Michelson: light refactoring of equality witnesses
This commit is contained in:
@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ let map_size
fun (module Box) ->
Script_int.(abs (of_int (snd Box.boxed)))
(* ---- Unparsing (Typed IR -> Untyped epressions) --------------------------*)
(* ---- Unparsing (Typed IR -> Untyped expressions) --------------------------*)
let ty_of_comparable_ty
: type a. a comparable_ty -> a ty = function
@ -653,77 +653,73 @@ let rec unparse_data
(* ---- Equality witnesses --------------------------------------------------*)
type ('ta, 'tb) eq = Eq : 'same * 'same -> ('same, 'same) eq
let eq
: type t. t -> t -> (t, t) eq tzresult
= fun ta tb -> Ok (Eq (ta, tb))
type ('ta, 'tb) eq = Eq : ('same, 'same) eq
let comparable_ty_eq
: type ta tb.
ta comparable_ty -> tb comparable_ty ->
(ta comparable_ty, tb comparable_ty) eq tzresult
= fun ta tb -> match ta, tb with
| Int_key, Int_key -> eq ta tb
| Nat_key, Nat_key -> eq ta tb
| String_key, String_key -> eq ta tb
| Tez_key, Tez_key -> eq ta tb
| Bool_key, Bool_key -> eq ta tb
| Key_hash_key, Key_hash_key -> eq ta tb
| Timestamp_key, Timestamp_key -> eq ta tb
| Int_key, Int_key -> Ok Eq
| Nat_key, Nat_key -> Ok Eq
| String_key, String_key -> Ok Eq
| Tez_key, Tez_key -> Ok Eq
| Bool_key, Bool_key -> Ok Eq
| Key_hash_key, Key_hash_key -> Ok Eq
| Timestamp_key, Timestamp_key -> Ok Eq
| _, _ -> error (Inconsistent_types (ty_of_comparable_ty ta, ty_of_comparable_ty tb))
let rec ty_eq
: type ta tb. ta ty -> tb ty -> (ta ty, tb ty) eq tzresult
= fun ta tb ->
match ta, tb with
| Unit_t, Unit_t -> eq ta tb
| Int_t, Int_t -> eq ta tb
| Nat_t, Nat_t -> eq ta tb
| Key_t, Key_t -> eq ta tb
| Key_hash_t, Key_hash_t -> eq ta tb
| String_t, String_t -> eq ta tb
| Signature_t, Signature_t -> eq ta tb
| Tez_t, Tez_t -> eq ta tb
| Timestamp_t, Timestamp_t -> eq ta tb
| Bool_t, Bool_t -> eq ta tb
| Unit_t, Unit_t -> Ok Eq
| Int_t, Int_t -> Ok Eq
| Nat_t, Nat_t -> Ok Eq
| Key_t, Key_t -> Ok Eq
| Key_hash_t, Key_hash_t -> Ok Eq
| String_t, String_t -> Ok Eq
| Signature_t, Signature_t -> Ok Eq
| Tez_t, Tez_t -> Ok Eq
| Timestamp_t, Timestamp_t -> Ok Eq
| Bool_t, Bool_t -> Ok Eq
| Map_t (tal, tar), Map_t (tbl, tbr) ->
(comparable_ty_eq tal tbl >>? fun (Eq _) ->
ty_eq tar tbr >>? fun (Eq _) ->
(eq ta tb : (ta ty, tb ty) eq tzresult)) |>
(comparable_ty_eq tal tbl >>? fun Eq ->
ty_eq tar tbr >>? fun Eq ->
(Ok Eq : (ta ty, tb ty) eq tzresult)) |>
record_trace (Inconsistent_types (ta, tb))
| Set_t ea, Set_t eb ->
(comparable_ty_eq ea eb >>? fun (Eq _) ->
(eq ta tb : (ta ty, tb ty) eq tzresult)) |>
(comparable_ty_eq ea eb >>? fun Eq ->
(Ok Eq : (ta ty, tb ty) eq tzresult)) |>
