Client: add voting commands
tezos-client show votes to show the current voting status tezos-client submit proposals for PKH PROP1 .. to submit proposals tezos-client submit ballot for PKH PROP yay|nay|pass to submit a ballot
This commit is contained in:
@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
"time_between_blocks" : [ "1", "0" ],
"time_between_blocks" : [ "1", "0" ],
"blocks_per_roll_snapshot" : 4,
"blocks_per_roll_snapshot" : 4,
"blocks_per_cycle" : 8,
"blocks_per_cycle" : 8,
"blocks_per_voting_period" : 64,
"preserved_cycles" : 2,
"preserved_cycles" : 2,
"proof_of_work_threshold": "-1"
"proof_of_work_threshold": "-1"
@ -140,6 +140,21 @@
(locks /tcp-port/18731
(deps sandbox.json
(glob_files demo/*))
(run bash %{}
(name runtest)
(name runtest)
(deps (alias
(deps (alias
@ -150,4 +165,5 @@
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
"time_between_blocks" : [ "1", "0" ],
"time_between_blocks" : [ "1", "0" ],
"blocks_per_cycle" : 128,
"blocks_per_cycle" : 128,
"blocks_per_roll_snapshot" : 32,
"blocks_per_roll_snapshot" : 32,
"blocks_per_voting_period" : 64,
"preserved_cycles" : 1,
"preserved_cycles" : 1,
"proof_of_work_threshold": "-1"
"proof_of_work_threshold": "-1"
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
# Requires jq command
set -e
set -o pipefail
test_dir="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && echo "$(pwd -P)")"
source $test_dir/ "$@"
# Prepare a config with shorter blocks_per_voting_period
sed -e 's/"blocks_per_voting_period" : [0-9]*/"blocks_per_voting_period" : 4/' $parameters_file > $temp
