CLI clean
This commit is contained in:
@ -125,12 +125,17 @@ let measure_contract =
(term , ~doc cmdname)
let compile_parameter =
let f source_file _entry_point expression syntax display_format michelson_format =
let f source_file entry_point expression syntax display_format michelson_format =
toplevel ~display_format @@
let%bind v_syntax = Helpers.syntax_to_variant (Syntax_name syntax) (Some source_file) in
let%bind (_,state,env) = Compile.source_to_typed (Syntax_name syntax) source_file in
let%bind compiled_exp = Compile.source_expression_to_michelson_value_as_function ~env ~state expression v_syntax in
let%bind value = Run.evaluate_michelson compiled_exp in
source_to_michelson_contract will fail if the entry_point does not point to a michelson contract
but we do not check that the type of the parameter matches the type of the given expression
let%bind (_,(_,state,env)) = Compile.source_to_michelson_contract (Syntax_name syntax) source_file entry_point in
let%bind compiled_exp = Compile.source_expression_to_michelson ~env ~state expression v_syntax in
let%bind value = Run.evaluate_expression compiled_exp.expr compiled_exp.expr_ty in
ok @@ Format.asprintf "%a\n" (Main.Display.michelson_pp michelson_format) value
let term =
@ -140,12 +145,17 @@ let compile_parameter =
(term , ~doc cmdname)
let compile_storage =
let f source_file _entry_point expression syntax display_format michelson_format =
let f source_file entry_point expression syntax display_format michelson_format =
toplevel ~display_format @@
let%bind v_syntax = Helpers.syntax_to_variant (Syntax_name syntax) (Some source_file) in
let%bind (_,state,env) = Compile.source_to_typed (Syntax_name syntax) source_file in
let%bind compiled = Compile.source_expression_to_michelson_value_as_function ~env ~state expression v_syntax in
let%bind value = Run.evaluate_michelson compiled in
let%bind v_syntax = Helpers.syntax_to_variant (Syntax_name syntax) (Some source_file) in
source_to_michelson_contract will fail if the entry_point does not point to a michelson contract
but we do not check that the type of the storage matches the type of the given expression
let%bind (_,(_,state,env)) = Compile.source_to_michelson_contract (Syntax_name syntax) source_file entry_point in
let%bind compiled_exp = Compile.source_expression_to_michelson ~env ~state expression v_syntax in
let%bind value = Run.evaluate_expression compiled_exp.expr compiled_exp.expr_ty in
ok @@ Format.asprintf "%a\n" (Main.Display.michelson_pp michelson_format) value
let term =
@ -159,11 +169,11 @@ let dry_run =
toplevel ~display_format @@
let%bind v_syntax = Helpers.syntax_to_variant (Syntax_name syntax) (Some source_file) in
let%bind (_,(typed_program,state,env)) = Compile.source_to_michelson_contract (Syntax_name syntax) source_file entry_point in
let%bind compiled_param = Compile.source_contract_input_to_michelson_value_as_function ~env ~state (storage,input) v_syntax in
let%bind michelson = Compile.typed_to_michelson_contract_as_exp typed_program entry_point in
let%bind args_michelson = Run.evaluate_michelson compiled_param in
let%bind compiled_parameter = Compile.source_contract_param_to_michelson ~env ~state (storage,input) v_syntax in
let%bind michelson = Compile.typed_to_michelson_fun typed_program entry_point in
let%bind args_michelson = Run.evaluate_expression compiled_parameter.expr compiled_parameter.expr_ty in
let%bind options = Run.make_dry_run_options {amount ; sender ; source } in
let%bind michelson_output = Run.run_contract ~options michelson.expr michelson.expr_ty args_michelson true in
let%bind michelson_output = Run.run_function ~options michelson.expr michelson.expr_ty args_michelson true in
let%bind simplified_output = Uncompile.uncompile_typed_program_entry_function_result typed_program entry_point michelson_output in
ok @@ Format.asprintf "%a\n" Ast_simplified.PP.expression simplified_output
@ -178,11 +188,11 @@ let run_function =
toplevel ~display_format @@
let%bind v_syntax = Helpers.syntax_to_variant (Syntax_name syntax) (Some source_file) in
let%bind (typed_program,state,env) = Compile.source_to_typed (Syntax_name syntax) source_file in
let%bind compiled_parameter = Compile.source_expression_to_michelson_value_as_function ~env ~state parameter v_syntax in
let%bind michelson = Compile.typed_to_michelson_program typed_program entry_point in
let%bind args_michelson = Run.evaluate_michelson compiled_parameter in
let%bind compiled_parameter = Compile.source_expression_to_michelson ~env ~state parameter v_syntax in
let%bind michelson = Compile.typed_to_michelson_fun typed_program entry_point in
let%bind args_michelson = Run.evaluate_expression compiled_parameter.expr compiled_parameter.expr_ty in
