diff --git a/src/lib_client_base/client_confirmations.ml b/src/lib_client_base/client_confirmations.ml
index 5102a8158..fe2a3d2a1 100644
--- a/src/lib_client_base/client_confirmations.ml
+++ b/src/lib_client_base/client_confirmations.ml
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ let in_block operation_hash operations =
                raise (Found (i,j))) ops)
       operations ;
-  with Found (i,j) -> Some (i, j) 
+  with Found (i,j) -> Some (i, j)
 let wait_for_bootstrapped (ctxt : #Client_context.full) =
   let display = ref false in
@@ -59,13 +59,22 @@ let wait_for_bootstrapped (ctxt : #Client_context.full) =
   ctxt#answer "Node is bootstrapped, ready for injecting operations." >>= fun () ->
+type operation_status =
+  | Confirmed of (Block_hash.t * int * int)
+  | Pending
+  | Still_not_found
 let wait_for_operation_inclusion
     (ctxt : #Client_context.full)
     ?(predecessors = 10)
     ?(confirmations = 1)
+    ?branch
     operation_hash =
+  let exception WrapError of error list in
+  let exception Outdated of Operation_hash.t in
   (* Table of known blocks:
      - None: if neither the block or its predecessors contains the operation
      - (Some ((hash, i, j), n)):
@@ -109,54 +118,82 @@ let wait_for_operation_inclusion
           (n+1) Block_hash.pp hash >>= fun () ->
         Block_hash.Table.add blocks hash (Some (block_with_op, n+1)) ;
         if n+1 < confirmations then begin
-          return_none
+          return Pending
         end else
-          return_some block_with_op
+          return (Confirmed block_with_op)
     | None ->
           ctxt ~chain ~block () >>=? fun operations ->
         match in_block operation_hash operations with
         | None ->
             Block_hash.Table.add blocks hash None ;
-            return_none
+            return Still_not_found
         | Some (i, j) -> begin
               "Operation found in block: %a (pass: %d, offset: %d)"
               Block_hash.pp hash i j >>= fun () ->
             Block_hash.Table.add blocks hash (Some ((hash, i, j), 0)) ;
             if confirmations <= 0 then
-              return_some (hash, i, j)
-            else begin
-              return_none
-            end
+              return (Confirmed (hash, i, j))
+            else
+              return Pending
           end in
+  (* Checks if the given branch is considered alive.*)
+  let check_branch_alive () =
+    match branch with
+    | Some branch_hash ->
+        Shell_services.Blocks.live_blocks
+          ctxt ~chain ~block:(`Head 0) () >>= begin function
+          | Ok live_blocks ->
+              if Block_hash.Set.mem branch_hash live_blocks then
+                Lwt.return_unit
+              else
+                ctxt#error
+                  "The operation %a is outdated and may \
+                   never be included in the chain.@,\
+                   We recommand to use an external block explorer."
