The preprocessor library depends now on the kinds of comments
instead of a closed set of languages. I also removed the offsets: I simply use the current region to determine whether the preprocessing directie starts at the beginning of a line. I also removed scanning line indicators, to make the lexer simpler.
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ module Region = Simple_utils.Region
let highlight msg = Printf.eprintf "\027[31m%s\027[0m%!" msg
let options = EvalOpt.(read ~lang:`PascaLIGO ~ext:".ligo")
let options = ".ligo" (* No comments allowed *)
let lex in_chan =
let buffer = Lexing.from_channel in_chan in
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ module Region = Simple_utils.Region
let highlight msg = Printf.eprintf "\027[31m%s\027[0m%!" msg
let options = EvalOpt.(read ~lang:`PascaLIGO ~ext:".ligo")
let options = ".ligo" (* No comments allowed *)
let parse in_chan =
let buffer = Lexing.from_channel in_chan in
@ -2,29 +2,33 @@
(* The type [options] gathers the command-line options. *)
type language = [`PascaLIGO | `CameLIGO | `ReasonLIGO]
let lang_to_string = function
`PascaLIGO -> "PascaLIGO"
| `CameLIGO -> "CameLIGO"
| `ReasonLIGO -> "ReasonLIGO"
module SSet = Set.Make (String)
type line_comment = string (* Opening of a line comment *)
type block_comment = <opening : string; closing : string>
let mk_block ~opening ~closing : block_comment =
method opening = opening
method closing = closing
type options = <
input : string option;
libs : string list;
verbose : SSet.t;
offsets : bool;
lang : language;
ext : string (* ".ligo", ".mligo", ".religo" *)
block : block_comment option;
line : line_comment option;
ext : string
let make ~input ~libs ~lang ~offsets ~verbose ~ext : options =
let make ~input ~libs ?block ?line ~offsets ~verbose ~ext : options =
method input = input
method libs = libs
method lang = lang
method block = block
method line = line
method offsets = offsets
method verbose = verbose
method ext = ext
@ -47,10 +51,10 @@ let abort msg =
(* Help *)
let help lang ext () =
let help ext () =
let file = Filename.basename Sys.argv.(0) in
printf "Usage: %s [<option> ...] [<input>%s | \"-\"]\n" file ext;
printf "where <input>%s is the %s source file (default: stdin),\n" ext lang;
printf "where <input>%s is the LIGO source file (default: stdin),\n" ext;
print "and each <option> (if any) is one of the following:";
print " -I <paths> Inclusion paths (colon-separated)";
print " --columns Columns for source locations";
@ -74,11 +78,10 @@ let add_verbose d =
verbose := List.fold_left (fun x y -> SSet.add y x)
(split_at_colon d)
let specs lang ext =
let lang_str = lang_to_string lang in
let open!Getopt in [
let specs ext =
let open! Getopt in [
'I', nolong, None, Some add_path;
'h', "help", Some (help lang_str ext), None;
'h', "help", Some (help ext), None;
noshort, "columns", set columns true, None;
noshort, "verbose", None, Some add_verbose
@ -92,7 +95,7 @@ let anonymous arg =
(* Checking options and exporting them as non-mutable values *)
let check lang ext =
let check ?block ?line ~ext =
let libs = !libs
and offsets = not !columns
@ -109,16 +112,18 @@ let check lang ext =
else abort "Source file not found."
else abort ("Source file lacks the extension " ^ ext ^ ".")
