Almost builds
This commit is contained in:
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ in rec {
opam2nix = { src, opamFile ? findOpamFile src, ... }@args:
pkgs.runCommandNoCC (args.pname or opamFile + ".nix") args
"cat ${src}/${opamFile} | ${opam-parser} > $out";
"cat ${src}/${opamFile} | ${pkgs.glibc.bin}/bin/iconv -c -f utf-8 -t ascii | ${opam-parser} > $out";
traverseOPAMRepo = repo: self: super:
@ -33,25 +33,42 @@ in rec {
(builtins.attrNames (builtins.readDir "${repo}/packages/${pkg}"));
latestVersion = builtins.foldl'
(x: acc: if builtins.compareVersions x acc == 1 then x else acc) "";
opamPkgs = builtins.mapAttrs (n: _:
opamPkgs = builtins.mapAttrs (name: _:
v = latestVersion (versions n);
file = opam2nix {
src = "${repo}/packages/${n}/${n}.${v}";
opamFile = "opam";
pname = n;
version = v;
in self.callPackage file { }) pkgNames;
file = version:
opam2nix {
src = "${repo}/packages/${name}/${name}.${version}";
opamFile = "opam";
pname = name;
inherit version;
package = version: self.callPackage (file version) { };
latest = package (latestVersion (versions name));
others = map package (versions name);
in latest // {
versions = builtins.listToAttrs (map (p: {
name = p.version;
value = p;
}) others);
}) pkgNames;
in opamPkgs;
callOPAMPackage' = callPackage: src: newAttrs: overrides:
(callPackage (opam2nix (newAttrs // { inherit src; }))
overrides).overrideAttrs ({ buildInputs, src ? src, ... }:
inherit src;
buildInputs = buildInputs ++ newAttrs.extraBuildInputs or [ ];
propagatedBuildInputs = buildInputs
++ newAttrs.extraBuildInputs or [ ];
} // newAttrs);
traverseOPAMRepo' = repo: self: super:
let traversed = traverseOPAMRepo repo self super;
in traversed // builtins.mapAttrs (name: v:
v // {
versions = (traversed.${name} or { versions = { }; }).versions;
}) super;
callOPAMPackage = self: super: {
callOPAMPackage = src: newAttrs: overrides:
(self.callPackage (opam2nix (newAttrs // { inherit src; }))
overrides).overrideAttrs ({ buildInputs, ... }@args:
inherit src;
buildInputs = buildInputs ++ newAttrs.extraBuildInputs or [ ];
propagatedBuildInputs = buildInputs
++ newAttrs.extraBuildInputs or [ ];
} // newAttrs);
@ -2,18 +2,82 @@
self: super:
let lib = import ./lib.nix self;
in {
ocamlPackages = super.ocaml-ng.ocamlPackages_4_09.overrideScope'
ocamlPackages = super.ocaml-ng.ocamlPackages_4_07.overrideScope'
(builtins.foldl' self.lib.composeExtensions (_: _: { }) [
(oself: osuper:
(lib.traverseOPAMRepo (builtins.fetchTarball
"") oself osuper)
// osuper)
(lib.traverseOPAMRepo ../../tezos-opam-repository)
(lib.traverseOPAMRepo' sources.opam-repository)
(lib.traverseOPAMRepo sources.tezos-opam-repository)
(oself: osuper:
with oself; {
ocamlfind = findlib;
lwt = lwt4;
bigstring-unix = null;
bigstring = osuper.bigstring.overrideAttrs (_: { doCheck = false; });
xmldiff =
osuper.xmldiff.overrideAttrs (_: { src = sources.xmldiff; });
ipaddr = osuper.ipaddr.versions."4.0.0";
conduit = osuper.conduit.versions."2.1.0";
conduit-lwt-unix = osuper.conduit-lwt-unix.versions."2.0.2";
cohttp-lwt-unix = osuper.cohttp-lwt-unix.versions."2.4.0";
cohttp-lwt = osuper.cohttp-lwt.versions."2.4.0";
macaddr = osuper.macaddr.versions."4.0.0";
ocaml-migrate-parsetree = osuper.ocaml-migrate-parsetree.versions."1.4.0";
ppx_tools_versioned = osuper.ppx_tools_versioned.versions."5.2.3";
tezos-protocol-compiler = osuper.tezos-protocol-compiler.overrideAttrs
(oa: {
buildInputs = oa.buildInputs ++ [ oself.pprint ];
postInstall =
"ln -s $out/lib/ocaml/*/site-lib/tezos-protocol-compiler/* $out";
conf-gmp = self.gmp;
conf-libev = self.libev;
conf-hidapi = self.hidapi;
conf-pkg-config = self.pkg-config;
tezos-protocol-006-PsCARTHA =
