review 1
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,585 @@
// Dexter
// a decentralized Tezos exchange for XTZ and FA1.2
// copyright: camlCase 2019-2020
// version:
// =============================================================================
// Entrypoints
// =============================================================================
type entrypoint is
| Approve of (address * nat * nat)
| AddLiquidity of (address * nat * nat * timestamp)
| RemoveLiquidity of (address * address * nat * tez * nat * timestamp)
| XtzToToken of (address * nat * timestamp)
| TokenToXtz of (address * address * nat * tez * timestamp)
| BetForBakingRights of (key_hash * address * nat)
| EndAuctionRound
| UpdateTokenBalance of (nat)
// the transfer entrypoint of the FA1.2 contract
type token_contract_transfer is (address * address * nat);
// =============================================================================
// Storage
// =============================================================================
type baker_address is key_hash;
type account is record
balance : nat;
allowances: map(address, nat);
// this is just to force big_maps as the first item of a pair on the top
// so we can still use the old big map route without big map id for
// convenience
type s is record
current_baker: option(baker_address);
current_baker_candidate: option(baker_address * address * tez * nat);
last_auction: timestamp;
lqt_total: nat;
token_address: address;
token_balance: nat;
rewards: (tez * nat);
type storage is record
s: s;
accounts: big_map(address, account);
// =============================================================================
// Constants
// =============================================================================
const empty_allowances : map(address,nat) = map end;
const empty_ops : list(operation) = list end;
const no_baker_candidate: option(baker_address * address * tez * nat) = None;
const no_baker: option(key_hash) = None;
// 21 days
// 86400 seconds * 21
const dexter_cycle: int = 1814400;
// =============================================================================
// Helper Functions
// =============================================================================
function mutez_to_natural(const a: tez): nat is
block {skip} with a / 1mutez
function natural_to_mutez(const a: nat): tez is
block {skip} with a * 1mutez
// this will fail if provided a negative number
function int_to_nat(const error: string ; const a: int): nat is
block {
var result : nat := 0n;
if (a >= 0) then block {
result := abs(a);
} else block {
} with result;
// get an account from the big_map, if one does not exist for a particular
// address then create one.
function get_account(const a: address ; const m: big_map(address, account)): account is
block { skip } with (
case (m[a]) of
| None -> record balance = 0n; allowances = empty_allowances; end
| Some(account) -> account
function update_allowance(const owner : address;
const spender : address;
const updated_allowance: nat;
var storage : storage):
storage is
block {
if (spender =/= owner) then block {
var account: account := get_account(owner, storage.accounts);
account.allowances[spender] := updated_allowance;
storage.accounts[owner] := record balance = account.balance; allowances = account.allowances; end;
} else {
} with storage;
// if sender is owner, return amount, otherwise check if sender has permission
// if true then return amount, otherwise fail
function get_sender_allowance(const owner: address ; const storage: storage): nat is
block {
var result: nat := 0n;
case storage.accounts[owner] of
| None -> failwith("2")
| Some(account) -> block {
if sender =/= owner then block {
case account.allowances[sender] of
| None -> failwith("3")
| Some(allowance) -> result := allowance
} else block {
result := account.balance
} with result;
function get_current_candidate_bet (const storage: storage): (tez * nat) is
block {
var current_candidate_bet: (tez * nat) := (0mutez, 0n);
case (storage.s.current_baker_candidate) of
