Add support for test-chain-related APDUs
This commit is contained in:
@ -127,11 +127,11 @@ let select_commands ctxt { block ; protocol } =
check_network ctxt >>= fun network ->
check_network ctxt >>= fun network ->
get_commands_for_version ctxt network block protocol >>|? fun (_, commands_for_version) ->
get_commands_for_version ctxt network block protocol >>|? fun (_, commands_for_version) ->
Client_rpc_commands.commands @
Client_rpc_commands.commands @
Tezos_signer_backends.Ledger.commands () @
(fun (o : Client_context.full) -> (o :> Client_context.io_wallet)))
(fun (o : Client_context.full) -> (o :> Client_context.io_wallet)))
(Tezos_signer_backends.Ledger.commands () @
(Client_keys_commands.commands network) @
Client_keys_commands.commands network) @
Client_helpers_commands.commands () @
Client_helpers_commands.commands () @
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ let may_setup_pidfile = function
let commands base_dir require_auth =
let commands base_dir require_auth =
Client_keys_commands.commands None @
Client_keys_commands.commands None @
Tezos_signer_backends.Ledger.commands () @
(* Tezos_signer_backends.Ledger.commands () @ *)
[ command ~group
[ command ~group
~desc: "Launch a signer daemon over a TCP socket."
~desc: "Launch a signer daemon over a TCP socket."
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
@ -13,6 +14,7 @@
-open Tezos_stdlib_unix
-open Tezos_stdlib_unix
-open Tezos_client_base
-open Tezos_client_base
-open Tezos_signer_services
-open Tezos_signer_services
-open Tezos_shell_services
-open Tezos_rpc_http)))
-open Tezos_rpc_http)))
@ -195,19 +195,23 @@ let wrap_ledger_cmd f =
| Ok v ->
| Ok v ->
return v
return v
let get_public_key
let public_key_returning_instruction which
ledger curve path =
ledger curve path =
let path = tezos_root @ path in
let path = tezos_root @ path in
begin match authorize_baking with
begin match which with
| false -> wrap_ledger_cmd begin fun pp ->
| `Get_public_key -> wrap_ledger_cmd begin fun pp ->
Ledgerwallet_tezos.get_public_key ~prompt ~pp ledger curve path
Ledgerwallet_tezos.get_public_key ~prompt ~pp ledger curve path
| true ->
| `Authorize_baking ->
wrap_ledger_cmd begin fun pp ->
wrap_ledger_cmd begin fun pp ->
Ledgerwallet_tezos.authorize_baking ~pp ledger curve path
Ledgerwallet_tezos.authorize_baking ~pp ledger curve path
| `Setup (main_chain_id, main_hwm, test_hwm) ->
wrap_ledger_cmd begin fun pp ->
Ledgerwallet_tezos.setup_baking ~pp ledger curve path
~main_chain_id ~main_hwm ~test_hwm
end >>|? fun pk ->
end >>|? fun pk ->
let pk = Cstruct.to_bigarray pk in
let pk = Cstruct.to_bigarray pk in
match curve with
match curve with
@ -233,6 +237,8 @@ let get_public_key
let _nb_written = write_key ~compress:true (MBytes.sub buf 1 pklen) pk in
let _nb_written = write_key ~compress:true (MBytes.sub buf 1 pklen) pk in
Data_encoding.Binary.of_bytes_exn Signature.Public_key.encoding buf
Data_encoding.Binary.of_bytes_exn Signature.Public_key.encoding buf
let get_public_key = public_key_returning_instruction `Get_public_key
module Ledger = struct
module Ledger = struct
type t = {
type t = {
device_info : Hidapi.device_info ;
device_info : Hidapi.device_info ;
@ -511,7 +517,7 @@ let commands =
~desc: "List supported Ledger Nano S devices connected."
~desc: "List supported Ledger Nano S devices connected."
