Merge branch 'feature/dry-run-sender-source' into 'dev'

Accept fake values for SENDER/SOURCE in dry-run

See merge request 
This commit is contained in:
Tom Jack 2019-10-11 15:09:16 +00:00
commit f06161ea42
2 changed files with 82 additions and 48 deletions

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ let main =
let term = Term.(const print_endline $ const "Ligo needs a command. Do ligo --help") in let term = Term.(const print_endline $ const "Ligo needs a command. Do ligo --help") in
(term , "ligo") (term , "ligo")
let source n = let source_file n =
let open Arg in let open Arg in
let info = let info =
let docv = "SOURCE_FILE" in let docv = "SOURCE_FILE" in
@ -53,6 +53,22 @@ let amount =
info ~docv ~doc ["amount"] in info ~docv ~doc ["amount"] in
value @@ opt string "0" info value @@ opt string "0" info
let sender =
let open Arg in
let info =
let docv = "SENDER" in
let doc = "$(docv) is the sender the dry-run transaction will use." in
info ~docv ~doc ["sender"] in
value @@ opt (some string) None info
let source =
let open Arg in
let info =
let docv = "SOURCE" in
let doc = "$(docv) is the source the dry-run transaction will use." in
info ~docv ~doc ["source"] in
value @@ opt (some string) None info
let display_format = let display_format =
let open Arg in let open Arg in
let info = let info =
@ -70,83 +86,90 @@ let michelson_code_format =
value @@ opt string "michelson" info value @@ opt string "michelson" info
let compile_file = let compile_file =
let f source entry_point syntax display_format michelson_format = let f source_file entry_point syntax display_format michelson_format =
toplevel ~display_format @@ toplevel ~display_format @@
let%bind michelson_format = Main.Display.michelson_format_of_string michelson_format in let%bind michelson_format = Main.Display.michelson_format_of_string michelson_format in
let%bind contract = let%bind contract =
trace (simple_info "compiling contract to michelson") @@ trace (simple_info "compiling contract to michelson") @@
Ligo.Compile.Of_source.compile_file_contract_entry source entry_point (Syntax_name syntax) in Ligo.Compile.Of_source.compile_file_contract_entry source_file entry_point (Syntax_name syntax) in
ok @@ Format.asprintf "%a\n" (Main.Display.michelson_pp michelson_format) contract ok @@ Format.asprintf "%a\n" (Main.Display.michelson_pp michelson_format) contract
in in
let term = let term =
Term.(const f $ source 0 $ entry_point 1 $ syntax $ display_format $ michelson_code_format) in Term.(const f $ source_file 0 $ entry_point 1 $ syntax $ display_format $ michelson_code_format) in
let cmdname = "compile-contract" in let cmdname = "compile-contract" in
let docs = "Subcommand: compile a contract. See `ligo " ^ cmdname ^ " --help' for a list of options specific to this subcommand." in let docs = "Subcommand: compile a contract. See `ligo " ^ cmdname ^ " --help' for a list of options specific to this subcommand." in
(term , ~docs cmdname) (term , ~docs cmdname)
let compile_parameter = let compile_parameter =
let f source entry_point expression syntax display_format = let f source_file entry_point expression syntax display_format =
toplevel ~display_format @@ toplevel ~display_format @@
let%bind value = let%bind value =
trace (simple_error "compile-input") @@ trace (simple_error "compile-input") @@
Ligo.Run.Of_source.compile_file_contract_parameter source entry_point expression (Syntax_name syntax) in Ligo.Run.Of_source.compile_file_contract_parameter source_file entry_point expression (Syntax_name syntax) in
ok @@ Format.asprintf "%a\n" Tezos_utils.Michelson.pp value ok @@ Format.asprintf "%a\n" Tezos_utils.Michelson.pp value
in in
let term = let term =
Term.(const f $ source 0 $ entry_point 1 $ expression "PARAMETER" 2 $ syntax $ display_format) in Term.(const f $ source_file 0 $ entry_point 1 $ expression "PARAMETER" 2 $ syntax $ display_format) in
let cmdname = "compile-parameter" in let cmdname = "compile-parameter" in
let docs = "Subcommand: compile parameters to a michelson expression. The resulting michelson expression can be passed as an argument in a transaction which calls a contract. See `ligo " ^ cmdname ^ " --help' for a list of options specific to this subcommand." in let docs = "Subcommand: compile parameters to a michelson expression. The resulting michelson expression can be passed as an argument in a transaction which calls a contract. See `ligo " ^ cmdname ^ " --help' for a list of options specific to this subcommand." in
(term , ~docs cmdname) (term , ~docs cmdname)
let compile_storage = let compile_storage =
let f source entry_point expression syntax display_format bigmap = let f source_file entry_point expression syntax display_format bigmap =
toplevel ~display_format @@ toplevel ~display_format @@
let%bind value = let%bind value =
trace (simple_error "compile-storage") @@ trace (simple_error "compile-storage") @@
