Alpha/Test: fix tests failing when tokens_per_roll changes
This commit fixes the tests (except those from which failed when the value of tokens_per_roll (from src/proto_alpha/lib_protocol/src/ changes. Notably, 2 functions were deleted with get next baker by priority from double_baking. They were used only in one test and they were creating pairs of baker and index, but this index did not necessarily correspond to the baker's priority.
This commit is contained in:
@ -67,7 +67,8 @@ let bootstrap_delegate_cannot_change ~fee () =
Context.init 2 >>=? fun (b, bootstrap_contracts) ->
let bootstrap0 = List.nth bootstrap_contracts 0 in
let bootstrap1 = List.nth bootstrap_contracts 1 in
Incremental.begin_construction b >>=? fun i ->
Context.Contract.pkh bootstrap0 >>=? fun pkh1 ->
Incremental.begin_construction b ~policy:(Block.Excluding [pkh1]) >>=? fun i ->
Context.Contract.manager (I i) bootstrap1 >>=? fun manager1 ->
Context.Contract.balance (I i) bootstrap0 >>=? fun balance0 ->
Context.Contract.delegate (I i) bootstrap0 >>=? fun delegate0 ->
@ -44,17 +44,6 @@ let get_first_different_bakers ctxt =
get_first_different_baker baker_1 ( bakers) >>=? fun baker_2 ->
return (baker_1, baker_2)
let get_first_different_baker_priority baker bakers =
return @@ List.find (fun baker' ->
Signature.Public_key_hash.(<>) baker @@ fst baker')
@@ List.mapi (fun i x -> x, i) @@ bakers
let get_first_different_bakers_priority ctxt =
Context.get_bakers ctxt >>=? fun bakers ->
let baker_1 = List.hd bakers in
get_first_different_baker_priority baker_1 bakers >>=? fun baker_2_p ->
return ((baker_1, 0), baker_2_p)
let get_first_different_endorsers ctxt =
Context.get_endorsers ctxt >>=? fun endorsers ->
let endorser_1 = (List.hd endorsers).delegate in
@ -169,19 +158,18 @@ let different_delegates () =
| Apply.Inconsistent_double_baking_evidence _ -> true
| _ -> false end
let wrong_delegate () =
(* Bakes a block with a correct priority and timestamp but
signed by an arbitrary baker *)
let header_custom_signer baker priority b =
Block.Forge.forge_header ~policy:(By_priority priority) b >>=? fun header ->
let wrong_signer () =
(* Baker_2 bakes a block but baker signs it. *)
let header_custom_signer baker baker_2 b =
Block.Forge.forge_header ~policy:(By_account baker_2) b >>=? fun header ->
Block.Forge.set_baker baker header |>
Context.init 2 >>=? fun (b, _) ->
get_first_different_bakers_priority (B b) >>=? fun ((baker_1, _), (_, p_2)) ->
get_first_different_bakers (B b) >>=? fun (baker_1, baker_2) ->
Block.bake ~policy:(By_account baker_1) b >>=? fun blk_a ->
header_custom_signer baker_1 p_2 b >>=? fun header_b ->
header_custom_signer baker_1 baker_2 b >>=? fun header_b ->
Op.double_baking (B blk_a) blk_a.header header_b >>=? fun operation ->
Block.bake ~operation blk_a >>= fun e ->
Assert.proto_error ~loc:__LOC__ e begin function
@ -197,5 +185,5 @@ let tests = [
Test.tztest "too early double baking evidence" `Quick too_early_double_baking_evidence ;
Test.tztest "too late double baking evidence" `Quick too_late_double_baking_evidence ;
Test.tztest "different delegates" `Quick different_delegates ;
Test.tztest "wrong delegate" `Quick wrong_delegate ;
Test.tztest "wrong delegate" `Quick wrong_signer ;
@ -53,8 +53,9 @@ let rpc_ctxt =
new Alpha_environment.proto_rpc_context_of_directory
rpc_context Proto_alpha.rpc_services
let begin_construction ?(priority=0) ?timestamp (predecessor : Block.t) =
Block.get_next_baker ~policy:(Block.By_priority priority)
let begin_construction ?(priority=0) ?timestamp
?(policy=Block.By_priority priority) (predecessor : Block.t) =
Block.get_next_baker ~policy
predecessor >>=? fun (delegate, priority, real_timestamp) ->
Account.find delegate >>=? fun delegate ->
let timestamp = Option.unopt ~default:real_timestamp timestamp in
@ -37,7 +37,9 @@ val level: incremental -> int32
val begin_construction:
?priority:int ->
?timestamp:Time.t ->
Block.t -> incremental tzresult Lwt.t
?policy:Block.baker_policy ->
Block.t ->
incremental tzresult Lwt.t
val add_operation:
?expect_failure:(error list -> unit tzresult Lwt.t) ->
@ -53,11 +53,12 @@ let no_commitment () =
| _ -> false
(** Tests that:
- after baking with a commitment the bond is frozen and the reward allocated
- revealing too early produces an error
- revealing at the right time but the wrong value produces an error
- revealing correctly rewards the baker with the tip
(** Choose a baker, denote it by id. In the first cycle, make id bake only once.
