Merge branch 'typer-error-revert' into 'dev'
Typer error revert See merge request ligolang/ligo!689
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
open Trace
open Simple_utils.Display
let stage = "typer"
type typer_error = [
@ -69,7 +70,28 @@ type typer_error = [
| `Typer_constant_decl_tracer of Ast_core.expression_variable * Ast_core.expr * Ast_typed.type_expression option * typer_error
| `Typer_match_variant_tracer of Ast_core.matching_expr * typer_error
| `Typer_unrecognized_type_operator of Ast_core.type_expression
|`Typer_expected_ascription of Ast_core.expression
| `Typer_expected_ascription of Ast_core.expression
| `Typer_different_kinds of Ast_typed.type_expression * Ast_typed.type_expression
| `Typer_different_constants of Ast_typed.type_constant * Ast_typed.type_constant
| `Typer_different_operators of Ast_typed.type_operator * Ast_typed.type_operator
| `Typer_operator_number_of_arguments of Ast_typed.type_operator * Ast_typed.type_operator * int * int
| `Typer_different_record_props of
Ast_typed.type_expression * Ast_typed.type_expression * Ast_typed.te_lmap * Ast_typed.te_lmap * string * string
| `Typer_different_kind_record_tuple of
Ast_typed.type_expression * Ast_typed.type_expression * Ast_typed.te_lmap * Ast_typed.te_lmap
| `Typer_different_size_records_tuples of
Ast_typed.type_expression * Ast_typed.type_expression * Ast_typed.te_lmap * Ast_typed.te_lmap
| `Typer_different_size_sums of
Ast_typed.type_expression * Ast_typed.type_expression
| `Typer_different_types of string * Ast_typed.type_expression * Ast_typed.type_expression * typer_error
| `Typer_different_literals of string * Ast_typed.literal * Ast_typed.literal
| `Typer_different_values of string * Ast_typed.expression * Ast_typed.expression
| `Typer_different_literals_because_different_types of string * Ast_typed.literal * Ast_typed.literal
| `Typer_different_values_because_different_types of string * Ast_typed.expression * Ast_typed.expression
| `Typer_uncomparable_literals of string * Ast_typed.literal * Ast_typed.literal
| `Typer_uncomparable_values of string * Ast_typed.expression * Ast_typed.expression
| `Typer_missing_key_in_record_value of string
| `Typer_compare_tracer of typer_error
let michelson_comb_no_record (loc:Location.t) = `Typer_michelson_comb_no_record loc
@ -150,6 +172,23 @@ let constant_declaration_tracer (name: Ast_core.expression_variable) (ae:Ast_cor
`Typer_constant_decl_tracer (name,ae,expected,err)
let in_match_variant_tracer (ae:Ast_core.matching_expr) (err:typer_error) =
`Typer_match_variant_tracer (ae,err)
let different_kinds a b = `Typer_different_kinds (a,b)
let different_constants a b = `Typer_different_constants (a,b)
let different_operators a b = `Typer_different_operators (a,b)
let different_operator_number_of_arguments opa opb lena lenb = `Typer_operator_number_of_arguments (opa, opb, lena, lenb)
let different_props_in_record a b ra rb ka kb = `Typer_different_record_props (a,b,ra,rb,ka,kb)
let different_kind_record_tuple a b ra rb = `Typer_different_kind_record_tuple (a,b,ra,rb)
let different_size_records_tuples a b ra rb = `Typer_different_size_records_tuples (a,b,ra,rb)
let different_size_sums a b = `Typer_different_size_sums (a,b)
let different_types name a b err = `Typer_different_types (name,a,b,err)
let different_literals name a b = `Typer_different_literals (name,a,b)
let different_values name a b = `Typer_different_values (name,a,b)