let%bind options = Run.make_dry_run_options {amount ; sender ; source } in
let%bind michelson_output = ~options michelson args_michelson in
let%bind michelson_output = Run.run_function ~options michelson.expr michelson.expr_ty args_michelson false in
let%bind simplified_output = Uncompile.uncompile_typed_program_entry_function_result typed_program entry_point michelson_output in
ok @@ Format.asprintf "%a\n" Ast_simplified.PP.expression simplified_output
@ -196,9 +206,9 @@ let evaluate_value =
let f source_file entry_point amount sender source syntax display_format =
toplevel ~display_format @@
let%bind (typed_program,_,_) = Compile.source_to_typed (Syntax_name syntax) source_file in
let%bind contract = Compile.typed_to_michelson_value_as_function typed_program entry_point in
let%bind compiled = Compile.typed_to_michelson_expression typed_program entry_point in
let%bind options = Run.make_dry_run_options {amount ; sender ; source } in
let%bind michelson_output = Run.evaluate ~options contract in
let%bind michelson_output = Run.run_exp ~options compiled.expr compiled.expr_ty in
let%bind simplified_output = Uncompile.uncompile_typed_program_entry_expression_result typed_program entry_point michelson_output in
ok @@ Format.asprintf "%a\n" Ast_simplified.PP.expression simplified_output
@ -212,10 +222,10 @@ let compile_expression =
let f expression syntax display_format michelson_format =
toplevel ~display_format @@
let%bind v_syntax = Helpers.syntax_to_variant (Syntax_name syntax) (None) in
let%bind compiled = Compile.source_expression_to_michelson_value_as_function
let%bind compiled = Compile.source_expression_to_michelson
~env:(Ast_typed.Environment.full_empty) ~state:(Typer.Solver.initial_state)
expression v_syntax in
let%bind value = Run.evaluate_michelson compiled in
let%bind value = Run.evaluate_expression compiled.expr compiled.expr_ty in
ok @@ Format.asprintf "%a\n" (Main.Display.michelson_pp michelson_format) value
let term =
@ -33,19 +33,32 @@ let compile_function_entry = fun program name ->
(* new *)
let compile_contract : expression -> Compiler.compiled_expression result = fun e ->
let%bind (input , _) = get_t_function e.type_value in
(*TODO rename to compile_function ; see if can be merge with compile expression ? do the same match as in get_t_function and done. ? *)
let compile_function_expression : expression -> Compiler.compiled_expression result = fun e ->
let%bind (input_ty , _) = get_t_function e.type_value in
let%bind body = get_function e in
let%bind body = Compiler.Program.translate_function_body body [] input in
let%bind body = Compiler.Program.translate_function_body body [] input_ty in
let expr = Self_michelson.optimize body in
let%bind expr_ty = Compiler.Type.Ty.type_ e.type_value in
let open! Compiler.Program in
ok { expr_ty ; expr }
let compile_contract_as_exp = fun program name ->
let compile_expression : expression -> Compiler.compiled_expression result = fun e ->
let%bind expr = Compiler.Program.translate_expression e Compiler.Environment.empty in
let expr = Self_michelson.optimize expr in
let%bind expr_ty = Compiler.Type.Ty.type_ e.type_value in
let open! Compiler.Program in
ok { expr_ty ; expr }
let aggregate_and_compile_function = fun program name ->
let%bind aggregated = aggregate_entry program name false in
let aggregated = Self_mini_c.all_expression aggregated in
compile_contract aggregated
compile_function_expression aggregated
let aggregate_and_compile_expression = fun program name ->
let%bind aggregated = aggregate_entry program name true in
let aggregated = Self_mini_c.all_expression aggregated in
compile_expression aggregated
let build_contract : Compiler.compiled_expression -> Michelson.michelson result =
fun compiled ->
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
open Trace
(* will keep *)
let source_to_typed syntax source_file =
let%bind simplified = Of_source.compile source_file syntax in
let%bind typed,state = Of_simplified.compile simplified in
@ -10,6 +11,7 @@ let source_to_typed_expression ~env ~state parameter syntax =
let%bind simplified = Of_source.compile_expression syntax parameter in
let%bind (typed,_) = Of_simplified.compile_expression ~env ~state simplified in
ok typed
(* will keep *)
let typed_to_michelson_program
(typed: Ast_typed.program) (entry_point:string) : Compiler.compiled_program result =
@ -42,14 +44,31 @@ let source_contract_input_to_michelson_value_as_function ~env ~state (storage,pa
typed_expression_to_michelson_value_as_function typed
(* new *)
let typed_to_michelson_contract_as_exp
let typed_to_michelson_fun
