Data_encoding: allow smaller size field for Dynamic_size
This commit is contained in:
@ -114,8 +114,9 @@ let rec length : type x. x Encoding.t -> x -> int =
| Describe { encoding = e } -> length e value
| Def { encoding = e } -> length e value
| Splitted { encoding = e } -> length e value
| Dynamic_size e ->
Binary_size.int32 + length e value
| Dynamic_size { kind ; encoding = e } ->
let length = length e value in
Binary_size.integer_to_size kind + length
| Check_size { limit ; encoding = e } ->
let length = length e value in
if length > limit then raise (Write_error Size_limit_exceeded) ;
@ -62,6 +62,14 @@ module Atom = struct
read_atom Binary_size.int31 @@ fun buffer ofs ->
Int32.to_int (MBytes.get_int32 buffer ofs)
let int = function
| `Int31 -> int31
| `Int16 -> int16
| `Int8 -> int8
| `Uint30 -> uint30
| `Uint16 -> uint16
| `Uint8 -> uint8
let ranged_int ~minimum ~maximum state =
let read_int =
match Binary_size.range_to_size ~minimum ~maximum with
@ -233,10 +241,8 @@ let rec read_rec : type ret. ret Encoding.t -> state -> ret
with Not_found -> raise (Unexpected_tag ctag) in
inj (read_rec encoding state)
| Dynamic_size e ->
let sz = Atom.int32 state in
let sz = Int32.to_int sz in
if sz < 0 then raise (Invalid_size sz) ;
| Dynamic_size { kind ; encoding = e } ->
let sz = kind state in
let remaining = check_remaining_bytes state sz in
state.remaining_bytes <- sz ;
ignore (check_allowed_bytes state sz : int option) ;
@ -54,6 +54,19 @@ let integer_to_size = function
| `Uint16 -> uint16
| `Uint8 -> uint8
let max_int = function
| `Uint30 | `Int31 -> (1 lsl 30) - 1
| `Int16 -> 1 lsl 15 - 1
| `Int8 -> 1 lsl 7 - 1
| `Uint16 -> 1 lsl 16 - 1
| `Uint8 -> 1 lsl 8 - 1
let min_int = function
| `Uint8 | `Uint16 | `Uint30 -> 0
| `Int31 -> - (1 lsl 30)
| `Int16 -> - (1 lsl 15)
| `Int8 -> - (1 lsl 7)
let range_to_size ~minimum ~maximum : integer =
if minimum < 0
then signed_range_to_size minimum maximum
@ -30,7 +30,12 @@ val tag_size: tag_size -> int
type signed_integer = [ `Int31 | `Int16 | `Int8 ]
type unsigned_integer = [ `Uint30 | `Uint16 | `Uint8 ]
type integer = [ signed_integer | unsigned_integer ]
val integer_to_size: integer -> int
val range_to_size: minimum:int -> maximum:int -> integer
val enum_size: 'a array -> [> unsigned_integer ]
val integer_to_size: [< integer ] -> int
val min_int: [< integer ] -> int
val max_int: [< integer ] -> int
val range_to_size: minimum:int -> maximum:int -> integer
val enum_size: 'a array -> [> unsigned_integer ]
@ -109,6 +109,14 @@ module Atom = struct
read_atom r Binary_size.int31 @@ fun buffer ofs ->
Int32.to_int (MBytes.get_int32 buffer ofs)
let int = function
| `Int31 -> int31
| `Int16 -> int16
| `Int8 -> int8
| `Uint30 -> uint30
| `Uint16 -> uint16
| `Uint8 -> uint8
let ranged_int ~minimum ~maximum resume state k =
let read_int =
match Binary_size.range_to_size ~minimum ~maximum with
@ -302,20 +310,16 @@ let rec read_rec
read_rec encoding state @@ fun (v, state) ->
k (inj v, state)
| Dynamic_size e ->
Atom.int32 resume state @@ fun (sz, state) ->
let sz = Int32.to_int sz in
if sz < 0 then
Error (Invalid_size sz)
| Dynamic_size { kind ; encoding = e } ->
|||| kind resume state @@ fun (sz, state) ->
let remaining = check_remaining_bytes state sz in
let state = { state with remaining_bytes = Some sz } in
ignore (check_allowed_bytes state sz : int option) ;
read_rec e state @@ fun (v, state) ->
if state.remaining_bytes <> Some 0 then
Error Extra_bytes
let remaining = check_remaining_bytes state sz in
let state = { state with remaining_bytes = Some sz } in
ignore (check_allowed_bytes state sz : int option) ;
read_rec e state @@ fun (v, state) ->
if state.remaining_bytes <> Some 0 then
Error Extra_bytes
k (v, { state with remaining_bytes = remaining })
k (v, { state with remaining_bytes = remaining })
| Check_size { limit ; encoding = e } ->
let old_allowed_bytes = state.allowed_bytes in
let limit =
@ -64,45 +64,28 @@ module Atom = struct
if (v < min || max < v) then
raise (Invalid_float { min ; v ; max })
let int8 state v =
check_int_range (- (1 lsl 7)) v (1 lsl 7 - 1) ;
let ofs = state.offset in
may_resize state Binary_size.int8 ;