(fixed [ "list" ; "connected" ; "ledgers" ])
(fixed [ "list" ; "connected" ; "ledgers" ])
(fun () (cctxt : Client_context.io_wallet) ->
(fun () (cctxt : Client_context.full) ->
find_ledgers () >>=? function
find_ledgers () >>=? function
| [] ->
| [] ->
cctxt#message "No device found." >>= fun () ->
cctxt#message "No device found." >>= fun () ->
@ -557,7 +563,7 @@ let commands =
(prefixes [ "show" ; "ledger" ]
(prefixes [ "show" ; "ledger" ]
@@ Client_keys.sk_uri_param
@@ Client_keys.sk_uri_param
@@ stop)
@@ stop)
(fun test_sign sk_uri (cctxt : Client_context.io_wallet) ->
(fun test_sign sk_uri (cctxt : Client_context.full) ->
neuterize sk_uri >>=? fun pk_uri ->
neuterize sk_uri >>=? fun pk_uri ->
id_of_pk_uri pk_uri >>=? fun id ->
id_of_pk_uri pk_uri >>=? fun id ->
find_ledgers ~id () >>=? function
find_ledgers ~id () >>=? function
@ -625,7 +631,7 @@ let commands =
(prefixes [ "get" ; "ledger" ; "authorized" ; "path" ; "for" ]
(prefixes [ "get" ; "ledger" ; "authorized" ; "path" ; "for" ]
@@ Public_key.alias_param
@@ Public_key.alias_param
@@ stop)
@@ stop)
(fun () (name, (pk_uri, _)) (cctxt : Client_context.io_wallet) ->
(fun () (name, (pk_uri, _)) (cctxt : Client_context.full) ->
id_of_pk_uri pk_uri >>=? fun root_id ->
id_of_pk_uri pk_uri >>=? fun root_id ->
with_ledger root_id begin fun h _version _of_curve _to_curve ->
with_ledger root_id begin fun h _version _of_curve _to_curve ->
wrap_ledger_cmd begin fun pp ->
wrap_ledger_cmd begin fun pp ->
@ -644,17 +650,103 @@ let commands =
end) ;
end) ;
Clic.command ~group
Clic.command ~group
~desc: "Authorize a Ledger to bake for a key"
~desc: "Authorize a Ledger to bake for a key (deprecated, \
use `setup ledger ...` with recent versions of the Baking app)"
(prefixes [ "authorize" ; "ledger" ; "to" ; "bake" ; "for" ]
(prefixes [ "authorize" ; "ledger" ; "to" ; "bake" ; "for" ]
@@ Public_key.alias_param
@@ Public_key.alias_param
@@ stop)
@@ stop)
(fun () (_, (pk_uri, _)) (cctxt : Client_context.io_wallet) ->
(fun () (_, (pk_uri, _)) (cctxt : Client_context.full) ->
id_of_pk_uri pk_uri >>=? fun root_id ->
id_of_pk_uri pk_uri >>=? fun root_id ->
with_ledger root_id begin fun h _version _of_curve _of_pkh ->
with_ledger root_id begin fun h _version _of_curve _of_pkh ->
let path = path_of_pk_uri pk_uri in
let path = path_of_pk_uri pk_uri in
curve_of_id root_id >>=? fun curve ->
curve_of_id root_id >>=? fun curve ->
get_public_key ~authorize_baking:true h curve path >>=? fun pk ->
public_key_returning_instruction `Authorize_baking h curve path
>>=? fun pk ->
let pkh = Signature.Public_key.hash pk in
"@[<v 0>Authorized baking for address: %a@,\
Corresponding full public key: %a@]"
Signature.Public_key_hash.pp pkh
Signature.Public_key.pp pk >>= fun () ->
end) ;
Clic.command ~group
~desc: "Setup a Ledger to bake for a key"
(let hwm_arg kind =
let doc =
"Use <HWM> as %s chain high watermark instead of asking the ledger."
kind in
let long = kind ^ "-hwm" in
default_arg ~doc ~long ~placeholder:"HWM"
(fun _ -> function
| "ASK-LEDGER" -> return None
| s ->
try return (Some (Int32.of_string s)) with _ ->
failwith "Parameter %S should be a 32-bits integer" s))
~doc:"Use <ID> as main chain-id instead of asking the node."
