Add pp can assert_value_eq for Literal_op

This commit is contained in:
Pierre-Emmanuel Wulfman 2020-05-27 16:13:27 +02:00
parent 429a1dc412
commit c2e4f2f36d
2 changed files with 107 additions and 2 deletions

@ -1,5 +1,59 @@
open Types
open Memory_proto_alpha.Protocol.Alpha_context
let assert_operation_eq (a: packed_internal_operation) (b: packed_internal_operation): unit option =
let Internal_operation {source=sa; operation=oa; nonce=na} = a in
let Internal_operation {source=sb; operation=ob; nonce=nb} = b in
let assert_source_eq sa sb =
let sa = Contract.to_b58check sa in
let sb = Contract.to_b58check sb in
if String.equal sa sb then Some () else None
let rec assert_param_eq (pa,pb) =
let open Tezos_micheline.Micheline in
match (pa, pb) with
| Int (la, ia), Int (lb, ib) when la = lb && ia = ib -> Some ()
| String (la, sa), String (lb, sb) when la = lb && sa = sb -> Some ()
| Bytes (la, ba), Bytes (lb, bb) when la = lb && ba = bb -> Some ()
| Prim (la, pa, nla, aa), Prim (lb, pb, nlb, ab) when la = lb && pa = pb ->
let la = assert_param_eq @@ List.combine nla nlb in
let lb = ( fun (sa,sb) ->
if String.equal sa sb then Some () else None) @@
List.combine aa ab
in (fun _ -> ()) @@ Option.bind_list @@ la @ lb
| Seq (la, nla), Seq (lb, nlb) when la = lb -> (fun _ -> ()) @@ Option.bind_list @@ assert_param_eq @@
List.combine nla nlb
| _ -> None
let assert_operation_eq (type a b) (oa: a manager_operation) (ob: b manager_operation) =
match (oa, ob) with
| Reveal sa, Reveal sb when sa = sb -> Some ()
| Reveal _, _ -> None
| Transaction ta, Transaction tb ->
let aa,pa,ea,da = ta.amount,ta.parameters,ta.entrypoint,ta.destination in
let ab,pb,eb,db = tb.amount,tb.parameters,tb.entrypoint,tb.destination in
Format.printf "amount : %b; p : %b, e: %b, d : %b\n" (aa=ab) (pa=pb) (ea=eb) (da=db) ;
let (pa,pb) = Tezos_data_encoding.Data_encoding.(force_decode pa, force_decode pb) in
Option.bind (fun _ -> Some ()) @@
Option.bind_list [
Option.bind (fun (pa,pb) -> assert_param_eq Tezos_micheline.Micheline.(root pa, root pb)) @@
Option.bind_pair (pa,pb);
if aa = ab && ea = eb && da = db then Some () else None ]
| Transaction _, _ -> None
| Origination _oa, Origination _ob -> Some ()
| Origination _, _ -> None
| Delegation da, Delegation db when da = db -> Some ()
| Delegation _, _ -> None
let assert_nonce_eq na nb = if na = nb then Some () else None in
Option.bind (fun _ -> Some ()) @@
Option.bind_list [
assert_source_eq sa sb;
assert_operation_eq oa ob;
assert_nonce_eq na nb]
let assert_literal_eq (a, b : literal * literal) : unit option =
match (a, b) with
| Literal_int a, Literal_int b when a = b -> Some ()
@ -27,7 +81,7 @@ let assert_literal_eq (a, b : literal * literal) : unit option =
| Literal_address a, Literal_address b when a = b -> Some ()
| Literal_address _, Literal_address _ -> None
| Literal_address _, _ -> None
| Literal_operation _, Literal_operation _ -> None
| Literal_operation opa, Literal_operation opb -> assert_operation_eq opa opb
| Literal_operation _, _ -> None
| Literal_signature a, Literal_signature b when a = b -> Some ()
| Literal_signature _, Literal_signature _ -> None

@ -130,6 +130,57 @@ let constant ppf : constant' -> unit = function
let operation ppf (o : Memory_proto_alpha.Protocol.Alpha_context.packed_internal_operation) : unit =
let print_option f ppf o =
match o with
Some (s) -> fprintf ppf "%a" f s
| None -> fprintf ppf "None"
let open Tezos_micheline.Micheline in
let rec prim ppf (node : (_,Memory_proto_alpha.Protocol.Alpha_context.Script.prim) node)= match node with
| Int (l , i) -> fprintf ppf "Int (%i, %a)" l Z.pp_print i
| String (l , s) -> fprintf ppf "String (%i, %s)" l s
| Bytes (l, b) -> fprintf ppf "B (%i, %s)" l (Bytes.to_string b)
| Prim (l , p , nl, a) -> fprintf ppf "P (%i, %s, %a, %a)" l
(Memory_proto_alpha.Protocol.Michelson_v1_primitives.string_of_prim p)
(list_sep_d prim) nl
(list_sep_d (fun ppf s -> fprintf ppf "%s" s)) a
| Seq (l, nl) -> fprintf ppf "S (%i, %a)" l
(list_sep_d prim) nl
let l ppf (l: Memory_proto_alpha.Protocol.Alpha_context.Script.lazy_expr) =
let oo = Tezos_data_encoding.Data_encoding.force_decode l in
match oo with
Some o -> fprintf ppf "%a" prim (Tezos_micheline.Micheline.root o)
| None -> fprintf ppf "Fail decoding"
let op ppf (type a) : a Memory_proto_alpha.Protocol.Alpha_context.manager_operation -> unit = function
| Reveal (s: Tezos_protocol_environment_006_PsCARTHA__Environment.Signature.Public_key.t) ->
fprintf ppf "R %a" Tezos_protocol_environment_006_PsCARTHA__Environment.Signature.Public_key.pp s
| Transaction {amount; parameters; entrypoint; destination} ->
fprintf ppf "T {%a; %a; %s; %a}"
Memory_proto_alpha.Protocol.Alpha_context.Tez.pp amount
l parameters
Memory_proto_alpha.Protocol.Alpha_context.Contract.pp destination
| Origination {delegate; script; credit; preorigination} ->
fprintf ppf "O {%a; %a; %a; %a}"
(print_option Tezos_protocol_environment_006_PsCARTHA__Environment.Signature.Public_key_hash.pp) delegate
l script.code
Memory_proto_alpha.Protocol.Alpha_context.Tez.pp credit
(print_option Memory_proto_alpha.Protocol.Alpha_context.Contract.pp) preorigination
| Delegation so ->
fprintf ppf "D %a" (print_option Tezos_protocol_environment_006_PsCARTHA__Environment.Signature.Public_key_hash.pp) so
let Internal_operation {source;operation;nonce} = o in
fprintf ppf "{source: %s; operation: %a; nonce: %i"
(Memory_proto_alpha.Protocol.Alpha_context.Contract.to_b58check source)
op operation
let literal ppf (l : literal) =
match l with
| Literal_unit -> fprintf ppf "unit"
@ -141,7 +192,7 @@ let literal ppf (l : literal) =
| Literal_string s -> fprintf ppf "%a" Ligo_string.pp s
| Literal_bytes b -> fprintf ppf "0x%a" Hex.pp (Hex.of_bytes b)
| Literal_address s -> fprintf ppf "@%S" s
| Literal_operation _ -> fprintf ppf "Operation(...bytes)"
| Literal_operation o -> fprintf ppf "Operation(%a)" operation o
| Literal_key s -> fprintf ppf "key %s" s
| Literal_key_hash s -> fprintf ppf "key_hash %s" s
| Literal_signature s -> fprintf ppf "Signature %s" s