Client: better verbosity levels in help pages
This commit is contained in:
@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ open Error_monad
type error += Bad_argument of int * string
type error += Bad_argument of int * string
type error += Option_expected_argument of string
type error += Option_expected_argument of string
type error += Unknown_option of string
type error += Unknown_option of string
type error += Invalid_options_combination of string
type ('p, 'ctx) parameter =
type ('p, 'ctx) parameter =
{ converter: ('ctx -> string -> 'p tzresult Lwt.t) ;
{ converter: ('ctx -> string -> 'p tzresult Lwt.t) ;
@ -260,7 +259,7 @@ type error += Extra_arguments : string list * (_, _) command -> error
type error += Not_enough_args : string list * ('a, 'b) command list -> error
type error += Not_enough_args : string list * ('a, 'b) command list -> error
type error += Command_not_found : string list * ('a, 'b) command list -> error
type error += Command_not_found : string list * ('a, 'b) command list -> error
type error += Help_flag : ('a, 'b) command list -> error (* when -help appears in input *)
type error += Help_flag : ('a, 'b) command list -> error (* when -help appears in input *)
type error += Help_cmd : string list * ('a, 'b) command list * format * bool * bool -> error (* ./tezos-client help *)
type error += Help_cmd : string list * ('a, 'b) command list * format * [ `Terse | `Short | `Args | `Full ] -> error (* ./tezos-client help *)
type error += Bare_help : error (* ./tezos-client or ./tezos-client -help *)
type error += Bare_help : error (* ./tezos-client or ./tezos-client -help *)
type error += Autocomplete_command : string list -> error
type error += Autocomplete_command : string list -> error
@ -324,20 +323,28 @@ let rec help_commands commands =
~desc:"Print documentation of commands.\n\
~desc:"Print documentation of commands.\n\
Add search keywords to narrow list.\n\
Add search keywords to narrow list.\n\
Will display only the commands by default, \
Will display only the commands by default, \
unless [-verbose] is passed or the list \
unless [-verbosity <2|3>] is passed or the list \
of matching commands if less than 3."
of matching commands if less than 3."
~doc:"Always print terse output.\n\
Only shows command mnemonics, without documentation.\n\
Disables automatic verbosity wrt. number of commands shown."
~doc:"Print detailed output.\n\
Disables automatic verbosity wrt. number of commands shown."
~doc:"Select the manual's output format."
~doc:"level of details\n\
0. Only shows command mnemonics, without documentation.\n\
1. Shows command mnemonics with short descriptions.\n\
2. Show commands and arguments with short descriptions\n\
3. Show everything"
~default: "1"
~autocomplete: (fun _ -> return [ "0" ; "1" ; "2" ; "3" ])
(fun _ arg -> match arg with
| "0" -> return `Terse
| "1" -> return `Short
| "2" -> return `Args
| "3" -> return `Full
| _ -> failwith "Level of details out of range")))
~doc:"the manual's output format"
~placeholder: "plain|colors"
~placeholder: "plain|colors"
~parameter: "-format"
~parameter: "-format"
~default: (if Unix.isatty Unix.stdout then "colors" else "plain")
~default: (if Unix.isatty Unix.stdout then "colors" else "plain")
@ -349,20 +356,16 @@ let rec help_commands commands =
| _ -> failwith "Unknown manual format"))))
| _ -> failwith "Unknown manual format"))))
(prefix "man"
(prefix "man"
(seq_of_param (string ~name:"keyword"
(seq_of_param (string ~name:"keyword"
~desc:"Keyword to search for.\n\
~desc:"keyword to search for\n\
If several are given they must all appear in the command.")))
If several are given they must all appear in the command.")))