MBytes.set_int8 state.buffer ofs v
let set_int kind buffer ofs v =
match kind with
| `Int31 | `Uint30 -> MBytes.set_int32 buffer ofs (Int32.of_int v)
| `Int16 | `Uint16 -> MBytes.set_int16 buffer ofs v
| `Int8 | `Uint8 -> MBytes.set_int8 buffer ofs v
let uint8 state v =
check_int_range 0 v (1 lsl 8 - 1) ;
let int kind state v =
check_int_range (Binary_size.min_int kind) v (Binary_size.max_int kind) ;
let ofs = state.offset in
may_resize state Binary_size.uint8 ;
MBytes.set_int8 state.buffer ofs v
may_resize state (Binary_size.integer_to_size kind) ;
set_int kind state.buffer ofs v
let int8 = int `Int8
let uint8 = int `Uint8
let int16 = int `Int16
let uint16 = int `Uint16
let uint30 = int `Uint30
let int31 = int `Int31
let char state v = int8 state (int_of_char v)
let bool state v = uint8 state (if v then 255 else 0)
let int16 state v =
check_int_range (- (1 lsl 15)) v (1 lsl 15 - 1) ;
let ofs = state.offset in
may_resize state Binary_size.int16 ;
MBytes.set_int16 state.buffer ofs v
let uint16 state v =
check_int_range 0 v (1 lsl 16 - 1) ;
let ofs = state.offset in
may_resize state Binary_size.uint16 ;
MBytes.set_int16 state.buffer ofs v
let uint30 state v =
check_int_range 0 v (1 lsl 30 - 1) ;
let ofs = state.offset in
may_resize state Binary_size.uint30 ;
MBytes.set_int32 state.buffer ofs (Int32.of_int v)
let int31 state v =
check_int_range (- (1 lsl 30)) v (1 lsl 30 - 1) ;
let ofs = state.offset in
may_resize state Binary_size.int31 ;
MBytes.set_int32 state.buffer ofs (Int32.of_int v)
let int32 state v =
let ofs = state.offset in
may_resize state Binary_size.int32 ;
@ -277,44 +260,46 @@ let rec write_rec : type a. a Encoding.t -> state -> a -> unit =
Atom.tag sz state tag ;
write_rec e state value in
write_case cases
| Dynamic_size e ->
Atom.int32 state 0l ; (* place holder for [size] *)
| Dynamic_size { kind ; encoding = e } ->
let initial_offset = state.offset in
write_rec e state value ;
|||| kind state 0 ; (* place holder for [size] *)
write_with_limit (Binary_size.max_int kind) e state value ;
(* patch the written [size] *)
let size = state.offset - initial_offset in
(* FIXME overflow *)
state.buffer (initial_offset - Binary_size.int32)
(Int32.of_int size)
| Check_size { limit ; encoding = e } -> begin
(* backup the current limit *)
let old_limit = state.allowed_bytes in
(* install the new limit (only if smaller than the current limit) *)
let limit =
match state.allowed_bytes with
| None -> limit
| Some old_limit -> min old_limit limit in
state.allowed_bytes <- Some limit ;
write_rec e state value ;
(* restore the previous limit (minus the read bytes) *)
match old_limit with
| None ->
state.allowed_bytes <- None
| Some old_limit ->
let remaining =
match state.allowed_bytes with
| None -> assert false
| Some len -> len in
let read = limit - remaining in
state.allowed_bytes <- Some (old_limit - read)
Atom.set_int kind
(state.offset - initial_offset - Binary_size.integer_to_size kind)
| Check_size { limit ; encoding = e } ->
write_with_limit limit e state value
| Describe { encoding = e } -> write_rec e state value
| Def { encoding = e } -> write_rec e state value
| Splitted { encoding = e } -> write_rec e state value
| Mu (_, _, self) -> write_rec (self e) state value
| Delayed f -> write_rec (f ()) state value
and write_with_limit : type a. int -> a Encoding.t -> state -> a -> unit =
fun limit e state value ->
(* backup the current limit *)
let old_limit = state.allowed_bytes in
(* install the new limit (only if smaller than the current limit) *)
let limit =
match state.allowed_bytes with
| None -> limit
| Some old_limit -> min old_limit limit in
state.allowed_bytes <- Some limit ;
write_rec e state value ;
(* restore the previous limit (minus the read bytes) *)
match old_limit with
| None ->
state.allowed_bytes <- None
| Some old_limit ->
let remaining =
match state.allowed_bytes with
| None -> assert false
| Some len -> len in
let read = limit - remaining in
state.allowed_bytes <- Some (old_limit - read)
(** ******************** *)
(** Various entry points *)
@ -416,7 +416,9 @@ module Encoding: sig
Forces the size to be stored alongside content when needed.
