Merge done and repo build with no error
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
(pps ppx_let)
(pps ppx_let)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,716 @@
open Trace
module Core = Typesystem.Core
module Wrap = struct
module I = Ast_simplified
module O = Core
type constraints = O.type_constraint list
(* let add_type state t = *)
(* let constraints = Wrap.variable type_name t in *)
(* let%bind state' = aggregate_constraints state constraints in *)
(* ok state' in *)
(* let return_add_type ?(state = state) expr t = *)
(* let%bind state' = add_type state t in *)
(* return expr state' in *)
let rec type_expression_to_type_value : I.type_expression -> O.type_value = fun te ->
match te with
| T_tuple types ->
P_constant (C_tuple, type_expression_to_type_value types)
| T_sum kvmap ->
P_constant (C_variant, Map.String.to_list @@ type_expression_to_type_value kvmap)
| T_record kvmap ->
P_constant (C_record, Map.String.to_list @@ type_expression_to_type_value kvmap)
| T_function (arg , ret) ->
P_constant (C_arrow, type_expression_to_type_value [ arg ; ret ])
| T_variable type_name -> P_variable type_name
| T_constant (type_name , args) ->
let csttag = Core.(match type_name with
| "arrow" -> C_arrow
| "option" -> C_option
| "tuple" -> C_tuple
| "map" -> C_map
| "list" -> C_list
| "set" -> C_set
| "unit" -> C_unit
| "bool" -> C_bool
| "string" -> C_string
| _ -> failwith "TODO")
P_constant (csttag, type_expression_to_type_value args)
(** TODO *)
let type_declaration : I.declaration -> constraints = fun td ->
match td with
| Declaration_type (name , te) ->
let pattern = type_expression_to_type_value te in
[C_equation (P_variable (name) , pattern)] (* TODO: this looks wrong. If this is a type declaration, it should not set any constraints. *)
| Declaration_constant (name, te, _) ->(
match te with
| Some (exp) ->
let pattern = type_expression_to_type_value exp in
[C_equation (P_variable (name) , pattern)] (* TODO: this looks wrong. If this is a type declaration, it should not set any constraints. *)
| None ->
(** TODO *)
(* TODO: this should be renamed to failwith_ *)
let failwith : unit -> (constraints * O.type_variable) = fun () ->
let type_name = Core.fresh_type_variable () in
[] , type_name
let variable : -> I.type_expression -> (constraints * O.type_variable) = fun _name expr ->
let pattern = type_expression_to_type_value expr in
let type_name = Core.fresh_type_variable () in
[C_equation (P_variable (type_name) , pattern)] , type_name
let literal : I.type_expression -> (constraints * O.type_variable) = fun t ->
let pattern = type_expression_to_type_value t in
let type_name = Core.fresh_type_variable () in
[C_equation (P_variable (type_name) , pattern)] , type_name
let literal_bool : unit -> (constraints * O.type_variable) = fun () ->
let pattern = type_expression_to_type_value I.t_bool in
let type_name = Core.fresh_type_variable () in
[C_equation (P_variable (type_name) , pattern)] , type_name
let literal_string : unit -> (constraints * O.type_variable) = fun () ->
let pattern = type_expression_to_type_value I.t_string in
let type_name = Core.fresh_type_variable () in
[C_equation (P_variable (type_name) , pattern)] , type_name
let tuple : I.type_expression list -> (constraints * O.type_variable) = fun tys ->
let patterns = type_expression_to_type_value tys in
let pattern = O.(P_constant (C_tuple , patterns)) in
let type_name = Core.fresh_type_variable () in
[C_equation (P_variable (type_name) , pattern)] , type_name
(* let t_tuple = ('label:int, 'v) … -> record ('label : 'v) … *)
(* let t_constructor = ('label:string, 'v) -> variant ('label : 'v) *)
(* let t_record = ('label:string, 'v) … -> record ('label : 'v) … with independent choices for each 'label and 'v *)
(* let t_variable = t_of_var_in_env *)
(* let t_access_int = record ('label:int , 'v) … -> 'label:int -> 'v *)
(* let t_access_string = record ('label:string , 'v) … -> 'label:string -> 'v *)
module Prim_types = struct
open Typesystem.Shorthands
let t_cons = forall "v" @@ fun v -> v --> list v --> list v (* was: list *)
let t_setcons = forall "v" @@ fun v -> v --> set v --> set v (* was: set *)
let t_mapcons = forall2 "k" "v" @@ fun k v -> (k * v) --> map k v --> map k v (* was: map *)
let t_failwith = forall "a" @@ fun a -> a
(* let t_literal_t = t *)
let t_literal_bool = bool
let t_literal_string = string
let t_access_map = forall2 "k" "v" @@ fun k v -> map k v --> k --> v
let t_application = forall2 "a" "b" @@ fun a b -> (a --> b) --> a --> b
let t_look_up = forall2 "ind" "v" @@ fun ind v -> map ind v --> ind --> option v
let t_sequence = forall "b" @@ fun b -> unit --> b --> b
let t_loop = bool --> unit --> unit
(* TODO: I think we should take an I.expression for the base+label *)
let access_label ~base ~label : (constraints * O.type_variable) =
let base' = type_expression_to_type_value base in
let expr_type = Core.fresh_type_variable () in
[O.C_access_label (base' , label , expr_type)] , expr_type
let access_int ~base ~index = access_label ~base ~label:(L_int index)
let access_string ~base ~property = access_label ~base ~label:(L_string property)
let access_map : base:I.type_expression -> key:I.type_expression -> (constraints * O.type_variable) =
let mk_map_type key_type element_type =
O.P_constant O.(C_map , [P_variable element_type; P_variable key_type]) in
fun ~base ~key ->
let key_type = Core.fresh_type_variable () in
let element_type = Core.fresh_type_variable () in
let base' = type_expression_to_type_value base in
let key' = type_expression_to_type_value key in
let base_expected = mk_map_type key_type element_type in
let expr_type = Core.fresh_type_variable () in
O.[C_equation (base' , base_expected);
C_equation (key' , P_variable key_type);
C_equation (P_variable expr_type , P_variable element_type)] , expr_type
let constructor
: I.type_expression -> I.type_expression -> I.type_expression -> (constraints * O.type_variable)
= fun t_arg c_arg sum ->
let t_arg = type_expression_to_type_value t_arg in
let c_arg = type_expression_to_type_value c_arg in
let sum = type_expression_to_type_value sum in
let whole_expr = Core.fresh_type_variable () in
C_equation (P_variable (whole_expr) , sum) ;
C_equation (t_arg , c_arg)
] , whole_expr
let record : I.type_expression I.type_name_map -> (constraints * O.type_variable) = fun fields ->
let record_type = type_expression_to_type_value (I.t_record fields) in
let whole_expr = Core.fresh_type_variable () in
[C_equation (P_variable whole_expr , record_type)] , whole_expr
let collection : O.constant_tag -> I.type_expression list -> (constraints * O.type_variable) =
fun ctor element_tys ->
let elttype = O.P_variable (Core.fresh_type_variable ()) in
let aux elt =
let elt' = type_expression_to_type_value elt
in O.C_equation (elttype , elt') in
let equations = aux element_tys in
let whole_expr = Core.fresh_type_variable () in
C_equation (P_variable whole_expr , O.P_constant (ctor , [elttype]))
] @ equations , whole_expr
let list = collection O.C_list
let set = collection O.C_set
let map : (I.type_expression * I.type_expression) list -> (constraints * O.type_variable) =
fun kv_tys ->
let k_type = O.P_variable (Core.fresh_type_variable ()) in
let v_type = O.P_variable (Core.fresh_type_variable ()) in
let aux_k (k , _v) =
let k' = type_expression_to_type_value k in
O.C_equation (k_type , k') in
let aux_v (_k , v) =
let v' = type_expression_to_type_value v in
O.C_equation (v_type , v') in
let equations_k = aux_k kv_tys in
let equations_v = aux_v kv_tys in
let whole_expr = Core.fresh_type_variable () in
C_equation (P_variable whole_expr , O.P_constant (C_map , [k_type ; v_type]))
] @ equations_k @ equations_v , whole_expr
let application : I.type_expression -> I.type_expression -> (constraints * O.type_variable) =
fun f arg ->
let whole_expr = Core.fresh_type_variable () in
let f' = type_expression_to_type_value f in
let arg' = type_expression_to_type_value arg in
C_equation (f' , P_constant (C_arrow , [arg' ; P_variable whole_expr]))
] , whole_expr
let look_up : I.type_expression -> I.type_expression -> (constraints * O.type_variable) =
fun ds ind ->
let ds' = type_expression_to_type_value ds in
let ind' = type_expression_to_type_value ind in
let whole_expr = Core.fresh_type_variable () in
let v = Core.fresh_type_variable () in
C_equation (ds' , P_constant (C_map, [ind' ; P_variable v])) ;
C_equation (P_variable whole_expr , P_constant (C_option , [P_variable v]))
] , whole_expr
let sequence : I.type_expression -> I.type_expression -> (constraints * O.type_variable) =
fun a b ->
let a' = type_expression_to_type_value a in
let b' = type_expression_to_type_value b in
let whole_expr = Core.fresh_type_variable () in
C_equation (a' , P_constant (C_unit , [])) ;
C_equation (b' , P_variable whole_expr)
] , whole_expr
let loop : I.type_expression -> I.type_expression -> (constraints * O.type_variable) =
fun expr body ->
let expr' = type_expression_to_type_value expr in
let body' = type_expression_to_type_value body in
let whole_expr = Core.fresh_type_variable () in
C_equation (expr' , P_constant (C_bool , [])) ;
C_equation (body' , P_constant (C_unit , [])) ;
C_equation (P_variable whole_expr , P_constant (C_unit , []))
] , whole_expr
let let_in : I.type_expression -> I.type_expression option -> I.type_expression -> (constraints * O.type_variable) =
fun rhs rhs_tv_opt result ->
let rhs' = type_expression_to_type_value rhs in
let result' = type_expression_to_type_value result in
let rhs_tv_opt' = match rhs_tv_opt with
None -> []
| Some annot -> O.[C_equation (rhs' , type_expression_to_type_value annot)] in
let whole_expr = Core.fresh_type_variable () in
C_equation (result' , P_variable whole_expr)
] @ rhs_tv_opt', whole_expr
let assign : I.type_expression -> I.type_expression -> (constraints * O.type_variable) =
fun v e ->
let v' = type_expression_to_type_value v in
let e' = type_expression_to_type_value e in
let whole_expr = Core.fresh_type_variable () in
C_equation (v' , e') ;
C_equation (P_variable whole_expr , P_constant (C_unit , []))
] , whole_expr
let annotation : I.type_expression -> I.type_expression -> (constraints * O.type_variable) =
fun e annot ->
let e' = type_expression_to_type_value e in
let annot' = type_expression_to_type_value annot in
let whole_expr = Core.fresh_type_variable () in
C_equation (e' , annot') ;
C_equation (e' , P_variable whole_expr)
] , whole_expr
let matching : I.type_expression list -> (constraints * O.type_variable) =
fun es ->
let whole_expr = Core.fresh_type_variable () in
let type_values = ( type_expression_to_type_value es) in
let cs = (fun e -> O.C_equation (P_variable whole_expr , e)) type_values
in cs, whole_expr
let fresh_binder () =
Core.fresh_type_variable ()
let lambda
: I.type_expression ->
I.type_expression option ->
I.type_expression option ->
(constraints * O.type_variable) =
fun fresh arg body ->
let whole_expr = Core.fresh_type_variable () in
let unification_arg = Core.fresh_type_variable () in
let unification_body = Core.fresh_type_variable () in
let arg' = match arg with
None -> []
| Some arg -> O.[C_equation (P_variable unification_arg , type_expression_to_type_value arg)] in
let body' = match body with
None -> []
| Some body -> O.[C_equation (P_variable unification_body , type_expression_to_type_value body)]
in O.[
C_equation (type_expression_to_type_value fresh , P_variable unification_arg) ;
C_equation (P_variable whole_expr ,
P_constant (C_arrow , [P_variable unification_arg ;
P_variable unification_body]))
] @ arg' @ body' , whole_expr
(* begin unionfind *)
module TV =
type t = Core.type_variable
let compare =
let to_string = (fun s -> s)
module UF = Union_find.Partition0.Make(TV)
type unionfind = UF.t
let empty = UF.empty (* DEMO *)
let representative_toto = UF.repr "toto" empty (* DEMO *)
let merge x y = UF.equiv x y (* DEMO *)
(* end unionfind *)
(* representant for an equivalence class of type variables *)
module TypeVariable = String
module TypeVariableMap = Map.Make(TypeVariable)
* assignments (passive data structure).