(fun (terse, details, format) keywords _ ->
(fun (verbosity, format) keywords _ ->
if terse && details
then fail (Invalid_options_combination "Cannot specify both -verbose and -terse.")
fail (Help_cmd (keywords,
fail (Help_cmd (keywords,
(fun commands keyword -> List.filter (search_command keyword) commands)
(fun commands keyword -> List.filter (search_command keyword) commands)
(help_commands [] @ commands)
(help_commands [] @ commands)
verbosity))) ]
details))) ]
(* Command execution *)
(* Command execution *)
let exec
let exec
@ -533,21 +536,33 @@ let trim s = (* config-file wokaround *)
||||||| String.trim |>
| String.trim |>
String.concat "\n"
String.concat "\n"
let print_desc ppf doc =
let short, long = try
let len = String.index doc '\n' in
String.sub doc 0 len,
Some (String.sub doc (len + 1) (String.length doc - len - 1))
with _ -> doc, None in
match long with
| None ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<hov 0>%a@]"
Format.pp_print_text short
| Some doc ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<hov 0>%a@]@{<full>@\n%a@}"
Format.pp_print_text short Format.pp_print_text doc
let print_options_detailed (type ctx) =
let print_options_detailed (type ctx) =
let help_option : type a.Format.formatter -> (a, ctx) arg -> unit =
let help_option : type a.Format.formatter -> (a, ctx) arg -> unit =
fun ppf -> function
fun ppf -> function
| Arg { parameter ; placeholder ; doc } ->
| Arg { parameter ; placeholder ; doc } ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<hov 2>@{<opt>%s <%s>@}: %a@]"
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<hov 2>@{<opt>%s <%s>@}: %a@]"
parameter placeholder Format.pp_print_text doc
parameter placeholder print_desc doc ;
| DefArg { parameter ; placeholder ; doc ; default } ->
| DefArg { parameter ; placeholder ; doc ; default } ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<hov 2>@{<opt>%s <%s>@}: %a@]"
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<hov 2>@{<opt>%s <%s>@}: %a@]"
parameter placeholder
parameter placeholder print_desc (doc ^ "\nDefaults to `" ^ default ^ "`.")
(Format.asprintf "%s\nDefaults to `%s`." doc default)
| Switch { parameter ; doc } ->
| Switch { parameter ; doc } ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<hov 2>@{<opt>%s@}: %a@]"
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<hov 2>@{<opt>%s@}: %a@]"
parameter Format.pp_print_text doc
parameter print_desc doc in
in let rec help : type b. Format.formatter -> (b, ctx) args -> unit =
let rec help : type b. Format.formatter -> (b, ctx) args -> unit =
fun ppf -> function
fun ppf -> function
| NoArgs -> ()
| NoArgs -> ()
| AddArg (arg, NoArgs) ->
| AddArg (arg, NoArgs) ->
@ -594,7 +609,7 @@ let print_highlight highlight_strings formatter str =
| Str.Text text -> Format.fprintf formatter "%s" text
| Str.Text text -> Format.fprintf formatter "%s" text
| Str.Delim delimiter ->
| Str.Delim delimiter ->
Format.fprintf formatter "@{<arg>%s@}" delimiter)
Format.fprintf formatter "@{<hilight>%s@}" delimiter)
in print_string ( Str.regexp_string highlight_strings)
in print_string ( Str.regexp_string highlight_strings)
@ -625,7 +640,7 @@ let rec print_params_detailed
| Stop -> print_options_detailed ppf spec
| Stop -> print_options_detailed ppf spec
| Seq (n, desc, _) ->
| Seq (n, desc, _) ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<hov 2>@{<arg>%s@}: %a@]"
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<hov 2>@{<arg>%s@}: %a@]"
n Format.pp_print_text (trim desc) ;
n print_desc (trim desc) ;
begin match spec with
begin match spec with
| NoArgs -> ()
| NoArgs -> ()