+                  Operation_hash.pp operation_hash >>= fun () ->
+                Lwt.fail (Outdated operation_hash)
+          | Error err -> Lwt.fail (WrapError err)
+        end
+    | None -> Lwt.return_unit
+  in
   Shell_services.Monitor.heads ctxt chain >>=? fun (stream, stop) ->
   Lwt_stream.get stream >>= function
   | None -> assert false
   | Some (head, _) ->
       let rec loop n =
         if n >= 0 then
+          (*Search for the operation in the n head predecessors*)
           let block = `Hash (head, n) in
           Shell_services.Blocks.hash ctxt ~chain ~block () >>=? fun hash ->
           Shell_services.Blocks.Header.shell_header ctxt
             ~chain ~block () >>=? fun shell ->
           process hash shell >>=? function
-          | Some block ->
+          | Confirmed block ->
               stop () ;
               return block
-          | None ->
+          | Pending | Still_not_found ->
               loop (n-1)
-          let exception WrapError of error list in
+          (*Search for the operation in new heads*)
             (fun () ->
+               (*Fetching potential unknown blocks from potential new heads*)
                let stream = Lwt_stream.map_list_s fetch_predecessors stream in
                  (fun (hash, header) ->
                     process hash header >>= function
-                    | Ok None -> Lwt.return_false
-                    | Ok (Some _) -> Lwt.return_true
+                    | Ok Pending ->
+                        Lwt.return_false
+                    | Ok Still_not_found ->
+                        check_branch_alive () >>= fun () ->
+                        Lwt.return_false
+                    | Ok (Confirmed _) ->
+                        Lwt.return_true
                     | Error err ->
                         Lwt.fail (WrapError err)) stream >>= return)
@@ -170,29 +207,42 @@ let wait_for_operation_inclusion
               | None | Some None -> assert false
               | Some (Some (hash, _)) ->
                   return hash in
+      begin
+        match branch with
+        | Some branch_hash ->
+            Shell_services.Blocks.Header.shell_header
+              ctxt ~chain ~block:(`Hash(branch_hash,0)) () >>=? fun branch_header ->
+            let branch_level = branch_header.Block_header.level in
+            Shell_services.Blocks.Header.shell_header
+              ctxt ~chain ~block:(`Hash (head,0)) () >>=? fun head_shell ->
+            let head_level = head_shell.Block_header.level in
+            return (Int32.(to_int (sub head_level branch_level)))
+        | None -> return predecessors
+      end
+      >>=? fun block_hook ->
-        ctxt ~block:(`Hash (head, predecessors+1)) () >>=? fun oldest ->
+        ctxt ~block:(`Hash (head, block_hook+1)) () >>=? fun oldest ->
       Block_hash.Table.add blocks oldest None ;
-      loop predecessors
+      loop block_hook
 let lookup_operation_in_previous_block ctxt chain operation_hash i =
-  Block_services.Empty.hash ctxt ~block:(`Head i) () 
+  Block_services.Empty.hash ctxt ~block:(`Head i) ()
   >>=? fun block ->
-  Shell_services.Blocks.Operation_hashes.operation_hashes ctxt ~chain 
+  Shell_services.Blocks.Operation_hashes.operation_hashes ctxt ~chain
     ~block:(`Hash (block, 0)) ()
-  >>=? fun operations -> 
+  >>=? fun operations ->
   match in_block operation_hash operations with
   | None -> return_none
-  | Some (a, b) -> return_some (block, a, b) 
+  | Some (a, b) -> return_some (block, a, b)
 let lookup_operation_in_previous_blocks
     (ctxt : #Client_context.full)
     operation_hash =
-  let rec loop i = 
+  let rec loop i =
     if i = predecessors + 1 then
-      return_none 
+      return_none
     else begin
       lookup_operation_in_previous_block ctxt chain operation_hash i >>=?
@@ -200,4 +250,4 @@ let lookup_operation_in_previous_blocks
       | Some (block, a, b) -> return_some (block, a, b)
-  loop 0
\ No newline at end of file
+  loop 0
diff --git a/src/lib_client_base/client_confirmations.mli b/src/lib_client_base/client_confirmations.mli
index d7ef6fa31..21332860f 100644
--- a/src/lib_client_base/client_confirmations.mli
+++ b/src/lib_client_base/client_confirmations.mli
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ val wait_for_operation_inclusion:
   chain:Chain_services.chain ->
   ?predecessors:int ->
   ?confirmations:int ->
