Merge branch 'dev' of into gardening/code-comments
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ if test "x$PWD" = "x"; then
echo "Cannot detect the current directory, the environment variable PWD is empty."
exit 1
docker run -it -v "$PWD":"$PWD" -w "$PWD" ligolang/ligo:next "$@"
docker run --rm -it -v "$PWD":"$PWD" -w "$PWD" ligolang/ligo:next "$@"
# Do not remove the next line. It is used as an approximate witness that the download of this file was complete. This string should not appear anywhere else in the file.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
open Cmdliner
val main : unit Term.t *
val source : int -> string Term.t
val entry_point : int -> string Term.t
val expression : string -> int -> string Term.t
val syntax : string Term.t
val amount : string Term.t
val compile_file : unit Term.t *
val compile_parameter : unit Term.t *
val compile_storage : unit Term.t *
val dry_run : unit Term.t *
val run_function : unit Term.t *
val evaluate_value : unit Term.t *
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
open Trace
val toplevel : display_format : string -> string result -> unit
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ let string_result_pp_hr = result_pp_hr (fun out s -> Format.fprintf out "%s" s)
let result_pp_dev f out (r : _ result) =
match r with
| Ok (s , _) -> Format.fprintf out "%a" f s
| Error e -> Format.fprintf out "%a" (error_pp ~dev:false) (e ())
| Error e -> Format.fprintf out "%a" (error_pp ~dev:true) (e ())
let string_result_pp_dev = result_pp_hr (fun out s -> Format.fprintf out "%s" s)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
open Trace
val error_pp : ?dev:bool -> Format.formatter -> error -> unit
val result_pp_hr : (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> Format.formatter -> 'a Simple_utils.Trace.result -> unit
val string_result_pp_hr : Format.formatter -> string Simple_utils.Trace.result -> unit
val result_pp_dev : (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> Format.formatter -> 'a Simple_utils.Trace.result -> unit
val string_result_pp_dev : Format.formatter -> string Simple_utils.Trace.result -> unit
val json_pp : Format.formatter -> Simple_utils.Trace.J.t -> unit
val string_result_pp_json : Format.formatter -> string result -> unit
type display_format = [
| `Human_readable
| `Json
| `Dev
val display_format_of_string : string -> display_format
val formatted_string_result_pp : display_format -> Format.formatter -> string Simple_utils.Trace.result -> unit
type michelson_format = [
| `Michelson
| `Micheline
val michelson_format_of_string : string -> michelson_format Simple_utils.Trace.result
val michelson_pp : michelson_format -> Format.formatter -> Tezos_utils.Michelson.michelson -> unit
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
open Simple_utils
type 'a name = {
content : 'a ;
name : string ;
content : 'a ;
let make_name name content = { name ; content }
@ -736,4 +736,3 @@ let () =
Format.printf "%a@.%a\n" PP_helpers.comment "AST" Print_AST.language language
| _ -> exit 1
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
open Simple_utils
type 'a name = {
name : string ;
content : 'a ;
val make_name : string -> 'a -> 'a name
val destruct : 'a name -> ( string * 'a )
val get_name : 'a name -> string
val get_content : 'a name -> 'a
module Token = Lex.Token
type token = Token.token
module O : sig
type list_mode =
| Trail of token
| Trail_option of token
| Trail_force of token
| Trail_force_ne of token
| Lead of token
| Lead_ne of token
| Separated of token
| Separated_ne of token
| Separated_nene of token
| Naked
| Naked_ne
type 'a list_element = list_mode * 'a
type rhs_element = [
| `Named of string
| `Token of token
| `List of string list_element
| `Option of string
type rhs = rhs_element list name
type rule = rhs list name
type manual_rule_content = {
menhir_codes : string list ;
ast_code : string ;
type manual_rule = manual_rule_content name
type singleton =
| Manual of manual_rule
| Generated of rule
type name_element = [
| `Named of string
| `Current
| `Lower
type element = [
| `Named of string
| `Token of token
| `List of name_element list_element
| `Current
| `Lower
type operator = element list
type n_operator = operator name
type n_operators = n_operator list
type level = n_operators name
type level_list = level list
type levels = level List.Ne.t
type hierarchy = {
prefix : string ;
levels : levels ;
auxiliary_rules : rule list ;
type n_hierarchy = hierarchy name
val make_hierarchy : string -> levels -> rule list -> hierarchy
type language = {
entry_point : string ;
singletons : singleton list ;
hierarchies : n_hierarchy list ;
val get_op : n_operator -> operator
val manual_singleton : string -> string list -> string -> singleton
val rule_singleton : rule -> singleton
val language : string -> singleton list -> n_hierarchy list -> language
val name_hierarchy : string -> string -> n_operators list -> rule list -> n_hierarchy
module Check : sig
open O
val well_formed : language -> unit
val associativity : language -> unit
val make_constructor : Format.formatter -> (string * string) -> unit
val make_operator : Format.formatter -> (string * string) -> unit
module Print_AST : sig
open Format
val manual_rule : formatter -> O.manual_rule -> unit
val generated_rule : formatter -> O.rule -> unit
val singleton : formatter -> O.singleton -> unit
val singletons : formatter -> O.singleton list -> unit
val n_operator : string -> string -> formatter -> O.n_operator -> unit
val n_hierarchy : string -> formatter -> O.n_hierarchy -> unit
val n_hierarchies : bool -> formatter -> O.n_hierarchy list -> unit
val language : formatter -> O.language -> unit
module Print_Grammar : sig
open Format
val letters : string array
val manual_rule : formatter -> O.manual_rule -> unit
val generated_rule : formatter -> O.rule -> unit
val singleton : formatter -> O.singleton -> unit
val n_operator_rule : string -> string -> formatter -> O.n_operator -> unit
val n_operator_code : string -> formatter -> O.n_operator -> unit
val n_operator : string -> string -> string -> formatter -> O.n_operator -> unit
val level : string -> string -> formatter -> O.level -> unit
val n_hierarchy : formatter -> O.n_hierarchy -> unit
val language : formatter -> O.language -> unit
val infix : string -> [`Left | `Right] -> token -> O.n_operator
(* Ocaml is bad *)
val empty_infix : string -> [`Left | `Right] -> O.n_operator
val paren : string -> string -> O.n_operator
val expression_name : string
val type_expression_name : string
val restricted_type_expression_name : string
val program_name : string
val variable_name : string
val pattern_name : string
val constructor_name : string
val int_name : string
val tz_name : string
val unit_name : string
val string_name : string
val variable : O.singleton
val int : O.singleton
val tz : O.singleton
val unit : O.singleton
val string : O.singleton
val constructor : O.singleton
module Pattern : sig
val application : O.n_operator
val data_structure : O.n_operator
val record_element : O.rule
val record : O.n_operator
val pair : O.n_operator
val type_annotation : [> `Current | `Named of string | `Token of token ] list name
val variable : O.n_operator
val constructor : O.n_operator
val module_ident : O.n_operator
val unit : O.n_operator
val restricted_pattern_name : string
val restricted_pattern : O.n_hierarchy
val main : O.n_hierarchy
val singletons : O.singleton list
module Expression : sig
val application : O.n_operator
val type_annotation : [> `Current | `Named of string | `Token of token ] list name
val data_structure : O.n_operator
val fun_ : O.n_operator
val let_in : O.n_operator
val no_seq_name : string
val no_match_name : string
val record_element : O.rule
val record : O.n_operator
val ite : O.n_operator
val it : O.n_operator
(* let sequence = infix "sequence" `Left SEMICOLON *)
val sequence : [> `List of O.list_mode * [> `Lower ] ] list name
val match_clause : [> `Named of string | `Token of token ] list name list name
val match_with : [> `Current
| `List of O.list_mode * [> `Named of string ]
| `Token of token ] list name
val lt : O.n_operator
val le : O.n_operator
val gt : O.n_operator
val eq : O.n_operator
val neq : O.n_operator
val cons : O.n_operator
val addition : O.n_operator
val substraction : O.n_operator
val multiplication : O.n_operator
val division : O.n_operator
val arith_variable : O.n_operator
val int : O.n_operator
val tz : O.n_operator
val unit : O.n_operator
val string : O.n_operator
val constructor : O.n_operator
val module_ident : O.n_operator
val access : O.n_operator
val accessor : O.n_operator
val assignment : O.n_operator
val tuple : [> `List of O.list_mode * [> `Lower ] ] list name
val name : [> `Current | `Token of token ] list name
val main_hierarchy_name : string
val main_hierarchy : O.n_hierarchy
val no_sequence_expression : O.n_hierarchy
val no_match_expression : O.n_hierarchy
val expression : O.n_hierarchy
val singletons : O.singleton list
module Type_expression : sig
val record_element : O.rule
val record : O.n_operator
val application : O.n_operator
val tuple : [> `List of O.list_mode * [> `Lower ] ] list name
val type_variable : O.n_operator
val restricted_type_expression : O.n_hierarchy
val type_expression : O.n_hierarchy
val singletons : O.singleton list
module Program : sig
val statement_name : string
val program : O.rule
val param_name : string
val param : O.rule
val type_annotation_name : string
val type_annotation : O.rule
val let_content_name : string
val let_content : O.rule
val statement : O.rule
val singletons : O.singleton list
val language : O.language
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
type pre_token = {
name : string ;
pattern : string ;
val make : string -> string -> pre_token
val keyword : string -> pre_token
val symbol : string -> string -> pre_token
module Print_mly : sig
open Format
val token : formatter -> pre_token -> unit
val tokens : formatter -> pre_token list -> unit
module Print_mll : sig
open Format
val pre : string
val post : string
val token : formatter -> pre_token -> unit
val tokens : formatter -> pre_token list -> unit
module Print_ml : sig
open Format
val pre : string
val token : formatter -> pre_token -> unit
val tokens : formatter -> pre_token list -> unit
val tokens : pre_token list
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
type file_location = {
filename : string ;
start_line : int ;
start_column : int ;
end_line : int ;
end_column : int ;
type virtual_location = string
type t =
| File of file_location
| Virtual of virtual_location
val make : Lexing.position -> Lexing.position -> t
val virtual_location : string -> t
val dummy : string
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
open! Trace
val parse_file : string -> Ast.entry_point result
@ -1 +1 @@
--explain --external-tokens Token --base Parser ParToken.mly
--explain --external-tokens LexToken --base Parser ParToken.mly
@ -4,18 +4,17 @@ $HOME/git/ligo/vendors/ligo-utils/simple-utils/pos.mli
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ let () = Printexc.record_backtrace true
(* Running the lexer on the source *)
let options = "Ligodity" ".mligo"
let options = "CameLIGO" ".mligo"
open EvalOpt
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ par(X):
rpar = $3}
in {region; value}
let region = cover $1 $3
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ sepseq(item,sep):
(* Non-empty comma-separated values (at least two values) *)
item COMMA nsepseq(item,COMMA) {
item COMMA nsepseq(item,COMMA) {
let h,t = $3 in $1,($2,h)::t
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ tuple(item):
LBRACKET sep_or_term_list(item,SEMI) RBRACKET {
let elements, terminator = $2 in
let elements, terminator = $2 in
{ value =
opening = LBracket $1;
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ list(item):
terminator = None;
closing = RBracket $2
region = cover $1 $2
region = cover $1 $2
@ -150,10 +150,10 @@ declarations:
| declaration declarations { Utils.(nseq_foldl (swap nseq_cons) $2 $1)}
LetEntry entry_binding {
LetEntry entry_binding {
let start = $1 in
let stop = expr_to_region $2.let_rhs in
let region = cover start stop in
let region = cover start stop in
LetEntry { value = ($1, $2); region}, []
| type_decl { TypeDecl $1, [] }
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ declaration:
(* Type declarations *)
Type type_name EQ type_expr {
Type type_name EQ type_expr {
let region = cover $1 (type_expr_to_region $4) in
let value = {