oself.callOPAMPackage ../vendors/ligo-utils/tezos-protocol-alpha {
pname = "tezos-protocol-006-PsCARTHA";
version = "0.0.0";
opamFile = "tezos-protocol-006-PsCARTHA.opam";
} { };
tezos-protocol-006-PsCARTHA-parameters = oself.callOPAMPackage
../vendors/ligo-utils/tezos-protocol-alpha-parameters {
pname = "tezos-protocol-006-PsCARTHA-parameters";
version = "0.0.0";
} { };
tezos-utils =
oself.callOPAMPackage ../vendors/ligo-utils/tezos-utils {
pname = "tezos-utils";
version = "0.1";
} { };
proto-alpha-utils =
oself.callOPAMPackage ../vendors/ligo-utils/proto-alpha-utils {
pname = "proto-alpha-utils";
version = "0.1";
extraBuildInputs =
[ oself.tezos-protocol-006-PsCARTHA-parameters ];
} { };
simple-utils =
oself.callOPAMPackage ../vendors/ligo-utils/simple-utils {
pname = "simple-utils";
version = "0.1";
} { };
tezos-memory-proto-alpha =
oself.callOPAMPackage ../vendors/ligo-utils/memory-proto-alpha {
pname = "tezos-memory-proto-alpha";
version = "0.0.0";
} { };
michelson-parser = oself.callOPAMPackage
../vendors/ligo-utils/tezos-utils/michelson-parser {
pname = "michelson-parser";
version = "0.0.0";
} { ocamlfind = oself.findlib; };
ligo = oself.callOPAMPackage ../. {
version = "0.1";
extraBuildInputs = with oself; [ ppx_tools_versioned getopt ];
} { };
@ -8,65 +8,121 @@ import Control.Monad (void)
import Data.List (intersperse, nub, isPrefixOf)
import qualified Control.Applicative as A (optional)
type Package = String
data OPAM
{ name :: Maybe String
, version :: Maybe String
, depends :: Maybe [String]
, build :: Maybe [[String]]
, source :: Maybe (String)
, nativeBuildInputs :: Maybe [String]
, buildInputs :: Maybe [String]
, buildPhase :: Maybe [[String]]
, checkInputs :: Maybe [String]
, checkPhase :: Maybe [[String]]
, source :: Maybe String
} deriving Show
opam2nix :: OPAM -> String
opam2nix OPAM {..} =
let depends' = nub ([ "findlib", "ocaml", "opaline", "dune" ]
++ (map (\case 'b':'a':'s':'e':_ -> "base"; s -> s)
$ mconcat $ maybeToList depends))
normalize = nub . map (\case 'b':'a':'s':'e':'-':_ -> "base"; s -> s)
buildInputs' = [ "findlib" ] ++ mconcat (maybeToList buildInputs);
checkInputs' = mconcat $ maybeToList checkInputs
nativeBuildInputs' = [ "dune", "opaline", "ocaml", "findlib" ]
++ (if any (isPrefixOf "conf-")
(buildInputs' ++ checkInputs' ++ mconcat (maybeToList nativeBuildInputs))
then ["conf-pkg-config"]
else [])
++ mconcat (maybeToList nativeBuildInputs)
inputs = buildInputs' ++ checkInputs' ++ nativeBuildInputs'
deps = mconcat $ intersperse ", " $ normalize $ inputs
sepspace = mconcat . intersperse " " . normalize
preparephase = mconcat . intersperse " " . mconcat . intersperse ["\n"]
"{ stdenv, fetchzip, " <> (mconcat $ intersperse ", " depends') <> " }:\n"
"{ stdenv, fetchzip, " <>deps<> " }:\n"
<>"stdenv.mkDerivation rec {\n"
<>foldMap (\name -> " pname = \""<>name<>"\";\n") name
<>foldMap (\version -> " version = \""<>version<>"\";\n") version
<>foldMap (\name' -> " pname = \""<>name'<>"\";\n") name
<>foldMap (\version' -> " version = \""<>version'<>"\";\n") version
<>foldMap (\url -> " src = builtins.fetchTarball { url = \""<>url<>"\"; };\n") source
<>" buildInputs = [ "<>(mconcat $ intersperse " " depends')<>" ];\n"
<>" buildInputs = [ "<>sepspace buildInputs'<>" ];\n"
<>" checkInputs = [ "<>sepspace checkInputs'<>" ];\n"
<>" nativeBuildInputs = [ "<>sepspace nativeBuildInputs'<>" ];\n"
<>" propagatedBuildInputs = buildInputs;\n"
<>foldMap (\build -> " buildPhase = ''runHook preBuild\n"<>(mconcat $ intersperse " " $ mconcat $ intersperse ["\n"] $ build)<>"\nrunHook postBuild\n'';\n") build
<>(if "dune" `elem` depends' then " installPhase = ''\nrunHook preInstall\nopaline -prefix $out -libdir $OCAMLFIND_DESTDIR\nrunHook postInstall\n'';\n" else "")