| None -> skip
| Some(current_baker_candidate) -> current_candidate_bet := (current_baker_candidate.2, current_baker_candidate.3)
} with current_candidate_bet;
// there might be some zero division edge cases
function get_xtz_pool (const current_candidate_bet_xtz: tez ; const storage: storage): (tez) is
block {
const time_since_last_auction: int = now - storage.s.last_auction;
const days_since_last_auction: int = time_since_last_auction / 86400;
var xtz_pool : tez := 0mutez;
if (days_since_last_auction < dexter_cycle) then block {
const released_rewards : tez = (storage.s.rewards.0 / abs((days_since_last_auction * 1000 / dexter_cycle))) / 1000n;
const unreleased_rewards: tez = storage.s.rewards.0 - released_rewards;
xtz_pool := balance - current_candidate_bet_xtz - unreleased_rewards - amount;
} else block {
// the slow reward wait has passed, all the rewards are released
xtz_pool := balance - current_candidate_bet_xtz - amount;
} with xtz_pool;
// there might be some zero division edge cases
function get_token_pool (const current_candidate_bet_token: nat ; const storage: storage): (nat) is
block {
const time_since_last_auction: int = now - storage.s.last_auction;
const days_since_last_auction: int = time_since_last_auction / 86400;
var token_pool : nat := 0n;
if (days_since_last_auction < dexter_cycle) then block {
const reward_days : int = days_since_last_auction;
const released_rewards : nat = (storage.s.rewards.1 / abs((reward_days * 1000 / dexter_cycle))) / 1000n;
const unreleased_rewards: nat = abs(storage.s.rewards.1 - released_rewards);
token_pool := abs(storage.s.token_balance - current_candidate_bet_token - unreleased_rewards);
} else block {
// the slow reward wait has passed, all the rewards are released
token_pool := abs(storage.s.token_balance - current_candidate_bet_token)
} with token_pool;
// =============================================================================
// Entrypoint Functions
// =============================================================================
function approve(const spender : address;
const allowance: nat;
const current_allowance: nat;
var storage : storage):
(list(operation) * storage) is
block {
if (spender =/= sender) then block {
// get the sender's account
// if the account does not exist, fail, we do not want to create accounts here
// creating accounts should be done in add_liquidity
const account: account = get_account(sender, storage.accounts);
var sender_allowances: map(address, nat) := account.allowances;
sender_allowances[spender] := allowance;
storage.accounts[sender] := record balance = account.balance; allowances = sender_allowances; end;
} else block {
} with (empty_ops, storage);
// it is assumed that the exchange contract has permission from the FA1.2 token
// to manage the assets of the user. It is the responsibility of the dApp
// developer to handle permissions.
function add_liquidity(const owner : address;
const min_lqt_created : nat;
const max_tokens_deposited: nat;
const deadline : timestamp;
var storage : storage):
(list(operation) * storage) is
block {
// add_liquidity performs a transfer to the token contract, we need to
// return the operations
var op_list: list(operation) := nil;
if (now < deadline) then skip else block {
if (max_tokens_deposited > 0n) then skip else block {
if (amount > 0mutez) then skip else block {
if (storage.s.lqt_total > 0n) then block {
// lqt_total greater than zero
// use the existing exchange rate
if (min_lqt_created > 0n) then skip else block {
const current_candidate_bet: (tez * nat) = get_current_candidate_bet(storage);
const xtz_pool : nat = mutez_to_natural(get_xtz_pool(current_candidate_bet.0, storage));
const token_pool : nat = get_token_pool(current_candidate_bet.1, storage);
const nat_amount : nat = mutez_to_natural(amount);
const tokens_deposited : nat = nat_amount * token_pool / xtz_pool;
const lqt_minted : nat = nat_amount * storage.s.lqt_total / xtz_pool;
if (max_tokens_deposited >= tokens_deposited) then skip else block {
