add alternative definition for operation typing
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
let map_h_2 f g (a , b) = (f a , g b)
let map2 f (a, b) = (f a, f b)
let apply2 f (a, b) = f a b
let list2 (a, b) = [a;b]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
open Trace
let type_constants = [
("unit" , 0) ;
("string" , 0) ;
("nat" , 0) ;
("int" , 0) ;
("bool" , 0) ;
("operation" , 0) ;
("list" , 1) ;
("option" , 1) ;
("set" , 1) ;
("map" , 2) ;
let constants = [
("get_force" , 2) ;
("size" , 1) ;
("int" , 1) ;
module Typer = struct
module Errors = struct
let wrong_param_number = fun name ->
let title () = "wrong number of params" in
let full () = name in
error title full
open Ast_typed
type typer_predicate = type_value list -> bool
type type_result = string * type_value
type typer' = type_value list -> type_value option -> type_result result
type typer = string * (typer_predicate * typer') list
let predicate_0 : typer_predicate = fun lst ->
match lst with
| [] -> true
| _ -> false
let predicate_1 : (type_value -> bool) -> typer_predicate = fun f lst ->
match lst with
| [ a ] -> f a
| _ -> false
let predicate_2 : (type_value -> type_value -> bool) -> typer_predicate = fun f lst ->
match lst with
| [ a ; b ] -> f a b
| _ -> false
let predicate_3 : (type_value -> type_value -> type_value -> bool) -> typer_predicate = fun f lst ->
match lst with
| [ a ; b ; c ] -> f a b c
| _ -> false
let true_1 = predicate_1 (fun _ -> true)
let true_2 = predicate_2 (fun _ _ -> true)
let true_3 = predicate_3 (fun _ _ _ -> true)
let eq_2 : type_value -> typer_predicate = fun v ->
let aux = fun a b -> type_value_eq (a, v) && type_value_eq (b, v) in
predicate_2 aux
let typer'_0 : (type_value option -> type_result result) -> typer' = fun f lst tv ->
match lst with
| [] -> f tv
| _ -> simple_fail "!!!"
let typer'_1 : (type_value -> type_result result) -> typer' = fun f lst _ ->
match lst with
| [ a ] -> f a
| _ -> simple_fail "!!!"
let typer'_2 : (type_value -> type_value -> type_result result) -> typer' = fun f lst _ ->
match lst with
| [ a ; b ] -> f a b
| _ -> simple_fail "!!!"
let typer'_3 : (type_value -> type_value -> type_value -> type_result result) -> typer' = fun f lst _ ->
match lst with
| [ a ; b ; c ] -> f a b c
| _ -> simple_fail "!!!"
let constant_2 : string -> type_value -> typer' = fun s tv ->
let aux = fun _ _ -> ok (s, tv) in
typer'_2 aux
let make_2 : string -> _ list -> typer = fun name pfs ->
(name , (Tuple.map_h_2 predicate_2 typer'_2) pfs)
let same_2 : string -> (string * type_value) list -> typer = fun s lst ->
let aux (s, tv) = eq_2 tv, constant_2 s tv in
(s , aux lst)
let very_same_2 : string -> type_value -> typer = fun s tv -> same_2 s [s , tv]
open Combinators
let comparator : string -> typer = fun s -> s , [
(eq_2 (t_int ()), constant_2 s (t_bool ())) ;
(eq_2 (t_nat ()), constant_2 s (t_bool ())) ;
let boolean_operator_2 : string -> typer = fun s -> very_same_2 s (t_bool ())
let none = "NONE" , [
predicate_0 , typer'_0 (fun tv_opt -> match tv_opt with
| None -> simple_fail "untyped NONE"
| Some t -> ok ("NONE", t))
let some = "SOME" , [
true_1 , typer'_1 (fun s -> ok ("SOME", t_option s ())) ;
let map_remove : typer = "MAP_REMOVE" , [
(true_2 , typer'_2 (fun k m ->
let%bind (src, _) = get_t_map m in
let%bind () = assert_type_value_eq (src, k) in
ok ("MAP_REMOVE", m)
let map_update : typer = "MAP_UPDATE" , [
(true_3 , typer'_3 (fun k v m ->
let%bind (src, dst) = get_t_map m in
let%bind () = assert_type_value_eq (src, k) in
let%bind () = assert_type_value_eq (dst, v) in
ok ("MAP_UPDATE", m)))
let size : typer = "size" , [
(true_1, typer'_1 (fun t ->
let%bind () = bind_or (assert_t_map t, assert_t_list t) in
ok ("SIZE", t_nat ())))
let get_force : typer = "get_force" , [
(true_2, typer'_2 (fun i_ty m_ty ->
let%bind (src, dst) = get_t_map m_ty in
let%bind _ = assert_type_value_eq (src, i_ty) in
ok ("GET_FORCE", dst)))
let int : typer = "int" , [
(true_1, typer'_1 (fun t ->
let%bind () = assert_t_nat t in
ok ("INT", t_int ())))
let constant_typers = Map.String.of_list [
same_2 "ADD" [
("ADD_INT" , t_int ()) ;
("ADD_NAT" , t_nat ()) ;
("CONCAT" , t_string ()) ;
] ;
same_2 "TIMES" [
("TIMES_INT" , t_int ()) ;
("TIMES_NAT" , t_nat ()) ;
] ;
none ;
some ;
comparator "EQ" ;
comparator "LT" ;
comparator "GT" ;
comparator "LE" ;
comparator "GE" ;
boolean_operator_2 "OR" ;
boolean_operator_2 "AND" ;
map_remove ;
map_update ;
int ;
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