Shell: use the new P2P backend
This commit is contained in:
@ -336,13 +336,13 @@ NODE_IMPLS := \
calendar \
cmdliner \
cohttp.lwt \
dynlink \
git \
ipv6-multicast \
irmin.unix \
|||| \
cmdliner \
@ -8,8 +8,7 @@
open Format
open Lwt
open Tezos_p2p
include Logging.Make(struct let name = "attacker" end)
module Proto = Client_embedded_proto_bootstrap
module Ed25519 = Proto.Local_environment.Environment.Ed25519
@ -104,141 +103,170 @@ let ballot_forged period prop vote =
operations = [ballot] }) in
forge { net_id = network } op
let identity = P2p_types.Identity.generate Crypto_box.default_target
(* connect to the network, run an action and then disconnect *)
let try_action addr port action =
let limits : P2p.limits = {
max_message_size = 1 lsl 16 ;
peer_answer_timeout = 10. ;
expected_connections = 1;
min_connections = 1 ;
max_connections = 1 ;
blacklist_time = 0. ;
} in
let config : P2p.config = {
incoming_port = None ;
discovery_port = None ;
known_peers = [(addr, port)] ;
peers_file = Filename.temp_file "peers_file" ".txt";
closed_network = true ;
} in
bootstrap ~config ~limits >>= fun net ->
let peer =
match peers net with
| [peer] -> peer
| _ -> Pervasives.failwith "" in
action net peer >>= fun () -> shutdown net
let socket = Lwt_unix.socket PF_INET6 SOCK_STREAM 0 in
let uaddr = Ipaddr_unix.V6.to_inet_addr addr in
Lwt_unix.connect socket (Lwt_unix.ADDR_INET (uaddr, port)) >>= fun () ->
let io_sched = P2p_io_scheduler.create ~read_buffer_size:(1 lsl 14) () in
let conn = P2p_io_scheduler.register io_sched socket in
(addr, port)
identity Tezos_p2p.Raw.supported_versions >>=? fun (_, auth_fd) ->
P2p_connection.accept auth_fd Tezos_p2p.Raw.encoding >>= function
| Error _ -> failwith "Connection rejected by peer."
| Ok conn ->
action conn >>=? fun () ->
P2p_connection.close conn >>= fun () ->
return ()
let replicate n x =
let rec replicate_acc acc n x =
if n <= 0 then acc else replicate_acc (x :: acc) (n-1) x in
replicate_acc [] n x
let request_block_times block_hash n net peer =
let open Block_hash in
let () = printf "requesting %a block %a times\n"
pp_short block_hash pp_print_int n in
let block_hashes = replicate n block_hash in
send net peer (Get_blocks block_hashes)
let send conn (msg : Tezos_p2p.msg) =
P2p_connection.write conn (Tezos_p2p.Raw.Message msg)
let request_op_times op_signed n net peer =
let request_block_times block_hash n conn =
let open Block_hash in
"requesting %a block %d times"
pp_short block_hash n >>= fun () ->
let block_hashes = replicate n block_hash in
send conn (Get_blocks block_hashes)
let request_op_times op_signed n conn =
let open Operation_hash in
let op_hash = hash_bytes [op_signed] in
let () = printf "sending %a transaction\n" pp_short op_hash in
send net peer (Operation op_signed) >>= fun () ->
let () = printf "requesting %a transaction %a times\n"
pp_short op_hash pp_print_int n in
lwt_log_notice "sending %a transaction" pp_short op_hash >>= fun () ->
send conn (Operation op_signed) >>=? fun () ->
"requesting %a transaction %d times"
pp_short op_hash n >>= fun () ->
let op_hashes = replicate n op_hash in
send net peer (Get_operations op_hashes)
send conn (Get_operations op_hashes)
let send_block_size n net peer =
let send_block_size n conn =
let bytes = MBytes.create n in
let open Block_hash in
let () = printf "propagating fake %a byte block %a\n"
pp_print_int n pp_short (hash_bytes [bytes]) in
send net peer (Block bytes)
"propagating fake %d byte block %a" n pp_short (hash_bytes [bytes]) >>= fun () ->
send conn (Block bytes)
let send_protocol_size n net peer =
let send_protocol_size n conn =
let bytes = MBytes.create n in
let open Protocol_hash in
let () = printf "propagating fake %a byte protocol %a\n"
