Introducing Micheline, the IR of Michelson
This commit is contained in:
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
type ('l, 'p) node =
| Int of 'l * string
| String of 'l * string
| Prim of 'l * 'p * ('l, 'p) node list * string option
| Seq of 'l * ('l, 'p) node list * string option
type 'p canonical
type canonical_location = int
val root : 'p canonical -> (canonical_location, 'p) node
val canonical_location_encoding : canonical_location Data_encoding.encoding
val canonical_encoding : 'l Data_encoding.encoding -> 'l canonical Data_encoding.encoding
val erased_encoding : 'l -> 'p Data_encoding.encoding -> ('l, 'p) node Data_encoding.encoding
val table_encoding : 'l Data_encoding.encoding -> 'p Data_encoding.encoding -> ('l, 'p) node Data_encoding.encoding
val location : ('l, 'p) node -> 'l
val annotation : ('l, 'p) node -> string option
val strip_locations : (_, 'p) node -> 'p canonical
val extract_locations : ('l, 'p) node -> 'p canonical * (canonical_location * 'l) list
val inject_locations : (canonical_location -> 'l) -> 'p canonical -> ('l, 'p) node
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
(jbuild_version 1)
((name micheline)
;; External
;; Internal
(flags (:standard -w +27-30-40@8))
(wrapped false)))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
type ('l, 'p) node =
| Int of 'l * string
| String of 'l * string
| Prim of 'l * 'p * ('l, 'p) node list * string option
| Seq of 'l * ('l, 'p) node list * string option
type canonical_location = int
type 'p canonical = Canonical of (canonical_location, 'p) node
let canonical_location_encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
"canonicalExpressionLocation" @@
"Canonical location in a Micheline expression"
"The location of a node in a Micheline expression tree \
in prefix order, with zero being the root and adding one \
for every basic node, sequence and primitive application." @@
let location = function
| Int (loc, _) -> loc
| String (loc, _) -> loc
| Seq (loc, _, _) -> loc
| Prim (loc, _, _, _) -> loc
let annotation = function
| Int (_, _) -> None
| String (_, _) -> None
| Seq (_, _, annot) -> annot
| Prim (_, _, _, annot) -> annot
let root (Canonical expr) = expr
let strip_locations root =
let id = let id = ref (-1) in fun () -> incr id ; !id in
let rec strip_locations l =
let id = id () in
match l with
| Int (_, v) ->
Int (id, v)
| String (_, v) ->
String (id, v)
| Seq (_, seq, annot) ->
Seq (id, strip_locations seq, annot)
| Prim (_, name, seq, annot) ->
Prim (id, name, strip_locations seq, annot) in
Canonical (strip_locations root)
let extract_locations root =
let id = let id = ref (-1) in fun () -> incr id ; !id in
let loc_table = ref [] in
let rec strip_locations l =
let id = id () in
match l with
| Int (loc, v) ->
loc_table := (id, loc) :: !loc_table ;
Int (id, v)
| String (loc, v) ->
loc_table := (id, loc) :: !loc_table ;
String (id, v)
| Seq (loc, seq, annot) ->
loc_table := (id, loc) :: !loc_table ;
Seq (id, strip_locations seq, annot)
| Prim (loc, name, seq, annot) ->
loc_table := (id, loc) :: !loc_table ;
Prim (id, name, strip_locations seq, annot) in
let stripped = strip_locations root in
Canonical stripped, List.rev !loc_table
let inject_locations lookup (Canonical root) =
let rec inject_locations l =
match l with
| Int (loc, v) ->
Int (lookup loc, v)
| String (loc, v) ->
String (lookup loc, v)
| Seq (loc, seq, annot) ->
Seq (lookup loc, inject_locations seq, annot)
| Prim (loc, name, seq, annot) ->
Prim (lookup loc, name, inject_locations seq, annot) in
inject_locations root
let map f (Canonical expr) =
let rec map_node f = function
| Int _ | String _ as node -> node
| Seq (loc, seq, annot) ->
Seq (loc, (map_node f) seq, annot)
| Prim (loc, name, seq, annot) ->
Prim (loc, f name, (map_node f) seq, annot) in
Canonical (map_node f expr)
let rec map_node fl fp = function
| Int (loc, v) ->
Int (fl loc, v)
| String (loc, v) ->
String (fl loc, v)
| Seq (loc, seq, annot) ->
Seq (fl loc, (map_node fl fp) seq, annot)
| Prim (loc, name, seq, annot) ->
Prim (fl loc, fp name, (map_node fl fp) seq, annot)
let canonical_encoding prim_encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
let int_encoding =
obj1 (req "int" string) in
let string_encoding =
obj1 (req "string" string) in
let application_encoding expr_encoding =
obj3 (req "prim" prim_encoding) (req "args" (list expr_encoding)) (opt "annot" string) in
let seq_encoding expr_encoding =
list expr_encoding in
let node_encoding = mu "tezosScriptExpression" (fun expr_encoding ->
~title: "Script expression (data, type or code)" @@
union ~tag_size:`Uint8
[ case ~tag:0 int_encoding
(function Int (_, v) -> Some v | _ -> None)
(fun v -> Int (0, v)) ;
case ~tag:1 string_encoding
(function String (_, v) -> Some v | _ -> None)
(fun v -> String (0, v)) ;
case ~tag:2 (application_encoding expr_encoding)
| Prim (_, v, args, annot) -> Some (v, args, annot)
| _ -> None)
(function (prim, args, annot) -> Prim (0, prim, args, annot)) ;
case ~tag:3 (seq_encoding expr_encoding)
(function Seq (_, v, _annot) -> Some v | _ -> None)
(fun args -> Seq (0, args, None)) ]) in
(function Canonical node -> node)
(fun node -> strip_locations node)
let table_encoding location_encoding prim_encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
(fun node ->
let canon, assoc = extract_locations node in
let _, table = List.split assoc in
(canon, table))
(fun (canon, table) ->
let table = Array.of_list table in
inject_locations (fun i -> table.(i)) canon)
(req "expression" (canonical_encoding prim_encoding))
(req "locations" (list location_encoding)))
let erased_encoding default_location prim_encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
(fun node -> strip_locations node)
(fun canon -> inject_locations (fun _ -> default_location) canon)
(canonical_encoding prim_encoding)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
(** The abstract syntax tree of Micheline expressions. The first
parameter is used to conatin locations, but can also embed custom
data. The second parameter is the type of primitive names. *)
type ('l, 'p) node =
| Int of 'l * string
| String of 'l * string
| Prim of 'l * 'p * ('l, 'p) node list * string option
| Seq of 'l * ('l, 'p) node list * string option
(** Encoding for expressions, as their {!canonical} encoding.
