refactor mini_c
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ module Micheline = X_tezos_micheline
module Error_monad = X_error_monad
module Error_monad = X_error_monad
module Trace = Trace
module Trace = Trace
module PP = PP
module PP_helpers = PP
module Location = Location
module Location = Location
module List = X_list
module List = X_list
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ let annotated_expression expression type_annotation = {expression ; type_annotat
open Trace
open Trace
module PP = struct
module PP = struct
open PP
open PP_helpers
open Format
open Format
let list_sep_d x = list_sep x (const " , ")
let list_sep_d x = list_sep x (const " , ")
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ let get_functional_entry (p:program) (entry : string) : (lambda * type_value) re
module PP = struct
module PP = struct
open Format
open Format
open PP
open PP_helpers
let list_sep_d x = list_sep x (const " , ")
let list_sep_d x = list_sep x (const " , ")
let smap_sep_d x = smap_sep x (const " , ")
let smap_sep_d x = smap_sep x (const " , ")
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
open PP_helpers
open Types
open Format
let list_sep_d x = list_sep x (const " , ")
let space_sep ppf () = fprintf ppf " "
let type_base ppf : type_base -> _ = function
| Base_unit -> fprintf ppf "unit"
| Base_bool -> fprintf ppf "bool"
| Base_int -> fprintf ppf "int"
| Base_nat -> fprintf ppf "nat"
| Base_string -> fprintf ppf "string"
| Base_bytes -> fprintf ppf "bytes"
let rec type_ ppf : type_value -> _ = function
| T_or(a, b) -> fprintf ppf "(%a) | (%a)" type_ a type_ b
| T_pair(a, b) -> fprintf ppf "(%a) & (%a)" type_ a type_ b
| T_base b -> type_base ppf b
| T_function(a, b) -> fprintf ppf "(%a) -> (%a)" type_ a type_ b
| T_map(k, v) -> fprintf ppf "map(%a -> %a)" type_ k type_ v
| T_option(o) -> fprintf ppf "option(%a)" type_ o
| T_shallow_closure(_, a, b) -> fprintf ppf "[big_closure](%a) -> (%a)" type_ a type_ b
| T_deep_closure(c, arg, ret) ->
fprintf ppf "[%a](%a)->(%a)"
environment_small c
type_ arg type_ ret
and environment_element ppf ((s, tv) : environment_element) =
Format.fprintf ppf "%s : %a" s type_ tv
and environment_small' ppf e' = let open Append_tree in
let lst = to_list' e' in
fprintf ppf "S[%a]" (list_sep_d environment_element) lst
and environment_small ppf e = let open Append_tree in
let lst = to_list e in
fprintf ppf "S[%a]" (list_sep_d environment_element) lst
let environment ppf (x:environment) =
fprintf ppf "Env[%a]" (list_sep_d environment_small) x
let rec value ppf : value -> unit = function
| D_bool b -> fprintf ppf "%b" b
| D_int n -> fprintf ppf "%d" n
| D_nat n -> fprintf ppf "%d" n
| D_unit -> fprintf ppf " "
| D_string s -> fprintf ppf "\"%s\"" s
| D_bytes _ -> fprintf ppf "[bytes]"
| D_pair (a, b) -> fprintf ppf "(%a), (%a)" value a value b
| D_left a -> fprintf ppf "L(%a)" value a
| D_right b -> fprintf ppf "R(%a)" value b
| D_function x -> function_ ppf x.content
| D_none -> fprintf ppf "None"
| D_some s -> fprintf ppf "Some (%a)" value s
| D_map m -> fprintf ppf "Map[%a]" (list_sep_d value_assoc) m
and value_assoc ppf : (value * value) -> unit = fun (a, b) ->
fprintf ppf "%a -> %a" value a value b
and expression ppf ((e, _, _):expression) = match e with
| E_variable v -> fprintf ppf "%s" v
| E_application(a, b) -> fprintf ppf "(%a)@(%a)" expression a expression b
| E_constant(p, lst) -> fprintf ppf "%s %a" p (pp_print_list ~pp_sep:space_sep expression) lst
| E_literal v -> fprintf ppf "%a" value v
| E_function c -> function_ ppf c
