CLI: --output option for compile-contract
This commit is contained in:
@ -124,6 +124,14 @@ let display_format =
let output_file =
let open Arg in
let info =
let docv = "OUTPUT_FILE" in
let doc = "$(docv) if used, prints the output into the specified file instead of stdout" in
info ~docv ~doc ["output" ; "output-file"] in
value @@ opt (some string) None info
let michelson_code_format =
let open Arg in
let info =
@ -150,15 +158,15 @@ module Decompile = Ligo.Decompile
module Run = Ligo.Run.Of_michelson
let compile_file =
let f source_file entry_point syntax display_format disable_typecheck michelson_format =
return_result ~display_format (Tezos_utils.Michelson.michelson_format michelson_format) @@
let f source_file entry_point syntax display_format disable_typecheck michelson_format output_file =
return_result ~output_file ~display_format (Tezos_utils.Michelson.michelson_format michelson_format) @@
let%bind typed,_ = Compile.Utils.type_file source_file syntax (Contract entry_point) in
let%bind mini_c = Compile.Of_typed.compile typed in
let%bind michelson = Compile.Of_mini_c.aggregate_and_compile_contract mini_c entry_point in
Compile.Of_michelson.build_contract ~disable_typecheck michelson
let term =
Term.(const f $ source_file 0 $ entry_point 1 $ syntax $ display_format $ disable_michelson_typechecking $ michelson_code_format) in
Term.(const f $ source_file 0 $ entry_point 1 $ syntax $ display_format $ disable_michelson_typechecking $ michelson_code_format $ output_file) in
let cmdname = "compile-contract" in
let doc = "Subcommand: Compile a contract." in
(Term.ret term , ~doc cmdname)
@ -4,21 +4,25 @@ open Main.Display
let return_good v = `Ok v
let return_bad v = `Error (false, Format.asprintf "@[<hv>error@ %s@]" v)
let toplevel : display_format:ex_display_format -> displayable -> ('value, Main_errors.Types.all) result -> unit Term.ret =
fun ~display_format disp value ->
let (Ex_display_format t) = display_format in
let as_str : string =
match t with
| Human_readable -> convert ~display_format:t disp ;
| Dev -> convert ~display_format:t disp ;
| Json -> Yojson.to_string @@ convert ~display_format:t disp
match value with
| Ok _ -> return_good @@
Format.fprintf Format.std_formatter "%s\n" as_str
| Error _ -> return_bad as_str
let toplevel : ?output_file:string option -> display_format:ex_display_format -> displayable -> ('value, Main_errors.Types.all) result -> unit Term.ret =
fun ?(output_file=None) ~display_format disp value ->
let (Ex_display_format t) = display_format in
let as_str : string =
match t with
| Human_readable -> convert ~display_format:t disp ;
| Dev -> convert ~display_format:t disp ;
| Json -> Yojson.to_string @@ convert ~display_format:t disp
match value with
| Ok _ ->
let fmt = match output_file with
| Some file_path -> Format.formatter_of_out_channel @@ open_out file_path
| None -> Format.std_formatter
return_good @@ Format.fprintf fmt "%s\n" as_str
| Error _ -> return_bad as_str
let return_result : display_format:ex_display_format -> 'value format -> ('value, Main_errors.Types.all) result -> unit Term.ret =
fun ~display_format value_format value ->
let return_result : ?output_file:string option -> display_format:ex_display_format -> 'value format -> ('value, Main_errors.Types.all) result -> unit Term.ret =
fun ?(output_file=None) ~display_format value_format value ->
let format = bind_format value_format Main.Formatter.error_format in
toplevel ~display_format (Displayable {value ; format}) value
toplevel ~output_file ~display_format (Displayable {value ; format}) value
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
open Cmdliner
open Display
val toplevel : display_format:ex_display_format -> displayable -> ('value, Main_errors.Types.all) result -> unit Term.ret
val return_result : display_format:ex_display_format -> 'value format -> ('value, Main_errors.Types.all) result -> unit Term.ret
val toplevel : ?output_file:string option -> display_format:ex_display_format -> displayable -> ('value, Main_errors.Types.all) result -> unit Term.ret
val return_result : ?output_file:string option -> display_format:ex_display_format -> 'value format -> ('value, Main_errors.Types.all) result -> unit Term.ret
@ -246,6 +246,10 @@ let%expect_test _ =
compile-contract for the resulting Michelson. Available formats
are 'text' (default), 'json' and 'hex'.
--output-file=OUTPUT_FILE, --output=OUTPUT_FILE
OUTPUT_FILE if used, prints the output into the specified file
instead of stdout
-s SYNTAX, --syntax=SYNTAX (absent=auto)
SYNTAX is the syntax that will be used. Currently supported
syntaxes are "pascaligo", "cameligo" and "reasonligo". By default,
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