Alpha/Tests: add multiple operations creation
This commit is contained in:
@ -61,12 +61,76 @@ let endorsement ?delegate ?level ctxt ?(signing_context = ctxt) () =
let sign ?watermark sk ctxt (Contents_list contents) =
Operation.pack (sign ?watermark sk ctxt contents)
let combine_operations
~source ctxt
(packed_operations : packed_operation list) =
assert (List.length packed_operations > 0);
(* Hypothesis : each operation must have the same branch (is this really true?) *)
let { Tezos_base.Operation.branch } = (List.hd packed_operations).shell in
assert (List.for_all
(fun { shell = { Tezos_base.Operation.branch = b } } -> Block_hash.(branch = b))
packed_operations) ;
(* TODO? : check signatures consistency *)
let unpacked_operations =
|||| (function
| ({ Alpha_context.protocol_data = Operation_data { contents } } ) ->
match Contents_list contents with
| Contents_list (Single o) -> Contents o
| Contents_list (Cons
((Manager_operation { operation = Reveal _ })
, (Single o))) -> Contents o
| _ -> (* TODO : decent error *) assert false
) packed_operations in
begin match counter with
| Some counter -> return counter
| None -> Context.Contract.counter ctxt source
end >>=? fun counter ->
(* We increment the counter *)
let counter = Z.succ counter in
Context.Contract.manager ctxt source >>=? fun account ->
let public_key = Option.unopt public_key in
begin Context.Contract.is_manager_key_revealed ctxt source >>=? function
| false ->
let reveal_op = Manager_operation {
source ;
fee = ;
counter ;
operation = Reveal public_key ;
gas_limit = Z.of_int 20 ;
storage_limit = ;
} in
return (Some (Contents reveal_op), Z.succ counter)
| true -> return (None, counter)
end >>=? fun (manager_op, counter) ->
(* Update counters and transform into a contents_list *)
let operations =
List.fold_left (fun (counter, acc) -> function
| Contents (Manager_operation m) ->
(Z.succ counter,
(Contents (Manager_operation { m with counter }) :: acc))
| x -> counter, x :: acc)
(counter, (match manager_op with
| None -> []
| Some op -> [ op ]))
|> snd |> List.rev
let operations = Operation.of_list operations in
return @@ sign ctxt operations
let manager_operation
?(fee =
?(gas_limit = Constants_repr.default.hard_gas_limit_per_operation)
?(storage_limit = Constants_repr.default.hard_storage_limit_per_operation)
?public_key ~source ctxt operation =
Context.Contract.counter ctxt source >>=? fun counter ->
begin match counter with
| Some counter -> return counter
| None -> Context.Contract.counter ctxt source end
>>=? fun counter ->
Context.Contract.manager ctxt source >>=? fun account ->
let public_key = Option.unopt public_key in
let counter = Z.succ counter in
@ -122,13 +186,13 @@ let revelation ctxt public_key =
})) in
return @@ sign ctxt sop
let originated_contract (op: Operation.packed) =
let originated_contract op =
let nonce = Contract.initial_origination_nonce (Operation.hash_packed op) in
Contract.originated_contract nonce
exception Impossible
let origination ?delegate ?script
let origination ?counter ?delegate ?script
?(spendable = true) ?(delegatable = true) ?(preorigination = None)
?public_key ?manager ?credit ?fee ?gas_limit ?storage_limit ctxt source =
Context.Contract.manager ctxt source >>=? fun account ->
@ -146,7 +210,7 @@ let origination ?delegate ?script
credit ;
preorigination ;
} in
manager_operation ?public_key ?fee ?gas_limit ?storage_limit
manager_operation ?counter ?public_key ?fee ?gas_limit ?storage_limit
~source ctxt operation >>=? fun sop ->
let op = sign ctxt sop in
return (op , originated_contract op)
@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ val revelation:
Context.t -> public_key -> Operation.packed tzresult Lwt.t
val origination:
?counter: Z.t ->
?delegate:public_key_hash ->
?script:Script.t ->
?spendable:bool ->
@ -91,6 +92,13 @@ val activation:
Signature.Public_key_hash.t -> Blinded_public_key_hash.activation_code ->
Operation.packed tzresult Lwt.t
val combine_operations :
?public_key:public_key ->
?counter:counter ->
source:Contract.t ->
Context.t ->
packed_operation list -> packed_operation tzresult Lwt.t
(** Reveals a seed_nonce that was previously committed at a certain level *)
val seed_nonce_revelation:
Context.t -> Raw_level.t -> Nonce.t -> Operation.packed tzresult Lwt.t
Reference in New Issue
Block a user