Alpha: better threading of fees and rewards
This commit is contained in:
@ -111,3 +111,9 @@ let fork_test_chain = Raw_context.fork_test_chain
let endorsement_already_recorded = Raw_context.endorsement_already_recorded
let record_endorsement = Raw_context.record_endorsement
let add_fees = Raw_context.add_fees
let add_rewards = Raw_context.add_rewards
let get_fees = Raw_context.get_fees
let get_rewards = Raw_context.get_rewards
@ -818,3 +818,9 @@ val fork_test_chain: context -> Protocol_hash.t -> Time.t -> context Lwt.t
val endorsement_already_recorded: context -> int -> bool
val record_endorsement: context -> int -> context
val add_fees: context -> Tez.t -> context tzresult Lwt.t
val add_rewards: context -> Tez.t -> context tzresult Lwt.t
val get_fees: context -> Tez.t
val get_rewards: context -> Tez.t
@ -454,6 +454,7 @@ let apply_sourced_operation
Contract.check_counter_increment ctxt source counter >>=? fun () ->
Contract.increment_counter ctxt source >>=? fun ctxt ->
Contract.spend ctxt source fee >>=? fun ctxt ->
add_fees ctxt fee >>=? fun ctxt ->
fold_left_s (fun (ctxt, origination_nonce, err) content ->
match err with
| Some _ -> return (ctxt, origination_nonce, err)
@ -463,38 +464,38 @@ let apply_sourced_operation
ctxt origination_nonce source content)
(ctxt, origination_nonce, None) contents
>>=? fun (ctxt, origination_nonce, err) ->
return (ctxt, origination_nonce, err, fee,
return (ctxt, origination_nonce, err)
| Consensus_operation content ->
apply_consensus_operation_content ctxt
pred_block block_prio operation content >>=? fun ctxt ->
return (ctxt, origination_nonce, None,,
return (ctxt, origination_nonce, None)
| Amendment_operation { source ; operation = content } ->
Roll.delegate_pubkey ctxt source >>=? fun delegate ->
Operation.check_signature delegate operation >>=? fun () ->
(* TODO, see how to extract the public key hash after this operation to
pass it to apply_delegate_operation_content *)
apply_amendment_operation_content ctxt source content >>=? fun ctxt ->
return (ctxt, origination_nonce, None,,
return (ctxt, origination_nonce, None)
| Dictator_operation (Activate hash) ->
let dictator_pubkey = Constants.dictator_pubkey ctxt in
Operation.check_signature dictator_pubkey operation >>=? fun () ->
activate ctxt hash >>= fun ctxt ->
return (ctxt, origination_nonce, None,,
return (ctxt, origination_nonce, None)
| Dictator_operation (Activate_testchain hash) ->
let dictator_pubkey = Constants.dictator_pubkey ctxt in
Operation.check_signature dictator_pubkey operation >>=? fun () ->
let expiration = (* in two days maximum... *)
Time.add (Timestamp.current ctxt) (Int64.mul 48L 3600L) in
fork_test_chain ctxt hash expiration >>= fun ctxt ->
return (ctxt, origination_nonce, None,,
return (ctxt, origination_nonce, None)
let apply_anonymous_operation ctxt _delegate origination_nonce kind =
match kind with
| Seed_nonce_revelation { level ; nonce } ->
let level = Level.from_raw ctxt level in
Nonce.reveal ctxt level nonce >>=? fun ctxt ->
return (ctxt, origination_nonce,
||||, Constants.seed_nonce_revelation_tip)
add_rewards ctxt Constants.seed_nonce_revelation_tip >>=? fun ctxt ->
return (ctxt, origination_nonce)
| Double_endorsement_evidence { op1 ; op2 } -> begin
match op1.contents, op2.contents with
| Sourced_operations (Consensus_operation (Endorsements e1)),
@ -532,7 +533,8 @@ let apply_anonymous_operation ctxt _delegate origination_nonce kind =
match Tez.(burned /? 2L) with
| Ok v -> v
| Error _ -> in
return (ctxt, origination_nonce,, reward)
add_rewards ctxt reward >>=? fun ctxt ->
return (ctxt, origination_nonce)
| _, _ -> fail Invalid_double_endorsement_evidence
| Double_baking_evidence { bh1 ; bh2 } ->
@ -570,7 +572,8 @@ let apply_anonymous_operation ctxt _delegate origination_nonce kind =
match Tez.(burned /? 2L) with
| Ok v -> v
| Error _ -> in
return (ctxt, origination_nonce,, reward)
