CLI checked, compile-storage and dry-run
Add a '--bigmap' option to the CLI. This way all the maps in the AST are transformed to bigmaps
This commit is contained in:
@ -37,6 +37,14 @@ let syntax =
info ~docv ~doc ["syntax" ; "s"] in
info ~docv ~doc ["syntax" ; "s"] in
value @@ opt string "auto" info
value @@ opt string "auto" info
let bigmap =
let open Arg in
let info =
let docv = "BIGMAP" in
let doc = "$(docv) is necessary when your storage embeds a big_map." in
info ~docv ~doc ["bigmap"] in
value @@ flag info
let amount =
let amount =
let open Arg in
let open Arg in
let info =
let info =
@ -76,30 +84,30 @@ let compile_parameter =
(term , ~docs cmdname)
(term , ~docs cmdname)
let compile_storage =
let compile_storage =
let f source entry_point expression syntax =
let f source entry_point expression syntax bigmap =
toplevel @@
toplevel @@
let%bind value =
let%bind value =
trace (simple_error "compile-storage") @@
trace (simple_error "compile-storage") @@
Ligo.Run.compile_contract_storage source entry_point expression (Syntax_name syntax) in
Ligo.Run.compile_contract_storage ?bigmap:(Some bigmap) source entry_point expression (Syntax_name syntax) in
Format.printf "%s\n" value;
Format.printf "%s\n" value;
ok ()
ok ()
let term =
let term =
Term.(const f $ source 0 $ entry_point 1 $ expression "STORAGE" 2 $ syntax) in
Term.(const f $ source 0 $ entry_point 1 $ expression "STORAGE" 2 $ syntax $ bigmap) in
let cmdname = "compile-storage" in
let cmdname = "compile-storage" in
let docs = "Subcommand: compile an initial storage in ligo syntax to a michelson expression. The resulting michelson expression can be passed as an argument in a transaction which originates a contract. See `ligo " ^ cmdname ^ " --help' for a list of options specific to this subcommand." in
let docs = "Subcommand: compile an initial storage in ligo syntax to a michelson expression. The resulting michelson expression can be passed as an argument in a transaction which originates a contract. See `ligo " ^ cmdname ^ " --help' for a list of options specific to this subcommand." in
(term , ~docs cmdname)
(term , ~docs cmdname)
let dry_run =
let dry_run =
let f source entry_point storage input amount syntax =
let f source entry_point storage input bigmap amount syntax =
toplevel @@
toplevel @@
let%bind output =
let%bind output =
Ligo.Run.run_contract ~amount source entry_point storage input (Syntax_name syntax) in
Ligo.Run.run_contract ~bigmap ~amount source entry_point storage input (Syntax_name syntax) in
Format.printf "%a\n" Ast_simplified.PP.expression output ;
Format.printf "%a\n" Ast_simplified.PP.expression output ;
ok ()
ok ()
let term =
let term =
Term.(const f $ source 0 $ entry_point 1 $ expression "PARAMETER" 2 $ expression "STORAGE" 3 $ amount $ syntax) in
Term.(const f $ source 0 $ entry_point 1 $ expression "PARAMETER" 2 $ expression "STORAGE" 3 $ bigmap $ amount $ syntax) in
let cmdname = "dry-run" in
let cmdname = "dry-run" in
let docs = "Subcommand: run a smart-contract with the given storage and input." in
let docs = "Subcommand: run a smart-contract with the given storage and input." in
(term , ~docs cmdname)
(term , ~docs cmdname)
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ function main(const p : unit; const s : storage_) : list(operation) * storage_ i
var toto : option (int) := Some(0);
var toto : option (int) := Some(0);
block {
block {
toto := r[23];
toto := r[23];
r[2] := 444;
s.0 := r;
s.0 := r;
with ((nil: list(operation)), s)
with ((nil: list(operation)), s)
@ -46,6 +46,17 @@ include struct
ok ()
ok ()
let transpile_value_literals
(e:Ast_typed.annotated_expression) : (Mini_c.value * _) result =
let%bind (_ , ty) =
let open Transpiler in
let (f , _) = functionalize e in
let%bind main = translate_main f e.location in
ok main
let%bind lit = Run_typed.convert_to_literals e in
ok (lit , snd ty)
let transpile_value
let transpile_value
(e:Ast_typed.annotated_expression) : (Mini_c.value * _) result =
(e:Ast_typed.annotated_expression) : (Mini_c.value * _) result =
let%bind (f , ty) =
let%bind (f , ty) =
@ -196,8 +207,20 @@ let compile_contract_parameter : string -> string -> string -> s_syntax -> strin
ok expr
ok expr
(* Replace occurrences of E_map with E_big_map in the AST *)
let rec transform_map_to_big_map (e: Ast_simplified.expression) : Ast_simplified.expression result =
let open Ast_simplified in
match e.wrap_content with
| E_tuple [fst;snd] ->
let%bind tr_fst = transform_map_to_big_map fst in
let new_tuple = Location.wrap (E_tuple [tr_fst;snd]) in
ok @@ new_tuple
| E_map lst ->
let tr_map = Location.wrap (E_big_map lst) in
ok @@ tr_map
| _ -> fail @@ simple_error "can not replace map with big_map"
let compile_contract_storage : string -> string -> string -> s_syntax -> string result = fun source_filename entry_point expression syntax ->
let compile_contract_storage ?(bigmap = false) source_filename entry_point expression syntax : string result =
let%bind syntax = syntax_to_variant syntax (Some source_filename) in