let different_literals_because_different_types name a b = `Typer_different_literals_because_different_types (name,a,b)
let different_values_because_different_types name a b = `Typer_different_values_because_different_types (name,a,b)
let error_uncomparable_literals name a b = `Typer_uncomparable_literals (name,a,b)
let error_uncomparable_values name a b = `Typer_uncomparable_values (name,a,b)
let missing_key_in_record_value k = `Typer_missing_key_in_record_value k
let compare_tracer err = `Typer_compare_tracer err
let rec error_ppformat : display_format:string display_format ->
Format.formatter -> typer_error -> unit =
@ -470,6 +509,75 @@ let rec error_ppformat : display_format:string display_format ->
"@[<hv>%a@ expected ascription but got %a@]"
Location.pp t.location
Ast_core.PP.expression t
| `Typer_different_kinds (a,b) ->
Format.fprintf f
"@[<hv> different kinds %a@ %a@]"
Ast_typed.PP.type_expression a
Ast_typed.PP.type_expression b
| `Typer_different_constants (a,b) ->
Format.fprintf f
"@[<hv> different type constructors.@ \
Expected these two constant type constructors to be the same, but they're different@ %a@ %a@]"
Ast_typed.PP.type_constant a
Ast_typed.PP.type_constant b
| `Typer_different_operators (a,b) ->
Format.fprintf f
"@[<hv> different type constructors.@ \
Expected these two n-ary type constructors to be the same, but they're different@ %a@ %a@]"
(Ast_typed.PP.type_operator Ast_typed.PP.type_expression) a
(Ast_typed.PP.type_operator Ast_typed.PP.type_expression) b
| `Typer_operator_number_of_arguments (opa, _opb, lena, lenb) ->
Format.fprintf f
"@[<hv> different number of arguments to type constructors.@ \
Expected these two n-ary type constructors to be the same, but they have different number\
of arguments (both use the %s type constructor, but they have %d and %d arguments, respectively)@]"
(Ast_typed.Helpers.type_operator_name opa) lena lenb
| `Typer_different_record_props (_a,_b,ra,rb,_ka,_kb) ->
let names = if Ast_typed.Helpers.is_tuple_lmap ra &&Ast_typed.Helpers.is_tuple_lmap rb
then "tuples" else "records" in
Format.fprintf f
"@[<hv> different keys in %s@]"
| `Typer_different_kind_record_tuple (_a,_b,ra,rb) ->
let name_a = if Ast_typed.Helpers.is_tuple_lmap ra then "tuple" else "record" in
let name_b = if Ast_typed.Helpers.is_tuple_lmap rb then "tuple" else "record" in
Format.fprintf f
"@[<hv> different keys.@ Expected these two types to be the same, but they're different (one is a %s\
and the other is a %s)@]"
name_a name_b
| `Typer_different_size_records_tuples (_a,_b,ra,rb) ->
let n = if Ast_typed.Helpers.is_tuple_lmap ra && Ast_typed.Helpers.is_tuple_lmap rb
then "tuples" else "records" in
Format.fprintf f
"@[<hv> %s have different sizes.@ Expected these two types to be the same, but they're \
different (both are %s, but with a different number of arguments)@]"
n n
| `Typer_different_size_sums (_a,_b) ->
Format.fprintf f
"@[<hv> sum types have different sizes.@ Expected these two types to be the same, but they're \
| `Typer_different_types (name,_a,_b,err) ->
Format.fprintf f
"@[<hv> %s are different.\
Expected these two types to be the same, but they're different.@ %a@]"
(error_ppformat ~display_format) err
| `Typer_different_literals (name,_a,_b) ->
Format.fprintf f "@[<hv> %s are different@]" name
| `Typer_different_values (name,_a,_b) ->
Format.fprintf f "@[<hv> %s are different@]" name
| `Typer_different_literals_because_different_types (name,_a,_b) ->