| E_empty_map _ -> fprintf ppf "map[]"
| E_make_none _ -> fprintf ppf "none"
| E_Cond (c, a, b) -> fprintf ppf "%a ? %a : %a" expression c expression a expression b
and function_ ppf ({binder ; input ; output ; body ; result}:anon_function_content) =
fprintf ppf "fun (%s:%a) : %a %a return %a"
type_ input
type_ output
block body
expression result
and assignment ppf ((n, e):assignment) = fprintf ppf "let %s = %a;" n expression e
and statement ppf ((s, _) : statement) = match s with
| Assignment ass -> assignment ppf ass
| I_Cond (expr, i, e) -> fprintf ppf "if (%a) %a %a" expression expr block i block e
| I_patch (r, path, e) ->
let aux = fun ppf -> function `Left -> fprintf ppf ".L" | `Right -> fprintf ppf ".R" in
fprintf ppf "%s%a := %a" r (list aux) path expression e
| If_None (expr, none, (name, some)) -> fprintf ppf "if (%a) %a %s.%a" expression expr block none name block some
| While (e, b) -> fprintf ppf "while (%a) %a" expression e block b
and block ppf ((b, _):block) =
fprintf ppf "{ @;@[<v 2>%a@]@;}" (pp_print_list ~pp_sep:(tag "@;") statement) b
let tl_statement ppf (ass, _) = assignment ppf ass
let program ppf (p:program) =
fprintf ppf "Program:\n---\n%a" (pp_print_list ~pp_sep:pp_print_newline tl_statement) p
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
open Trace
open Types
let get_bool (v:value) = match v with
| D_bool b -> ok b
| _ -> simple_fail "not a bool"
let get_int (v:value) = match v with
| D_int n -> ok n
| _ -> simple_fail "not an int"
let get_nat (v:value) = match v with
| D_nat n -> ok n
| _ -> simple_fail "not a nat"
let get_string (v:value) = match v with
| D_string s -> ok s
| _ -> simple_fail "not a string"
let get_bytes (v:value) = match v with
| D_bytes b -> ok b
| _ -> simple_fail "not a bytes"
let get_unit (v:value) = match v with
| D_unit -> ok ()
| _ -> simple_fail "not a unit"
let get_option (v:value) = match v with
| D_none -> ok None
| D_some s -> ok (Some s)
| _ -> simple_fail "not an option"
let get_map (v:value) = match v with
| D_map lst -> ok lst
| _ -> simple_fail "not a map"
let get_t_option (v:type_value) = match v with
| T_option t -> ok t
| _ -> simple_fail "not an option"
let get_pair (v:value) = match v with
| D_pair (a, b) -> ok (a, b)
| _ -> simple_fail "not a pair"
let get_t_pair (t:type_value) = match t with
| T_pair (a, b) -> ok (a, b)
| _ -> simple_fail "not a type pair"
let get_t_map (t:type_value) = match t with
| T_map kv -> ok kv
| _ -> simple_fail "not a type map"
let get_left (v:value) = match v with
| D_left b -> ok b
| _ -> simple_fail "not a left"
let get_right (v:value) = match v with
| D_right b -> ok b
| _ -> simple_fail "not a right"
let get_or (v:value) = match v with
| D_left b -> ok (false, b)
| D_right b -> ok (true, b)
| _ -> simple_fail "not a left/right"
let get_last_statement ((b', _):block) : statement result =
let aux lst = match lst with
| [] -> simple_fail "get_last: empty list"
| lst -> ok List.(nth lst (length lst - 1)) in
aux b'
let t_int : type_value = T_base Base_int
let t_nat : type_value = T_base Base_nat
let quote binder input output body result : anon_function =
let content : anon_function_content = {
binder ; input ; output ;
body ; result ; capture_type = No_capture ;
} in
{ content ; capture = None }
let basic_quote i o b : anon_function result =
let%bind (_, e) = get_last_statement b in
let r : expression = (E_variable "output", o, e.post_environment) in
ok @@ quote "input" i o b r
let basic_int_quote b : anon_function result =
basic_quote t_int t_int b
