_t tn1, Item_t (Bool_t tn2, rest, _), _) ->
parse_var_annot loc annot >>=? fun annot ->
Lwt.return (merge_type_annot tn1 tn2) >>=? fun tname ->
Lwt.return @@ merge_type_annot tn1 tn2 >>=? fun tname ->
typed ctxt loc (Compare (Bool_key tname))
(Item_t (Int_t None, rest, annot))
| Prim (loc, I_COMPARE, [], annot),
Item_t (String_t tn1, Item_t (String_t tn2, rest, _), _) ->
parse_var_annot loc annot >>=? fun annot ->
Lwt.return (merge_type_annot tn1 tn2) >>=? fun tname ->
Lwt.return @@ merge_type_annot tn1 tn2 >>=? fun tname ->
typed ctxt loc (Compare (String_key tname))
(Item_t (Int_t None, rest, annot))
| Prim (loc, I_COMPARE, [], annot),
Item_t (Mutez_t tn1, Item_t (Mutez_t tn2, rest, _), _) ->
parse_var_annot loc annot >>=? fun annot ->
Lwt.return (merge_type_annot tn1 tn2) >>=? fun tname ->
Lwt.return @@ merge_type_annot tn1 tn2 >>=? fun tname ->
typed ctxt loc (Compare (Mutez_key tname))
(Item_t (Int_t None, rest, annot))
| Prim (loc, I_COMPARE, [], annot),
Item_t (Key_hash_t tn1, Item_t (Key_hash_t tn2, rest, _), _) ->
parse_var_annot loc annot >>=? fun annot ->
Lwt.return (merge_type_annot tn1 tn2) >>=? fun tname ->
Lwt.return @@ merge_type_annot tn1 tn2 >>=? fun tname ->
typed ctxt loc (Compare (Key_hash_key tname))
(Item_t (Int_t None, rest, annot))
| Prim (loc, I_COMPARE, [], annot),
Item_t (Timestamp_t tn1, Item_t (Timestamp_t tn2, rest, _), _) ->
parse_var_annot loc annot >>=? fun annot ->
Lwt.return (merge_type_annot tn1 tn2) >>=? fun tname ->
Lwt.return @@ merge_type_annot tn1 tn2 >>=? fun tname ->
typed ctxt loc (Compare (Timestamp_key tname))
(Item_t (Int_t None, rest, annot))
| Prim (loc, I_COMPARE, [], annot),
Item_t (Address_t tn1, Item_t (Address_t tn2, rest, _), _) ->
parse_var_annot loc annot >>=? fun annot ->
Lwt.return (merge_type_annot tn1 tn2) >>=? fun tname ->
Lwt.return @@ merge_type_annot tn1 tn2 >>=? fun tname ->
typed ctxt loc (Compare (Address_key tname))
(Item_t (Int_t None, rest, annot))
(* comparators *)
@ -2199,7 +2211,7 @@ and parse_instr
| Prim (loc, I_CAST, [ cast_t ], annot),
Item_t (t, stack, item_annot) ->
parse_var_annot loc annot ~default:item_annot >>=? fun annot ->
(Lwt.return (parse_ty ~allow_big_map:true ~allow_operation:true cast_t))
(Lwt.return @@ parse_ty ~allow_big_map:true ~allow_operation:true cast_t)
>>=? fun (Ex_ty cast_t) ->
Lwt.return @@ ty_eq cast_t t >>=? fun Eq ->
Lwt.return @@ merge_types loc cast_t t >>=? fun _ ->
@ -2217,7 +2229,7 @@ and parse_instr
(Item_t (Address_t None, rest, annot))
| Prim (loc, I_CONTRACT, [ ty ], annot),
Item_t (Address_t _, rest, addr_annot) ->
Lwt.return (parse_ty ~allow_big_map:false ~allow_operation:false ty) >>=? fun (Ex_ty t) ->
Lwt.return @@ parse_ty ~allow_big_map:false ~allow_operation:false ty >>=? fun (Ex_ty t) ->
parse_var_annot loc annot ~default:(gen_access_annot addr_annot default_contract_annot)
>>=? fun annot ->
typed ctxt loc (Contract t)
@ -2269,14 +2281,14 @@ and parse_instr
(ginit, rest, _), _), _), _), _), _) ->
parse_two_var_annot loc annot >>=? fun (op_annot, addr_annot) ->