Format.fprintf f "@[<hv> Literals have different types: %s@]" name
| `Typer_different_values_because_different_types (name,_a,_b) ->
Format.fprintf f "@[<hv> Values have different types: %s@]" name
| `Typer_uncomparable_literals (name,_a,_b) ->
Format.fprintf f "@[<hv> %s are not comparable @]" name
| `Typer_uncomparable_values (name,_a,_b) ->
Format.fprintf f "@[<hv> %s are not comparable @]" name
| `Typer_missing_key_in_record_value k ->
Format.fprintf f "@[<hv> missing %s in one of the record @]" k
| `Typer_compare_tracer err ->
error_ppformat ~display_format f err
let rec error_jsonformat : typer_error -> J.t = fun a ->
@ -1150,4 +1258,190 @@ let rec error_jsonformat : typer_error -> J.t = fun a ->
("location", location) ;
("value", value) ;
] in
json_error ~stage ~content
| `Typer_different_kinds (a,b) ->
let message = `String "different kinds" in
let a = `String (Format.asprintf "%a" Ast_typed.PP.type_expression a) in
let b = `String (Format.asprintf "%a" Ast_typed.PP.type_expression b) in
let content = `Assoc [
("message", message) ;
("a", a) ;
("b", b) ;
] in
json_error ~stage ~content
| `Typer_different_constants (a,b) ->
let message = `String "different type constructors.\
Expected these two constant type constructors to be the same, but they're different" in
let a = `String (Format.asprintf "%a" Ast_typed.PP.type_constant a) in
let b = `String (Format.asprintf "%a" Ast_typed.PP.type_constant b) in
let content = `Assoc [
("message", message) ;
("a", a) ;
("b", b) ;
] in
json_error ~stage ~content
| `Typer_different_operators (a,b) ->
let message = `String "different type constructors.\
Expected these two n-ary type constructors to be the same, but they're different" in
let a = `String (Format.asprintf "%a" (Ast_typed.PP.type_operator Ast_typed.PP.type_expression) a) in
let b = `String (Format.asprintf "%a" (Ast_typed.PP.type_operator Ast_typed.PP.type_expression) b) in
let content = `Assoc [
("message", message) ;
("a", a) ;
("b", b) ;
] in
json_error ~stage ~content
| `Typer_operator_number_of_arguments (opa, opb, lena, lenb) ->
let message = `String "different number of arguments to type constructors.\
Expected these two n-ary type constructors to be the same, but they have different number\
of arguments" in
let a = `String (Format.asprintf "%a" (Ast_typed.PP.type_operator Ast_typed.PP.type_expression) opa) in
let b = `String (Format.asprintf "%a" (Ast_typed.PP.type_operator Ast_typed.PP.type_expression) opb) in
let op = `String (Ast_typed.Helpers.type_operator_name opa) in
let len_a = `Int lena in
let len_b = `Int lenb in
let content = `Assoc [
("message", message) ;
("a", a) ;
("b", b) ;
("op", op) ;
("len_a", len_a) ;
("len_b", len_b) ;
] in
json_error ~stage ~content
| `Typer_different_record_props (a,b,ra,rb,ka,kb) ->
let names = if Ast_typed.Helpers.is_tuple_lmap ra &&Ast_typed.Helpers.is_tuple_lmap rb
then "tuples" else "records" in
let message = `String ("different keys in " ^ names) in
let a = `String (Format.asprintf "%a" Ast_typed.PP.type_expression a) in
let b = `String (Format.asprintf "%a" Ast_typed.PP.type_expression b) in
let content = `Assoc [
("message", message) ;
("a", a) ;
("b", b) ;
("ka", `String ka) ;
("kb", `String kb) ;
] in
json_error ~stage ~content
| `Typer_different_kind_record_tuple (a,b,ra,rb) ->
let name_a = if Ast_typed.Helpers.is_tuple_lmap ra then "tuple" else "record" in
let name_b = if Ast_typed.Helpers.is_tuple_lmap rb then "tuple" else "record" in
