More fixes to the pretty-printer.
This commit is contained in:
@ -23,12 +23,13 @@ and pp_let_decl Region.{value; _} =
| Some _ -> string "rec " in
let binding = pp_let_binding binding
and attr = pp_attributes attr
in string "let " ^^ rec_doc ^^ binding
^^ group (nest 2 (break 1 ^^ attr))
in string "let " ^^ rec_doc ^^ binding ^^ attr
and pp_attributes attr =
let make s = string "[@@" ^^ string s.value ^^ string "]"
in separate_map (break 0) make attr
and pp_attributes = function
[] -> empty
| attr ->
let make s = string "[@@" ^^ string s.value ^^ string "]" in
group (nest 2 (break 1 ^^ separate_map (break 0) make attr))
and pp_ident Region.{value; _} = string value
@ -42,8 +43,10 @@ and pp_let_binding (binding : let_binding) =
let lhs_type =
match lhs_type with
None -> empty
| Some (_,e) -> prefix 2 1 (string " :") (pp_type_expr e)
in patterns ^^ lhs_type ^^ string " ="
| Some (_,e) -> group (nest 2 (break 1 ^^ string ": " ^^ pp_type_expr e))
in patterns
^^ lhs_type
^^ string " ="
^^ group (nest 2 (break 1 ^^ group (pp_expr let_rhs)))
and pp_pattern = function
@ -71,7 +74,8 @@ and pp_pconstr = function
and pp_patt_c_app Region.{value; _} =
match value with
constr, None -> pp_ident constr
| constr, Some pat -> pp_ident constr ^^ pp_pattern pat
| constr, Some pat ->
prefix 4 1 (pp_ident constr) (pp_pattern pat)
and pp_patt_some Region.{value; _} =
prefix 4 1 (string "Some") (pp_pattern (snd value))
@ -101,7 +105,7 @@ and pp_cons Region.{value; _} =
and pp_ptuple Region.{value; _} =
let cmp = Utils.nsepseq_to_list value in
let sep = string "," ^^ break 1 in
separate_map sep pp_pattern cmp
group (separate_map sep pp_pattern cmp)
and pp_precord fields = pp_ne_injection pp_field_pattern fields
@ -125,7 +129,7 @@ and pp_expr = function
| ELogic e -> pp_logic_expr e
| EArith e -> group (pp_arith_expr e)
| EString e -> pp_string_expr e
| EList e -> pp_list_expr e
| EList e -> group (pp_list_expr e)
| EConstr e -> pp_constr_expr e
| ERecord e -> pp_record_expr e
| EProj e -> pp_projection e
@ -143,15 +147,16 @@ and pp_expr = function
and pp_case_expr Region.{value; _} =
let {expr; cases; _} = value in
group (string "match " ^^ pp_expr expr ^/^ string "with")
^^ group (nest 2 (break 1 ^^ pp_cases cases))
^^ hardline ^^ nest 2 (pp_cases cases)
and pp_cases Region.{value; _} =
let head, tail = value in
let head = pp_clause head in
let head = if tail = [] then head
else string " " ^^ head in
let rest = snd tail in
let app clause = break 1 ^^ string "| " ^^ pp_clause clause
in ifflat head (string " " ^^ head)
^^ concat_map app rest
in head ^^ concat_map app rest
and pp_clause Region.{value; _} =
let {pattern; rhs; _} = value in
@ -160,18 +165,18 @@ and pp_clause Region.{value; _} =
and pp_cond_expr Region.{value; _} =
let {test; ifso; kwd_else; ifnot; _} = value in
let if_then =
string "if " ^^ pp_expr test
^/^ string "then" ^^ group (nest 2 (break 1 ^^ pp_expr ifso)) in
if kwd_else#is_ghost then if_then
else let else_ =
string "else" ^^ group (nest 2 (break 1 ^^ pp_expr ifnot))
in if_then ^/^ else_
string "if " ^^ group (nest 2 (pp_expr test)) ^/^ string "then"
^^ group (nest 2 (break 1 ^^ pp_expr ifso)) in
if kwd_else#is_ghost then
^/^ string "else" ^^ group (nest 2 (break 1 ^^ pp_expr ifnot))
and pp_annot_expr Region.{value; _} =
let expr, _, type_expr = value.inside in
string "(" ^^
nest 1 (pp_expr expr ^^ string " :"
^/^ pp_type_expr type_expr ^^ string ")")
string "(" ^^ pp_expr expr ^^ string " :"