let%bind syntax = syntax_to_variant syntax (Some source_filename) in
let%bind (program , storage_tv) =
let%bind (program , storage_tv) =
let%bind simplified = parsify syntax source_filename in
let%bind simplified = parsify syntax source_filename in
@ -212,6 +235,7 @@ let compile_contract_storage : string -> string -> string -> s_syntax -> string
let%bind expr =
let%bind expr =
let%bind simplified = parsify_expression syntax expression in
let%bind simplified = parsify_expression syntax expression in
let%bind simplified = if bigmap then transform_map_to_big_map simplified else ok @@ simplified in
let%bind typed =
let%bind typed =
let env =
let env =
let last_declaration = Location.unwrap List.(hd @@ rev program) in
let last_declaration = Location.unwrap List.(hd @@ rev program) in
@ -225,7 +249,7 @@ let compile_contract_storage : string -> string -> string -> s_syntax -> string
Ast_typed.assert_type_value_eq (storage_tv , typed.type_annotation) in
Ast_typed.assert_type_value_eq (storage_tv , typed.type_annotation) in
let%bind (mini_c , mini_c_ty) =
let%bind (mini_c , mini_c_ty) =
trace (simple_error "transpiling expression") @@
trace (simple_error "transpiling expression") @@
transpile_value typed in
(if bigmap then transpile_value_literals typed else transpile_value typed) in
let%bind michelson =
let%bind michelson =
trace (simple_error "compiling expression") @@
trace (simple_error "compiling expression") @@
Compiler.translate_value mini_c mini_c_ty in
Compiler.translate_value mini_c mini_c_ty in
@ -249,7 +273,7 @@ let type_file ?(debug_simplify = false) ?(debug_typed = false)
)) ;
)) ;
ok typed
ok typed
let run_contract ?amount source_filename entry_point storage input syntax =
let run_contract ?(bigmap = false) ?amount source_filename entry_point storage input syntax =
let%bind syntax = syntax_to_variant syntax (Some source_filename) in
let%bind syntax = syntax_to_variant syntax (Some source_filename) in
let%bind typed =
let%bind typed =
type_file syntax source_filename in
type_file syntax source_filename in
@ -257,11 +281,12 @@ let run_contract ?amount source_filename entry_point storage input syntax =
parsify_expression syntax storage in
parsify_expression syntax storage in
let%bind input_simpl =
let%bind input_simpl =
parsify_expression syntax input in
parsify_expression syntax input in
let%bind input_simpl = if bigmap then transform_map_to_big_map input_simpl else ok @@ input_simpl in
let options =
let options =
let open Proto_alpha_utils.Memory_proto_alpha in
let open Proto_alpha_utils.Memory_proto_alpha in
let amount = Option.bind (fun amount -> Protocol.Alpha_context.Tez.of_string amount) amount in
let amount = Option.bind (fun amount -> Protocol.Alpha_context.Tez.of_string amount) amount in
(make_options ?amount ()) in
(make_options ?amount ()) in
Run_simplified.run_simplityped ~options typed entry_point (Ast_simplified.e_pair storage_simpl input_simpl)
Run_simplified.run_simplityped ?input_to_value:(Some bigmap) ~options typed entry_point (Ast_simplified.e_pair storage_simpl input_simpl)
let run_function ?amount source_filename entry_point parameter syntax =
let run_function ?amount source_filename entry_point parameter syntax =
let%bind syntax = syntax_to_variant syntax (Some source_filename) in
let%bind syntax = syntax_to_variant syntax (Some source_filename) in
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ let evaluate_typed
Transpiler.untranspile result typed_main.type_annotation in
Transpiler.untranspile result typed_main.type_annotation in
ok typed_result
ok typed_result
(* returns a big_map if any *)
(* returns a big_map if any. used to reconstruct the map from the diff when uncompiling *)
let rec fetch_big_map (v: Mini_c.value) : Mini_c.value option =
let rec fetch_big_map (v: Mini_c.value) : Mini_c.value option =
match v with
match v with
| D_pair (l , r) ->
| D_pair (l , r) ->
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ let rec fetch_big_map (v: Mini_c.value) : Mini_c.value option =
| None -> fetch_big_map r
| None -> fetch_big_map r
| D_big_map _ as bm -> Some bm
| D_big_map _ as bm -> Some bm
| _ -> let () = Printf.printf "lal\n" in None
| _ -> None
(* try to convert expression to a literal *)
(* try to convert expression to a literal *)
let rec exp_to_value (exp: Mini_c.expression) : Mini_c.value result =
let rec exp_to_value (exp: Mini_c.expression) : Mini_c.value result =
@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ let rec exp_to_value (exp: Mini_c.expression) : Mini_c.value result =
let%bind fstl = exp_to_value fst in
let%bind fstl = exp_to_value fst in
let%bind sndl = exp_to_value snd in
let%bind sndl = exp_to_value snd in
ok @@ D_pair (fstl , sndl)
ok @@ D_pair (fstl , sndl)
| E_constant ("UNIT", _) -> ok @@ D_unit
| E_constant ("UPDATE", _) ->
| E_constant ("UPDATE", _) ->
let rec handle_prev upd =
let rec handle_prev upd =
match upd.content with
match upd.content with
Reference in New Issue
Block a user