let message = `String ("different keys. Expected these two types to be the same, but they're different (one is a "
^ name_a ^ " and the other is a " ^ name_b ^ ")") in
let a = `String (Format.asprintf "%a" Ast_typed.PP.type_expression a) in
let b = `String (Format.asprintf "%a" Ast_typed.PP.type_expression b) in
let content = `Assoc [
("message", message) ;
("a", a) ;
("b", b) ;
] in
json_error ~stage ~content
| `Typer_different_size_records_tuples (a,b,ra,rb) ->
let n = if Ast_typed.Helpers.is_tuple_lmap ra && Ast_typed.Helpers.is_tuple_lmap rb
then "tuples" else "records" in
let message = `String (n^ " have different sizes. Expected these two types to be the same, but they're \
different (both are " ^ n ^ ", but with a different number of arguments)") in
let a = `String (Format.asprintf "%a" Ast_typed.PP.type_expression a) in
let b = `String (Format.asprintf "%a" Ast_typed.PP.type_expression b) in
let content = `Assoc [
("message", message) ;
("a", a) ;
("b", b) ;
] in
json_error ~stage ~content
| `Typer_different_size_sums (a,b) ->
let message = `String (" sum types have different sizes. Expected these two types to be the same, but they're \
different") in
let a = `String (Format.asprintf "%a" Ast_typed.PP.type_expression a) in
let b = `String (Format.asprintf "%a" Ast_typed.PP.type_expression b) in
let content = `Assoc [
("message", message) ;
("a", a) ;
("b", b) ;
] in
json_error ~stage ~content
| `Typer_different_types (name,a,b,err) ->
let message = `String (name ^" are different.\
Expected these two types to be the same, but they're different") in
let a = `String (Format.asprintf "%a" Ast_typed.PP.type_expression a) in
let b = `String (Format.asprintf "%a" Ast_typed.PP.type_expression b) in
let content = `Assoc [
("message", message) ;
("a", a) ;
("b", b) ;
("children", error_jsonformat err)
] in
json_error ~stage ~content
| `Typer_different_literals (name,a,b) ->
let message = `String (name ^ " are different") in
let a = `String (Format.asprintf "%a" Ast_typed.PP.literal a) in
let b = `String (Format.asprintf "%a" Ast_typed.PP.literal b) in
let content = `Assoc [
("message", message) ;
("a", a) ;
("b", b) ;
] in
json_error ~stage ~content
| `Typer_different_values (name,a,b) ->
let message = `String (name ^ " are different") in
let a = `String (Format.asprintf "%a" Ast_typed.PP.expression a) in
let b = `String (Format.asprintf "%a" Ast_typed.PP.expression b) in
let content = `Assoc [
("message", message) ;
("a", a) ;
("b", b) ;
] in
json_error ~stage ~content
| `Typer_different_literals_because_different_types (name,a,b) ->
let message = `String ("literals have different types: " ^ name) in
let a = `String (Format.asprintf "%a" Ast_typed.PP.literal a) in
let b = `String (Format.asprintf "%a" Ast_typed.PP.literal b) in
let content = `Assoc [
("message", message) ;
("a", a) ;
("b", b) ;
] in
json_error ~stage ~content
| `Typer_different_values_because_different_types (name,a,b) ->
let message = `String ("values have different types: " ^ name) in
let a = `String (Format.asprintf "%a" Ast_typed.PP.expression a) in
let b = `String (Format.asprintf "%a" Ast_typed.PP.expression b) in
let content = `Assoc [
("message", message) ;
("a", a) ;
("b", b) ;
] in
json_error ~stage ~content
| `Typer_uncomparable_literals (name,a,b) ->
let message = `String (name ^ " are not comparable") in
let a = `String (Format.asprintf "%a" Ast_typed.PP.literal a) in