| _ -> Format.fprintf ppf "@,%a" print_options_detailed spec
| _ -> Format.fprintf ppf "@,%a" print_options_detailed spec
@ -634,14 +649,14 @@ let rec print_params_detailed
print_params_detailed spec ppf next
print_params_detailed spec ppf next
| Param (n, desc, _, Stop) ->
| Param (n, desc, _, Stop) ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<hov 2>@{<arg>%s@}: %a@]"
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<hov 2>@{<arg>%s@}: %a@]"
n Format.pp_print_text (trim desc);
n print_desc (trim desc);
begin match spec with
begin match spec with
| NoArgs -> ()
| NoArgs -> ()
| _ -> Format.fprintf ppf "@,%a" print_options_detailed spec
| _ -> Format.fprintf ppf "@,%a" print_options_detailed spec
| Param (n, desc, _, next) ->
| Param (n, desc, _, next) ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<hov 2>@{<arg>%s@}: %a@]@,%a"
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<hov 2>@{<arg>%s@}: %a@]@,%a"
n Format.pp_print_text (trim desc) (print_params_detailed spec) next
n print_desc (trim desc) (print_params_detailed spec) next
let contains_params_args :
let contains_params_args :
type a b arg ctx. (a, arg, ctx) params -> (b, _) args -> bool
type a b arg ctx. (a, arg, ctx) params -> (b, _) args -> bool
@ -654,20 +669,25 @@ let contains_params_args :
in help params
in help params
let print_command :
let print_command :
type ctx ret. ?prefix: string -> ?highlights:string list -> Format.formatter -> (ctx, ret) command -> unit
type ctx ret.
= fun ?(prefix = "") ?(highlights=[]) ppf (Command { params ; desc ; options=Argument { spec } }) ->
?prefix:(Format.formatter -> unit -> unit) ->
?highlights:string list -> Format.formatter -> (ctx, ret) command -> unit
= fun
?(prefix = (fun _ () -> ()))
?(highlights=[]) ppf
(Command { params ; desc ; options=Argument { spec } }) ->
if contains_params_args params spec
if contains_params_args params spec
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<v 2>%s%a@,@[<hov 0>%a@]@,%a@]"
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<v 2>%a%a@{<short>@,@[<hov 0>%a@]@}@{<args>@,%a@}@]"
prefix ()
print_commandline (highlights, spec, params)
print_commandline (highlights, spec, params)
Format.pp_print_text desc
print_desc desc
(print_params_detailed spec) params
(print_params_detailed spec) params
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<v 2>%s%a@,@[<hov 0>%a@]@]"
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<v 2>%a%a@{<short>@,@[<hov 0>%a@]@}@]"
prefix ()
print_commandline (highlights, spec, params)
print_commandline (highlights, spec, params)
Format.pp_print_text desc
print_desc desc
let group_commands commands =
let group_commands commands =
let (grouped, ungrouped) =
let (grouped, ungrouped) =
@ -701,7 +721,36 @@ let print_group print_command ppf ({ title }, commands) =
(Format.pp_print_list print_command) commands
(Format.pp_print_list print_command) commands
let setup_ppf ppf = function
let setup_ppf ppf format verbosity =
let skip = ref false in
let orig_out_functions =
Format.pp_get_formatter_out_functions ppf () in
Format.pp_set_formatter_out_functions ppf
{ out_string =
(fun s b a ->
if s = "\000\000\000" then skip := true
else if s = "\255\255\255" then skip := false
else if not !skip then orig_out_functions.out_string s b a) ;
out_spaces = (fun n -> if not !skip then orig_out_functions.out_spaces n) ;
out_newline = (fun () -> if not !skip then orig_out_functions.out_newline ()) ;
out_flush = (fun () -> if not !skip then orig_out_functions.out_flush ()) } ;
let levels = ref [] in
let setup_level level =
match verbosity, level with