kwd_type = $1;
@ -179,19 +179,19 @@ type_expr:
| record_type { TRecord $1 }
nsepseq(fun_type, TIMES) {
nsepseq(fun_type, TIMES) {
let region = nsepseq_to_region type_expr_to_region $1
in {region; value=$1}
core_type {
core_type {
| core_type ARROW fun_type {
| core_type ARROW fun_type {
let region = cover (type_expr_to_region $1)
(type_expr_to_region $3)
TFun {region; value = ($1, $2, $3)}
@ -202,16 +202,16 @@ core_type:
| module_name DOT type_name {
let module_name = $1.value in
let type_name = $3.value in
let value = module_name ^ "." ^ type_name in
let value = module_name ^ "." ^ type_name in
let region = cover $1.region $3.region
TAlias {region; value}
| core_type type_constr {
let arg_val = $1 in
let constr = $2 in
let start = type_expr_to_region $1 in
let stop = $2.region in
let start = type_expr_to_region $1 in
let stop = $2.region in
let region = cover start stop in
let lpar, rpar = ghost, ghost in
let value = {lpar; inside=arg_val,[]; rpar} in
@ -219,12 +219,12 @@ core_type:
TApp Region.{value = constr, arg; region}
| type_tuple type_constr {
let total = cover $1.region $2.region in
let total = cover $1.region $2.region in
TApp {region=total; value = $2, $1 }
| par(cartesian) {
let Region.{value={inside=prod; _}; _} = $1 in
TPar {$1 with value={$1.value with inside = TProd prod}} }
TPar {$1 with value={$1.value with inside = TProd prod}} }
type_name { $1 }
@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ type_tuple:
par(tuple(type_expr)) { $1 }
ioption(VBAR) nsepseq(variant,VBAR) {
ioption(VBAR) nsepseq(variant,VBAR) {
let region = nsepseq_to_region (fun x -> x.region) $2
in {region; value = $2}
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ record_type:
elements = Some elements;
closing = RBrace $3}
in {region; value}
in {region; value}
@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ field_decl:
let stop = type_expr_to_region $3 in
let region = cover $1.region stop
and value = {field_name = $1; colon = $2; field_type = $3}
in {region; value}
in {region; value}
(* Entry points *)
@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ entry_binding:
Let let_binding {
let kwd_let = $1 in
let kwd_let = $1 in
let binding, region = $2 in
{value = kwd_let, binding; region}
@ -299,10 +299,10 @@ let_binding:
let region = cover start stop in
({bindings= (ident_pattern :: hd :: tl); lhs_type=$3; eq=$4; let_rhs}, region)
| irrefutable type_annotation? EQ expr {
| irrefutable type_annotation? EQ expr {
let pattern = $1 in
let start = pattern_to_region $1 in
let stop = expr_to_region $4 in
let stop = expr_to_region $4 in
let region = cover start stop in
({bindings = [pattern]; lhs_type=$2; eq=$3; let_rhs=$4}, region)
@ -313,11 +313,11 @@ type_annotation:
(* Patterns *)
tuple(sub_irrefutable) {
let h, t = $1 in
tuple(sub_irrefutable) {
let h, t = $1 in
let start = pattern_to_region h in
let stop = last (fun (region, _) -> region) t in
let region = cover start stop in
let region = cover start stop in
PTuple { value = $1; region }
| sub_irrefutable { $1 }
@ -335,14 +335,14 @@ closed_irrefutable:
| typed_pattern { PTyped $1 }
irrefutable COLON type_expr {
let start = pattern_to_region $1 in
irrefutable COLON type_expr {
let start = pattern_to_region $1 in
let stop = type_expr_to_region $3 in
let region = cover start stop in
value = {
pattern = $1;
colon = $2;
pattern = $1;
colon = $2;
type_expr = $3
@ -350,18 +350,18 @@ typed_pattern:
sub_pattern CONS tail {
sub_pattern CONS tail {
let start = pattern_to_region $1 in
let stop = pattern_to_region $3 in
let stop = pattern_to_region $3 in
let region = cover start stop in
let val_ = {value = $1, $2, $3; region} in
PList (PCons val_)
PList (PCons val_)
| tuple(sub_pattern) {
let h, t = $1 in
| tuple(sub_pattern) {
let h, t = $1 in
let start = pattern_to_region h in
let stop = last (fun (region, _) -> region) t in
let region = cover start stop in
let region = cover start stop in
PTuple { value = $1; region }
| core_pattern { $1 }
@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ core_pattern:
| False { PFalse $1 }
| Str { PString $1 }
| par(ptuple) { PPar $1 }
| list(tail) { PList (Sugar $1) }
| list(tail) { PList (Sugar $1) }
| constr_pattern { PConstr $1 }
| record_pattern { PRecord $1 }
@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ record_pattern:
closing = RBrace $3}
{region; value}
{region; value}
@ -405,29 +405,29 @@ field_pattern:
Constr sub_pattern {
Constr sub_pattern {
let region = cover $1.region (pattern_to_region $2) in
{ value = $1, Some $2; region } }
| Constr { { value = $1, None; region = $1.region } }
tuple(tail) {
let h, t = $1 in
tuple(tail) {
let h, t = $1 in
let start = pattern_to_region h in
let stop = last (fun (region, _) -> region) t in
let region = cover start stop in
PTuple { value = $1; region }
let region = cover start stop in
PTuple { value = $1; region }
let the_unit = ghost, ghost in
let region = cover $1 $2 in
{ value = the_unit; region }
sub_pattern CONS tail {
sub_pattern CONS tail {
let start = pattern_to_region $1 in
let end_ = pattern_to_region $3 in
let region = cover start end_ in
@ -456,11 +456,11 @@ base_expr(right_expr):
| fun_expr(right_expr)
| disj_expr_level { $1 }
| tuple(disj_expr_level) {
let h, t = $1 in
let h, t = $1 in
let start = expr_to_region h in
let stop = last (fun (region, _) -> region) t in
let region = cover start stop in
ETuple { value = $1; region }
let region = cover start stop in
ETuple { value = $1; region }
@ -476,27 +476,27 @@ if_then(right_expr):
let ifnot = EUnit {region=ghost; value=the_unit} in
value = {
kwd_if = $1;
test = $2;
kwd_then = $3;
kwd_if = $1;
test = $2;
kwd_then = $3;
ifso = $4;
kwd_else = ghost;
kwd_else = ghost;
If expr Then closed_if Else right_expr {
let region = cover $1 (expr_to_region $6) in
value = {
kwd_if = $1;
test = $2;
kwd_then = $3;
kwd_if = $1;
test = $2;
kwd_then = $3;
ifso = $4;
kwd_else = $5;
kwd_else = $5;
ifnot = $6
@ -520,21 +520,21 @@ match_expr(right_expr):
let start = $1 in
let stop = match $5 with (* TODO: move to separate function *)
| {region; _}, [] -> region
| _, tl -> last (fun (region,_) -> region) tl
| _, tl -> last (fun (region,_) -> region) tl
let region = cover start stop in
{ value = {
kwd_match = $1;
expr = $2;
kwd_match = $1;
expr = $2;
opening = With $3;
lead_vbar = $4;
lead_vbar = $4;
cases = {
value = cases;
value = cases;
region = nsepseq_to_region (fun {region; _} -> region) $5
closing = End ghost
| MatchNat expr With VBAR? cases(right_expr) {
@ -544,27 +544,27 @@ match_expr(right_expr):
let start = $1 in
let stop = match $5 with (* TODO: move to separate function *)
| {region; _}, [] -> region
| _, tl -> last (fun (region,_) -> region) tl
| _, tl -> last (fun (region,_) -> region) tl
let region = cover start stop in
value = {
kwd_match = $1;
expr = cast;
kwd_match = $1;
expr = cast;
opening = With $3;
lead_vbar = $4;
lead_vbar = $4;
cases = {
value = cases;
value = cases;
region = nsepseq_to_region (fun {region; _} -> region) $5
closing = End ghost
case_clause(right_expr) {
case_clause(right_expr) {
let start = pattern_to_region $1.pattern in
let stop = expr_to_region $1.rhs in
let region = cover start stop in
@ -573,25 +573,25 @@ cases(right_expr):
| cases(base_cond) VBAR case_clause(right_expr) {
let start = match $1 with
| {region; _}, [] -> region
| _, tl -> last (fun (region,_) -> region) tl
| _, tl -> last (fun (region,_) -> region) tl
let stop = expr_to_region $3.rhs in
let region = cover start stop in
let h,t = $1 in { value = $3; region}, ($2, h)::t
let h,t = $1 in { value = $3; region}, ($2, h)::t
pattern ARROW right_expr {
pattern ARROW right_expr {
pattern = $1;
arrow = $2;
pattern = $1;
arrow = $2;
Let let_binding In right_expr {
let kwd_let = $1 in
let kwd_let = $1 in
let (binding, _) = $2 in
let kwd_in = $3 in
let body = $4 in
@ -603,7 +603,7 @@ let_expr(right_expr):
Fun nseq(irrefutable) ARROW right_expr {
let kwd_fun = $1 in
let bindings = $2 in
let bindings = $2 in
let arrow = $3 in
let body = $4 in
let stop = expr_to_region $4 in
@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ disj_expr_level:
| conj_expr_level { $1 }
arg1 op arg2 {
arg1 op arg2 {
let start = expr_to_region $1 in
let stop = expr_to_region $3 in
let region = cover start stop in
@ -720,16 +720,16 @@ unary_expr_level:
let start = $1 in
let end_ = expr_to_region $2 in
let region = cover start end_
and value = {op = $1; arg = $2}
in EArith (Neg {region; value})
and value = {op = $1; arg = $2}
in EArith (Neg {region; value})
| Not call_expr_level {
let start = $1 in
let end_ = expr_to_region $2 in
let region = cover start end_
and value = {op = $1; arg = $2} in
and value = {op = $1; arg = $2} in
ELogic (BoolExpr (Not ({region; value})))
| call_expr_level { $1 }
@ -738,11 +738,11 @@ call_expr_level:
| core_expr { $1 }
Constr core_expr? {
Constr core_expr? {
let start = $1.region in
let stop = match $2 with
let stop = match $2 with
| Some c -> expr_to_region c
| None -> start
| None -> start
let region = cover start stop in
{ value = $1,$2; region}
@ -751,7 +751,7 @@ constr_expr:
core_expr nseq(core_expr) {
let start = expr_to_region $1 in
let stop = match $2 with
let stop = match $2 with
| e, [] -> expr_to_region e
| _, l -> last expr_to_region l
@ -777,50 +777,49 @@ core_expr:
EAnnot {$1 with value=$1.value.inside} }
module_name DOT field_name {
module_name DOT field_name {
let region = cover $1.region $3.region in
{ value = $1.value ^ "." ^ $3.value; region }
{ value = $1.value ^ "." ^ $3.value; region }
struct_name DOT nsepseq(selection,DOT) {
let start = $1.region in
let stop = nsepseq_to_region (function
| FieldName f -> f.region
| Component c -> c.region) $3
let start = $1.region in
let stop = nsepseq_to_region (function
| FieldName f -> f.region
| Component c -> c.region) $3
let region = cover start stop in
{ value =
{ value =
struct_name = $1;
selector = $2;
struct_name = $1;
selector = $2;
field_path = $3
| module_name DOT field_name DOT nsepseq(selection,DOT) {
let open Region in
let module_name = $1 in
let field_name = $3 in
let value = module_name.value ^ "." ^ field_name.value in
let struct_name = {$1 with value} in
let start = $1.region in
let stop = nsepseq_to_region (function
| FieldName f -> f.region
let stop = nsepseq_to_region (function
| FieldName f -> f.region
| Component c -> c.region) $5
let region = cover start stop in
value = {
selector = $4;
selector = $4;
field_path = $5
field_name { FieldName $1 }
| par(Int) { Component $1 }
@ -829,36 +828,36 @@ record_expr:
LBRACE sep_or_term_list(field_assignment,SEMI) RBRACE {
let elements, terminator = $2 in
let region = cover $1 $3 in
{value =
{value =
opening = LBrace $1;
elements = Some elements;
closing = RBrace $3
field_name EQ expr {
let start = $1.region in
let stop = expr_to_region $3 in
let start = $1.region in
let stop = expr_to_region $3 in
let region = cover start stop in
{ value =
{ value =
field_name = $1;
assignment = $2;
field_name = $1;
assignment = $2;
field_expr = $3
Begin sep_or_term_list(expr,SEMI) End {
let elements, terminator = $2 in
let start = $1 in
let stop = $3 in
let start = $1 in
let stop = $3 in
let region = cover start stop in
value = {
@ -869,4 +868,4 @@ sequence:
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
[@@@warning "-42"]
open AST
open! Region
@ -351,7 +353,6 @@ and print_fun_expr {value; _} =
print_expr body
and print_conditional {value; _} =
let open Region in
let {kwd_if; test; kwd_then; ifso; kwd_else; ifnot} = value
in print_token ghost "(";
print_token kwd_if "if";
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ let () = Printexc.record_backtrace true
(* Reading the command-line options *)
let options = "Ligodity" ".mligo"
let options = "CameLIGO" ".mligo"
open EvalOpt
@ -4,17 +4,17 @@ $HOME/git/ligo/vendors/ligo-utils/simple-utils/pos.mli
@ -406,9 +406,7 @@ and lhs =
Path of path
| MapPath of map_lookup reg
and rhs =
Expr of expr
| NoneExpr of c_None
and rhs = expr
and loop =
While of while_loop reg
@ -758,9 +756,7 @@ let lhs_to_region : lhs -> Region.t = function
Path path -> path_to_region path
| MapPath {region; _} -> region
let rhs_to_region = function
Expr e -> expr_to_region e
| NoneExpr r -> r
let rhs_to_region = expr_to_region
let selection_to_region = function
FieldName {region; _}
@ -397,9 +397,7 @@ and lhs =
Path of path
| MapPath of map_lookup reg
and rhs =
Expr of expr
| NoneExpr of c_None
and rhs = expr
and loop =
While of while_loop reg
@ -119,9 +119,9 @@ use the non-operation `skip`.
