diff --git a/src/stages/ast_simplified/combinators.ml b/src/stages/ast_simplified/combinators.ml
index 4ea4e535a..95ae05e05 100644
--- a/src/stages/ast_simplified/combinators.ml
+++ b/src/stages/ast_simplified/combinators.ml
@@ -75,8 +75,8 @@ let e'_bytes b : expression' result =
 let e_bytes ?loc b : expression result =
   let%bind e' = e'_bytes b in
   ok @@ location_wrap ?loc e'
-let e_bytes_ofbytes ?loc (b: bytes) : expression result =
-  ok @@ location_wrap ?loc @@ E_literal (Literal_bytes b)
+let e_bytes_ofbytes ?loc (b: bytes) : expression =
+  location_wrap ?loc @@ E_literal (Literal_bytes b)
 let e_big_map ?loc lst : expression = location_wrap ?loc @@ E_big_map lst
 let e_record ?loc map : expression = location_wrap ?loc @@ E_record map
 let e_tuple ?loc lst : expression = location_wrap ?loc @@ E_tuple lst
diff --git a/src/stages/ast_simplified/combinators.mli b/src/stages/ast_simplified/combinators.mli
index cb8a27e76..4382e7da5 100644
--- a/src/stages/ast_simplified/combinators.mli
+++ b/src/stages/ast_simplified/combinators.mli
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ val e_chain_id : ?loc:Location.t -> string -> expression
 val e_mutez : ?loc:Location.t -> int -> expression
 val e'_bytes : string -> expression' result
 val e_bytes : ?loc:Location.t -> string -> expression result
-val e_bytes_ofbytes : ?loc:Location.t -> bytes -> expression result
+val e_bytes_ofbytes : ?loc:Location.t -> bytes -> expression
 val e_big_map : ?loc:Location.t -> ( expr * expr ) list -> expression
 val e_record  : ?loc:Location.t -> ( expr * expr ) list -> expression
diff --git a/src/test/contracts/multisig-v2.ligo b/src/test/contracts/multisig-v2.ligo
index 027335e3c..f28d577f7 100644
--- a/src/test/contracts/multisig-v2.ligo
+++ b/src/test/contracts/multisig-v2.ligo
@@ -2,11 +2,13 @@
 type threshold_t is nat
 type max_proposal_t is nat
 type max_message_size_t is nat
+type state_hash_t is bytes
 type addr_set_t is set(address)
 type message_store_t is map(bytes,addr_set_t)
 type counter_store_t is map(address,nat)
 type storage_t is record
+  state_hash : state_hash_t ;
   threshold : threshold_t ;
   max_proposal : max_proposal_t ;
   max_message_size : max_message_size_t ;
@@ -16,7 +18,7 @@ type storage_t is record
 // I/O types
-type message_t is (unit -> list(operation))
+type message_t is (bytes -> list(operation))
 type send_pt is message_t
 type withdraw_pt is message_t
@@ -56,7 +58,8 @@ function send (const param : send_pt; const s : storage_t) : contract_return_t i
   if size(new_store) >= s.threshold then block {
     remove packed_msg from map s.message_store ;
-    ret_ops := message(unit) ;
+    ret_ops := message(s.state_hash) ;
+    s.state_hash := sha_256 ( bytes_concat (s.state_hash , packed_msg) ) ;
     s.counter_store[sender] := abs (sender_proposal_counter - 1n) ;
   } else
     s.message_store[packed_msg] := new_store
diff --git a/src/test/multisig_v2_tests.ml b/src/test/multisig_v2_tests.ml
index 65ef32641..018567278 100644
--- a/src/test/multisig_v2_tests.ml
+++ b/src/test/multisig_v2_tests.ml
@@ -25,23 +25,24 @@ open Ast_simplified
 let empty_op_list = 
   (e_typed_list [] t_operation)
 let empty_message = e_lambda "arguments"
-  (Some t_unit) (Some (t_list t_operation))
+  (Some t_bytes) (Some (t_list t_operation))
 let empty_message2 = e_lambda "arguments"
-  (Some t_unit) (Some (t_list t_operation))
+  (Some t_bytes) (Some (t_list t_operation))
  ( e_let_in ("foo",Some t_unit) (e_unit ()) empty_op_list)
 let send_param msg = e_constructor "Send" msg
 let withdraw_param = e_constructor "Withdraw" empty_message
 type st_type = {
+  state_hash : bytes ;
   threshold:int ;
   max_proposal:int ; 
   max_msg_size:int ;
   id_counter_list: (int * int) list ;
