Alpha/Tests/origination: add new comments
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,13 +8,17 @@
open Proto_alpha
open Test_utils
open Test_tez
let ten_tez = Tez.of_int 10
(* create a source contract, use it to create an originate contract
with fee and credit as parameters (default to zero tez), this originated
contract can also be spendable and/or delegatable. *)
(** [register_origination fee credit spendable delegatable] takes four
optional parameter: fee for the fee need to be paid if set to
create an originated contract; credit is the amount of tez that
send to this originated contract; spendable default is set to true
meaning that this contract is spendable; delegatable default is
set to true meaning that this contract is able to delegate. *)
let register_origination ?( ?( ?spendable ?delegatable () =
Context.init 1 >>=? fun (b, contracts) ->
let source = List.hd contracts in
@ -38,18 +42,17 @@ let register_origination ?( ?( ?spendable ?delegata
return (b, source, originated)
(* like register_origination but additionally tests that
(* [test_origination_balances fee credit spendable delegatable]
takes four optional parameter: fee is the fee that pay if require to create an originated contract; credit is the amount of tez that will send to this contract; spendable default is set to true meaning that this contract is spendable; delegatable default is set to true meaning that this contract is able to delegate.
This function will create a contract, get the balance of this contract, call the origination operation to create a new originated contract from this contract with all the possible fees; and check the balance before/after originated operation valid.
- the source contract has payed all the fees
- the originated has been credited correctly *)
let test_origination_balances ~loc ?( ?(
?spendable ?delegatable () =
Context.init 1 >>=? fun (b, contracts) ->
let contract = List.hd contracts in
Context.Contract.balance (B b) contract >>=? fun balance ->
Op.origination (B b) contract ~fee ~credit ?spendable ?delegatable >>=? fun (operation, new_contract) ->
(* The possible fees are: a given credit, an origination burn fee
(constants_repr.default.origination_burn = 257 mtez),
a fee that is paid when creating an originate contract.
@ -57,26 +60,27 @@ let test_origination_balances ~loc ?( ?(
We also take into account a block security deposit. Note that it
is not related to origination but to the baking done in the
Context.get_constants (B b) >>=? fun {parametric = {origination_burn ;
block_security_deposit}} ->
Context.get_constants (B b) >>=? fun
{ parametric =
{ origination_burn ;
} ->
Lwt.return (
Tez.(+?) credit block_security_deposit >>?
Tez.(+?) fee >>?
Tez.(+?) origination_burn ) >>=? fun total_fee ->
Block.bake ~operation b >>=? fun b ->
(* check that after the block has been baked the source contract
was debited all the fees *)
Assert.balance_was_debited ~loc (B b) contract balance total_fee
>>=? fun _ ->
(* check the balance of the originate contract is equal to credit *)
Assert.balance_is ~loc (B b) new_contract credit
(* transfer an amount of tez (with no fee) and check the source and
destination balances. *)
(** [transfer_and_check_balances b source dest amount] takes a block,
a source contract, a destination and the amount that one wants to send
(with no fee) and check the source and destination balances. *)
let transfer_and_check_balances b source dest amount =
Context.Contract.balance (B b) source >>=? fun balance ->
Op.transaction (B b) source dest amount >>=? fun operation ->
@ -85,7 +89,20 @@ let transfer_and_check_balances b source dest amount =
return b
(* Tests *)
(** Tests *)
(** compute half of the balance and divided it by nth times *)
let two_nth_of_balance incr contract nth =
Context.Contract.balance (I incr) contract >>=? fun balance ->
Tez.(/?) balance nth >>?= fun res ->
Tez.( *?) res 2L >>?= fun balance ->
return balance
(** Basic test *)
let balances_simple () = test_origination_balances ~loc:__LOC__ ()
@ -101,10 +118,11 @@ let balances_credit_unspendable () =
let balances_undelegatable () =
test_origination_balances ~loc:__LOC__ ~delegatable:false ()
(* create an originate contract with a credit, then use this contract to
transfer some tez back into the source contract, change the delegate
contract to the endorser account *)
(** create an originate contract with a credit, then use this contract to
transfer some tez back into the source contract, change the delegate
contract to the endorser account *)
