Improved slightly the formatting of some error messages.
Fixed the bug in the parser: I wrongly closed [stdout].
This commit is contained in:
@ -24,11 +24,9 @@ let syntax_to_variant : s_syntax -> string option -> v_syntax result =
| _ -> simple_fail "unrecognized parser"
let parsify_pascaligo source =
let () = prerr_endline "Helpers.parsify_pascaligo: BEFORE" in
let%bind raw =
trace (simple_error "parsing") @@
Parser.Pascaligo.parse_file source in
let () = prerr_endline "Helpers.parsify_pascaligo: AFTER" in
let%bind simplified =
trace (simple_error "simplifying") @@
Simplify.Pascaligo.simpl_program raw
@ -84,9 +82,7 @@ let parsify = fun (syntax : v_syntax) source_filename ->
| Pascaligo -> ok parsify_pascaligo
| Cameligo -> ok parsify_cameligo
| ReasonLIGO -> ok parsify_reasonligo in
let () = prerr_endline "Helpers.parsify: BEFORE" in
let%bind parsified = parsify source_filename in
let () = prerr_endline "Helpers.parsify: AFTER" in
let%bind applied = Self_ast_simplified.all_program parsified in
ok applied
@ -221,10 +221,8 @@ let parse_file (source: string) =
match Lexer.open_token_stream (Lexer.File pp_input) with
Ok instance -> instance
| Stdlib.Error _ -> assert false (* No file opening *) in
let thunk () = Unit.apply instance Unit.parse_contract in
let res = parse (module IO) thunk in
let () = prerr_endline "Pascaligo.parse_file: Leaving." in
let thunk () = Unit.apply instance Unit.parse_contract
in parse (module IO) thunk
let parse_string (s: string) =
let module IO =
@ -70,8 +70,7 @@ module Make (Lexer: Lexer.S)
ParserLog.mk_state ~offsets:IO.options#offsets
~buffer:output in
let close_all () =
lexer_inst.Lexer.close (); close_out stdout in
let close () = lexer_inst.Lexer.close () in
let expr =
if IO.options#mono then
@ -80,7 +79,7 @@ module Make (Lexer: Lexer.S)
in Front.mono_expr tokeniser lexbuf
Front.incr_expr lexer_inst
with exn -> close_all (); raise exn in
with exn -> close (); raise exn in
let () =
if SSet.mem "ast-tokens" IO.options#verbose then
@ -95,7 +94,7 @@ module Make (Lexer: Lexer.S)
ParserLog.pp_expr state expr;
Buffer.output_buffer stdout output
in close_all (); Ok expr
in close (); Ok expr
(* Parsing a contract *)
@ -106,8 +105,7 @@ module Make (Lexer: Lexer.S)
ParserLog.mk_state ~offsets:IO.options#offsets
~buffer:output in
let close_all () =
lexer_inst.Lexer.close (); close_out stdout in
let close () = lexer_inst.Lexer.close () in
let ast =
if IO.options#mono then
@ -116,7 +114,7 @@ module Make (Lexer: Lexer.S)
in Front.mono_contract tokeniser lexbuf
Front.incr_contract lexer_inst
with exn -> close_all (); raise exn in
with exn -> close (); raise exn in
let () =
if SSet.mem "ast-tokens" IO.options#verbose then
@ -131,7 +129,7 @@ module Make (Lexer: Lexer.S)
ParserLog.pp_ast state ast;
Buffer.output_buffer stdout output
in close_all (); Ok ast
in close (); Ok ast
(* Wrapper for the parsers above *)
@ -32,46 +32,48 @@ module Errors = struct
let data = [
("expected", fun () -> expected_name);
("location" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp_lift @@ Raw.pattern_to_region actual)
] in
error ~data title message
fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp_lift @@
Raw.pattern_to_region actual)]
in error ~data title message
let unsupported_let_in_function (patterns : Raw.pattern list) =
let title () = "unsupported 'let ... in' function" in
let message () = "defining functions via 'let ... in' is not supported yet" in
let title () = "" in
let message () = "\nDefining functions with \"let ... in\" \
is not supported yet.\n" in
let patterns_loc =
List.fold_left (fun a p -> Region.cover a (Raw.pattern_to_region p))
Region.ghost patterns in
let data = [
("location", fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp_lift @@ patterns_loc)
] in
error ~data title message
fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp_lift @@ patterns_loc)]
in error ~data title message
let unknown_predefined_type name =
let title () = "type constants" in
let title () = "Type constants" in
let message () =
Format.asprintf "unknown predefined type \"%s\"" name.Region.value in
Format.asprintf "Unknown predefined type \"%s\".\n"
name.Region.value in
let data = [
fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp_lift @@ name.Region.region)
] in
error ~data title message
fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp_lift @@ name.Region.region)]
in error ~data title message
let untyped_fun_param var =
let title () = "function parameter" in
let title () = "" in
let message () =
Format.asprintf "untyped function parameters are not supported yet" in
Format.asprintf "\nUntyped function parameters \