| (`Full, (`Terse | `Short | `Args | `Full))
| (`Args, (`Terse | `Short | `Args))
| (`Short, (`Terse | `Short))
| `Terse, `Terse -> Format.fprintf ppf "@<0>%s" "\255\255\255"
| _ -> Format.fprintf ppf "@<0>%s" "\000\000\000" in
let push_level level =
levels := level :: !levels ;
setup_level level in
let pop_level _ =
match !levels with
| _ :: level :: rest -> levels := level :: rest ; setup_level level
| [ _ ] | [] -> Pervasives.failwith "Cli_entries: unclosed verbosity tag" in
push_level `Terse ;
match format with
| `Ansi ->
| `Ansi ->
let color_num = function
let color_num = function
| `Black -> None
| `Black -> None
@ -730,6 +779,11 @@ let setup_ppf ppf = function
| "opt" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@<0>%a" ansi_format (`Green, `Black, false, false)
| "opt" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@<0>%a" ansi_format (`Green, `Black, false, false)
| "arg" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@<0>%a<" ansi_format (`Yellow, `Black, false, false)
| "arg" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@<0>%a<" ansi_format (`Yellow, `Black, false, false)
| "cmd" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@<0>%a" ansi_format (`White, `Black, false, true)
| "cmd" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@<0>%a" ansi_format (`White, `Black, false, true)
| "hilight" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@<0>%a" ansi_format (`Black, `Yellow, false, true)
| "full" -> push_level `Full
| "args" -> push_level `Args
| "short" -> push_level `Short
| "terse" -> push_level `Terse
| _ -> Pervasives.failwith "Cli_entries: invalid semantic tag"
| _ -> Pervasives.failwith "Cli_entries: invalid semantic tag"
end ;
end ;
print_close_tag = begin function
print_close_tag = begin function
@ -737,6 +791,11 @@ let setup_ppf ppf = function
| "opt" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@<0>%s" "\027[0m"
| "opt" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@<0>%s" "\027[0m"
| "arg" -> Format.fprintf ppf ">@<0>%s" "\027[0m"
| "arg" -> Format.fprintf ppf ">@<0>%s" "\027[0m"
| "cmd" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@<0>%s" "\027[0m"
| "cmd" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@<0>%s" "\027[0m"
| "hilight" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@<0>%s" "\027[0m"
| "full" -> pop_level `Full
| "args" -> pop_level `Args
| "short" -> pop_level `Short
| "terse" -> pop_level `Terse
| _ -> Pervasives.failwith "Cli_entries: invalid semantic tag"
| _ -> Pervasives.failwith "Cli_entries: invalid semantic tag"
end } ;
end } ;
Format.pp_set_print_tags ppf true
Format.pp_set_print_tags ppf true
@ -749,6 +808,11 @@ let setup_ppf ppf = function
| "opt" -> ()
| "opt" -> ()
| "arg" -> Format.fprintf ppf "<"
| "arg" -> Format.fprintf ppf "<"
| "cmd" -> ()
| "cmd" -> ()
| "hilight" -> ()
| "full" -> push_level `Full
| "args" -> push_level `Args
| "short" -> push_level `Short
| "terse" -> push_level `Terse
| _ -> Pervasives.failwith "Cli_entries: invalid semantic tag"
| _ -> Pervasives.failwith "Cli_entries: invalid semantic tag"
end ;
end ;
print_close_tag = begin function
print_close_tag = begin function
@ -756,26 +820,23 @@ let setup_ppf ppf = function
| "opt" -> ()
| "opt" -> ()
| "arg" -> Format.fprintf ppf ">"
| "arg" -> Format.fprintf ppf ">"
| "cmd" -> ()
| "cmd" -> ()
| "hilight" -> ()
| "full" -> pop_level `Full
| "args" -> pop_level `Args
| "short" -> pop_level `Short
| "terse" -> pop_level `Terse
| _ -> Pervasives.failwith "Cli_entries: invalid semantic tag"
| _ -> Pervasives.failwith "Cli_entries: invalid semantic tag"
end } ;
end } ;