let basic_int_quote_env : environment =
let e = Compiler_environment.empty in
Compiler_environment.add ("input", t_int) e
let e_int expr env : expression = (expr, t_int, env)
let e_var_int name env : expression = e_int (E_variable name) env
let d_unit : value = D_unit
let environment_wrap pre_environment post_environment = { pre_environment ; post_environment }
let id_environment_wrap e = environment_wrap e e
let statement s' e : statement =
match s' with
| I_Cond _ -> s', id_environment_wrap e
| If_None _ -> s', id_environment_wrap e
| While _ -> s', id_environment_wrap e
| I_patch _ -> s', id_environment_wrap e
| Assignment (name, (_, t, _)) -> s', environment_wrap e (Compiler_environment.add (name, t) e)
let block (statements:statement list) : block result =
match statements with
| [] -> simple_fail "no statements in block"
| lst ->
let first = List.hd lst in
let last = List.(nth lst (length lst - 1)) in
ok (lst, environment_wrap (snd first).pre_environment (snd last).post_environment)
let statements (lst:(environment -> statement) list) e : statement list =
let rec aux lst e = match lst with
| [] -> []
| hd :: tl ->
let s = hd e in
s :: aux tl (snd s).post_environment
aux lst e
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
open Trace
open Types
module Michelson = Micheline.Michelson
open Michelson
module Environment = Compiler_environment
module Stack = Meta_michelson.Wrap.Stack
module Contract_types = Meta_michelson.Contract.Types
open Memory_proto_alpha.Script_ir_translator
type predicate =
| Constant of michelson
| Unary of michelson
| Binary of michelson
| Ternary of michelson
let simple_constant c = Constant ( seq [
c ; i_pair ;
let simple_unary c = Unary ( seq [
i_unpair ; c ; i_pair ;
let simple_binary c = Binary ( seq [
i_unpair ; dip i_unpair ; i_swap ; c ; i_pair ;
let simple_ternary c = Ternary ( seq [
i_unpair ; dip i_unpair ; dip (dip i_unpair) ; i_swap ; dip i_swap ; i_swap ; c ; i_pair ;
let rec get_predicate : string -> expression list -> predicate result = fun s lst ->
match s with
| "ADD_INT" -> ok @@ simple_binary @@ prim I_ADD
| "ADD_NAT" -> ok @@ simple_binary @@ prim I_ADD
| "TIMES_INT" -> ok @@ simple_binary @@ prim I_MUL
| "TIMES_NAT" -> ok @@ simple_binary @@ prim I_MUL
| "NEG" -> ok @@ simple_unary @@ prim I_NEG
| "OR" -> ok @@ simple_binary @@ prim I_OR
| "AND" -> ok @@ simple_binary @@ prim I_AND
| "PAIR" -> ok @@ simple_binary @@ prim I_PAIR
| "CAR" -> ok @@ simple_unary @@ prim I_CAR
| "CDR" -> ok @@ simple_unary @@ prim I_CDR
| "EQ" -> ok @@ simple_binary @@ seq [prim I_COMPARE ; prim I_EQ]
| "LT" -> ok @@ simple_binary @@ seq [prim I_COMPARE ; prim I_LT]
| "UPDATE" -> ok @@ simple_ternary @@ prim I_UPDATE
| "SOME" -> ok @@ simple_unary @@ prim I_SOME
| "GET_FORCE" -> ok @@ simple_binary @@ seq [prim I_GET ; i_assert_some]
| "GET" -> ok @@ simple_binary @@ prim I_GET
| "SIZE" -> ok @@ simple_unary @@ prim I_SIZE
| "INT" -> ok @@ simple_unary @@ prim I_INT
let%bind v = match lst with
| [ _ ; (_, m, _) ] ->
let%bind (_, v) = Combinators.get_t_map m in
ok v
| _ -> simple_fail "mini_c . MAP_REMOVE" in
let%bind v_ty = Compiler_type.type_ v in
ok @@ simple_binary @@ seq [dip (i_none v_ty) ; prim I_UPDATE ]
ok @@ simple_ternary @@ seq [dip (i_some) ; prim I_UPDATE ]
| x -> simple_fail @@ "predicate \"" ^ x ^ "\" doesn't exist"
and translate_value (v:value) : michelson result = match v with
| D_bool b -> ok @@ prim (if b then D_True else D_False)
| D_int n -> ok @@ int (Z.of_int n)
| D_nat n -> ok @@ int (Z.of_int n)
| D_string s -> ok @@ string s