Now: just a map from unification vars to types (pb: what about partial types?)
maybe just local assignments (allow only vars as children of pair(α,β))
* constraint propagation: (buch of constraints) → (new constraints * assignments)
* sub-component: constraint selector (worklist / dynamic queries)
* sub-sub component: constraint normalizer: remove dupes and give structure
right now: union-find of unification vars
later: better database-like organisation of knowledge
* sub-sub component: lazy selector (don't re-try all selectors every time)
For now: just re-try everytime
* sub-component: propagation rule
For now: break pair(a, b) = pair(c, d) into a = c, b = d
* generalizer
For now: ?
Start with empty assignments and structured database
Receive a new constraint
For each normalizer:
Use the pre-selector to see if it can be applied
Apply the normalizer, get some new items to insert in the structured database
For each propagator:
Use the selector to query the structured database and see if it can be applied
Apply the propagator, get some new constraints and assignments
Add the new assignments to the data structure.
At some point (when?)
For each generalizer:
Use the generalizer's selector to see if it can be applied
Apply the generalizer to produce a new type, possibly with some ∀s injected
open Core
type structured_dbs = {
all_constraints : type_constraint_simpl list ;
aliases : unionfind ;
(* assignments (passive data structure).
Now: just a map from unification vars to types (pb: what about partial types?)
maybe just local assignments (allow only vars as children of pair(α,β)) *)
assignments : c_constructor_simpl TypeVariableMap.t ;
grouped_by_variable : constraints TypeVariableMap.t ; (* map from (unionfind) variables to constraints containing them *)
cycle_detection_toposort : unit ; (* example of structured db that we'll add later *)
and constraints = {
constructor : c_constructor_simpl list ;
tc : c_typeclass_simpl list ;
and c_constructor_simpl = {
tv : type_variable;
c_tag : constant_tag;
tv_list : type_variable list;
(* copy-pasted from *)
and c_const = (type_variable * type_value)
and c_equation = (type_value * type_value)
and c_typeclass_simpl = {
tc : typeclass ;
args : type_variable list ;
and type_constraint_simpl =
SC_Constructor of c_constructor_simpl (* α = ctor(β, …) *)
| SC_Alias of (type_variable * type_variable) (* α = β *)
| SC_Typeclass of c_typeclass_simpl (* TC(α, …) *)
module UnionFindWrapper = struct
(* TODO: API for the structured db, to access it modulo unification variable aliases. *)
let get_constraints_related_to : type_variable -> structured_dbs -> constraints =
fun variable dbs ->
let variable , aliases = UF.get_or_set variable dbs.aliases in
let dbs = { dbs with aliases } in
match TypeVariableMap.find_opt variable dbs.grouped_by_variable with
Some l -> l
| None -> {
constructor = [] ;
tc = [] ;
let add_constraints_related_to : type_variable -> constraints -> structured_dbs -> structured_dbs =
fun variable c dbs ->
(* let (variable_repr , _height) , aliases = UF.get_or_set variable dbs.aliases in
let dbs = { dbs with aliases } in *)
let variable_repr , aliases = UF.get_or_set variable dbs.aliases in
let dbs = { dbs with aliases } in
let grouped_by_variable = TypeVariableMap.update variable_repr (function
None -> Some c
| Some x -> Some {
constructor = c.constructor @ x.constructor ;
tc = @ ;
let dbs = { dbs with grouped_by_variable } in
let merge_variables : type_variable -> type_variable -> structured_dbs -> structured_dbs =
fun variable_a variable_b dbs ->
let variable_repr_a , aliases = UF.get_or_set variable_a dbs.aliases in
let dbs = { dbs with aliases } in
let variable_repr_b , aliases = UF.get_or_set variable_b dbs.aliases in
let dbs = { dbs with aliases } in
let default d = function None -> d | Some y -> y in
let get_constraints ab =
TypeVariableMap.find_opt ab dbs.grouped_by_variable
|> default { constructor = [] ; tc = [] } in
let constraints_a = get_constraints variable_repr_a in
let constraints_b = get_constraints variable_repr_b in
let all_constraints = {
(* TODO: should be a Set.union, not @ *)
constructor = constraints_a.constructor @ constraints_b.constructor ;
tc = @ ;
} in
let grouped_by_variable =
TypeVariableMap.add variable_repr_a all_constraints dbs.grouped_by_variable in
let dbs = { dbs with grouped_by_variable} in
let grouped_by_variable =
TypeVariableMap.remove variable_repr_b dbs.grouped_by_variable in
let dbs = { dbs with grouped_by_variable} in
(* sub-sub component: constraint normalizer: remove dupes and give structure
* right now: union-find of unification vars
* later: better database-like organisation of knowledge *)
(* Each normalizer returns a *)
type ('a , 'b) normalizer = structured_dbs -> 'a -> (structured_dbs * 'b list)
let normalizer_all_constraints : (type_constraint_simpl , type_constraint_simpl) normalizer =
fun dbs new_constraint ->
({ dbs with all_constraints = new_constraint :: dbs.all_constraints } , [new_constraint])
let normalizer_grouped_by_variable : (type_constraint_simpl , type_constraint_simpl) normalizer =
fun dbs new_constraint ->
let store_constraint tvars constraints =
let aux dbs (tvar : type_variable) =
UnionFindWrapper.add_constraints_related_to tvar constraints dbs
in List.fold_left aux dbs tvars
let merge_constraints a b =
UnionFindWrapper.merge_variables a b dbs in
let dbs = match new_constraint with
SC_Constructor ({tv ; c_tag = _ ; tv_list} as c) -> store_constraint (tv :: tv_list) {constructor = [c] ; tc = []}
| SC_Typeclass ({tc = _ ; args} as c) -> store_constraint args {constructor = [] ; tc = [c]}
| SC_Alias (a , b) -> merge_constraints a b
in (dbs , [new_constraint])
(* Stores the first assinment ('a = ctor('b, …)) seen *)
let normalizer_assignments : (type_constraint_simpl , type_constraint_simpl) normalizer =
fun dbs new_constraint ->
match new_constraint with
| SC_Constructor ({tv ; c_tag = _ ; tv_list = _} as c) ->
let assignments = TypeVariableMap.update tv (function None -> Some c | e -> e) dbs.assignments in
let dbs = {dbs with assignments} in
(dbs , [new_constraint])
| _ ->
(dbs , [new_constraint])
let rec normalizer_simpl : (type_constraint , type_constraint_simpl) normalizer =
fun dbs new_constraint ->
match new_constraint with
| C_equation (P_forall _, P_forall _) -> failwith "TODO"
| C_equation ((P_forall _ as a), (P_variable _ as b)) -> normalizer_simpl dbs (C_equation (b , a))
| C_equation (P_forall _, P_constant _) -> failwith "TODO"
| C_equation (P_variable _, P_forall _) -> failwith "TODO"
| C_equation (P_variable a, P_variable b) -> (dbs , [SC_Alias (a, b)])
| C_equation (P_variable a, P_constant (c_tag, args)) ->
let fresh_vars = (fun _ -> Core.fresh_type_variable ()) args in
let fresh_eqns = (fun (v,t) -> C_equation (P_variable v, t)) (List.combine fresh_vars args) in
let (dbs , recur) = List.fold_map_acc normalizer_simpl dbs fresh_eqns in
(dbs , [SC_Constructor {tv=a;c_tag;tv_list=fresh_vars}] @ List.flatten recur)
| C_equation (P_constant _, P_forall _) -> failwith "TODO"
| C_equation ((P_constant _ as a), (P_variable _ as b)) -> normalizer_simpl dbs (C_equation (b , a))
| C_equation ((P_constant _ as a), (P_constant _ as b)) ->
(* break down c(args) = c'(args') into 'a = c(args) and 'a = c'(args') *)
let fresh = Core.fresh_type_variable () in
let (dbs , cs1) = normalizer_simpl dbs (C_equation (P_variable fresh, a)) in
let (dbs , cs2) = normalizer_simpl dbs (C_equation (P_variable fresh, b)) in
(dbs , cs1 @ cs2) (* TODO: O(n) concatenation! *)
| C_typeclass (args, tc) ->
(* break down TC(args) into TC('a, …) and ('a = arg) … *)
let fresh_vars = (fun _ -> Core.fresh_type_variable ()) args in
let fresh_eqns = (fun (v,t) -> C_equation (P_variable v, t)) (List.combine fresh_vars args) in
let (dbs , recur) = List.fold_map_acc normalizer_simpl dbs fresh_eqns in
(dbs, [SC_Typeclass { tc ; args = fresh_vars }] @ List.flatten recur)
| C_access_label (tv, label, result) -> let _todo = ignore (tv, label, result) in failwith "TODO"
type ('state, 'elt) state_list_monad = { state: 'state ; list : 'elt list }
let lift_state_list_monad ~state ~list = { state ; list }
let lift f =
fun { state ; list } ->
let (new_state , new_lists) = List.fold_map_acc f state list in
{ state = new_state ; list = List.flatten new_lists }
(* TODO: move this to the List module *)
let named_fold_left f ~acc ~lst = List.fold_left (fun acc lst -> f ~acc ~lst) acc lst
(* TODO: place the list of normalizers in a map *)
(* (\* cons for heterogeneous lists *\)
* type 'b f = { f : 'a . ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b }
* type ('hd , 'tl) hcons = { hd : 'hd ; tl : 'tl ; map : 'b . 'b f -> ('b , 'tl) hcons }
* let (+::) hd tl = { hd ; tl ; map = fun x -> }
* let list_of_normalizers =
* normalizer_simpl +::
* normalizer_all_constraints +::
* normalizer_assignments +::
* normalizer_grouped_by_variable +::
* () *)
module Fun = struct let id x = x end (* in stdlib as of 4.08, we're in 4.07 for now *)
let normalizers : type_constraint -> structured_dbs -> (structured_dbs , 'modified_constraint) state_list_monad =
fun new_constraint dbs ->
@@ lift normalizer_grouped_by_variable
@@ lift normalizer_assignments
@@ lift normalizer_all_constraints
@@ lift normalizer_simpl
@@ lift_state_list_monad ~state:dbs ~list:[new_constraint]
(* sub-sub component: lazy selector (don't re-try all selectors every time)
* For now: just re-try everytime *)
type todo = unit
let todo : todo = ()
type 'old_constraint_type selector_input = 'old_constraint_type (* some info about the constraint just added, so that we know what to look for *)
type 'selector_output selector_outputs =
WasSelected of 'selector_output list
| WasNotSelected
type new_constraints = type_constraint list
type new_assignments = c_constructor_simpl list
type ('old_constraint_type, 'selector_output) selector = 'old_constraint_type selector_input -> structured_dbs -> 'selector_output selector_outputs
(* selector / propagation rule for breaking down composite types
* For now: do something with ('a = 'b) constraints.