Ligo.Run.Of_source.compile_file_contract_storage ~value:bigmap source entry_point expression (Syntax_name syntax) in Ligo.Run.Of_source.compile_file_contract_storage ~value:bigmap source_file entry_point expression (Syntax_name syntax) in
ok @@ Format.asprintf "%a\n" Tezos_utils.Michelson.pp value ok @@ Format.asprintf "%a\n" Tezos_utils.Michelson.pp value
in in
let term = let term =
Term.(const f $ source 0 $ entry_point 1 $ expression "STORAGE" 2 $ syntax $ display_format $ bigmap) in Term.(const f $ source_file 0 $ entry_point 1 $ expression "STORAGE" 2 $ syntax $ display_format $ bigmap) in
let cmdname = "compile-storage" in let cmdname = "compile-storage" in
let docs = "Subcommand: compile an initial storage in ligo syntax to a michelson expression. The resulting michelson expression can be passed as an argument in a transaction which originates a contract. See `ligo " ^ cmdname ^ " --help' for a list of options specific to this subcommand." in let docs = "Subcommand: compile an initial storage in ligo syntax to a michelson expression. The resulting michelson expression can be passed as an argument in a transaction which originates a contract. See `ligo " ^ cmdname ^ " --help' for a list of options specific to this subcommand." in
(term , ~docs cmdname) (term , ~docs cmdname)
let dry_run = let dry_run =
let f source entry_point storage input amount syntax display_format bigmap = let f source_file entry_point storage input amount sender source syntax display_format bigmap =
toplevel ~display_format @@ toplevel ~display_format @@
let%bind output = let%bind output =
Ligo.Run.Of_source.run_contract ~amount ~storage_value:bigmap source entry_point storage input (Syntax_name syntax) in Ligo.Run.Of_source.run_contract
~options:{ amount ; sender ; source }
source_file entry_point storage input (Syntax_name syntax) in
ok @@ Format.asprintf "%a\n" Ast_simplified.PP.expression output ok @@ Format.asprintf "%a\n" Ast_simplified.PP.expression output
in in
let term = let term =
Term.(const f $ source 0 $ entry_point 1 $ expression "PARAMETER" 2 $ expression "STORAGE" 3 $ amount $ syntax $ display_format $ bigmap) in Term.(const f $ source_file 0 $ entry_point 1 $ expression "PARAMETER" 2 $ expression "STORAGE" 3 $ amount $ sender $ source $ syntax $ display_format $ bigmap) in
let cmdname = "dry-run" in let cmdname = "dry-run" in
let docs = "Subcommand: run a smart-contract with the given storage and input." in let docs = "Subcommand: run a smart-contract with the given storage and input." in
(term , ~docs cmdname) (term , ~docs cmdname)
let run_function = let run_function =
let f source entry_point parameter amount syntax display_format = let f source_file entry_point parameter amount sender source syntax display_format =
toplevel ~display_format @@ toplevel ~display_format @@
let%bind output = let%bind output =
Ligo.Run.Of_source.run_function_entry ~amount source entry_point parameter (Syntax_name syntax) in Ligo.Run.Of_source.run_function_entry
~options:{ amount ; sender ; source }
source_file entry_point parameter (Syntax_name syntax) in
ok @@ Format.asprintf "%a\n" Ast_simplified.PP.expression output ok @@ Format.asprintf "%a\n" Ast_simplified.PP.expression output
in in
let term = let term =
Term.(const f $ source 0 $ entry_point 1 $ expression "PARAMETER" 2 $ amount $ syntax $ display_format) in Term.(const f $ source_file 0 $ entry_point 1 $ expression "PARAMETER" 2 $ amount $ sender $ source $ syntax $ display_format) in
let cmdname = "run-function" in let cmdname = "run-function" in
let docs = "Subcommand: run a function with the given parameter." in let docs = "Subcommand: run a function with the given parameter." in
(term , ~docs cmdname) (term , ~docs cmdname)
let evaluate_value = let evaluate_value =
let f source entry_point amount syntax display_format = let f source_file entry_point amount sender source syntax display_format =
toplevel ~display_format @@ toplevel ~display_format @@
let%bind output = let%bind output =
Ligo.Run.Of_source.evaluate_entry ~amount source entry_point (Syntax_name syntax) in Ligo.Run.Of_source.evaluate_entry
~options:{ amount ; sender ; source }
source_file entry_point (Syntax_name syntax) in
ok @@ Format.asprintf "%a\n" Ast_simplified.PP.expression output ok @@ Format.asprintf "%a\n" Ast_simplified.PP.expression output
in in
let term = let term =
Term.(const f $ source 0 $ entry_point 1 $ amount $ syntax $ display_format) in Term.(const f $ source_file 0 $ entry_point 1 $ amount $ sender $ source $ syntax $ display_format) in
let cmdname = "evaluate-value" in let cmdname = "evaluate-value" in
let docs = "Subcommand: evaluate a given definition." in let docs = "Subcommand: evaluate a given definition." in
(term , ~docs cmdname) (term , ~docs cmdname)

@ -88,50 +88,61 @@ let compile_file_contract_args =