| D_bytes s -> ok @@ bytes (Tezos_stdlib.MBytes.of_bytes s)
| D_unit -> ok @@ prim D_Unit
| D_pair (a, b) -> (
let%bind a = translate_value a in
let%bind b = translate_value b in
ok @@ prim ~children:[a;b] D_Pair
| D_left a -> translate_value a >>? fun a -> ok @@ prim ~children:[a] D_Left
| D_right b -> translate_value b >>? fun b -> ok @@ prim ~children:[b] D_Right
| D_function anon -> translate_function anon
| D_none -> ok @@ prim D_None
| D_some s ->
let%bind s' = translate_value s in
ok @@ prim ~children:[s'] D_Some
| D_map lst ->
let%bind lst' = bind_map_list (bind_map_pair translate_value) lst in
let aux (a, b) = prim ~children:[a;b] D_Elt in
ok @@ seq @@ aux lst'
and translate_function ({capture;content}:anon_function) : michelson result =
let {capture_type } = content in
match capture, capture_type with
| _, No_capture ->
let%bind body = translate_function_body content in
ok @@ seq [ body ]
| Some value, Deep_capture _ -> (
let%bind body = translate_function_body content in
let%bind capture_m = translate_value value in
ok @@ d_pair capture_m body
| Some value, Shallow_capture _ ->
let%bind body = translate_function_body content in
let%bind capture_m = translate_value value in
ok @@ d_pair capture_m body
| _ -> simple_fail "translating closure without capture"
and translate_expression ((expr', ty, env) as expr:expression) : michelson result =
let error_message = Format.asprintf "%a" PP.expression expr in
let%bind (code : michelson) = trace (error "translating expression" error_message) @@ match expr' with
| E_literal v ->
let%bind v = translate_value v in
let%bind t = Compiler_type.type_ ty in
ok @@ seq [
prim ~children:[t;v] I_PUSH ;
prim I_PAIR ;
| E_application((_, f_ty, _) as f, arg) -> (
match f_ty with
| T_function _ -> (
let%bind f = translate_expression f in
let%bind arg = translate_expression arg in
ok @@ seq [
arg ;
i_unpair ;
dip f ;
dip i_unpair ;
prim I_EXEC ;
i_pair ;
| T_deep_closure (small_env, _, _) -> (
let env' = Environment.of_small small_env in
let%bind add = Environment.to_michelson_anonymous_add env' in
let%bind f = translate_expression f in
let%bind arg = translate_expression arg in
ok @@ seq [
f ; i_unpair ; (* closure :: expr :: env *)
dip arg ; dip i_unpair ; (* closure :: arg :: expr :: env *)
i_unpair ; dip add ; (* fun :: full_arg :: expr :: env *)
i_swap ; prim I_EXEC ;
i_pair ; (* expr :: env *)
| T_shallow_closure (env', _, _) -> (
let%bind add = Environment.to_michelson_anonymous_add env' in
let%bind f = translate_expression f in
let%bind arg = translate_expression arg in
ok @@ seq [
f ; i_unpair ; (* closure :: expr :: env *)
dip arg ; dip i_unpair ; (* closure :: arg :: expr :: env *)
i_unpair ; dip add ; (* fun :: full_arg :: expr :: env *)
i_swap ; prim I_EXEC ;
i_pair ; (* expr :: env *)
| _ -> simple_fail "E_applicationing something not appliable"
| E_variable x ->
let%bind (get, _) = Environment.to_michelson_get env x in
ok @@ seq [
dip (seq [prim I_DUP ; get]) ;
i_piar ;
| E_constant(str, lst) ->
let%bind lst' = bind_list @@ translate_expression lst in
let%bind predicate = get_predicate str lst in
let%bind code = match (predicate, List.length lst) with
| Constant c, 0 -> ok (seq @@ lst' @ [c])
| Unary f, 1 -> ok (seq @@ lst' @ [f])
| Binary f, 2 -> ok (seq @@ lst' @ [f])
| Ternary f, 3 -> ok (seq @@ lst' @ [f])
| _ -> simple_fail "bad arity"
ok code
| E_empty_map sd ->
let%bind (src, dst) = bind_map_pair Compiler_type.type_ sd in
let code = seq [
prim ~children:[src;dst] I_EMPTY_MAP ;
i_pair ;
] in
ok code