Format.pp_set_print_tags ppf true
Format.pp_set_print_tags ppf true
let usage
let usage ppf ?global_options ?(highlights=[]) commands format verbosity =
setup_ppf ppf format verbosity ;
?(highlights=[]) commands =
let usage ppf (by_group, options) =
let usage ppf (by_group, options) =
let exe = Filename.basename Sys.executable_name in
let exe = Filename.basename Sys.executable_name in
let print_groups =
let print_groups =
~pp_sep: (fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf "@,@,")
~pp_sep: (fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf "@,@,")
(print_group (if details
(print_group (print_command ?prefix:None ~highlights)) in
print_command ?prefix:None ~highlights
fun ppf (Command { params ; options=Argument { spec }}) ->
print_commandline ppf (highlights, spec, params))) in
match options with
match options with
| None ->
| None ->
Format.fprintf ppf
Format.fprintf ppf
@ -789,7 +850,7 @@ let usage
%s @{<opt>[global options]@} command @{<opt>-help@} (for command options)@]@,@,\
%s @{<opt>[global options]@} command @{<opt>-help@} (for command options)@]@,@,\
@[<v 2>@{<title>To browse the documentation@}@,\
@[<v 2>@{<title>To browse the documentation@}@,\
%s @{<opt>[global options]@} man (for a list of commands)@,\
%s @{<opt>[global options]@} man (for a list of commands)@,\
%s @{<opt>[global options]@} man @{<opt>-details@} (for the full manual)@]@,@,\
%s @{<opt>[global options]@} man @{<opt>-verbosity 3@} (for the full manual)@]@,@,\
@[<v 2>@{<title>Global options (must come before the command)@}@,@[<v 0>%a@]@]%a\
@[<v 2>@{<title>Global options (must come before the command)@}@,@[<v 0>%a@]@]%a\
exe exe exe exe exe
exe exe exe exe exe
@ -797,17 +858,18 @@ let usage
(fun ppf () -> if by_group <> [] then Format.fprintf ppf "@,@,") ()
(fun ppf () -> if by_group <> [] then Format.fprintf ppf "@,@,") ()
print_groups by_group in
print_groups by_group in
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<v 0>%a" usage (group_commands commands, global_options) ;
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<v 0>%a" usage (group_commands commands, global_options) ;
if not details then
if List.mem verbosity [ `Terse ; `Short ] then
Format.fprintf ppf "@,@,Use option [@{<opt>-verbose@}] for command options." ;
Format.fprintf ppf "@,@,Use option [@{<opt>-verbosity 3@}] for option descriptions." ;
Format.fprintf ppf "@]"
Format.fprintf ppf "@]"
let command_usage
let command_usage ppf commands format verbosity =
ppf commands =
setup_ppf ppf format verbosity ;
let exe = Filename.basename Sys.executable_name in
let exe = Filename.basename Sys.executable_name in
let prefix = exe ^ " [global options] " in
let prefix ppf () =
Format.fprintf ppf "@{<cmd>%s@} @{<opt>[global options]@} " exe in
Format.fprintf ppf
Format.fprintf ppf
"@[<v 2>Command usage:@,\
"@[<v 2>@{<title>Command usage@}@,\
%a@,%s -help (for global options)@]"
%a@,@{<cmd>%s@} @{<opt>-help@} (for global options)@]"
(Format.pp_print_list (print_command ~prefix ~highlights:[]))
(Format.pp_print_list (print_command ~prefix ~highlights:[]))
@ -980,13 +1042,13 @@ let handle_cli_errors ~stdout ~stderr ~global_options = function
| Error [ e ] -> (* Should only be one error here *)
| Error [ e ] -> (* Should only be one error here *)
begin match e with
begin match e with
| Extra_arguments (_, cmd) ->
| Extra_arguments (_, cmd) ->
setup_ppf stderr (if Unix.isatty Unix.stderr then `Ansi else `Plain) ;
setup_ppf stderr (if Unix.isatty Unix.stderr then `Ansi else `Plain) `Terse ;
Format.fprintf stderr
Format.fprintf stderr
"Extra arguments provided for command:@;<1 2>@[%a@]@."