in make ~input ~libs ~lang ~offsets ~verbose ~ext
in make ~input ~libs ?block ?line ~offsets ~verbose ~ext
(* Parsing the command-line options *)
let read ~lang:(lang : language) ~ext:(ext : string) =
type extension = string
let read ?block ?line (ext: extension) =
Getopt.parse_cmdline (specs lang ext) anonymous;
Getopt.parse_cmdline (specs ext) anonymous;
(verb_str :=
let apply e a =
if a = "" then e else sprintf "%s, %s" e a
in SSet.fold apply !verbose "");
check lang ext
check ?block ?line ~ext
with Getopt.Error msg -> abort msg
@ -2,25 +2,28 @@
(* The type [options] gathers the command-line options. *)
type language = [`PascaLIGO | `CameLIGO | `ReasonLIGO]
val lang_to_string : language -> string
module SSet : Set.S with type elt = string and type t = Set.Make(String).t
type line_comment = string (* Opening of a line comment *)
type block_comment = <opening : string; closing : string>
val mk_block : opening:string -> closing:string -> block_comment
type options = <
input : string option;
libs : string list;
verbose : SSet.t;
offsets : bool;
lang : language;
ext : string (* ".ligo", ".mligo", ".religo" *)
block : block_comment option;
line : line_comment option;
ext : string
val make :
input:string option ->
libs:string list ->
lang:language ->
?block:block_comment ->
?line:line_comment ->
offsets:bool ->
verbose:SSet.t ->
ext:string ->
@ -30,4 +33,7 @@ val make :
the name of the concrete syntax. This is needed to correctly handle
comments. *)
val read : lang:language -> ext:string -> options
type extension = string
val read :
?block:block_comment -> ?line:line_comment -> extension -> options
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ type error =
| No_line_indicator
| End_line_indicator
| Newline_in_string (* For #include argument only *)
| Open_string (* For #include argument only *)
| Unterminated_string (* For #include argument only *)
| Dangling_endif
| Open_region_in_conditional
| Dangling_endregion
@ -29,10 +29,10 @@ type error =
| Multiply_defined_symbol of string
| Error_directive of string
| Parse_error
| No_line_comment_or_blank
| Invalid_symbol
| File_not_found of string
| Invalid_character of char
| Unterminated_comment of string
val format :
?offsets:bool -> error Region.reg -> file:bool -> string Region.reg
@ -44,19 +44,6 @@ type mode = Copy | Skip
type cond = If of mode | Elif of mode | Else | Region
type trace = cond list
(* Line offsets
The value [Inline] of type [offset] means that the current location
cannot be reached from the start of the line with only white
space. The same holds for the special value [Prefix 0]. Values of
the form [Prefix n] mean that the current location can be reached
from the start of the line with [n] white spaces (padding). These
distinctions are needed because preprocessor directives cannot
occur inside lines.
type offset = Prefix of int | Inline
(* Environments *)
module Env = Set.Make (String)
@ -78,8 +65,6 @@ in function
* the field [env] records the symbols defined;
* the field [mode] informs whether the preprocessor is in copying or
skipping mode;
* the field [offset] tells whether the current location can be
reached from the start of the line with only white space;
* the field [trace] is a stack of previous, still active conditional
* the field [out] keeps the output buffer;
@ -92,7 +77,6 @@ in function
type state = {
env : Env.t;
mode : mode;
offset : offset;
trace : trace;
out : Buffer.t;
incl : in_channel list;
@ -117,7 +101,7 @@ type error =
| No_line_indicator
| End_line_indicator
| Newline_in_string
| Open_string
| Unterminated_string
| Dangling_endif
| Open_region_in_conditional
| Dangling_endregion
@ -131,10 +115,10 @@ type error =
| Multiply_defined_symbol of string
| Error_directive of string
| Parse_error
| No_line_comment_or_blank
| Invalid_symbol
| File_not_found of string
| Invalid_character of char
| Unterminated_comment of string
let error_to_string = function
Directive_inside_line ->
@ -151,7 +135,7 @@ let error_to_string = function
Hint: Try a string, end of line, or a line comment."
| Newline_in_string ->
sprintf "Invalid newline character in string."
| Open_string ->
| Unterminated_string ->
sprintf "Unterminated string.\n\
Hint: Close with double quotes."
| Dangling_endif ->
@ -187,14 +171,15 @@ let error_to_string = function
| Parse_error ->
"Parse error in expression."
| No_line_comment_or_blank ->
"Line comment or whitespace expected."
| Invalid_symbol ->
"Expected a symbol (identifier)."