pp_print_int n pp_short (hash_bytes [bytes]) in
send net peer (Protocol bytes)
"propagating fake %d byte protocol %a"
n pp_short (hash_bytes [bytes]) >>= fun () ->
send conn (Protocol bytes)
let send_operation_size n net peer =
let send_operation_size n conn =
let op_faked = MBytes.create n in
let op_hashed = Operation_hash.hash_bytes [op_faked] in
let () = printf "propagating fake %a byte operation %a\n"
pp_print_int n Operation_hash.pp_short op_hashed in
send net peer (Operation op_faked) >>= fun () ->
"propagating fake %d byte operation %a"
n Operation_hash.pp_short op_hashed >>= fun () ->
send conn (Operation op_faked) >>=? fun () ->
let block = signed (block_forged [op_hashed]) in
let block_hashed = Block_hash.hash_bytes [block] in
let () = printf "propagating block %a with operation\n"
Block_hash.pp_short block_hashed in
send net peer (Block block)
"propagating block %a with operation"
Block_hash.pp_short block_hashed >>= fun () ->
send conn (Block block)
let send_operation_bad_signature () net peer =
let send_operation_bad_signature () conn =
let open Operation_hash in
let signed_wrong_op = signed_wrong (tx_forged 5L 1L) in
let hashed_wrong_op = hash_bytes [signed_wrong_op] in
let () = printf "propagating operation %a with wrong signature\n"
pp_short hashed_wrong_op in
send net peer (Operation signed_wrong_op) >>= fun () ->
"propagating operation %a with wrong signature"
pp_short hashed_wrong_op >>= fun () ->
send conn (Operation signed_wrong_op) >>=? fun () ->
let block = signed (block_forged [hashed_wrong_op]) in
let block_hashed = Block_hash.hash_bytes [block] in
let () = printf "propagating block %a with operation\n"
Block_hash.pp_short block_hashed in
send net peer (Block block)
"propagating block %a with operation"
Block_hash.pp_short block_hashed >>= fun () ->
send conn (Block block)
let send_block_bad_signature () net peer =
let send_block_bad_signature () conn =
let open Block_hash in
let signed_wrong_block = signed_wrong (block_forged []) in
let () = printf "propagating block %a with wrong signature\n"
pp_short (hash_bytes [signed_wrong_block]) in
send net peer (Block signed_wrong_block)
"propagating block %a with wrong signature"
pp_short (hash_bytes [signed_wrong_block]) >>= fun () ->
send conn (Block signed_wrong_block)
let double_spend () net peer =
let double_spend () conn =
let spend account =
let op_signed = signed (tx_forged ~dest:account 199999999L 1L) in
let op_hashed = Operation_hash.hash_bytes [op_signed] in
let block_signed = signed (block_forged [op_hashed]) in
let block_hashed = Block_hash.hash_bytes [block_signed] in
let () = printf "propagating operation %a\n"
Operation_hash.pp_short op_hashed in
send net peer (Operation op_signed) >>= fun () ->
let () = printf "propagating block %a\n"
Block_hash.pp_short block_hashed in
send net peer (Block block_signed) in
spend destination_account <&> spend another_account
"propagating operation %a"
Operation_hash.pp_short op_hashed >>= fun () ->
send conn (Operation op_signed) >>=? fun () ->
"propagating block %a"
Block_hash.pp_short block_hashed >>= fun () ->
send conn (Block block_signed) in
spend destination_account >>=? fun () ->
spend another_account
let long_chain n net peer =
let () = printf "propogating %a blocks\n"
pp_print_int n in
let long_chain n conn =
lwt_log_notice "propogating %d blocks" n >>= fun () ->
let prev_ref = ref genesis_block_hashed in
let rec loop k = if k < 1 then return_unit else
let rec loop k =
if k < 1 then
return ()
let block = signed (block_forged ~prev:!prev_ref []) in
let () = prev_ref := Block_hash.hash_bytes [block] in
send net peer (Block block) >>= fun () -> loop (k-1) in
prev_ref := Block_hash.hash_bytes [block] ;
send conn (Block block) >>=? fun () ->
loop (k-1) in
