Shell: lazy access to all the operations of a block
This prepares the node to the new on-disk storage.
This commit is contained in:
@ -150,20 +150,22 @@ module RPC = struct
test_network: Context.test_network;
let convert (block: State.Valid_block.t) = {
hash = block.hash ;
net_id = block.net_id ;
level = block.level ;
proto_level = block.proto_level ;
predecessor = block.predecessor ;
timestamp = block.timestamp ;
operations_hash = block.operations_hash ;
fitness = ;
data = block.proto_header ;
operations = Some block.operations ;
protocol = block.protocol_hash ;
test_network = block.test_network ;
let convert (block: State.Valid_block.t) =
Lazy.force block.operation_hashes >>= fun operations ->
Lwt.return {
hash = block.hash ;
net_id = block.net_id ;
level = block.level ;
proto_level = block.proto_level ;
predecessor = block.predecessor ;
timestamp = block.timestamp ;
operations_hash = block.operations_hash ;
fitness = ;
data = block.proto_header ;
operations = Some operations ;
protocol = block.protocol_hash ;
test_network = block.test_network ;
let inject_block node = node.inject_block
let inject_operation node = node.inject_operation
@ -174,7 +176,7 @@ module RPC = struct
| Some (net_db, _block) ->
let net = Distributed_db.state net_db in
State.Valid_block.read_exn net hash >>= fun block ->
Lwt.return (convert block)
convert block
| None ->
|||| Not_found
@ -249,15 +251,15 @@ module RPC = struct
let block_info node (block: block) =
match block with
| `Genesis ->
State.Valid_block.Current.genesis node.mainnet_net >|= convert
State.Valid_block.Current.genesis node.mainnet_net >>= convert
| ( `Head n | `Test_head n ) as block ->
let validator = get_validator node block in
let net_db = Validator.net_db validator in
let net_state = Validator.net_state validator in
State.Valid_block.Current.head net_state >>= fun head ->
get_pred net_db n head >|= convert
get_pred net_db n head >>= convert
| `Hash h ->
read_valid_block_exn node h >|= convert
read_valid_block_exn node h >>= convert
| ( `Prevalidation | `Test_prevalidation ) as block ->
let validator = get_validator node block in
let pv = Validator.prevalidator validator in
@ -331,24 +333,25 @@ module RPC = struct
let operations node block =
match block with
| `Genesis ->
State.Valid_block.Current.genesis node.mainnet_net >>= fun { operations } ->
Lwt.return operations
State.Valid_block.Current.genesis node.mainnet_net >>= fun { operation_hashes } ->
Lazy.force operation_hashes
| ( `Head n | `Test_head n ) as block ->
let validator = get_validator node block in
let net_state = Validator.net_state validator in
let net_db = Validator.net_db validator in
State.Valid_block.Current.head net_state >>= fun head ->
get_pred net_db n head >>= fun { operations } ->
Lwt.return operations
get_pred net_db n head >>= fun { operation_hashes } ->
Lazy.force operation_hashes
| (`Prevalidation | `Test_prevalidation) as block ->
let validator, _net = get_net node block in
let pv = Validator.prevalidator validator in
let { Prevalidation.applied }, _ = Prevalidator.operations pv in
Lwt.return [applied]
| `Hash hash ->
read_valid_block node hash >|= function
| None -> []
| Some { operations } -> operations
read_valid_block node hash >>= function
| None -> Lwt.return_nil
| Some { operation_hashes } ->
Lazy.force operation_hashes
let operation_content node hash =
Distributed_db.read_operation node.distributed_db hash >>= fun op ->
@ -464,13 +467,12 @@ module RPC = struct
| Some (_, net_db) ->
State.Valid_block.known_heads (Distributed_db.state net_db)
end >>= fun test_heads ->
let map =
(fun map block ->
block.State.Valid_block.hash (convert block) map)
Block_hash.Map.empty (test_heads @ heads) in
Lwt.return map
(fun map block ->
convert block >|= fun bi ->