end with f
Like Pascal, PascaLIGO offers procedures, as well as functions. The
difference follows the divide between expressions and instructions:
function calls are expressions, procedure calls are instructions.
<!-- Like Pascal, PascaLIGO offers procedures, as well as functions. The -->
<!-- difference follows the divide between expressions and instructions: -->
<!-- function calls are expressions, procedure calls are instructions. -->
In order for a function to be a candidate to be an entrypoint to the
contract, it needs to return a specific type: `list (operation) *
@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ given the declarations (in verbose style)
then the value of `r.f` is `4`.
### Predefined functions, procedures and instructions
### Predefined functions instructions
Beyond a few operators, PascaLIGO features some predefined values and
@ -590,54 +590,54 @@ string: if `offset + length` is greater than the length of `string`,
the result is `None`, otherwise `Some (substring)`. See section
#### Lists
<!-- #### Lists -->
PascaLIGO offers two kinds of iterators on lists.
<!-- PascaLIGO offers two kinds of iterators on lists. -->
The first applies a given function to all the items of a given list,
each call returning the predefined value `Unit`. If the function name
is `f` and the list is `l`, this is expressed as
<!-- The first applies a given function to all the items of a given list, -->
<!-- each call returning the predefined value `Unit`. If the function name -->
<!-- is `f` and the list is `l`, this is expressed as -->
list_iter (l, f);
<!-- list_iter (l, f); -->
Note: `list_iter` is a predefined _procedure_. Procedures are
functions that return `Unit` and whose calls are instructions, not
expressions. The same holds for the iterated function `f` here. See
section "Declarations/Procedures".
<!-- Note: `list_iter` is a predefined _procedure_. Procedures are -->
<!-- functions that return `Unit` and whose calls are instructions, not -->
<!-- expressions. The same holds for the iterated function `f` here. See -->
<!-- section "Declarations/Procedures". -->
For an iterator like `list_iter` to be useful, it needs to be able to
perform a side effect, which user-defined procedures and functions
cannot do. Like so:
<!-- For an iterator like `list_iter` to be useful, it needs to be able to -->
<!-- perform a side effect, which user-defined procedures and functions -->
<!-- cannot do. Like so: -->
function iter (const delta : int; const l : list (int)) : int is
var acc : int := 0
procedure aggregate (const i : int) is
acc := acc + i
aggregate (delta); // Has no effect on acc
list_iter (l, aggregate) // Has an effect on acc
end with acc
<!-- function iter (const delta : int; const l : list (int)) : int is -->
<!-- var acc : int := 0 -->
<!-- procedure aggregate (const i : int) is -->
<!-- begin -->
<!-- acc := acc + i -->
<!-- end -->
<!-- begin -->
<!-- aggregate (delta); // Has no effect on acc -->
<!-- list_iter (l, aggregate) // Has an effect on acc -->
<!-- end with acc -->
The other predefined iterator on lists is `list_map`. It is useful
when we need to apply a function to all the items of a list and gather
them into another list, in the same order as the original items. (In
mathematical terms, `list_map` builds the list of the images through
the function.) For instance, the function `iter`
<!-- The other predefined iterator on lists is `list_map`. It is useful -->
<!-- when we need to apply a function to all the items of a list and gather -->
<!-- them into another list, in the same order as the original items. (In -->
<!-- mathematical terms, `list_map` builds the list of the images through -->
<!-- the function.) For instance, the function `iter` -->
function iter (const l : list (int)) : list (int) is
function incr (const i : int) : int is
end with i+1
end with list_map (l, incr)
<!-- function iter (const l : list (int)) : list (int) is -->
<!-- function incr (const i : int) : int is -->
<!-- begin -->
<!-- skip -->
<!-- end with i+1 -->
<!-- begin -->
<!-- skip -->
<!-- end with list_map (l, incr) -->
will take a list of integers as a parameter and return a list with the
integers all incremented, e.g., `iter (list [1;2;3])` evaluates in
`list [2;3;4]`.
<!-- will take a list of integers as a parameter and return a list with the -->
<!-- integers all incremented, e.g., `iter (list [1;2;3])` evaluates in -->
<!-- `list [2;3;4]`. -->
#### Sets
@ -709,18 +709,13 @@ functions to update sets.
has value `3`.
- The iterator `set_iter` is similar to `list_iter`: it takes a set
and a procedure (or function returning `Unit`) and applies it in
turn to all the elements of the set.
- Another form of complete iteration on sets is performed by
loops. See section "Loops".
- Complete iteration on sets is performed by loops. See section
#### Maps
Currently, maps have less support than sets. PascaLIGO offers the
following functions and procedures on maps:
following functions on maps:
- Adding bindings to a map is only possible if the map is mutable,
that is, if it was declared with the annotation `var`, like so, in
@ -768,19 +763,8 @@ following functions and procedures on maps:
where `sender` is a key and `backers` is a map. If the key is
absent in the map, this instruction is a non-operation.
- The iterator `map_iter` is similar to `list_iter`: it takes a set
and a procedure (or function returning `Unit`) and applies it in
turn to all the bindings of the map. The type of the iterated
procedure/function is expected to be `key * value -> unit`.
- The iterator `map_map` is similar to `list_map`: it takes a map
and a function and builds a new map by applying the function to
all the bindings. In particular, this means that the expected
return type of the iterated function must be the type of the
values in the map.
- Another form of complete iteration on maps is performed by
loops. See section "Loops".
- Complete iteration on maps is performed by loops. See section
#### Failures
@ -800,17 +784,17 @@ can chose.
## Declarations
There are several kinds of declarations: types, mutable variables,
constants, functions, procedures, fields. Depending on the syntactic
context, only some of those declarations will be allowed. Declarations
may be separated by a semicolon. (Because each declaration starts with a
constants, functions, fields. Depending on the syntactic context, only
some of those declarations will be allowed. Declarations may be
separated by a semicolon. (Because each declaration starts with a
keyword they can be parsed without separators.)
### Types
Type declarations are found only at top-level, that is, outside any
function or procedure. They associate a type name to a type
expression. The general syntax is
function. They associate a type name to a type expression. The general
syntax is
type some_type_name is some_type_expression
@ -959,27 +943,39 @@ is valid and changes the value of the mutable variable `counter` to be
`3n`. This is the semantics found in all imperative languages.
IMPORTANT: Mutable variables cannot be declared at top-level, but only
in the scope of function and procedure bodies. This is to avoid global
side effects that hide the control flow and makes static analysis
extremely difficult.
in the scope of function bodies. This is to avoid global side effects
that hide the control flow and makes static analysis extremely
### Functions
Function declarations can occur both at top-level and inside functions
and procedures (in the tradition of Pascal). We saw an example
Function declarations can occur both at top-level and inside
functions, in the tradition of Pascal. For example,
function iter (const l : list (int)) : list (int) is
function incr (const i : int) : int is
function incr_list (const l : list (int)) : list (int) is
function incr_int (const i : int) : int is
end with i+1
const item : int = 0
end with list_map (l, incr)
var temp : list (int) := nil;
for item in l
temp := incr_int (item) # temp
var new_l : list (int) := nil;
for item in temp
new_l := item # new_l
end with new_l
Here, the function `incr` is declared inside the declaration of the
function `iter`. The general shape of a function declaration is
Here, the function `incr_int` is declared inside the declaration of
the function `incr_list`, which take a list of integers and a list
containing the same integers plus one.
The general shape of a function declaration is
function my_name ( ... (* parameters here *)) : return_type is
... // local declarations here
@ -1042,7 +1038,7 @@ copies. Let us copy an example seen above:
function iter (const delta : int; const l : list (int)) : int is
var acc : int := 0
procedure aggregate (const i : int) is
function aggregate (const i : int) : unit is
acc := acc + i // acc is part of the copied environment
@ -1058,41 +1054,41 @@ value in return.
IMPORTANT: _Functions cannot be recursive in PascaLIGO_, that is why
loops or iterators are needed.
### Procedures
<!-- ### Procedures -->
WARNING: Procedures are not implemented in the current version of LIGO, they
will appear in a future version with these semantics but cannot currently be
<!-- WARNING: Procedures are not implemented in the current version of LIGO, they -->
<!-- will appear in a future version with these semantics but cannot currently be -->
<!-- used. -->
Procedures are a special kind of functions that return `Unit`. They
are declared as follows:
<!-- Procedures are a special kind of functions that return `Unit`. They -->
<!-- are declared as follows: -->
procedure my_name ( ... (* parameters here *)) is
... // local declarations here
... // instructions here
<!-- procedure my_name ( ... (* parameters here *)) is -->
<!-- ... // local declarations here -->
<!-- begin -->
<!-- ... // instructions here -->
<!-- end -->
Since function calls (see section "Functions") leave the environment
invariant, one may wonder what use there is to procedures. As we have
seen in the section about "Lists" and their iterators, the exception
to this rule are predefined iterators, like `list_iter`. They actually
allow the iterated function to perform side effects. Here is the
example again:
<!-- Since function calls (see section "Functions") leave the environment -->
<!-- invariant, one may wonder what use there is to procedures. As we have -->
<!-- seen in the section about "Lists" and their iterators, the exception -->
<!-- to this rule are predefined iterators, like `list_iter`. They actually -->
<!-- allow the iterated function to perform side effects. Here is the -->
<!-- example again: -->
function iter (const delta : int; const l : list (int)) : int is
var acc : int := 0
procedure aggregate (const i : int) is
acc := acc + i
aggregate (delta); // Has no effect on acc
list_iter (l, aggregate) // Has an effect on acc
end with acc
<!-- function iter (const delta : int; const l : list (int)) : int is -->
<!-- var acc : int := 0 -->
<!-- procedure aggregate (const i : int) is -->
<!-- begin -->
<!-- acc := acc + i -->
<!-- end -->
<!-- begin -->
<!-- aggregate (delta); // Has no effect on acc -->
<!-- list_iter (l, aggregate) // Has an effect on acc -->
<!-- end with acc -->
(For the keen reader, this is because the iterated function is inlined
by the compiler.)
