Fix lexer
This commit is contained in:
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Contract below is effectively an empty contract, that takes a `unit` as a parame
function main (const p : unit ; const s : unit) : (list(operation) * unit) is
block {skip} with ((nil : list(operation)), s)
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ In the example below we have a simple counter contract, that can be either `Incr
// variant defining pseudo multi-entrypoint actions
type action is
| Increment of int
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Body of a function consists of two parts, the first part (**`block {}`** or **`b
const availableSupply: nat = 15n;
const totalSupply: nat = 100n;
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ A short hand syntax for the same function as above can inline the price calculat
While this approach can have it's benefits, it can decrease readability.
const availableSupply: nat = 15n;
const totalSupply: nat = 100n;
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Type aliasing is a great choice when working towards a readable / maintainable s
type animalBreed is string;
const dogBreed: animalBreed = "Saluki";
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ const dogBreed: animalBreed = "Saluki";
### Simple types
// accountBalances is a simple type, a map of address <-> tez
type accountBalances is map(address, tez);
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ In the example below you can see definition of data types for a ledger, that kee
// alias two types
type account is address;
type numberOfTransactions is nat;
@ -17,14 +17,15 @@ In the [previous tutorial](tutorials/get-started/tezos-taco-shop-smart-contract.
## Analyzing the current contract
### **`taco-shop.ligo`**
type taco_supply is record
current_stock : nat;
max_price : tez;
type taco_shop_storage is map(nat, taco_supply);
function buy_taco (const taco_kind_index: nat ; var taco_shop_storage : taco_shop_storage) : (list(operation) * taco_shop_storage) is
function buy_taco (const taco_kind_index: nat ; var taco_shop_storage : taco_shop_storage) :
(list(operation) * taco_shop_storage) is
// Retrieve the taco_kind from the contract's storage
const taco_kind : taco_supply = get_force(taco_kind_index, taco_shop_storage);
@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ function buy_taco (const taco_kind_index: nat ; var taco_shop_storage : taco_sho
### Purchase price formula
Pedro's Taco Shop contract currently enables customers to buy tacos, at a computed price based on a simple formula.
const current_purchase_price : tez = taco_kind.max_price / taco_kind.current_stock;
@ -66,7 +67,7 @@ This means that after all the *purchase conditions* of our contract are met - e.
### Defining the recipient
In order to send tokens, we will need a receiver address - which in our case will be Pedro's personal account. Additionally we'll wrap the given address as a *`contract(unit)`* - which represents either a contract with no parameters, or an implicit account.
const ownerAddress : address = "tz1TGu6TN5GSez2ndXXeDX6LgUDvLzPLqgYV";
const receiver : contract(unit) = get_contract(ownerAddress);
@ -77,7 +78,7 @@ const receiver : contract(unit) = get_contract(ownerAddress);
Now we can transfer the `amount` received by `buy_taco` to Pedro's `ownerAddress`. We will do so by forging a `transaction(unit, amount, receiver)` within a list of operations returned at the end of our contract.
const payoutOperation : operation = transaction(unit, amount, receiver) ;
const operations : list(operation) = list
@ -89,7 +90,7 @@ end;
## Finalizing the contract
### **`taco-shop.ligo`**
type taco_supply is record
current_stock : nat;
max_price : tez;
@ -129,7 +130,7 @@ function buy_taco (const taco_kind_index: nat ; var taco_shop_storage : taco_sho
To confirm that our contract is valid, we can dry run it. As a result we see a *new operation* in the list of returned operations to be executed subsequently.
ligo dry-run taco-shop.ligo --syntax pascaligo --amount 1 buy_taco 1n "map
1n -> record
current_stock = 50n;
@ -157,12 +158,12 @@ end"
Because Pedro is a member of the (STA) Specialty Taco Association, he has decided to donate **10%** of the earnings to the STA. We'll just add a `donationAddress` to the contract, and compute a 10% donation sum from each taco purchase.
const ownerAddress: address = "tz1TGu6TN5GSez2ndXXeDX6LgUDvLzPLqgYV";
const donationAddress: address = "tz1KqTpEZ7Yob7QbPE4Hy4Wo8fHG8LhKxZSx";
const receiver : contract(unit) = get_contract(ownerAddress);
const donationReceiver : contract(unit) = get_contract(donationAddress);
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Each taco kind, has its own `max_price` that it sells for, and a finite supply f
Current purchase price is calculated with the following equation:
current_purchase_price = max_price / available_stock
@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ The best way to install the dockerized LIGO is as a **global executable** throug
To begin implementing our smart contract, we need an entry point. We'll call it `main` and it'll specify our contract's storage (`int`) and input parameter (`int`). Of course this is not the final storage/parameter of our contract, but it's something to get us started and test our LIGO installation as well.
### `taco-shop.ligo`
function main (const parameter : int; const contractStorage : int) : (list(operation) * int) is
function main (const parameter: int; const contractStorage: int) : (list(operation) * int) is
block {skip} with ((nil : list(operation)), contractStorage + parameter)
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ ligo dry-run taco-shop.ligo --syntax pascaligo main 4 3
We know that Pedro's Taco Shop serves two kinds of tacos, so we'll need to manage stock individually, per kind. Let's define a type, that will keep the `stock` & `max_price` per kind - in a record with two fields. Additionally, we'll want to combine our `taco_supply` type into a map, consisting of the entire offer of Pedro's shop.
**Taco shop's storage**
type taco_supply is record
current_stock : nat;
max_price : tez;
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ type taco_shop_storage is map(nat, taco_supply);
Next step is to update the `main` entry point to include `taco_shop_storage` as its storage - while doing that let's set the `parameter` to `unit` as well to clear things up.
type taco_supply is record
current_stock : nat;
max_price : tez;
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ Let's start by customizing our contract a bit, we will:
- change `taco_shop_storage` to a `var` instead of a `const`, because we'll want to modify it
type taco_supply is record
current_stock : nat;
max_price : tez;
@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ In order to decrease the stock in our contract's storage for a specific taco kin
type taco_supply is record
current_stock : nat;
max_price : tez;
@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ To make sure we get paid, we will:
- if yes, stock for the given `taco_kind` will be decreased and the payment accepted
type taco_supply is record
current_stock : nat;
max_price : tez;
@ -327,11 +327,11 @@ end"
If you'd like to accept tips in your contract as well, simply change the following line, depending on which behavior do you prefer.
**Without tips**
if amount =/= current_purchase_price then
**With tips**
if amount >= current_purchase_price then
@ -15,35 +15,6 @@ const MarkdownBlock = CompLibrary.MarkdownBlock; /* Used to read markdown */
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Before Width: | Height: | Size: 1.1 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.1 KiB |
@ -520,7 +520,7 @@ let esc = "\\n" | "\\\"" | "\\\\" | "\\b"
| "\\r" | "\\t" | "\\x" byte
let symbol = ';' | ',' | '(' | ')'| '[' | ']' | '{' | '}'
| '#' | '|' | "->" | ":=" | '=' | ':'
| '<' | "<=" | '>' | ">=" | "=/="
| '<' | "<=" | '>' | ">=" | "=/=" | "<>"
| '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | '.' | '_' | '^'
| "::" | "||" | "&&"
let string = [^'"' '\\' '\n']* (* For strings of #include *)
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