Or maybe this one should be a normalizer. *)
(* selector / propagation rule for breaking down composite types
* For now: break pair(a, b) = pair(c, d) into a = c, b = d *)
type output_break_ctor = < a_k_var : c_constructor_simpl ; a_k'_var' : c_constructor_simpl >
let selector_break_ctor : (type_constraint_simpl, output_break_ctor) selector =
(* find two rules with the shape a = k(var …) and a = k'(var' …) *)
fun todo dbs ->
match todo with
SC_Constructor c ->
let other_cs = (UnionFindWrapper.get_constraints_related_to dbs).constructor in
let cs_pairs = (fun x -> object method a_k_var = c method a_k'_var' = x end) other_cs in
WasSelected cs_pairs
| SC_Alias _ -> WasNotSelected (* TODO: ??? *)
| SC_Typeclass _ -> WasNotSelected
type 'selector_output propagator = 'selector_output -> structured_dbs -> new_constraints * new_assignments
let propagator_break_ctor : output_break_ctor propagator =
fun selected dbs ->
let () = ignore (dbs) in (* this propagator doesn't need to use the dbs *)
let a = selected#a_k_var in
let b = selected#a_k'_var' in
(* produce constraints: *)
(* = *)
let eq1 = C_equation (P_variable, P_variable in
(* a.c_tag = b.c_tag *)
if a.c_tag <> b.c_tag then
failwith "type error: incompatible types, not same ctor (TODO error message)"
(* a.tv_list = b.tv_list *)
if List.length a.tv_list <> List.length b.tv_list then
failwith "type error: incompatible types, not same length (TODO error message)"
let eqs3 = List.map2 (fun aa bb -> C_equation (P_variable aa, P_variable bb)) a.tv_list b.tv_list in
let eqs = eq1 :: eqs3 in
(eqs , []) (* no new assignments *)
let select_and_propagate : ('old_input, 'selector_output) selector -> 'selector_output propagator -> 'a -> structured_dbs -> new_constraints * new_assignments =
fun selector propagator ->
fun todo dbs ->
match selector todo dbs with
WasSelected selected_outputs ->
(* Call the propagation rule *)
let new_contraints_and_assignments = (fun s -> propagator s dbs) selected_outputs in
let (new_constraints , new_assignments) = List.split new_contraints_and_assignments in
(* return so that the new constraints are pushed to some kind of work queue and the new assignments stored *)
(List.flatten new_constraints , List.flatten new_assignments)
| WasNotSelected ->
([] , [])
let select_and_propagate_break_ctor = select_and_propagate selector_break_ctor propagator_break_ctor
let select_and_propagate_all' : type_constraint_simpl selector_input -> structured_dbs -> 'todo_result =
fun new_constraint dbs ->
let (new_constraints, new_assignments) = select_and_propagate_break_ctor new_constraint dbs in
let assignments = List.fold_left (fun acc ({tv;c_tag=_;tv_list=_} as ele) -> TypeVariableMap.update tv (function None -> Some ele | x -> x) acc) dbs.assignments new_assignments in
let dbs = { dbs with assignments } in
(* let blah2 = select_ … in … *)
(* We should try each selector in turn. If multiple selectors work, what should we do? *)
(new_constraints , dbs)
let rec select_and_propagate_all : type_constraint selector_input list -> structured_dbs -> 'todo_result =
fun new_constraints dbs ->
match new_constraints with
| [] -> dbs
| new_constraint :: tl ->
let { state = dbs ; list = modified_constraints } = normalizers new_constraint dbs in
let (new_constraints' , dbs) =
(fun (nc , dbs) c ->
let (new_constraints' , dbs) = select_and_propagate_all' c dbs in
(new_constraints' @ nc , dbs))
([] , dbs)
modified_constraints in
let new_constraints = new_constraints' @ tl in
select_and_propagate_all new_constraints dbs
(* sub-component: constraint selector (worklist / dynamic queries) *)
(* constraint propagation: (buch of constraints) → (new constraints * assignments) *)
(* Below is a draft *)
type state = {
(* when α-renaming x to y, we put them in the same union-find class *)
unification_vars : unionfind ;
(* assigns a value to the representant in the unionfind *)
assignments : type_value TypeVariableMap.t ;
(* constraints related to a type variable *)
constraints : constraints TypeVariableMap.t ;
let initial_state : state = {
unification_vars = UF.empty ;
constraints = TypeVariableMap.empty ;
assignments = TypeVariableMap.empty ;
(* let replace_var_in_state = fun (v : type_variable) (state : state) -> *)
(* let aux_tv : type_value -> _ = function *)
(* | P_forall (w , cs , tval) -> failwith "TODO" *)
(* | P_variable (w) -> *)
(* if w = v then *)
(* (*…*) *)
(* else *)
(* (*…*) *)
(* | P_constant (c , args) -> failwith "TODO" *)
(* | P_access_label (tv , label) -> failwith "TODO" in *)
(* let aux_tc tc = *)
(* (fun l -> aux_tv l) tc in *)
(* let aux : type_constraint -> _ = function *)
(* | C_equation (l , r) -> C_equation (aux_tv l , aux_tv r) *)
(* | C_typeclass (l , rs) -> C_typeclass ( aux_tv l , aux_tc rs) *)
(* in aux state *)
(* let check_equal a b = failwith "TODO"
* let check_same_length l1 l2 = failwith "TODO"
* let rec unify : type_value * type_value -> type_constraint list result = function
* | (P_variable v , P_constant (y , argsy)) ->
* failwith "TODO: replace v with the constant everywhere."
* | (P_constant (x , argsx) , P_variable w) ->
* failwith "TODO: "
* | (P_variable v , P_variable w) ->
* failwith "TODO: replace v with w everywhere"
* | (P_constant (x , argsx) , P_constant (y , argsy)) ->
* let%bind () = check_equal x y in
* let%bind () = check_same_length argsx argsy in
* let%bind _ = bind_map_list unify (List.combine argsx argsy) in
* ok []
* | _ -> failwith "TODO" *)
(* (\* unify a and b, possibly produce new constraints *\) *)
(* let () = ignore (a,b) in *)
(* ok [] *)
(* This is the solver *)
let aggregate_constraints : state -> type_constraint list -> state result = fun state newc ->
(* TODO: Iterate over constraints *)
(* TODO: try to unify things:
if we have a = X and b = Y, try to unify X and Y *)
let _todo = ignore (state, newc) in
failwith "TODO"
(*let { constraints ; eqv } = state in
ok { constraints = constraints @ newc ; eqv }*)
@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ module SMap = O.SMap
module Environment = O.Environment
module Environment = O.Environment
module Solver = Solver
type environment = Environment.t
type environment = Environment.t
module Errors = struct
module Errors = struct
@ -216,6 +218,7 @@ module Errors = struct
] in
] in
error ~data title message
error ~data title message
open Errors
open Errors
let rec type_program (p:I.program) : O.program result =
let rec type_program (p:I.program) : O.program result =
@ -238,6 +241,9 @@ and type_declaration env : I.declaration -> (environment * O.declaration option)
let env' = Environment.add_type type_name tv env in
let env' = Environment.add_type type_name tv env in
ok (env', None)
ok (env', None)
| Declaration_constant (name , tv_opt , expression) -> (
| Declaration_constant (name , tv_opt , expression) -> (
Determine the type of the expression and add it to the environment
let%bind tv'_opt = bind_map_option (evaluate_type env) tv_opt in
let%bind tv'_opt = bind_map_option (evaluate_type env) tv_opt in
let%bind ae' =
let%bind ae' =
trace (constant_declaration_error name expression tv'_opt) @@
trace (constant_declaration_error name expression tv'_opt) @@
@ -340,6 +346,10 @@ and type_match : type i o . (environment -> i -> o result) -> environment -> O.t
bind_map_list aux lst in
bind_map_list aux lst in
ok (O.Match_variant (lst' , variant))
ok (O.Match_variant (lst' , variant))
Recursively search the type_expression and return a result containing the
type_value at the leaves
and evaluate_type (e:environment) (t:I.type_expression) : O.type_value result =
and evaluate_type (e:environment) (t:I.type_expression) : O.type_value result =
let return tv' = ok (make_t tv' (Some t)) in
let return tv' = ok (make_t tv' (Some t)) in
match t with
match t with
@ -782,6 +792,9 @@ let untype_literal (l:O.literal) : I.literal result =
| Literal_address s -> ok (Literal_address s)
| Literal_address s -> ok (Literal_address s)
| Literal_operation s -> ok (Literal_operation s)
| Literal_operation s -> ok (Literal_operation s)
Tranform a Ast_typed expression into an ast_simplified matching
let rec untype_expression (e:O.annotated_expression) : (I.expression) result =
let rec untype_expression (e:O.annotated_expression) : (I.expression) result =
let open I in
let open I in
let return e = ok e in
let return e = ok e in
@ -849,6 +862,9 @@ let rec untype_expression (e:O.annotated_expression) : (I.expression) result =
let%bind result = untype_expression result in
let%bind result = untype_expression result in
return (e_let_in (binder , (Some tv)) rhs result)
return (e_let_in (binder , (Some tv)) rhs result)
Tranform a Ast_typed matching into an ast_simplified matching
and untype_matching : type o i . (o -> i result) -> o O.matching -> (i I.matching) result = fun f m ->
and untype_matching : type o i . (o -> i result) -> o O.matching -> (i I.matching) result = fun f m ->
let open I in
let open I in
match m with
match m with
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,879 @@
open Trace
module I = Ast_simplified
module O = Ast_typed
open O.Combinators
module SMap = O.SMap
module Environment = O.Environment
type environment = Environment.t
module Errors = struct
let unbound_type_variable (e:environment) (n:string) () =
let title = (thunk "unbound type variable") in
let message () = "" in
let data = [
("variable" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%s" n) ;
(* TODO: types don't have srclocs for now. *)
(* ("location" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp (n.location)) ; *)
("in" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" Environment.PP.full_environment e)
] in
error ~data title message ()
let unbound_variable (e:environment) (n:string) (loc:Location.t) () =
let title = (thunk "unbound variable") in
let message () = "" in
let data = [
("variable" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%s" n) ;
("environment" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" Environment.PP.full_environment e) ;
("location" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp loc)
] in
error ~data title message ()
let match_empty_variant : type a . a I.matching -> Location.t -> unit -> _ =
fun matching loc () ->
let title = (thunk "match with no cases") in
let message () = "" in
let data = [