echo params=${parameters_file}
start_node 1
echo Alpha activated
res=`$client show votes`
echo $res
[ `echo $res | jq .voting_period_position` = '1' ] \
|| { echo "strange voting_period_position" ; exit 1 ; }
[ `echo $res | jq .voting_period_remaining` = '3' ] \
|| { echo "strange voting_period_remaining" ; exit 1 ; }
[ `echo $res | jq .listings` = '[]' ] \
|| { echo "empty listings bug was fixed?!" ; exit 1 ; }
bake # pos=2
res=`$client show votes`
[ `echo $res | jq .voting_period_position` = '2' ] \
|| { echo "strange voting_period_position" ; exit 1 ; }
[ `echo $res | jq .voting_period_remaining` = '2' ] \
|| { echo "strange voting_period_remaining" ; exit 1 ; }
bake # pos=3
bake # new period, pos=0
res=`$client show votes`
[ `echo $res | jq .voting_period_position` = '0' ] \
|| { echo "strange voting_period_position" ; exit 1 ; }
[ `echo $res | jq .voting_period_remaining` = '4' ] \
|| { echo "strange voting_period_remaining" ; exit 1 ; }
[ "`echo $res | jq .listings`" != '[]' ] \
|| { echo "strange listings" ; exit 1 ; }
$client submit proposals for bootstrap1 $proto1
$client submit proposals for bootstrap2 $proto1 $proto2
$client submit proposals for bootstrap3 $proto2
$client submit proposals for bootstrap4 $proto3
res=`$client show votes`
[ "`echo $res | jq .proposals`" != '[]' ] \
|| { echo "strange proposals" ; exit 1 ; }
bake # pos=2
echo Breaking the tie
$client submit proposals for bootstrap3 $proto1 # To make $proto1 win
$client show votes
bake # pos=3
bake # new period! pos=0
echo Proposal should be done
res=`$client show votes`
echo $res
[ `echo $res | jq .voting_period_position` = '0' ] \
|| { echo "strange voting_period_position" ; exit 1 ; }
[ `echo $res | jq .voting_period_remaining` = '4' ] \
|| { echo "strange voting_period_remaining" ; exit 1 ; }
[ `echo $res | jq .current_period_kind` = '"testing_vote"' ] \
|| { echo "strange current_period_kind" ; exit 1 ; }
[ "`echo $res | jq .listings`" != '[]' ] \
|| { echo "strange listings" ; exit 1 ; }
[ `echo $res | jq .current_proposal` = '"'$proto1'"' ] \
|| { echo "strange current_proposal" ; exit 1 ; }
echo Ballots 1
$client submit ballot for bootstrap1 $proto1 yay
$client submit ballot for bootstrap2 $proto1 yay
$client submit ballot for bootstrap3 $proto1 yay
$client submit ballot for bootstrap4 $proto1 yay
bake # pos=1
# They cannot change their mind.
echo "Ballots 2 (should fail)"
$client submit ballot for bootstrap1 $proto1 yay \
&& { echo "submit ballot cannot be called twice" ; exit 1 ; }
bake # pos=2
bake # pos=3
$client show votes
bake # new period pos=0
echo Testing vote should be done
res=`$client show votes`
[ `echo $res | jq .voting_period_position` = '0' ] \
|| { echo "strange voting_period_position" ; exit 1 ; }
[ `echo $res | jq .voting_period_remaining` = '4' ] \
|| { echo "strange voting_period_remaining" ; exit 1 ; }
[ `echo $res | jq .current_period_kind` = '"testing"' ] \
|| { echo "strange current_period_kind" ; exit 1 ; }
[ "`echo $res | jq .listings`" = '[]' ] \
|| { echo "strange listings" ; exit 1 ; }
[ `echo $res | jq .current_proposal` = '"'$proto1'"' ] \
|| { echo "strange current_proposal" ; exit 1 ; }
[ `echo $res | jq .ballot_list` = '[]' ] \
|| { echo "strange ballot_list" ; exit 1 ; }
bake # pos=1
bake # pos=2
bake # pos=3
bake # new period pos=0
echo Testing should be done
res=`$client show votes`
[ `echo $res | jq .voting_period_position` = '0' ] \
|| { echo "strange voting_period_position" ; exit 1 ; }
[ `echo $res | jq .voting_period_remaining` = '4' ] \
|| { echo "strange voting_period_remaining" ; exit 1 ; }
[ `echo $res | jq .current_period_kind` = '"promotion_vote"' ] \
|| { echo "strange current_period_kind" ; exit 1 ; }
[ "`echo $res | jq .listings`" != '[]' ] \
|| { echo "strange listings" ; exit 1 ; }
[ `echo $res | jq .current_proposal` = '"'$proto1'"' ] \
|| { echo "strange current_proposal" ; exit 1 ; }
[ `echo $res | jq .ballot_list` = '[]' ] \
|| { echo "strange ballot_list" ; exit 1 ; }
$client submit ballot for bootstrap1 $proto1 yay
$client submit ballot for bootstrap2 $proto1 yay
$client submit ballot for bootstrap3 $proto1 yay
$client submit ballot for bootstrap4 $proto1 nay # not to promote
bake # pos=1
bake # pos=2
bake # pos=3
$client show votes
bake # new period pos=0
echo 'Promotion vote should be done (negatively)'
res=`$client show votes`
[ `echo $res | jq .voting_period_position` = '0' ] \