let cannonical_code = fst @@ Micheline.extract_locations code in
Lwt.return (parse_toplevel cannonical_code) >>=? fun (arg_type, storage_type, code_field) ->
Lwt.return @@ parse_toplevel cannonical_code >>=? fun (arg_type, storage_type, code_field) ->
(Ill_formed_type (Some "parameter", cannonical_code, location arg_type))
(Lwt.return (parse_ty ~allow_big_map:false ~allow_operation:false arg_type))
(Lwt.return @@ parse_ty ~allow_big_map:false ~allow_operation:false arg_type)
>>=? fun (Ex_ty arg_type) ->
(Ill_formed_type (Some "storage", cannonical_code, location storage_type))
(Lwt.return (parse_ty ~allow_big_map:true ~allow_operation:false storage_type))
(Lwt.return @@ parse_ty ~allow_big_map:true ~allow_operation:false storage_type)
>>=? fun (Ex_ty storage_type) ->
let arg_field = default_annot (type_to_field_annot (name_of_ty arg_type))
~default:default_param_annot in
@ -2442,11 +2454,11 @@ and parse_contract
: type arg. context -> Script.location -> arg ty -> Contract.t ->
(context * arg typed_contract) tzresult Lwt.t
= fun ctxt loc arg contract ->
Lwt.return (Gas.consume ctxt Typecheck_costs.contract_exists) >>=? fun ctxt ->
Lwt.return @@ Gas.consume ctxt Typecheck_costs.contract_exists >>=? fun ctxt ->
Contract.exists ctxt contract >>=? function
| false -> fail (Invalid_contract (loc, contract))
| true ->
Lwt.return (Gas.consume ctxt Typecheck_costs.get_script) >>=? fun ctxt ->
Lwt.return @@ Gas.consume ctxt Typecheck_costs.get_script >>=? fun ctxt ->
(Invalid_contract (loc, contract)) @@
Contract.get_script ctxt contract >>=? fun (ctxt, script) -> match script with
@ -2511,9 +2523,9 @@ let parse_script
: ?type_logger: type_logger ->
context -> Script.t -> (ex_script * context) tzresult Lwt.t
= fun ?type_logger ctxt { code ; storage } ->
Lwt.return (Script.force_decode code) >>=? fun code ->
Lwt.return (Script.force_decode storage) >>=? fun storage ->
Lwt.return (parse_toplevel code) >>=? fun (arg_type, storage_type, code_field) ->
Lwt.return @@ Script.force_decode code >>=? fun code ->
Lwt.return @@ Script.force_decode storage >>=? fun storage ->
Lwt.return @@ parse_toplevel code >>=? fun (arg_type, storage_type, code_field) ->
(Ill_formed_type (Some "parameter", code, location arg_type))
(Lwt.return (parse_ty ~allow_big_map:false ~allow_operation:false arg_type))
@ -2541,7 +2553,7 @@ let parse_script
let typecheck_code
: context -> Script.expr -> (type_map * context) tzresult Lwt.t
= fun ctxt code ->
Lwt.return (parse_toplevel code) >>=? fun (arg_type, storage_type, code_field) ->
Lwt.return @@ parse_toplevel code >>=? fun (arg_type, storage_type, code_field) ->
let type_map = ref [] in
(* TODO: annotation checking *)
@ -2576,7 +2588,7 @@ let typecheck_data
= fun ?type_logger ctxt (data, exp_ty) ->
(Ill_formed_type (None, exp_ty, 0))
(Lwt.return (parse_ty ~allow_big_map:true ~allow_operation:false (root exp_ty)))
(Lwt.return @@ parse_ty ~allow_big_map:true ~allow_operation:false (root exp_ty))
>>=? fun (Ex_ty exp_ty) ->
(Ill_typed_data (None, data, exp_ty))
Reference in New Issue
Block a user