~long:"main-chain-id" ~placeholder:"ID"
(fun _ -> function
| "ASK-NODE" -> return `Ask_node
| s ->
try return (`Int32 (Int32.of_string s))
with _ ->
(try return (`Chain_id (Chain_id.of_b58check_exn s))
with _ ->
failwith "Parameter %S should be a 32-bits integer \
or a Base58 chain-id" s))))
(hwm_arg "main") (hwm_arg "test"))
(prefixes [ "setup" ; "ledger" ; "to" ; "bake" ; "for" ]
@@ Public_key.alias_param
@@ stop)
(fun (chain_id_opt, main_hwm_opt, test_hwm_opt)
(_, (pk_uri, _)) (cctxt : Client_context.full) ->
let chain_id_of_int32 i32 =
let open Int32 in
let byte n =
logand 0xFFl (shift_right i32 (n * 8))
|> Int32.to_int |> char_of_int in
(Stringext.of_array (Array.init 4 (fun i -> byte (3 - i)))) in
begin match chain_id_opt with
| `Ask_node ->
Chain_services.chain_id cctxt ()
| `Int32 s -> return (chain_id_of_int32 s)
| `Chain_id chid -> return chid
>>=? fun main_chain_id ->
id_of_pk_uri pk_uri >>=? fun root_id ->
with_ledger root_id begin fun h _version _of_curve _of_pkh ->
let path = path_of_pk_uri pk_uri in
curve_of_id root_id >>=? fun curve ->
wrap_ledger_cmd begin fun pp ->
Ledgerwallet_tezos.get_all_high_watermarks ~pp h
>>=? fun (`Main_hwm current_mh, `Test_hwm current_th, `Chain_id current_ci) ->
let main_hwm = Option.unopt main_hwm_opt ~default:current_mh in
let test_hwm = Option.unopt test_hwm_opt ~default:current_th in
cctxt#message "Setting up the ledger:@.\
* Main chain ID: %a -> %a@.\
* Main chain High Watermark: %ld -> %ld@.\
* Test chain High Watermark: %ld -> %ld"
Chain_id.pp (Chain_id.of_string_exn current_ci)
Chain_id.pp main_chain_id
current_mh main_hwm
current_th test_hwm
>>= fun () ->
(`Setup (Chain_id.to_string main_chain_id, main_hwm, test_hwm))
h curve path
>>=? fun pk ->
let pkh = Signature.Public_key.hash pk in
let pkh = Signature.Public_key.hash pk in
"@[<v 0>Authorized baking for address: %a@,\
"@[<v 0>Authorized baking for address: %a@,\
@ -666,24 +758,39 @@ let commands =
Clic.command ~group
Clic.command ~group
~desc: "Get high water mark of a Ledger"
~desc: "Get high water mark of a Ledger"
(args1 (switch ~doc:"Use the (deprecated) Ledger instructions \
(for older versions of the Baking app)"
~long:"use-legacy-instructions" ()))
(prefixes [ "get" ; "ledger" ; "high" ; "watermark" ; "for" ]
(prefixes [ "get" ; "ledger" ; "high" ; "watermark" ; "for" ]
@@ Client_keys.sk_uri_param
@@ Client_keys.sk_uri_param
@@ stop)
@@ stop)
(fun () sk_uri (cctxt : Client_context.io_wallet) ->
(fun legacy_apdu sk_uri (cctxt : Client_context.full) ->
id_of_sk_uri sk_uri >>=? fun id ->
id_of_sk_uri sk_uri >>=? fun id ->
with_ledger id begin fun h version _ _ ->
with_ledger id begin fun h version _ _ ->
match version.app_class with
match version.app_class with
| Tezos ->
| Tezos ->
failwith "Fatal: this operation is only valid with TezBake"
failwith "Fatal: this operation is only valid with the \
| TezBake ->
Tezos Baking application"
| TezBake when legacy_apdu ->
wrap_ledger_cmd begin fun pp ->
wrap_ledger_cmd begin fun pp ->
Ledgerwallet_tezos.get_high_watermark ~pp h
Ledgerwallet_tezos.get_high_watermark ~pp h
end >>=? fun hwm ->
>>=? fun hwm ->
"@[<v 0>%a has high water mark: %ld@]"
cctxt#message "The high water mark for@ %a@ is %ld."
