Serialize the tree entries the same way that irmin-lmdb does
This commit is contained in:
@ -109,16 +109,224 @@ let checkout_exn index key =
| None -> Not_found
| None -> Not_found
| Some p -> Lwt.return p
| Some p -> Lwt.return p
let raw_commit ~time ?(message = "") context =
let raw_commit ~time ?(message = "") context =
let info =
let info =
Irmin.Info.v ~date:(Time.to_seconds time) ~author:"Tezos" message in
Irmin.Info.v ~date:(Time.to_seconds time) ~author:"Tezos" message in
context.index.repo ~info ~parents:context.parents context.tree
context.index.repo ~info ~parents:context.parents context.tree
module P = GitStore.Private
(* --- FIXME(samoht): I am so sorry --- *)
module Hack = struct
module StepMap = struct
module X = struct
type t = GitStore.step
let t = GitStore.step_t
let compare = t
include Map.Make(X)
module Contents = struct
type key = P.Contents.key
type contents = P.Contents.value
type t =
| Key of key
| Contents of contents
| Both of key * contents
let t =
let open Irmin.Type in
variant "Node.Contents" (fun key contents both -> function
| Key x -> key x
| Contents x -> contents x
| Both (x, y) -> both (x, y))
|~ case1 "Key" P.Contents.Key.t (fun x -> Key x)
|~ case1 "Contents" P.Contents.Val.t (fun x -> Contents x)
|~ case1 "Both" (pair P.Contents.Key.t P.Contents.Val.t)
(fun (x, y) -> Both (x, y))
|> sealv
let hash = function
| Key k | Both (k, _) -> k
| Contents c -> P.Contents.Key.digest P.Contents.Val.t c
type key = P.Node.key
type value = [ `Node of node | `Contents of Contents.t * Metadata.t ]
and map = value StepMap.t
and node =
| Map of map
| Key of key
| Both of key * map
let value t =
let open Irmin.Type in
variant "Node.value" (fun node contents -> function
| `Node x -> node x
| `Contents x -> contents x)
|~ case1 "Node" t (fun x -> `Node x)
|~ case1 "Contents" (pair Contents.t Metadata.t) (fun x -> `Contents x)
|> sealv
let map value =
let open Irmin.Type in
let to_map x =
List.fold_left (fun acc (k, v) -> StepMap.add k v acc) StepMap.empty x
let of_map m = StepMap.fold (fun k v acc -> (k, v) :: acc) m [] in
like (list (pair GitStore.step_t value)) to_map of_map
let node map =
let open Irmin.Type in
variant "Node.node" (fun map key both -> function
| Map x -> map x
| Key y -> key y
| Both (y,z) -> both (y, z))
|~ case1 "Map" map (fun x -> Map x)
|~ case1 "Key" P.Node.Key.t (fun x -> Key x)
|~ case1 "Both" (pair P.Node.Key.t map) (fun (x, y) -> Both (x, y))
|> sealv
let node_t = (fun n ->
let value = value n in
node (map value)
(* Mimick irmin-lmdb ordering *)
module Sort_key = struct
exception Result of int
let compare (x, vx) (y, vy) = match vx, vy with
| `Contents _, `Contents _ -> x y
| _ ->
let lenx = String.length x in
let leny = String.length y in
let i = ref 0 in
while !i < lenx && !i < leny do
(String.unsafe_get x !i) (String.unsafe_get y !i)
| 0 -> incr i
| i -> raise (Result i)
let get len k v i =
if i < len then String.unsafe_get k i
else if i = len then match v with
| `Node _ -> '/'
| `Contents _ -> '\000'
else '\000'
match (get lenx x vx !i) (get leny y vy !i) with
| 0 -> (get lenx x vx (!i + 1)) (get leny y vy (!i + 1))
| i -> i
with Result i ->
let sort_entries = List.fast_sort
let pp_hex ppf x =
let buf = IrminBlake2B.to_raw x in
let `Hex hex = Hex.of_cstruct buf in
Fmt.string ppf hex
module Entry = struct
type kind = [ `Node | `Contents of Metadata.t ]
type entry = { kind : kind; name : string; node : IrminBlake2B.t; }
let entry_t =
let open Irmin.Type in
record "Tree.entry"
(fun kind name node ->
let kind =
match kind with
| None -> `Node