add_rewards ctxt reward >>=? fun ctxt ->
return (ctxt, origination_nonce)
| Activation { id = pkh ; secret } ->
let h_pkh = Unclaimed_public_key_hash.of_ed25519_pkh pkh in
Commitment.get_opt ctxt h_pkh >>=? function
@ -582,7 +585,7 @@ let apply_anonymous_operation ctxt _delegate origination_nonce kind =
Wrong_activation_secret >>=? fun () ->
Commitment.delete ctxt h_pkh >>=? fun ctxt ->
Contract.(credit ctxt (implicit_contract pkh) amount) >>=? fun ctxt ->
return (ctxt, origination_nonce,,
return (ctxt, origination_nonce)
let apply_operation
ctxt delegate pred_block block_prio hash operation =
@ -590,24 +593,17 @@ let apply_operation
| Anonymous_operations ops ->
let origination_nonce = Contract.initial_origination_nonce hash in
(fun (ctxt, origination_nonce, fees, rewards) op ->
apply_anonymous_operation ctxt delegate origination_nonce op
>>=? fun (ctxt, origination_nonce, fee, reward) ->
return (ctxt, origination_nonce,
fees >>? Tez.(+?) fee,
rewards >>? Tez.(+?) reward))
(ctxt, origination_nonce, Ok, Ok ops
>>=? fun (ctxt, origination_nonce, fees, rewards) ->
return (ctxt, Contract.originated_contracts origination_nonce, None,
fees, rewards)
(fun (ctxt, origination_nonce) op ->
apply_anonymous_operation ctxt delegate origination_nonce op)
(ctxt, origination_nonce) ops
>>=? fun (ctxt, origination_nonce) ->
return (ctxt, Contract.originated_contracts origination_nonce, None)
| Sourced_operations op ->
let origination_nonce = Contract.initial_origination_nonce hash in
ctxt pred_block block_prio
operation origination_nonce op >>=? fun (ctxt, origination_nonce, err,
fees, rewards) ->
return (ctxt, Contract.originated_contracts origination_nonce, err,
Ok fees, Ok rewards)
operation origination_nonce op >>=? fun (ctxt, origination_nonce, err) ->
return (ctxt, Contract.originated_contracts origination_nonce, err)
let may_snapshot_roll ctxt =
let level = Alpha_context.Level.current ctxt in
@ -666,10 +662,12 @@ let begin_application ctxt block_header pred_timestamp =
let ctxt = Fitness.increase ctxt in
return (ctxt, delegate_pk, deposit)
let finalize_application ctxt protocol_data delegate deposit fees rewards =
let finalize_application ctxt protocol_data delegate deposit =
add_rewards ctxt Constants.block_reward >>=? fun ctxt ->
(* end of level (from this point nothing should fail) *)
Lwt.return Tez.(rewards +? Constants.block_reward) >>=? fun rewards ->
let fees = Alpha_context.get_fees ctxt in
Delegate.freeze_fees ctxt delegate fees >>=? fun ctxt ->
let rewards = Alpha_context.get_rewards ctxt in
Delegate.freeze_rewards ctxt delegate rewards >>=? fun ctxt ->
match protocol_data.Block_header.seed_nonce_hash with
@ -140,8 +140,8 @@ module I = struct
ctxt (Some baker_pkh) pred_block block_prio hash operation
>>=? function
| (_ctxt, _, Some script_err, _, _) -> Lwt.return (Error script_err)
| (_ctxt, contracts, None,_ , _) -> Lwt.return (Ok contracts)
| (_ctxt, _, Some script_err) -> Lwt.return (Error script_err)
| (_ctxt, contracts, None) -> Lwt.return (Ok contracts)
let run_parameters ctxt (script, storage, input, amount, contract, origination_nonce) =
@ -45,8 +45,6 @@ type validation_state =
ctxt : Alpha_context.t ;
op_count : int ;
deposit : Alpha_context.Tez.t ;
fees : Alpha_context.Tez.t ;
rewards : Alpha_context.Tez.t ;
let current_context { ctxt ; _ } =
@ -73,9 +71,7 @@ let begin_application
ctxt block_header pred_timestamp >>=? fun (ctxt, baker, deposit) ->
let mode = Application { block_header ; baker = Ed25519.Public_key.hash baker } in
return { mode ; ctxt ; op_count = 0 ; deposit ;
fees = ;
rewards = }
return { mode ; ctxt ; op_count = 0 ; deposit }
let begin_construction
@ -104,9 +100,7 @@ let begin_construction
Full_construction { predecessor ; baker ; protocol_data } in
return (mode, ctxt, deposit)
end >>=? fun (mode, ctxt, deposit) ->
return { mode ; ctxt ; op_count = 0 ; deposit ;