<>" propagatedNativeBuildInputs = nativeBuildInputs;\n"
<>foldMap (\buildPhase' ->
" buildPhase = ''runHook preBuild\n"
<> preparephase buildPhase'
<>"\nrunHook postBuild\n'';\n") buildPhase
<>foldMap (\checkPhase' ->
" checkPhase = ''runHook preCheck\n"
<>preparephase checkPhase'
<>"\nrunHook postCheck\n'';\n") checkPhase
<>" installPhase = ''\nrunHook preInstall\nopaline -prefix $out -libdir $OCAMLFIND_DESTDIR\nrunHook postInstall\n'';\n"
getSha512 :: [String] -> String
getSha512 cs = (tail.tail.tail.tail.tail.tail.tail) $ head $ filter (isPrefixOf "sha512=") cs
update :: Maybe a -> a -> Maybe a
update old new = if isNothing old then Just new else old
evaluateField :: OPAM -> Field -> OPAM
evaluateField o@(OPAM {..}) = \case
Name s -> o { name = if isNothing name then Just s else name }
Version s -> o { version = if isNothing version then Just s else version }
Depends s -> o { depends = if isNothing depends then Just s else depends }
Build e -> o { build = if isNothing build then Just (fmap (evaluateExp $ fromJust $ name) <$> e) else build }
URL url -> o { source = if isNothing source then Just url else source }
evaluateField o@OPAM {..} = \case
Name s -> o { name = update name s }
Version s -> o { version = update version s }
Depends s -> o {
buildInputs = update buildInputs $
fmap identifier $ filter (\(Package _ info) -> not $ ("with-test" `elem` info || "build" `elem` info)) s,
nativeBuildInputs = update nativeBuildInputs $
fmap identifier $ filter (\(Package _ info) -> "build" `elem` info) s,
checkInputs = update checkInputs $
fmap identifier $ filter (\(Package _ info) -> "with-test" `elem` info) s
Build e -> o {
buildPhase = update buildPhase
$ fmap ((fmap evaluateExp) . command) $ filter (\(Command _ info) -> not $ "with-test" `elem` info) e,
checkPhase = update checkPhase
$ fmap ((fmap evaluateExp) . command) $ filter (\(Command _ info) -> "with-test" `elem` info) e
URL url -> o { source = update source url}
Other _ -> o
evaluateFields :: OPAM -> [Field] -> OPAM
evaluateFields = foldl evaluateField
data Package
= Package
{ identifier :: String
, additionalPackageInfo :: [String]
} deriving Show
data Exp = Str String | Var String deriving Show
data Command
= Command
{ command :: [Exp]
, additionalCommandInfo :: [String]
} deriving Show
data Field
= Name String
| Version String
| Depends [Package]
| Build [[Exp]]
| Build [Command]
| URL String
| Other String
deriving Show
data Exp = Raw String | NameVar | JobsVar deriving Show
evaluateExp :: String -> Exp -> String
evaluateExp name = \case
Raw s -> s
NameVar -> name
JobsVar -> "1"
evaluateExp :: Exp -> String
evaluateExp =
repl ('%':'{':xs) = '$':'{':repl xs
repl (':':_:_:_:'}':'%':xs) = '}':repl xs
repl (x:xs) = x:repl xs
repl "" = ""
Str s -> repl s
Var "name" -> "${pname}"
Var "make" -> "make"
Var "prefix" -> "$out"
Var "jobs" -> "1"
Var s -> "${"<>s<>"}"
opamFile :: ParsecT String u Identity [Field]
opamFile = many field <* eof
@ -77,10 +133,10 @@ field = Name <$> fieldParser "name" stringParser
<|> Depends <$> fieldParser "depends" (listParser packageParser)
<|> Build <$> fieldParser "build" (pure <$> try commandParser <|> listParser commandParser)
<|> sectionParser "url" (URL <$> (fieldParser "src" stringParser <* many (noneOf "}")))
<|> Other <$> ((many (noneOf "\n")) <* char '\n')
<|> Other <$> (many (noneOf "\n") <* char '\n')
fieldParser :: String -> ParsecT String u Identity t -> ParsecT String u Identity t
fieldParser name valueParser = try $ between (string (name<>":") >> (many $ oneOf " \n")) (many $ oneOf " \n") valueParser <* commentParser
fieldParser name valueParser = try $ between (string (name<>":") >> many (oneOf " \n")) (many $ oneOf " \n") valueParser <* commentParser