loop n
let lots_transactions amount fee n net peer =
let lots_transactions amount fee n conn =
let signed_op = signed (tx_forged amount fee) in
let rec loop k = if k < 1 then return_unit else
send net peer (Operation signed_op) >>= fun () -> loop (k-1) in
let rec loop k =
if k < 1 then
return ()
send conn (Operation signed_op) >>=? fun () ->
loop (k-1) in
let ops = replicate n (Operation_hash.hash_bytes [signed_op]) in
let signed_block = signed (block_forged ops) in
let () = printf "propogating %a transactions\n"
pp_print_int n in
loop n >>= fun () ->
let () = printf "propagating block %a with wrong signature\n"
Block_hash.pp_short (Block_hash.hash_bytes [signed_block]) in
send net peer (Block signed_block)
lwt_log_notice "propogating %d transactions" n >>= fun () ->
loop n >>=? fun () ->
"propagating block %a with wrong signature"
Block_hash.pp_short (Block_hash.hash_bytes [signed_block]) >>= fun () ->
send conn (Block signed_block)
let main () =
let addr = Ipaddr.V4 Ipaddr.V4.localhost in
let addr = Ipaddr.V6.localhost in
let port = 9732 in
let run_action action = try_action addr port action in
let run_cmd_unit lwt = Arg.Unit (fun () -> (lwt ())) in
let run_cmd_int_suffix lwt = Arg.String (fun str ->
let run_cmd_unit lwt =
Arg.Unit begin fun () ->
|||| begin
lwt () >>= function
| Ok () -> Lwt.return_unit
| Error err ->
lwt_log_error "Error: %a" pp_print_error err >>= fun () ->
end in
let run_cmd_int_suffix lwt =
Arg.String begin fun str ->
let last = str.[String.length str - 1] in
let init = String.sub str 0 (String.length str - 1) in
let n =
@ -249,7 +277,14 @@ let main () =
else if last == 'g' || last == 'G'
then int_of_string init * 1 lsl 30
else int_of_string str in
|||| (lwt n)) in
|||| begin
lwt n >>= function
| Ok () -> Lwt.return_unit
| Error err ->
lwt_log_error "Error: %a" pp_print_error err >>= fun () ->
end in
let cmds =
[( "-1",
run_cmd_int_suffix (run_action << request_block_times genesis_block_hashed),
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -8,86 +8,117 @@
(** A peer connection address *)
type addr = Ipaddr.t
type addr = Ipaddr.V6.t
(** A peer connection port *)
type port = int
(** A p2p protocol version *)
type version = {
name : string ;
major : int ;
minor : int ;
module Version = P2p_types.Version
(** A global identifier for a peer, a.k.a. an identity *)
module Gid = P2p_types.Gid
module Identity = P2p_types.Identity
module Point = P2p_types.Point
module Id_point = P2p_types.Id_point
module Connection_info = P2p_types.Connection_info
module Stat = P2p_types.Stat
(** Network configuration *)
type config = {
listening_port : port option;
(** Tells if incoming connections accepted, precising the TCP port
on which the peer can be reached *)
incoming_port : port option ;
(** Tells if peers should be discovered automatically on the local
network, precising the UDP port to use *)
discovery_port : port option ;
(** List of hard-coded known peers to bootstrap the network from *)
known_peers : (addr * port) list ;
(** The path to the JSON file where the peer cache is loaded / stored *)
listening_addr : addr option;
(** When incoming connections are accepted, precising on which
IP adddress the node listen (default: [[::]]). *)
trusted_points : Point.t list ;
(** List of hard-coded known peers to bootstrap the network from. *)
peers_file : string ;
(** If [true], the only accepted connections are from peers whose
addresses are in [known_peers] *)
(** The path to the JSON file where the metadata associated to
gids are loaded / stored. *)
closed_network : bool ;
(** If [true], the only accepted connections are from peers whose
addresses are in [trusted_peers]. *)
identity : Identity.t ;
(** Cryptographic identity of the peer. *)
