refactor more
This commit is contained in:
@ -59,6 +59,8 @@ and annotated_expression ppf (ae:annotated_expression) = match ae.type_annotatio
| None -> fprintf ppf "%a" expression ae.expression
| Some t -> fprintf ppf "(%a) : %a" expression ae.expression type_expression t
and value : _ -> value -> unit = fun x -> annotated_expression x
and block ppf (b:block) = (list_sep instruction (tag "@;")) ppf b
and single_record_patch ppf ((p, ae) : string * ae) =
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ open Types
module SMap = Map.String
let t_bool : type_expression = T_constant ("bool", [])
let t_string : type_expression = T_constant ("string", [])
let t_bytes : type_expression = T_constant ("bytes", [])
@ -43,6 +44,8 @@ let e_bool b : expression = E_literal (Literal_bool b)
let e_string s : expression = E_literal (Literal_string s)
let e_bytes b : expression = E_literal (Literal_bytes (Bytes.of_string b))
let e_a_int n : annotated_expression = make_e_a_full (e_int n) t_int
let e_lambda (binder : string)
(input_type : type_expression)
(output_type : type_expression)
@ -1,3 +1,111 @@
open Trace
open Types
let assert_literal_eq (a, b : literal * literal) : unit result =
match (a, b) with
| Literal_bool a, Literal_bool b when a = b -> ok ()
| Literal_bool _, Literal_bool _ -> simple_fail "different bools"
| Literal_bool _, _ -> simple_fail "bool vs non-bool"
| Literal_int a, Literal_int b when a = b -> ok ()
| Literal_int _, Literal_int _ -> simple_fail "different ints"
| Literal_int _, _ -> simple_fail "int vs non-int"
| Literal_nat a, Literal_nat b when a = b -> ok ()
| Literal_nat _, Literal_nat _ -> simple_fail "different nats"
| Literal_nat _, _ -> simple_fail "nat vs non-nat"
| Literal_string a, Literal_string b when a = b -> ok ()
| Literal_string _, Literal_string _ -> simple_fail "different strings"
| Literal_string _, _ -> simple_fail "string vs non-string"
| Literal_bytes a, Literal_bytes b when a = b -> ok ()
| Literal_bytes _, Literal_bytes _ -> simple_fail "different bytess"
| Literal_bytes _, _ -> simple_fail "bytes vs non-bytes"
| Literal_unit, Literal_unit -> ok ()
| Literal_unit, _ -> simple_fail "unit vs non-unit"
let rec assert_value_eq (a, b: (value*value)) : unit result =
let error_content () =
Format.asprintf "%a vs %a" PP.value a PP.value b
trace (fun () -> error (thunk "not equal") error_content ()) @@
match (a.expression, b.expression) with
| E_literal a, E_literal b ->
assert_literal_eq (a, b)
| E_constant (ca, lsta), E_constant (cb, lstb) when ca = cb -> (
let%bind lst =
generic_try (simple_error "constants with different number of elements")
(fun () -> List.combine lsta lstb) in
let%bind _all = bind_list @@ assert_value_eq lst in
ok ()
| E_constant _, E_constant _ ->
simple_fail "different constants"
| E_constant _, _ ->
let error_content () =
Format.asprintf "%a vs %a"
PP.annotated_expression a
PP.annotated_expression b
fail @@ (fun () -> error (thunk "comparing constant with other stuff") error_content ())
| E_constructor (ca, a), E_constructor (cb, b) when ca = cb -> (
let%bind _eq = assert_value_eq (a, b) in
ok ()
| E_constructor _, E_constructor _ ->
simple_fail "different constructors"
| E_constructor _, _ ->
simple_fail "comparing constructor with other stuff"
| E_tuple lsta, E_tuple lstb -> (
let%bind lst =
generic_try (simple_error "tuples with different number of elements")
(fun () -> List.combine lsta lstb) in
let%bind _all = bind_list @@ assert_value_eq lst in
ok ()
| E_tuple _, _ ->
simple_fail "comparing tuple with other stuff"
| E_record sma, E_record smb -> (
let aux _ a b =
match a, b with
| Some a, Some b -> Some (assert_value_eq (a, b))
| _ -> Some (simple_fail "different record keys")
let%bind _all = bind_smap @@ Map.String.merge aux sma smb in
ok ()
| E_record _, _ ->