Locations are stored in a side table. *)
val table_encoding :
'l Data_encoding.encoding -> 'p Data_encoding.encoding ->
('l, 'p) node Data_encoding.encoding
(** Encoding for expressions, as their {!canonical} encoding.
Locations are erased when serialized, and restored to a provided
default value when deserialized. *)
val erased_encoding :
'l -> 'p Data_encoding.encoding -> ('l, 'p) node Data_encoding.encoding
(** Extract the location of the node. *)
val location : ('l, 'p) node -> 'l
(** Extract the annotation of the node. *)
val annotation : ('l, 'p) node -> string option
(** Expression form using canonical integer numbering as
locations. The root has number zero, and each node adds one in the
order of infix traversal. To be used when locations are not
important, or when one wants to attach properties to nodes in an
expression without rewriting it (using an indirection table with
canonical locations as keys). *)
type 'p canonical
(** Canonical integer locations that appear inside {!canonical} expressions. *)
type canonical_location = int
(** Encoding for canonical integer locations. *)
val canonical_location_encoding : canonical_location Data_encoding.encoding
(** Encoding for expressions in canonical form. *)
val canonical_encoding : 'l Data_encoding.encoding -> 'l canonical Data_encoding.encoding
(** Compute the canonical form of an expression.
Drops the concrete locations completely. *)
val strip_locations : (_, 'p) node -> 'p canonical
(** Give the root node of an expression in canonical form. *)
val root : 'p canonical -> (canonical_location, 'p) node
(** Compute the canonical form of an expression.
Saves the concrete locations in an association list. *)
val extract_locations : ('l, 'p) node -> 'p canonical * (canonical_location * 'l) list
(** Transforms an expression in canonical form into a polymorphic one.
Takes a mapping function to inject the concrete locations. *)
val inject_locations : (canonical_location -> 'l) -> 'p canonical -> ('l, 'p) node
(** Copies the tree, updating its primitives. *)
val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a canonical -> 'b canonical
(** Copies the tree, updating its primitives and locations. *)
val map_node : ('la -> 'lb) -> ('pa -> 'pb) -> ('la, 'pa) node -> ('lb, 'pb) node
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,730 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
open Error_monad
open Micheline
type point =
{ point : int ;
byte : int ;
line : int ;
column : int }
let point_zero =
{ point = 0 ;
byte = 0 ;
line = 0 ;
column = 0 }
let point_encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
(fun { line ; column ; point ; byte } -> (line, column, point, byte))
(fun (line, column, point, byte) -> { line ; column ; point ; byte })
(req "line" uint16)
(req "column" uint16)
(req "point" uint16)
(req "byte" uint16))
type location =
{ start : point ;
stop : point }
let location_zero =
{ start = point_zero ;
stop = point_zero }
let location_encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
(fun { start ; stop } -> (start, stop))
(fun (start, stop) -> { start ; stop })
(req "start" point_encoding)
(req "stop" point_encoding))
type token_value =
| String of string
| Int of string
| Ident of string
| Annot of string
| Comment of string
| Eol_comment of string
| Semi
| Open_paren | Close_paren
| Open_brace | Close_brace
let token_value_encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
[ case (obj1 (req "string" string))
(function String s -> Some s | _ -> None)
(fun s -> String s) ;
case (obj1 (req "int" string))
(function Int s -> Some s | _ -> None)
(fun s -> Int s) ;
case (obj1 (req "annot" string))
(function Annot s -> Some s | _ -> None)
(fun s -> Annot s) ;
case (obj2 (req "comment" string) (dft "end_of_line" bool false))
| Comment s -> Some (s, false)
| Eol_comment s -> Some (s, true) | _ -> None)
| (s, false) -> Comment s
| (s, true) -> Eol_comment s) ;
(obj1 (req "punctuation" (string_enum [
"(", Open_paren ;
")", Close_paren ;
"{", Open_brace ;
"}", Close_brace ;
";", Semi ])))
(fun t -> Some t) (fun t -> t) ]
type token =
{ token : token_value ;
loc : location }
type error += Invalid_utf8_sequence of point * string
type error += Unexpected_character of point * string
type error += Undefined_escape_sequence of point * string
type error += Missing_break_after_number of point
type error += Unterminated_string of location
type error += Unterminated_integer of location
type error += Unterminated_comment of location
let tokenize source =
let decoder = Uutf.decoder ~encoding:`UTF_8 (`String source) in
let here () =
{ point = Uutf.decoder_count decoder ;
byte = Uutf.decoder_byte_count decoder ;
line = Uutf.decoder_line decoder ;
column = Uutf.decoder_col decoder } in
let tok start stop token =
{ loc = { start ; stop } ; token } in
let stack = ref [] in
let next () =