| E_make_none o ->
let%bind o' = Compiler_type.type_ o in
let code = seq [
prim ~children:[o'] I_NONE ;
i_pair ;
] in
ok code
| E_function anon -> (
match ty with
| T_function (_, _) ->
let%bind body = translate_function_body anon in
let%bind input_type = Compiler_type.type_ anon.input in
let%bind output_type = Compiler_type.type_ anon.output in
let code = seq [
i_lambda input_type output_type body ;
i_pair ;
] in
ok code
| T_deep_closure (small_env, _, _) ->
(* Capture the variable bounds, assemble them. On call, append the input. *)
let%bind body = translate_function_body anon in
let%bind capture = Environment.Small.to_mini_c_capture env small_env in
let%bind capture = translate_expression capture in
let%bind input_type = Compiler_type.type_ anon.input in
let%bind output_type = Compiler_type.type_ anon.output in
let code = seq [
capture ;
i_unpair ;
i_lambda input_type output_type body ;
i_piar ;
i_pair ;
] in
ok code
| T_shallow_closure (_, _, _) ->
(* Capture the whole environment. *)
let%bind body = translate_function_body anon in
let%bind input_type = Compiler_type.type_ anon.input in
let%bind output_type = Compiler_type.type_ anon.output in
let code = seq [
dip i_dup ; i_swap ;
i_lambda input_type output_type body ;
i_piar ;
i_pair ;
] in
ok code
| _ -> simple_fail "expected function code"
| E_Cond (c, a, b) -> (
let%bind c' = translate_expression c in
let%bind a' = translate_expression a in
let%bind b' = translate_expression b in
let%bind code = ok (seq [
c' ; i_unpair ;
i_if a' b' ;
]) in
ok code
let%bind () =
let%bind (Ex_ty schema_ty) = Environment.to_ty env in
let%bind output_type = Compiler_type.type_ ty in
let%bind (Ex_ty output_ty) =
let error_message = Format.asprintf "%a" Michelson.pp output_type in
Trace.trace_tzresult_lwt (error "error parsing output ty" error_message) @@
Tezos_utils.Memory_proto_alpha.parse_michelson_ty output_type in
let input_stack_ty = Stack.(Contract_types.unit @: schema_ty @: nil) in
let output_stack_ty = Stack.(Contract_types.(pair output_ty unit) @: schema_ty @: nil) in
let%bind error_message =
let%bind schema_michelson = Environment.to_michelson_type env in
ok @@ Format.asprintf
"expression : %a\ncode : %a\nschema type : %a\noutput type : %a"
PP.expression expr
Michelson.pp code
Michelson.pp schema_michelson
Michelson.pp output_type
let%bind _ =
Trace.trace_tzresult_lwt (error "error parsing expression code" error_message) @@
Tezos_utils.Memory_proto_alpha.parse_michelson code
input_stack_ty output_stack_ty
ok ()
ok code
and translate_statement ((s', w_env) as s:statement) : michelson result =
let error_message = Format.asprintf "%a" PP.statement s in
let%bind (code : michelson) =
trace (error "translating statement" error_message) @@ match s' with
| Assignment (s, ((_, tv, _) as expr)) ->
let%bind expr = translate_expression expr in
let%bind add =
if Environment.has s w_env.pre_environment
then Environment.to_michelson_set s w_env.pre_environment
else Environment.to_michelson_add (s, tv) w_env.pre_environment
ok (seq [
i_comment "assignment" ;
seq [
i_comment "expr" ;
i_push_unit ; expr ; i_car ;
] ;
seq [
i_comment "env <- env . expr" ;
add ;
| I_Cond (expr, a, b) ->
let%bind expr = translate_expression expr in
let%bind a = translate_regular_block a in
let%bind b = translate_regular_block b in
ok @@ (seq [
i_push_unit ;
expr ;
prim I_CAR ;
dip Environment.to_michelson_extend ;
prim ~children:[seq [a ; Environment.to_michelson_restrict];seq [b ; Environment.to_michelson_restrict]] I_IF ;
| If_None (expr, none, (_, some)) ->