("variant" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" I.PP.matching_type matching) ;
("location" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp loc)
] in
error ~data title message ()
let match_missing_case : type a . a I.matching -> Location.t -> unit -> _ =
fun matching loc () ->
let title = (thunk "missing case in match") in
let message () = "" in
let data = [
("variant" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" I.PP.matching_type matching) ;
("location" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp loc)
] in
error ~data title message ()
let match_redundant_case : type a . a I.matching -> Location.t -> unit -> _ =
fun matching loc () ->
let title = (thunk "missing case in match") in
let message () = "" in
let data = [
("variant" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" I.PP.matching_type matching) ;
("location" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp loc)
] in
error ~data title message ()
let unbound_constructor (e:environment) (n:string) (loc:Location.t) () =
let title = (thunk "unbound constructor") in
let message () = "" in
let data = [
("constructor" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%s" n) ;
("environment" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" Environment.PP.full_environment e) ;
("location" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp loc)
] in
error ~data title message ()
let unrecognized_constant (n:string) (loc:Location.t) () =
let title = (thunk "unrecognized constant") in
let message () = "" in
let data = [
("constant" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%s" n) ;
("location" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp loc)
] in
error ~data title message ()
let wrong_arity (n:string) (expected:int) (actual:int) (loc : Location.t) () =
let title () = "wrong arity" in
let message () = "" in
let data = [
("function" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%s" n) ;
("expected" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%d" expected) ;
("actual" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%d" actual) ;
("location" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp loc)
] in
error ~data title message ()
let match_tuple_wrong_arity (expected:'a list) (actual:'b list) (loc:Location.t) () =
let title () = "matching tuple of different size" in
let message () = "" in
let data = [
("expected" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%d" (List.length expected)) ;
("actual" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%d" (List.length actual)) ;
("location" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp loc)
] in
error ~data title message ()
(* TODO: this should be a trace_info? *)
let program_error (p:I.program) () =
let message () = "" in
let title = (thunk "typing program") in
let data = [
("program" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" I.PP.program p)
] in
error ~data title message ()
let constant_declaration_error (name:string) (ae:I.expr) (expected: O.type_expression option) () =
let title = (thunk "typing constant declaration") in
let message () = "" in
let data = [
("constant" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%s" name) ;
("expression" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" I.PP.expression ae) ;
("expected" , fun () ->
match expected with
None -> "(no annotation for the expected type)"
| Some expected -> Format.asprintf "%a" O.PP.type_expression expected) ;
("location" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp ae.location)
] in
error ~data title message ()
let match_error : type a . ?msg:string -> expected: a I.matching -> actual: O.type_expression -> Location.t -> unit -> _ =
fun ?(msg = "") ~expected ~actual loc () ->
let title = (thunk "typing match") in
let message () = msg in
let data = [
("expected" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" I.PP.matching_type expected);
("actual" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" O.PP.type_expression actual) ;
("location" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp loc)
] in
error ~data title message ()
let needs_annotation (e : I.expression) (case : string) () =
let title = (thunk "this expression must be annotated with its type") in
let message () = Format.asprintf "%s needs an annotation" case in
let data = [
("expression" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" I.PP.expression e) ;
("location" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp e.location)
] in
error ~data title message ()
let type_error_approximate ?(msg="") ~(expected: string) ~(actual: O.type_expression) ~(expression : I.expression) (loc:Location.t) () =
let title = (thunk "type error") in
let message () = msg in
let data = [
("expected" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%s" expected);
("actual" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" O.PP.type_expression actual);
("expression" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" I.PP.expression expression) ;
("location" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp loc)
] in
error ~data title message ()
let type_error ?(msg="") ~(expected: O.type_expression) ~(actual: O.type_expression) ~(expression : I.expression) (loc:Location.t) () =
let title = (thunk "type error") in
let message () = msg in
let data = [
("expected" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" O.PP.type_expression expected);
("actual" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" O.PP.type_expression actual);
("expression" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" I.PP.expression expression) ;
("location" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp loc)
] in
error ~data title message ()
let bad_tuple_index (index : int) (ae : I.expression) (t : O.type_expression) (loc:Location.t) () =
let title = (thunk "invalid tuple index") in
let message () = "" in
let data = [
("index" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%d" index) ;
("tuple_value" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" I.PP.expression ae) ;
("tuple_type" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" O.PP.type_expression t) ;
("location" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp loc)
] in
error ~data title message ()
let bad_record_access (field : string) (ae : I.expression) (t : O.type_expression) (loc:Location.t) () =
let title = (thunk "invalid record field") in
let message () = "" in
let data = [
("field" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%s" field) ;
("record_value" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" I.PP.expression ae) ;
("tuple_type" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" O.PP.type_expression t) ;
("location" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp loc)
] in
error ~data title message ()
let not_supported_yet (message : string) (ae : I.expression) () =
let title = (thunk "not supported yet") in
let message () = message in
let data = [
("expression" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" I.PP.expression ae) ;
("location" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp ae.location)
] in
error ~data title message ()
let not_supported_yet_untranspile (message : string) (ae : O.expression) () =
let title = (thunk "not supported yet") in
let message () = message in
let data = [
("expression" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" O.PP.expression ae)
] in
error ~data title message ()
let constant_error loc lst tv_opt =
let title () = "typing constant" in
let message () = "" in
let data = [
("location" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp loc ) ;
("argument_types" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" PP_helpers.(list_sep Ast_typed.PP.type_expression (const " , ")) lst) ;
("type_opt" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" PP_helpers.(option Ast_typed.PP.type_expression) tv_opt) ;
] in
error ~data title message
open Errors
let rec type_program (p:I.program) : O.program result =
let aux (e, acc:(environment * O.declaration Location.wrap list)) (d:I.declaration Location.wrap) =
let%bind ed' = (bind_map_location (type_declaration e)) d in
let loc : 'a . 'a Location.wrap -> _ -> _ = fun x v -> Location.wrap ~loc:x.location v in
let (e', d') = Location.unwrap ed' in
match d' with
| None -> ok (e', acc)
| Some d' -> ok (e', loc ed' d' :: acc)
let%bind (_, lst) =
trace (fun () -> program_error p ()) @@
bind_fold_list aux (Environment.full_empty, []) p in
ok @@ List.rev lst
and type_declaration env : I.declaration -> (environment * O.declaration option) result = function
| Declaration_type (type_name , type_expression) ->
let%bind tv = evaluate_type env type_expression in
let env' = Environment.add_type type_name tv env in
ok (env', None)
| Declaration_constant (name , tv_opt , expression) -> (
let%bind tv'_opt = bind_map_option (evaluate_type env) tv_opt in
let%bind ae' =
trace (constant_declaration_error name expression tv'_opt) @@
type_expression ?tv_opt:tv'_opt env expression in
let env' = Environment.add_ez_ae name ae' env in
ok (env', Some (O.Declaration_constant ((make_n_e name ae') , (env , env'))))
and type_match : type i o . (environment -> i -> o result) -> environment -> O.type_expression -> i I.matching -> I.expression -> Location.t -> o O.matching result =
fun f e t i ae loc -> match i with
| Match_bool {match_true ; match_false} ->
let%bind _ =
trace_strong (match_error ~expected:i ~actual:t loc)
@@ get_t_bool t in
let%bind match_true = f e match_true in
let%bind match_false = f e match_false in
ok (O.Match_bool {match_true ; match_false})
| Match_option {match_none ; match_some} ->
let%bind t_opt =
trace_strong (match_error ~expected:i ~actual:t loc)
@@ get_t_option t in
let%bind match_none = f e match_none in
let (n, b) = match_some in
let n' = n, t_opt in
let e' = Environment.add_ez_binder n t_opt e in
let%bind b' = f e' b in
ok (O.Match_option {match_none ; match_some = (n', b')})
| Match_list {match_nil ; match_cons} ->
let%bind t_list =
trace_strong (match_error ~expected:i ~actual:t loc)
@@ get_t_list t in
let%bind match_nil = f e match_nil in
let (hd, tl, b) = match_cons in
let e' = Environment.add_ez_binder hd t_list e in
let e' = Environment.add_ez_binder tl t e' in
let%bind b' = f e' b in
ok (O.Match_list {match_nil ; match_cons = (hd, tl, b')})
