Data_encoding: be compatible with 32bits platform.
We should not accept for `data_encoding.ranged_int` values that cannot fits in `int31`. Iw we wnat more, we should introduce `ranged_int32` or `ranged_int64`.
This commit is contained in:
@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ module Size = struct
let char = 1
let int16 = 2
let uint16 = 2
let uint30 = 4
let uint32 = 4
let uint64 = 8
let int31 = 4
@ -183,8 +184,8 @@ and 'a t = {
mutable json_encoding: 'a Json_encoding.encoding option ;
type signed_integer = [ `Int64 | `Int32 | `Int16 | `Int8 ]
type unsigned_integer = [ `Int64 | `Int32 | `Uint16 | `Uint8 ]
type signed_integer = [ `Int31 | `Int16 | `Int8 ]
type unsigned_integer = [ `Uint30 | `Uint16 | `Uint8 ]
type integer = [ signed_integer | unsigned_integer ]
let signed_range_to_size min max : [> signed_integer ] =
@ -192,9 +193,7 @@ let signed_range_to_size min max : [> signed_integer ] =
then `Int8
else if min >= ~-32_768 && max <= 32_767
then `Int16
else if min >= ~-2_147_483_648 && max <= 2_147_483_647
then `Int32
else `Int64
else `Int31
(* max should be centered at zero *)
let unsigned_range_to_size max : [> unsigned_integer ] =
@ -202,17 +201,13 @@ let unsigned_range_to_size max : [> unsigned_integer ] =
then `Uint8
else if max <= 65535
then `Uint16
else if max <= 2_147_483_647 (* Unsigned int32 and int64 are not supported *)
then `Int32
else `Int64
else `Uint30
let integer_to_size = function
| `Int64 -> Size.int64
| `Int32 -> Size.int32
| `Int31 -> Size.int31
| `Int16 -> Size.int16
| `Int8 -> Size.int8
| `Uint64 -> Size.uint64
| `Uint32 -> Size.uint32
| `Uint30 -> Size.uint30
| `Uint16 -> Size.uint16
| `Uint8 -> Size.uint8
@ -550,11 +545,16 @@ module Encoding = struct
let uint16 = make @@ Uint16
let int31 = make @@ Int31
let int32 = make @@ Int32
let ranged_int minimum maximum = make @@ RangedInt { minimum = min minimum maximum ;
maximum = max minimum maximum }
let ranged_float minimum maximum = make @@ RangedFloat { minimum = min minimum maximum ;
maximum = max minimum maximum }
let ranged_int minimum maximum =
let minimum = min minimum maximum
and maximum = max minimum maximum in
if minimum < ~-1_073_741_824 || 1_073_741_823 < maximum then
invalid_arg "Data_encoding.ranged_int" ;
make @@ RangedInt { minimum ; maximum }
let ranged_float minimum maximum =
let minimum = min minimum maximum
and maximum = max minimum maximum in
make @@ RangedFloat { minimum ; maximum }
let int64 = make @@ Int64
let float = make @@ Float
@ -1015,7 +1015,15 @@ module Binary = struct
MBytes.set_int16 buf ofs v;
ofs + Size.uint16
let uint30 v buf ofs =
if v < 0 || (Sys.int_size > 31 && v >= 1 lsl 30) then
invalid_arg "Data_encoding.Binary.Writer.uint30" ;
MBytes.set_int32 buf ofs (Int32.of_int v);
ofs + Size.uint30
let int31 v buf ofs =
if Sys.int_size > 31 && (v < ~- (1 lsl 30) || v >= 1 lsl 30) then
invalid_arg "Data_encoding.Binary.Writer.int31" ;
MBytes.set_int32 buf ofs (Int32.of_int v);
ofs + Size.int31
@ -1111,7 +1119,14 @@ module Binary = struct