let%bind expr = translate_expression expr in
let%bind none' = translate_regular_block none in
let%bind some' = translate_regular_block some in
let%bind add =
let env = Environment.extend w_env.pre_environment in
Environment.to_michelson_anonymous_add env in
ok @@ (seq [
i_push_unit ; expr ; i_car ;
dip Environment.to_michelson_extend ;
prim ~children:[
seq [none' ; Environment.to_michelson_restrict] ;
seq [add ; some' ; Environment.to_michelson_restrict] ;
| While ((_, _, _) as expr, block) ->
let%bind expr = translate_expression expr in
let%bind block = translate_regular_block block in
ok @@ (seq [
i_push_unit ; expr ; i_car ;
prim ~children:[seq [
Environment.to_michelson_extend ;
block ;
Environment.to_michelson_restrict ;
i_push_unit ; expr ; i_car]] I_LOOP ;
| I_patch (name, lrs, expr) ->
let%bind expr' = translate_expression expr in
let%bind (name_path, _) = Environment.get_path name w_env.pre_environment in
let path = name_path @ lrs in
let set_code = Environment.path_to_michelson_set path in
ok @@ seq [
i_push_unit ; expr' ; i_car ;
set_code ;
let%bind () =
let%bind (Ex_ty pre_ty) = Environment.to_ty w_env.pre_environment in
let input_stack_ty = Stack.(pre_ty @: nil) in
let%bind (Ex_ty post_ty) = Environment.to_ty w_env.post_environment in
let output_stack_ty = Stack.(post_ty @: nil) in
let%bind error_message =
let%bind pre_env_michelson = Environment.to_michelson_type w_env.pre_environment in
let%bind post_env_michelson = Environment.to_michelson_type w_env.post_environment in
ok @@ Format.asprintf
"statement : %a\ncode : %a\npre type : %a\npost type : %a"
PP.statement s
Michelson.pp code
Michelson.pp pre_env_michelson
Michelson.pp post_env_michelson
let%bind _ =
Trace.trace_tzresult_lwt (error "error parsing statement code" error_message) @@
Tezos_utils.Memory_proto_alpha.parse_michelson code
input_stack_ty output_stack_ty
ok ()
ok code
and translate_regular_block ((b, env):block) : michelson result =
let aux prev statement =
let%bind (lst : michelson list) = prev in
let%bind instruction = translate_statement statement in
ok (instruction :: lst)
let%bind error_message =
let%bind schema_michelson = Environment.to_michelson_type env.pre_environment in
ok @@ Format.asprintf "\nblock : %a\nschema : %a\n"
PP.block (b, env)
Tezos_utils.Micheline.Michelson.pp schema_michelson
let%bind codes =
trace (error "error translating block" error_message) @@
List.fold_left aux (ok []) b in
let code = seq (List.rev codes) in
ok code
and translate_function_body ({body;result} as f:anon_function_content) : michelson result =
let%bind body = translate_regular_block body in
let%bind expr = translate_expression result in
let code = seq [
body ;
i_push_unit ; expr ; i_car ;
dip i_drop ;
] in
let%bind _assert_type =
let%bind (Ex_ty input_ty) = Compiler_type.Ty.type_ f.input in
let%bind (Ex_ty output_ty) = Compiler_type.Ty.type_ f.output in
let input_stack_ty = Stack.(input_ty @: nil) in
let output_stack_ty = Stack.(output_ty @: nil) in
let%bind error_message =
ok @@ Format.asprintf
"\ncode : %a\n"
Tezos_utils.Micheline.Michelson.pp code
let%bind _ =
Trace.trace_tzresult_lwt (error "error parsing function code" error_message) @@
Tezos_utils.Memory_proto_alpha.parse_michelson code
input_stack_ty output_stack_ty
ok ()
ok code
type compiled_program = {
input : ex_ty ;
output : ex_ty ;
body : michelson ;
let translate_program (p:program) (entry:string) : compiled_program result =
let is_main ((s, _):toplevel_statement) = match s with
| name , (E_function f, T_function (_, _), _) when f.capture_type = No_capture && name = entry -> Some f