| Match_tuple (lst, b) ->
let%bind t_tuple =
trace_strong (match_error ~expected:i ~actual:t loc)
@@ get_t_tuple t in
let%bind lst' =
generic_try (match_tuple_wrong_arity t_tuple lst loc)
@@ (fun () -> List.combine lst t_tuple) in
let aux prev (name, tv) = Environment.add_ez_binder name tv prev in
let e' = List.fold_left aux e lst' in
let%bind b' = f e' b in
ok (O.Match_tuple (lst, b'))
| Match_variant lst ->
let%bind variant_opt =
let aux acc ((constructor_name , _) , _) =
let%bind (_ , variant) =
trace_option (unbound_constructor e constructor_name loc) @@
Environment.get_constructor constructor_name e in
let%bind acc = match acc with
| None -> ok (Some variant)
| Some variant' -> (
trace (type_error
~msg:"in match variant"
) @@
Ast_typed.assert_type_expression_eq (variant , variant') >>? fun () ->
ok (Some variant)
) in
ok acc in
trace (simple_info "in match variant") @@
bind_fold_list aux None lst in
let%bind variant =
trace_option (match_empty_variant i loc) @@
variant_opt in
let%bind () =
let%bind variant_cases' =
trace (match_error ~expected:i ~actual:t loc)
@@ Ast_typed.Combinators.get_t_sum variant in
let variant_cases = fst @@ Map.String.to_kv_list variant_cases' in
let match_cases = (Function.compose fst fst) lst in
let test_case = fun c ->
Assert.assert_true (List.mem c match_cases)
let%bind () =
trace_strong (match_missing_case i loc) @@
bind_iter_list test_case variant_cases in
let%bind () =
trace_strong (match_redundant_case i loc) @@
Assert.assert_true List.(length variant_cases = length match_cases) in
ok ()
let%bind lst' =
let aux ((constructor_name , name) , b) =
let%bind (constructor , _) =
trace_option (unbound_constructor e constructor_name loc) @@
Environment.get_constructor constructor_name e in
let e' = Environment.add_ez_binder name constructor e in
let%bind b' = f e' b in
ok ((constructor_name , name) , b')
bind_map_list aux lst in
ok (O.Match_variant (lst' , variant))
and evaluate_type (e:environment) (t:I.type_expression) : O.type_expression result =
let return tv' = ok (make_t tv' (Some t)) in
match t with
| T_function (a, b) ->
let%bind a' = evaluate_type e a in
let%bind b' = evaluate_type e b in
return (T_function (a', b'))
| T_tuple lst ->
let%bind lst' = bind_list @@ (evaluate_type e) lst in
return (T_tuple lst')
| T_sum m ->
let aux k v prev =
let%bind prev' = prev in
let%bind v' = evaluate_type e v in
ok @@ SMap.add k v' prev'
let%bind m = SMap.fold aux m (ok SMap.empty) in
return (T_sum m)
| T_record m ->
let aux k v prev =
let%bind prev' = prev in
let%bind v' = evaluate_type e v in
ok @@ SMap.add k v' prev'
let%bind m = SMap.fold aux m (ok SMap.empty) in
return (T_record m)
| T_variable name ->
let%bind tv =
trace_option (unbound_type_variable e name)
@@ Environment.get_type_opt name e in
ok tv
| T_constant (cst, lst) ->
let%bind lst' = bind_list @@ (evaluate_type e) lst in
return (T_constant(cst, lst'))
and type_expression : environment -> ?tv_opt:O.type_expression -> I.expression -> O.annotated_expression result = fun e ?tv_opt ae ->
let module L = Logger.Stateful() in
let return expr tv =
let%bind () =
match tv_opt with
| None -> ok ()
| Some tv' -> O.assert_type_expression_eq (tv' , tv) in
let location = Location.get_location ae in
ok @@ make_a_e ~location expr tv e in
let main_error =
let title () = "typing expression" in
let content () = "" in
let data = [
("expression" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" I.PP.expression ae) ;
("location" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp @@ Location.get_location ae) ;
("misc" , fun () -> L.get ()) ;
] in
error ~data title content in
trace main_error @@
match Location.unwrap ae with
(* Basic *)
| E_failwith _ -> fail @@ needs_annotation ae "the failwith keyword"
| E_variable name ->
let%bind tv' =
trace_option (unbound_variable e name ae.location)
@@ Environment.get_opt name e in
return (E_variable name) tv'.type_expression
| E_literal (Literal_bool b) ->
return (E_literal (Literal_bool b)) (t_bool ())
| E_literal Literal_unit | E_skip ->
return (E_literal (Literal_unit)) (t_unit ())
| E_literal (Literal_string s) -> (
L.log (Format.asprintf "literal_string option type: %a" PP_helpers.(option O.PP.type_expression) tv_opt) ;
match Ast_typed.get_type' tv_opt with
| Some (T_constant ("address" , [])) -> return (E_literal (Literal_address s)) (t_address ())
| _ -> return (E_literal (Literal_string s)) (t_string ())
| E_literal (Literal_bytes s) ->
return (E_literal (Literal_bytes s)) (t_bytes ())
| E_literal (Literal_int n) ->
return (E_literal (Literal_int n)) (t_int ())
| E_literal (Literal_nat n) ->
return (E_literal (Literal_nat n)) (t_nat ())
| E_literal (Literal_timestamp n) ->
return (E_literal (Literal_timestamp n)) (t_timestamp ())
| E_literal (Literal_tez n) ->
return (E_literal (Literal_tez n)) (t_tez ())
| E_literal (Literal_address s) ->
return (e_address s) (t_address ())
| E_literal (Literal_operation op) ->
return (e_operation op) (t_operation ())
(* Tuple *)
| E_tuple lst ->
let%bind lst' = bind_list @@ (type_expression e) lst in
let tv_lst = get_type_annotation lst' in
return (E_tuple lst') (t_tuple tv_lst ())
| E_accessor (ae', path) ->
let%bind e' = type_expression e ae' in
let aux (prev:O.annotated_expression) (a:I.access) : O.annotated_expression result =
match a with
| Access_tuple index -> (
let%bind tpl_tv = get_t_tuple prev.type_annotation in
let%bind tv =
generic_try (bad_tuple_index index ae' prev.type_annotation ae.location)
@@ (fun () -> List.nth tpl_tv index) in
return (E_tuple_accessor (prev , index)) tv
| Access_record property -> (
let%bind r_tv = get_t_record prev.type_annotation in
let%bind tv =
generic_try (bad_record_access property ae' prev.type_annotation ae.location)
@@ (fun () -> SMap.find property r_tv) in
return (E_record_accessor (prev , property)) tv
| Access_map ae' -> (
let%bind ae'' = type_expression e ae' in
let%bind (k , v) = get_t_map prev.type_annotation in
let%bind () =
Ast_typed.assert_type_expression_eq (k , get_type_annotation ae'') in
return (E_look_up (prev , ae'')) v
trace (simple_info "accessing") @@
bind_fold_list aux e' path
(* Sum *)
| E_constructor (c, expr) ->
let%bind (c_tv, sum_tv) =
let error =
let title () = "no such constructor" in
let content () =
Format.asprintf "%s in:\n%a\n"
c O.Environment.PP.full_environment e
error title content in
trace_option error @@
Environment.get_constructor c e in
let%bind expr' = type_expression e expr in
let%bind _assert = O.assert_type_expression_eq (expr'.type_annotation, c_tv) in
return (E_constructor (c , expr')) sum_tv
(* Record *)
| E_record m ->
let aux prev k expr =
let%bind expr' = type_expression e expr in
ok (SMap.add k expr' prev)
let%bind m' = bind_fold_smap aux (ok SMap.empty) m in
return (E_record m') (t_record ( get_type_annotation m') ())
(* Data-structure *)
| E_list lst ->
let%bind lst' = bind_map_list (type_expression e) lst in
let%bind tv =
let aux opt c =
match opt with
| None -> ok (Some c)
| Some c' ->
let%bind _eq = Ast_typed.assert_type_expression_eq (c, c') in
ok (Some c') in
let%bind init = match tv_opt with
| None -> ok None
| Some ty ->
let%bind ty' = get_t_list ty in
ok (Some ty') in
let%bind ty =
let%bind opt = bind_fold_list aux init
@@ get_type_annotation lst' in
trace_option (needs_annotation ae "empty list") opt in
ok (t_list ty ())
return (E_list lst') tv
| E_set lst ->
let%bind lst' = bind_map_list (type_expression e) lst in
let%bind tv =
let aux opt c =
match opt with
| None -> ok (Some c)
| Some c' ->
let%bind _eq = Ast_typed.assert_type_expression_eq (c, c') in
ok (Some c') in
let%bind init = match tv_opt with
| None -> ok None
| Some ty ->
let%bind ty' = get_t_set ty in
ok (Some ty') in
let%bind ty =
let%bind opt = bind_fold_list aux init
@@ get_type_annotation lst' in
trace_option (needs_annotation ae "empty set") opt in
ok (t_set ty ())
return (E_set lst') tv
| E_map lst ->
let%bind lst' = bind_map_list (bind_map_pair (type_expression e)) lst in
let%bind tv =
let aux opt c =
match opt with
| None -> ok (Some c)
| Some c' ->
let%bind _eq = Ast_typed.assert_type_expression_eq (c, c') in
ok (Some c') in
let%bind key_type =
let%bind sub =
bind_fold_list aux None
@@ get_type_annotation
@@ fst lst' in
let%bind annot = bind_map_option get_t_map_key tv_opt in
trace (simple_info "empty map expression without a type annotation") @@
O.merge_annotation annot sub (needs_annotation ae "this map literal")
let%bind value_type =
let%bind sub =
bind_fold_list aux None
@@ get_type_annotation
@@ snd lst' in
let%bind annot = bind_map_option get_t_map_value tv_opt in
trace (simple_info "empty map expression without a type annotation") @@
O.merge_annotation annot sub (needs_annotation ae "this map literal")
ok (t_map key_type value_type ())
return (E_map lst') tv
| E_lambda {
binder ;
input_type ;
output_type ;
result ;
} -> (
let%bind input_type =
let%bind input_type =
(* Hack to take care of let_in introduced by `simplify/` in ECase's hack *)
let default_action e () = fail @@ (needs_annotation e "the returned value") in
match input_type with
| Some ty -> ok ty
| None -> (
match Location.unwrap result with
| I.E_let_in li -> (
match Location.unwrap li.rhs with
| I.E_variable name when name = (fst binder) -> (
match snd li.binder with
| Some ty -> ok ty
| None -> default_action li.rhs ()
| _ -> default_action li.rhs ()
| _ -> default_action result ()
evaluate_type e input_type in
let%bind output_type =
bind_map_option (evaluate_type e) output_type
let e' = Environment.add_ez_binder (fst binder) input_type e in
let%bind result = type_expression ?tv_opt:output_type e' result in
let output_type = result.type_annotation in
return (E_lambda {binder = fst binder;input_type;output_type;result}) (t_function input_type output_type ())
| E_constant (name, lst) ->
let%bind lst' = bind_list @@ (type_expression e) lst in
let tv_lst = get_type_annotation lst' in
let%bind (name', tv) =
type_constant name tv_lst tv_opt ae.location in
return (E_constant (name' , lst')) tv
| E_application (f, arg) ->
let%bind f' = type_expression e f in
let%bind arg = type_expression e arg in
let%bind tv = match f'.type_annotation.type_expression' with
| T_function (param, result) ->
let%bind _ = O.assert_type_expression_eq (param, arg.type_annotation) in
ok result
| _ ->