record_trace (Inconsistent_types (ta, tb))
| Pair_t ((tal, _), (tar, _)),
Pair_t ((tbl, _), (tbr, _)) ->
(ty_eq tal tbl >>? fun (Eq _) ->
ty_eq tar tbr >>? fun (Eq _) ->
(eq ta tb : (ta ty, tb ty) eq tzresult)) |>
(ty_eq tal tbl >>? fun Eq ->
ty_eq tar tbr >>? fun Eq ->
(Ok Eq : (ta ty, tb ty) eq tzresult)) |>
record_trace (Inconsistent_types (ta, tb))
| Union_t ((tal, _), (tar, _)), Union_t ((tbl, _), (tbr, _)) ->
(ty_eq tal tbl >>? fun (Eq _) ->
ty_eq tar tbr >>? fun (Eq _) ->
(eq ta tb : (ta ty, tb ty) eq tzresult)) |>
(ty_eq tal tbl >>? fun Eq ->
ty_eq tar tbr >>? fun Eq ->
(Ok Eq : (ta ty, tb ty) eq tzresult)) |>
record_trace (Inconsistent_types (ta, tb))
| Lambda_t (tal, tar), Lambda_t (tbl, tbr) ->
(ty_eq tal tbl >>? fun (Eq _) ->
ty_eq tar tbr >>? fun (Eq _) ->
(eq ta tb : (ta ty, tb ty) eq tzresult)) |>
(ty_eq tal tbl >>? fun Eq ->
ty_eq tar tbr >>? fun Eq ->
(Ok Eq : (ta ty, tb ty) eq tzresult)) |>
record_trace (Inconsistent_types (ta, tb))
| Contract_t (tal, tar), Contract_t (tbl, tbr) ->
(ty_eq tal tbl >>? fun (Eq _) ->
ty_eq tar tbr >>? fun (Eq _) ->
(eq ta tb : (ta ty, tb ty) eq tzresult)) |>
(ty_eq tal tbl >>? fun Eq ->
ty_eq tar tbr >>? fun Eq ->
(Ok Eq : (ta ty, tb ty) eq tzresult)) |>
record_trace (Inconsistent_types (ta, tb))
| Option_t tva, Option_t tvb ->
(ty_eq tva tvb >>? fun (Eq _) ->
(eq ta tb : (ta ty, tb ty) eq tzresult)) |>
(ty_eq tva tvb >>? fun Eq ->
(Ok Eq : (ta ty, tb ty) eq tzresult)) |>
record_trace (Inconsistent_types (ta, tb))
| List_t tva, List_t tvb ->
(ty_eq tva tvb >>? fun (Eq _) ->
(eq ta tb : (ta ty, tb ty) eq tzresult)) |>
(ty_eq tva tvb >>? fun Eq ->
(Ok Eq : (ta ty, tb ty) eq tzresult)) |>
record_trace (Inconsistent_types (ta, tb))
| _, _ -> error (Inconsistent_types (ta, tb))
@ -733,10 +729,10 @@ let rec stack_ty_eq
match ta, tb with
| Item_t (tva, ra, _), Item_t (tvb, rb, _) ->
ty_eq tva tvb |>
record_trace (Bad_stack_item lvl) >>? fun (Eq _) ->
stack_ty_eq (lvl + 1) ra rb >>? fun (Eq _) ->
(eq ta tb : (ta stack_ty, tb stack_ty) eq tzresult)
| Empty_t, Empty_t -> eq ta tb
record_trace (Bad_stack_item lvl) >>? fun Eq ->
stack_ty_eq (lvl + 1) ra rb >>? fun Eq ->
(Ok Eq : (ta stack_ty, tb stack_ty) eq tzresult)
| Empty_t, Empty_t -> Ok Eq
| _, _ -> error Bad_stack_length
let merge_annot annot1 annot2 =
@ -794,7 +790,7 @@ let merge_types :
| Bool_t, Bool_t -> ok Bool_t
| Map_t (tal, tar), Map_t (tbl, tbr) ->
help tar tbr >>? fun value ->
ty_eq tar value >>? fun (Eq _) ->
ty_eq tar value >>? fun Eq ->
ok (Map_t (merge_comparable_types tal tbl, value))
| Set_t ea, Set_t eb ->
ok (Set_t (merge_comparable_types ea eb))
@ -847,7 +843,7 @@ let merge_stacks
Item_t (ty, rest, annot)