<!-- (For the keen reader, this is because the iterated function is inlined -->
<!-- by the compiler.) -->
## Instructions
@ -1154,7 +1150,7 @@ To iterate on a set `s`, we would write, for instance,
... // instructions
where `e` is bound in turn in increasing orde to each element of the
where `e` is bound in turn in increasing order to each element of the
set `s`. For example, given the declarations
const s : set (int) = set 3; 1; 2 end
@ -1329,7 +1325,7 @@ PascaLIGO has an explicit keyword for the non-operation: `skip`. Using
- The `for` loop is not supported yet.
- Procedures are not supported yet.
<!-- - Procedures are not supported yet. -->
- Nested code blocks are not supported yet.
@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ type t =
| And of Region.t (* "and" *)
| Begin of Region.t (* "begin" *)
| BigMap of Region.t (* "big_map" *)
| Block of Region.t (* "block" *)
| Case of Region.t (* "case" *)
| Const of Region.t (* "const" *)
@ -141,7 +142,7 @@ type int_err =
type ident_err = Reserved_name
type invalid_natural =
type invalid_natural =
| Invalid_natural
| Non_canonical_zero_nat
@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ type t =
| And of Region.t (* "and" *)
| Begin of Region.t (* "begin" *)
| BigMap of Region.t (* "big_map" *)
| Block of Region.t (* "block" *)
| Case of Region.t (* "case" *)
| Const of Region.t (* "const" *)
@ -201,6 +202,7 @@ let proj_token = function
| And region -> region, "And"
| Begin region -> region, "Begin"
| BigMap region -> region, "BigMap"
| Block region -> region, "Block"
| Case region -> region, "Case"
| Const region -> region, "Const"
@ -293,6 +295,7 @@ let to_lexeme = function
| And _ -> "and"
| Begin _ -> "begin"
| BigMap _ -> "big_map"
| Block _ -> "block"
| Case _ -> "case"
| Const _ -> "const"
@ -353,6 +356,7 @@ let to_region token = proj_token token |> fst
let keywords = [
(fun reg -> And reg);
(fun reg -> Begin reg);
(fun reg -> BigMap reg);
(fun reg -> Block reg);
(fun reg -> Case reg);
(fun reg -> Const reg);
@ -476,14 +480,14 @@ let mk_int lexeme region =
then Error Non_canonical_zero
else Ok (Int Region.{region; value = lexeme, z})
type invalid_natural =
type invalid_natural =
| Invalid_natural
| Non_canonical_zero_nat
let mk_nat lexeme region =
match (String.index_opt lexeme 'n') with
match (String.index_opt lexeme 'n') with
| None -> Error Invalid_natural
| Some _ -> (
| Some _ -> (
let z =
Str.(global_replace (regexp "_") "" lexeme) |>
Str.(global_replace (regexp "n") "") |>
@ -569,6 +573,7 @@ let is_ident = function
let is_kwd = function
And _
| Begin _
| BigMap _
| Block _
| Case _
| Const _
@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
%token <Region.t> And (* "and" *)
%token <Region.t> Begin (* "begin" *)
%token <Region.t> BigMap (* "big_map" *)
%token <Region.t> Block (* "block" *)
%token <Region.t> Case (* "case" *)
%token <Region.t> Const (* "const" *)
@ -168,6 +168,11 @@ core_type:
let type_constr = {value="map"; region=$1}
in TApp {region; value = type_constr, $2}
| BigMap type_tuple {
let region = cover $1 $2.region in
let type_constr = {value="big_map"; region=$1}
in TApp {region; value = type_constr, $2}
| Set par(type_expr) {
let total = cover $1 $2.region in
let type_constr = {value="set"; region=$1} in
@ -591,7 +596,7 @@ assignment:
in {region; value}}
expr { Expr $1 }
expr { $1 }
path { Path $1 }
@ -309,9 +309,7 @@ and print_assignment {value; _} =
print_token assign ":=";
print_rhs rhs
and print_rhs = function
Expr e -> print_expr e
| NoneExpr r -> print_token r "None"
and print_rhs e = print_expr e
and print_lhs = function
Path path -> print_path path
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ let () = Printexc.record_backtrace true
(* Reading the command-line options *)
let options = "Pascaligo" ".ligo"
let options = "PascaLIGO" ".ligo"
open EvalOpt
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ let () = Printexc.record_backtrace true
(* Reading the command-line options *)
let options = ()
let options = "PascaLIGO" ".ligo"
open EvalOpt
@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ let check extension =
let read language extension =
Getopt.parse_cmdline (specs language extension) anonymous;
Getopt.parse_cmdline (specs language extension) anonymous;
(verb_str :=
let apply e a =
if a <> "" then Printf.sprintf "%s, %s" e a else e
@ -47,6 +47,9 @@ type options = {
cmd : command
(* Parsing the command-line options on stdin *)
(* Parsing the command-line options on stdin. The first parameter is
the name of the concrete syntax, e.g., "pascaligo", and the second
is the file extension, e.g., ".ligo".
val read : string -> string -> options
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
[@@@warning "-45"]
open Trace
open Ast_simplified
module Raw = Parser.Ligodity.AST
module SMap = Map.String
module Option = Simple_utils.Option
val nseq_to_list : 'a * 'a list -> 'a list
val npseq_to_list : 'a * ( 'b * 'a ) list -> 'a list
val npseq_to_nelist : 'a * ( 'b * 'c ) list -> 'a * 'c list
val pseq_to_list : ('a * ('b * 'a) list) option -> 'a list
val get_value : 'a Raw.reg -> 'a
module Errors : sig
val wrong_pattern : string -> Raw.pattern -> unit -> error
val multiple_patterns : string -> Raw.pattern list -> unit -> error
val unknown_predefined_type : string Raw.reg -> unit -> error
val unsupported_arith_op : Raw.expr -> unit -> error
val unsupported_string_catenation : Raw.expr -> unit -> error
val untyped_fun_param : 'a Raw.reg -> unit -> error
val unsupported_tuple_pattern : Raw.pattern -> unit -> error
val unsupported_cst_constr : Raw.pattern -> unit -> error
val unsupported_non_var_pattern : Raw.pattern -> unit -> error
val simplifying_expr : Raw.expr -> unit -> error
val only_constructors : Raw.pattern -> unit -> error
val unsupported_sugared_lists : Raw.wild -> unit -> error
val bad_set_definition : unit -> error
val bad_list_definition : unit -> error
val bad_map_definition : unit -> error
val corner_case : loc:string -> string -> unit -> error
val r_split : 'a Raw.reg -> 'a * Location.t
val pattern_to_var : Raw.pattern -> Raw.variable result
val pattern_to_typed_var : Raw.pattern -> ( Raw.variable * Raw.type_expr option ) result
val expr_to_typed_expr : Raw.expr -> ( Raw.expr * Raw.type_expr option ) result
val patterns_to_var : Raw.pattern list -> Raw.variable result
val simpl_type_expression : Raw.type_expr -> type_expression result
val simpl_list_type_expression : Raw.type_expr list -> type_expression result
val simpl_expression : Raw.expr -> expr result
val simpl_fun : Raw.fun_expr Raw.reg -> expr result
val simpl_logic_expression : ?te_annot:type_expression -> Raw.logic_expr -> expr result
val simpl_list_expression : Raw.list_expr -> expression result
val simpl_binop : string -> Raw.wild Raw.bin_op Region.reg -> expression result
val simpl_unop : string -> Raw.wild Raw.un_op Region.reg -> expression result
val simpl_tuple_expression : ?loc:Location.t -> Raw.expr list -> expression result
val simpl_declaration : Raw.declaration -> declaration Location.wrap result
val simpl_cases : (Raw.pattern * 'a) list -> 'a matching result
val simpl_program : Raw.ast -> program result
@ -25,13 +25,13 @@ module Errors = struct
] in
error ~data title message
let unsupported_ass_None region =
let title () = "assignment of None" in
let bad_bytes loc str =
let title () = "bad bytes string" in
let message () =
Format.asprintf "assignments of None are not supported yet" in
Format.asprintf "bytes string contained non-hexadecimal chars" in
let data = [
fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp_lift @@ region)
("location", fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp loc) ;
("bytes", fun () -> str) ;
] in
error ~data title message
@ -77,10 +77,10 @@ module Errors = struct
] in
error ~data title message
let unsupported_string_catenation expr =
let title () = "string expressions" in
let unsupported_arith_op expr =
let title () = "arithmetic expressions" in
let message () =
Format.asprintf "string concatenation is not supported yet" in
Format.asprintf "this arithmetic operator is not supported yet" in
let expr_loc = Raw.expr_to_region expr in
let data = [
@ -88,6 +88,16 @@ module Errors = struct
] in
error ~data title message
let unsupported_proc_calls call =
let title () = "procedure calls" in
let message () =
Format.asprintf "procedure calls are not supported yet" in
let data = [
fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp_lift @@ call.Region.region)
] in
error ~data title message
let unsupported_for_loops region =
let title () = "bounded iterators" in
let message () =
@ -152,7 +162,8 @@ module Errors = struct
] in
error ~data title message
let unsupported_set_removal remove =
(* let unsupported_set_removal remove =
let title () = "set removals" in
let message () =
Format.asprintf "removal of elements in a set is not \
@ -161,6 +172,16 @@ module Errors = struct
fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp_lift @@ remove.Region.region)
] in
error ~data title message *)
let unsupported_deep_set_rm path =
let title () = "set removals" in
let message () =
Format.asprintf "removal of members from embedded sets is not supported yet" in
let data = [
fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp_lift @@ path.Region.region)
] in
error ~data title message
let unsupported_non_var_pattern p =
@ -456,8 +477,11 @@ let rec simpl_expression (t:Raw.expr) : expr result =
String.(sub s 1 (length s - 2))
return @@ e_literal ~loc (Literal_string s')
| EString (Cat _) as e ->
fail @@ unsupported_string_catenation e
| EString (Cat bo) ->
let (bo , loc) = r_split bo in
let%bind sl = simpl_expression bo.arg1 in
let%bind sr = simpl_expression bo.arg2 in
return @@ e_string_cat ~loc sl sr
| ELogic l -> simpl_logic_expression l
| EList l -> simpl_list_expression l
| ESet s -> simpl_set_expression s
@ -758,10 +782,7 @@ and simpl_single_instruction : Raw.single_instr -> (_ -> expression result) resu
| Assign a -> (
let (a , loc) = r_split a in
let%bind value_expr = match a.rhs with
| Expr e -> simpl_expression e
| NoneExpr reg -> fail @@ unsupported_ass_None reg
let%bind value_expr = simpl_expression a.rhs in
match a.lhs with
| Path path -> (
let (name , path') = simpl_path path in
@ -829,7 +850,15 @@ and simpl_single_instruction : Raw.single_instr -> (_ -> expression result) resu
let expr = e_constant ~loc "MAP_REMOVE" [key' ; e_variable map] in
return_statement @@ e_assign ~loc map [] expr
| SetRemove r -> fail @@ unsupported_set_removal r
| SetRemove r -> (
let (set_rm, loc) = r_split r in
let%bind set = match set_rm.set with
| Name v -> ok v.value
| Path path -> fail @@ unsupported_deep_set_rm path in
let%bind removed' = simpl_expression set_rm.element in
let expr = e_constant ~loc "SET_REMOVE" [removed' ; e_variable set] in
return_statement @@ e_assign ~loc set [] expr
and simpl_path : Raw.path -> string * Ast_simplified.access_path = fun p ->
match p with
@ -1,14 +1,26 @@
(** Converts PascaLIGO programs to the Simplified Abstract Syntax Tree. *)
open Trace
open Ast_simplified
module Raw = Parser.Pascaligo.AST
module SMap = Map.String
module Errors : sig
val bad_bytes : Location.t -> string -> unit -> error
val unsupported_arith_op : Raw.expr -> unit -> error
val unsupported_proc_calls : 'a Raw.reg -> unit -> error
(** Convert a concrete PascaLIGO expression AST to the simplified expression AST
used by the compiler. *)
val simpl_expression : Raw.expr -> expression Trace.result
val simpl_expression : Raw.expr -> expr result
(** Convert a concrete PascaLIGO program AST to the simplified program AST used
by the compiler. *)
val simpl_program : Raw.ast -> program Trace.result
val simpl_program : Raw.ast -> program result
@ -726,7 +726,7 @@ and type_expression : environment -> ?tv_opt:O.type_value -> I.expression -> O.a
fail @@ not_supported_yet "assign expressions with maps are not supported yet" ae
bind_fold_list aux (typed_name.type_value , []) path in
let%bind expr' = type_expression e expr in
let%bind expr' = type_expression e ~tv_opt:assign_tv expr in
let t_expr' = get_type_annotation expr' in