let b = `String (Format.asprintf "%a" Ast_typed.PP.literal b) in
let content = `Assoc [
("message", message) ;
("a", a) ;
("b", b) ;
] in
json_error ~stage ~content
| `Typer_uncomparable_values (name,a,b) ->
let message = `String (name ^ " are not comparable") in
let a = `String (Format.asprintf "%a" Ast_typed.PP.expression a) in
let b = `String (Format.asprintf "%a" Ast_typed.PP.expression b) in
let content = `Assoc [
("message", message) ;
("a", a) ;
("b", b) ;
] in
json_error ~stage ~content
| `Typer_missing_key_in_record_value k ->
let message = `String "missing keys in one of the records" in
let content = `Assoc [
("message", message) ;
("missing_key", `String k) ;
] in
json_error ~stage ~content
| `Typer_compare_tracer err ->
let content = `Assoc [
("message", `String "not equal") ;
("children", error_jsonformat err)
] in
json_error ~stage ~content
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
open Ast_typed
open Trace
open Typer_common.Errors
let rec assert_type_expression_eq (a, b: (type_expression * type_expression)) : (unit, typer_error) result = match (a.type_content, b.type_content) with
| T_constant ca, T_constant cb -> (
Assert.assert_true (different_constants ca cb) (ca = cb)
| T_constant _, _ -> fail @@ different_kinds a b
| T_operator opa, T_operator opb -> (
let%bind (lsta, lstb) = match (opa, opb) with
| TC_option la, TC_option lb
| TC_list la, TC_list lb
| TC_contract la, TC_contract lb
| TC_set la, TC_set lb -> ok @@ ([la], [lb])
| (TC_map {k=ka;v=va} | TC_map_or_big_map {k=ka;v=va}), (TC_map {k=kb;v=vb} | TC_map_or_big_map {k=kb;v=vb})
| (TC_big_map {k=ka;v=va} | TC_map_or_big_map {k=ka;v=va}), (TC_big_map {k=kb;v=vb} | TC_map_or_big_map {k=kb;v=vb})
-> ok @@ ([ka;va] ,[kb;vb])
| (TC_option _ | TC_list _ | TC_contract _ | TC_set _ | TC_map _ | TC_big_map _ | TC_map_or_big_map _ ),
(TC_option _ | TC_list _ | TC_contract _ | TC_set _ | TC_map _ | TC_big_map _ | TC_map_or_big_map _ )
-> fail @@ different_operators opa opb
if List.length lsta <> List.length lstb then
fail @@ different_operator_number_of_arguments opa opb (List.length lsta) (List.length lstb)
trace (different_types "arguments to type operators" a b)
@@ bind_list_iter (fun (a,b) -> assert_type_expression_eq (a,b) )(List.combine lsta lstb)
| T_operator _, _ -> fail @@ different_kinds a b
| T_sum sa, T_sum sb -> (
let sa' = CMap.to_kv_list sa in
let sb' = CMap.to_kv_list sb in
let aux ((ka, {ctor_type=va;_}), (kb, {ctor_type=vb;_})) =
let%bind _ =
Assert.assert_true (corner_case "different keys in sum types")
@@ (ka = kb) in
assert_type_expression_eq (va, vb)
let%bind _ =
Assert.assert_list_same_size (different_size_sums a b)
sa' sb'
trace (different_types "sum type" a b) @@
bind_list_iter aux (List.combine sa' sb')
| T_sum _, _ -> fail @@ different_kinds a b
| T_record ra, T_record rb
when Helpers.is_tuple_lmap ra <> Helpers.is_tuple_lmap rb -> (
fail @@ different_kind_record_tuple a b ra rb
| T_record ra, T_record rb -> (
let sort_lmap r' = List.sort (fun (Label a,_) (Label b,_) -> a b) r' in
let ra' = sort_lmap @@ LMap.to_kv_list ra in
let rb' = sort_lmap @@ LMap.to_kv_list rb in
let aux ((ka, {field_type=va;_}), (kb, {field_type=vb;_})) =
let%bind _ =
trace (different_types "records" a b) @@
let Label ka = ka in
let Label kb = kb in
Assert.assert_true (different_props_in_record a b ra rb ka kb) (ka = kb) in
assert_type_expression_eq (va, vb)
let%bind _ =