in help
(* ---- Type checker resuls -------------------------------------------------*)
(* ---- Type checker results -------------------------------------------------*)
type 'bef judgement =
| Typed : ('bef, 'aft) descr -> 'bef judgement
@ -869,7 +865,7 @@ let merge_branches
let unmatched_branches = (Unmatched_branches (loc, aftbt, aftbf)) in
(Lwt.return (stack_ty_eq 1 aftbt aftbf) >>=? fun (Eq _) ->
(Lwt.return (stack_ty_eq 1 aftbt aftbf) >>=? fun Eq ->
Lwt.return (merge_stacks loc aftbt aftbf) >>=? fun merged_stack ->
return (Typed (branch {dbt with aft=merged_stack} {dbf with aft=merged_stack})))
| Failed { descr = descrt }, Failed { descr = descrf } ->
@ -1211,7 +1207,7 @@ and parse_returning
| Typed ({ loc ; aft = (Item_t (ty, Empty_t, _) as stack_ty) } as descr) ->
(Bad_return (loc, stack_ty, ret))
(Lwt.return (ty_eq ty ret)) >>=? fun (Eq _) ->
(Lwt.return (ty_eq ty ret)) >>=? fun Eq ->
return (Lam (descr, strip_locations script_instr) : (arg, ret) lambda)
| Typed { loc ; aft = stack_ty } ->
fail (Bad_return (loc, stack_ty, ret))
@ -1333,7 +1329,7 @@ and parse_instr
return (typed loc (Nil, Item_t (List_t t, stack, instr_annot)))
| Prim (loc, I_CONS, [], instr_annot),
Item_t (tv, Item_t (List_t t, rest, _), _) ->
check_item_ty tv t loc I_CONS 1 2 >>=? fun (Eq _) ->
check_item_ty tv t loc I_CONS 1 2 >>=? fun Eq ->
return (typed loc (Cons_list, Item_t (List_t t, rest, instr_annot)))
| Prim (loc, I_IF_CONS, [ bt ; bf ], instr_annot),
(Item_t (List_t t, rest, stack_annot) as bef) ->
@ -1350,7 +1346,7 @@ and parse_instr
return (typed loc (List_size, Item_t (Nat_t, rest, instr_annot)))
| Prim (loc, I_MAP, [], instr_annot),
Item_t (Lambda_t (param, ret), Item_t (List_t elt, rest, _), _) ->
check_item_ty elt param loc I_MAP 2 2 >>=? fun (Eq _) ->
check_item_ty elt param loc I_MAP 2 2 >>=? fun Eq ->
return (typed loc (List_map, Item_t (List_t ret, rest, instr_annot)))
| Prim (loc, I_MAP, [ body ], instr_annot),
(Item_t (List_t elt, starting_rest, _)) ->
@ -1359,7 +1355,7 @@ and parse_instr
| Typed ({ aft = Item_t (ret, rest, _) } as ibody) ->
(Invalid_map_body (loc, ibody.aft))
(Lwt.return (stack_ty_eq 1 rest starting_rest)) >>=? fun (Eq _) ->
(Lwt.return (stack_ty_eq 1 rest starting_rest)) >>=? fun Eq ->
return (typed loc (List_map_body ibody, Item_t (List_t ret, rest, instr_annot)))
| Typed { aft } -> fail (Invalid_map_body (loc, aft))
| Failed _ -> fail (Invalid_map_block_fail loc)
@ -1367,9 +1363,9 @@ and parse_instr
| Prim (loc, I_REDUCE, [], instr_annot),
Item_t (Lambda_t (Pair_t ((pelt, _), (pr, _)), r),
Item_t (List_t elt, Item_t (init, rest, _), _), _) ->
check_item_ty r pr loc I_REDUCE 1 3 >>=? fun (Eq _) ->
