Shell: minor rewording in P2p
This commit is contained in:
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ let version_encoding =
(req "minor" int8))
type limits = {
max_packet_size : int ;
max_message_size : int ;
peer_answer_timeout : float ;
expected_connections : int ;
min_connections : int ;
@ -121,14 +121,12 @@ end
module Make (P: PARAMS) = struct
(* Low-level network protocol packets (internal). The protocol is
(* Low-level network protocol messages (internal). The protocol is
completely symmetrical and asynchronous. First both peers must
present their credentials with a [Connect] packet, then any
combination of the other packets can be received at any time. An
present their credentials with a [Connect] message, then any
combination of the other messages can be received at any time. An
exception is the [Disconnect] message, which should mark the end of
transmission (and needs not being replied). The [Unkown] packet is
not a real kind of packet, it means that something indecypherable
was transmitted. *)
transmission (and needs not being replied). *)
type msg =
| Connect of {
gid : string ;
@ -282,7 +280,7 @@ module Make (P: PARAMS) = struct
type net = {
recv_from : unit -> (peer * P.msg) Lwt.t ;
send_to : peer -> P.msg -> unit Lwt.t ;
try_send : peer -> P.msg -> bool ;
try_send_to : peer -> P.msg -> bool ;
broadcast : P.msg -> unit ;
blacklist : ?duration:float -> addr -> unit ;
whitelist : peer -> unit ;
@ -496,11 +494,11 @@ module Make (P: PARAMS) = struct
pp_gid my_gid pp_gid gid Ipaddr.pp_hum addr port ;
| Some _ as res -> res in
(* The packet reception loop. *)
(* The message reception loop. *)
let rec receiver () =
recv ~uncrypt buf >>= fun packet ->
recv ~uncrypt buf >>= fun message ->
last := Unix.gettimeofday () ;
match packet with
match message with
| Connect _
| Disconnect ->
debug "(%a) disconnected (by peer) %a @@ %a:%d"
@ -1252,7 +1250,7 @@ module Make (P: PARAMS) = struct
dequeue_msg ()
and send_to peer msg =
peer.send (Message msg) >>= fun _ -> Lwt.return_unit
and try_send peer msg =
and try_send_to peer msg =
Lwt.async (fun () -> peer.send (Message msg)); true
and broadcast msg =
@ -1310,7 +1308,7 @@ module Make (P: PARAMS) = struct
let net =
{ shutdown ; peers ; find_peer ;
recv_from ; send_to ; try_send ; broadcast ;
recv_from ; send_to ; try_send_to ; broadcast ;
blacklist ; whitelist ; maintain ; roll ;
peer_info ; get_metadata ; set_metadata } in
(* main thread, returns after first successful maintenance *)
@ -1327,7 +1325,7 @@ module Make (P: PARAMS) = struct
let find_peer _ = None in
let recv_from () = infinity in
let send_to _ _ = Lwt.return_unit in
let try_send _ _ = true in
let try_send_to _ _ = true in
let broadcast _ = () in
let blacklist ?duration _ = ignore duration ; () in
let whitelist _ = () in
@ -1337,7 +1335,7 @@ module Make (P: PARAMS) = struct
let get_metadata _ = None in
let set_metadata _ _ = () in
{ shutdown ; peers ; find_peer ;
recv_from ; send_to ; try_send ; broadcast ;
recv_from ; send_to ; try_send_to ; broadcast ;
blacklist ; whitelist ; maintain ; roll ;
peer_info ; get_metadata ; set_metadata }
@ -1349,7 +1347,7 @@ module Make (P: PARAMS) = struct
let peer_info net peer = net.peer_info peer
let recv net = net.recv_from ()
let send net peer msg = net.send_to peer msg
let try_send net peer = net.try_send peer
let try_send net peer msg = net.try_send_to peer msg
let broadcast net msg = net.broadcast msg
let maintain net = net.maintain ()
let roll net = net.roll ()
@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ type config = {
(** Network capacities *)
type limits = {
(** Maximum length in bytes of network messages' payload *)
max_packet_size : int ;
(** Maximum length in bytes of network messages *)
max_message_size : int ;
(** Delay after which a non responding peer is considered dead *)
peer_answer_timeout : float ;
(** Minimum number of connections to reach when staring / maitening *)
@ -129,18 +129,18 @@ module Make (P : PARAMS) : sig
val get_metadata : net -> gid -> P.metadata option
val set_metadata : net -> gid -> P.metadata -> unit
(** Wait for a payload from any peer in the network *)
(** Wait for a message from any peer in the network *)
val recv : net -> (peer * P.msg) Lwt.t
(** Send a payload to a peer and wait for it to be in the tube *)
(** [send net peer msg] is a thread that returns when [msg] has been
successfully enqueued in the send queue. *)
val send : net -> peer -> P.msg -> unit Lwt.t
(** Send a payload to a peer without waiting for the result. Return
[true] if the message can be enqueued in the peer's output queue
or [false] otherwise. *)
(** [try_send net peer msg] is [true] if [msg] has been added to the
send queue for [peer], [false] otherwise *)
val try_send : net -> peer -> P.msg -> bool
(** Send a payload to all peers *)
(** Send a message to all peers *)
val broadcast : net -> P.msg -> unit
(** Shutdown the connection to all peers at this address and stop the
@ -67,12 +67,12 @@ type msg =
(** Wait for a payload from any peer in the network *)
val recv : net -> (peer * msg) Lwt.t
(** Send a payload to a peer and wait for it to be in the tube *)
(** [send net peer msg] is a thread that returns when [msg] has been
successfully enqueued in the send queue. *)
val send : net -> peer -> msg -> unit Lwt.t
(** Send a payload to a peer without waiting for the result. Return
[true] if the msg can be enqueued in the peer's output queue
or [false] otherwise. *)
(** [try_send net peer msg] is [true] if [msg] has been added to the
send queue for [peer], [false] otherwise *)
val try_send : net -> peer -> msg -> bool
(** Send a payload to all peers *)
@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ let init_node { sandbox ; sandbox_param ;
| Some _ -> None
| None ->
let limits =
{ max_packet_size = 10_000 ;
{ max_message_size = 10_000 ;
peer_answer_timeout = 5. ;
expected_connections ;
min_connections ;
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ let main () =
let known_peers = ref [] in
let closed_network = ref false in
let max_packet_size = ref 1024 in
let max_message_size = ref 1024 in
let peer_answer_timeout = ref 10. in
let expected_connections = ref 1 in
let min_connections = ref 0 in
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ let main () =
"-peers-file", Set_string peers_file, " Peers filepath";
"-closed", Set closed_network, " Closed network mode";
"-max-packet-size", Set_int max_packet_size, "int Max size of packets";
"-max-message-size", Set_int max_message_size, "int Max size of messages";
"-peer-answer-timeout", Set_float peer_answer_timeout, "float Number of seconds";
"-expected-connections", Set_int expected_connections, "conns Expected connections";
"-min-connections", Set_int min_connections, "conns Minimal number of connections";
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ let main () =
let limits = {
max_packet_size = !max_packet_size;
max_message_size = !max_message_size;
peer_answer_timeout = !peer_answer_timeout;
expected_connections = !expected_connections;
min_connections = !min_connections;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user