let%bind () =
trace_strong (type_error
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
open Trace
module I = Ast_simplified
module O = Ast_typed
module SMap = O.SMap
module Environment = O.Environment
type environment = Environment.t
module Errors : sig
val unbound_type_variable : environment -> string -> unit -> error
val unbound_variable : environment -> string -> Location.t -> unit -> error
val match_empty_variant : 'a I.matching -> Location.t -> unit -> error
val match_missing_case : 'a I.matching -> Location.t -> unit -> error
val match_redundant_case : 'a I.matching -> Location.t -> unit -> error
val unbound_constructor : environment -> string -> Location.t -> unit -> error
val unrecognized_constant : string -> Location.t -> unit -> error
val wrong_arity : string -> int -> int -> Location.t -> unit -> error
val match_tuple_wrong_arity : 'a list -> 'b list -> Location.t -> unit -> error
(* TODO: this should be a trace_info? *)
val program_error : I.program -> unit -> error
val constant_declaration_error : string -> I.expr -> O.type_value option -> unit -> error
val match_error : ?msg:string -> expected:'a I.matching -> actual:O.type_value -> Location.t -> unit -> error
val needs_annotation : I.expression -> string -> unit -> error
val type_error_approximate : ?msg:string -> expected:string -> actual:O.type_value -> expression:I.expression -> Location.t -> unit -> error
val type_error : ?msg:string -> expected:O.type_value -> actual:O.type_value -> expression:I.expression -> Location.t -> unit -> error
val bad_tuple_index : int -> I.expression -> O.type_value -> Location.t -> unit -> error
val bad_record_access : string -> I.expression -> O.type_value -> Location.t -> unit -> error
val not_supported_yet : string -> I.expression -> unit -> error
val not_supported_yet_untranspile : string -> O.expression -> unit -> error
val constant_error : Location.t -> O.type_value list -> O.type_value option -> unit -> error
val type_program : I.program -> O.program result
val type_declaration : environment -> I.declaration -> (environment * O.declaration option) result
val type_match : (environment -> 'i -> 'o result) -> environment -> O.type_value -> 'i I.matching -> I.expression -> Location.t -> 'o O.matching result
val evaluate_type : environment -> I.type_expression -> O.type_value result
val type_expression : environment -> ?tv_opt:O.type_value -> I.expression -> O.annotated_expression result
val type_constant : string -> O.type_value list -> O.type_value option -> Location.t -> (string * O.type_value) result
val untype_type_value : O.type_value -> (I.type_expression) result
val untype_literal : O.literal -> I.literal result
val untype_expression : O.annotated_expression -> I.expression result
val untype_matching : ('o -> 'i result) -> 'o O.matching -> ('i I.matching) result
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
open! Trace
module AST = Ast_typed
module Append_tree = Tree.Append
open Mini_c
val temp_unwrap_loc : 'a Location.wrap -> 'a
val temp_unwrap_loc_list : AST.declaration Location.wrap list -> AST.declaration list
val list_of_map : 'a AST.type_name_map -> 'a list
val kv_list_of_map : 'a AST.type_name_map -> ( string * 'a ) list
val map_of_kv_list : ( string * 'a ) list -> 'a AST.type_name_map
module Errors : sig
val corner_case : loc:string -> string -> unit -> error
val unrecognized_type_constant : string -> unit -> error
val row_loc : Location.t -> string * ( unit -> string )
val unsupported_pattern_matching : string -> Location.t -> unit -> error
val unsupported_iterator : Location.t -> unit -> error
val not_functional_main : Location.t -> unit -> error
val missing_entry_point : string -> unit -> error
val wrong_mini_c_value : string -> value -> unit -> error
val bad_untranspile : string -> value -> unit -> error
val unknown_untranspile : string -> value -> unit -> error
val translate_type : AST.type_value -> type_value result
val tuple_access_to_lr : type_value -> type_value list -> int -> (type_value * [`Left | `Right]) list result
val record_access_to_lr : type_value -> type_value AST.type_name_map -> string -> (type_value * [`Left | `Right]) list result
val translate_literal : AST.literal -> value
val transpile_environment_element_type : AST.environment_element -> type_value result
val transpile_small_environment : AST.small_environment -> Environment.t result
val transpile_environment : AST.full_environment -> Environment.t result
val tree_of_sum : AST.type_value -> (type_name * AST.type_value) Append_tree.t result
val transpile_annotated_expression : AST.annotated_expression -> expression result
val transpile_lambda_deep : Mini_c.Environment.t -> AST.lambda -> Mini_c.expression result
val transpile_lambda : Environment.t -> AST.lambda -> expression result
val transpile_declaration : environment -> AST.declaration -> toplevel_statement result
val transpile_program : AST.program -> program result
val check_storage : anon_function -> 'a -> Location.t -> (anon_function * 'a) result
val translate_main : AST.lambda -> Location.t ->( anon_function * ( type_value * type_value )) result
(* From an expression [expr], build the expression [fun () -> expr] *)
val translate_entry : AST.program -> string -> ( anon_function * ( type_value * type_value )) result
val functionalize : AST.annotated_expression -> AST.lambda * AST.type_value
val extract_constructor : value -> ( string * AST.type_value ) Append_tree.t' -> (string * value * AST.type_value) result
val extract_tuple : value -> AST.type_value Append_tree.t' -> (value * AST.type_value) list result
val extract_record : value -> ( string * AST.type_value ) Append_tree.t' -> ( string * ( value * AST.type_value )) list result
val untranspile : value -> AST.type_value -> AST.annotated_expression result
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
open Proto_alpha_utils
open Trace
open Mini_c
open Michelson
module Stack = Meta_michelson.Stack
val empty: environment
val get : environment -> string -> michelson result
val set : environment -> string -> michelson result
val pack_closure : environment -> selector -> michelson result
val unpack_closure : environment -> michelson result
val add : environment -> (string * type_value) -> michelson result
val select : ?rev:bool -> ?keep:bool -> environment -> string list -> michelson result
val select_env : environment -> environment -> michelson result
val clear : environment -> (michelson * environment) result
val pack : environment -> michelson result
val unpack : environment -> michelson result
val pack_select : environment -> string list -> michelson result
val add_packed_anon : environment -> type_value -> michelson result
val pop : environment -> environment result
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
open Trace
open Mini_c
open Michelson
open Memory_proto_alpha.Protocol.Script_ir_translator
open Operators.Compiler
module Contract_types = Meta_michelson.Types
module Stack = Meta_michelson.Stack
type compiled_program = {
input : ex_ty ;
output : ex_ty ;
body : michelson ;
val get_operator : string -> type_value -> expression list -> predicate result
val translate_expression : expression -> environment -> michelson result
val translate_function_body : anon_function -> environment_element list -> type_value -> michelson result
val translate_value : value -> type_value -> michelson result
val translate_program : program -> string -> compiled_program result
val translate_contract : anon_function -> (type_value * type_value ) -> michelson result
val translate_entry : anon_function -> type_value * type_value -> compiled_program result
open Operators.Compiler
val get_predicate : string -> type_value -> expression list -> predicate result
val translate_function : anon_function -> michelson result
val translate_expression : ?push_var_name:string -> expression -> environment -> ( michelson * environment ) result
val translate_quote_body : anon_function -> michelson result
val get_main : program -> string -> anon_function result
module Errors : sig
val corner_case : loc:string -> string -> unit -> error
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
open Trace
open Mini_c.Types
open Proto_alpha_utils.Memory_proto_alpha
open Protocol
open Script_ir_translator
module O = Tezos_utils.Michelson
module Contract_types = Meta_michelson.Types
module Ty : sig
open Script_typed_ir
open Script_int_repr
val nat_k : n num comparable_ty
val tez_k : Alpha_context.Tez.tez comparable_ty
val int_k : z num comparable_ty
val string_k : string comparable_ty
val address_k : Alpha_context.Contract.t comparable_ty
val timestamp_k : Alpha_context.Script_timestamp.t comparable_ty
val bytes_k : Tezos_protocol_environment_alpha__Environment.MBytes.t comparable_ty
(* val timestamp_k = Timestamp_key None *)
val unit : unit ty
val bytes : Tezos_protocol_environment_alpha__Environment.MBytes.t ty
val nat : n num ty
val tez : Alpha_context.Tez.tez ty
val int : z num ty
val big_map : 'a comparable_ty -> 'b ty -> ( 'a , 'b ) big_map ty
val signature : Alpha_context.signature ty
val operation : Alpha_context.packed_internal_operation ty
val bool : bool ty
val mutez : Alpha_context.Tez.tez ty
val string : string ty
val key : Alpha_context.public_key ty
val list : 'a ty -> 'a list ty
val set : 'a comparable_ty -> 'a set ty
val address : Alpha_context.Contract.t ty
val option : 'a ty -> 'a option ty
val contract : 'a ty -> 'a typed_contract ty
val lambda : 'a ty -> 'b ty -> ( 'a , 'b ) lambda ty
val timestamp : Alpha_context.Script_timestamp.t ty
val map : 'a comparable_ty -> 'b ty -> ( 'a , 'b ) map ty
val pair : 'a ty -> 'b ty -> ('a , 'b ) pair ty
val union : 'a ty -> 'b ty -> ( 'a , 'b ) union ty
val not_comparable : string -> unit -> error
val not_compilable_type : string -> unit -> error
val comparable_type_base : type_base -> ex_comparable_ty result
val comparable_type : type_value -> ex_comparable_ty result
val base_type : type_base -> ex_ty result
val type_ : type_value -> ex_ty result
val environment_representation : environment -> ex_ty result
val environment : environment -> ex_stack_ty result
val not_comparable : string -> unit -> error
val not_compilable_type : string -> unit -> error
val comparable_type_base : type_base -> ex_comparable_ty result
val comparable_type : type_value -> ex_comparable_ty result
val base_type : type_base -> ex_ty result
val type_ : type_value -> O.t result
val environment_element : string * type_value -> (int, O.prim) Tezos_micheline.Micheline.node result
val environment : ( 'a * type_value ) list -> O.t list result
val lambda_closure : environment * type_value * type_value -> (int, O.prim) Tezos_micheline.Micheline.node result
val environment_closure : environment -> (int , O.prim ) Tezos_micheline.Micheline.node result
val base_type : type_base -> O.michelson result
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
open Mini_c.Types
open Proto_alpha_utils.Memory_proto_alpha
open X
open Proto_alpha_utils.Trace
val translate_value : ?bm_opt:value -> ex_typed_value -> value result
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
module Typer : sig
open Trace
open Ast_typed
module Errors : sig
val wrong_param_number : name -> int -> 'a list -> unit -> error
val error_uncomparable_types : type_value -> type_value -> unit -> error
type type_result = string * type_value
type typer' = type_value list -> type_value option -> type_result result
type typer = string * typer'
val typer'_0 : name -> (type_value option -> type_value result) -> typer'
val typer_0 : name -> ( type_value option -> type_value result ) -> typer
val typer'_1 : name -> (type_value -> type_value result) -> typer'
val typer_1 : name -> (type_value -> type_value result) -> typer
val typer'_1_opt : name -> (type_value -> type_value option -> type_value result) -> typer'
val typer_1_opt : name -> (type_value -> type_value option -> type_value result) -> typer
val typer'_2 : name -> (type_value -> type_value -> type_value result) -> typer'
val typer_2 : name -> (type_value -> type_value -> type_value result) -> typer