simple_fail "comparing record with other stuff"
| E_map lsta, E_map lstb -> (
let%bind lst = generic_try (simple_error "maps of different lengths")
(fun () ->
let lsta' = List.sort compare lsta in
let lstb' = List.sort compare lstb in
List.combine lsta' lstb') in
let aux = fun ((ka, va), (kb, vb)) ->
let%bind _ = assert_value_eq (ka, kb) in
let%bind _ = assert_value_eq (va, vb) in
ok () in
let%bind _all = bind_map_list aux lst in
ok ()
| E_map _, _ ->
simple_fail "comparing map with other stuff"
| E_list lsta, E_list lstb -> (
let%bind lst =
generic_try (simple_error "list of different lengths")
(fun () -> List.combine lsta lstb) in
let%bind _all = bind_map_list assert_value_eq lst in
ok ()
| E_list _, _ ->
simple_fail "comparing list with other stuff"
| _, _ -> simple_fail "comparing not a value"
(* module Rename = struct
* open Trace
@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ and declaration =
| Declaration_constant of named_expression
(* | Macro_declaration of macro_declaration *)
and value = annotated_expression
and annotated_expression = {
expression: expression ;
type_annotation: te option ;
@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
open Ligo_parser
open Trace
module Parser = Parser
module Lexer = Lexer
module AST_Raw = AST
module AST_Raw = Ligo_parser.AST
module AST_Simplified = Ast_simplified
module AST_Typed = Ast_typed
module Mini_c = Mini_c
@ -11,103 +9,6 @@ module Transpiler = Transpiler
module Parser_multifix = Multifix
module Simplify_multifix = Simplify_multifix
open Trace
let parse_file (source: string) : AST_Raw.t result =
let pp_input =
let prefix = Filename.(source |> basename |> remove_extension)
and suffix = ".pp.ligo"
in prefix ^ suffix in
let cpp_cmd = Printf.sprintf "cpp -traditional-cpp %s -o %s"
source pp_input in
let%bind () = sys_command cpp_cmd in
let%bind channel =
generic_try (simple_error "error opening file") @@
(fun () -> open_in pp_input) in
let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel channel in
let module Lexer = Lexer.Make(LexToken) in
let Lexer.{read ; close} =
Lexer.open_token_stream None in
specific_try (fun () -> function
| Parser.Error -> (
let start = Lexing.lexeme_start_p lexbuf in
let end_ = Lexing.lexeme_end_p lexbuf in
let str = Format.sprintf
"Parse error at \"%s\" from (%d, %d) to (%d, %d). In file \"%s|%s\"\n"
(Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)
start.pos_lnum (start.pos_cnum - start.pos_bol)
end_.pos_lnum (end_.pos_cnum - end_.pos_bol)
start.pos_fname source
simple_error str
| _ ->
let start = Lexing.lexeme_start_p lexbuf in
let end_ = Lexing.lexeme_end_p lexbuf in
let str = Format.sprintf
"Unrecognized error at \"%s\" from (%d, %d) to (%d, %d). In file \"%s|%s\"\n"
(Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)
start.pos_lnum (start.pos_cnum - start.pos_bol)
end_.pos_lnum (end_.pos_cnum - end_.pos_bol)
start.pos_fname source
simple_error str
) @@ (fun () ->
let raw = Parser.contract read lexbuf in
close () ;
) >>? fun raw ->
ok raw
let parse (s:string) : AST_Raw.t result =
let lexbuf = Lexing.from_string s in
let module Lexer = Lexer.Make(LexToken) in
let Lexer.{read ; close} =
Lexer.open_token_stream None in
specific_try (fun () -> function
| Parser.Error -> (
let start = Lexing.lexeme_start_p lexbuf in
let end_ = Lexing.lexeme_end_p lexbuf in
let str = Format.sprintf
"Parse error at \"%s\" from (%d, %d) to (%d, %d)\n"
(Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)
start.pos_lnum (start.pos_cnum - start.pos_bol)
end_.pos_lnum (end_.pos_cnum - end_.pos_bol) in
simple_error str
| _ -> simple_error "unrecognized parse_ error"
) @@ (fun () ->
let raw = Parser.contract read lexbuf in
close () ;
) >>? fun raw ->
ok raw
let parse_expression (s:string) : AST_Raw.expr result =
let lexbuf = Lexing.from_string s in