check_item_ty elt pelt loc I_REDUCE 2 3 >>=? fun (Eq _) ->
check_item_ty init r loc I_REDUCE 3 3 >>=? fun (Eq _) ->
check_item_ty r pr loc I_REDUCE 1 3 >>=? fun Eq ->
check_item_ty elt pelt loc I_REDUCE 2 3 >>=? fun Eq ->
check_item_ty init r loc I_REDUCE 3 3 >>=? fun Eq ->
return (typed loc (List_reduce, Item_t (r, rest, instr_annot)))
| Prim (loc, I_ITER, [ body ], instr_annot),
Item_t (List_t elt, rest, _) ->
@ -1379,7 +1375,7 @@ and parse_instr
| Typed ({ aft } as ibody) ->
(Invalid_iter_body (loc, rest, ibody.aft))
(Lwt.return (stack_ty_eq 1 aft rest)) >>=? fun (Eq _) ->
(Lwt.return (stack_ty_eq 1 aft rest)) >>=? fun Eq ->
return (typed loc (List_iter ibody, rest))
| Failed { descr } ->
let ibody = descr rest in
@ -1394,15 +1390,15 @@ and parse_instr
Item_t (Lambda_t (param, ret), Item_t (Set_t elt, rest, _), _) ->
let elt = ty_of_comparable_ty elt in
(Lwt.return (comparable_ty_of_ty loc ret)) >>=? fun ret ->
check_item_ty elt param loc I_MAP 1 2 >>=? fun (Eq _) ->
check_item_ty elt param loc I_MAP 1 2 >>=? fun Eq ->
return (typed loc (Set_map ret, Item_t (Set_t ret, rest, instr_annot)))
| Prim (loc, I_REDUCE, [], instr_annot),
Item_t (Lambda_t (Pair_t ((pelt, _), (pr, _)), r),
Item_t (Set_t elt, Item_t (init, rest, _), _), _) ->
let elt = ty_of_comparable_ty elt in
check_item_ty r pr loc I_REDUCE 1 3 >>=? fun (Eq _) ->
check_item_ty elt pelt loc I_REDUCE 2 3 >>=? fun (Eq _) ->
check_item_ty init r loc I_REDUCE 3 3 >>=? fun (Eq _) ->
check_item_ty r pr loc I_REDUCE 1 3 >>=? fun Eq ->
check_item_ty elt pelt loc I_REDUCE 2 3 >>=? fun Eq ->
check_item_ty init r loc I_REDUCE 3 3 >>=? fun Eq ->
return (typed loc (Set_reduce, Item_t (r, rest, instr_annot)))
| Prim (loc, I_ITER, [ body ], annot),
Item_t (Set_t comp_elt, rest, _) ->
@ -1413,7 +1409,7 @@ and parse_instr
| Typed ({ aft } as ibody) ->
(Invalid_iter_body (loc, rest, ibody.aft))
(Lwt.return (stack_ty_eq 1 aft rest)) >>=? fun (Eq _) ->
(Lwt.return (stack_ty_eq 1 aft rest)) >>=? fun Eq ->
return (typed loc (Set_iter ibody, rest))
| Failed { descr } ->
let ibody = descr rest in
@ -1422,12 +1418,12 @@ and parse_instr
| Prim (loc, I_MEM, [], instr_annot),
Item_t (v, Item_t (Set_t elt, rest, _), _) ->
let elt = ty_of_comparable_ty elt in
check_item_ty elt v loc I_MEM 1 2 >>=? fun (Eq _) ->
check_item_ty elt v loc I_MEM 1 2 >>=? fun Eq ->
return (typed loc (Set_mem, Item_t (Bool_t, rest, instr_annot)))
| Prim (loc, I_UPDATE, [], instr_annot),
Item_t (v, Item_t (Bool_t, Item_t (Set_t elt, rest, _), _), _) ->
let ty = ty_of_comparable_ty elt in
check_item_ty ty v loc I_UPDATE 1 3 >>=? fun (Eq _) ->
check_item_ty ty v loc I_UPDATE 1 3 >>=? fun Eq ->