fail @@ type_error_approximate
~expected:"should be a function type"
return (E_application (f' , arg)) tv
| E_look_up dsi ->
let%bind (ds, ind) = bind_map_pair (type_expression e) dsi in
let%bind (src, dst) = get_t_map ds.type_annotation in
let%bind _ = O.assert_type_expression_eq (ind.type_annotation, src) in
return (E_look_up (ds , ind)) (t_option dst ())
(* Advanced *)
| E_matching (ex, m) -> (
let%bind ex' = type_expression e ex in
match m with
(* Special case for assert-like failwiths. TODO: CLEAN THIS. *)
| I.Match_bool { match_false ; match_true } when I.is_e_failwith match_true -> (
let%bind fw = I.get_e_failwith match_true in
let%bind fw' = type_expression e fw in
let%bind mf' = type_expression e match_false in
let t = get_type_annotation ex' in
let%bind () =
trace_strong (match_error ~expected:m ~actual:t ae.location)
@@ assert_t_bool t in
let%bind () =
trace_strong (match_error
~msg:"matching not-unit on an assert"
@@ assert_t_unit (get_type_annotation mf') in
let mt' = make_a_e
(E_constant ("ASSERT_INFERRED" , [ex' ; fw']))
(t_unit ())
let m' = O.Match_bool { match_true = mt' ; match_false = mf' } in
return (O.E_matching (ex' , m')) (t_unit ())
| _ -> (
let%bind m' = type_match (type_expression ?tv_opt:None) e ex'.type_annotation m ae ae.location in
let tvs =
let aux (cur:O.value O.matching) =
match cur with
| Match_bool { match_true ; match_false } -> [ match_true ; match_false ]
| Match_list { match_nil ; match_cons = (_ , _ , match_cons) } -> [ match_nil ; match_cons ]
| Match_option { match_none ; match_some = (_ , match_some) } -> [ match_none ; match_some ]
| Match_tuple (_ , match_tuple) -> [ match_tuple ]
| Match_variant (lst , _) -> snd lst in
| get_type_annotation @@ aux m' in
let aux prec cur =
let%bind () =
match prec with
| None -> ok ()
| Some cur' -> Ast_typed.assert_type_expression_eq (cur , cur') in
ok (Some cur) in
let%bind tv_opt = bind_fold_list aux None tvs in
let%bind tv =
trace_option (match_empty_variant m ae.location) @@
tv_opt in
return (O.E_matching (ex', m')) tv
| E_sequence (a , b) ->
let%bind a' = type_expression e a in
let%bind b' = type_expression e b in
let a'_type_annot = get_type_annotation a' in
let%bind () =
trace_strong (type_error
~msg:"first part of the sequence should be of unit type"
~expected:(O.t_unit ())
a'.location) @@
Ast_typed.assert_type_expression_eq (t_unit () , a'_type_annot) in
return (O.E_sequence (a' , b')) (get_type_annotation b')
| E_loop (expr , body) ->
let%bind expr' = type_expression e expr in
let%bind body' = type_expression e body in
let t_expr' = get_type_annotation expr' in
let%bind () =
trace_strong (type_error
~msg:"while condition isn't of type bool"
~expected:(O.t_bool ())
expr'.location) @@
Ast_typed.assert_type_expression_eq (t_bool () , t_expr') in
let t_body' = get_type_annotation body' in
let%bind () =
trace_strong (type_error
~msg:"while body isn't of unit type"
~expected:(O.t_unit ())
body'.location) @@
Ast_typed.assert_type_expression_eq (t_unit () , t_body') in
return (O.E_loop (expr' , body')) (t_unit ())
| E_assign (name , path , expr) ->
let%bind typed_name =
let%bind ele = Environment.get_trace name e in
ok @@ make_n_t name ele.type_expression in
let%bind (assign_tv , path') =
let aux : ((_ * O.access_path) as 'a) -> I.access -> 'a result = fun (prec_tv , prec_path) cur_path ->
match cur_path with
| Access_tuple index -> (
let%bind tpl = get_t_tuple prec_tv in
let%bind tv' =
trace_option (bad_tuple_index index ae prec_tv ae.location) @@
List.nth_opt tpl index in
ok (tv' , prec_path @ [O.Access_tuple index])
| Access_record property -> (
let%bind m = get_t_record prec_tv in
let%bind tv' =
trace_option (bad_record_access property ae prec_tv ae.location) @@
Map.String.find_opt property m in
ok (tv' , prec_path @ [O.Access_record property])
| Access_map _ ->
fail @@ not_supported_yet "assign expressions with maps are not supported yet" ae
bind_fold_list aux (typed_name.type_expression , []) path in
let%bind expr' = type_expression e expr in
let t_expr' = get_type_annotation expr' in
let%bind () =
trace_strong (type_error
~msg:"type of the expression to assign doesn't match left-hand-side"
expr'.location) @@
Ast_typed.assert_type_expression_eq (assign_tv , t_expr') in
return (O.E_assign (typed_name , path' , expr')) (t_unit ())
| E_let_in {binder ; rhs ; result} ->
let%bind rhs_tv_opt = bind_map_option (evaluate_type e) (snd binder) in
let%bind rhs = type_expression ?tv_opt:rhs_tv_opt e rhs in
let e' = Environment.add_ez_declaration (fst binder) rhs e in
let%bind result = type_expression e' result in
return (E_let_in {binder = fst binder; rhs; result}) result.type_annotation
| E_annotation (expr , te) ->
let%bind tv = evaluate_type e te in
let%bind expr' = type_expression ~tv_opt:tv e expr in
let%bind type_annotation =
(Some tv)
(Some expr'.type_annotation)
(internal_assertion_failure "merge_annotations (Some ...) (Some ...) failed") in
ok {expr' with type_annotation}
and type_constant (name:string) (lst:O.type_expression list) (tv_opt:O.type_expression option) (loc : Location.t) : (string * O.type_expression) result =
(* Constant poorman's polymorphism *)
let ct = Operators.Typer.constant_typers in
let%bind typer =
trace_option (unrecognized_constant name loc) @@
Map.String.find_opt name ct in
trace (constant_error loc lst tv_opt) @@
typer lst tv_opt
let untype_type_expression (t:O.type_expression) : (I.type_expression) result =
match t.simplified with
| Some s -> ok s
| _ -> fail @@ internal_assertion_failure "trying to untype generated type"
let untype_literal (l:O.literal) : I.literal result =
let open I in
match l with
| Literal_unit -> ok Literal_unit
| Literal_bool b -> ok (Literal_bool b)
| Literal_nat n -> ok (Literal_nat n)
| Literal_timestamp n -> ok (Literal_timestamp n)
| Literal_tez n -> ok (Literal_tez n)
| Literal_int n -> ok (Literal_int n)
| Literal_string s -> ok (Literal_string s)
| Literal_bytes b -> ok (Literal_bytes b)
| Literal_address s -> ok (Literal_address s)
| Literal_operation s -> ok (Literal_operation s)
let rec untype_expression (e:O.annotated_expression) : (I.expression) result =
let open I in
let return e = ok e in
match e.expression with
| E_literal l ->
let%bind l = untype_literal l in
return (e_literal l)
| E_constant (n, lst) ->
let%bind lst' = bind_map_list untype_expression lst in
return (e_constant n lst')
| E_variable n ->
return (e_variable n)
| E_application (f, arg) ->
let%bind f' = untype_expression f in
let%bind arg' = untype_expression arg in
return (e_application f' arg')
| E_lambda {binder;input_type;output_type;result} ->
let%bind input_type = untype_type_expression input_type in
let%bind output_type = untype_type_expression output_type in
let%bind result = untype_expression result in
return (e_lambda binder (Some input_type) (Some output_type) result)
| E_tuple lst ->
let%bind lst' = bind_list
@@ untype_expression lst in
return (e_tuple lst')
| E_tuple_accessor (tpl, ind) ->
let%bind tpl' = untype_expression tpl in
return (e_accessor tpl' [Access_tuple ind])
| E_constructor (n, p) ->
let%bind p' = untype_expression p in
return (e_constructor n p')
| E_record r ->
let%bind r' = bind_smap
@@ untype_expression r in
return (e_record r')
| E_record_accessor (r, s) ->
let%bind r' = untype_expression r in
return (e_accessor r' [Access_record s])
| E_map m ->
let%bind m' = bind_map_list (bind_map_pair untype_expression) m in
return (e_map m')
| E_list lst ->
let%bind lst' = bind_map_list untype_expression lst in
return (e_list lst')
| E_set lst ->
let%bind lst' = bind_map_list untype_expression lst in
return (e_set lst')
| E_look_up dsi ->
let%bind (a , b) = bind_map_pair untype_expression dsi in
return (e_look_up a b)
| E_matching (ae, m) ->
let%bind ae' = untype_expression ae in
let%bind m' = untype_matching untype_expression m in
return (e_matching ae' m')
| E_failwith ae ->
let%bind ae' = untype_expression ae in
return (e_failwith ae')
| E_sequence _
| E_loop _
| E_assign _ -> fail @@ not_supported_yet_untranspile "not possible to untranspile statements yet" e.expression
| E_let_in {binder;rhs;result} ->
let%bind tv = untype_type_expression rhs.type_annotation in
let%bind rhs = untype_expression rhs in
let%bind result = untype_expression result in
return (e_let_in (binder , (Some tv)) rhs result)
and untype_matching : type o i . (o -> i result) -> o O.matching -> (i I.matching) result = fun f m ->
let open I in
match m with
| Match_bool {match_true ; match_false} ->
let%bind match_true = f match_true in
let%bind match_false = f match_false in
ok @@ Match_bool {match_true ; match_false}
| Match_tuple (lst, b) ->
let%bind b = f b in
ok @@ Match_tuple (lst, b)
| Match_option {match_none ; match_some = (v, some)} ->
let%bind match_none = f match_none in
let%bind some = f some in
let match_some = fst v, some in
ok @@ Match_option {match_none ; match_some}
| Match_list {match_nil ; match_cons = (hd, tl, cons)} ->
let%bind match_nil = f match_nil in
let%bind cons = f cons in
let match_cons = hd, tl, cons in
ok @@ Match_list {match_nil ; match_cons}
| Match_variant (lst , _) ->
let aux ((a,b),c) =
let%bind c' = f c in
ok ((a,b),c') in
let%bind lst' = bind_map_list aux lst in
ok @@ Match_variant lst'
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
@ -219,6 +219,65 @@ module Typer = struct
open Helpers.Typer
open Helpers.Typer
open Ast_typed
open Ast_typed
module Operators_types = struct
open Typesystem.Shorthands
let tc_subarg a b c = tc [a;b;c] [ (*TODO…*) ]
let tc_sizearg a = tc [a] [ [int] ]
let tc_packable a = tc [a] [ [int] ; [string] ; [bool] (*TODO…*) ]
let tc_timargs a b c = tc [a;b;c] [ [nat;nat;nat] ; [int;int;int] (*TODO…*) ]
let tc_divargs a b c = tc [a;b;c] [ (*TODO…*) ]
let tc_modargs a b c = tc [a;b;c] [ (*TODO…*) ]
let tc_addargs a b c = tc [a;b;c] [ (*TODO…*) ]
let t_none = forall "a" @@ fun a -> option a
let t_sub = forall3_tc "a" "b" "c" @@ fun a b c -> [tc_subarg a b c] => a --> b --> c (* TYPECLASS *)
let t_some = forall "a" @@ fun a -> a --> option a
let t_map_remove = forall2 "src" "dst" @@ fun src dst -> src --> map src dst --> map src dst
let t_map_add = forall2 "src" "dst" @@ fun src dst -> src --> dst --> map src dst --> map src dst
let t_map_update = forall2 "src" "dst" @@ fun src dst -> src --> option dst --> map src dst --> map src dst