^^ group (nest 1 (break 1 ^^ pp_type_expr type_expr ^^ string ")"))
and pp_logic_expr = function
BoolExpr e -> pp_bool_expr e
@ -253,7 +258,7 @@ and pp_constr_app Region.{value; _} =
let constr = string constr.value in
match arg with
None -> constr
| Some e -> constr ^/^ pp_expr e
| Some e -> prefix 2 1 constr (pp_expr e)
and pp_record_expr ne_inj = pp_ne_injection pp_field_assign ne_inj
@ -337,10 +342,8 @@ and pp_let_in Region.{value; _} =
let rec_doc = match kwd_rec with
None -> empty
| Some _ -> string "rec "
in group (string "let " ^^ rec_doc ^^ binding
^^ group (nest 2 (break 1 ^^ attr))
^/^ string "in"
^^ group (nest 2 (break 1 ^^ pp_expr body)))
in group (string "let " ^^ rec_doc ^^ binding) ^^ attr
^/^ group (string "in " ^^ nest 3 (pp_expr body))
and pp_fun Region.{value; _} =
let {binders; lhs_type; body; _} = value in
@ -348,8 +351,8 @@ and pp_fun Region.{value; _} =
and annot = match lhs_type with
None -> empty
| Some (_,e) -> string ": " ^/^ pp_type_expr e
in string "fun " ^^ nest 4 binders ^^ annot
^^ string " ->" ^^ nest 2 (break 1 ^^ pp_expr body)
in group (string "fun " ^^ nest 4 binders ^^ annot
^^ string " ->" ^^ nest 2 (break 1 ^^ pp_expr body))
and pp_seq e = pp_injection pp_expr e
@ -375,17 +378,18 @@ and pp_cartesian Region.{value; _} =
and pp_variants Region.{value; _} =
let head, tail = value in
let head = pp_variant head in
let head = if tail = [] then head
else ifflat head (string " " ^^ head) in
let rest = snd tail in
let app variant = break 1 ^^ string "| " ^^ pp_variant variant
in ifflat head (string " " ^^ head)
^^ concat_map app rest
in head ^^ concat_map app rest
and pp_variant Region.{value; _} =
let {constr; arg} = value in
match arg with
None -> pp_ident constr
| Some (_, t_expr) ->
prefix 4 1 (pp_ident constr ^^ string " of") (pp_type_expr t_expr)
| Some (_, e) ->
prefix 4 1 (pp_ident constr ^^ string " of") (pp_type_expr e)
and pp_fields fields = pp_ne_injection pp_field_decl fields
@ -397,7 +401,7 @@ and pp_field_decl Region.{value; _} =
and pp_type_app Region.{value; _} =
let ctor, tuple = value in
pp_type_tuple tuple ^^ string " " ^^ pp_type_constr ctor
prefix 2 1 (pp_type_tuple tuple) (pp_type_constr ctor)
and pp_type_tuple Region.{value; _} =
let {inside; _} = value in
@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ val sepseq_cons : 'a -> 'sep -> ('a,'sep) sepseq -> ('a,'sep) nsepseq
(* Reversing *)
val nseq_rev: 'a nseq -> 'a nseq
val nsepseq_rev: ('a,'sep) nsepseq -> ('a,'sep) nsepseq
val sepseq_rev: ('a,'sep) sepseq -> ('a,'sep) sepseq
val nseq_rev : 'a nseq -> 'a nseq
val nsepseq_rev : ('a,'sep) nsepseq -> ('a,'sep) nsepseq
val sepseq_rev : ('a,'sep) sepseq -> ('a,'sep) sepseq
(* Rightwards iterators *)
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ val sepseq_foldr : ('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> ('a,'c) sepseq -> 'b -> 'b
val nseq_map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a nseq -> 'b nseq
val nsepseq_map : ('a -> 'b) -> ('a,'c) nsepseq -> ('b,'c) nsepseq
val sepseq_map : ('a -> 'b) -> ('a,'c) sepseq -> ('b,'c) sepseq
val sepseq_map : ('a -> 'b) -> ('a,'c) sepseq -> ('b,'c) sepseq
(* Conversions to lists *)
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
type storage = unit
let main (p : unit; store : storage) : operation list * storage =
let main (p, store : unit * storage) : operation list * storage =
let n =
(fun (f : int -> int) (z : int) (y : int) -> f y)
(fun (x : int) -> x)
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