let module Lexer = Lexer.Make(LexToken) in
let Lexer.{read ; close} =
Lexer.open_token_stream None in
specific_try (fun () -> function
| Parser.Error -> (
let start = Lexing.lexeme_start_p lexbuf in
let end_ = Lexing.lexeme_end_p lexbuf in
let str = Format.sprintf
"Parse error at \"%s\" from (%d, %d) to (%d, %d)\n"
(Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)
start.pos_lnum (start.pos_cnum - start.pos_bol)
end_.pos_lnum (end_.pos_cnum - end_.pos_bol) in
simple_error str
| _ -> simple_error "unrecognized parse_ error"
) @@ (fun () ->
let raw = Parser.interactive_expr read lexbuf in
close () ;
) >>? fun raw ->
ok raw
let simplify (p:AST_Raw.t) : Ast_simplified.program result = Simplify.simpl_program p
let simplify_expr (e:AST_Raw.expr) : Ast_simplified.annotated_expression result = Simplify.simpl_expression e
@ -144,7 +45,7 @@ let compile : Mini_c.program -> string -> Compiler.Program.compiled_program resu
let type_file ?(debug_simplify = false) ?(debug_typed = false)
(path:string) : AST_Typed.program result =
let%bind raw = parse_file path in
let%bind raw = Parser.parse_file path in
let%bind simpl =
trace (simple_error "simplifying") @@
simplify raw in
@ -202,6 +103,37 @@ let easy_run_typed
untranspile_value mini_c_result main_result_type in
ok typed_result
let easy_run_typed_simplified
?(debug_mini_c = false) (entry:string)
(program:AST_Typed.program) (input:Ast_simplified.annotated_expression) : AST_Typed.annotated_expression result =
let%bind mini_c_main =
trace (simple_error "transpile mini_c entry") @@
transpile_entry program entry in
(if debug_mini_c then
Format.(printf "Mini_c : %a\n%!" Mini_c.PP.function_ mini_c_main.content)
) ;
let%bind typed_value = type_expression input in
let%bind mini_c_value = transpile_value typed_value in
let%bind mini_c_result =
let error =
let title () = "run Mini_c" in
let content () =
Format.asprintf "\n%a" Mini_c.PP.function_ mini_c_main.content
error title content in
trace error @@
Run.Mini_c.run_entry mini_c_main mini_c_value in
let%bind typed_result =
let%bind main_result_type =
let%bind typed_main = Ast_typed.get_functional_entry program entry in
match (snd typed_main).type_value' with
| T_function (_, result) -> ok result
| _ -> simple_fail "main doesn't have fun type" in
untranspile_value mini_c_result main_result_type in
ok typed_result
let easy_run_main_typed
?(debug_mini_c = false)
(program:AST_Typed.program) (input:AST_Typed.annotated_expression) : AST_Typed.annotated_expression result =
@ -210,7 +142,7 @@ let easy_run_main_typed
let easy_run_main (path:string) (input:string) : AST_Typed.annotated_expression result =
let%bind typed = type_file path in
let%bind raw_expr = parse_expression input in
let%bind raw_expr = Parser.parse_expression input in
let%bind simpl_expr = simplify_expr raw_expr in
let%bind typed_expr = type_expression simpl_expr in
easy_run_main_typed typed typed_expr
@ -218,7 +150,7 @@ let easy_run_main (path:string) (input:string) : AST_Typed.annotated_expression
let compile_file (source: string) (entry_point:string) : Micheline.Michelson.t result =
let%bind raw =
trace (simple_error "parsing") @@
parse_file source in
Parser.parse_file source in
let%bind simplified =
trace (simple_error "simplifying") @@
simplify raw in
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
open Trace
open Ligo_parser
module AST_Raw = Ligo_parser.AST
let parse_file (source: string) : AST_Raw.t result =
let pp_input =
let prefix = Filename.(source |> basename |> remove_extension)
and suffix = ".pp.ligo"
in prefix ^ suffix in
let cpp_cmd = Printf.sprintf "cpp -traditional-cpp %s -o %s"
source pp_input in
let%bind () = sys_command cpp_cmd in
let%bind channel =
generic_try (simple_error "error opening file") @@
(fun () -> open_in pp_input) in