let t_map_mem = forall2 "src" "dst" @@ fun src dst -> src --> map src dst --> bool
let t_map_find = forall2 "src" "dst" @@ fun src dst -> src --> map src dst --> dst
let t_map_find_opt = forall2 "src" "dst" @@ fun src dst -> src --> map src dst --> option dst
let t_map_fold = forall3 "src" "dst" "acc" @@ fun src dst acc -> ( ( (src * dst) * acc ) --> acc ) --> map src dst --> acc --> acc
let t_map_map = forall3 "k" "v" "result" @@ fun k v result -> ((k * v) --> result) --> map k v --> map k result
(* TODO: the type of map_map_fold might be wrong, check it. *)
let t_map_map_fold = forall4 "k" "v" "acc" "dst" @@ fun k v acc dst -> ( ((k * v) * acc) --> acc * dst ) --> map k v --> (k * v) --> (map k dst * acc)
let t_map_iter = forall2 "k" "v" @@ fun k v -> ( (k * v) --> unit ) --> map k v --> unit
let t_size = forall_tc "c" @@ fun c -> [tc_sizearg c] => c --> nat (* TYPECLASS *)
let t_slice = nat --> nat --> string --> string
let t_failwith = string --> unit
let t_get_force = forall2 "src" "dst" @@ fun src dst -> src --> map src dst --> dst
let t_int = nat --> int
let t_bytes_pack = forall_tc "a" @@ fun a -> [tc_packable a] => a --> bytes (* TYPECLASS *)
let t_bytes_unpack = forall_tc "a" @@ fun a -> [tc_packable a] => bytes --> a (* TYPECLASS *)
let t_hash256 = bytes --> bytes
let t_hash512 = bytes --> bytes
let t_blake2b = bytes --> bytes
let t_hash_key = key --> key_hash
let t_check_signature = key --> signature --> bytes --> bool
let t_sender = address
let t_source = address
let t_unit = unit
let t_amount = tez
let t_address = address
let t_now = timestamp
let t_transaction = forall "a" @@ fun a -> a --> tez --> contract a --> operation
let t_get_contract = forall "a" @@ fun a -> contract a
let t_abs = int --> nat
let t_cons = forall "a" @@ fun a -> a --> list a --> list a
let t_assertion = bool --> unit
let t_times = forall3_tc "a" "b" "c" @@ fun a b c -> [tc_timargs a b c] => a --> b --> c (* TYPECLASS *)
let t_div = forall3_tc "a" "b" "c" @@ fun a b c -> [tc_divargs a b c] => a --> b --> c (* TYPECLASS *)
let t_mod = forall3_tc "a" "b" "c" @@ fun a b c -> [tc_modargs a b c] => a --> b --> c (* TYPECLASS *)
let t_add = forall3_tc "a" "b" "c" @@ fun a b c -> [tc_addargs a b c] => a --> b --> c (* TYPECLASS *)
let t_set_mem = forall "a" @@ fun a -> a --> set a --> bool
let t_set_add = forall "a" @@ fun a -> a --> set a --> set a
let t_set_remove = forall "a" @@ fun a -> a --> set a --> set a
let t_not = bool --> bool
let none = typer_0 "NONE" @@ fun tv_opt ->
let none = typer_0 "NONE" @@ fun tv_opt ->
match tv_opt with
match tv_opt with
| None -> simple_fail "untyped NONE"
| None -> simple_fail "untyped NONE"
@ -647,6 +706,7 @@ module Typer = struct
get_contract ;
get_contract ;
neg ;
neg ;
abs ;
abs ;
cons ;
now ;
now ;
slice ;
slice ;
address ;
address ;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
type type_variable = string
let fresh_type_variable : ?name:string -> unit -> type_variable =
let id = ref 0 in
let inc () = id := !id + 1 in
fun ?name () ->
inc () ;
match name with
| None -> "type_variable_" ^ (string_of_int !id)
| Some name -> "tv_" ^ name ^ "_" ^ (string_of_int !id)
type constant_tag =
| C_arrow (* * -> * -> * *)
| C_option (* * -> * *)
| C_tuple (* * … -> * *)
| C_record (* ( label , * ) … -> * *)
| C_variant (* ( label , * ) … -> * *)
| C_map (* * -> * -> * *)
| C_list (* * -> * *)
| C_set (* * -> * *)
| C_unit (* * *)
| C_bool (* * *)
| C_string (* * *)
| C_nat (* * *)
| C_tez (* * *)
| C_timestamp (* * *)
| C_int (* * *)
| C_address (* * *)
| C_bytes (* * *)
| C_key_hash (* * *)
| C_key (* * *)
| C_signature (* * *)
| C_operation (* * *)
| C_contract (* * -> * *)
type label =
| L_int of int
| L_string of string
type type_value =
| P_forall of (type_variable * type_constraint list * type_value)
| P_variable of type_variable
| P_constant of (constant_tag * type_value list)
and simple_c_constructor = (constant_tag * type_variable list) (* non-empty list *)
and simple_c_constant = (constant_tag) (* for type constructors that do not take arguments *)
and c_const = (type_variable * type_value)
and c_equation = (type_value * type_value)
and c_typeclass = (type_value list * typeclass)
and c_access_label = (type_value * label * type_variable)
and type_constraint =
(* | C_assignment of (type_variable * type_pattern) *)
| C_equation of c_equation (* TVA = TVB *)
| C_typeclass of c_typeclass (* TVL ∈ TVLs, for now in extension, later add intensional (rule-based system for inclusion in the typeclass) *)
| C_access_label of c_access_label (* poor man's type-level computation to ensure that TV.label is type_variable *)
(* | … *)
and typeclass = type_value list list
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
(name typesystem)
(public_name ligo.typesystem)
(pps ppx_let)
(flags (:standard -w +1..62-4-9-44-40-42-48-30@39@33 -open Simple_utils ))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
open Core
let tc type_vars allowed_list =
Core.C_typeclass (type_vars , allowed_list)
let forall binder f =
let () = ignore binder in
let freshvar = fresh_type_variable () in
P_forall (freshvar , [] , f (P_variable freshvar))
let forall_tc binder f =
let () = ignore binder in
let freshvar = fresh_type_variable () in
let (tc, ty) = f (P_variable freshvar) in
P_forall (freshvar , tc , ty)
let forall2 a b f =
forall a @@ fun a' ->
forall b @@ fun b' ->
f a' b'
let forall3 a b c f =
forall a @@ fun a' ->
forall b @@ fun b' ->
forall c @@ fun c' ->
f a' b' c'
let forall4 a b c d f =
forall a @@ fun a' ->
forall b @@ fun b' ->
forall c @@ fun c' ->
forall d @@ fun d' ->
f a' b' c' d'
let forall3_tc a b c f =
forall a @@ fun a' ->
forall b @@ fun b' ->
forall_tc c @@ fun c' ->
f a' b' c'
let (-->) arg ret = P_constant (C_arrow , [arg; ret])
let (=>) tc ty = (tc , ty)
let option t = P_constant (C_option , [t])
let pair a b = P_constant (C_tuple , [a; b])
let map k v = P_constant (C_map , [k; v])
let unit = P_constant (C_unit , [])
let list t = P_constant (C_list , [t])
let set t = P_constant (C_set , [t])
let bool = P_constant (C_bool , [])
let string = P_constant (C_string , [])
let nat = P_constant (C_nat , [])
let tez = P_constant (C_tez , [])
let timestamp = P_constant (C_timestamp , [])
let int = P_constant (C_int , [])
let address = P_constant (C_address , [])
let bytes = P_constant (C_bytes , [])
let key = P_constant (C_key , [])
let key_hash = P_constant (C_key_hash , [])
let signature = P_constant (C_signature , [])
let operation = P_constant (C_operation , [])
let contract t = P_constant (C_contract , [t])
let ( * ) a b = pair a b
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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
module Core = Core
module Shorthands = Shorthands
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2018 Christian Rinderknecht
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
SHELL := dash
BFLAGS := -strict-sequence -w +A-48-4
#OCAMLC := ocamlcp
#OCAMLOPT := ocamloptp
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@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
(** This module offers the abstract data type of a partition of
classes of equivalent items (Union & Find). *)
(** The items are of type [Item.t], that is, they have to obey
a total order, but also they must be printable to ease
debugging. The signature [Item] is the input signature of
the functor {!Partition.Make}. *)
module type Item =
(** Type of items *)
type t
(** Same convention as {!} *)
val compare : t -> t -> int
val to_string : t -> string
(** The module signature [S] is the output signature of the functor
{!Partition.Make}. *)
module type S =
type item
type partition
type t = partition
(** {1 Creation} *)
(** The value [empty] is an empty partition. *)
val empty : partition
(** The value of [equiv i j p] is the partition [p] extended with
the equivalence of items [i] and [j]. If both [i] and [j] are
already known to be equivalent, then [equiv i j p == p]. *)
val equiv : item -> item -> partition -> partition
(** The value of [alias i j p] is the partition [p] extended with
the fact that item [i] is an alias of item [j]. This is the
same as [equiv i j p], except that it is guaranteed that the
item [i] is not the representative of its equivalence class in
[alias i j p]. *)
val alias : item -> item -> partition -> partition
(** {1 Projection} *)
(** The value of the call [repr i p] is the representative of item
[i] in the partition [p]. The built-in exception [Not_found]
is raised if [i] is not in [p]. *)
val repr : item -> partition -> item
(** The side-effect of the call [print p] is the printing of the
partition [p] on standard output, based on [Ord.to_string]. *)
val print : partition -> unit
(** {1 Predicates} *)
(** The value of [is_equiv i j p] is [true] if, and only if, the
items [i] and [j] belong to the same equivalence class in the
partition [p], that is, [i] and [j] have the same
representative. *)
val is_equiv : item -> item -> partition -> bool
module Make (Ord : Item) : S with type item = Ord.t
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(* Naive persistent implementation of Union/Find: O(n^2) worst case *)
module Make (Item: Partition.Item) =
type item = Item.t
type repr = item (** Class representatives *)
let equal i j = i j = 0
module ItemMap = Map.Make (Item)
type height = int
type partition = item ItemMap.t
type t = partition
let empty = ItemMap.empty
let rec repr item partition =
let parent = ItemMap.find item partition in
if equal parent item
then item
else repr parent partition
let is_equiv (i: item) (j: item) (p: partition) =
equal (repr i p) (repr j p)
let get_or_set (i: item) (p: partition) : item * partition =
try repr i p, p with Not_found -> i, ItemMap.add i i p
let equiv (i: item) (j :item) (p: partition) : partition =
let ri, p = get_or_set i p in
let rj, p = get_or_set j p in
if equal ri rj then p else ItemMap.add ri rj p
let alias = equiv
(* Printing *)
let print p =
let print src dst =
Printf.printf "%s -> %s\n"
(Item.to_string src) (Item.to_string dst)
in ItemMap.iter print p
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@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
(* Persistent implementation of Union/Find with height-balanced
forests and without path compression: O(n*log(n)).