pp_id id hwm >>= fun () ->
pp_id id hwm >>= fun () ->
| TezBake ->
wrap_ledger_cmd begin fun pp ->
Ledgerwallet_tezos.get_all_high_watermarks ~pp h
>>=? fun (`Main_hwm mh, `Test_hwm th, `Chain_id ci) ->
"The high water mark values for@ %a@ are\
@ %ld for the main-chain@ (%a)@ \
and@ %ld for the test-chain."
pp_id id mh Chain_id.pp Chain_id.(of_string_exn ci) th
>>= fun () ->
) ;
) ;
@ -700,7 +807,7 @@ let commands =
try return (Int32.of_string s)
try return (Int32.of_string s)
with _ -> failwith "%s is not an int32 value" s)))
with _ -> failwith "%s is not an int32 value" s)))
@@ stop)
@@ stop)
(fun () sk_uri hwm (cctxt : Client_context.io_wallet) ->
(fun () sk_uri hwm (cctxt : Client_context.full) ->
id_of_sk_uri sk_uri >>=? fun id ->
id_of_sk_uri sk_uri >>=? fun id ->
with_ledger id begin fun h version _ _ ->
with_ledger id begin fun h version _ _ ->
match version.app_class with
match version.app_class with
@ -37,4 +37,6 @@ end
include Client_keys.SIGNER
include Client_keys.SIGNER
val commands : unit -> Client_context.io_wallet Clic.command list
val commands : unit -> Client_context.full Clic.command list
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ depends: [
@ -64,6 +64,8 @@ type ins =
| Reset_high_watermark
| Reset_high_watermark
| Query_high_watermark
| Query_high_watermark
| Get_authorized_key
| Get_authorized_key
| Setup
| Query_all_high_watermarks
let int_of_ins = function
let int_of_ins = function
| Version -> 0x00
| Version -> 0x00
@ -76,6 +78,8 @@ let int_of_ins = function
| Query_high_watermark -> 0x08
| Query_high_watermark -> 0x08
| Git_commit -> 0x09
| Git_commit -> 0x09
| Get_authorized_key -> 0x07
| Get_authorized_key -> 0x07
| Setup -> 0x0A
| Query_all_high_watermarks -> 0x0B
type curve =
type curve =
| Ed25519
| Ed25519
@ -154,11 +158,48 @@ let get_public_key ?(prompt=true) =
let authorize_baking = get_public_key_like Authorize_baking
let authorize_baking = get_public_key_like Authorize_baking
let setup_baking ?pp ?buf h ~main_chain_id ~main_hwm ~test_hwm curve path =
let nb_derivations = List.length path in
if nb_derivations > 10 then
invalid_arg "Ledgerwallet_tezos.setup: max 10 derivations" ;
let lc =
(* [ chain-id | main-hwm | test-hwm | derivations-path ] *)
(* derivations-path = [ length | paths ] *)
(3 * 4) + 1 + (4 * nb_derivations) in
let data_init = Cstruct.create lc in
(* If the size of chain-ids changes, then all assumptions of this
binary format are broken (the ledger expects an int32). *)
assert (String.length main_chain_id = 4) ;
for ith = 0 to 3 do
Cstruct.set_uint8 data_init ith (int_of_char main_chain_id.[ith]) ;
done ;
Cstruct.BE.set_uint32 data_init 4 main_hwm ;
Cstruct.BE.set_uint32 data_init 8 test_hwm ;
Cstruct.set_uint8 data_init 12 nb_derivations ;
let (_ : Cstruct.t) =
let data = Cstruct.shift data_init (12 + 1) in
write_path data path in
let msg = "setup" in
let apdu =
~p2:(int_of_curve curve) ~lc ~data:data_init (wrap_ins Setup) in
Transport.apdu ~msg ?pp ?buf h apdu >>| fun addr ->
let keylen = Cstruct.get_uint8 addr 0 in
Cstruct.sub addr 1 keylen
let get_high_watermark ?pp ?buf h =
let get_high_watermark ?pp ?buf h =
let apdu = Apdu.create (wrap_ins Query_high_watermark) in
let apdu = Apdu.create (wrap_ins Query_high_watermark) in
Transport.apdu ~msg:"get_high_watermark" ?pp ?buf h apdu >>| fun hwm ->
Transport.apdu ~msg:"get_high_watermark" ?pp ?buf h apdu >>| fun hwm ->