match !stack with
| charloc :: charlocs ->
stack := charlocs ;
ok charloc
| [] ->
let loc = here () in
match Uutf.decode decoder with
| `Await -> assert false
| `Malformed s -> error (Invalid_utf8_sequence (loc, s))
| `Uchar _ | `End as other -> ok (other, loc) in
let back charloc =
stack := charloc :: !stack in
let uchar_to_char c =
if Uchar.is_char c then
Some (Uchar.to_char c)
None in
let rec skip acc =
next () >>? function
| `End, _ -> ok (List.rev acc)
| `Uchar c, start ->
begin match uchar_to_char c with
| Some ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z') -> ident acc start (fun s -> Ident s)
| Some '@' -> ident acc start (fun s -> Annot s)
| Some '-' ->
begin next () >>? function
| `End, stop ->
error (Unterminated_integer { start ; stop })
| `Uchar c, stop ->
begin match uchar_to_char c with
| Some '0' -> base acc start
| Some ('1'..'9') -> integer `dec acc start false
| Some _ | None ->
error (Unterminated_integer { start ; stop })
| Some '0' -> base acc start
| Some ('1'..'9') -> integer `dec acc start false
| Some (' ' | '\n') -> skip acc
| Some ';' -> skip (tok start (here ()) Semi :: acc)
| Some '{' -> skip (tok start (here ()) Open_brace :: acc)
| Some '}' -> skip (tok start (here ()) Close_brace :: acc)
| Some '(' -> skip (tok start (here ()) Open_paren :: acc)
| Some ')' -> skip (tok start (here ()) Close_paren :: acc)
| Some '"' -> string acc [] start
| Some '#' -> eol_comment acc start
| Some '/' ->
begin next () >>? function
| `Uchar c, _ when Uchar.equal c (Uchar.of_char '*') ->
comment acc start 0
| (`Uchar _ | `End), _ ->
error (Unexpected_character (start, "/"))
| Some _ | None ->
let byte = Uutf.decoder_byte_count decoder in
let s = String.sub source start.byte (byte - start.byte) in
error (Unexpected_character (start, s))
and base acc start =
next () >>? function
| (`Uchar c, stop) as charloc ->
begin match uchar_to_char c with
| Some ('0'.. '9') -> integer `dec acc start false
| Some 'x' -> integer `hex acc start true
| Some 'b' -> integer `bin acc start true
| Some ('a' | 'c'..'w' | 'y' | 'z' | 'A'..'Z') ->
error (Missing_break_after_number stop)
| Some _ | None ->
back charloc ;
skip (tok start stop (Int "0") :: acc)
| (_, stop) as other ->
back other ;
skip (tok start stop (Int "0") :: acc)
and integer base acc start first =
let tok stop =
let value =
String.sub source start.byte (stop.byte - start.byte) in
tok start stop (Int value) in
next () >>? function
| (`Uchar c, stop) as charloc ->
begin match base, Uchar.to_char c with
| `dec, ('0'.. '9') ->
integer `dec acc start false
| `dec, ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z') ->
error (Missing_break_after_number stop)
| `hex, ('0'..'9' | 'a'..'f' | 'A'..'F') ->
integer `hex acc start false
| `hex, ('g'..'z' | 'G'..'Z') ->
error (Missing_break_after_number stop)
| `bin, ('0' | '1') ->
integer `bin acc start false
| `bin, ('2'..'9' | 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z') ->
error (Missing_break_after_number stop)
| (`bin | `hex), _ when first ->
error (Unterminated_integer { start ; stop })
| _ ->
back charloc ;
skip (tok stop :: acc)
| (`End, stop) as other ->
if first && base = `bin || base = `hex then
error (Unterminated_integer { start ; stop })
else begin
back other ;
skip (tok stop :: acc)
and string acc sacc start =
let tok () =
tok start (here ()) (String (String.concat "" (List.rev sacc))) in
next () >>? function
| `End, stop -> error (Unterminated_string { start ; stop })
| `Uchar c, stop ->
match uchar_to_char c with
| Some '"' -> skip (tok () :: acc)
| Some '\n' -> error (Unterminated_string { start ; stop })
| Some '\\' ->
begin next () >>? function
| `End, stop -> error (Unterminated_string { start ; stop })
| `Uchar c, loc ->
match uchar_to_char c with
| Some '"' -> string acc ("\"" :: sacc) start
| Some 'r' -> string acc ("\r" :: sacc) start
| Some 'n' -> string acc ("\n" :: sacc) start
| Some 't' -> string acc ("\t" :: sacc) start
| Some 'b' -> string acc ("\b" :: sacc) start
| Some '\\' -> string acc ("\\" :: sacc) start
| Some _ | None ->
let byte = Uutf.decoder_byte_count decoder in
let s = String.sub source loc.byte (byte - loc.byte) in
error (Undefined_escape_sequence (loc, s))
| Some _ | None ->
let byte = Uutf.decoder_byte_count decoder in
let s = String.sub source stop.byte (byte - stop.byte) in
string acc (s :: sacc) start
and ident acc start ret =
let tok stop =
let name =
String.sub source start.byte (stop.byte - start.byte) in
tok start stop (ret name) in
next () >>? function
| (`Uchar c, stop) as charloc ->
begin match uchar_to_char c with
| Some ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '_' | '0'..'9') ->
ident acc start ret
| Some _ | None ->
back charloc ;
skip (tok stop :: acc)
| (_, stop) as other ->
back other ;
skip (tok stop :: acc)
and comment acc start lvl =
next () >>? function