val typer'_3 : name -> (type_value -> type_value -> type_value -> type_value result) -> typer'
val typer_3 : name -> (type_value -> type_value -> type_value -> type_value result) -> typer
val typer'_4 : name -> (type_value -> type_value -> type_value -> type_value -> type_value result) -> typer'
val typer_4 : name -> (type_value -> type_value -> type_value -> type_value -> type_value result) -> typer
val typer'_5 : name -> (type_value -> type_value -> type_value -> type_value -> type_value -> type_value result) -> typer'
val typer_5 : name -> (type_value -> type_value -> type_value -> type_value -> type_value -> type_value result) -> typer
val typer'_6 : name -> (type_value -> type_value -> type_value -> type_value -> type_value -> type_value -> type_value result) -> typer'
val typer_6 : name -> (type_value -> type_value -> type_value -> type_value -> type_value -> type_value -> type_value result) -> typer
val constant : name -> type_value -> typer
val eq_1 : type_value -> type_value -> bool
val eq_2 : ( type_value * type_value ) -> type_value -> bool
val assert_eq_1 : ?msg:string -> type_value -> type_value -> unit result
val comparator : name -> typer
val boolean_operator_2 : name -> typer
module Compiler : sig
open Tezos_utils.Michelson
type predicate =
| Constant of michelson
| Unary of michelson
| Binary of michelson
| Ternary of michelson
| Tetrary of michelson
| Pentary of michelson
| Hexary of michelson
val simple_constant : t -> predicate
val simple_unary : t -> predicate
val simple_binary : t -> predicate
val simple_ternary : t -> predicate
val simple_tetrary : t -> predicate
val simple_pentary : t -> predicate
val simple_hexary : t -> predicate
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
module Simplify : sig
module Pascaligo : sig
val constants : ( string * string ) list
val type_constants : ( string * string ) list
module Camligo : sig
val constants : ( string * string ) list
val type_constants : ( string * string ) list
module Ligodity : sig
val constants : ( string * string ) list
val type_constants : ( string * string ) list
module Typer : sig
open Helpers.Typer
open Ast_typed
val none : typer
val set_empty : typer
val sub : typer
val some : typer
val map_remove : typer
val map_add : typer
val map_update : typer
val map_mem : typer
val map_find : typer
val map_find_opt : typer
val map_iter : typer
val map_map : typer
val map_fold : typer
val big_map_remove : typer
val big_map_add : typer
val big_map_update : typer
val big_map_mem : typer
val big_map_find : typer
val size : typer
val slice : typer
val failwith_ : typer
val get_force : typer
val int : typer
val bytes_pack : typer
val bytes_unpack : typer
val hash256 : typer
val hash512 : typer
val blake2b : typer
val hash_key : typer
val check_signature : typer
val sender : typer
val source : typer
val unit : typer
val amount : typer
val balance : typer
val address : typer
val now : typer
val transaction : typer
val originate : typer
val get_contract : typer
val set_delegate : typer
val abs : typer
val neg : typer
val assertion : typer
val times : typer
val div : typer
val mod_ : typer
val add : typer
val set_mem : typer
val set_add : typer
val set_remove : typer
val set_iter : typer
val list_iter : typer
val list_map : typer
val not_ : typer
val or_ : typer
val xor : typer
val and_ : typer
val lsl_ : typer
val lsr_ : typer
val concat : typer
val cons : typer
val constant_typers : typer' type_name_map
module Compiler : sig
include Helpers.Compiler
open Tezos_utils.Michelson
type predicate =
| Constant of michelson
| Unary of michelson
| Binary of michelson
| Ternary of michelson
| Tetrary of michelson
| Pentary of michelson
| Hexary of michelson
val operators : predicate Map.String.t
val simple_constant : t -> predicate
val simple_unary : t -> predicate
val simple_binary : t -> predicate
val simple_ternary : t -> predicate
val simple_tetrary : t -> predicate
val simple_pentary : t -> predicate
val simple_hexary : t -> predicate
val predicates : predicate Map.String.t
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
module A = struct
open Rope
val _ : unit
module B = struct
open Rope_top_level_open
(* type foo = S | NotCaptured *)
(* let d = NotCaptured *)
(* let s = NotCaptured *)
val _ : unit
@ -1,33 +1,47 @@
(** Pretty printer for the Simplified Abstract Syntax Tree *)
open Types
open Format
val type_expression : Format.formatter -> type_expression -> unit
val list_sep_d : (formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> formatter -> 'a list -> unit
val literal : Format.formatter -> literal -> unit
val smap_sep_d : (formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> formatter -> 'a Map.String.t -> unit
val expression : Format.formatter -> expression -> unit
val type_expression : formatter -> type_expression -> unit
val option_type_name : Format.formatter -> string * type_expression option -> unit
val literal : formatter -> literal -> unit
val assoc_expression : Format.formatter -> (expr * expr) -> unit
val expression : formatter -> expression -> unit
val option_type_name : formatter -> string * type_expression option -> unit
val assoc_expression : formatter -> (expr * expr) -> unit
val access : Format.formatter -> access -> unit
val access : formatter -> access -> unit
val access_path : Format.formatter -> access_path -> unit
val access_path : formatter -> access_path -> unit
val type_annotation : Format.formatter -> type_expression option -> unit
val type_annotation : formatter -> type_expression option -> unit
val single_record_patch : formatter -> string * expr -> unit
val single_record_patch : Format.formatter -> string * expr -> unit
val single_tuple_patch : formatter -> int * expr -> unit
val single_tuple_patch : Format.formatter -> int * expr -> unit
val matching_variant_case : (formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> formatter -> (constructor_name * name) * 'a -> unit
(* Shows the type expected for the matched value *)
val matching_type : Format.formatter -> 'a matching -> unit
val matching : (formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> formatter -> 'a matching -> unit
val matching_variant_case_type : Format.formatter -> (string * string) * 'a -> unit
(** Shows the type expected for the matched value *)
val matching_type : formatter -> 'a matching -> unit
val declaration : Format.formatter -> declaration -> unit
val matching_variant_case_type : formatter -> ( ( constructor_name * name) * 'a) -> unit
val declaration : formatter -> declaration -> unit
(** Pretty print a full program AST *)
val program : Format.formatter -> program -> unit
val program : formatter -> program -> unit
@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ let e_record ?loc map : expression = location_wrap ?loc @@ E_record map
let e_tuple ?loc lst : expression = location_wrap ?loc @@ E_tuple lst
let e_some ?loc s : expression = location_wrap ?loc @@ E_constant ("SOME", [s])
let e_none ?loc () : expression = location_wrap ?loc @@ E_constant ("NONE", [])
let e_string_cat ?loc sl sr : expression = location_wrap ?loc @@ E_constant ("CONCAT" , [sl ; sr ])
let e_map_add ?loc k v old : expression = location_wrap ?loc @@ E_constant ("MAP_ADD" , [k ; v ; old])
let e_map ?loc lst : expression = location_wrap ?loc @@ E_map lst
let e_set ?loc lst : expression = location_wrap ?loc @@ E_set lst
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
open Types
open Simple_utils.Trace
module Option = Simple_utils.Option
module SMap = Map.String
module Errors : sig
val bad_kind : name -> Location.t -> unit -> error
val t_bool : type_expression
val t_string : type_expression
val t_bytes : type_expression
val t_int : type_expression
val t_operation : type_expression
val t_nat : type_expression
val t_tez : type_expression
val t_unit : type_expression
val t_address : type_expression
val t_option : type_expression -> type_expression
val t_list : type_expression -> type_expression
val t_variable : type_name -> type_expression
val t_tuple : type_expression list -> type_expression
val t_record : te_map -> type_expression
val t_pair : ( type_expression * type_expression ) -> type_expression
val t_record_ez : (string * type_expression) list -> type_expression
val t_sum : te_map -> type_expression
val ez_t_sum : ( string * type_expression ) list -> type_expression
val t_function : type_expression -> type_expression -> type_expression
val t_map : type_expression -> type_expression -> type_expression
val t_set : type_expression -> type_expression
val make_name : string -> name
val e_var : ?loc:Location.t -> string -> expression
val e_literal : ?loc:Location.t -> literal -> expression
val e_unit : ?loc:Location.t -> unit -> expression
val e_int : ?loc:Location.t -> int -> expression
val e_nat : ?loc:Location.t -> int -> expression
val e_timestamp : ?loc:Location.t -> int -> expression
val e_bool : ?loc:Location.t -> bool -> expression
val e_string : ?loc:Location.t -> string -> expression
val e_address : ?loc:Location.t -> string -> expression
val e_mutez : ?loc:Location.t -> int -> expression
val e'_bytes : string -> expression' result
val e_bytes : ?loc:Location.t -> string -> expression result
val e_big_map : ?loc:Location.t -> ( expr * expr ) list -> expression
val e_record : ?loc:Location.t -> ( expr * expr ) list -> expression
val e_tuple : ?loc:Location.t -> expression list -> expression
val e_some : ?loc:Location.t -> expression -> expression
val e_none : ?loc:Location.t -> unit -> expression
val e_string_cat : ?loc:Location.t -> expression -> expression -> expression
val e_map_add : ?loc:Location.t -> expression -> expression -> expression -> expression
val e_map : ?loc:Location.t -> ( expression * expression ) list -> expression
val e_set : ?loc:Location.t -> expression list -> expression
val e_list : ?loc:Location.t -> expression list -> expression
val e_pair : ?loc:Location.t -> expression -> expression -> expression
val e_constructor : ?loc:Location.t -> name -> expression -> expression
val e_matching : ?loc:Location.t -> expression -> matching_expr -> expression
val e_matching_bool : ?loc:Location.t -> expression -> expression -> expression -> expression
val e_accessor : ?loc:Location.t -> expression -> access_path -> expression
val e_accessor_props : ?loc:Location.t -> expression -> name list -> expression
val e_variable : ?loc:Location.t -> name -> expression
val e_skip : ?loc:Location.t -> unit -> expression
val e_loop : ?loc:Location.t -> expression -> expression -> expression
val e_sequence : ?loc:Location.t -> expression -> expression -> expression
val e_let_in : ?loc:Location.t -> ( name * type_expression option ) -> expression -> expression -> expression
val e_annotation : ?loc:Location.t -> expression -> type_expression -> expression
val e_application : ?loc:Location.t -> expression -> expression -> expression
val e_binop : ?loc:Location.t -> name -> expression -> expression -> expression
val e_constant : ?loc:Location.t -> name -> expression list -> expression
val e_look_up : ?loc:Location.t -> expression -> expression -> expression
val e_assign : ?loc:Location.t -> name -> access_path -> expression -> expression
val make_option_typed : ?loc:Location.t -> expression -> type_expression option -> expression
val ez_e_record : ?loc:Location.t -> ( string * expression ) list -> expression
val e_typed_none : ?loc:Location.t -> type_expression -> expression
val e_typed_list : ?loc:Location.t -> expression list -> type_expression -> expression
val e_typed_map : ?loc:Location.t -> ( expression * expression ) list -> type_expression -> type_expression -> expression
val e_typed_big_map : ?loc:Location.t -> ( expression * expression ) list -> type_expression -> type_expression -> expression
val e_typed_set : ?loc:Location.t -> expression list -> type_expression -> expression
val e_lambda : ?loc:Location.t -> string -> type_expression option -> type_expression option -> expression -> expression
val e_record : ?loc:Location.t -> expr_map -> expression
val e_ez_record : ?loc:Location.t -> ( string * expr ) list -> expression