+  ?branch:Block_hash.t ->
   Operation_hash.t ->
   (Block_hash.t * int * int) tzresult Lwt.t
@@ -48,4 +49,4 @@ val lookup_operation_in_previous_blocks:
   chain:Block_services.chain ->
   predecessors:int ->
   Operation_list_hash.elt ->
-  (Block_hash.t * int * int) option tzresult Lwt.t
\ No newline at end of file
+  (Block_hash.t * int * int) option tzresult Lwt.t
diff --git a/src/proto_alpha/lib_client/injection.ml b/src/proto_alpha/lib_client/injection.ml
index 42d6d8053..a832fb01f 100644
--- a/src/proto_alpha/lib_client/injection.ml
+++ b/src/proto_alpha/lib_client/injection.ml
@@ -551,14 +551,14 @@ let inject_operation
       | None ->
           cctxt#message "@[<v 0>NOT waiting for the operation to be included.@,\
                          Use command@,\
-                        \  tezos-client wait for %a to be included --confirmations 30@,\
+                        \  tezos-client wait for %a to be included --confirmations 30 --branch %a@,\
                          and/or an external block explorer to make sure that it has been included.@]"
-            Operation_hash.pp oph >>= fun () ->
+            Operation_hash.pp oph Block_hash.pp op.shell.branch >>= fun () ->
           return result
       | Some confirmations ->
           cctxt#message "Waiting for the operation to be included..." >>= fun () ->
-            ~confirmations cctxt ~chain oph >>=? fun (h, i , j) ->
+            ~branch:op.shell.branch ~confirmations cctxt ~chain oph >>=? fun (h, i , j) ->
             cctxt ~block:(`Hash (h, 0)) i j >>=? fun op' ->
           match op'.receipt with
@@ -594,9 +594,10 @@ let inject_operation
               "@[<v 0>The operation has only been included %d blocks ago.@,\
                We recommend to wait more.@,\
                Use command@,\
-              \  tezos-client wait for %a to be included --confirmations 30@,\
+              \  tezos-client wait for %a to be included --confirmations 30 \
+               --branch %a@,\
                and/or an external block explorer.@]"
-              number Operation_hash.pp oph
+              number Operation_hash.pp oph Block_hash.pp op.shell.branch
     end >>= fun () ->
     return (oph, op.protocol_data.contents, result.contents)
diff --git a/src/proto_alpha/lib_client_commands/client_proto_context_commands.ml b/src/proto_alpha/lib_client_commands/client_proto_context_commands.ml
index 69d2c80ab..327ccb9a1 100644
--- a/src/proto_alpha/lib_client_commands/client_proto_context_commands.ml
+++ b/src/proto_alpha/lib_client_commands/client_proto_context_commands.ml
@@ -73,6 +73,12 @@ let non_negative_param =
       | Some i when i >= 0 -> return i
       | _ -> failwith "Parameter should be a non-negative integer literal")
+let block_hash_param =
+  Clic.parameter (fun _ s ->
+      try return (Block_hash.of_b58check_exn s)
+      with _ ->
+        failwith "Parameter '%s' is an invalid block hash" s)
 let group =
   { Clic.name = "context" ;
     title = "Block contextual commands (see option -block)" }
@@ -567,11 +573,12 @@ let commands version () =
     ]) @
     command ~desc:"Wait until an operation is included in a block"
-      (args2
+      (args3
-            ~doc:"do not end until after 'N' additional blocks after the operation appears"
+            ~doc:"wait until 'N' additional blocks after the operation \
+                  appears in the considered chain"
@@ -579,7 +586,12 @@ let commands version () =
             ~doc:"number of previous blocks to check"
-            non_negative_param))
+            non_negative_param)
+         (arg
+            ~long:"branch"
+            ~placeholder:"block_hash"
+            ~doc:"hash of the oldest block where we should look for the operation"
+            block_hash_param))
       (prefixes [ "wait" ; "for" ]
        @@ param
@@ -591,9 +603,9 @@ let commands version () =
                | Some hash -> return hash))
        @@ prefixes [ "to" ; "be" ; "included" ]
        @@ stop)
-      begin fun (confirmations, predecessors) operation_hash (ctxt : Proto_alpha.full) ->
+      begin fun (confirmations, predecessors, branch) operation_hash (ctxt : Proto_alpha.full) ->
         Client_confirmations.wait_for_operation_inclusion ctxt
-          ~chain:`Main ~confirmations ~predecessors operation_hash >>=? fun _ ->
+          ~chain:`Main ~confirmations ~predecessors ?branch operation_hash >>=? fun _ ->
       end ;