| `End, stop -> error (Unterminated_comment { start ; stop })
| `Uchar c, _ ->
begin match uchar_to_char c with
| Some '*' ->
begin next () >>? function
| `Uchar c, _ when Uchar.equal c (Uchar.of_char '/') ->
if lvl = 0 then
let stop = here () in
let text =
String.sub source start.byte (stop.byte - start.byte) in
skip (tok start stop (Comment text) :: acc)
comment acc start (lvl - 1)
| other ->
back other ;
comment acc start lvl
| Some '/' ->
begin next () >>? function
| `Uchar c, _ when Uchar.equal c (Uchar.of_char '*') ->
comment acc start (lvl + 1)
| other ->
back other ;
comment acc start lvl
| Some _ | None -> comment acc start lvl
and eol_comment acc start =
let tok stop =
let text = String.sub source start.byte (stop.byte - start.byte) in
tok start stop (Eol_comment text) in
next () >>? function
| `Uchar c, stop ->
begin match uchar_to_char c with
| Some '\n' -> skip (tok stop :: acc)
| Some _ | None -> eol_comment acc start
| (_, stop) as other ->
back other ;
skip (tok stop :: acc) in
skip []
type node = (location, string) Micheline.node
let node_encoding = Micheline.table_encoding location_encoding Data_encoding.string
(* Beginning of a sequence of consecutive primitives *)
let min_point : node list -> point = function
| [] -> point_zero
| Int ({ start }, _) :: _
| String ({ start }, _) :: _
| Prim ({ start }, _, _, _) :: _
| Seq ({ start }, _, _) :: _ -> start
(* End of a sequence of consecutive primitives *)
let rec max_point : node list -> point = function
| [] -> point_zero
| _ :: (_ :: _ as rest) -> max_point rest
| Int ({ stop }, _) :: []
| String ({ stop }, _) :: []
| Prim ({ stop }, _, _, _) :: []
| Seq ({ stop }, _, _) :: [] -> stop
(* An item in the parser's state stack.
Not every value of type [mode list] is a valid parsing context.
It must respect the following additional invariants.
- a state stack always ends in [Toplevel _],
- [Toplevel _] does not appear anywhere else,
- [Unwrapped _] cannot appear directly on top of [Wrapped _],
- [Wrapped _] cannot appear directly on top of [Sequence _],
- [Wrapped _] cannot appear directly on top of [Sequence _]. *)
type mode =
| Toplevel of node list
| Expression of node option
| Sequence of token * node list * string option
| Unwrapped of location * string * node list * string option
| Wrapped of token * string * node list * string option
(* Enter a new parsing state. *)
let push_mode mode stack =
mode :: stack
(* Leave a parsing state. *)
let pop_mode = function
| [] -> assert false
| _ :: rest -> rest
(* Usually after a [pop_mode], jump back into the previous parsing
state, injecting the current reduction (insert the just parsed item
of a sequence or argument of a primitive application). *)
let fill_mode result = function
| [] -> assert false
| Expression _ :: _ :: _ -> assert false
| Expression (Some _) :: [] -> assert false
| Toplevel _ :: _ :: _ -> assert false
| Expression None :: [] ->
Expression (Some result) :: []
| Toplevel exprs :: [] ->
Toplevel (result :: exprs) :: []
| Sequence (token, exprs, annot) :: rest ->
Sequence (token, result :: exprs, annot) :: rest
| Wrapped (token, name, exprs, annot) :: rest ->
Wrapped (token, name, result :: exprs, annot) :: rest
| Unwrapped (start, name, exprs, annot) :: rest ->
Unwrapped (start, name, result :: exprs, annot) :: rest
type error += Unclosed of token
type error += Unexpected of token
type error += Extra of token
type error += Misaligned of node
type error += Empty
let rec parse ?(check = true) tokens stack =
(* Two steps:
- 1. parse without checking indentation [parse]
- 2. check indentation [check] (inlined in 1) *)
match stack, tokens with
(* Start by preventing all absurd cases, so now the pattern
matching exhaustivity can tell us that we treater all
possible tokens for all possible valid states. *)
| [], _
| [ Wrapped _ ], _
| [ Unwrapped _ ], _
| Unwrapped _ :: Unwrapped _ :: _, _
| Unwrapped _ :: Wrapped _ :: _, _
| Toplevel _ :: _ :: _, _
| Expression _ :: _ :: _, _ ->
assert false
(* Return *)
| Expression (Some result) :: _, [] ->
ok [ result ]
| Expression (Some _) :: _, token :: _ ->
error (Unexpected token)
| Expression None :: _, [] ->
error Empty
| Toplevel [ Seq (_, exprs, _) as expr ] :: [],
[] ->
(if check then do_check ~toplevel: true expr else ok ()) >>? fun () ->
ok exprs
| Toplevel exprs :: [],
[] ->
let exprs = List.rev exprs in
let loc = { start = min_point exprs ; stop = max_point exprs } in
let expr = Micheline.Seq (loc, exprs, None) in
(if check then do_check ~toplevel: true expr else ok ()) >>? fun () ->
ok exprs
(* Ignore comments *)
| _,
{ token = Eol_comment _ | Comment _ } :: rest ->
parse ~check rest stack
| (Expression None | Sequence _ | Toplevel _) :: _,
({ token = Int _ | String _ } as token):: { token = Eol_comment _ | Comment _ } :: rest
| (Wrapped _ | Unwrapped _) :: _,
({ token = Open_paren } as token)