Test that:
- after id bakes with a commitment the bond is frozen and the reward allocated
- when id reveals the nonce too early, there's an error
- when id reveals at the right time but the wrong value, there's an error
- when another baker reveals correctly, it receives the tip
- revealing twice produces an error
- after [preserved cycles] a committer that correctly revealed
receives back the bond and the reward
@ -73,15 +74,18 @@ let revelation_early_wrong_right_twice () =
let blocks_per_commitment = Int32.to_int csts.parametric.blocks_per_commitment in
let preserved_cycles = csts.parametric.preserved_cycles in
(* bake until commitment *)
Block.bake_n (blocks_per_commitment-2) b >>=? fun b ->
(* the next baker [id] will include a seed_nonce commitment *)
(* get the pkh of a baker *)
Block.get_next_baker b >>=? fun (pkh,_,_) ->
let id = Alpha_context.Contract.implicit_contract pkh in
let policy = Block.Excluding [pkh] in
(* bake until commitment, excluding id *)
Block.bake_n ~policy (blocks_per_commitment-2) b >>=? fun b ->
Context.Contract.balance ~kind:Main (B b) id >>=? fun bal_main ->
Context.Contract.balance ~kind:Deposit (B b) id >>=? fun bal_deposit ->
Context.Contract.balance ~kind:Rewards (B b) id >>=? fun bal_rewards ->
Block.bake b >>=? fun b ->
(* the baker [id] will include a seed_nonce commitment *)
Block.bake ~policy:(Block.By_account pkh) b >>=? fun b ->
Context.get_level (B b) >>=? fun level_commitment ->
Context.get_seed_nonce_hash (B b) >>=? fun committed_hash ->
@ -95,14 +99,14 @@ let revelation_early_wrong_right_twice () =
(* test that revealing too early produces an error *)
Op.seed_nonce_revelation (B b) level_commitment (Nonce.get committed_hash) >>=? fun operation ->
Block.bake ~operation b >>= fun e ->
Block.bake ~policy ~operation b >>= fun e ->
let expected = function
| Nonce_storage.Too_early_revelation -> true
| _ -> false in
Assert.proto_error ~loc:__LOC__ e expected >>=? fun () ->
(* finish the cycle excluding the committing baker *)
let policy = Block.Excluding [pkh] in
(* finish the cycle excluding the committing baker, id *)
Block.bake_until_cycle_end ~policy b >>=? fun b ->
(* test that revealing at the right time but the wrong value produces an error *)
@ -121,6 +125,7 @@ let revelation_early_wrong_right_twice () =
Context.Contract.balance ~kind:Main (B b) baker >>=? fun baker_bal_main ->
Context.Contract.balance ~kind:Deposit (B b) baker >>=? fun baker_bal_deposit ->
Context.Contract.balance ~kind:Rewards (B b) baker >>=? fun baker_bal_rewards ->
(* bake the operation in a block *)
Block.bake ~policy ~operation b >>=? fun b ->
@ -135,7 +140,7 @@ let revelation_early_wrong_right_twice () =
(* test that revealing twice produces an error *)
Op.seed_nonce_revelation (B b) level_commitment (Nonce.get wrong_hash) >>=? fun operation ->
Block.bake ~operation b >>= fun e ->
Block.bake ~operation ~policy b >>= fun e ->
Assert.proto_error ~loc:__LOC__ e begin function
| Nonce_storage.Previously_revealed_nonce -> true
| _ -> false
@ -146,6 +151,8 @@ let revelation_early_wrong_right_twice () =
b (1 -- preserved_cycles) >>=? fun b ->
(* test that [id] receives back the bond and the reward *)
(* note that in order to have that new_bal = bal_main + reward,
id can only bake once; this is why we exclude id from all other bake ops. *)
balance_was_credited ~loc:__LOC__
(B b) id ~kind:Main bal_main reward >>=? fun () ->
balance_is ~loc:__LOC__
@ -214,11 +214,15 @@ let transfer_to_originate_with_fee () =
let transfer_amount_of_contract_balance () =
register_two_contracts () >>=? fun (b, contract_1, contract_2) ->
Incremental.begin_construction b >>=? fun b ->
Context.Contract.pkh contract_1 >>=? fun pkh1 ->
(* given that contract_1 no longer has a sufficient balance to bake,
make sure it cannot be chosen as baker *)
Incremental.begin_construction b ~policy:(Block.Excluding [pkh1]) >>=? fun b ->
(* get the balance of the source contract *)
Context.Contract.balance (I b) contract_1 >>=? fun balance ->
(* transfer all the tez inside contract 1 *)
transfer_and_check_balances ~loc:__LOC__ b contract_1 contract_2 balance >>=? fun (b,_) ->
transfer_and_check_balances ~loc:__LOC__
b contract_1 contract_2 balance >>=? fun (b,_) ->
Incremental.finalize_block b >>=? fun _ ->
@ -245,7 +249,10 @@ let transfers_to_self () =
let missing_transaction () =
register_two_contracts () >>=? fun (b, contract_1, contract_2) ->
Incremental.begin_construction b >>=? fun b ->
(* given that contract_1 no longer has a sufficient balance to bake,
make sure it cannot be chosen as baker *)
Context.Contract.pkh contract_1 >>=? fun pkh1 ->
Incremental.begin_construction b ~policy:(Block.Excluding [pkh1]) >>=? fun b ->
two_nth_of_balance b contract_1 6L >>=? fun amount ->
(* do the transfer 3 times from source contract to destination contract *)
n_transactions 3 b contract_1 contract_2 amount >>=? fun b ->
@ -580,9 +587,12 @@ let random_contract contract_array =
let random_transfer () =
Context.init 10 >>=? fun (b, contracts) ->
let contracts = Array.of_list contracts in
Incremental.begin_construction b >>=? fun b ->
let source = random_contract contracts in
let dest = random_contract contracts in
Context.Contract.pkh source >>=? fun source_pkh ->
(* given that source may not have a sufficient balance for the transfer + to bake,
make sure it cannot be chosen as baker *)
Incremental.begin_construction b ~policy:(Block.Excluding [source_pkh]) >>=? fun b ->
Context.Contract.balance (I b) source >>=? fun amount ->
if source = dest
Reference in New Issue
Block a user