   msg_store_list: (expression * expression) list ;
-let storage {threshold ; max_proposal ; max_msg_size ; id_counter_list ; msg_store_list} =
+let storage {state_hash ; threshold ; max_proposal ; max_msg_size ; id_counter_list ; msg_store_list} =
   let auth_set,counter_store = List.fold_left
     (fun (auth_set,counter_st) (id,ctr) ->
       let addr_exp = e_address @@ addr id in
@@ -49,11 +50,12 @@ let storage {threshold ; max_proposal ; max_msg_size ; id_counter_list ; msg_sto
     id_counter_list in
   e_ez_record [
+    ("state_hash"      , e_bytes_ofbytes state_hash                               ) ;
     ("threshold"       , e_nat threshold                                          ) ;
     ("max_proposal"    , e_nat max_proposal                                       ) ;
     ("max_message_size", e_nat max_msg_size                                       ) ;
     ("auth"            , e_typed_set auth_set t_address                           ) ;
-    ("message_store"   , e_typed_map msg_store_list t_bytes (t_set t_address) ) ;
+    ("message_store"   , e_typed_map msg_store_list t_bytes (t_set t_address)     ) ;
     ("counter_store"   , e_typed_map counter_store t_address t_nat                ) ;
@@ -61,7 +63,7 @@ let storage {threshold ; max_proposal ; max_msg_size ; id_counter_list ; msg_sto
 let wrong_addr () =
   let%bind program,_ = get_program () in
   let init_storage = storage {
-    threshold = 1 ; max_proposal = 1 ; max_msg_size = 1 ;
+    threshold = 1 ; max_proposal = 1 ; max_msg_size = 1 ; state_hash = Bytes.empty ;
     id_counter_list = [1,0 ; 2,0] ;
     msg_store_list = []
   } in
@@ -77,7 +79,7 @@ let wrong_addr () =
 let message_size_exceeded () =
   let%bind program,_ = get_program () in
   let init_storage = storage {
-    threshold = 1 ; max_proposal = 1 ; max_msg_size = 1 ;
+    threshold = 1 ; max_proposal = 1 ; max_msg_size = 1 ; state_hash = Bytes.empty ;
     id_counter_list = [1,0] ;
     msg_store_list = []
   } in
@@ -93,9 +95,9 @@ let message_size_exceeded () =
 let maximum_number_of_proposal () =
   let%bind program,_ = get_program () in
   let%bind packed_payload1 = pack_payload program (send_param empty_message) in
-  let%bind bytes1 = e_bytes_ofbytes packed_payload1 in
+  let bytes1 = e_bytes_ofbytes packed_payload1 in
   let init_storage = storage {
-    threshold = 1 ; max_proposal = 1 ; max_msg_size = 15 ;
+    threshold = 1 ; max_proposal = 1 ; max_msg_size = 15 ; state_hash = Bytes.empty ;
     id_counter_list = [1,1] ;
     msg_store_list = [(bytes1, e_set [e_address@@ addr 1])]
   } in
@@ -111,9 +113,9 @@ let maximum_number_of_proposal () =
 let send_already_accounted () =
   let%bind program,_ = get_program () in
   let%bind packed_payload = pack_payload program empty_message in
-  let%bind bytes = e_bytes_ofbytes packed_payload in
+  let bytes = e_bytes_ofbytes packed_payload in
   let init_storage = storage {
-    threshold = 2 ;  max_proposal = 1 ;  max_msg_size = 15 ;
+    threshold = 2 ;  max_proposal = 1 ;  max_msg_size = 15 ; state_hash = Bytes.empty ;
     id_counter_list = [1,1 ; 2,0] ;
     msg_store_list = [(bytes, e_set [e_address@@ addr 1])]
   } in
@@ -127,9 +129,9 @@ let send_already_accounted () =
 let send_never_accounted () =
   let%bind program,_ = get_program () in
   let%bind packed_payload = pack_payload program empty_message in
-  let%bind bytes = e_bytes_ofbytes packed_payload in
+  let bytes = e_bytes_ofbytes packed_payload in
   let init_storage' = {
-    threshold = 2 ; max_proposal = 1 ;  max_msg_size = 15 ;
+    threshold = 2 ; max_proposal = 1 ;  max_msg_size = 15 ; state_hash = Bytes.empty ;
     id_counter_list = [1,0 ; 2,0] ;
     msg_store_list = [] 
   } in
@@ -148,10 +150,10 @@ let send_never_accounted () =