return (typed loc (Set_update, Item_t (Set_t elt, rest, instr_annot)))
| Prim (loc, I_SIZE, [], instr_annot),
Item_t (Set_t _, rest, _) ->
@ -1442,18 +1438,18 @@ and parse_instr
Item_t (Lambda_t (Pair_t ((pk, _), (pv, _)), ret),
Item_t (Map_t (ck, v), rest, _), _) ->
let k = ty_of_comparable_ty ck in
check_item_ty pk k loc I_MAP 1 2 >>=? fun (Eq _) ->
check_item_ty pv v loc I_MAP 1 2 >>=? fun (Eq _) ->
check_item_ty pk k loc I_MAP 1 2 >>=? fun Eq ->
check_item_ty pv v loc I_MAP 1 2 >>=? fun Eq ->
return (typed loc (Map_map, Item_t (Map_t (ck, ret), rest, instr_annot)))
| Prim (loc, I_REDUCE, [], instr_annot),
Item_t (Lambda_t (Pair_t ((Pair_t ((pk, _), (pv, _)), _), (pr, _)), r),
Item_t (Map_t (ck, v),
Item_t (init, rest, _), _), _) ->
let k = ty_of_comparable_ty ck in
check_item_ty pk k loc I_REDUCE 2 3 >>=? fun (Eq _) ->
check_item_ty pv v loc I_REDUCE 2 3 >>=? fun (Eq _) ->
check_item_ty r pr loc I_REDUCE 1 3 >>=? fun (Eq _) ->
check_item_ty init r loc I_REDUCE 3 3 >>=? fun (Eq _) ->
check_item_ty pk k loc I_REDUCE 2 3 >>=? fun Eq ->
check_item_ty pv v loc I_REDUCE 2 3 >>=? fun Eq ->
check_item_ty r pr loc I_REDUCE 1 3 >>=? fun Eq ->
check_item_ty init r loc I_REDUCE 3 3 >>=? fun Eq ->
return (typed loc (Map_reduce, Item_t (r, rest, instr_annot)))
| Prim (loc, I_ITER, [ body ], instr_annot),
Item_t (Map_t (comp_elt, element_ty), rest, _) ->
@ -1466,7 +1462,7 @@ and parse_instr
| Typed ({ aft } as ibody) ->
(Invalid_iter_body (loc, rest, ibody.aft))
(Lwt.return (stack_ty_eq 1 aft rest)) >>=? fun (Eq _) ->
(Lwt.return (stack_ty_eq 1 aft rest)) >>=? fun Eq ->
return (typed loc (Map_iter ibody, rest))
| Failed { descr } ->
let ibody = descr rest in
@ -1475,18 +1471,18 @@ and parse_instr
| Prim (loc, I_MEM, [], instr_annot),
Item_t (vk, Item_t (Map_t (ck, _), rest, _), _) ->
let k = ty_of_comparable_ty ck in
check_item_ty vk k loc I_MEM 1 2 >>=? fun (Eq _) ->
check_item_ty vk k loc I_MEM 1 2 >>=? fun Eq ->
return (typed loc (Map_mem, Item_t (Bool_t, rest, instr_annot)))
| Prim (loc, I_GET, [], instr_annot),
Item_t (vk, Item_t (Map_t (ck, elt), rest, _), _) ->
let k = ty_of_comparable_ty ck in
check_item_ty vk k loc I_GET 1 2 >>=? fun (Eq _) ->
check_item_ty vk k loc I_GET 1 2 >>=? fun Eq ->
return (typed loc (Map_get, Item_t (Option_t elt, rest, instr_annot)))
| Prim (loc, I_UPDATE, [], instr_annot),
Item_t (vk, Item_t (Option_t vv, Item_t (Map_t (ck, v), rest, _), _), _) ->
let k = ty_of_comparable_ty ck in
check_item_ty vk k loc I_UPDATE 1 3 >>=? fun (Eq _) ->
check_item_ty vv v loc I_UPDATE 2 3 >>=? fun (Eq _) ->
check_item_ty vk k loc I_UPDATE 1 3 >>=? fun Eq ->
check_item_ty vv v loc I_UPDATE 2 3 >>=? fun Eq ->