| _ -> None in
let%bind main =
trace_option (simple_error "no functional entry") @@
Tezos_utils.List.find_map is_main p in
let {input;output} : anon_function_content = main in
let%bind body = translate_function_body main in
let%bind input = Compiler_type.Ty.type_ input in
let%bind output = Compiler_type.Ty.type_ output in
ok ({input;output;body}:compiled_program)
let translate_entry (p:anon_function) : compiled_program result =
let {input;output} : anon_function_content = p.content in
let%bind body = translate_function_body p.content in
let%bind input = Compiler_type.Ty.type_ input in
let%bind output = Compiler_type.Ty.type_ output in
ok ({input;output;body}:compiled_program)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
open Trace
open Types
open Micheline
open Memory_proto_alpha.Script_ir_translator
module Stack = Meta_michelson.Wrap.Stack
type element = environment_element
module Small = struct
open Append_tree
type t' = environment_small'
type t = environment_small
let has' s = exists' (fun ((x, _):element) -> x = s)
let has s = function
| Empty -> false
| Full x -> has' s x
let empty : t = empty
let get_opt = assoc_opt
let append s (e:t) = if has (fst s) e then e else append s e
let of_list lst =
let rec aux = function
| [] -> Empty
| hd :: tl -> append hd (aux tl)
aux @@ List.rev lst
let rec to_list' (e:t') =
match e with
| Leaf x -> [x]
| Node {a;b} -> (to_list' a) @ (to_list' b)
let to_list (e:t) =
match e with
| Empty -> []
| Full x -> to_list' x
type bound = string list
open Michelson
let rec get_path' = fun s env' ->
match env' with
| Leaf (n, v) when n = s -> ok ([], v)
| Leaf _ -> simple_fail "Not in env"
| Node {a;b} ->
match%bind bind_lr @@ Tezos_utils.Tuple.map2 (get_path' s) (a,b) with
| `Left (lst, v) -> ok ((`Left :: lst), v)
| `Right (lst, v) -> ok ((`Right :: lst), v)
let get_path = fun s env ->
match env with
| Empty -> simple_fail "Set : No env"
| Full x -> get_path' s x
let rec to_michelson_get' s = function
| Leaf (n, tv) when n = s -> ok @@ (seq [], tv)
| Leaf _ -> simple_fail "Schema.Small.get : not in env"
| Node {a;b} -> (
match%bind bind_lr @@ Tezos_utils.Tuple.map2 (to_michelson_get' s) (a, b) with
| `Left (x, tv) -> ok @@ (seq [i_car ; x], tv)
| `Right (x, tv) -> ok @@ (seq [i_cdr ; x], tv)
let to_michelson_get s = function
| Empty -> simple_fail "Schema.Small.get : not in env"
| Full x -> to_michelson_get' s x
let rec to_michelson_set' s = function
| Leaf (n, tv) when n = s -> ok (dip i_drop, tv)
| Leaf _ -> simple_fail "Schema.Small.set : not in env"
| Node {a;b} -> (
match%bind bind_lr @@ Tezos_utils.Tuple.map2 (to_michelson_set' s) (a, b) with
| `Left (x, tv) -> ok (seq [dip i_unpair ; x ; i_pair], tv)
| `Right (x, tv) -> ok (seq [dip i_unpiar ; x ; i_piar], tv)
let to_michelson_set s = function
| Empty -> simple_fail "Schema.Small.set : not in env"
| Full x -> to_michelson_set' s x
let rec to_michelson_append' = function
| Leaf _ -> ok i_piar
| Node{full=true} -> ok i_piar
| Node{a=Node _;b;full=false} ->
let%bind b = to_michelson_append' b in
ok @@ seq [dip i_unpiar ; b ; i_piar]
| Node{a=Leaf _;full=false} -> assert false
let to_michelson_append = function
| Empty -> ok (dip i_drop)
| Full x -> to_michelson_append' x
let rec to_mini_c_capture' env : _ -> expression result = function
| Leaf (n, tv) -> ok (E_variable n, tv, env)
| Node {a;b} ->
let%bind ((_, ty_a, _) as a) = to_mini_c_capture' env a in
let%bind ((_, ty_b, _) as b) = to_mini_c_capture' env b in