| File_not_found name ->
sprintf "File \"%s\" to include not found." name
| Invalid_character c ->
E_Lexer.error_to_string (E_Lexer.Invalid_character c)
| Unterminated_comment ending ->
sprintf "Unterminated comment.\n\
Hint: Close with \"%s\"." ending
let format ?(offsets=true) Region.{region; value} ~file =
let msg = error_to_string value
@ -224,7 +209,7 @@ let fail error state buffer = stop error state (mk_reg buffer)
let reduce_cond state region =
let rec reduce = function
[] -> stop Dangling_endif state region
| If mode::trace -> {state with mode; trace; offset = Prefix 0}
| If mode::trace -> {state with mode; trace}
| Region::_ -> stop Open_region_in_conditional state region
| _::trace -> reduce trace
in reduce state.trace
@ -235,7 +220,7 @@ let reduce_cond state region =
let reduce_region state region =
match state.trace with
[] -> stop Dangling_endregion state region
| Region::trace -> {state with trace; offset = Prefix 0}
| Region::trace -> {state with trace}
| _ -> stop Conditional_in_region state region
(* The function [extend] is called when encountering conditional
@ -286,7 +271,7 @@ let find dir file libs =
let copy state buffer = Buffer.add_string state.out (Lexing.lexeme buffer)
(* End of lines *)
(* End of lines are always copied *)
let proc_nl state buffer = Lexing.new_line buffer; copy state buffer
@ -294,13 +279,6 @@ let proc_nl state buffer = Lexing.new_line buffer; copy state buffer
let print state string = Buffer.add_string state.out string
(* Expanding the offset into whitespace *)
let expand_offset state =
match state.offset with
Prefix 0 | Inline -> ()
| Prefix n -> print state (String.make n ' ')
(* Evaluating a preprocessor expression
The evaluation of conditional directives may involve symbols whose
@ -346,6 +324,35 @@ let letter = small | capital
let ident = letter (letter | '_' | digit)*
let directive = '#' (blank* as space) (small+ as id)
(* Comments *)
let pascaligo_block_comment_opening = "(*"
let pascaligo_block_comment_closing = "*)"
let pascaligo_line_comment = "//"
let cameligo_block_comment_opening = "(*"
let cameligo_block_comment_closing = "*)"
let cameligo_line_comment = "//"
let reasonligo_block_comment_opening = "/*"
let reasonligo_block_comment_closing = "*/"
let reasonligo_line_comment = "//"
let block_comment_openings =
| cameligo_block_comment_opening
| reasonligo_block_comment_opening
let block_comment_closings =
| cameligo_block_comment_closing
| reasonligo_block_comment_closing
let line_comments =
| cameligo_line_comment
| reasonligo_line_comment
(* Rules *)
(* The rule [scan] scans the input buffer for directives, strings,
@ -354,19 +361,17 @@ let directive = '#' (blank* as space) (small+ as id)
depending on the compilation directives. If not copied, new line
characters are output.
Scanning is triggered by the function call [scan env mode offset
trace lexbuf], where [env] is the set of defined symbols
(introduced by `#define'), [mode] specifies whether we are copying
or skipping the input, [offset] informs about the location in the
line (either there is a prefix of blanks, or at least a non-blank
character has been read), and [trace] is the stack of conditional
directives read so far.
Scanning is triggered by the function call [scan env mode trace
lexbuf], where [env] is the set of defined symbols (introduced by
`#define'), [mode] specifies whether we are copying or skipping the
input, and [trace] is the stack of conditional directives read so
The first call is [scan {env=Env.empty; mode=Copy; offset = Prefix
0; trace=[]; incl=[]; opt}], meaning that we start with an empty
environment, that copying the input is enabled by default, and that
we are at the start of a line and no previous conditional
directives have been read yet. The field [opt] is the CLI options.
The first call is [scan {env=Env.empty; mode=Copy; trace=[];
incl=[]; opt}], meaning that we start with an empty environment,
that copying the input is enabled by default, and that we are at
the start of a line and no previous conditional directives have
been read yet. The field [opt] is the CLI options.
When an "#if" is matched, the trace is extended by the call [extend
lexbuf (If mode) trace], during the evaluation of which the
@ -386,12 +391,11 @@ let directive = '#' (blank* as space) (small+ as id)
value of the conditional expression must be ignored (but not its
syntax), and we continue skipping the input.
When an "#else" is matched, the trace is extended with [Else],
then, if the directive is not at a wrong offset, the rest of the
line is scanned with [skip_line]. If we were in copy mode, the new
mode toggles to skipping mode; otherwise, the trace is searched for
the last encountered "#if" of "#elif" and the associated mode is
When an "#else" is matched, the trace is extended with [Else], then
the rest of the line is scanned with [skip_line]. If we were in
copy mode, the new mode toggles to skipping mode; otherwise, the
trace is searched for the last encountered "#if" of "#elif" and the
associated mode is restored.