let regular () =
register_origination ~credit:ten_tez () >>=? fun (b, contract, new_contract) ->
@ -116,7 +134,9 @@ let regular () =
Block.bake ~operation b >>=? fun _ ->
return ()
(* ask source contract to pay a fee when originating a contract *)
(** ask source contract to pay a fee when originating a contract *)
let pay_fee () =
register_origination ~credit:(Tez.of_int 2) ~fee:ten_tez () >>=? fun (b, contract, new_contract) ->
@ -124,10 +144,13 @@ let pay_fee () =
return ()
(* Errors *)
(** Errors *)
(* the originate contract is marked as unspendable. Then ask this
contract to transfer, it will raise an error *)
(** The originate contract is marked as unspendable. Then ask this
contract to transfer, it will raise an error *)
let unspendable () =
register_origination ~spendable:false () >>=? fun (b, contract, new_contract) ->
@ -138,8 +161,10 @@ let unspendable () =
| _ -> false in
Assert.proto_error ~loc:__LOC__ e unspendable
(* the originate contract is marked as undelegatable. Then do the delegation
for this contract, it will raise an error *)
(** The originate contract is marked as undelegatable. Then do the delegation
for this contract, it will raise an error *)
let undelegatable fee () =
register_origination ~delegatable:false () >>=? fun (b, _, new_contract) ->
@ -176,6 +201,10 @@ let undelegatable fee () =
Assert.balance_was_debited ~loc:__LOC__ (I i) new_contract balance fee
(** the credit is zero tez *)
let credit fee () =
register_origination () >>=? fun (b, contract, new_contract) ->
Incremental.begin_construction b >>=? fun i ->
@ -206,7 +235,10 @@ let credit fee () =
Assert.balance_was_credited ~loc:__LOC__ (I i) contract balance
(* same as register_origination but for an incremental *)
(** same as register_origination but for an incremental *)
let register_origination_inc ~credit () =
Context.init 1 >>=? fun (b, contracts) ->
let source_contract = List.hd contracts in
@ -215,8 +247,10 @@ let register_origination_inc ~credit () =
Incremental.add_operation inc operation >>=? fun inc ->
return (inc, source_contract, new_contract)
(* Using the originate contract to create another
originate contract *)
(** Using the originate contract to create another
originate contract *)
let origination_contract_from_origination_contract_not_enough_fund fee () =
let amount = in
@ -239,9 +273,11 @@ let origination_contract_from_origination_contract_not_enough_fund fee () =
| RPC_context.Not_found _ -> true
| _ -> false
(** create an originate contract where the contract
does not have enough tez to pay for the fee *)
(* create an originate contract where the contract
does not have enough tez to pay for the fee *)
let not_tez_in_contract_to_pay_fee () =
Context.init 2 >>=? fun (b, contracts) ->
let contract_1 = List.nth contracts 0 in
@ -254,7 +290,6 @@ let not_tez_in_contract_to_pay_fee () =
Incremental.add_operation inc operation >>=? fun inc ->
Assert.balance_was_debited ~loc:__LOC__ (I inc) contract_1 balance amount
>>=? fun _ ->
(* use this source contract to create an originate contract where it requires
to pay a fee and add an amount of credit into this new contract *)
Op.origination (I inc) ~fee:ten_tez contract_1 >>=? fun (op, _) ->
@ -264,9 +299,10 @@ let not_tez_in_contract_to_pay_fee () =
| _ -> false
(* set the endorser of the block as manager/delegate of the originated
account *)
let register_contract_get_endorser () =
Context.init 1 >>=? fun (b, contracts) ->
@ -293,9 +329,10 @@ let set_delegate () =
Context.Contract.delegate (B b) orig_contract >>=? fun delegate ->
Assert.equal_pkh ~loc:__LOC__ delegate account_endorser
(* create a multiple originate contracts and
ask contract to pay the fee *)
(** create multiple originated contracts and
ask contract to pay the fee *)
let n_originations n ?credit ?fee ?spendable ?delegatable () =
fold_left_s (fun new_contracts _ ->
@ -309,8 +346,9 @@ let multiple_originations () =
n_originations 100 ~credit:(Tez.of_int 2) ~fee:ten_tez () >>=? fun contracts ->
Assert.equal_int ~loc:__LOC__ (List.length contracts) 100
(* cannot originate two contracts with the same context's counter *)
(** cannot originate two contracts with the same context's counter *)
let counter () =
Context.init 1 >>=? fun (b, contracts) ->
@ -325,8 +363,9 @@ let counter () =
| _ -> false
(* create an originate contract from an originate contract *)
let origination_contract_from_origination_contract () =
register_origination_inc ~credit:ten_tez () >>=? fun (inc, _source_contract, new_contract) ->
Reference in New Issue
Block a user