block.State.Valid_block.hash bi map)
Block_hash.Map.empty (test_heads @ heads)
let predecessors node len head =
let rec loop net_db acc len hash (block: State.Block_header.t) =
@ -494,13 +496,13 @@ module RPC = struct
let rec loop acc len hash =
State.Valid_block.read_exn state hash >>= fun block ->
let bi = convert block in
convert block >>= fun bi ->
if Block_hash.equal bi.predecessor hash then
Lwt.return (List.rev (bi :: acc))
else begin
if len = 0
|| Block_hash.Set.mem hash ignored then
Lwt.return (List.rev acc)
Lwt.return (List.rev acc)
loop (bi :: acc) (len-1) bi.predecessor
end in
@ -513,12 +515,12 @@ module RPC = struct
node.distributed_db head >>= fun (net_db, _block) ->
let net_state = Distributed_db.state net_db in
predecessors_bi net_state ignored len head >|= fun predecessors ->
predecessors_bi net_state ignored len head >>= fun predecessors ->
let ignored =
(fun x s -> Block_hash.Set.add x.hash s)
predecessors ignored in
ignored, predecessors :: acc
Lwt.return (ignored, predecessors :: acc)
(Block_hash.Set.empty, [])
heads >>= fun (_, blocks) ->
@ -528,7 +530,7 @@ module RPC = struct
let valid_block_watcher node =
let stream, shutdown = Validator.global_watcher node.validator in
|||| (fun block -> convert block) stream,
Lwt_stream.map_s (fun block -> convert block) stream,
let operation_watcher node =
@ -116,7 +116,8 @@ and valid_block = {
timestamp: Time.t ;
fitness: ;
operations_hash: Operation_list_list_hash.t ;
operations: Operation_hash.t list list ;
operation_hashes: Operation_hash.t list list Lwt.t Lazy.t ;
operations: Store.Operation.t list list Lwt.t Lazy.t ;
discovery_time: Time.t ;
protocol_hash: Protocol_hash.t ;
protocol: (module Updater.REGISTRED_PROTOCOL) option ;
@ -128,7 +129,7 @@ and valid_block = {
let build_valid_block
hash header operations
hash header operation_hashes operations
context discovery_time successors invalid_successors =
Context.get_protocol context >>= fun protocol_hash ->
Context.get_test_network context >>= fun test_network ->
@ -142,6 +143,7 @@ let build_valid_block
timestamp = ;
discovery_time ;
operations_hash = ;
operation_hashes ;
operations ;
fitness = ;
protocol_hash ;
@ -724,6 +726,9 @@ module Block_header = struct
let read_operations s k =
Raw_operation_list.read_all s.block_header_store k
let read_operations_exn s k =
Raw_operation_list.read_all_exn s.block_header_store k
let mark_invalid net hash errors =
mark_invalid net hash errors >>= fun marked ->
if not marked then
@ -909,7 +914,8 @@ module Raw_net = struct
Lwt.return context
end >>= fun context ->
genesis.block header [] context genesis.time
genesis.block header (lazy Lwt.return_nil) (lazy Lwt.return_nil)
context genesis.time
Block_hash.Set.empty Block_hash.Set.empty >>= fun genesis_block ->
Lwt.return @@
@ -936,7 +942,8 @@ module Valid_block = struct
timestamp: Time.t ;
fitness: ;
operations_hash: Operation_list_list_hash.t ;
operations: Operation_hash.t list list ;
operation_hashes: Operation_hash.t list list Lwt.t Lazy.t ;
operations: Store.Operation.t list list Lwt.t Lazy.t ;
discovery_time: Time.t ;
protocol_hash: Protocol_hash.t ;
protocol: (module Updater.REGISTRED_PROTOCOL) option ;
@ -953,7 +960,9 @@ module Valid_block = struct
let known { context_index } hash =
Context.exists context_index hash
let raw_read block operations time chain_store context_index hash =
let raw_read
block operations operation_hashes
time chain_store context_index hash =
Context.checkout context_index hash >>= function
| None ->
fail (Unknown_context hash)
@ -962,12 +971,15 @@ module Valid_block = struct
>>= fun successors ->
Store.Chain.Invalid_successors.read_all (chain_store, hash)
>>= fun invalid_successors ->
build_valid_block hash block operations
build_valid_block hash block operation_hashes operations
