Client: check that proposals are already injected
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,12 +8,13 @@ set -o pipefail
test_dir="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && echo "$(pwd -P)")"
source $test_dir/ "$@"
# Prepare a config with shorter blocks_per_voting_period
sed -e 's/"blocks_per_voting_period" : [0-9]*/"blocks_per_voting_period" : 4/' $parameters_file > $temp
# Prepare a config with a shorter blocks_per_voting_period
tempdir=`mktemp -d`
sed -e 's/"blocks_per_voting_period" : [0-9]*/"blocks_per_voting_period" : 4/' $parameters_file > $tempdir/parameters.json
echo params=${parameters_file}
# Start a node
start_node 1
@ -26,6 +27,7 @@ echo $res
|| { echo "strange voting_period_position" ; exit 1 ; }
[ `echo $res | jq .voting_period_remaining` = '3' ] \
|| { echo "strange voting_period_remaining" ; exit 1 ; }
echo Checking the bug of the empty listing in the first voting period...
[ `echo $res | jq .listings` = '[]' ] \
|| { echo "empty listings bug was fixed?!" ; exit 1 ; }
@ -40,6 +42,7 @@ res=`$client show votes`
bake # pos=3
bake # new period, pos=0
echo 'Checking the current period = proposal with non empty listings'
res=`$client show votes`
[ `echo $res | jq .voting_period_position` = '0' ] \
|| { echo "strange voting_period_position" ; exit 1 ; }
@ -48,14 +51,33 @@ res=`$client show votes`
[ "`echo $res | jq .listings`" != '[]' ] \
|| { echo "strange listings" ; exit 1 ; }
# Prepare 3 different protocol sources
$client submit proposals for bootstrap1 $proto1
$client submit proposals for bootstrap2 $proto1 $proto2
$client submit proposals for bootstrap3 $proto2
$client submit proposals for bootstrap4 $proto3
echo 'Injecting protocols...'
cp -r demo $tempdir/proto1
$admin_client inject protocol $tempdir/proto1
cp -r demo $tempdir/proto2
echo '(* 2 *)' >> $tempdir/proto2/
$admin_client inject protocol $tempdir/proto2
cp -r demo $tempdir/proto3
echo '(* 3 *)' >> $tempdir/proto3/
$admin_client inject protocol $tempdir/proto3
proto_str=`$admin_client list protocols | head -3` # assuming new protocols listed first
echo New protocols: $proto_str
# Proposals
echo 'Proposal voting...'
$client submit proposals for bootstrap1 ${proto[0]}
$client submit proposals for bootstrap2 ${proto[0]} ${proto[1]}
$client submit proposals for bootstrap3 ${proto[1]}
$client submit proposals for bootstrap4 ${proto[2]}
@ -65,15 +87,15 @@ res=`$client show votes`
bake # pos=2
echo Breaking the tie
echo 'Breaking the tie'
$client submit proposals for bootstrap3 $proto1 # To make $proto1 win
$client submit proposals for bootstrap4 ${proto[1]} # To make ${proto[1]} win
$client show votes
bake # pos=3
bake # new period! pos=0
echo Proposal should be done
echo The phase must be testing_vote...
res=`$client show votes`
echo $res
[ `echo $res | jq .voting_period_position` = '0' ] \
@ -84,20 +106,20 @@ echo $res
|| { echo "strange current_period_kind" ; exit 1 ; }
[ "`echo $res | jq .listings`" != '[]' ] \
|| { echo "strange listings" ; exit 1 ; }
[ `echo $res | jq .current_proposal` = '"'$proto1'"' ] \
[ `echo $res | jq .current_proposal` = '"'${proto[1]}'"' ] \
|| { echo "strange current_proposal" ; exit 1 ; }
echo Ballots 1
$client submit ballot for bootstrap1 $proto1 yay
$client submit ballot for bootstrap2 $proto1 yay
$client submit ballot for bootstrap3 $proto1 yay
$client submit ballot for bootstrap4 $proto1 yay
$client submit ballot for bootstrap1 ${proto[1]} yay
$client submit ballot for bootstrap2 ${proto[1]} yay
$client submit ballot for bootstrap3 ${proto[1]} yay
$client submit ballot for bootstrap4 ${proto[1]} yay
bake # pos=1
# They cannot change their mind.
echo "Ballots 2 (should fail)"
$client submit ballot for bootstrap1 $proto1 yay \
$client submit ballot for bootstrap1 ${proto[1]} yay \
&& { echo "submit ballot cannot be called twice" ; exit 1 ; }
bake # pos=2
@ -117,7 +139,7 @@ res=`$client show votes`
|| { echo "strange current_period_kind" ; exit 1 ; }
[ "`echo $res | jq .listings`" = '[]' ] \
|| { echo "strange listings" ; exit 1 ; }
[ `echo $res | jq .current_proposal` = '"'$proto1'"' ] \
[ `echo $res | jq .current_proposal` = '"'${proto[1]}'"' ] \
|| { echo "strange current_proposal" ; exit 1 ; }
[ `echo $res | jq .ballot_list` = '[]' ] \
|| { echo "strange ballot_list" ; exit 1 ; }
@ -137,15 +159,15 @@ res=`$client show votes`
|| { echo "strange current_period_kind" ; exit 1 ; }
[ "`echo $res | jq .listings`" != '[]' ] \
|| { echo "strange listings" ; exit 1 ; }
[ `echo $res | jq .current_proposal` = '"'$proto1'"' ] \
[ `echo $res | jq .current_proposal` = '"'${proto[1]}'"' ] \
|| { echo "strange current_proposal" ; exit 1 ; }
[ `echo $res | jq .ballot_list` = '[]' ] \
|| { echo "strange ballot_list" ; exit 1 ; }
$client submit ballot for bootstrap1 $proto1 yay
$client submit ballot for bootstrap2 $proto1 yay
$client submit ballot for bootstrap3 $proto1 yay
$client submit ballot for bootstrap4 $proto1 nay # not to promote
$client submit ballot for bootstrap1 ${proto[1]} yay
$client submit ballot for bootstrap2 ${proto[1]} yay
$client submit ballot for bootstrap3 ${proto[1]} yay
$client submit ballot for bootstrap4 ${proto[1]} nay # not to promote
bake # pos=1
bake # pos=2
@ -155,7 +177,7 @@ $client show votes
bake # new period pos=0
echo 'Promotion vote should be done (negatively)'
echo 'Promotion vote should be over now negatively'
res=`$client show votes`
[ `echo $res | jq .voting_period_position` = '0' ] \
|| { echo "strange voting_period_position" ; exit 1 ; }
@ -659,6 +659,24 @@ let commands version () =
| Some hash -> return hash)))
(fun () (_name, source) proposals cctxt ->
Shell_services.Protocol.list cctxt >>=? fun known_protos ->
let check_proposals proposals =
let n = List.length proposals in
if n = 0 then generic_error "Empty proposal"
else if n > Constants.fixed.max_proposals_per_delegate then
generic_error "Too many proposals"
(* Why we do not have Error_monad.iter ? *)
let rec iter f = function
| [] -> ok ()
| p::ps -> f p >>? fun () -> iter f ps
iter (fun p ->
if List.mem p known_protos then ok ()
else generic_error "Protocol %a is not injected in the node" Protocol_hash.pp p)
Lwt.return (check_proposals proposals) >>=? fun () ->
cctxt ~chain:`Main ~block:cctxt#block
source >>=? fun (_src_name, src_pkh, _src_pk, src_sk) ->
Reference in New Issue
Block a user