are not supported yet.\n" in
let param_loc = var.Region.region in
let data = [
fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp_lift @@ param_loc)
] in
error ~data title message
fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp_lift @@ param_loc)]
in error ~data title message
let unsupported_tuple_pattern p =
let title () = "tuple pattern" in
let title () = "" in
let message () =
Format.asprintf "tuple patterns are not supported yet" in
Format.asprintf "\nTuple patterns are not supported yet.\n" in
let pattern_loc = Raw.pattern_to_region p in
let data = [
@ -80,21 +82,20 @@ module Errors = struct
error ~data title message
let unsupported_cst_constr p =
let title () = "constant constructor" in
let title () = "" in
let message () =
Format.asprintf "constant constructors are not supported yet" in
Format.asprintf "\nConstant constructors are not supported yet.\n" in
let pattern_loc = Raw.pattern_to_region p in
let data = [
fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp_lift @@ pattern_loc)
] in
error ~data title message
fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp_lift @@ pattern_loc)]
in error ~data title message
let unsupported_non_var_pattern p =
let title () = "pattern is not a variable" in
let title () = "" in
let message () =
Format.asprintf "non-variable patterns in constructors \
are not supported yet" in
Format.asprintf "\nNon-variable patterns in constructors \
are not supported yet.\n" in
let pattern_loc = Raw.pattern_to_region p in
let data = [
@ -103,20 +104,20 @@ module Errors = struct
error ~data title message
let simplifying_expr t =
let title () = "simplifying expression" in
let title () = "Simplifying expression" in
let message () = "" in
let data = [
("expression" ,
(** TODO: The labelled arguments should be flowing from the CLI. *)
thunk @@ Parser.Cameligo.ParserLog.expr_to_string
~offsets:true ~mode:`Point t)
] in
error ~data title message
~offsets:true ~mode:`Point t)]
in error ~data title message
let only_constructors p =
let title () = "constructors in patterns" in
let title () = "" in
let message () =
Format.asprintf "currently, only constructors are supported in patterns" in
Format.asprintf "\nCurrently, only constructors are \
supported in patterns.\n" in
let pattern_loc = Raw.pattern_to_region p in
let data = [
@ -125,18 +126,18 @@ module Errors = struct
error ~data title message
let unsupported_sugared_lists region =
let title () = "lists in patterns" in
let title () = "" in
let message () =
Format.asprintf "currently, only empty lists and constructors (::) \
are supported in patterns" in
Format.asprintf "\nCurrently, only empty lists and \
constructors (::) \
are supported in patterns.\n" in
let data = [
fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp_lift @@ region)
] in
error ~data title message
fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp_lift @@ region)]
in error ~data title message
let corner_case description =
let title () = "corner case" in
let title () = "Corner case" in
let message () = description in
error title message
@ -286,9 +287,9 @@ let rec simpl_expression :
let simpl_update = fun (u:Raw.update Region.reg) ->
let (u, loc) = r_split u in
let (name, path) = simpl_path u.record in
let record = match path with
let record = match path with
| [] -> e_variable (Var.of_name name)
| _ -> e_accessor (e_variable (Var.of_name name)) path in
| _ -> e_accessor (e_variable (Var.of_name name)) path in
let updates = u.updates.value.ne_elements in
let%bind updates' =
let aux (f:Raw.field_assign Raw.reg) =
@ -296,7 +297,7 @@ let rec simpl_expression :
let%bind expr = simpl_expression f.field_expr in
ok (f.field_name.value, expr)
bind_map_list aux @@ npseq_to_list updates
bind_map_list aux @@ npseq_to_list updates
return @@ e_update ~loc record updates'
@ -347,7 +348,7 @@ let rec simpl_expression :
| hd :: tl ->
e_let_in hd
(e_accessor rhs_b_expr [Access_tuple ((List.length prep_vars) - (List.length tl) - 1)])
(e_accessor rhs_b_expr [Access_tuple ((List.length prep_vars) - (List.length tl) - 1)])
(chain_let_in tl body)
| [] -> body (* Precluded by corner case assertion above *)
@ -724,7 +725,7 @@ and simpl_declaration : Raw.declaration -> declaration Location.wrap list result
match v_type with
| Some v_type -> ok (to_option (simpl_type_expression v_type))
| None -> ok None
let%bind simpl_rhs_expr = simpl_expression rhs_expr in
ok @@ loc x @@ Declaration_constant (Var.of_name v.value, v_type_expression, inline, simpl_rhs_expr) )
in let%bind variables = ok @@ npseq_to_list pt.value
@ -825,9 +826,9 @@ and simpl_cases : type a . (Raw.pattern * a) list -> (a, unit) matching result =