let args = Ast_simplified.e_pair storage_simplified parameter_simplified in let args = Ast_simplified.e_pair storage_simplified parameter_simplified in
Of_simplified.compile_expression ?value args ~env Of_simplified.compile_expression ?value args ~env
type dry_run_options =
{ amount : string ;
sender : string option ;
source : string option }
let run_contract ?amount ?storage_value source_filename entry_point storage parameter syntax = let make_dry_run_options (opts : dry_run_options) : Of_michelson.options result =
let open Proto_alpha_utils.Trace in
let open Proto_alpha_utils.Memory_proto_alpha in
let open Protocol.Alpha_context in
let%bind amount = match Tez.of_string opts.amount with
| None -> simple_fail "invalid amount"
| Some amount -> ok amount in
let%bind sender =
match opts.sender with
| None -> ok None
| Some sender ->
let%bind sender =
(simple_error "invalid address")
(Contract.of_b58check sender) in
ok (Some sender) in
let%bind source =
match opts.source with
| None -> ok None
| Some source ->
let%bind source =
(simple_error "invalid source address")
(Contract.of_b58check source) in
ok (Some source) in
ok @@ make_options ~amount ?source:sender ?payer:source ()
let run_contract ~options ?storage_value source_filename entry_point storage parameter syntax =
let%bind program = Compile.Of_source.type_file syntax source_filename in let%bind program = Compile.Of_source.type_file syntax source_filename in
let%bind code = Compile.Of_typed.compile_function_entry program entry_point in let%bind code = Compile.Of_typed.compile_function_entry program entry_point in
let%bind args = compile_file_contract_args ?value:storage_value source_filename entry_point storage parameter syntax in let%bind args = compile_file_contract_args ?value:storage_value source_filename entry_point storage parameter syntax in
let%bind ex_value_ty = let%bind options = make_dry_run_options options in
let options = let%bind ex_value_ty = ~options code args in
let open Proto_alpha_utils.Memory_proto_alpha in
let amount = Option.bind (fun amount -> Protocol.Alpha_context.Tez.of_string amount) amount in
(make_options ?amount ())
in ~options code args
Compile.Of_simplified.uncompile_typed_program_entry_function_result program entry_point ex_value_ty Compile.Of_simplified.uncompile_typed_program_entry_function_result program entry_point ex_value_ty
let run_function_entry ?amount source_filename entry_point input syntax = let run_function_entry ~options source_filename entry_point input syntax =
let%bind program = Compile.Of_source.type_file syntax source_filename in let%bind program = Compile.Of_source.type_file syntax source_filename in
let%bind code = Compile.Of_typed.compile_function_entry program entry_point in let%bind code = Compile.Of_typed.compile_function_entry program entry_point in
let%bind args = compile_file_expression source_filename entry_point input syntax in let%bind args = compile_file_expression source_filename entry_point input syntax in
let%bind ex_value_ty = let%bind options = make_dry_run_options options in
let options = let%bind ex_value_ty = ~options code args in
let open Proto_alpha_utils.Memory_proto_alpha in
let amount = Option.bind (fun amount -> Protocol.Alpha_context.Tez.of_string amount) amount in
(make_options ?amount ())
in ~options code args
Compile.Of_simplified.uncompile_typed_program_entry_function_result program entry_point ex_value_ty Compile.Of_simplified.uncompile_typed_program_entry_function_result program entry_point ex_value_ty
let evaluate_entry ?amount source_filename entry_point syntax = let evaluate_entry ~options source_filename entry_point syntax =
let%bind program = Compile.Of_source.type_file syntax source_filename in let%bind program = Compile.Of_source.type_file syntax source_filename in
let%bind code = Compile.Of_typed.compile_expression_as_function_entry program entry_point in let%bind code = Compile.Of_typed.compile_expression_as_function_entry program entry_point in
let%bind ex_value_ty = let%bind options = make_dry_run_options options in
let options = let%bind ex_value_ty = Of_michelson.evaluate ~options code in
let open Proto_alpha_utils.Memory_proto_alpha in
let amount = Option.bind (fun amount -> Protocol.Alpha_context.Tez.of_string amount) amount in
(make_options ?amount ())
Of_michelson.evaluate ~options code
Compile.Of_simplified.uncompile_typed_program_entry_expression_result program entry_point ex_value_ty Compile.Of_simplified.uncompile_typed_program_entry_expression_result program entry_point ex_value_ty
let evaluate_michelson expression syntax = let evaluate_michelson expression syntax =
let%bind code = Compile.Of_source.compile_expression_as_function expression syntax in let%bind code = Compile.Of_source.compile_expression_as_function expression syntax in
Of_michelson.evaluate_michelson code Of_michelson.evaluate_michelson code