In the definition of type [t], the height component is that of the
source, that is, if [ItemMap.find i m = (j,h)], then [h] is the
height of [i] (_not_ [j]).
module Make (Item: Partition.Item) =
type item = Item.t
type repr = item (** Class representatives *)
let equal i j = i j = 0
module ItemMap = Map.Make (Item)
type height = int
type partition = (item * height) ItemMap.t
type t = partition
let empty = ItemMap.empty
let rec seek (i: item) (p: partition) : repr * height =
let j, _ as i' = ItemMap.find i p in
if equal i j then i' else seek j p
let repr item partition = fst (seek item partition)
let is_equiv (i: item) (j: item) (p: partition) =
equal (repr i p) (repr j p)
let get_or_set (i: item) (p: partition) =
try seek i p, p with
Not_found -> let i' = i,0 in (i', ItemMap.add i i' p)
let equiv (i: item) (j: item) (p: partition) : partition =
let (ri,hi), p = get_or_set i p in
let (rj,hj), p = get_or_set j p in
let add = ItemMap.add in
if equal ri rj
then p
else if hi > hj
then add rj (ri,hj) p
else add ri (rj,hi) (if hi < hj then p else add rj (rj,hj+1) p)
let alias (i: item) (j: item) (p: partition) : partition =
let (ri,hi), p = get_or_set i p in
let (rj,hj), p = get_or_set j p in
let add = ItemMap.add in
if equal ri rj
then p
else if hi = hj || equal ri i
then add ri (rj,hi) @@ add rj (rj, max hj (hi+1)) p
else if hi < hj then add ri (rj,hi) p
else add rj (ri,hj) p
(* Printing *)
let print (p: partition) =
let print i (j,hi) =
let _,hj = ItemMap.find j p in
Printf.printf "%s,%d -> %s,%d\n"
(Item.to_string i) hi (Item.to_string j) hj
in ItemMap.iter print p
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@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
(** Persistent implementation of the Union/Find algorithm with
height-balanced forests and without path compression. *)
module Make (Item: Partition.Item) =
type item = Item.t
type repr = item (** Class representatives *)
let equal i j = i j = 0
type height = int
(** Each equivalence class is implemented by a Catalan tree linked
upwardly and otherwise is a link to another node. Those trees
are height-balanced. The type [node] implements nodes in those
trees. *)
type node =
Root of height
(** The value of [Root h] denotes the root of a tree, that is,
the representative of the associated class. The height [h]
is that of the tree, so a tree reduced to its root alone has
heigh 0. *)
| Link of item * height
(** If not a root, a node is a link to another node. Because the
links are upward, that is, bottom-up, and we seek a purely
functional implementation, we need to uncouple the nodes and
the items here, so the first component of [Link] is an item,
not a node. That is why the type [node] is not recursive,
and called [node], not [tree]: to become a traversable tree,
it needs to be complemented by the type [partition] below to
associate items back to nodes. In order to follow a path
upward in the tree until the root, we start from a link node
giving us the next item, then find the node corresponding to
the item thanks to [partition], and again until we arrive at
the root.
The height component is that of the source of the link, that
is, [h] is the height of the node linking to the node [Link
(j,h)], _not_ of [j], except when [equal i j]. *)
module ItemMap = Map.Make (Item)
(** The type [partition] implements a partition of classes of
equivalent items by means of a map from items to nodes of type
[node] in trees. *)
type partition = node ItemMap.t
type t = partition
let empty = ItemMap.empty
let root (item, height) = ItemMap.add item (Root height)
let link (src, height) dst = ItemMap.add src (Link (dst, height))
let rec seek (i: item) (p: partition) : repr * height =
match ItemMap.find i p with
Root hi -> i,hi
| Link (j,_) -> seek j p
let repr item partition = fst (seek item partition)
let is_equiv (i: item) (j: item) (p: partition) =
equal (repr i p) (repr j p)
let get_or_set (i: item) (p: partition) =
try seek i p, p with
Not_found -> let n = i,0 in (n, root n p)
let equiv (i: item) (j: item) (p: partition) : partition =
let (ri,hi as ni), p = get_or_set i p in
let (rj,hj as nj), p = get_or_set j p in
if equal ri rj
then p
else if hi > hj
then link nj ri p
else link ni rj (if hi < hj then p else root (rj, hj+1) p)
(** The call [alias i j p] results in the same partition as [equiv
i j p], except that [i] is not the representative of its class
in [alias i j p] (whilst it may be in [equiv i j p]).
This property is irrespective of the heights of the
representatives of [i] and [j], that is, of the trees
implementing their classes. If [i] is not a representative of
its class before calling [alias], then the height criteria is
applied (which, without the constraint above, would yield a
height-balanced new tree). *)
let alias (i: item) (j: item) (p: partition) : partition =
let (ri,hi as ni), p = get_or_set i p in
let (rj,hj as nj), p = get_or_set j p in
if equal ri rj
then p
else if hi = hj || equal ri i
then link ni rj @@ root (rj, max hj (hi+1)) p
else if hi < hj then link ni rj p
else link nj ri p
(** {1 Printing} *)
let print (p: partition) =
let print i node =
let hi, hj, j =
match node with
Root hi -> hi,hi,i
| Link (j,hi) ->
match ItemMap.find j p with
Root hj | Link (_,hj) -> hi,hj,j in
Printf.printf "%s,%d -> %s,%d\n"
(Item.to_string i) hi (Item.to_string j) hj
in ItemMap.iter print p
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@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
(* Destructive implementation of union/find with height-balanced
forests but without path compression: O(n*log(n)). *)
module Make (Item: Partition.Item) =
type item = Item.t
type repr = item (** Class representatives *)
let equal i j = i j = 0
type height = int
(** Each equivalence class is implemented by a Catalan tree linked
upwardly and otherwise is a link to another node. Those trees
are height-balanced. The type [node] implements nodes in those
trees. *)
type node = {item: item; mutable height: int; mutable parent: node}
module ItemMap = Map.Make (Item)
(** The type [partition] implements a partition of classes of
equivalent items by means of a map from items to nodes of type
[node] in trees. *)
type partition = node ItemMap.t
type t = partition
let empty = ItemMap.empty
(** The function [repr] is faster than a persistent implementation
in the worst case because, in the latter case, the cost is O(log n)
for accessing each node in the path to the root, whereas, in the
former, only the access to the first node in the path incurs a cost
of O(log n) -- the other nodes are accessed in constant time by
following the [next] field of type [node]. *)
let seek (i: item) (p: partition) : node =
let rec find_root node =
if node.parent == node then node else find_root node.parent
in find_root (ItemMap.find i p)
let repr item partition = (seek item partition).item
let is_equiv (i: item) (j: item) (p: partition) =
equal (repr i p) (repr j p)
let get_or_set item (p: partition) =
try seek item p, p with
Not_found -> let rec loop = {item; height=0; parent=loop}
in loop, ItemMap.add item loop p
let link src dst = src.parent <- dst
let equiv (i: item) (j: item) (p: partition) : partition =
let ni,p = get_or_set i p in
let nj,p = get_or_set j p in
let hi,hj = ni.height, nj.height in
let () =
if not (equal ni.item nj.item)
then if hi > hj
then link nj ni
else (link ni nj; nj.height <- max hj (hi+1))
in p
let alias (i: item) (j: item) (p: partition) : partition =
let ni,p = get_or_set i p in
let nj,p = get_or_set j p in
let hi,hj = ni.height, nj.height in
let () =
if not (equal ni.item nj.item)
then if hi = hj || equal ni.item i
then (link ni nj; nj.height <- max hj (hi+1))
else if hi < hj then link ni nj
else link nj ni
in p
(* Printing *)
let print p =
let print _ node =
Printf.printf "%s,%d -> %s,%d\n"
(Item.to_string node.item) node.height
(Item.to_string node.parent.item) node.parent.height
in ItemMap.iter print p
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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
module Int =
type t = int
let compare (i: int) (j: int) = i j
let to_string = string_of_int
module Test (Part: Partition.S with type item = Int.t) =
open Part
let () = empty
|> equiv 4 3
|> equiv 3 8
|> equiv 6 5
|> equiv 9 4
|> equiv 2 1
|> equiv 8 9
|> equiv 5 0
|> equiv 7 2
|> equiv 6 1
|> equiv 1 0
|> equiv 6 7
|> equiv 8 0
|> equiv 7 7
|> equiv 10 10
|> print
module Test0 = Test (Partition0.Make(Int))
let () = print_newline ()
module Test1 = Test (Partition1.Make(Int))
let () = print_newline ()
module Test2 = Test (Partition2.Make(Int))
let () = print_newline ()
module Test3 = Test (Partition3.Make(Int))
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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
# Some implementations in OCaml of the Union/Find algorithm
All modules implementing Union/Find can be coerced by the same
signature `Partition.S`.
Note the function `alias` which is equivalent to `equiv`, but not
symmetric: `alias x y` means that `x` is an alias of `y`, which
translates in the present context as `x` not being the representative
of the equivalence class containing the equivalence between `x` and
`y`. The function `alias` is useful when managing aliases during the
static analyses of programming languages, so the representatives of
the classes are always the original object.
The module `PartitionMain` tests each with the same equivalence
## ``
This is a naive, persistent implementation of Union/Find featuring an
asymptotic worst case cost of O(n^2).
## ``
This is a persistent implementation of Union/Find with height-balanced
forests and without path compression, featuring an asymptotic worst
case cost of O(n*log(n)).
## ``
This is an alternate version of ``, using a different
data type.
## ``
This is a destructive implementation of Union/Find with
height-balanced forests but without path compression, featuring an
asymptotic worst case of O(n*log(n)). In practice, though, this
implementation should be faster than the previous ones, due to a
smaller multiplicative constant term.
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
set -x
ocamlfind ocamlc -strict-sequence -w +A-48-4 -c Partition.mli
ocamlfind ocamlopt -strict-sequence -w +A-48-4 -c
ocamlfind ocamlopt -strict-sequence -w +A-48-4 -c
ocamlfind ocamlopt -strict-sequence -w +A-48-4 -c
ocamlfind ocamlopt -strict-sequence -w +A-48-4 -c
ocamlfind ocamlopt -strict-sequence -w +A-48-4 -c
ocamlfind ocamlopt -strict-sequence -w +A-48-4 -c
ocamlfind ocamlopt -strict-sequence -w +A-48-4 -c
ocamlfind ocamlopt -strict-sequence -w +A-48-4 -c
ocamlfind ocamlopt -strict-sequence -w +A-48-4 -c
ocamlfind ocamlopt -strict-sequence -w +A-48-4 -c
ocamlfind ocamlopt -o PartitionMain.opt Partition0.cmx Partition1.cmx Partition2.cmx Partition3.cmx PartitionMain.cmx
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
\rm -f *.cmi *.cmo *.cmx *.o *.byte *.opt
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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
(name union_find)
(public_name ligo.union_find)
(wrapped false) ;; TODO: do we need this?
(modules Partition0 Partition1 Partition2 Partition3 Partition Union_find)
(modules_without_implementation Partition)
;; (preprocess
;; (pps simple-utils.ppx_let_generalized)
;; )
;; (flags (:standard -w +1..62-4-9-44-40-42-48-30@39@33 -open Simple_utils ))
(modules PartitionMain)
(libraries UnionFind)
(name PartitionMain))
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
module Partition = Partition
module Partition0 = Partition0
@ -667,6 +667,7 @@ let bind_map_pair f (a, b) =
bind_pair (f a, f b)
bind_pair (f a, f b)
Wraps a call that might trigger an exception in a result.
Wraps a call that might trigger an exception in a result.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user