Alpha/Baker: fee threshold
This commit is contained in:
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ open Clic
type error += Bad_tez_arg of string * string (* Arg_name * value *)
type error += Bad_max_priority of string
type error += Bad_fee_threshold of string
type error += Bad_endorsement_delay of string
let () =
@ -40,6 +41,16 @@ let () =
Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "parameter" string))
(function Bad_max_priority parameter -> Some parameter | _ -> None)
(fun parameter -> Bad_max_priority parameter) ;
~title:"Bad -fee-threshold arg"
~description:("invalid fee threshold in -fee-threshold")
~pp:(fun ppf literal ->
Format.fprintf ppf "invalid fee threshold '%s' in -fee-threshold" literal)
Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "parameter" string))
(function Bad_fee_threshold parameter -> Some parameter | _ -> None)
(fun parameter -> Bad_fee_threshold parameter) ;
@ -185,6 +196,16 @@ let max_priority_arg =
try return (int_of_string s)
with _ -> fail (Bad_max_priority s)))
let fee_threshold_arg =
~doc:"exclude operations with fees lower than this threshold (in mutez)"
(parameter (fun _ s ->
match Tez.of_string s with
| Some t -> return t
| None -> fail (Bad_fee_threshold s)))
let endorsement_delay_arg =
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ val delegate_arg: (Signature.Public_key_hash.t option, Proto_alpha.full)
val delegatable_switch: (bool, Proto_alpha.full) Clic.arg
val spendable_switch: (bool, Proto_alpha.full) Clic.arg
val max_priority_arg: (int option, Proto_alpha.full) Clic.arg
val fee_threshold_arg: (Tez.tez option, Proto_alpha.full) Clic.arg
val force_switch: (bool, Proto_alpha.full) Clic.arg
val minimal_timestamp_switch: (bool, Proto_alpha.full) Clic.arg
val endorsement_delay_arg: (int, Proto_alpha.full) Clic.arg
@ -156,14 +156,18 @@ let get_operation_fee op =
Tez.(total_fee +? fee)
| _ -> return total_fee) l
let sort_operations_by_fee (operations : Proto_alpha.operation list) =
(* There is no sort_s, so : *)
map_s (fun op -> get_operation_fee op >>=? fun fee -> return (op, fee))
let sort_operations_by_fee ?(threshold = (operations : Proto_alpha.operation list) =
(fun op ->
get_operation_fee op >>=? fun fee ->
if Tez.(<) fee threshold then
return None
return (Some (op, fee)))
operations >>=? fun operations ->
let compare_fee (_, fee1) (_, fee2) =
|||| fee1 fee2 * -1
(* Should we keep operations without fee ? *)
(* NOTE: inverted fee comparison to invert the order of sort *)
|||| fee2 fee1 in
return @@ fst (List.sort compare_fee operations)
let retain_operations_up_to_quota operations max_quota =
@ -183,7 +187,7 @@ let retain_operations_up_to_quota operations max_quota =
| Full ops -> ops in
List.rev operations
let classify_operations (ops: Proto_alpha.operation list) =
let classify_operations ?threshold (ops: Proto_alpha.operation list) =
let t = Array.make (List.length Proto_alpha.Main.validation_passes) [] in
(fun (op: Proto_alpha.operation) ->
@ -196,7 +200,7 @@ let classify_operations (ops: Proto_alpha.operation list) =
let manager_operations = t.(managers_index) in
let { Alpha_environment.Updater.max_size } =
List.nth Proto_alpha.Main.validation_passes managers_index in
sort_operations_by_fee manager_operations >>=? fun ordered_operations ->
sort_operations_by_fee ?threshold manager_operations >>=? fun ordered_operations ->
let max_operations =
retain_operations_up_to_quota ordered_operations max_size
@ -310,6 +314,7 @@ let error_of_op (result: error Preapply_result.t) op =
let forge_block cctxt ?(chain = `Main) block
?operations ?(best_effort = operations = None) ?(sort = best_effort)
@ -324,7 +329,7 @@ let forge_block cctxt ?(chain = `Main) block
(* get basic building blocks *)
let protocol_data = forge_faked_protocol_data ~priority ~seed_nonce_hash in
classify_operations operations_arg >>=? fun operations ->
classify_operations ?threshold operations_arg >>=? fun operations ->
cctxt ~block ~timestamp ~sort ~protocol_data operations >>=? fun (shell_header, result) ->
@ -572,6 +577,7 @@ let filter_invalid_operations (cctxt : #full) state block_info (operations : pac
let bake_slot
(timestamp, (bi, priority, delegate)) (* baking slot *)
@ -601,7 +607,7 @@ let bake_slot
None in
let protocol_data =
forge_faked_protocol_data ~priority ~seed_nonce_hash in
classify_operations operations >>=? fun operations ->
classify_operations ?threshold operations >>=? fun operations ->
(* Don't load an alpha context if the chain is still in genesis *)
if Protocol_hash.(bi.protocol = bi.next_protocol) then
@ -669,7 +675,7 @@ let pp_operation_list_list =
(* [bake] create a single block when woken up to do so. All the necessary
information (e.g., slot) is available in the [state]. *)
let bake (cctxt : #Proto_alpha.full) state =
let bake (cctxt : #Proto_alpha.full) ?threshold state =
let slots = pop_baking_slots state in
lwt_log_info "Found %d current slots and %d future slots."