invalid_arg "Data_encoding.Binary.Writer.uint16" ;
MBytes_buffer.write_int16 buf v
let uint30 v buf =
if v < 0 || (Sys.int_size > 31 && v >= 1 lsl 30) then
invalid_arg "Data_encoding.Binary.Writer.uint30" ;
MBytes_buffer.write_int32 buf (Int32.of_int v)
let int31 v buf =
if Sys.int_size > 31 && (v < ~- (1 lsl 30) || v >= 1 lsl 30) then
invalid_arg "Data_encoding.Binary.Writer.int31" ;
MBytes_buffer.write_int32 buf (Int32.of_int v)
let int32 v buf =
@ -1180,12 +1195,12 @@ module Binary = struct
then invalid_arg (Printf.sprintf "Integer %d not in range [%d, %d]." v minimum maximum) ;
let v = if minimum >= 0 then v - minimum else v in
match range_to_size ~minimum ~maximum with
| `Uint16 -> uint16 v
| `Uint8 -> uint8 v
| `Uint16 -> uint16 v
| `Uint30 -> uint30 v
| `Int8 -> int8 v
| `Int64 -> int64 (Int64.of_int v)
| `Int16 -> int16 v
| `Int32 -> int32 (Int32.of_int v)
| `Int31 -> int31 v
| Float -> float
| RangedFloat { minimum ; maximum } ->
@ -1203,10 +1218,9 @@ module Binary = struct
(fun v ->
let value = get_string_enum_case tbl v in
match enum_size arr with
| `Int64 -> int64 (Int64.of_int value)
| `Uint30 -> uint30 value
| `Uint16 -> uint16 value
| `Uint8 -> uint8 value
| `Int32 -> int32 (Int32.of_int value))
| `Uint8 -> uint8 value)
| Obj (Req (_, e)) -> write_rec e
| Obj (Opt (`Dynamic, _, e)) ->
let write = write_rec e in
@ -1266,12 +1280,12 @@ module Binary = struct
let value = if minimum >= 0 then value - minimum else value in
match range_to_size ~minimum ~maximum with
| `Uint30 -> uint30 value buffer
| `Uint16 -> uint16 value buffer
| `Uint8 -> uint8 value buffer
| `Int8 -> int8 value buffer
| `Int64 -> int64 (Int64.of_int value) buffer
| `Int16 -> int16 value buffer
| `Int32 -> int32 (Int32.of_int value) buffer
| `Int31 -> int31 value buffer
| RangedFloat { minimum ; maximum } ->
if value < minimum || value > maximum
@ -1280,10 +1294,9 @@ module Binary = struct
float value buffer
| String_enum (tbl, arr) ->
(match enum_size arr with
| `Uint30 -> BufferedWriter.uint30
| `Uint16 -> BufferedWriter.uint16
| `Uint8 -> BufferedWriter.uint8
| `Int64 -> (fun x -> BufferedWriter.int64 (Int64.of_int x))
| `Int32 -> (fun x -> BufferedWriter.int32 (Int32.of_int x)))
| `Uint8 -> BufferedWriter.uint8)
(get_string_enum_case tbl value)
| Obj (Req (_, e)) -> write_rec_buffer e value buffer
@ -1388,6 +1401,12 @@ module Binary = struct
let uint16 buf ofs _len =
ofs + Size.uint16, MBytes.get_uint16 buf ofs
let uint30 buf ofs _len =
let v = Int32.to_int (MBytes.get_int32 buf ofs) in
if v < 0 then
failwith "Data_encoding.Binary.Reader.uint30: invalid data." ;
ofs + Size.uint30, v
let int31 buf ofs _len =
ofs + Size.int31, Int32.to_int (MBytes.get_int32 buf ofs)
@ -1499,11 +1518,11 @@ module Binary = struct
let ofs, value =
match range_to_size ~minimum ~maximum with
| `Int8 -> int8 buf ofs alpha
| `Int64 -> let ofs, int64 = int64 buf ofs alpha in (ofs, Int64.to_int int64)
| `Uint16 -> uint16 buf ofs alpha
| `Int16 -> int16 buf ofs alpha
| `Int31 -> int31 buf ofs alpha