proof_of_work_target : ;
(** Expected level of proof of work of peers' identity. *)
(** Network capacities *)
type limits = {
(** Maximum length in bytes of network messages *)
max_message_size : int ;
(** Delay after which a non responding peer is considered dead *)
peer_answer_timeout : float ;
(** Minimum number of connections to reach when staring / maitening *)
expected_connections : int ;
(** Strict minimum number of connections (triggers an urgent maintenance) *)
authentification_timeout : float ;
(** Delay granted to a peer to perform authentication, in seconds. *)
min_connections : int ;
(** Maximum number of connections (exceeding peers are disconnected) *)
(** Strict minimum number of connections (triggers an urgent maintenance) *)
expected_connections : int ;
(** Targeted number of connections to reach when bootstraping / maitening *)
max_connections : int ;
(** How long peers can be blacklisted for maintenance *)
blacklist_time : float ;
(** Maximum number of connections (exceeding peers are disconnected) *)
backlog : int ;
(** Argument of [Lwt_unix.accept].*)
max_incoming_connections : int ;
(** Maximum not-yet-authentified incoming connections. *)
max_download_speed : int option ;
(** Hard-limit in the number of bytes received per second. *)
max_upload_speed : int option ;
(** Hard-limit in the number of bytes sent per second. *)
read_buffer_size : int ;
(** Size in bytes of the buffer passed to []. *)
read_queue_size : int option ;
write_queue_size : int option ;
incoming_app_message_queue_size : int option ;
incoming_message_queue_size : int option ;
outgoing_message_queue_size : int option ;
(** Various bounds for internal queues. *)
(** A global identifier for a peer, a.k.a. an identity *)
type gid
val pp_gid : Format.formatter -> gid -> unit
type 'msg encoding = Encoding : {
tag: int ;
encoding: 'a Data_encoding.t ;
wrap: 'a -> 'msg ;
unwrap: 'msg -> 'a option ;
max_length: int option ;
} -> 'msg encoding
module type PARAMS = sig
(** Type of message used by higher layers *)
type msg
val encodings : msg encoding list
(** Type of metadata associated to an identity *)
type metadata
val initial_metadata : metadata
val metadata_encoding : metadata Data_encoding.t
val score : metadata -> float
module type MESSAGE = sig
type t
val encoding : t P2p_connection_pool.encoding list
(** High level protocol(s) talked by the peer. When two peers
initiate a connection, they exchange their list of supported
versions. The chosen one, if any, is the maximum common one (in
lexicographic order) *)
val supported_versions : version list
val supported_versions : Version.t list
module Make (P : PARAMS) : sig
(** Type of metadata associated to an identity *)
module type METADATA = sig
type t
val initial : t
val encoding : t Data_encoding.t
val score : t -> float
module Make (Message : MESSAGE) (Metadata : METADATA) : sig
type net
@ -99,7 +130,7 @@ module Make (P : PARAMS) : sig
val bootstrap : config:config -> limits:limits -> net Lwt.t
(** Return one's gid *)
val gid : net -> gid
val gid : net -> Gid.t
(** A maintenance operation : try and reach the ideal number of peers *)
val maintain : net -> unit Lwt.t
@ -111,51 +142,47 @@ module Make (P : PARAMS) : sig
val shutdown : net -> unit Lwt.t
(** A connection to a peer *)
type peer
type connection
(** Access the domain of active peers *)
val peers : net -> peer list
val connections : net -> connection list
(** Return the active peer with identity [gid] *)
val find_peer : net -> gid -> peer option
type peer_info = {
gid : gid ;
addr : addr ;
port : port ;
version : version ;
total_sent : int ;
total_recv : int ;
current_inflow : float ;
current_outflow : float ;
val find_connection : net -> Gid.t -> connection option