fees = ;
rewards = }
return { mode ; ctxt ; op_count = 0 ; deposit }
let apply_operation ({ mode ; ctxt ; op_count ; _ } as data) operation =
let pred_block, block_prio, baker =
@ -122,13 +116,11 @@ let apply_operation ({ mode ; ctxt ; op_count ; _ } as data) operation =
Some baker in
Apply.apply_operation ctxt baker pred_block block_prio
(Alpha_context.Operation.hash operation) operation
>>=? fun (ctxt, _contracts, _ignored_script_error, fees, rewards) ->
>>=? fun (ctxt, _contracts, _ignored_script_error) ->
let op_count = op_count + 1 in
Lwt.return Alpha_context.Tez.(fees >>? (+?) data.fees) >>=? fun fees ->
Lwt.return Alpha_context.Tez.(rewards >>? (+?) data.rewards) >>=? fun rewards ->
return { data with ctxt ; op_count ; fees ; rewards }
return { data with ctxt ; op_count }
let finalize_block { mode ; ctxt ; op_count ; deposit ; fees ; rewards } =
let finalize_block { mode ; ctxt ; op_count ; deposit } =
match mode with
| Partial_construction _ ->
let ctxt = Alpha_context.finalize ctxt in
@ -137,7 +129,7 @@ let finalize_block { mode ; ctxt ; op_count ; deposit ; fees ; rewards } =
{ baker ; block_header = { protocol_data ; _ } }
| Full_construction { protocol_data ; baker ; _ } ->
ctxt protocol_data baker deposit fees rewards >>=? fun ctxt ->
ctxt protocol_data baker deposit >>=? fun ctxt ->
let { level ; _ } : Alpha_context.Level.t =
Alpha_context. Level.current ctxt in
let priority = protocol_data.priority in
@ -28,8 +28,6 @@ type validation_state =
ctxt : Alpha_context.t ;
op_count : int ;
deposit : Alpha_context.Tez.t ;
fees : Alpha_context.Tez.t ;
rewards : Alpha_context.Tez.t ;
include Updater.PROTOCOL with type operation = Alpha_context.Operation.t
@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ type t = {
timestamp: Time.t ;
fitness: Int64.t ;
endorsements_received: Int_set.t;
fees: Tez_repr.t ;
rewards: Tez_repr.t ;
type context = t
@ -34,6 +36,17 @@ let endorsement_already_recorded ctxt k = Int_set.mem k ctxt.endorsements_receiv
let set_current_fitness ctxt fitness = { ctxt with fitness }
let add_fees ctxt fees =
Lwt.return Tez_repr.(ctxt.fees +? fees) >>=? fun fees ->
return { ctxt with fees}
let add_rewards ctxt rewards =
Lwt.return Tez_repr.(ctxt.rewards +? rewards) >>=? fun rewards ->
return { ctxt with rewards}
let get_rewards ctxt = ctxt.rewards
let get_fees ctxt = ctxt.fees
type storage_error =
| Incompatible_protocol_version of string
| Missing_key of string list * [`Get | `Set | `Del | `Copy]
@ -234,6 +247,8 @@ let prepare ~level ~timestamp ~fitness ctxt =
context = ctxt ; constants ; level ;
timestamp ; fitness ; first_level ;
endorsements_received = Int_set.empty ;
fees = ;
rewards = ;
let check_first_block ctxt =
@ -278,6 +293,8 @@ let register_resolvers enc resolve =
timestamp = Time.of_seconds 0L ;
fitness = 0L ;
endorsements_received = Int_set.empty ;
fees = ;
rewards = ;
} in
resolve faked_context str in
Context.register_resolver enc resolve
@ -62,6 +62,12 @@ val set_current_fitness: context -> Int64.t -> t
val constants: context -> Constants_repr.parametric
val first_level: context -> Raw_level_repr.t
val add_fees: context -> Tez_repr.t -> context tzresult Lwt.t
val add_rewards: context -> Tez_repr.t -> context tzresult Lwt.t
val get_fees: context -> Tez_repr.t
val get_rewards: context -> Tez_repr.t
(** {1 Generic accessors} *************************************************)
type key = string list
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ let operation
operation >>=? fun (tc, contracts, err, _fees, _rewards) ->
operation >>=? fun (tc, contracts, err) ->
return ((contracts, err), tc)
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ let test_simple_activation () =
activation_operation >>=? fun (ctxt, _, _, _) ->
activation_operation >>=? fun (ctxt, _) ->
let contract = Contract.implicit_contract pkh in
Reference in New Issue
Block a user