Cstruct.BE.get_uint32 hwm 0
Cstruct.BE.get_uint32 hwm 0
let get_all_high_watermarks ?pp ?buf h =
let apdu = Apdu.create (wrap_ins Query_all_high_watermarks) in
Transport.apdu ~msg:"get_high_watermark" ?pp ?buf h apdu >>| fun tuple ->
let main_hwm = Cstruct.BE.get_uint32 tuple 0 in
let test_hwm = Cstruct.BE.get_uint32 tuple 4 in
let chain_id = Cstruct.copy tuple 8 4 in
(`Main_hwm main_hwm, `Test_hwm test_hwm, `Chain_id chain_id)
let set_high_watermark ?pp ?buf h hwm =
let set_high_watermark ?pp ?buf h hwm =
let data = Cstruct.create 4 in
let data = Cstruct.create 4 in
Cstruct.BE.set_uint32 data 0 hwm ;
Cstruct.BE.set_uint32 data 0 hwm ;
@ -65,20 +65,45 @@ val authorize_baking :
(** [authorize_baking ?pp ?buf ?prompt ledger curve path] is like
(** [authorize_baking ?pp ?buf ?prompt ledger curve path] is like
[get_public_key] with [prompt = true], but only works with the
[get_public_key] with [prompt = true], but only works with the
baking Ledger application and serves to indicate that the key from
baking Ledger application and serves to indicate that the key from
[curve] at [path] is allowed to bake. *)
[curve] at [path] is allowed to bake.
This is deprecated as it ignores test-chains, see {!setup_baking}. *)
val setup_baking :
?pp:Format.formatter -> ?buf:Cstruct.t -> Hidapi.t ->
main_chain_id: string -> main_hwm:int32 -> test_hwm:int32 ->
curve -> int32 list -> (Cstruct.t, Transport.error) result
(** [setup_baking ?pp ?buf ?prompt ledger ~main_chain_id ~main_hwm ~test_hwm curve path]
sets up the Ledger's Baking application: it informs
the device of the ID of the main chain (should be of length [4]),
sets the high watermarks for the main and test chains, {i and}
indicates that the key at the given [curve/path] is authorized for
baking. *)
val get_high_watermark :
val get_high_watermark :
?pp:Format.formatter -> ?buf:Cstruct.t ->
?pp:Format.formatter -> ?buf:Cstruct.t ->
Hidapi.t -> (int32, Transport.error) result
Hidapi.t -> (int32, Transport.error) result
(** [get_high_watermark ?pp ?buf ledger] is the current value of the
(** [get_high_watermark ?pp ?buf ledger] is the current value of the
high water mark on [ledger]. This works with the baking app
high water mark for the main-chain on [ledger]. This works with
only. *)
the baking app only. See {!get_all_high_watermarks} for a more
complete query. *)
val get_all_high_watermarks :
?pp:Format.formatter ->
?buf:Cstruct.t ->
Hidapi.t ->
([ `Main_hwm of int32 ] * [ `Test_hwm of int32 ] * [ `Chain_id of string ],
Transport.error) result
(** Query the high water marks for the main and test chains, as well as the ID
of the main-chain (string of length 4) recorded by the Ledger Baking app. *)
val set_high_watermark :
val set_high_watermark :
?pp:Format.formatter -> ?buf:Cstruct.t ->
?pp:Format.formatter -> ?buf:Cstruct.t ->
Hidapi.t -> int32 -> (unit, Transport.error) result
Hidapi.t -> int32 -> (unit, Transport.error) result
(** [get_high_watermark ?pp ?buf ledger hwm] reset the high water
(** [set_high_watermark ?pp ?buf ledger hwm] reset the high water
mark on [ledger] to [hwm]. This works with the baking app only. *)
mark on [ledger] to [hwm] for the main-chain.
This works with the baking app only. Use {!setup_baking} to be able to also
reset all the test-chain water mark. *)
val sign :
val sign :
?pp:Format.formatter ->
?pp:Format.formatter ->
Reference in New Issue
Block a user