if (lqt_minted >= min_lqt_created) then skip else block {
const account: account = get_account(owner, storage.accounts);
const new_balance: nat = account.balance + lqt_minted;
storage.accounts[owner] := record balance = new_balance; allowances = account.allowances; end;
storage.s.lqt_total := storage.s.lqt_total + lqt_minted;
storage.s.token_balance := storage.s.token_balance + tokens_deposited;
// send FA1.2 from owner to exchange
const token_contract: contract(token_contract_transfer) = get_entrypoint("%transfer", storage.s.token_address);
const op1: operation = transaction((owner, self_address, tokens_deposited), 0mutez, token_contract);
op_list := list op1; end;
} else block {
// initial add liquidity
if (amount >= 1tz) then skip else block {
const tokens_deposited : nat = max_tokens_deposited;
const current_candidate_bet: (tez * nat) = get_current_candidate_bet(storage);
const initial_liquidity : nat = mutez_to_natural(balance - current_candidate_bet.0);
storage.s.lqt_total := initial_liquidity;
storage.accounts[owner] := record balance = initial_liquidity; allowances = empty_allowances; end;
storage.s.token_balance := tokens_deposited;
// send FA1.2 tokens from owner to exchange
const token_contract: contract(token_contract_transfer) = get_entrypoint("%transfer", storage.s.token_address);
const op1: operation = transaction((owner, self_address, tokens_deposited), 0mutez, token_contract);
op_list := list op1; end;
} with (op_list, storage);
function remove_liquidity(const owner : address;
const to_ : address;
const lqt_burned : nat;
const min_xtz_withdrawn : tez;
const min_tokens_withdrawn : nat;
const deadline : timestamp;
var storage : storage):
(list(operation) * storage) is
block {
var op_list: list(operation) := nil;
if (now < deadline) then skip else block {
if (min_xtz_withdrawn > 0mutez) then skip else block {
if (min_tokens_withdrawn > 0n) then skip else block {
if (lqt_burned > 0n) then skip else block {
// returns total if sender is owner, otherwise looks it up
const lqt: nat = get_sender_allowance(owner, storage);
if (lqt >= lqt_burned) then skip else block {
if (storage.s.lqt_total > 0n) then skip else block {
const current_candidate_bet: (tez * nat) = get_current_candidate_bet(storage);
const xtz_withdrawn : tez = natural_to_mutez(lqt_burned * mutez_to_natural(balance - current_candidate_bet.0) / storage.s.lqt_total);
if (xtz_withdrawn >= min_xtz_withdrawn) then skip else block {
const token_pool : nat = get_token_pool(current_candidate_bet.1, storage);
const tokens_withdrawn: nat = lqt_burned * token_pool / storage.s.lqt_total;
if (tokens_withdrawn >= min_tokens_withdrawn) then skip else block {
const account: account = get_account(owner, storage.accounts);
if (account.balance >= lqt_burned) then skip else block {
const new_balance: nat = int_to_nat("33", account.balance - lqt_burned);
storage.accounts[owner] := record balance = new_balance; allowances = account.allowances; end;
storage.s.lqt_total := int_to_nat("34", storage.s.lqt_total - lqt_burned);
storage.s.token_balance := int_to_nat("35", storage.s.token_balance - tokens_withdrawn);
// update allowance
// lqt - lqt_burned is safe, we have already checed that lqt >= lqt_burned
storage := update_allowance(owner, sender, int_to_nat("36", lqt - lqt_burned), storage);
// send xtz_withdrawn to to_ address
const to_contract: contract(unit) = get_contract(to_);
const op1: operation = transaction(unit, xtz_withdrawn, to_contract);
// send tokens_withdrawn to to address
// if tokens_withdrawn if greater than storage.s.token_balance, this will fail
const token_contract: contract(token_contract_transfer) = get_entrypoint("%transfer", storage.s.token_address);
const op2: operation = transaction((self_address, to_, tokens_withdrawn), 0mutez, token_contract);
op_list := list op1; op2; end
} with (op_list, storage);
function xtz_to_token(const to_ : address;
const min_tokens_bought: nat;
const deadline : timestamp;
var storage : storage):