:: { token = Eol_comment _ | Comment _ } :: rest ->
parse ~check (token :: rest) stack
(* Erroneous states *)
| (Wrapped _ | Unwrapped _) :: _ ,
({ token = Open_paren } as token)
:: { token = Open_paren | Open_brace } :: _
| Unwrapped _ :: Expression _ :: _ ,
({ token = Semi | Close_brace | Close_paren } as token) :: _
| Expression None :: _ ,
({ token = Semi | Close_brace | Close_paren | Open_paren } as token) :: _ ->
error (Unexpected token)
| (Sequence _ | Toplevel _) :: _ ,
{ token = Semi } :: ({ token = Semi } as token) :: _ ->
error (Extra token)
| (Wrapped _ | Unwrapped _) :: _ ,
{ token = Open_paren }
:: ({ token = Int _ | String _ | Annot _ | Close_paren } as token) :: _
| (Expression None | Sequence _ | Toplevel _) :: _,
{ token = Int _ | String _ } :: ({ token = Ident _ | Int _ | String _ | Annot _ | Close_paren | Open_paren | Open_brace } as token) :: _
| Unwrapped (_, _, _, _) :: Toplevel _ :: _,
({ token = Close_brace } as token) :: _
| Unwrapped (_, _, _, _) :: _,
({ token = Close_paren } as token) :: _
| Toplevel _ :: [],
({ token = Close_paren } as token) :: _
| Toplevel _ :: [],
({ token = Close_brace } as token) :: _
| _,
({ token = Annot _ } as token) :: _ ->
error (Unexpected token)
| Wrapped (token, _, _, _) :: _,
({ token = Close_brace | Semi } :: _ | [])
| (Sequence _ | Toplevel _) :: _,
({ token = Open_paren } as token) :: _
| (Wrapped _ | Unwrapped _) :: _,
({ token = Open_paren } as token) :: ({ token = Close_brace | Semi } :: _ | [])
| (Sequence (token, _, _) :: _ | Unwrapped _ :: Sequence (token, _, _) :: _),
({ token = Close_paren } :: _ | [])->
error (Unclosed token)
(* Valid states *)
| (Toplevel _ | Sequence (_, _, _)) :: _ ,
{ token = Ident name ; loc } :: { token = Annot annot } :: rest ->
let mode = Unwrapped (loc, name, [], Some annot) in
parse ~check rest (push_mode mode stack)
| (Expression None | Toplevel _ | Sequence (_, _, _)) :: _ ,
{ token = Ident name ; loc } :: rest ->
let mode = Unwrapped (loc, name, [], None) in
parse ~check rest (push_mode mode stack)
| (Unwrapped _ | Wrapped _) :: _,
{ token = Int value ; loc } :: rest
| (Expression None | Sequence _ | Toplevel _) :: _,
{ token = Int value ; loc } :: ([] | { token = Semi | Close_brace} :: _ as rest) ->
let expr : node = Int (loc, value) in
(if check then do_check ~toplevel: false expr else ok ()) >>? fun () ->
parse ~check rest (fill_mode expr stack)
| (Unwrapped _ | Wrapped _) :: _,
{ token = String contents ; loc } :: rest
| (Expression None | Sequence _ | Toplevel _) :: _,
{ token = String contents ; loc } :: ([] | { token = Semi | Close_brace} :: _ as rest) ->
let expr : node = String (loc, contents) in
(if check then do_check ~toplevel: false expr else ok ()) >>? fun () ->
parse ~check rest (fill_mode expr stack)
| Sequence ({ loc = { start } }, exprs, annot) :: _ ,
{ token = Close_brace ; loc = { stop } } :: rest ->
let exprs = List.rev exprs in
let expr = Micheline.Seq ({ start ; stop }, exprs, annot) in
(if check then do_check ~toplevel: false expr else ok ()) >>? fun () ->
parse ~check rest (fill_mode expr (pop_mode stack))
| (Sequence _ | Toplevel _) :: _ ,
{ token = Semi } :: rest ->
parse ~check rest stack
| Unwrapped ({ start ; stop }, name, exprs, annot) :: Expression _ :: _,
([] as rest)
| Unwrapped ({ start ; stop }, name, exprs, annot) :: Toplevel _ :: _,
({ token = Semi } :: _ | [] as rest)
| Unwrapped ({ start ; stop }, name, exprs, annot) :: Sequence _ :: _ ,
({ token = Close_brace | Semi } :: _ as rest)
| Wrapped ({ loc = { start ; stop } }, name, exprs, annot) :: _ ,
{ token = Close_paren } :: rest ->
let exprs = List.rev exprs in
let stop = if exprs = [] then stop else max_point exprs in
let expr = Micheline.Prim ({ start ; stop }, name, exprs, annot) in
(if check then do_check ~toplevel: false expr else ok ()) >>? fun () ->
parse ~check rest (fill_mode expr (pop_mode stack))
| (Wrapped _ | Unwrapped _) :: _ ,
({ token = Open_paren } as token) :: { token = Ident name } :: { token = Annot annot } :: rest ->
let mode = Wrapped (token, name, [], Some annot) in
parse ~check rest (push_mode mode stack)
| (Wrapped _ | Unwrapped _) :: _ ,
({ token = Open_paren } as token) :: { token = Ident name } :: rest ->
let mode = Wrapped (token, name, [], None) in
parse ~check rest (push_mode mode stack)
| (Wrapped _ | Unwrapped _) :: _ ,
{ token = Ident name ; loc } :: rest ->
let expr = Micheline.Prim (loc, name, [], None) in
(if check then do_check ~toplevel: false expr else ok ()) >>? fun () ->
parse ~check rest (fill_mode expr stack)
| (Wrapped _ | Unwrapped _ | Toplevel _ | Sequence _ | Expression None) :: _ ,
({ token = Open_brace } as token) :: { token = Annot annot } :: rest ->
let mode = Sequence (token, [], Some annot) in
parse ~check rest (push_mode mode stack)
| (Wrapped _ | Unwrapped _ | Toplevel _ | Sequence _ | Expression None) :: _ ,