val get_e_accessor : expression' -> ( expression * access_path ) result
val assert_e_accessor : expression' -> unit result
val get_access_record : access -> string result
val get_e_pair : expression' -> ( expression * expression ) result
val get_e_list : expression' -> ( expression list ) result
val get_e_tuple : expression' -> ( expression list ) result
val get_e_failwith : expression -> expression result
val is_e_failwith : expression -> bool
val extract_pair : expression -> ( expression * expression ) result
val extract_list : expression -> (expression list) result
val extract_record : expression -> (string * expression) list result
val extract_map : expression -> (expression * expression) list result
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
open Trace
open Types
module Errors : sig
val different_literals_because_different_types : name -> literal -> literal -> unit -> error
val different_literals : name -> literal -> literal -> unit -> error
val error_uncomparable_literals : name -> literal -> literal -> unit -> error
val assert_literal_eq : ( literal * literal ) -> unit result
val assert_value_eq : ( expression * expression ) -> unit result
val is_value_eq : ( expression * expression ) -> bool
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
open Types
open Format
val value : formatter -> annotated_expression -> unit
val type_value : formatter -> type_value -> unit
val single_record_patch : formatter -> ( string * ae ) -> unit
val program : formatter -> program -> unit
val expression : formatter -> expression -> unit
val literal : formatter -> literal -> unit
val annotated_expression : formatter -> annotated_expression -> unit
val list_sep_d : ( formatter -> 'a -> unit ) -> formatter -> 'a list -> unit
val smap_sep_d : ( formatter -> 'a -> unit ) -> formatter -> 'a Map.String.t -> unit
val lambda : formatter -> lambda -> unit
val assoc_annotated_expression : formatter -> (ae * ae) -> unit
val matching_variant_case : ( formatter -> 'a -> unit ) -> formatter -> ( constructor_name * name ) * 'a -> unit
val matching : ( formatter -> 'a -> unit ) -> formatter -> 'a matching -> unit
val pre_access : formatter -> access -> unit
val declaration : formatter -> declaration -> unit
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
open Trace
open Types
val make_n_e : name -> annotated_expression -> named_expression
val make_n_t : name -> type_value -> named_type_value
val make_t : type_value' -> S.type_expression option -> type_value
val make_a_e : ?location:Location.t -> expression -> type_value -> full_environment -> annotated_expression
val t_bool : ?s:S.type_expression -> unit -> type_value
val t_string : ?s:S.type_expression -> unit -> type_value
val t_bytes : ?s:S.type_expression -> unit -> type_value
val t_key : ?s:S.type_expression -> unit -> type_value
val t_key_hash : ?s:S.type_expression -> unit -> type_value
val t_operation : ?s:S.type_expression -> unit -> type_value
val t_timestamp : ?s:S.type_expression -> unit -> type_value
val t_set : type_value -> ?s:S.type_expression -> unit -> type_value
val t_contract : type_value -> ?s:S.type_expression -> unit -> type_value
val t_int : ?s:S.type_expression -> unit -> type_value
val t_nat : ?s:S.type_expression -> unit -> type_value
val t_tez : ?s:S.type_expression -> unit -> type_value
val t_address : ?s:S.type_expression -> unit -> type_value
val t_unit : ?s:S.type_expression -> unit -> type_value
val t_option : type_value -> ?s:S.type_expression -> unit -> type_value
val t_pair : type_value -> type_value -> ?s:S.type_expression -> unit -> type_value
val t_list : type_value -> ?s:S.type_expression -> unit -> type_value
val t_tuple : type_value list -> ?s:S.type_expression -> unit -> type_value
val t_record : tv_map -> ?s:S.type_expression -> unit -> type_value
val make_t_ez_record : (string * type_value) list -> type_value
val ez_t_record : ( string * type_value ) list -> ?s:S.type_expression -> unit -> type_value
val t_map : type_value -> type_value -> ?s:S.type_expression -> unit -> type_value
val t_big_map : type_value -> type_value -> ?s:S.type_expression -> unit -> type_value
val t_sum : tv_map -> ?s:S.type_expression -> unit -> type_value
val make_t_ez_sum : ( string * type_value ) list -> type_value
val t_function : type_value -> type_value -> ?s:S.type_expression -> unit -> type_value
val t_shallow_closure : type_value -> type_value -> ?s:S.type_expression -> unit -> type_value
val get_type_annotation : annotated_expression -> type_value
val get_type' : type_value -> type_value'
val get_environment : annotated_expression -> full_environment
val get_expression : annotated_expression -> expression
val get_lambda : expression -> lambda result
val get_lambda_with_type : annotated_expression -> (lambda * ( tv * tv) ) result
val get_t_bool : type_value -> unit result
val get_t_int : type_value -> unit result
val get_t_nat : type_value -> unit result
val get_t_unit : type_value -> unit result
val get_t_tez : type_value -> unit result
val get_t_bytes : type_value -> unit result
val get_t_string : type_value -> unit result
val get_t_contract : type_value -> type_value result
val get_t_option : type_value -> type_value result
val get_t_list : type_value -> type_value result
val get_t_set : type_value -> type_value result
val get_t_key : type_value -> unit result
val get_t_signature : type_value -> unit result
val get_t_key_hash : type_value -> unit result
val get_t_tuple : type_value -> type_value list result
val get_t_pair : type_value -> ( type_value * type_value ) result
val get_t_function : type_value -> ( type_value * type_value ) result
val get_t_sum : type_value -> type_value SMap.t result
val get_t_record : type_value -> type_value SMap.t result
val get_t_map : type_value -> ( type_value * type_value ) result
val get_t_big_map : type_value -> ( type_value * type_value ) result
val get_t_map_key : type_value -> type_value result
val get_t_map_value : type_value -> type_value result
val get_t_big_map_key : type_value -> type_value result
val get_t_big_map_value : type_value -> type_value result
val assert_t_map : type_value -> unit result
val is_t_map : type_value -> bool
val is_t_big_map : type_value -> bool
val assert_t_tez : type_value -> unit result
val assert_t_key : type_value -> unit result
val assert_t_signature : type_value -> unit result
val assert_t_key_hash : type_value -> unit result
val assert_t_list : type_value -> unit result
val is_t_list : type_value -> bool
val is_t_set : type_value -> bool
val is_t_nat : type_value -> bool
val is_t_string : type_value -> bool
val is_t_bytes : type_value -> bool
val is_t_int : type_value -> bool
val assert_t_bytes : type_value -> unit result
val assert_t_operation : type_value -> unit result
val assert_t_list_operation : type_value -> unit result
val assert_t_int : type_value -> unit result
val assert_t_nat : type_value -> unit result
val assert_t_bool : type_value -> unit result
val assert_t_unit : type_value -> unit result
val e_record : ae_map -> expression
val ez_e_record : ( string * annotated_expression ) list -> expression
val e_some : value -> expression
val e_none : expression
val e_map : ( value * value ) list -> expression
val e_unit : expression
val e_int : int -> expression
val e_nat : int -> expression
val e_tez : int -> expression
val e_bool : bool -> expression
val e_string : string -> expression
val e_address : string -> expression
val e_operation : Memory_proto_alpha.Protocol.Alpha_context.packed_internal_operation -> expression
val e_lambda : lambda -> expression
val e_pair : value -> value -> expression
val e_application : value -> value -> expression
val e_variable : name -> expression
val e_list : value list -> expression
val e_let_in : string -> value -> value -> expression
val e_a_unit : full_environment -> annotated_expression
val e_a_int : int -> full_environment -> annotated_expression
val e_a_nat : int -> full_environment -> annotated_expression
val e_a_mutez : int -> full_environment -> annotated_expression
val e_a_bool : bool -> full_environment -> annotated_expression
val e_a_string : string -> full_environment -> annotated_expression
val e_a_address : string -> full_environment -> annotated_expression
val e_a_pair : annotated_expression -> annotated_expression -> full_environment -> annotated_expression
val e_a_some : annotated_expression -> full_environment -> annotated_expression
val e_a_lambda : lambda -> tv -> tv -> full_environment -> annotated_expression
val e_a_none : type_value -> full_environment -> annotated_expression
val e_a_tuple : annotated_expression list -> full_environment -> annotated_expression
val e_a_record : ae_map -> full_environment -> annotated_expression
val e_a_application : annotated_expression -> annotated_expression -> full_environment -> annotated_expression
val e_a_variable : name -> type_value -> full_environment -> annotated_expression
val ez_e_a_record : ( name * annotated_expression ) list -> full_environment -> annotated_expression
val e_a_map : ( annotated_expression * annotated_expression ) list -> type_value -> type_value -> full_environment -> annotated_expression
val e_a_list : annotated_expression list -> type_value -> full_environment -> annotated_expression
val e_a_let_in : name -> annotated_expression -> annotated_expression -> full_environment -> annotated_expression
val get_a_int : annotated_expression -> int result
val get_a_unit : annotated_expression -> unit result
val get_a_bool : annotated_expression -> bool result
val get_a_record_accessor : annotated_expression -> (annotated_expression * name) result
val get_declaration_by_name : program -> string -> declaration result
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
open Types
val make_a_e_empty : expression -> type_value -> annotated_expression
val e_a_empty_unit : annotated_expression
val e_a_empty_int : int -> annotated_expression
val e_a_empty_nat : int -> annotated_expression
val e_a_empty_mutez : int -> annotated_expression
val e_a_empty_bool : bool -> annotated_expression
val e_a_empty_string : string -> annotated_expression
val e_a_empty_address : string -> annotated_expression
val e_a_empty_pair : annotated_expression -> annotated_expression -> annotated_expression
val e_a_empty_some : annotated_expression -> annotated_expression
val e_a_empty_none : type_value -> annotated_expression
val e_a_empty_tuple : annotated_expression list -> annotated_expression
val e_a_empty_record : ae_map -> annotated_expression
val e_a_empty_map : (annotated_expression * annotated_expression ) list -> type_value -> type_value -> annotated_expression
val e_a_empty_list : annotated_expression list -> type_value -> annotated_expression
val ez_e_a_empty_record : ( name * annotated_expression ) list -> annotated_expression
val e_a_empty_lambda : lambda -> tv -> tv -> annotated_expression
val env_sum_type : ?env:full_environment -> ?name:name -> (name * type_value) list -> full_environment
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
open Types
open Trace
type t = full_environment
type element = environment_element
val get_trace : string -> t -> element result
val empty : environment
val full_empty : t
val add : string -> element -> t -> t
val add_ez_binder : string -> type_value -> t -> t
val add_ez_declaration : string -> annotated_expression -> t -> t
val add_ez_ae : string -> annotated_expression -> t -> t
val add_type : string -> type_value -> t -> t
val get_opt : string -> t -> element option
val get_type_opt : string -> t -> type_value option
val get_constructor : string -> t -> (type_value * type_value) option
module Small : sig
type t = small_environment
val get_environment : t -> environment
val empty : t
val get_type_environment : t -> type_environment
val map_environment : ( environment -> environment ) -> t -> t
val map_type_environment : ( type_environment -> type_environment ) -> t -> t
val add : string -> element -> t -> t
val add_type : string -> type_value -> t -> t
val get_opt : string -> t -> element option
val get_type_opt : string -> t -> type_value option