(list(operation) * storage) is
block {
var op_list: list(operation) := nil;
if (now < deadline) then skip else block {
const current_candidate_bet: (tez * nat) = get_current_candidate_bet(storage);
const xtz_pool : nat = mutez_to_natural(get_xtz_pool(current_candidate_bet.0, storage));
const nat_amount : nat = mutez_to_natural(amount);
const token_pool : nat = get_token_pool(current_candidate_bet.1, storage);
const tokens_bought : nat = (nat_amount * 997n * token_pool) / (xtz_pool * 1000n + (nat_amount * 997n));
if (tokens_bought >= min_tokens_bought) then skip else block {
storage.s.token_balance := int_to_nat("32", storage.s.token_balance - tokens_bought);
// send tokens_withdrawn to to address
// if tokens_bought is greater than storage.s.token_balance, this will fail
const token_contract: contract(token_contract_transfer) = get_entrypoint("%transfer", storage.s.token_address);
const op: operation = transaction((self_address, to_, tokens_bought), 0mutez, token_contract);
// append internal operations
op_list := list op; end;
} with (op_list, storage);
function token_to_xtz(const owner : address; // the address of the owner of FA1.2
const to_ : address;
const tokens_sold : nat;
const min_xtz_bought: tez;
const deadline : timestamp;
var storage : storage):
(list(operation) * storage) is
block {
var op_list: list(operation) := nil;
if (now < deadline) then skip else block {
const current_candidate_bet: (tez * nat) = get_current_candidate_bet(storage);
const xtz_pool : tez = get_xtz_pool(current_candidate_bet.0, storage);
const token_pool : nat = get_token_pool(current_candidate_bet.1, storage);
const xtz_bought : tez = natural_to_mutez((tokens_sold * 997n * mutez_to_natural(xtz_pool)) / (token_pool * 1000n + (tokens_sold * 997n)));
if (xtz_bought >= min_xtz_bought) then skip else block {
storage.s.token_balance := storage.s.token_balance + tokens_sold;
// send xtz_bought to to_ address
const to_contract: contract(unit) = get_contract(to_);
const op1: operation = transaction(unit, xtz_bought, to_contract);
// send tokens_sold to the exchange address
// this assumes that the exchange has an allowance for the token and owner in FA1.2
const token_contract: contract(token_contract_transfer) = get_entrypoint("%transfer", storage.s.token_address);
const op2: operation = transaction((owner, self_address, tokens_sold), 0mutez, token_contract);
// append internal operations
op_list := list op1; op2; end;
} with (op_list, storage);
function assert_valid_baker (const current_baker: option(key_hash);
const candidate: key_hash): (operation * operation) is
block {
// test the candidate baker, if it is valid this will not fail
const test_set_delegate_operation: operation = set_delegate(Some(candidate));
// reset to the current baker
const reset_set_delegate_operation: operation = set_delegate(current_baker);
} with (test_set_delegate_operation, reset_set_delegate_operation);
function bet_for_baking_rights (const candidate : key_hash;
const token_source : address;
const max_tokens_bet : nat;
var storage : storage):
(list(operation) * storage) is
block {
var op_list: list(operation) := nil;
// this is a trick to assert that the provided baker address is valid
case (storage.s.current_baker_candidate) of
| None -> block {
const op_pair: (operation * operation) = assert_valid_baker(storage.s.current_baker, candidate);
op_list := op_pair.0 # op_list;
op_list := op_pair.1 # op_list;
| Some(current_baker_candidate) -> block {
if (current_baker_candidate.0 = candidate) then skip else block {
const op_pair: (operation * operation) = assert_valid_baker(storage.s.current_baker, candidate);
op_list := op_pair.0 # op_list;
op_list := op_pair.1 # op_list;
// now we are sure it is a valid baker
// set a minimum bet
if (max_tokens_bet > 0n) then skip else block {
if (amount > 0mutez) then skip else block {
const current_candidate_bet : (tez * nat) = get_current_candidate_bet(storage);
if (amount > current_candidate_bet.0) then skip else { failwith("26") };