(** Access the info of an active peer, if available *)
val peer_info : net -> peer -> peer_info
val connection_info : net -> connection -> Connection_info.t
val connection_stat : net -> connection -> Stat.t
val global_stat : net -> Stat.t
(** Accessors for meta information about a global identifier *)
val get_metadata : net -> gid -> P.metadata option
val set_metadata : net -> gid -> P.metadata -> unit
val get_metadata : net -> Gid.t -> Metadata.t option
val set_metadata : net -> Gid.t -> Metadata.t -> unit
(** Wait for a message from any peer in the network *)
val recv : net -> (peer * P.msg) Lwt.t
val recv : net -> (connection * Message.t) Lwt.t
(** [send net peer msg] is a thread that returns when [msg] has been
successfully enqueued in the send queue. *)
val send : net -> peer -> P.msg -> unit Lwt.t
val send : net -> connection -> Message.t -> unit Lwt.t
(** [try_send net peer msg] is [true] if [msg] has been added to the
send queue for [peer], [false] otherwise *)
val try_send : net -> peer -> P.msg -> bool
val try_send : net -> connection -> Message.t -> bool
(** Send a message to all peers *)
val broadcast : net -> P.msg -> unit
val broadcast : net -> Message.t -> unit
(** Shutdown the connection to all peers at this address and stop the
communications with this machine for [duration] seconds *)
val blacklist : net -> gid -> unit
(** Keep a connection to this pair as often as possible *)
val whitelist : net -> gid -> unit
module Raw : sig
type 'a t =
| Bootstrap
| Advertise of P2p_types.Point.t list
| Message of 'a
| Disconnect
type message = Message.t t
val encoding: message Data_encoding.t
val supported_versions: P2p_types.Version.t list
@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
module Param = struct
type net_id = Store.net_id
type msg =
| Discover_blocks of net_id * Block_hash.t list (* Block locator *)
| Block_inventory of net_id * Block_hash.t list
@ -20,10 +17,14 @@ module Param = struct
| Get_protocols of Protocol_hash.t list
| Protocol of MBytes.t
let encodings =
module Message = struct
type t = msg
let encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
let case ?max_length ~tag encoding unwrap wrap =
P2p.Encoding { tag; encoding; wrap; unwrap; max_length } in
P2p_connection_pool.Encoding { tag; encoding; wrap; unwrap; max_length } in
case ~tag:0x10 (tup2 Block_hash.encoding (list Block_hash.encoding))
@ -71,13 +72,8 @@ module Param = struct
(fun proto -> Protocol proto);
type metadata = unit
let initial_metadata = ()
let metadata_encoding = Data_encoding.empty
let score () = 0.
let supported_versions =
let open P2p in
let open P2p.Version in
[ { name = "TEZOS" ;
major = 0 ;
minor = 0 ;
@ -86,5 +82,15 @@ module Param = struct
include Param
include P2p.Make(Param)
type metadata = unit
module Metadata = struct
type t = metadata
let initial = ()
let encoding = Data_encoding.empty
let score () = 0.
include Message
include (Metadata : module type of Metadata with type t := metadata)
include P2p.Make(Message)(Metadata)
@ -13,41 +13,30 @@ val bootstrap : config:config -> limits:limits -> net Lwt.t
(** A maintenance operation : try and reach the ideal number of peers *)
val maintain : net -> unit Lwt.t
(** Voluntarily drop some peers and replace them by new buddies *)
(** Voluntarily drop some connections and replace them by new buddies *)
val roll : net -> unit Lwt.t
(** Close all connections properly *)
val shutdown : net -> unit Lwt.t
(** A connection to a peer *)
type peer
type connection
(** Access the domain of active peers *)
val peers : net -> peer list
(** Access the domain of active connections *)
val connections : net -> connection list
(** Return the active peer with identity [gid] *)
val find_peer : net -> gid -> peer option