context time successors invalid_successors >>= fun block ->
return block
let raw_read_exn block operations time chain_store context_index hash =
raw_read block operations time chain_store context_index hash >>= function
let raw_read_exn
block operations operation_hashes
time chain_store context_index hash =
raw_read block operations operation_hashes
time chain_store context_index hash >>= function
| Error _ -> Not_found
| Ok data -> Lwt.return data
@ -976,8 +988,17 @@ module Valid_block = struct
| None | Some { = Error _ } ->
fail (Unknown_block hash)
| Some { = Ok block ; time } ->
Block_header.read_operations net hash >>=? fun operations ->
raw_read block operations
let operation_hashes =
lazy (Block_header.read_operations_exn net hash) in
let operations =
lazy (
Lazy.force operation_hashes >>= fun operations ->
(Raw_operation.read_exn net.operation_store ))
raw_read block operations operation_hashes
time net_state.chain_store net_state.context_index hash
let read_opt net net_state hash =
@ -991,6 +1012,7 @@ module Valid_block = struct
| Ok data -> Lwt.return data
let store
(net_state: net_state)
@ -1011,8 +1033,6 @@ module Valid_block = struct
block_header_store hash >>= fun _marked ->
(* TODO fail if the block was previsouly stored ... ??? *)
block_header_store hash >>=? fun operations ->
(* Let's commit the context. *)
let message =
match message with
@ -1031,8 +1051,17 @@ module Valid_block = struct
(store, predecessor) hash >>= fun () ->
(* Build the `valid_block` value. *)
let operation_hashes =
lazy (Operation_list.Locked.read_all_exn block_header_store hash) in
let operations =
lazy (
Lazy.force operation_hashes >>= fun operations ->
(Raw_operation.read_exn operation_store ))
operations) in
block operations discovery_time
block operations operation_hashes discovery_time
net_state.chain_store net_state.context_index hash >>= fun valid_block ->
Watcher.notify valid_block_watcher valid_block ;
Lwt.return (Ok valid_block)
@ -1067,7 +1096,7 @@ module Valid_block = struct
block_header_store hash >>= function
| Some _ -> return None (* Previously invalidated block. *)
| None ->
|||| net.operation_store
block_header_store net_state net.valid_block_watcher
hash vcontext >>=? fun valid_block ->
return (Some valid_block)
@ -1328,7 +1357,8 @@ module Net = struct
Block_header.Locked.read_discovery_time block_header_store
genesis_hash >>=? fun genesis_discovery_time ->
genesis_shell_header [] genesis_discovery_time
genesis_shell_header (lazy Lwt.return_nil) (lazy Lwt.return_nil)
chain_store context_index genesis_hash >>=? fun genesis_block ->
return @@
@ -258,8 +258,9 @@ module Valid_block : sig
fitness: ;
(** The (validated) score of the block. *)
operations_hash: Operation_list_list_hash.t ;
operations: Operation_hash.t list list ;
(** The sequence of operations ans its (Merkle-)hash. *)
operation_hashes: Operation_hash.t list list Lwt.t Lazy.t ;
operations: Store.Operation.t list list Lwt.t Lazy.t ;
(** The sequence of operations and its (Merkle-)hash. *)
discovery_time: Time.t ;
(** The data at which the block was discorevered on the P2P network. *)
protocol_hash: Protocol_hash.t ;
@ -350,16 +350,18 @@ module Context_db = struct
|||| net_state hash data >>=? function
| None ->
|||| net_state hash >>=? fun block ->
Lazy.force block.operation_hashes >>= fun ophs ->
(Lwt_list.iter_p (fun hash ->
Distributed_db.Operation.commit net_db hash))
block.operations >>= fun () ->
ophs >>= fun () ->
return (Ok block, false)
| Some block ->
Lazy.force block.operation_hashes >>= fun ophs ->
(Lwt_list.iter_p (fun hash ->
Distributed_db.Operation.commit net_db hash))
block.operations >>= fun () ->
ophs >>= fun () ->
return (Ok block, true)
| Error err ->
Reference in New Issue
Block a user