const xtz_pool : nat = mutez_to_natural(get_xtz_pool(current_candidate_bet.0, storage));
const token_pool : nat = get_token_pool(current_candidate_bet.1, storage);
const nat_amount : nat = mutez_to_natural(amount);
const tokens_deposited : nat = nat_amount * token_pool / xtz_pool;
if (tokens_deposited > current_candidate_bet.1) then skip else { failwith("27") };
if (tokens_deposited > max_tokens_bet) then skip else { failwith("28") };
case (storage.s.current_baker_candidate) of
| None -> block {
// add the tokens_deposited to the token_balance
storage.s.token_balance := storage.s.token_balance + tokens_deposited;
| Some(current_baker_candidate) -> block {
// return rejected candidates tez and tokens to previous candidate
const token_contract: contract(token_contract_transfer) = get_entrypoint("%transfer", storage.s.token_address);
const return_token_op: operation = transaction((self_address, current_baker_candidate.1, current_baker_candidate.3), 0mutez, token_contract);
op_list := return_token_op # op_list;
const to_contract: contract(unit) = get_contract(current_baker_candidate.1);
const return_xtz_op: operation = transaction(unit, current_baker_candidate.2, to_contract);
op_list := return_xtz_op # op_list;
// remove the tokens from the current_baker_candidate
// add the tokens_deposited to the token_balance
storage.s.token_balance := abs(storage.s.token_balance - current_baker_candidate.3) + tokens_deposited;
storage.s.current_baker_candidate := Some((candidate,token_source,amount,tokens_deposited));
// send FA1.2 from owner to exchange, dexter needs permission to transfer these tokens
const token_contract: contract(token_contract_transfer) = get_entrypoint("%transfer", storage.s.token_address);
const xtz_to_dexter_op: operation = transaction((token_source, self_address, tokens_deposited), 0mutez, token_contract);
op_list := xtz_to_dexter_op # op_list;
} with (op_list, storage);
function end_auction_round(var storage : storage) : (list(operation) * storage) is
block {
var op_list: list(operation) := nil;
// 604800 seconds is one week
if (now > storage.s.last_auction + 604800) then skip else {failwith("29")};
case (storage.s.current_baker_candidate) of
| None -> block {
const set_delegate_op: operation = set_delegate(no_baker);
op_list := set_delegate_op # op_list;
| Some(current_baker_candidate) -> block {
case (storage.s.current_baker) of
| None -> block {
storage.s.current_baker := Some(current_baker_candidate.0);
storage.s.current_baker_candidate := no_baker_candidate;
storage.s.token_balance := storage.s.token_balance + current_baker_candidate.3;
storage.s.last_auction := now;
const set_delegate_op: operation = set_delegate(storage.s.current_baker);
op_list := set_delegate_op # op_list;
| Some(current_baker) -> block {
if (current_baker = current_baker_candidate.0) then block {
storage.s.current_baker_candidate := no_baker_candidate;
storage.s.token_balance := storage.s.token_balance + current_baker_candidate.3;
storage.s.last_auction := now;
} else {
storage.s.current_baker := Some(current_baker_candidate.0);
storage.s.current_baker_candidate := no_baker_candidate;
storage.s.token_balance := storage.s.token_balance + current_baker_candidate.3;
storage.s.last_auction := now;
const set_delegate_op: operation = set_delegate(storage.s.current_baker);
op_list := set_delegate_op # op_list;
} with (op_list, storage);
function update_token_balance(const token_balance: nat ; var storage : storage) : (list(operation) * storage) is
block {
var op_list: list(operation) := nil;
if (sender =/= storage.s.token_address) then {
} else {
storage.s.token_balance := token_balance;
} with (op_list, storage);
// =============================================================================
// Main
// =============================================================================
function main (const entrypoint : entrypoint ; const storage : storage) : (list(operation) * storage) is
(case entrypoint of
| Approve(xs) -> approve(xs.0,xs.1,xs.2,storage)