let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel channel in
let module Lexer = Lexer.Make(LexToken) in
let Lexer.{read ; close} =
Lexer.open_token_stream None in
specific_try (fun () -> function
| Parser.Error -> (
let start = Lexing.lexeme_start_p lexbuf in
let end_ = Lexing.lexeme_end_p lexbuf in
let str = Format.sprintf
"Parse error at \"%s\" from (%d, %d) to (%d, %d). In file \"%s|%s\"\n"
(Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)
start.pos_lnum (start.pos_cnum - start.pos_bol)
end_.pos_lnum (end_.pos_cnum - end_.pos_bol)
start.pos_fname source
simple_error str
| _ ->
let start = Lexing.lexeme_start_p lexbuf in
let end_ = Lexing.lexeme_end_p lexbuf in
let str = Format.sprintf
"Unrecognized error at \"%s\" from (%d, %d) to (%d, %d). In file \"%s|%s\"\n"
(Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)
start.pos_lnum (start.pos_cnum - start.pos_bol)
end_.pos_lnum (end_.pos_cnum - end_.pos_bol)
start.pos_fname source
simple_error str
) @@ (fun () ->
let raw = Parser.contract read lexbuf in
close () ;
) >>? fun raw ->
ok raw
let parse_string (s:string) : AST_Raw.t result =
let lexbuf = Lexing.from_string s in
let module Lexer = Lexer.Make(LexToken) in
let Lexer.{read ; close} =
Lexer.open_token_stream None in
specific_try (fun () -> function
| Parser.Error -> (
let start = Lexing.lexeme_start_p lexbuf in
let end_ = Lexing.lexeme_end_p lexbuf in
let str = Format.sprintf
"Parse error at \"%s\" from (%d, %d) to (%d, %d)\n"
(Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)
start.pos_lnum (start.pos_cnum - start.pos_bol)
end_.pos_lnum (end_.pos_cnum - end_.pos_bol) in
simple_error str
| _ -> simple_error "unrecognized parse_ error"
) @@ (fun () ->
let raw = Parser.contract read lexbuf in
close () ;
) >>? fun raw ->
ok raw
let parse_expression (s:string) : AST_Raw.expr result =
let lexbuf = Lexing.from_string s in
let module Lexer = Lexer.Make(LexToken) in
let Lexer.{read ; close} =
Lexer.open_token_stream None in
specific_try (fun () -> function
| Parser.Error -> (
let start = Lexing.lexeme_start_p lexbuf in
let end_ = Lexing.lexeme_end_p lexbuf in
let str = Format.sprintf
"Parse error at \"%s\" from (%d, %d) to (%d, %d)\n"
(Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)
start.pos_lnum (start.pos_cnum - start.pos_bol)
end_.pos_lnum (end_.pos_cnum - end_.pos_bol) in
simple_error str
| _ -> simple_error "unrecognized parse_ error"
) @@ (fun () ->
let raw = Parser.interactive_expr read lexbuf in
close () ;
) >>? fun raw ->
ok raw
@ -2,27 +2,18 @@ open Trace
open Ligo
open Test_helpers
let pass (source:string) : unit result =
let%bind raw =
trace (simple_error "parsing") @@
parse_file source in
let%bind simplified =
trace (simple_error "simplifying") @@
simplify raw in
let%bind typed =
trace (simple_error "typing") @@
type_ simplified in
let%bind _mini_c =
trace (simple_error "transpiling") @@
transpile typed in
ok ()
let basic () : unit result =
pass "./contracts/toto.ligo"
let function_ () : unit result =
let%bind _ = pass "./contracts/function.ligo" in
let%bind _ = easy_run_main "./contracts/function.ligo" "2" in
let%bind program = type_file "./contracts/function.ligo" in
let aux n =
let open Ast_simplified.Combinators in
let input = e_a_int n in
let%bind result = easy_run_typed_simplified "main" program input in
let expected = Ast_typed.Combinators.e_a_empty_int n in
Ast_typed.assert_value_eq (expected , result)
let%bind _ = bind_list
@@ aux
@@ [0 ; 2 ; 42 ; 163 ; -1] in
ok ()
let complex_function () : unit result =
@ -562,7 +553,6 @@ let counter_contract () : unit result =
ok ()
let main = "Integration (End to End)", [
test "basic" basic ;
test "function" function_ ;
test "complex function" complex_function ;
test "closure" closure ;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user