| `Uint8 -> uint8 buf ofs alpha
| `Int32 -> let ofs, int32 = int32 buf ofs alpha in (ofs, Int32.to_int int32) in
| `Uint16 -> uint16 buf ofs alpha
| `Uint30 -> uint30 buf ofs alpha in
let value = if minimum > 0 then value + minimum else value in
if value < minimum || value > maximum
then raise (Int_out_of_range (value, minimum, maximum)) ;
@ -1525,8 +1544,7 @@ module Binary = struct
match enum_size arr with
| `Uint8 -> uint8 buf ofs a
| `Uint16 -> uint16 buf ofs a
| `Int64 -> let ofs, i64 = int64 buf ofs a in (ofs, Int64.to_int i64)
| `Int32 -> let ofs, i64 = int32 buf ofs a in (ofs, Int32.to_int i64) in
| `Uint30 -> uint30 buf ofs a in
if ind >= Array.length arr
then raise No_case_matched
else (ofs, arr.(ind))
@ -1715,6 +1733,14 @@ module Binary = struct
let uint16 buf =
generic_read_data Size.uint16 (fun x y _ -> MBytes.get_uint16 x y) buf
let uint30 buf =
generic_read_data Size.uint30
(fun x y _ ->
let v = Int32.to_int (MBytes.get_int32 x y) in
if v < 0 then
failwith "Data_encoding.Binary.Reader.uint30: invalid data." ;
v) buf
let int31 buf =
generic_read_data Size.int31
(fun x y _ -> Int32.to_int (MBytes.get_int32 x y)) buf
@ -1773,13 +1799,13 @@ module Binary = struct
| Int64 -> next_path path (fst (int64 buf))
| RangedInt { minimum ; maximum } ->
let (stream, ranged) =
(match range_to_size ~minimum ~maximum with
| `Int8 -> int8 buf
| `Int64 -> let stream, int = int64 buf in (stream, Int64.to_int int)
| `Uint16 -> uint16 buf
| `Int16 -> int16 buf
| `Uint8 -> uint8 buf
| `Int32 -> let stream, int = int32 buf in (stream, Int32.to_int int)) in
match range_to_size ~minimum ~maximum with
| `Int8 -> int8 buf
| `Int16 -> int16 buf
| `Int31 -> int31 buf
| `Uint8 -> uint8 buf
| `Uint16 -> uint16 buf
| `Uint30 -> uint30 buf in
let ranged = if minimum > 0 then ranged + minimum else ranged in
assert (minimum < ranged && ranged < maximum) ;
next_path path stream
@ -1803,10 +1829,10 @@ module Binary = struct
| String_enum (_, arr) ->
next_path path
(match enum_size arr with
| `Int64 -> fst @@ int64 buf
| `Uint16 -> fst @@ uint16 buf
| `Uint8 -> fst @@ uint8 buf
| `Int32 -> fst @@ int32 buf)
| `Uint16 -> fst @@ uint16 buf
| `Uint30 -> fst @@ uint30 buf)
| Array e ->
let p = P_list { path ; encoding = e ; base_ofs = buf.ofs ;
data_len = len ; nb_elts_read = 0 } in
@ -83,8 +83,8 @@ let test_simple_values _ =
test_simple ~msg:__LOC__ (ranged_int 19000 19254) 19000;
test_simple ~msg:__LOC__ (ranged_int 19000 19254) 19254;
test_simple ~msg:__LOC__ (ranged_int ~-100 300) 200;
test_simple ~msg:__LOC__ (ranged_int ~-3_000_000_000 3_000_000_000) 200;
test_simple ~msg:__LOC__ (ranged_int ~-3_000_000_000 3_000_000_000) 2_000_000_000;
test_simple ~msg:__LOC__ (ranged_int ~-300_000_000 300_000_000) 200;
test_simple ~msg:__LOC__ (ranged_int ~-300_000_000 300_000_000) 200_000_000;
test_simple ~msg:__LOC__ (ranged_float 100. 200.) 150.;
test_simple ~msg:__LOC__ (ranged_float ~-.100. 200.) ~-.75.;
test_simple ~msg:__LOC__ bool true;
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