(** Return the active connection with identity [gid] *)
val find_connection : net -> Gid.t -> connection option
type peer_info = {
gid : gid ;
addr : addr ;
port : port ;
version : version ;
total_sent : int ;
total_recv : int ;
current_inflow : float ;
current_outflow : float ;
(** Access the info of an active peer, if available *)
val peer_info : net -> peer -> peer_info
(** Access the info of an active connection. *)
val connection_info : net -> connection -> Connection_info.t
(** Accessors for meta information about a global identifier *)
type metadata = unit
val get_metadata : net -> gid -> metadata option
val set_metadata : net -> gid -> metadata -> unit
val get_metadata : net -> Gid.t -> metadata option
val set_metadata : net -> Gid.t -> metadata -> unit
type net_id = Store.net_id
@ -68,23 +57,28 @@ type msg =
| Get_protocols of Protocol_hash.t list
| Protocol of MBytes.t
(** Wait for a payload from any peer in the network *)
val recv : net -> (peer * msg) Lwt.t
(** Wait for a payload from any connection in the network *)
val recv : net -> (connection * msg) Lwt.t
(** [send net peer msg] is a thread that returns when [msg] has been
(** [send net conn msg] is a thread that returns when [msg] has been
successfully enqueued in the send queue. *)
val send : net -> peer -> msg -> unit Lwt.t
val send : net -> connection -> msg -> unit Lwt.t
(** [try_send net peer msg] is [true] if [msg] has been added to the
(** [try_send net conn msg] is [true] if [msg] has been added to the
send queue for [peer], [false] otherwise *)
val try_send : net -> peer -> msg -> bool
val try_send : net -> connection -> msg -> bool
(** Send a payload to all peers *)
val broadcast : net -> msg -> unit
(** Shutdown the connection to all peers at this address and stop the
communications with this machine for [duration] seconds *)
val blacklist : net -> gid -> unit
(** Keep a connection to this pair as often as possible *)
val whitelist : net -> gid -> unit
module Raw : sig
type 'a t =
| Bootstrap
| Advertise of P2p_types.Point.t list
| Message of 'a
| Disconnect
type message = msg t
val encoding: message Data_encoding.t
val supported_versions: P2p_types.Version.t list
@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
(* *)
module V6 = Ipaddr.V6
open Error_monad
open Logging.Node.Main
@ -54,15 +56,15 @@ type cfg = {
min_connections : int ;
max_connections : int ;
expected_connections : int ;
net_addr : Ipaddr.t ;
net_addr : V6.t ;
net_port : int ;
local_discovery : int option ;
peers : (Ipaddr.t * int) list ;
(* local_discovery : (string * int) option ; *)
peers : (V6.t * int) list ;
peers_cache : string ;
closed : bool ;
(* rpc *)
rpc_addr : (Ipaddr.t * int) option ;
rpc_addr : (V6.t * int) option ;
cors_origins : string list ;
cors_headers : string list ;
rpc_crt : string option ;
@ -88,9 +90,9 @@ let default_cfg_of_base_dir base_dir = {
min_connections = 4 ;
max_connections = 400 ;
expected_connections = 20 ;
net_addr = Ipaddr.(V6 V6.unspecified) ;
net_addr = V6.unspecified ;
net_port = 9732 ;
local_discovery = None ;
(* local_discovery = None ; *)
peers = [] ;
closed = false ;
peers_cache = base_dir // "peers_cache" ;
@ -130,16 +132,21 @@ let sockaddr_of_string str =
let addr, port = String.sub str 0 pos, String.sub str (pos+1) (len - pos - 1) in
match Ipaddr.of_string_exn addr, int_of_string port with
| exception Failure _ -> `Error "not a sockaddr"
| ip, port -> `Ok (ip, port)
| V4 ipv4, port -> `Ok (Ipaddr.v6_of_v4 ipv4, port)
| V6 ipv6, port -> `Ok (ipv6, port)
let sockaddr_of_string_exn str =
match sockaddr_of_string str with
| `Ok saddr -> saddr
| `Error msg -> invalid_arg msg
let pp_sockaddr fmt (ip, port) = Format.fprintf fmt "%a:%d" Ipaddr.pp_hum ip port