({ token = Open_brace } as token) :: rest ->
let mode = Sequence (token, [], None) in
parse ~check rest (push_mode mode stack)
(* indentation checker *)
and do_check ?(toplevel = false) = function
| Seq ({ start ; stop }, [], _) as expr ->
if start.column >= stop.column then
error (Misaligned expr)
else ok ()
| Prim ({ start ; stop }, _, first :: rest, _)
| Seq ({ start ; stop }, first :: rest, _) as expr ->
let { column = first_column ; line = first_line } =
min_point [ first ] in
if start.column >= stop.column then
error (Misaligned expr)
else if not toplevel && start.column >= first_column then
error (Misaligned expr)
(* In a sequence or in the arguments of a primitive, we
require all items to be aligned, but we relax the rule to
allow consecutive items to be writtem on the same line. *)
let rec in_line_or_aligned prev_start_line = function
| [] -> ok ()
| expr :: rest ->
let { column ; line = start_line } = min_point [ expr ] in
let { line = stop_line } = max_point [ expr ] in
if stop_line <> prev_start_line
&& column <> first_column then
error (Misaligned expr)
in_line_or_aligned start_line rest in
in_line_or_aligned first_line rest
| Prim (_, _, [], _) | String _ | Int _ -> ok ()
let parse_expression ?check tokens =
let result = match tokens with
| ({ token = Open_paren } as token) :: { token = Ident name } :: { token = Annot annot } :: rest ->
let mode = Wrapped (token, name, [], Some annot) in
parse ?check rest [ mode ; Expression None ]
| ({ token = Open_paren } as token) :: { token = Ident name } :: rest ->
let mode = Wrapped (token, name, [], None) in
parse ?check rest [ mode ; Expression None ]
| _ ->
parse ?check tokens [ Expression None ] in
match result with
| Ok [ single ] -> Ok single
| Ok _ -> assert false
| Error errs -> Error errs
let parse_toplevel ?check tokens =
parse ?check tokens [ Toplevel [] ]
let print_point ppf { line ; column } =
Format.fprintf ppf
"at line %d character %d"
line column
let print_token_kind ppf = function
| Open_paren | Close_paren -> Format.fprintf ppf "parenthesis"
| Open_brace | Close_brace -> Format.fprintf ppf "curly brace"
| String _ -> Format.fprintf ppf "string constant"
| Int _ -> Format.fprintf ppf "integer constant"
| Ident _ -> Format.fprintf ppf "identifier"
| Annot _ -> Format.fprintf ppf "annotation"
| Comment _ | Eol_comment _ -> Format.fprintf ppf "comment"
| Semi -> Format.fprintf ppf "semi colon"
let print_location ppf loc =
if loc.start.line = loc.stop.line then
if loc.start.column = loc.stop.column then
Format.fprintf ppf
"at line %d character %d"
loc.start.line loc.start.column
Format.fprintf ppf
"at line %d characters %d to %d"
loc.start.line loc.start.column loc.stop.column
Format.fprintf ppf
"from line %d character %d to line %d character %d"
loc.start.line loc.start.column loc.stop.line loc.stop.column
let () =
register_error_kind `Permanent
~id: "micheline.parse_error.invalid_utf8_sequence"
~title: "Micheline parser error: invalid UTF-8 sequence"
~description: "While parsing a piece of Micheline source, \
a sequence of bytes that is not valid UTF-8 \
was encountered."
~pp:(fun ppf (point, str) -> Format.fprintf ppf "%a, invalid UTF-8 sequence %S" print_point point str)
Data_encoding.(obj2 (req "point" point_encoding) (req "sequence" string))
(function Invalid_utf8_sequence (point, str) -> Some (point, str) | _ -> None)
(fun (point, str) -> Invalid_utf8_sequence (point, str)) ;
register_error_kind `Permanent
~id: "micheline.parse_error.unexpected_character"
~title: "Micheline parser error: unexpected character"
~description: "While parsing a piece of Micheline source, \
an unexpected character was encountered."
~pp:(fun ppf (point, str) -> Format.fprintf ppf "%a, unexpected character %s" print_point point str)
Data_encoding.(obj2 (req "point" point_encoding) (req "character" string))
(function Unexpected_character (point, str) -> Some (point, str) | _ -> None)
(fun (point, str) -> Unexpected_character (point, str)) ;
register_error_kind `Permanent
~id: "micheline.parse_error.undefined_escape_sequence"
~title: "Micheline parser error: undefined escape sequence"
~description: "While parsing a piece of Micheline source, \
an unexpected escape sequence was encountered in a string."
~pp:(fun ppf (point, str) -> Format.fprintf ppf "%a, undefined escape sequence \"%s\"" print_point point str)
Data_encoding.(obj2 (req "point" point_encoding) (req "sequence" string))
(function Undefined_escape_sequence (point, str) -> Some (point, str) | _ -> None)
(fun (point, str) -> Undefined_escape_sequence (point, str)) ;
register_error_kind `Permanent
~id: "micheline.parse_error.missing_break_after_number"
~title: "Micheline parser error: missing break after number"
~description: "While parsing a piece of Micheline source, \
a number was not visually separated from \
its follower token, leading to misreadability."