"Extra arguments provided for command:@;<1 2>@[%a@]@."
(print_command ?prefix:None ~highlights:[]) cmd;
(print_command ?prefix:None ~highlights:[]) cmd;
return 1
return 1
| Not_enough_args (_, cmds) ->
| Not_enough_args (_, cmds) ->
setup_ppf stderr (if Unix.isatty Unix.stderr then `Ansi else `Plain) ;
setup_ppf stderr (if Unix.isatty Unix.stderr then `Ansi else `Plain) `Terse ;
Format.fprintf stderr
Format.fprintf stderr
"@[<v 2>Unterminated command, here are possible completions:@,%a@]@."
"@[<v 2>Unterminated command, here are possible completions:@,%a@]@."
@ -1020,13 +1082,10 @@ let handle_cli_errors ~stdout ~stderr ~global_options = function
"While parsing options, encountered unexpected argument '%s'.@."
"While parsing options, encountered unexpected argument '%s'.@."
option ;
option ;
return 1
return 1
| Invalid_options_combination message ->
| Help_cmd ([ highlight ], [], _, _) ->
Format.fprintf stderr "%s@." message ;
return 1
| Help_cmd ([ highlight ], [], _, _, _) ->
Format.fprintf stderr "No command found that match %s.@." highlight ;
Format.fprintf stderr "No command found that match %s.@." highlight ;
return 0
return 0
| Help_cmd (highlight :: highlights, [], _, _, _) ->
| Help_cmd (highlight :: highlights, [], _, _) ->
Format.fprintf stderr "No command found that match %a%s and %s.@."
Format.fprintf stderr "No command found that match %a%s and %s.@."
~pp_sep:(fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf ", ")
~pp_sep:(fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf ", ")
@ -1034,22 +1093,16 @@ let handle_cli_errors ~stdout ~stderr ~global_options = function
(match highlights with [ _ ] | [] -> "" | _::_ -> ",")
(match highlights with [ _ ] | [] -> "" | _::_ -> ",")
highlight ;
highlight ;
return 0
return 0
| Help_cmd (highlights, commands, format, terse, details) ->
| Help_cmd (highlights, commands, format, verbosity) ->
let details =
if terse || details then
List.length commands <= 3 in
let global_options =
let global_options =
if details && highlights = [] then Some global_options else None in
if highlights = [] then Some global_options else None in
setup_ppf stdout format ;
usage stdout ?global_options ~highlights commands format verbosity ;
Format.fprintf stdout "%a@."
Format.fprintf stdout "@." ;
(usage ?global_options ~details ~highlights) commands;
return 0
return 0
| Bare_help ->
| Bare_help ->
setup_ppf stdout (if Unix.isatty Unix.stdout then `Ansi else `Plain) ;
let format = if Unix.isatty Unix.stdout then `Ansi else `Plain in
Format.fprintf stdout "%a@."
usage stdout ~global_options ?highlights:None [] format `Terse ;
(usage ~global_options ~details:true ?highlights:None) [] ;
Format.fprintf stdout "@." ;
return 0
return 0
| Autocomplete_command (completions) ->
| Autocomplete_command (completions) ->
@ -1059,7 +1112,9 @@ let handle_cli_errors ~stdout ~stderr ~global_options = function
return 0
return 0
| Help_flag commands ->
| Help_flag commands ->
Format.fprintf stdout "%a@." command_usage commands ;
let format = if Unix.isatty Unix.stdout then `Ansi else `Plain in
command_usage stdout commands format `Verbose ;
Format.fprintf stdout "@." ;
return 0
return 0
| e -> fail e
| e -> fail e
Reference in New Issue
Block a user