The case "#elif" is the result of the fusion (in the technical
sense) of the code for dealing with an "#else" followed by an
@ -465,28 +469,23 @@ let directive = '#' (blank* as space) (small+ as id)
Important note: Comments and strings are recognised as such only in
copy mode, which is a different behaviour from the preprocessor of
GNU GCC, which always does.
rule scan state = parse
nl { expand_offset state; proc_nl state lexbuf;
scan {state with offset = Prefix 0} lexbuf }
| blank { match state.offset with
Prefix n ->
scan {state with offset = Prefix (n+1)} lexbuf
| Inline ->
if state.mode = Copy then copy state lexbuf;
nl { proc_nl state lexbuf; scan state lexbuf }
| blank { if state.mode = Copy then copy state lexbuf;
scan state lexbuf }
| directive {
let region = mk_reg lexbuf in
if not (List.mem id directives)
then begin
if state.mode = Copy then copy state lexbuf;
scan state lexbuf
if state.offset = Inline
if region#start#offset `Byte > 0
then fail Directive_inside_line state lexbuf
let region = mk_reg lexbuf in
match id with
"include" ->
let line = Lexing.(lexbuf.lex_curr_p.pos_lnum)
@ -517,7 +516,7 @@ rule scan state = parse
let mode = expr state lexbuf in
let mode = if state.mode = Copy then mode else Skip in
let trace = extend (If state.mode) state region in
let state = {state with mode; offset = Prefix 0; trace}
let state = {state with mode; trace}
in scan state lexbuf
| "else" ->
let () = skip_line state lexbuf in
@ -525,7 +524,7 @@ rule scan state = parse
Copy -> Skip
| Skip -> last_mode state.trace in
let trace = extend Else state region
in scan {state with mode; offset = Prefix 0; trace} lexbuf
in scan {state with mode; trace} lexbuf
| "elif" ->
let mode = expr state lexbuf in
let trace, mode =
@ -534,7 +533,7 @@ rule scan state = parse
| Skip -> let old_mode = last_mode state.trace
in extend (Elif old_mode) state region,
if old_mode = Copy then mode else Skip
in scan {state with mode; offset = Prefix 0; trace} lexbuf
in scan {state with mode; trace} lexbuf
| "endif" ->
skip_line state lexbuf;
scan (reduce_cond state region) lexbuf
@ -544,89 +543,81 @@ rule scan state = parse
then stop (Reserved_symbol id) state region;
if Env.mem id state.env
then stop (Multiply_defined_symbol id) state region;
let state = {state with env = Env.add id state.env;
offset = Prefix 0}
let state = {state with env = Env.add id state.env}
in scan state lexbuf
| "undef" ->
let id, _ = variable state lexbuf in
let state = {state with env = Env.remove id state.env;
offset = Prefix 0}
let state = {state with env = Env.remove id state.env}
in scan state lexbuf
| "error" ->
stop (Error_directive (message [] lexbuf)) state region
| "region" ->
let msg = message [] lexbuf
in expand_offset state;
print state ("#" ^ space ^ "region" ^ msg ^ "\n");
let state =
{state with offset = Prefix 0; trace=Region::state.trace}
in print state ("#" ^ space ^ "region" ^ msg ^ "\n");
let state = {state with trace=Region::state.trace}
in scan state lexbuf
| "endregion" ->
let msg = message [] lexbuf
in expand_offset state;
print state ("#" ^ space ^ "endregion" ^ msg ^ "\n");
in print state ("#" ^ space ^ "endregion" ^ msg ^ "\n");
scan (reduce_region state region) lexbuf
| "line" ->
expand_offset state;
print state ("#" ^ space ^ "line");
line_ind state lexbuf;
scan {state with offset = Prefix 0} lexbuf
| "warning" ->
let start_p, end_p = region in
let msg = message [] lexbuf in
let open Lexing
in prerr_endline
("Warning at line " ^ string_of_int start_p.pos_lnum
^ ", char "
^ string_of_int (start_p.pos_cnum - start_p.pos_bol)
^ "--" ^ string_of_int (end_p.pos_cnum - end_p.pos_bol)
^ ":\n" ^ msg);
scan env mode (Prefix 0) trace lexbuf
| _ -> assert false
| eof { match state.trace with
[] -> expand_offset state; state
| _ -> fail Missing_endif state lexbuf }
| eof { if state.trace = [] then state
else fail Missing_endif state lexbuf }
| '"' { if state.mode = Copy then
expand_offset state;
copy state lexbuf;
in_string (mk_reg lexbuf) state lexbuf