(List.length slots)
@ -678,7 +684,9 @@ let bake (cctxt : #Proto_alpha.full) state =
let seed_nonce_hash = Nonce.hash seed_nonce in
(* baking for each slot *)
filter_map_s (bake_slot cctxt state seed_nonce_hash) slots >>=? fun candidates ->
(bake_slot cctxt ?threshold state seed_nonce_hash)
slots >>=? fun candidates ->
(* FIXME: pick one block per-delegate *)
(* selecting the candidate baked block *)
@ -740,6 +748,7 @@ let check_error p =
the [delegates] *)
let create
(cctxt : #Proto_alpha.full)
~(context_path: string)
(delegates: public_key_hash list)
@ -799,7 +808,7 @@ let create
(* main event: it's baking time *)
lwt_debug "Waking up for baking..." >>= fun () ->
(* core functionality *)
check_error @@ bake cctxt state
check_error @@ bake cctxt ?threshold state
end >>= fun () ->
(* and restart *)
worker_loop () in
@ -812,6 +821,7 @@ let create
unavailable blocks (empty block chain). *)
let create
(cctxt : #Proto_alpha.full)
~(context_path: string)
(delegates: public_key_hash list)
@ -819,4 +829,4 @@ let create
(create cctxt ?max_priority ~context_path delegates block_stream)
(create cctxt ?threshold ?max_priority ~context_path delegates block_stream)
@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ val forge_block:
#Proto_alpha.full ->
?chain:Chain_services.chain ->
Block_services.block ->
?threshold:Tez.t ->
?force:bool ->
?operations: Operation.packed list ->
?best_effort:bool ->
@ -49,7 +50,7 @@ val forge_block:
src_sk:Client_keys.sk_uri ->
unit ->
Block_hash.t tzresult Lwt.t
(** [forge_block cctxt parent_blk ?force ?operations ?best_effort
(** [forge_block cctxt parent_blk ?threshold ?force ?operations ?best_effort
?sort ?timestamp ?max_priority ?priority ~seed_nonce ~src_sk
pk_hash] injects a block in the node. In addition of inject_block,
it will:
@ -65,6 +66,9 @@ val forge_block:
* Timestamp: If [?timestamp] is set, and is compatible with the
computed baking priority, it will be used. Otherwise, it will be
set at the best baking priority.
* Threshold: If [?threshold] is given, operations with fees lower than it
are not added to the block.
module State : sig
@ -83,6 +87,7 @@ end
val create:
#Proto_alpha.full ->
?threshold:Tez.t ->
?max_priority: int ->
context_path: string ->
public_key_hash list ->
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ open Alpha_context
let bake_block (cctxt : #Proto_alpha.full)
?(chain = `Main) block
?force ?max_priority ?(minimal_timestamp=false)
?src_sk ?src_pk delegate =
@ -39,6 +40,7 @@ let bake_block (cctxt : #Proto_alpha.full)
None, None in
Client_baking_forge.forge_block cctxt
?timestamp:(if minimal_timestamp then None else Some ( ()))
?seed_nonce_hash ~src_sk block
~priority:(`Auto (delegate, max_priority)) () >>=? fun block_hash ->
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ val bake_block:
#Proto_alpha.full ->
?chain:Chain_services.chain ->
Block_services.block ->
?threshold:Tez.t ->
?force:bool ->
?max_priority: int ->
?minimal_timestamp: bool ->
@ -20,11 +20,11 @@ end
module Baker = struct
let run (cctxt : #Proto_alpha.full) ?max_priority ?min_date ~context_path delegates =
let run (cctxt : #Proto_alpha.full) ?threshold ?max_priority ?min_date ~context_path delegates =
cctxt `Main >>=? fun block_stream ->
Client_baking_forge.create cctxt
?max_priority ~context_path delegates block_stream >>=? fun () ->
?threshold ?max_priority ~context_path delegates block_stream >>=? fun () ->
ignore min_date;
return ()
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ end
module Baker : sig
val run:
#Proto_alpha.full ->
?threshold: Tez.tez ->
?max_priority: int ->
?min_date: Time.t ->
context_path: string ->
@ -25,14 +25,14 @@ let delegate_commands () =
let open Clic in
command ~group ~desc: "Forge and inject block using the delegate rights."
(args3 max_priority_arg force_switch minimal_timestamp_switch)
(args4 max_priority_arg fee_threshold_arg force_switch minimal_timestamp_switch)
(prefixes [ "bake"; "for" ]
@@ Client_keys.Public_key_hash.source_param
~name:"baker" ~desc: "name of the delegate owning the baking right"
@@ stop)
(fun (max_priority, force, minimal_timestamp) delegate cctxt ->
(fun (max_priority, threshold, force, minimal_timestamp) delegate cctxt ->
bake_block cctxt cctxt#block
~force ?max_priority ~minimal_timestamp delegate) ;
?threshold ~force ?max_priority ~minimal_timestamp delegate) ;
command ~group ~desc: "Forge and inject a seed-nonce revelation operation."
(prefixes [ "reveal"; "nonce"; "for" ]
@ -62,15 +62,16 @@ let baker_commands () =
command ~group ~desc: "Launch the baker daemon."
(args1 max_priority_arg)
(args2 max_priority_arg fee_threshold_arg)
(prefixes [ "run" ; "with" ; "local" ; "node" ]
@@ param
~desc:"Path to the node data directory (e.g. $HOME/.tezos-node)"
@@ seq_of_param Client_keys.Public_key_hash.alias_param)
(fun max_priority node_path delegates cctxt ->
(fun (max_priority, threshold) node_path delegates cctxt ->
|||| cctxt
~min_date:((Time.add ( ()) (Int64.neg 1800L)))
~context_path:(Filename.concat node_path "context")
Reference in New Issue
Block a user