| PConstr v ->
let const, pat_opt =
match v with
PConstrApp {value; _} ->
PConstrApp {value; _} ->
(match value with
| constr, None ->
| constr, None ->
constr, Some (PVar {value = "unit"; region = Region.ghost})
| _ -> value)
| PSomeApp {value=region,pat; _} ->
@ -68,9 +68,9 @@ let detect_free_variables (for_body : expression) (local_decl_names : expression
module Errors = struct
let unsupported_cst_constr p =
let title () = "constant constructor" in
let title () = "" in
let message () =
Format.asprintf "constant constructors are not supported yet" in
Format.asprintf "\nConstant constructors are not supported yet.\n" in
let pattern_loc = Raw.pattern_to_region p in
let data = [
@ -79,11 +79,11 @@ module Errors = struct
error ~data title message
let corner_case ~loc message =
let title () = "corner case" in
let content () = "We don't have a good error message for this case. \
let title () = "\nCorner case" in
let content () = "We do not have a good error message for this case. \
We are striving find ways to better report them and \
find the use-cases that generate them. \
Please report this to the developers." in
Please report this to the developers.\n" in
let data = [
("location" , fun () -> loc) ;
("message" , fun () -> message) ;
@ -91,9 +91,9 @@ module Errors = struct
error ~data title content
let unknown_predefined_type name =
let title () = "type constants" in
let title () = "\nType constants" in
let message () =
Format.asprintf "unknown predefined type \"%s\"" name.Region.value in
Format.asprintf "Unknown predefined type \"%s\".\n" name.Region.value in
let data = [
fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp_lift @@ name.Region.region)
@ -101,10 +101,10 @@ module Errors = struct
error ~data title message
let unsupported_non_var_pattern p =
let title () = "pattern is not a variable" in
let title () = "" in
let message () =
Format.asprintf "non-variable patterns in constructors \
are not supported yet" in
Format.asprintf "\nNon-variable patterns in constructors \
are not supported yet.\n" in
let pattern_loc = Raw.pattern_to_region p in
let data = [
@ -113,9 +113,10 @@ module Errors = struct
error ~data title message
let only_constructors p =
let title () = "constructors in patterns" in
let title () = "" in
let message () =
Format.asprintf "currently, only constructors are supported in patterns" in
Format.asprintf "\nCurrently, only constructors \
are supported in patterns.\n" in
let pattern_loc = Raw.pattern_to_region p in
let data = [
@ -124,9 +125,9 @@ module Errors = struct
error ~data title message
let unsupported_tuple_pattern p =
let title () = "tuple pattern" in
let title () = "" in
let message () =
Format.asprintf "tuple patterns are not supported yet" in
Format.asprintf "\nTuple patterns are not supported yet.\n" in
let pattern_loc = Raw.pattern_to_region p in
let data = [
@ -139,10 +140,10 @@ module Errors = struct
error ~data title message
let unsupported_deep_Some_patterns pattern =
let title () = "option patterns" in
let title () = "" in
let message () =
Format.asprintf "currently, only variables in Some constructors \
in patterns are supported" in
Format.asprintf "\nCurrently, only variables in constructors \
\"Some\" in patterns are supported.\n" in
let pattern_loc = Raw.pattern_to_region pattern in
let data = [
@ -151,10 +152,10 @@ module Errors = struct
error ~data title message
let unsupported_deep_list_patterns cons =
let title () = "lists in patterns" in
let title () = "" in
let message () =
Format.asprintf "currently, only empty lists and x::y \
are supported in patterns" in
Format.asprintf "\nCurrently, only empty lists and x::y \
are supported in patterns.\n" in
let data = [
fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp_lift @@ cons.Region.region)
@ -164,7 +165,7 @@ module Errors = struct
(* Logging *)
let simplifying_instruction t =
let title () = "simplifiying instruction" in
let title () = "\nSimplifiying instruction" in
let message () = "" in
(** TODO: The labelled arguments should be flowing from the CLI. *)
let data = [
@ -1176,7 +1177,7 @@ and simpl_for_int : Raw.for_int -> (_ -> expression result) result = fun fi ->
- references to the iterated value ==> variable `#COMPILER#elt_X`
Note: In the case of an inner loop capturing variable from an outer loop
the free variable name can be `#COMPILER#acc.Y` and because we do not
capture the accumulator record in the inner loop, we don't want to
capture the accumulator record in the inner loop, we do not want to
generate `#COMPILER#acc.#COMPILER#acc.Y` but `#COMPILER#acc.Y`
5) Append the return value to the body
Reference in New Issue
Block a user