let pp_sockaddr fmt (ip, port) = Format.fprintf fmt "%a:%d" V6.pp_hum ip port
let string_of_sockaddr saddr = Format.asprintf "%a" pp_sockaddr saddr
let mcast_params_of_string s = match Utils.split ':' s with
| [iface; port] -> iface, int_of_string port
| _ -> invalid_arg "mcast_params_of_string"
module Cfg_file = struct
open Data_encoding
@ -150,12 +157,12 @@ module Cfg_file = struct
(opt "protocol" string)
let net =
(opt "min-connections" uint16)
(opt "max-connections" uint16)
(opt "expected-connections" uint16)
(opt "addr" string)
(opt "local-discovery" uint16)
(* (opt "local-discovery" string) *)
(opt "peers" (list string))
(dft "closed" bool false)
(opt "peers-cache" string)
@ -174,21 +181,29 @@ module Cfg_file = struct
(fun { store ; context ; protocol ;
min_connections ; max_connections ; expected_connections ;
net_addr ; net_port ; local_discovery ; peers ;
net_addr ; net_port ;
(* local_discovery ; *)
peers ;
closed ; peers_cache ; rpc_addr ; cors_origins ; cors_headers ; log_output } ->
let net_addr = string_of_sockaddr (net_addr, net_port) in
(* let local_discovery = Utils.map_option local_discovery *)
(* ~f:(fun (iface, port) -> iface ^ ":" ^ string_of_int port) *)
(* in *)
let rpc_addr = Utils.map_option string_of_sockaddr rpc_addr in
let peers = peers ~f:string_of_sockaddr in
let log_output = string_of_log log_output in
((Some store, Some context, Some protocol),
(Some min_connections, Some max_connections, Some expected_connections,
Some net_addr, local_discovery, Some peers, closed, Some peers_cache),
Some net_addr,
(* local_discovery, *)
Some peers, closed, Some peers_cache),
(rpc_addr, cors_origins, cors_headers),
Some log_output))
(fun (
(store, context, protocol),
(min_connections, max_connections, expected_connections, net_addr,
local_discovery, peers, closed, peers_cache),
(* local_discovery, *)
peers, closed, peers_cache),
(rpc_addr, cors_origins, cors_headers),
log_output) ->
let open Utils in
@ -205,11 +220,14 @@ module Cfg_file = struct
let min_connections = unopt default_cfg.min_connections min_connections in
let max_connections = unopt default_cfg.max_connections max_connections in
let expected_connections = unopt default_cfg.expected_connections expected_connections in
(* let local_discovery = map_option local_discovery ~f:mcast_params_of_string in *)
{ default_cfg with
store ; context ; protocol ;
min_connections ; max_connections ; expected_connections ;
net_addr; net_port ; local_discovery; peers; closed; peers_cache;
rpc_addr; cors_origins ; cors_headers ; log_output
net_addr ; net_port ;
(* local_discovery ; *)
peers ; closed ; peers_cache ;
rpc_addr ; cors_origins ; cors_headers ; log_output ;
@ -266,9 +284,9 @@ module Cmdline = struct
let net_addr =
let doc = "The TCP address and port at which this instance can be reached." in
Arg.(value & opt (some sockaddr_converter) None & info ~docs:"NETWORK" ~doc ~docv:"ADDR:PORT" ["net-addr"])
let local_discovery =
let doc = "Automatic discovery of peers on the local network." in
Arg.(value & opt (some int) None & info ~docs:"NETWORK" ~doc ~docv:"ADDR:PORT" ["local-discovery"])
(* let local_discovery = *)
(* let doc = "Automatic discovery of peers on the local network." in *)
(* Arg.(value & opt (some @@ pair string int) None & info ~docs:"NETWORK" ~doc ~docv:"IFACE:PORT" ["local-discovery"]) *)
let peers =
let doc = "A peer to bootstrap the network from. Can be used several times to add several peers." in
Arg.(value & opt_all sockaddr_converter [] & info ~docs:"NETWORK" ~doc ~docv:"ADDR:PORT" ["peer"])
@ -298,7 +316,9 @@ module Cmdline = struct
let parse base_dir config_file sandbox sandbox_param log_level
min_connections max_connections expected_connections