| Some m -> `Contents m in
{ kind ; name ; node } )
|+ field "kind" (option Metadata.t) (function
| { kind = `Node ; _ } -> None
| { kind = `Contents m ; _ } -> Some m)
|+ field "name" string (fun { name ; _ } -> name)
|+ field "node" IrminBlake2B.t (fun { node ; _ } -> node)
|> sealr
let of_entry e =, match e.kind with
| `Node -> `Node e.node
| `Contents m -> `Contents (e.node, m)
let to_entry (name, value) = match value with
| `Node node -> { name; kind = `Node; node }
| `Contents (node, m) -> { name; kind = `Contents m; node }
let t = entry_t of_entry to_entry
let rec export_map map =
let alist =
StepMap.fold (fun step v acc ->
(step, hash_value v) :: acc
) map []
let l = sort_entries alist in
P.Node.Val.v l
and hash_value = function
| `Contents (c, m) -> `Contents (Contents.hash c, m)
| `Node n -> `Node (hash_node n)
and hash_node = function
| Both (k, _) | Key k -> k
| Map m ->
let v = export_map m in
let entries = P.Node.Val.list v in
(* This needs to match what is done in the backend... *)
let v = Irmin.Type.encode_cstruct (Irmin.Type.list Entry.t) entries in
IrminBlake2B.digest Irmin.Type.cstruct v
let cast: GitStore.node -> node = fun n ->
let buf = Irmin.Type.encode_cstruct GitStore.node_t n in
match Irmin.Type.decode_cstruct node_t buf with
| Error (`Msg e) -> Fmt.failwith "invalid cast\n%s" e
| Ok x -> x
let tree_hash: GitStore.tree -> GitStore.Tree.hash = function
| `Contents (c, m) -> `Contents (P.Contents.Key.digest P.Contents.Val.t c, m)
| `Node n -> `Node (Hack.hash_node (Hack.cast n))
let hash ~time ?(message = "") context =
let info =
Irmin.Info.v ~date:(Time.to_seconds time) ~author:"Tezos" message
let parents = (fun c -> GitStore.Commit.hash c) context.parents in
let node = match tree_hash context.tree with
| `Contents _ -> assert false
| `Node node -> node
let commit = P.Commit.Val.v ~parents ~node ~info in
let x = P.Commit.Key.digest P.Commit.Val.t commit in
(* FIXME: this doesn't have to be lwt *)
Lwt.return x
let commit ~time ?message context =
let commit ~time ?message context =
raw_commit ~time ?message context >>= fun commit ->
raw_commit ~time ?message context >>= fun commit ->
Lwt.return (GitStore.Commit.hash commit)
let h = GitStore.Commit.hash commit in
Lwt.return h
(*-- Generic Store Primitives ------------------------------------------------*)
(*-- Generic Store Primitives ------------------------------------------------*)
@ -60,6 +60,8 @@ val fold:
val exists: index -> Context_hash.t -> bool Lwt.t
val exists: index -> Context_hash.t -> bool Lwt.t
val checkout: index -> Context_hash.t -> context option Lwt.t
val checkout: index -> Context_hash.t -> context option Lwt.t
val checkout_exn: index -> Context_hash.t -> context Lwt.t
val checkout_exn: index -> Context_hash.t -> context Lwt.t
val hash: time:Time.t ->
?message:string -> t -> Context_hash.t Lwt.t
val commit:
val commit:
time:Time.t ->
time:Time.t ->
?message:string ->
?message:string ->
@ -68,6 +70,7 @@ val commit:
val set_head: index -> Chain_id.t -> Context_hash.t -> unit Lwt.t
val set_head: index -> Chain_id.t -> Context_hash.t -> unit Lwt.t
val set_master: index -> Context_hash.t -> unit Lwt.t
val set_master: index -> Context_hash.t -> unit Lwt.t
(** {2 Predefined Fields} ****************************************************)
(** {2 Predefined Fields} ****************************************************)
val get_protocol: context -> Protocol_hash.t Lwt.t
val get_protocol: context -> Protocol_hash.t Lwt.t
Reference in New Issue
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