(typed: Ast_typed.program) (entry_point:string) : Compiler.compiled_expression result =
let%bind mini_c = Of_typed.compile typed in
Of_mini_c.compile_contract_as_exp mini_c entry_point
Of_mini_c.aggregate_and_compile_function mini_c entry_point
(* produce a michelson contract e.g. the following sequence K_param ; K_storage ; K_code *)
let typed_to_michelson_expression
(typed: Ast_typed.program) (entry_point:string) : Compiler.compiled_expression result =
let%bind mini_c = Of_typed.compile typed in
Of_mini_c.aggregate_and_compile_expression mini_c entry_point
let source_expression_to_michelson ~env ~state parameter syntax =
let%bind typed = source_to_typed_expression ~env ~state parameter syntax in
let%bind mini_c = Of_typed.compile_expression typed in
Of_mini_c.compile_expression mini_c
let source_contract_param_to_michelson ~env ~state (storage,parameter) syntax =
let%bind simplified = Of_source.compile_contract_input storage parameter syntax in
let%bind typed,_ = Of_simplified.compile_expression ~env ~state simplified in
let%bind mini_c = Of_typed.compile_expression typed in
Of_mini_c.compile_expression mini_c
(* produce a michelson contract e.g. the following sequence K_param ; K_storage ; K_code.
and fails if the produced contract isn't valid *)
let source_to_michelson_contract syntax source_file entry_point =
let%bind (typed,state,env) = source_to_typed syntax source_file in
let%bind michelson = typed_to_michelson_contract_as_exp typed entry_point in
let%bind michelson = typed_to_michelson_fun typed entry_point in
let%bind contract = Of_mini_c.build_contract michelson in
ok (contract, (typed,state,env))
@ -124,37 +124,14 @@ let pack_payload (payload:Michelson.t) ty =
Memory_proto_alpha.pack ty payload in
ok @@ data
type ex_option =
Ex_option : 'a option -> ex_option
let f : ex_option -> _ = fun exo ->
let (Ex_option x) = exo in
match x with
| None -> 0
| Some x' -> 1 (*x' varialbe de tpy existentiel*)
(* Some x' : j'essaie defenir x', et je le sors pas de la function, donc c bon*)
type ex = Ex : 'a -> ex
let f = fun x -> let (Ex x') = x in x' (* la ca sort *)
(* | Pair_t :
('a ty * field_annot option * var_annot option) *
('b ty * field_annot option * var_annot option) *
type_annot option *
bool -> ('a, 'b) pair ty *)
(* new *)
let fetch_lambda_types (contract_ty:ex_ty) =
match contract_ty with
| Ex_ty (Lambda_t (in_ty, out_ty, _)) -> ok (Ex_ty in_ty, Ex_ty out_ty)
| _ -> simple_fail "failed to fetch lambda types"
(* type run_res = Failwith of failwith_res | Success of ex_typed_value
let run_bis ?options (exp:Michelson.t) (input_michelson:Michelson.t) (is_contract:bool) : run_res result = *)
let run_contract ?options (exp:Michelson.t) (exp_type:ex_ty) (input_michelson:Michelson.t) (is_contract:bool) : ex_typed_value result =
(* type run_res = Failwith of failwith_res | Success of ex_typed_value *)
let run_function ?options (exp:Michelson.t) (exp_type:ex_ty) (input_michelson:Michelson.t) (is_contract:bool) : ex_typed_value result =
let open! Tezos_raw_protocol_005_PsBabyM1 in
let%bind (Ex_ty input_ty, Ex_ty output_ty) = fetch_lambda_types exp_type in
let%bind input =
@ -179,21 +156,14 @@ let run_contract ?options (exp:Michelson.t) (exp_type:ex_ty) (input_michelson:Mi
(Item(input, Empty))
ok (Ex_typed_value (output_ty, output))
let run_exp ?options (exp:Michelson.t) (*add the type*) : ex_typed_value result =
let%bind exp_type =
Trace.trace_tzresult_lwt (simple_error "error getting expression type") @@
Memory_proto_alpha.parse_michelson_ty exp in
let run_exp ?options (exp:Michelson.t) (exp_type:ex_ty) : ex_typed_value result =
let open! Tezos_raw_protocol_005_PsBabyM1 in
let (Ex_ty exp_type') = exp_type in
let%bind ((top_level : tc_context), ty_stack_before, ty_stack_after) =
ok @@ (
Script_typed_ir.Item_t (exp_type', Empty_t, None) )
let exp = Michelson.strip_annots exp in
let top_level = Script_ir_translator.Lambda
and ty_stack_before = Script_typed_ir.Empty_t
and ty_stack_after = Script_typed_ir.Item_t (exp_type', Empty_t, None) in
let%bind descr =
Trace.trace_tzresult_lwt (simple_error "error parsing program code") @@
Memory_proto_alpha.parse_michelson ~top_level exp ty_stack_before ty_stack_after in
@ -201,6 +171,8 @@ let run_exp ?options (exp:Michelson.t) (*add the type*) : ex_typed_value result
let%bind (Item(output, Empty)) =
Trace.trace_tzresult_lwt (simple_error "error of execution") @@
Memory_proto_alpha.interpret ?options descr Empty in
(* TODO stack type : unit::empty *)
ok (Ex_typed_value (exp_type', output))
let evaluate_expression ?options exp exp_type =
let%bind etv = run_exp ?options exp exp_type in
ex_value_ty_to_michelson etv
@ -122,11 +122,11 @@ end
Converts `expr` in `fun () -> expr`.