|| { echo "strange voting_period_position" ; exit 1 ; }
[ `echo $res | jq .voting_period_remaining` = '4' ] \
|| { echo "strange voting_period_remaining" ; exit 1 ; }
[ `echo $res | jq .current_period_kind` = '"proposal"' ] \
|| { echo "strange current_period_kind" ; exit 1 ; }
[ "`echo $res | jq .listings`" != '[]' ] \
|| { echo "strange listings" ; exit 1 ; }
[ `echo $res | jq .current_proposal` = 'null' ] \
|| { echo "strange current_proposal" ; exit 1 ; }
[ `echo $res | jq .ballot_list` = '[]' ] \
|| { echo "strange ballot_list" ; exit 1 ; }
@ -420,6 +420,127 @@ let activate_existing_account
| Some _ -> failwith "Only Ed25519 accounts can be activated"
| Some _ -> failwith "Only Ed25519 accounts can be activated"
| None -> failwith "Unknown account"
| None -> failwith "Unknown account"
type vote_info = {
current_period_kind : Voting_period.kind ;
voting_period_position : int32 ;
voting_period_remaining : int32 ;
current_quorum : Int32.t ;
listings : (public_key_hash * int32) list ;
(* The equality between Alpha_environment.Protocol_hash.t
and Protocol_hash.t is dropped at Tezos_protocol_environment.Make(_).V1 *)
proposals : Int32.t Alpha_environment.Protocol_hash.Map.t ;
current_proposal : Protocol_hash.t option ;
ballots : Vote.ballots ;
ballot_list : (public_key_hash * Vote.ballot) list ;
(* Should be moved to src/proto_alpha/lib_protocol/src/ *)
let ballot_list_encoding =
Data_encoding.(list (obj2
(req "pkh" Signature.Public_key_hash.encoding)
(req "balllot" Vote.ballot_encoding)))
let vote_info_encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
(fun { current_period_kind ;
voting_period_position ;
voting_period_remaining ;
current_quorum ;
listings ;
proposals ;
current_proposal ;
ballots ;
ballot_list } ->
( current_period_kind ,
voting_period_position ,
voting_period_remaining ,
current_quorum ,
listings ,
proposals ,
current_proposal ,
ballots ,
ballot_list ))
(fun ( current_period_kind ,
voting_period_position ,
voting_period_remaining ,
current_quorum ,
listings ,
proposals ,
current_proposal ,
ballots ,
ballot_list ) ->
{ current_period_kind ;
voting_period_position ;
voting_period_remaining ;
current_quorum ;
listings ;
proposals ;
current_proposal ;
ballots ;
ballot_list })
@@ obj9
(req "current_period_kind" Voting_period.kind_encoding)
(req "voting_period_position" Data_encoding.int32)
(req "voting_period_remaining" Data_encoding.int32)
(req "current_quorum" Data_encoding.int32)
(req "listings" Vote.listings_encoding)
(req "proposals" (Alpha_environment.Protocol_hash.Map.encoding Data_encoding.int32))
(req "current_proposal" (Data_encoding.option Protocol_hash.encoding))
(req "ballots" Vote.ballots_encoding)
(req "ballot_list" ballot_list_encoding)
let get_vote_info
(cctxt : #Proto_alpha.full)
~chain ~block =
(* Get the next level, not the current *)
let cb = (chain, block) in
Alpha_services.Helpers.current_level cctxt ~offset:1l cb >>=? fun level ->
Alpha_services.Constants.all cctxt cb >>=? fun constants ->
let voting_period_position = level.voting_period_position in
let voting_period_remaining =
Int32.(sub constants.parametric.blocks_per_voting_period voting_period_position) in
Alpha_services.Voting.ballots cctxt cb >>=? fun ballots ->
Alpha_services.Voting.ballot_list cctxt cb >>=? fun ballot_list ->
Alpha_services.Voting.current_period_kind cctxt cb >>=? fun current_period_kind ->
Alpha_services.Voting.current_quorum cctxt cb >>=? fun current_quorum ->
Alpha_services.Voting.listings cctxt cb >>=? fun listings ->
Alpha_services.Voting.proposals cctxt cb >>=? fun proposals ->
Alpha_services.Voting.current_proposal cctxt cb >>=? fun current_proposal ->
return { voting_period_position ;
voting_period_remaining ;
ballots ;
ballot_list ;
current_period_kind ;
current_quorum ;
listings ;
proposals ;
current_proposal }
let submit_proposals
(cctxt : #Proto_alpha.full)
~chain ~block ?confirmations ~src_sk source proposals =
(* We need the next level, not the current *)
Alpha_services.Helpers.current_level cctxt ~offset:1l (chain, block) >>=? fun (level : Level.t) ->
let period = level.voting_period in
let contents = Single ( Proposals { source ; period ; proposals } ) in
Injection.inject_operation cctxt ~chain ~block ?confirmations
~src_sk contents
let submit_ballot
(cctxt : #Proto_alpha.full)
~chain ~block ?confirmations ~src_sk source proposal ballot =
(* The user must provide the proposal explicitly to make himself sure
for what he is voting.