| AddLiquidity(xs) -> add_liquidity(xs.0,xs.1,xs.2,xs.3,storage)
| RemoveLiquidity(xs) -> remove_liquidity(xs.0,xs.1,xs.2,xs.3,xs.4,xs.5,storage)
| XtzToToken(xs) -> xtz_to_token(xs.0,xs.1,xs.2,storage)
| TokenToXtz(xs) -> token_to_xtz(xs.0,xs.1,xs.2,xs.3,xs.4,storage)
| BetForBakingRights(xs) -> bet_for_baking_rights(xs.0,xs.1,xs.2,storage)
| EndAuctionRound -> end_auction_round(storage)
| UpdateTokenBalance(xs) -> update_token_balance(xs, storage)
@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ let rec type_expression' :
fun f ppf te ->
match te.type_content with
| T_sum m -> fprintf ppf "sum[%a]" (cmap_sep_d f) m
| T_record m -> fprintf ppf "%a" (tuple_or_record_sep_type f) m
| T_tuple t -> fprintf ppf "%a" (list_sep_d f) t
| T_record m -> fprintf ppf "{%a}" (record_sep f (const ";")) m
| T_tuple t -> fprintf ppf "(%a)" (list_sep_d f) t
| T_arrow a -> fprintf ppf "%a -> %a" f a.type1 f a.type2
| T_variable tv -> type_variable ppf tv
| T_constant tc -> type_constant ppf tc
@ -60,11 +60,11 @@ and expression_content ppf (ec : expression_content) =
fprintf ppf "%a(%a)" constant c.cons_name (list_sep_d expression)
| E_record m ->
fprintf ppf "%a" (tuple_or_record_sep_expr expression) m
fprintf ppf "{%a}" (record_sep expression (const ";")) m
| E_record_accessor ra ->
fprintf ppf "%a.%a" expression ra.record label ra.path
| E_record_update {record; path; update} ->
fprintf ppf "{ %a with { %a = %a } }" expression record label path expression update
fprintf ppf "{ %a with %a = %a }" expression record label path expression update
| E_map m ->
fprintf ppf "map[%a]" (list_sep_d assoc_expression) m
| E_big_map m ->
@ -101,11 +101,11 @@ and expression_content ppf (ec : expression_content) =
| E_skip ->
fprintf ppf "skip"
| E_tuple t ->
fprintf ppf "%a" (list_sep_d expression) t
fprintf ppf "(%a)" (list_sep_d expression) t
| E_tuple_accessor ta ->
fprintf ppf "%a.%d" expression ta.tuple ta.path
| E_tuple_update {tuple; path; update} ->
fprintf ppf "{ %a with { %d = %a } }" expression tuple path expression update
fprintf ppf "{ %a with %d = %a }" expression tuple path expression update
| E_assign {variable; access_path; expression=e} ->
fprintf ppf "%a%a := %a"
expression_variable variable
@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ let rec type_expression' :
fun f ppf te ->
match te.type_content with
| T_sum m -> fprintf ppf "sum[%a]" (cmap_sep_d f) m
| T_record m -> fprintf ppf "%a" (tuple_or_record_sep_type f) m
| T_tuple t -> fprintf ppf "%a" (list_sep_d f) t
| T_record m -> fprintf ppf "{%a}" (record_sep f (const ";")) m
| T_tuple t -> fprintf ppf "(%a)" (list_sep_d f) t
| T_arrow a -> fprintf ppf "%a -> %a" f a.type1 f a.type2
| T_variable tv -> type_variable ppf tv
| T_constant tc -> type_constant ppf tc
@ -56,11 +56,11 @@ and expression_content ppf (ec : expression_content) =
fprintf ppf "%a(%a)" constant c.cons_name (list_sep_d expression)
| E_record m ->
fprintf ppf "%a" (tuple_or_record_sep_expr expression) m
fprintf ppf "{%a}" (record_sep expression (const ";")) m
| E_record_accessor ra ->
fprintf ppf "%a.%a" expression ra.record label ra.path
| E_record_update {record; path; update} ->
fprintf ppf "{ %a with { %a = %a } }" expression record label path expression update
fprintf ppf "{ %a with %a = %a }" expression record label path expression update
| E_map m ->
fprintf ppf "map[%a]" (list_sep_d assoc_expression) m
| E_big_map m ->
@ -100,11 +100,11 @@ and expression_content ppf (ec : expression_content) =
| E_skip ->
fprintf ppf "skip"
| E_tuple t ->
fprintf ppf "%a" (list_sep_d expression) t
fprintf ppf "(%a)" (list_sep_d expression) t
| E_tuple_accessor ta ->
fprintf ppf "%a.%d" expression ta.tuple ta.path
| E_tuple_update {tuple; path; update} ->
fprintf ppf "{ %a with { %d = %a } }" expression tuple path expression update
fprintf ppf "{ %a with %d = %a }" expression tuple path expression update
and option_type_name ppf
((n, ty_opt) : expression_variable * type_expression option) =
Reference in New Issue
Block a user