let functionalize (body : expression) : expression =
let content = E_closure { binder = Var.fresh () ; body } in
let type_value = t_function t_unit body.type_value in
{ content ; type_value }
let get_entry (lst : program) (name : string) : (expression * int) result =
let%bind entry_expression =
@ -166,10 +166,21 @@ let get_entry (lst : program) (name : string) : (expression * int) result =
x + y
The entry-point can be an expression, which is then functionalized if
`to_functionalize` is set to true.
The entry-point can be an expression. In that case the following code:
const x = 42
const y = 120
const z = 423
const some_exp = x+y
Is transformed in:
let x = 42 in
let y = 120 in
let z = 423 in
let aggregate_entry (lst : program) (name : string) (to_functionalize : bool) : expression result =
let aggregate_entry (lst : program) (name : string) (is_exp : bool) : expression result =
let%bind (entry_expression , entry_index) = get_entry lst name in
let pre_declarations = List.until entry_index lst in
let wrapper =
@ -179,7 +190,7 @@ let aggregate_entry (lst : program) (name : string) (to_functionalize : bool) :
fun expr -> List.fold_right' aux expr pre_declarations
match (entry_expression.content , to_functionalize) with
match (entry_expression.content , is_exp) with
| (E_closure l , false) -> (
let l' = { l with body = wrapper l.body } in
let%bind t' =
@ -193,7 +204,7 @@ let aggregate_entry (lst : program) (name : string) (to_functionalize : bool) :
ok e'
| (_ , true) -> (
ok @@ functionalize @@ wrapper entry_expression
ok @@ wrapper entry_expression
| _ -> (
Format.printf "Not functional: %a\n" PP.expression entry_expression ;
@ -16,9 +16,8 @@ let get_program =
let compile_main () =
let%bind program,_ = get_program () in
let%bind michelson = Compile.Wrapper.typed_to_michelson_value_as_function program "main" in
let%bind _ex_ty_value = Ligo.Run.Of_michelson.evaluate michelson in
let%bind _ = Compile.Wrapper.source_to_michelson_contract
(Syntax_name "pascaligo") "./contracts/multisig.ligo" "main" in
ok ()
open Ast_simplified
@ -16,9 +16,7 @@ let get_program =
let compile_main () =
let%bind program,_ = get_program () in
let%bind michelson = Compile.Wrapper.typed_to_michelson_value_as_function program "main" in
let%bind _ex_ty_value = Ligo.Run.Of_michelson.evaluate michelson in
let%bind _ = Compile.Wrapper.source_to_michelson_contract (Syntax_name "pascaligo") "./contracts/multisig-v2.ligo" "main" in
ok ()
open Ast_simplified
@ -97,8 +97,8 @@ let expect_fail_typed_program_with_simplified_input ?options
let run_typed_value_as_function
(program: Ast_typed.program) (entry_point:string) : Ast_simplified.expression result =
let%bind michelson_value_as_f = Compile.Wrapper.typed_to_michelson_value_as_function program entry_point in
let%bind result = Ligo.Run.Of_michelson.evaluate michelson_value_as_f in
let%bind michelson_value_as_f = Compile.Wrapper.typed_to_michelson_expression program entry_point in
let%bind result = Ligo.Run.Of_michelson.run_exp michelson_value_as_f.expr michelson_value_as_f.expr_ty in
Uncompile.uncompile_typed_program_entry_expression_result program entry_point result
let expect ?options program entry_point input expecter =
Reference in New Issue
Block a user