scan {state with offset=Inline} lexbuf }
| "//" { if state.mode = Copy then
scan (in_string (mk_reg lexbuf) state lexbuf) lexbuf
else scan state lexbuf }
| block_comment_openings {
let lexeme = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
match state.opt#block with
Some block when block#opening = lexeme ->
if state.mode = Copy then
expand_offset state;
copy state lexbuf;
in_line_com state lexbuf
scan {state with offset=Inline} lexbuf }
| "/*" { if state.mode = Copy then
let state = in_block block (mk_reg lexbuf) state lexbuf
in scan state lexbuf
else scan state lexbuf
| Some _ | None ->
let n = String.length lexeme in
rollback lexbuf;
assert (n > 0);
scan (scan_n_char n state lexbuf) lexbuf
end }
| line_comments {
let lexeme = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
match state.opt#line with
Some line when line = lexeme ->
if state.mode = Copy then
expand_offset state;
copy state lexbuf;
if state.opt#lang = `ReasonLIGO then
reasonLIGO_com (mk_reg lexbuf) state lexbuf
scan {state with offset=Inline} lexbuf }
| "(*" { if state.mode = Copy then
scan (in_line_com state lexbuf) lexbuf
else scan state lexbuf
| Some _ | None ->
let n = String.length lexeme in
expand_offset state;
copy state lexbuf;
if state.opt#lang = `CameLIGO
|| state.opt#lang = `PascaLIGO then
cameLIGO_com (mk_reg lexbuf) state lexbuf
scan {state with offset=Inline} lexbuf }
| _ { if state.mode = Copy then
expand_offset state;
copy state lexbuf
scan {state with offset=Inline} lexbuf }
rollback lexbuf;
assert (n > 0);
scan (scan_n_char n state lexbuf) lexbuf
end }
| _ { if state.mode = Copy then copy state lexbuf;
scan state lexbuf }
(* Scanning a series of characters *)
and scan_n_char n state = parse
_ { if state.mode = Copy then copy state lexbuf;
if n = 1 then state else scan_n_char (n-1) state lexbuf }
(* Support for #define and #undef *)
@ -638,47 +629,12 @@ and symbol state = parse
ident as id { id, mk_reg lexbuf }
| _ { fail Invalid_symbol state lexbuf }
(* Line indicator (#line) *)
and line_ind state = parse
blank* { copy state lexbuf; line_indicator state lexbuf }
and line_indicator state = parse
natural { copy state lexbuf; end_indicator state lexbuf }
| ident as id {
match id with
"default" | "hidden" ->
print state (id ^ message [] lexbuf)
| _ -> fail (Invalid_line_indicator id) state lexbuf }
| _ { fail No_line_indicator state lexbuf }
and end_indicator state = parse
blank+ { copy state lexbuf; end_indicator state lexbuf }
| nl { proc_nl state lexbuf }
| eof { copy state lexbuf }
| "//" { copy state lexbuf;
print state (message [] lexbuf ^ "\n") }
| '"' { copy state lexbuf;
in_string (mk_reg lexbuf) state lexbuf;
opt_line_com state lexbuf }
| _ { fail End_line_indicator state lexbuf }
and opt_line_com state = parse
nl { proc_nl state lexbuf }
| eof { copy state lexbuf }
| blank+ { copy state lexbuf; opt_line_com state lexbuf }
| "//" { print state ("//" ^ message [] lexbuf) }
(* New lines and verbatim sequence of characters *)
and skip_line state = parse
nl { proc_nl state lexbuf }
| blank+ { skip_line state lexbuf }
| "//" { in_line_com {state with mode=Skip} lexbuf }
| _ { fail No_line_comment_or_blank state lexbuf }
| eof { () }
| _ { () }
and message acc = parse
nl { Lexing.new_line lexbuf;
@ -689,22 +645,41 @@ and message acc = parse
(* Comments *)
and in_line_com state = parse
nl { proc_nl state lexbuf }
| eof { () }
nl { proc_nl state lexbuf; state }
| eof { state }
| _ { if state.mode = Copy then copy state lexbuf;
in_line_com state lexbuf }
and reasonLIGO_com opening state = parse
nl { proc_nl state lexbuf; reasonLIGO_com opening state lexbuf }
| "*/" { copy state lexbuf }
| eof { () }
| _ { copy state lexbuf; reasonLIGO_com opening state lexbuf }
and in_block block opening state = parse
'"' | block_comment_openings {
let lexeme = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
if block#opening = lexeme || lexeme = "\""
then let () = copy state lexbuf in
let opening' = mk_reg lexbuf in