~pp:(fun ppf point -> Format.fprintf ppf "%a, missing break after number" print_point point)
Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "point" point_encoding))
(function Missing_break_after_number point -> Some point | _ -> None)
(fun point -> Missing_break_after_number point) ;
register_error_kind `Permanent
~id: "micheline.parse_error.unterminated_string"
~title: "Micheline parser error: unterminated string"
~description: "While parsing a piece of Micheline source, \
a string was not terminated."
~pp:(fun ppf loc -> Format.fprintf ppf "%a, unterminated string" print_location loc)
Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "location" location_encoding))
(function Unterminated_string loc -> Some loc | _ -> None)
(fun loc -> Unterminated_string loc) ;
register_error_kind `Permanent
~id: "micheline.parse_error.unterminated_integer"
~title: "Micheline parser error: unterminated integer"
~description: "While parsing a piece of Micheline source, \
an integer was not terminated."
~pp:(fun ppf loc -> Format.fprintf ppf "%a, unterminated integer" print_location loc)
Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "location" location_encoding))
(function Unterminated_integer loc -> Some loc | _ -> None)
(fun loc -> Unterminated_integer loc) ;
register_error_kind `Permanent
~id: "micheline.parse_error.unterminated_comment"
~title: "Micheline parser error: unterminated comment"
~description: "While parsing a piece of Micheline source, \
a commentX was not terminated."
~pp:(fun ppf loc -> Format.fprintf ppf "%a, unterminated comment" print_location loc)
Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "location" location_encoding))
(function Unterminated_comment loc -> Some loc | _ -> None)
(fun loc -> Unterminated_comment loc) ;
register_error_kind `Permanent
~id: "micheline.parse_error.unclosed_token"
~title: "Micheline parser error: unclosed token"
~description: "While parsing a piece of Micheline source, \
a parenthesis or a brace was unclosed."
~pp:(fun ppf (loc, token) ->
Format.fprintf ppf "%a, unclosed %a" print_location loc print_token_kind token)
(req "location"location_encoding)
(req "token" token_value_encoding))
(function Unclosed { loc ; token } -> Some (loc, token) | _ -> None)
(fun (loc, token) -> Unclosed { loc ; token }) ;
register_error_kind `Permanent
~id: "micheline.parse_error.unexpected_token"
~title: "Micheline parser error: unexpected token"
~description: "While parsing a piece of Micheline source, \
an unexpected token was encountered."
~pp:(fun ppf (loc, token) ->
Format.fprintf ppf "%a, unexpected %a" print_location loc print_token_kind token)
(req "location"location_encoding)
(req "token" token_value_encoding))
(function Unexpected { loc ; token } -> Some (loc, token) | _ -> None)
(fun (loc, token) -> Unexpected { loc ; token }) ;
register_error_kind `Permanent
~id: "micheline.parse_error.extra_token"
~title: "Micheline parser error: extra token"
~description: "While parsing a piece of Micheline source, \
an extra semi colon or parenthesis was encountered."
~pp:(fun ppf (loc, token) ->
Format.fprintf ppf "%a, extra %a" print_location loc print_token_kind token)
(req "location"location_encoding)
(req "token" token_value_encoding))
(function Extra { loc ; token } -> Some (loc, token) | _ -> None)
(fun (loc, token) -> Extra { loc ; token }) ;
register_error_kind `Permanent
~id: "micheline.parse_error.misaligned_node"
~title: "Micheline parser error: misaligned node"
~description: "While parsing a piece of Micheline source, \
an expression was not aligned with its \
siblings of the same mother application \
or sequence."
~pp:(fun ppf node ->
Format.fprintf ppf "%a, misaligned expression" print_location (location node))
Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "expression" node_encoding))
(function Misaligned node -> Some node | _ -> None)
(fun node -> Misaligned node) ;
register_error_kind `Permanent
~id: "micheline.parse_error.empty_expression"
~title: "Micheline parser error: empty_expression"
~description: "Tried to interpret an empty piece or \
Micheline source as a single expression."
~pp:(fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf "empty expression")
(function Empty -> Some () | _ -> None)
(fun () -> Empty)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
open Error_monad
type point =
{ point : int ;
byte : int ;
line : int ;
column : int }
val point_zero : point
type location =
{ start : point ;
stop : point }
val location_zero : location
val point_encoding : point Data_encoding.encoding
val location_encoding : location Data_encoding.encoding
type token_value =
| String of string
| Int of string
| Ident of string
| Annot of string
| Comment of string
| Eol_comment of string
| Semi
| Open_paren | Close_paren
| Open_brace | Close_brace
type token =
{ token : token_value ;
loc : location }
val tokenize : string -> token list tzresult
type node = (location, string) Micheline.node
(** Beginning of a sequence of consecutive primitives *)
val min_point : node list -> point
(** End of a sequence of consecutive primitives *)
val max_point : node list -> point
val node_encoding : node Data_encoding.encoding
type error += Invalid_utf8_sequence of point * string
type error += Unexpected_character of point * string
type error += Undefined_escape_sequence of point * string
type error += Missing_break_after_number of point
type error += Unterminated_string of location
type error += Unterminated_integer of location
type error += Unterminated_comment of location
type error += Unclosed of token
type error += Unexpected of token
type error += Extra of token
type error += Misaligned of node
type error += Empty
val parse_toplevel : ?check:bool -> token list -> node list tzresult
val parse_expression : ?check:bool -> token list -> node tzresult