Assert.assert_list_same_size (different_size_records_tuples a b ra rb) ra' rb' in
trace (different_types "record type" a b)
@@ bind_list_iter aux (List.combine ra' rb')
| T_record _, _ -> fail @@ different_kinds a b
| T_arrow {type1;type2}, T_arrow {type1=type1';type2=type2'} ->
let%bind _ = assert_type_expression_eq (type1, type1') in
let%bind _ = assert_type_expression_eq (type2, type2') in
ok ()
| T_arrow _, _ -> fail @@ different_kinds a b
| T_variable x, T_variable y -> let _ = (x = y) in failwith "TODO : we must check that the two types were bound at the same location (even if they have the same name), i.e. use something like De Bruijn indices or a propper graph encoding"
| T_variable _, _ -> fail @@ different_kinds a b
(* No information about what made it fail *)
let type_expression_eq ab = Trace.to_bool @@ assert_type_expression_eq ab
let assert_literal_eq (a, b : literal * literal) : (unit, typer_error) result =
match (a, b) with
| Literal_int a, Literal_int b when a = b -> ok ()
| Literal_int _, Literal_int _ -> fail @@ different_literals "different ints" a b
| Literal_int _, _ -> fail @@ different_literals_because_different_types "int vs non-int" a b
| Literal_nat a, Literal_nat b when a = b -> ok ()
| Literal_nat _, Literal_nat _ -> fail @@ different_literals "different nats" a b
| Literal_nat _, _ -> fail @@ different_literals_because_different_types "nat vs non-nat" a b
| Literal_timestamp a, Literal_timestamp b when a = b -> ok ()
| Literal_timestamp _, Literal_timestamp _ -> fail @@ different_literals "different timestamps" a b
| Literal_timestamp _, _ -> fail @@ different_literals_because_different_types "timestamp vs non-timestamp" a b
| Literal_mutez a, Literal_mutez b when a = b -> ok ()
| Literal_mutez _, Literal_mutez _ -> fail @@ different_literals "different tezs" a b
| Literal_mutez _, _ -> fail @@ different_literals_because_different_types "tez vs non-tez" a b
| Literal_string a, Literal_string b when a = b -> ok ()
| Literal_string _, Literal_string _ -> fail @@ different_literals "different strings" a b
| Literal_string _, _ -> fail @@ different_literals_because_different_types "string vs non-string" a b
| Literal_bytes a, Literal_bytes b when a = b -> ok ()
| Literal_bytes _, Literal_bytes _ -> fail @@ different_literals "different bytes" a b
| Literal_bytes _, _ -> fail @@ different_literals_because_different_types "bytes vs non-bytes" a b
| Literal_void, Literal_void -> ok ()
| Literal_void, _ -> fail @@ different_literals_because_different_types "void vs non-void" a b
| Literal_unit, Literal_unit -> ok ()
| Literal_unit, _ -> fail @@ different_literals_because_different_types "unit vs non-unit" a b
| Literal_address a, Literal_address b when a = b -> ok ()
| Literal_address _, Literal_address _ -> fail @@ different_literals "different addresss" a b
| Literal_address _, _ -> fail @@ different_literals_because_different_types "address vs non-address" a b
| Literal_signature a, Literal_signature b when a = b -> ok ()
| Literal_signature _, Literal_signature _ -> fail @@ different_literals "different signature" a b
| Literal_signature _, _ -> fail @@ different_literals_because_different_types "signature vs non-signature" a b
| Literal_key a, Literal_key b when a = b -> ok ()
| Literal_key _, Literal_key _ -> fail @@ different_literals "different key" a b
| Literal_key _, _ -> fail @@ different_literals_because_different_types "key vs non-key" a b