let next = if lexeme = "\"" then in_string
else in_block block in
let state = next opening' state lexbuf
in in_block block opening state lexbuf
else let () = rollback lexbuf in
let n = String.length lexeme in
let () = assert (n > 0) in
let state = scan_n_char n state lexbuf
in in_block block opening state lexbuf }
and cameLIGO_com opening state = parse
nl { proc_nl state lexbuf; cameLIGO_com opening state lexbuf }
| "*)" { copy state lexbuf }
| eof { () }
| _ { copy state lexbuf; cameLIGO_com opening state lexbuf }
| block_comment_closings {
let lexeme = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
if block#closing = lexeme
then (copy state lexbuf; state)
else let () = rollback lexbuf in
let n = String.length lexeme in
let () = assert (n > 0) in
let state = scan_n_char n state lexbuf
in in_block block opening state lexbuf }
| nl { proc_nl state lexbuf; in_block block opening state lexbuf }
| eof { let err = Unterminated_comment (block#closing)
in stop err state opening }
| _ { copy state lexbuf; in_block block opening state lexbuf }
(* Included filename *)
@ -717,15 +692,15 @@ and in_inclusion opening acc len state = parse
in Region.cover opening closing,
mk_str len acc }
| nl { fail Newline_in_string state lexbuf }
| eof { stop Open_string state opening }
| eof { stop Unterminated_string state opening }
| _ as c { in_inclusion opening (c::acc) (len+1) state lexbuf }
(* Strings *)
and in_string opening state = parse
"\\\"" { copy state lexbuf; in_string opening state lexbuf }
| '"' { copy state lexbuf }
| eof { () }
| '"' { copy state lexbuf; state }
| eof { state }
| _ { copy state lexbuf; in_string opening state lexbuf }
and preproc state = parse
@ -750,7 +725,6 @@ let lex opt buffer =
let state = {
env = Env.empty;
mode = Copy;
offset = Prefix 0;
trace = [];
out = Buffer.create 80;
incl = [];
@ -4,9 +4,12 @@ module Region = Simple_utils.Region
module Preproc = Preprocessor.Preproc
module EvalOpt = Preprocessor.EvalOpt
let highlight msg = Printf.eprintf "\027[31m%s\027[0m\n%!" msg
let highlight msg = Printf.eprintf "\027[31m%s\027[0m%!" msg
let options = EvalOpt.(read ~lang:`PascaLIGO ~ext:".ligo")
let options =
let open EvalOpt in
let block = mk_block ~opening:"(*" ~closing:"*)"
in read ~block ~line:"//" ".ligo"
let preproc cin =
let buffer = Lexing.from_channel cin in
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
set -x
ocamllex.opt E_Lexer.mll
ocamllex.opt Preproc.mll
menhir -la 1 E_Parser.mly
ocamlfind ocamlc -strict-sequence -w +A-48-4 -c EvalOpt.mli
ocamlfind ocamlc -strict-sequence -w +A-48-4 -c
ocamlfind ocamlc -strict-sequence -w +A-48-4 -c E_Parser.mli
ocamlfind ocamlc -strict-sequence -w +A-48-4 -package simple-utils -c E_Lexer.mli
ocamlfind ocamlc -strict-sequence -w +A-48-4 -package simple-utils -c
camlcmd="ocamlfind ocamlc -I _x86_64 -strict-sequence -w +A-48-4 "
ocamlfind ocamlc -strict-sequence -w +A-48-4 -package getopt,str -c
ocamlfind ocamlc -strict-sequence -w +A-48-4 -package simple-utils -c
menhir --infer --ocamlc="$camlcmd" E_Parser.mly
ocamlfind ocamlc -strict-sequence -w +A-48-4 -c
ocamlfind ocamlc -package getopt,simple-utils,str -linkpkg -o E_LexerMain.byte E_AST.cmo E_Parser.cmo E_Lexer.cmo EvalOpt.cmo E_LexerMain.cmo
ocamlfind ocamlc -strict-sequence -w +A-48-4 -package simple-utils -c Preproc.mli
ocamlfind ocamlc -strict-sequence -w +A-48-4 -package simple-utils -c
ocamlfind ocamlc -strict-sequence -w +A-48-4 -package simple-utils -c
ocamlfind ocamlc -package getopt,simple-utils,str -linkpkg -o PreprocMain.byte EvalOpt.cmo E_AST.cmo E_Parser.cmo E_Lexer.cmo Preproc.cmo PreprocMain.cmo
ocamlfind ocamlc -strict-sequence -w +A-48-4 -package simple-utils -c
ocamlfind ocamlc -package getopt,simple-utils,str -linkpkg -o E_ParserMain.byte E_AST.cmo E_Parser.cmo E_Lexer.cmo EvalOpt.cmo Preproc.cmo E_ParserMain.cmo
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
\rm -f *.cm* *.o *.byte *.opt
\rm E_Parser.mli
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