val make_element : type_value -> full_environment -> environment_element_definition -> element
val make_element_binder : type_value -> full_environment -> element
val make_element_declaration : full_environment -> annotated_expression -> element
module PP : sig
open Format
val list_sep_scope : (formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> formatter -> 'a list -> unit
val full_environment : formatter -> full_environment -> unit
val environment_element : formatter -> ( string * environment_element ) -> unit
val type_environment_element : formatter -> ( string * type_value ) -> unit
val environment : formatter -> environment -> unit
val type_environment : formatter -> type_environment -> unit
val small_environment : formatter -> small_environment -> unit
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
open Trace
open Types
val assert_value_eq : ( value * value ) -> unit result
val assert_type_value_eq : ( type_value * type_value ) -> unit result
val merge_annotation : type_value option -> type_value option -> error_thunk -> type_value result
(* No information about what made it fail *)
val type_value_eq : ( type_value * type_value ) -> bool
module Free_variables : sig
type bindings = string list
val matching_expression : bindings -> matching_expr -> bindings
val lambda : bindings -> lambda -> bindings
val annotated_expression : bindings -> annotated_expression -> bindings
val empty : bindings
val singleton : string -> bindings
val mem : string -> bindings -> bool
val union : bindings -> bindings -> bindings
val unions : bindings list -> bindings
val of_list : string list -> bindings
val expression : bindings -> expression -> bindings
val matching_variant_case : (bindings -> 'a -> bindings) -> bindings -> ((constructor_name * name) * 'a) -> bindings
val matching : (bindings -> 'a -> bindings) -> bindings -> 'a matching -> bindings
module Errors : sig
val different_kinds : type_value -> type_value -> unit -> error
val different_constants : string -> string -> unit -> error
val different_size_type : name -> type_value -> type_value -> unit -> error
val different_props_in_record : string -> string -> unit -> error
val different_size_constants : type_value -> type_value -> unit -> error
val different_size_tuples : type_value -> type_value -> unit -> error
val different_size_sums : type_value -> type_value -> unit -> error
val different_size_records : type_value -> type_value -> unit -> error
val different_types : name -> type_value -> type_value -> unit -> error
val different_literals : name -> literal -> literal -> unit -> error
val different_values : name -> value -> value -> unit -> error
val different_literals_because_different_types : name -> literal -> literal -> unit -> error
val different_values_because_different_types : name -> value -> value -> unit -> error
val error_uncomparable_literals : name -> literal -> literal -> unit -> error
val error_uncomparable_values : name -> value -> value -> unit -> error
val different_size_values : name -> value -> value -> unit -> error
val missing_key_in_record_value : string -> unit -> error
val not_functional_main : Location.t -> unit -> error
val assert_literal_eq : ( literal * literal ) -> unit result
val get_entry : program -> string -> annotated_expression result
val program_environment : program -> full_environment
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
open Trace
open Types
val program_to_main : program -> string -> lambda result
module Captured_variables : sig
type bindings = string list
val matching : (bindings -> 'a -> bindings result) -> bindings -> 'a matching -> bindings result
val matching_expression : bindings -> matching_expr -> bindings result
val mem : string -> bindings -> bool
val singleton : string -> bindings
val union : bindings -> bindings -> bindings
val unions : bindings list -> bindings
val empty : bindings
val of_list : string list -> bindings
val annotated_expression : bindings -> annotated_expression -> bindings result
val matching_variant_case : (bindings -> 'a -> bindings result) -> bindings -> ((constructor_name * name) * 'a) -> bindings result
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
open Types
open Format
val list_sep_d : ( formatter -> 'a -> unit ) -> formatter -> 'a list -> unit
val space_sep : formatter -> unit -> unit
val lr : formatter -> [< `Left ] -> unit
val type_base : formatter -> type_base -> unit
val type_ : formatter -> type_value -> unit
val environment_element : formatter -> environment_element -> unit
val environment : formatter -> environment -> unit
val value : formatter -> value -> unit
val value_assoc : formatter -> (value * value) -> unit
val expression' : formatter -> expression' -> unit
val expression : formatter -> expression -> unit
val expression_with_type : formatter -> expression -> unit
val function_ : formatter -> anon_function -> unit
val assignment : formatter -> assignment -> unit
val declaration : formatter -> assignment -> unit
val tl_statement : formatter -> assignment * 'a -> unit
val program : formatter -> program -> unit
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
open Trace
open Types
module Expression : sig
type t' = expression'
type t = expression
val get_content : t -> t'
val get_type : t -> type_value
val is_toplevel : t -> bool
val make : t' -> type_value -> t
val make_tpl : t' * type_value -> t
val pair : t -> t -> t'
val get_bool : value ->bool result
val get_int : value -> int result
val get_nat : value -> int result
val get_mutez : value -> int result
val get_timestamp : value -> int result
val get_string : value -> string result
val get_bytes : value -> bytes result
val get_unit : value -> unit result
val get_option : value -> value option result
val get_map : value -> ( value * value ) list result
val get_big_map : value -> ( value * value ) list result
val get_list : value -> value list result
val get_set : value -> value list result
val get_function_with_ty : expression -> ( anon_function * ( type_value * type_value) ) result
val get_function : expression -> value result
val get_t_function : type_value -> ( type_value * type_value ) result
val get_t_closure : type_value -> ( environment * type_value * type_value ) result
val get_t_option : type_value -> type_value result
val get_pair : value -> ( value * value ) result
val get_t_pair : type_value -> ( type_value * type_value ) result
val get_t_or : type_value -> ( type_value * type_value ) result
val get_t_map : type_value -> ( type_value * type_value ) result
val get_t_big_map : type_value -> ( type_value * type_value ) result
val get_t_list : type_value -> type_value result
val get_t_set : type_value -> type_value result
val get_left : value -> value result
val get_right : value -> value result
val get_or : value -> ( bool * value ) result
val wrong_type : string -> type_value -> unit -> error
val get_t_left : type_value -> type_value result
val get_t_right : type_value -> type_value result
val get_t_contract : type_value -> type_value result
val get_t_operation : type_value -> unit result
val get_operation : value -> Memory_proto_alpha.Protocol.Alpha_context.packed_internal_operation result
val t_int : type_value
val t_unit : type_value
val t_nat : type_value
val t_function : type_value -> type_value -> type_value
val t_deep_closure : environment -> type_value -> type_value -> type_value
val t_pair : type_value annotated -> type_value annotated -> type_value
val t_union : type_value annotated -> type_value annotated -> type_value
val quote : string -> type_value -> type_value -> Expression.t -> anon_function
val e_int : Expression.t' -> Expression.t
val e_unit : Expression.t
val e_skip : Expression.t
val e_var_int : string -> Expression.t
val e_let_in : string -> type_value -> Expression.t -> Expression.t -> Expression.t
val ez_e_sequence : Expression.t' -> Expression.t -> expression
val ez_e_return : Expression.t -> Expression.t
val d_unit : value
val basic_quote : type_value -> type_value -> Expression.t -> anon_function result
val basic_int_quote : expression -> expression result
val environment_wrap : environment -> environment -> environment_wrap
val id_environment_wrap : environment -> environment_wrap
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
open Types
val basic_int_quote_env : environment
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
(* open Trace *)
open Types
module Environment : sig
type element = environment_element
type t = environment
val empty : t
val add : element -> t -> t
val concat : t list -> t
val get_opt : string -> t -> type_value option
val has : string -> t -> bool
val get_i : string -> t -> (type_value * int)
val of_list : element list -> t
val to_list : t -> element list
val get_names : t -> string list
val remove : int -> t -> t
val select : ?rev:bool -> ?keep:bool -> string list -> t -> t
val fold : ('a -> element -> 'a ) -> 'a -> t -> 'a
val filter : ( element -> bool ) -> t -> t
vatl closure_representation : t -> type_value
type element = environment_element
type t = environment
val empty : t
val add : element -> t -> t
val concat : t list -> t
val get_opt : string -> t -> type_value option
val has : string -> t -> bool
val get_i : string -> t -> (type_value * int)
val of_list : element list -> t
val to_list : t -> element list
val get_names : t -> string list
val remove : int -> t -> t
val select : ?rev:bool -> ?keep:bool -> string list -> t -> t
val fold : ('a -> element -> 'a ) -> 'a -> t -> 'a
val filter : ( element -> bool ) -> t -> t
val closure_representation : t -> type_value
@ -4,3 +4,12 @@ type foobar is option(int)
const s : foobar = Some(42)
const n : foobar = None
function assign (var m : int) : foobar is
var coco : foobar := None;
coco := Some(m);
coco := None;
with coco
@ -13,6 +13,10 @@ function add_op (const s : set(string)) : set(string) is
function remove_op (const s : set(string)) : set(string) is
begin skip end with set_remove("foobar" , s)
// Test the PascaLIGO syntactic sugar for set removal vs. the function call
function remove_syntax (var s : set(string)) : set(string) is
begin remove "foobar" from set s; end with s
function mem_op (const s : set(string)) : bool is
begin skip end with set_mem("foobar" , s)
@ -1 +1,3 @@
const s : string = "toto"
const x : string = s^"bar"
const y : string = "foo"^x
@ -241,6 +241,10 @@ let set_arithmetic () : unit result =
expect_eq program "remove_op"
(e_set [e_string "foo" ; e_string "bar" ; e_string "foobar"])
(e_set [e_string "foo" ; e_string "bar"]) in
let%bind () =
expect_eq program "remove_syntax"
(e_set [e_string "foo" ; e_string "bar" ; e_string "foobar"])
(e_set [e_string "foo" ; e_string "bar"]) in
let%bind () =
expect_eq program "mem_op"
(e_set [e_string "foo" ; e_string "bar" ; e_string "foobar"])
@ -262,7 +266,8 @@ let unit_expression () : unit result =
let string_expression () : unit result =
let%bind program = type_file "./contracts/string.ligo" in
expect_eq_evaluate program "s" (e_string "toto")
let%bind _ = expect_eq_evaluate program "s" (e_string "toto") in
expect_eq_evaluate program "y" (e_string "foototobar")
let include_ () : unit result =
let%bind program = type_file "./contracts/includer.ligo" in
@ -368,6 +373,10 @@ let option () : unit result =
let expected = e_typed_none t_int in
expect_eq_evaluate program "n" expected
let%bind () =
let expected = e_typed_none t_int in
expect_eq program "assign" (e_int 12) expected
ok ()
let moption () : unit result =
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
module RopeImplementation = Rope_implementation
type impl = RopeImplementation.t
type 'a t =
@ -16,3 +17,4 @@ val finish : impl -> impl
val ( ~% ) : (((impl -> 'a) -> 'a) -> 'b) t -> 'b
val ( % ) : 'a -> ('a -> 'b) t -> 'b
val ( #% ) : ((impl -> impl) -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
type t
val of_string : string -> t
val cat : t -> t -> t
val to_string : t -> string
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
open Rope
val ( #% ) : ((impl -> impl) -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
Reference in New Issue
Block a user