net_saddr local_discovery peers closed rpc_addr tls cors_origins cors_headers reset_cfg update_cfg =
(* local_discovery *)
peers closed rpc_addr tls cors_origins cors_headers reset_cfg update_cfg =
let base_dir = Utils.(unopt (unopt default_cfg.base_dir base_dir) sandbox) in
let config_file = Utils.(unopt ((unopt base_dir sandbox) // "config")) config_file in
@ -340,7 +360,7 @@ module Cmdline = struct
expected_connections = Utils.unopt cfg.expected_connections expected_connections ;
net_addr = (match net_saddr with None -> cfg.net_addr | Some (addr, _) -> addr) ;
net_port = (match net_saddr with None -> cfg.net_port | Some (_, port) -> port) ;
local_discovery = Utils.first_some local_discovery cfg.local_discovery ;
(* local_discovery = Utils.first_some local_discovery cfg.local_discovery ; *)
peers = (match peers with [] -> cfg.peers | _ -> peers) ;
closed = closed || cfg.closed ;
rpc_addr = Utils.first_some rpc_addr cfg.rpc_addr ;
@ -359,7 +379,9 @@ module Cmdline = struct
ret (const parse $ base_dir $ config_file
$ sandbox $ sandbox_param $ v
$ min_connections $ max_connections $ expected_connections
$ net_addr $ local_discovery $ peers $ closed
$ net_addr
(* $ local_discovery *)
$ peers $ closed
$ rpc_addr $ rpc_tls $ cors_origins $ cors_headers
$ reset_config $ update_config
@ -391,10 +413,11 @@ let init_logger { log_output ; log_level } =
| `Null -> Logging.init Null
| `Syslog -> Logging.init Syslog
let init_node { sandbox ; sandbox_param ;
let init_node
{ sandbox ; sandbox_param ;
store ; context ;
min_connections ; max_connections ; expected_connections ;
net_port ; peers ; peers_cache ; local_discovery ; closed } =
net_port ; peers ; peers_cache ; closed } =
let patch_context json ctxt =
let module Proto = (val Updater.get_exn genesis_protocol) in
@ -428,20 +451,48 @@ let init_node { sandbox ; sandbox_param ;
match sandbox with
| Some _ -> None
| None ->
(* TODO add parameters... *)
let authentification_timeout = 5.
and backlog = 20
and max_incoming_connections = 20
and max_download_speed = None
and max_upload_speed = None
and read_buffer_size = 1 lsl 14
and read_queue_size = None
and write_queue_size = None
and incoming_app_message_queue_size = None
and incoming_message_queue_size = None
and outgoing_message_queue_size = None in
let limits =
{ max_message_size = 10_000 ;
peer_answer_timeout = 5. ;
expected_connections ;
{ authentification_timeout ;
min_connections ;
expected_connections ;
max_connections ;
blacklist_time = 30. }
backlog ;
max_incoming_connections ;
max_download_speed ;
max_upload_speed ;
read_buffer_size ;
read_queue_size ;
write_queue_size ;
incoming_app_message_queue_size ;
incoming_message_queue_size ;
outgoing_message_queue_size ;
(* TODO add parameters... *)
let identity = P2p.Identity.generate Crypto_box.default_target
and listening_addr = None
and proof_of_work_target = Crypto_box.default_target in
let config =
{ incoming_port = Some net_port ;
discovery_port = local_discovery ;
known_peers = peers ;
{ listening_port = Some net_port ;
listening_addr ;
identity ;
trusted_points = peers ;
peers_file = peers_cache ;
closed_network = closed }
closed_network = closed ;
proof_of_work_target ;
Some (config, limits) in
@ -458,7 +509,7 @@ let init_rpc { rpc_addr ; rpc_crt; rpc_key ; cors_origins ; cors_headers } node
lwt_log_notice "Starting the RPC server listening on port %d (TLS enabled)." port >>= fun () ->
let dir = Node_rpc.build_rpc_directory node in
let mode = `TLS (`Crt_file_path crt, `Key_file_path key, `No_password, `Port port) in
let host = Ipaddr.to_string addr in
let host = Ipaddr.V6.to_string addr in
let () =
let old_hook = !Lwt.async_exception_hook in
Lwt.async_exception_hook := function
Reference in New Issue
Block a user