val print_location : Format.formatter -> location -> unit
val print_point : Format.formatter -> point -> unit
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
open Error_monad
open Micheline
type location = { comment : string option }
type node = (location, string) Micheline.node
let printable
?(comment = (fun _ -> None))
map_prim expr =
let map_loc loc =
{ comment = comment loc } in
map_node map_loc map_prim (root expr)
let print_comment ppf text =
Format.fprintf ppf "/* @[<h>%a@] */" Format.pp_print_text text
let print_string ppf text =
Format.fprintf ppf "\"" ;
String.iter (function
| '"' | 'r' | 'n' | 't' | 'b' | '\\' as c ->
Format.fprintf ppf "%c" c
| '\x20'..'\x7E' as c ->
Format.fprintf ppf "%c" c
| c ->
Format.fprintf ppf "\\x%02X" (Char.code c))
text ;
Format.fprintf ppf "\""
let preformat root =
let preformat_loc = function
| { comment = None } ->
(false, 0)
| { comment = Some text } ->
(String.contains text '\n', String.length text + 1) in
let preformat_annot = function
| None -> 0
| Some annot -> String.length annot + 2 in
let rec preformat_expr = function
| Int (loc, value) ->
let cml, csz = preformat_loc loc in
Int ((cml, String.length value + csz, loc), value)
| String (loc, value) ->
let cml, csz = preformat_loc loc in
String ((cml, String.length value + csz, loc), value)
| Prim (loc, name, items, annot) ->
let cml, csz = preformat_loc loc in
let asz = preformat_annot annot in
let items = preformat_expr items in
let ml, sz =
(fun (tml, tsz) e ->
let (ml, sz, _) = location e in
(tml || ml, tsz + 1 + sz))
(cml, String.length name + csz + asz)
items in
Prim ((ml, sz, loc), name, items, annot)
| Seq (loc, items, annot) ->
let cml, csz = preformat_loc loc in
let asz = preformat_annot annot in
let items = preformat_expr items in
let ml, sz =
(fun (tml, tsz) e ->
let (ml, sz, _) = location e in
(tml || ml, tsz + 3 + sz))
(cml, 4 + csz + asz)
items in
Seq ((ml, sz, loc), items, annot) in
preformat_expr root
let rec print_expr_unwrapped ppf = function
| Prim ((ml, s, { comment }), name, args, annot) ->
let name = match annot with
| None -> name
| Some annot -> Format.asprintf "%s %s" name annot in
if not ml && s < 80 then begin
if args = [] then
Format.fprintf ppf "%s" name
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<h>%s %a@]" name (Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:Format.pp_print_space print_expr) args ;
begin match comment with
| None -> ()
| Some text -> Format.fprintf ppf "@ /* %s */" text
end ;
end else begin
if args = [] then
Format.fprintf ppf "%s" name
else if String.length name <= 4 then
Format.fprintf ppf "%s @[<v 0>%a@]" name (Format.pp_print_list print_expr) args
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<v 2>%s@,%a@]" name (Format.pp_print_list print_expr) args ;
begin match comment with
| None -> ()
| Some comment -> Format.fprintf ppf "@ %a" print_comment comment
| Int ((_, _, { comment }), value) ->
begin match comment with
| None -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s" value
| Some comment -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s@ %a" value print_comment comment
| String ((_, _, { comment }), value) ->
begin match comment with
| None -> print_string ppf value
| Some comment -> Format.fprintf ppf "%a@ %a" print_string value print_comment comment
| Seq ((_, _, { comment = None }), [], None) ->
Format.fprintf ppf "{}"
| Seq ((ml, s, { comment }), items, annot) ->
if not ml && s < 80 then
Format.fprintf ppf "{ @[<h 0>"
Format.fprintf ppf "{ @[<v 0>" ;
begin match annot, comment, items with
| None, _, _ -> ()
| Some annot, None, [] -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s" annot
| Some annot, _, _ -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s@ " annot
end ;
begin match comment, items with
| None, _ -> ()
| Some comment, [] -> Format.fprintf ppf "%a" print_comment comment
| Some comment, _ -> Format.fprintf ppf "%a@ " print_comment comment
end ;
~pp_sep:(fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf " ;@ ")
ppf items ;
Format.fprintf ppf "@] }"
and print_expr ppf = function
| Prim (_, _, _ :: _, _)
| Prim (_, _, [], Some _) as expr ->
Format.fprintf ppf "(%a)" print_expr_unwrapped expr
| expr -> print_expr_unwrapped ppf expr
let print_expr_unwrapped ppf expr =
print_expr_unwrapped ppf (preformat expr)
let print_expr ppf expr =
print_expr ppf (preformat expr)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
open Error_monad
open Micheline
val print_string : Format.formatter -> string -> unit
type location = { comment : string option }
type node = (location, string) Micheline.node
val print_expr : Format.formatter -> (location, string) Micheline.node -> unit
val print_expr_unwrapped : Format.formatter -> (location, string) Micheline.node -> unit
val printable :
?comment: (int -> string option) ->
('p -> string) -> 'p canonical -> (location, string) Micheline.node
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
((name node_updater)
((name node_updater)
(libraries (utils minutils tezos_protocol_compiler node_db dynlink))
(libraries (utils minutils micheline tezos_protocol_compiler node_db dynlink))
(flags (:standard -w +27-30-40@8
(flags (:standard -w +27-30-40@8
-open Error_monad
-open Error_monad
-open Hash
-open Hash
@ -256,6 +256,7 @@ module Make(Param : sig val name: string end)() = struct
module Tezos_data = Tezos_data
module Tezos_data = Tezos_data
module Persist = Persist
module Persist = Persist
module RPC = RPC
module RPC = RPC
module Micheline = Micheline
module Fitness = Fitness
module Fitness = Fitness
module Error_monad = struct
module Error_monad = struct
type error_category = [ `Branch | `Temporary | `Permanent ]
type error_category = [ `Branch | `Temporary | `Permanent ]
Reference in New Issue
Block a user