Typically used to combine two variable encodings in a same
objects or tuple, or to use a variable encoding in an array or a list. *)
val dynamic_size : 'a encoding -> 'a encoding
val dynamic_size :
?kind: [ `Uint30 | `Uint16 | `Uint8 ] ->
'a encoding -> 'a encoding
(** [check_size size encoding] ensures that the binary encoding
of a value will not be allowed to exceed [size] bytes. The reader and
@ -107,7 +107,9 @@ type 'a desc =
{ encoding : 'a t ;
json_encoding : 'a Json_encoding.encoding ;
is_obj : bool ; is_tup : bool } -> 'a desc
| Dynamic_size : 'a t -> 'a desc
| Dynamic_size :
{ kind : Binary_size.unsigned_integer ;
encoding : 'a t } -> 'a desc
| Check_size : { limit : int ; encoding : 'a t } -> 'a desc
| Delayed : (unit -> 'a t) -> 'a desc
@ -269,8 +271,8 @@ module Variable = struct
make @@ List e
let dynamic_size e =
make @@ Dynamic_size e
let dynamic_size ?(kind = `Uint30) e =
make @@ Dynamic_size { kind ; encoding = e }
let check_size limit encoding =
make @@ Check_size { limit ; encoding }
@ -352,7 +354,7 @@ let rec is_obj : type a. a t -> bool = fun e ->
| Obj _ -> true
| Objs _ (* by construction *) -> true
| Conv { encoding = e } -> is_obj e
| Dynamic_size e -> is_obj e
| Dynamic_size { encoding = e } -> is_obj e
| Union (_,_,cases) ->
List.for_all (fun (Case { encoding = e }) -> is_obj e) cases
| Empty -> true
@ -369,7 +371,7 @@ let rec is_tup : type a. a t -> bool = fun e ->
| Tup _ -> true
| Tups _ (* by construction *) -> true
| Conv { encoding = e } -> is_tup e
| Dynamic_size e -> is_tup e
| Dynamic_size { encoding = e } -> is_tup e
| Union (_,_,cases) ->
List.for_all (function Case { encoding = e} -> is_tup e) cases
| Mu (_,_,self) -> is_tup (self e)
@ -571,7 +573,7 @@ let rec is_nullable: type t. t encoding -> bool = fun e ->
| Describe { encoding = e } -> is_nullable e
| Def { encoding = e } -> is_nullable e
| Splitted { json_encoding } -> Json_encoding.is_nullable json_encoding
| Dynamic_size e -> is_nullable e
| Dynamic_size { encoding = e } -> is_nullable e
| Check_size { encoding = e } -> is_nullable e
| Delayed _ -> true
@ -65,7 +65,9 @@ type 'a desc =
{ encoding : 'a t ;
json_encoding : 'a Json_encoding.encoding ;
is_obj : bool ; is_tup : bool } -> 'a desc
| Dynamic_size : 'a t -> 'a desc
| Dynamic_size :
{ kind : Binary_size.unsigned_integer ;
encoding : 'a t } -> 'a desc
| Check_size : { limit : int ; encoding : 'a t } -> 'a desc
| Delayed : (unit -> 'a t) -> 'a desc
@ -123,7 +125,8 @@ module Variable : sig
val array : 'a encoding -> 'a array encoding
val list : 'a encoding -> 'a list encoding
val dynamic_size : 'a encoding -> 'a encoding
val dynamic_size :
?kind:Binary_size.unsigned_integer -> 'a encoding -> 'a encoding
val check_size : int -> 'a encoding -> 'a encoding
val delayed : (unit -> 'a encoding) -> 'a encoding
val req :
@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ let rec json : type a. a Encoding.desc -> a Json_encoding.encoding =
mu name (fun json_encoding -> get_json @@ self (make ~json_encoding ty))
| Union (_tag_size, _, cases) -> union ( case_json cases)
| Splitted { json_encoding } -> json_encoding
| Dynamic_size e -> get_json e
| Dynamic_size { encoding = e } -> get_json e
| Check_size { encoding } -> get_json encoding
| Delayed f -> get_json (f ())
@ -57,7 +57,9 @@ module Variable : sig
val list : 'a encoding -> 'a list encoding
val dynamic_size : 'a encoding -> 'a encoding
val dynamic_size :
?kind: [ `Uint30 | `Uint16 | `Uint8 ] ->
'a encoding -> 'a encoding
val json : json encoding
val json_schema : json_schema encoding
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