Alpha_services.Helpers.current_level cctxt ~offset:1l (chain, block) >>=? fun (level : Level.t) ->
let period = level.voting_period in
let contents = Single ( Ballot { source ; period ; proposal ; ballot } ) in
Injection.inject_operation cctxt ~chain ~block ?confirmations
~src_sk contents
let pp_operation formatter (a : Alpha_block_services.operation) =
let pp_operation formatter (a : Alpha_block_services.operation) =
match a.receipt, a.protocol_data with
match a.receipt, a.protocol_data with
| Apply_results.Operation_metadata omd, Operation_data od -> (
| Apply_results.Operation_metadata omd, Operation_data od -> (
@ -218,6 +218,37 @@ val activate_existing_account:
Blinded_public_key_hash.activation_code ->
Blinded_public_key_hash.activation_code ->
Kind.activate_account Injection.result tzresult Lwt.t
Kind.activate_account Injection.result tzresult Lwt.t
type vote_info
val vote_info_encoding : vote_info Data_encoding.t
val get_vote_info :
#Proto_alpha.full ->
chain:Shell_services.chain ->
block:Shell_services.block ->
vote_info tzresult Lwt.t
val submit_proposals:
#Proto_alpha.full ->
chain:Shell_services.chain ->
block:Shell_services.block ->
?confirmations:int ->
src_sk:Client_keys.sk_uri ->
public_key_hash ->
Protocol_hash.t list ->
Kind.proposals Injection.result_list tzresult Lwt.t
val submit_ballot:
#Proto_alpha.full ->
chain:Shell_services.chain ->
block:Shell_services.block ->
?confirmations:int ->
src_sk:Client_keys.sk_uri ->
public_key_hash ->
Protocol_hash.t ->
Proto_alpha.Alpha_context.Vote.ballot ->
Kind.ballot Injection.result_list tzresult Lwt.t
(** lookup an operation in [predecessors] previous blocks, and print the
(** lookup an operation in [predecessors] previous blocks, and print the
receipt if found *)
receipt if found *)
val display_receipt_for_operation:
val display_receipt_for_operation:
@ -400,6 +400,7 @@ let rec pp_contents_and_result_list :
Signature.Public_key_hash.pp source
Signature.Public_key_hash.pp source
Voting_period.pp period
Voting_period.pp period
Protocol_hash.pp proposal
Protocol_hash.pp proposal
(* FIXME We should use ballot_encoding? *)
(match ballot with Yay -> "YAY" | Pass -> "PASS" | Nay -> "NAY")
(match ballot with Yay -> "YAY" | Pass -> "PASS" | Nay -> "NAY")
| Single_and_result (Manager_operation _ as op,
| Single_and_result (Manager_operation _ as op,
(Manager_operation_result _ as res))->
(Manager_operation_result _ as res))->
@ -641,6 +641,73 @@ let commands version () =
Alpha_context.Operation.unsigned_encoding) >>= fun () ->
Alpha_context.Operation.unsigned_encoding) >>= fun () ->
end ;
command ~group ~desc: "Submit protocol proposals."
(prefixes [ "submit" ; "proposals" ]
@@ prefix "for"
@@ ContractAlias.destination_param
~name: "src" ~desc: "name of the source contract"
@@ seq_of_param (param
~desc:"Proposal to be submitted"
(fun _ x ->
match Protocol_hash.of_b58check_opt x with
| None -> Error_monad.failwith "Invalid proposal hash: '%s'" x
| Some hash -> return hash)))
(fun () (_name, source) proposals cctxt ->
cctxt ~chain:`Main ~block:cctxt#block
source >>=? fun (_src_name, src_pkh, _src_pk, src_sk) ->
submit_proposals cctxt ~chain:`Main ~block:cctxt#block ~src_sk src_pkh proposals >>=? fun _res ->
command ~group ~desc: "Submit a ballot."
(prefixes [ "submit" ; "ballot" ]
@@ prefix "for"
@@ ContractAlias.destination_param
~name: "src" ~desc: "name of the source contract"
@@ param
(fun _ x ->
match Protocol_hash.of_b58check_opt x with
| None -> Error_monad.failwith "Invalid proposal hash: '%s'" x
| Some hash -> return hash))
@@ param
(fun _ s ->
let fail () = Error_monad.failwith "Invalid ballot: '%s'" s in
match Data_encoding.Json.from_string ("\"" ^ s ^ "\"") with
| Error _ -> fail ()
| Ok j ->
match Data_encoding.Json.destruct Vote.ballot_encoding j with
| exception _ -> fail ()
| b -> return b))
@@ stop
(fun () (_name, source) proposal ballot cctxt ->
cctxt ~chain:`Main ~block:cctxt#block
source >>=? fun (_src_name, src_pkh, _src_pk, src_sk) ->
submit_ballot cctxt ~chain:`Main ~block:cctxt#block ~src_sk src_pkh proposal ballot >>=? fun _res ->
command ~group ~desc: "Summarize the current voting information."
(fixed [ "show" ; "votes" ])
(fun () cctxt ->
get_vote_info ~chain:`Main ~block:cctxt#block cctxt >>=? fun vote_info ->
cctxt#message "%a" (Json_repr.pp_any ()) (Json_repr.(to_any (Data_encoding.Json.construct vote_info_encoding vote_info))) >>= fun () ->
Reference in New Issue
Block a user