| Literal_key_hash a, Literal_key_hash b when a = b -> ok ()
| Literal_key_hash _, Literal_key_hash _ -> fail @@ different_literals "different key_hash" a b
| Literal_key_hash _, _ -> fail @@ different_literals_because_different_types "key_hash vs non-key_hash" a b
| Literal_chain_id a, Literal_chain_id b when a = b -> ok ()
| Literal_chain_id _, Literal_chain_id _ -> fail @@ different_literals "different chain_id" a b
| Literal_chain_id _, _ -> fail @@ different_literals_because_different_types "chain_id vs non-chain_id" a b
| Literal_operation _, Literal_operation _ -> fail @@ error_uncomparable_literals "can't compare operations" a b
| Literal_operation _, _ -> fail @@ different_literals_because_different_types "operation vs non-operation" a b
let rec assert_value_eq (a, b: (expression*expression)) : (unit, typer_error) result =
trace compare_tracer @@
match (a.expression_content, b.expression_content) with
| E_literal a, E_literal b ->
assert_literal_eq (a, b)
| E_constant {cons_name=ca;arguments=lsta}, E_constant {cons_name=cb;arguments=lstb} when ca = cb -> (
let%bind lst =
generic_try (corner_case "constants with different number of elements")
(fun () -> List.combine lsta lstb) in
let%bind _all = bind_list @@ assert_value_eq lst in
ok ()
| E_constant _, E_constant _ ->
fail @@ different_values "constants" a b
| E_constant _, _ ->
fail @@ (corner_case "comparing constant with other stuff")
| E_constructor {constructor=ca;element=a}, E_constructor {constructor=cb;element=b} when ca = cb -> (
let%bind _eq = assert_value_eq (a, b) in
ok ()
| E_constructor _, E_constructor _ ->
fail @@ different_values "constructors" a b
| E_constructor _, _ ->
fail @@ different_values_because_different_types "constructor vs. non-constructor" a b
| E_record sma, E_record smb -> (
let aux (Label k) a b =
match a, b with
| Some a, Some b -> Some (assert_value_eq (a, b))
| _ -> Some (fail @@ missing_key_in_record_value k)
let%bind _all = Helpers.bind_lmap @@ LMap.merge aux sma smb in
ok ()
| E_record _, _ ->
fail @@ (different_values_because_different_types "record vs. non-record" a b)
| (E_literal _, _) | (E_variable _, _) | (E_application _, _)
| (E_lambda _, _) | (E_let_in _, _) | (E_raw_code _, _) | (E_recursive _, _)
| (E_record_accessor _, _) | (E_record_update _,_)
| (E_matching _, _)
-> fail @@ error_uncomparable_values "can't compare sequences nor loops" a b
@ -14,8 +14,7 @@ module Map = RedBlackTrees.PolyMap
open Todo_use_fold_generator
let assert_type_expression_eq ((tv',tv):O.type_expression * O.type_expression) : (unit,typer_error) result =
trace_option (assert_equal tv' tv) @@
O.assert_type_expression_eq (tv' , tv)
Compare.assert_type_expression_eq (tv' , tv)
Extract pairs of (name,type) in the declaration and add it to the environment
@ -67,8 +66,8 @@ and type_match : environment -> O'.typer_state -> O.type_expression -> I.matchin
let%bind acc = match acc with
| None -> ok (Some variant)
| Some variant' ->
let%bind () = trace_option (not_matching variant variant') @@
Ast_typed.assert_type_expression_eq (variant , variant') in
let%bind () =
assert_type_expression_eq (variant , variant') in
ok (Some variant)
ok acc in
@ -545,6 +545,9 @@ module Assert = struct
let assert_list_empty err lst =
assert_true err List.(length lst = 0)
let assert_list_same_size err lsta lstb =
assert_true err List.(length lsta = length lstb)
Reference in New Issue
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