return (typed loc (Map_update, Item_t (Map_t (ck, v), rest, instr_annot)))
| Prim (loc, I_SIZE, [], instr_annot),
Item_t (Map_t (_, _), rest, _) ->
@ -1542,7 +1538,7 @@ and parse_instr
| Typed ibody ->
(Unmatched_branches (loc, ibody.aft, stack))
(Lwt.return (stack_ty_eq 1 ibody.aft stack)) >>=? fun (Eq _) ->
(Lwt.return (stack_ty_eq 1 ibody.aft stack)) >>=? fun Eq ->
return (typed loc (Loop ibody, rest))
| Failed { descr } ->
let ibody = descr (Item_t (Bool_t, rest, stack_annot)) in
@ -1556,7 +1552,7 @@ and parse_instr
| Typed ibody ->
(Unmatched_branches (loc, ibody.aft, stack))
(Lwt.return (stack_ty_eq 1 ibody.aft stack)) >>=? fun (Eq _) ->
(Lwt.return (stack_ty_eq 1 ibody.aft stack)) >>=? fun Eq ->
return (typed loc (Loop_left ibody, (Item_t (tr, rest, tr_annot))))
| Failed { descr } ->
let ibody = descr (Item_t (Union_t ((tl, tl_annot), (tr, tr_annot)), rest, None)) in
@ -1573,7 +1569,7 @@ and parse_instr
return (typed loc (Lambda lambda, Item_t (Lambda_t (arg, ret), stack, instr_annot)))
| Prim (loc, I_EXEC, [], instr_annot),
Item_t (arg, Item_t (Lambda_t (param, ret), rest, _), _) ->
check_item_ty arg param loc I_EXEC 1 2 >>=? fun (Eq _) ->
check_item_ty arg param loc I_EXEC 1 2 >>=? fun Eq ->
return (typed loc (Exec, Item_t (ret, rest, instr_annot)))
| Prim (loc, I_DIP, [ code ], instr_annot),
Item_t (v, rest, stack_annot) ->
@ -1787,12 +1783,12 @@ and parse_instr
(Tez_t, Item_t
(Contract_t (cp, cr), Item_t
(storage, Empty_t, storage_annot), _), _), _) ->
check_item_ty p cp loc I_TRANSFER_TOKENS 1 4 >>=? fun (Eq _) ->
check_item_ty p cp loc I_TRANSFER_TOKENS 1 4 >>=? fun Eq ->
begin match tc_context with
| Dip _ -> fail (Transfer_in_dip loc)
| Lambda -> fail (Transfer_in_lambda loc)
| Toplevel { storage_type } ->
check_item_ty storage storage_type loc I_TRANSFER_TOKENS 3 4 >>=? fun (Eq _) ->
check_item_ty storage storage_type loc I_TRANSFER_TOKENS 3 4 >>=? fun Eq ->
return (typed loc (Transfer_tokens storage,
Item_t (cr, Item_t (storage, Empty_t, storage_annot),
@ -1819,8 +1815,8 @@ and parse_instr
(Lambda_t (Pair_t ((p, _), (gp, _)),
Pair_t ((r, _), (gr, _))), Item_t
(ginit, rest, _), _), _), _), _), _), _) ->
check_item_ty gp gr loc I_CREATE_CONTRACT 5 7 >>=? fun (Eq _) ->
check_item_ty ginit gp loc I_CREATE_CONTRACT 6 7 >>=? fun (Eq _) ->
check_item_ty gp gr loc I_CREATE_CONTRACT 5 7 >>=? fun Eq ->
check_item_ty ginit gp loc I_CREATE_CONTRACT 6 7 >>=? fun Eq ->
return (typed loc (Create_contract (gp, p, r),
Item_t (Contract_t (p, r), rest, instr_annot)))
| Prim (loc, I_CREATE_CONTRACT, [ (Seq (seq_loc, _, annot) as code)], instr_annot),
@ -1852,9 +1848,9 @@ and parse_instr
ctxt ?type_logger (arg_type_full, None) ret_type_full code_field) >>=?