 let withdraw_already_accounted_one () =
   let%bind program,_ = get_program () in
   let%bind packed_payload = pack_payload program empty_message in
-  let%bind bytes = e_bytes_ofbytes packed_payload in
+  let bytes = e_bytes_ofbytes packed_payload in
   let param = withdraw_param in
   let init_storage' = {
-    threshold = 2 ; max_proposal = 1 ;  max_msg_size = 1 ;
+    threshold = 2 ; max_proposal = 1 ;  max_msg_size = 1 ; state_hash = Bytes.empty ;
     id_counter_list = [1,1 ; 2,0] ;
     msg_store_list = [(bytes, e_set [e_address@@ addr 1])] ;
   } in
@@ -169,10 +171,10 @@ let withdraw_already_accounted_one () =
 let withdraw_already_accounted_two () =
   let%bind program,_ = get_program () in
   let%bind packed_payload = pack_payload program empty_message in
-  let%bind bytes = e_bytes_ofbytes packed_payload in
+  let bytes = e_bytes_ofbytes packed_payload in
   let param = withdraw_param in
   let init_storage' = {
-    threshold = 2 ; max_proposal = 2 ;  max_msg_size = 1 ;
+    threshold = 2 ; max_proposal = 2 ;  max_msg_size = 1 ; state_hash = Bytes.empty ;
     id_counter_list = [1,1 ; 2,1] ;
     msg_store_list = [(bytes, e_set [e_address@@ addr 1; e_address@@ addr 2])] ;
   } in
@@ -191,7 +193,7 @@ let withdraw_never_accounted () =
   let%bind program,_ = get_program () in
   let param = withdraw_param in
   let init_storage = storage {
-    threshold = 2 ; max_proposal = 1 ;  max_msg_size = 1 ;
+    threshold = 2 ; max_proposal = 1 ;  max_msg_size = 1 ; state_hash = Bytes.empty ;
     id_counter_list = [1,0 ; 2,0] ;
     msg_store_list = [] ;
   } in
@@ -205,9 +207,9 @@ let withdraw_never_accounted () =
 let succeeded_storing () =
   let%bind program,_ = get_program () in
   let%bind packed_payload = pack_payload program empty_message in
-  let%bind bytes = e_bytes_ofbytes packed_payload in
+  let bytes = e_bytes_ofbytes packed_payload in
   let init_storage th = {
-    threshold = th ; max_proposal = 1 ;  max_msg_size = 15 ;
+    threshold = th ; max_proposal = 1 ;  max_msg_size = 15 ; state_hash = Bytes.empty ;
     id_counter_list = [1,0 ; 2,0 ; 3,0] ;
     msg_store_list = [(bytes, e_typed_set [] t_address)] ;
   } in
@@ -220,11 +222,13 @@ let succeeded_storing () =
         ok @@ e_pair (send_param empty_message) init_storage
       (fun th ->
-        let final_id_counter, final_msg_store, ret = match th with
-          | 1 -> [1,0 ; 2,0 ; 3,0] , []                                    , empty_op_list
-          | 2 -> [1,1 ; 2,0 ; 3,0] , [(bytes, e_set [e_address@@ addr 1])] , empty_op_list
+        let hash_after_msg = sha_256_hash (Bytes.concat Bytes.empty [Bytes.empty ; packed_payload]) in
+        let final_id_counter, final_msg_store, ret, final_state_hash = match th with
+          | 1 -> [1,0 ; 2,0 ; 3,0] , []                                    , empty_op_list ,  hash_after_msg
+          | 2 -> [1,1 ; 2,0 ; 3,0] , [(bytes, e_set [e_address@@ addr 1])] , empty_op_list , (init_storage th).state_hash
           | _ -> assert false in
         let final_storage = storage { (init_storage th) with
+          state_hash = final_state_hash ;
           msg_store_list = final_msg_store ;
           id_counter_list = final_id_counter } in
         ok @@ e_pair ret final_storage
diff --git a/src/test/test_helpers.ml b/src/test/test_helpers.ml
index 955626dd4..9f10cce7e 100644
--- a/src/test/test_helpers.ml
+++ b/src/test/test_helpers.ml
@@ -70,6 +70,10 @@ let str_keys (raw_pkh, raw_pk, raw_sk) =
   let pkh_str = Signature.Public_key_hash.to_b58check raw_pkh in
+let sha_256_hash pl =
+  let open Proto_alpha_utils.Memory_proto_alpha.Alpha_environment in
+  Raw_hashes.sha256 pl
 open Ast_simplified.Combinators
 let expect ?options program entry_point input expecter =