sectionParser :: String -> ParsecT String u Identity t -> ParsecT String u Identity t
sectionParser name valueParser = try $ between (string name >> many (oneOf " ") >> string "{" >> many (oneOf " \n")) (many (oneOf " \n") >> char '}' >> char '\n') valueParser
@ -89,15 +145,19 @@ stringParser :: ParsecT String u Identity String
stringParser = between (char '"') (char '"') (many $ noneOf "\"")
expParser :: ParsecT String u Identity Exp
expParser = try (string "name" >> return NameVar)
<|> try (string "jobs" >> return JobsVar)
<|> Raw <$> stringParser
expParser = try (Str <$> stringParser)
<|> Var <$> many1 (noneOf " \n\"{}[]")
commandParser :: ParsecT String u Identity [Exp]
additionalInfoParser :: ParsecT String u Identity [String]
additionalInfoParser = option [] $ try
$ between (many (char ' ') >> char '{') (char '}')
((many $ noneOf " &}") `sepBy` (oneOf " &"))
commandParser :: ParsecT String u Identity Command
commandParser = do
command <- listParser expParser
optional $ try $ between (many (char ' ') >> char '{') (char '}') (many $ noneOf "}")
return command
command <- listParser $ try expParser
additionalInfo <- additionalInfoParser
return $ Command command additionalInfo
commentParser :: ParsecT String u Identity ()
commentParser = optional $ do
@ -107,8 +167,8 @@ commentParser = optional $ do
packageParser :: ParsecT String u Identity Package
packageParser = do
name <- stringParser
optional $ try $ between (many (char ' ') >> string "{") (char '}') (many $ noneOf "}")
return name
additionalInfo <- additionalInfoParser
return $ Package name additionalInfo
listParser :: ParsecT String u Identity t -> ParsecT String u Identity [t]
listParser valueParser =
@ -116,9 +176,9 @@ listParser valueParser =
valueParser `sepBy` sep
startPadding = sep
endPadding = optional $ oneOf " \n"
endPadding = whiteSpace
sep = (whiteSpace >> commentParser) <|> whiteSpace
whiteSpace = (optional $ many $ oneOf " \n")
whiteSpace = optional $ many $ oneOf " \n"
main :: IO ()
main = do
@ -128,8 +188,11 @@ main = do
<*> pure Nothing
<*> pure Nothing
<*> pure Nothing
<*> pure Nothing
<*> pure Nothing
<*> pure Nothing
getContents >>= \s -> case parse opamFile "(unknown)" s of
Left e -> putStrLn $ show e
Left e -> print e
Right fs -> putStrLn $ opam2nix $ evaluateFields initialOPAM fs
-- Right fs -> print fs
-- Right fs -> mapM_ print fs
@ -1,4 +1,16 @@
"UnionFind": {
"branch": "master",
"description": "Some variant implementations of the Union-Find algorithm",
"homepage": null,
"owner": "rinderknecht",
"repo": "UnionFind",
"rev": "97fdfa78a830e74fd3736e433152b662796840be",
"sha256": "0grsrv03x7r5azdcbcbsfdxq7myqnpr4wjgn14faxhnspkigcl9x",
"type": "tarball",
"url": "",
"url_template": "<owner>/<repo>/archive/<rev>.tar.gz"
"bigstring": {
"branch": "master",
"description": "Overlay over bigarrays of chars",
@ -107,6 +119,18 @@
"url": "",
"url_template": "<owner>/<repo>/archive/<rev>.tar.gz"
"opam-repository": {
"branch": "master",
"description": "Main public package repository for OPAM, the source package manager of OCaml.",
"homepage": "",
"owner": "ocaml",
"repo": "opam-repository",
"rev": "d67e70b40203a6a1c77ccb2edbe136c1509a73a3",
"sha256": "1yphw9xcss284p51qnml5jvfs4mhjcjgdka3wk25q0437zdzqj4n",
"type": "tarball",
"url": "",
"url_template": "<owner>/<repo>/archive/<rev>.tar.gz"
"resto": {
"ref": "master",
"repo": "",
@ -137,6 +161,12 @@
"rev": "be706b7060cc9805d66fce1a032a586d09ee8718",
"type": "git"
"tezos-opam-repository": {
"ref": "master",
"repo": "",
"rev": "dfc46bd895b070bd89028a7ad98741d05ec684df",
"type": "git"
"uecc": {
"ref": "master",
"repo": "",
Reference in New Issue
Block a user