fun (Lam ({ bef = Item_t (arg, Empty_t, _) ;
aft = Item_t (ret, Empty_t, _) ; _ }, _) as lambda) ->
Lwt.return @@ ty_eq arg arg_type_full >>=? fun (Eq _) ->
Lwt.return @@ ty_eq ret ret_type_full >>=? fun (Eq _) ->
Lwt.return @@ ty_eq storage_type ginit >>=? fun (Eq _) ->
Lwt.return @@ ty_eq arg arg_type_full >>=? fun Eq ->
Lwt.return @@ ty_eq ret ret_type_full >>=? fun Eq ->
Lwt.return @@ ty_eq storage_type ginit >>=? fun Eq ->
return (typed loc (Create_contract_literal (storage_type, arg_type, ret_type, lambda),
Item_t (Contract_t (arg_type, ret_type), rest, instr_annot)))
| Prim (loc, I_NOW, [], instr_annot),
@ -1994,8 +1990,8 @@ and parse_contract
Contract.get_script ctxt contract >>=? function
| None ->
(ty_eq arg Unit_t >>? fun (Eq _) ->
ty_eq ret Unit_t >>? fun (Eq _) ->
(ty_eq arg Unit_t >>? fun Eq ->
ty_eq ret Unit_t >>? fun Eq ->
let contract : (arg, ret) typed_contract =
(arg, ret, contract) in
ok contract)
@ -2004,8 +2000,8 @@ and parse_contract
(parse_toplevel code >>? fun (arg_type, ret_type, _, _) ->
parse_ty arg_type >>? fun (Ex_ty targ, _) ->
parse_ty ret_type >>? fun (Ex_ty tret, _) ->
ty_eq targ arg >>? fun (Eq _) ->
ty_eq tret ret >>? fun (Eq _) ->
ty_eq targ arg >>? fun Eq ->
ty_eq tret ret >>? fun Eq ->
let contract : (arg, ret) typed_contract =
(arg, ret, contract) in
ok contract)
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
open Tezos_context
type ('ta, 'tb) eq = Eq : 'same * 'same -> ('same, 'same) eq
type ('ta, 'tb) eq = Eq : ('same, 'same) eq
type ex_comparable_ty = Ex_comparable_ty : 'a Script_typed_ir.comparable_ty -> ex_comparable_ty
type ex_ty = Ex_ty : 'a Script_typed_ir.ty -> ex_ty
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ and 'ty stack_ty =
(* ---- Instructions --------------------------------------------------------*)
(* The low-level, typed instructions, as a GADT whose parameters
encode the typing rules. The eft parameter is the typed shape of
encode the typing rules. The left parameter is the typed shape of
the stack before the instruction, the right one the shape
after. Any program whose construction is accepted by OCaml's
type-checker is guaranteed to be type-safe. Overloadings of the
Reference in New Issue
Block a user