ok (E_constant ("PAIR", [a;b]), (T_pair(ty_a, ty_b) : type_value), env)
let to_mini_c_capture env = function
| Empty -> simple_fail "to_mini_c_capture"
| Full x -> to_mini_c_capture' env x
let rec to_mini_c_type' : _ -> type_value = function
| Leaf (_, t) -> t
| Node {a;b} -> T_pair(to_mini_c_type' a, to_mini_c_type' b)
let to_mini_c_type : _ -> type_value = function
| Empty -> T_base Base_unit
| Full x -> to_mini_c_type' x
type t = environment
let empty : t = [Small.empty]
let extend t : t = Small.empty :: t
let restrict t : t = t
let of_small small : t = [small]
let rec get_opt : t -> string -> type_value option = fun t k ->
match t with
| [] -> None
| hd :: tl -> (
match Small.get_opt hd k with
| None -> get_opt tl k
| Some v -> Some v
let rec has x : t -> bool = function
| [] -> raise (Failure "Schema.Big.has")
| [hd] -> Small.has x hd
| hd :: tl -> Small.has x hd || has x tl
let add x : t -> t = function
| [] -> raise (Failure "Schema.Big.add")
| hd :: tl -> Small.append x hd :: tl
(* let init_function (f:type_value) (binder:string) : t = [Small.init_function binder f] *)
let to_michelson_extend = Michelson.(
seq [i_push_unit ; i_pair]
let to_michelson_restrict = Michelson.i_cdr
let to_ty = Compiler_type.Ty.environment
let to_michelson_type = Compiler_type.environment
let rec to_mini_c_type = function
| [] -> raise (Failure "Schema.Big.to_mini_c_type")
| [hd] -> Small.to_mini_c_type hd
| hd :: tl -> T_pair(Small.to_mini_c_type hd, to_mini_c_type tl)
let to_mini_c_capture = function
| [a] -> Small.to_mini_c_capture a
| _ -> raise (Failure "Schema.Big.to_mini_c_capture")
let rec get_path : string -> environment -> ([`Left | `Right] list * type_value) result = fun s t ->
match t with
| [] -> simple_fail "Get path : empty big schema"
| [ x ] -> Small.get_path s x
| hd :: tl -> (
match%bind bind_lr_lazy (Small.get_path s hd, (fun () -> get_path s tl)) with
| `Left (lst, v) -> ok (`Left :: lst, v)
| `Right (lst, v) -> ok (`Right :: lst, v)
let path_to_michelson_get = fun path ->
let open Michelson in
let aux step = match step with
| `Left -> i_car
| `Right -> i_cdr in
seq ( aux path)
let path_to_michelson_set = fun path ->
let open Michelson in
let aux acc step = match step with
| `Left -> seq [dip i_unpair ; acc ; i_pair]
| `Right -> seq [dip i_unpiar ; acc ; i_piar]
let init = dip i_drop in
List.fold_left aux init path
let to_michelson_anonymous_add (t:t) =
let%bind code = match t with
| [] -> simple_fail "Schema.Big.Add.to_michelson_add"
| [hd] -> Small.to_michelson_append hd
| hd :: _ -> (
let%bind code = Small.to_michelson_append hd in
ok @@ Michelson.(seq [dip i_unpair ; code ; i_pair])
ok code
let to_michelson_add x (t:t) =
let%bind code = match t with
| [] -> simple_fail "Schema.Big.Add.to_michelson_add"
| [hd] -> Small.to_michelson_append hd
| hd :: _ -> (
let%bind code = Small.to_michelson_append hd in
ok @@ Michelson.(seq [dip i_unpair ; code ; i_pair])
let%bind _assert_type =
let new_schema = add x t in
let%bind (Ex_ty schema_ty) = to_ty t in
let%bind (Ex_ty new_schema_ty) = to_ty new_schema in
let%bind (Ex_ty input_ty) = Compiler_type.Ty.type_ (snd x) in
let input_stack_ty = Stack.(input_ty @: schema_ty @: nil) in
let output_stack_ty = Stack.(new_schema_ty @: nil) in
let error_message = Format.asprintf
"\nold : %a\nnew : %a\ncode : %a\n"
PP.environment t
PP.environment new_schema
Tezos_utils.Micheline.Michelson.pp code in
let%bind _ =
trace_tzresult_lwt (error "error parsing Schema.Big.to_michelson_add code" error_message) @@
Tezos_utils.Memory_proto_alpha.parse_michelson code
input_stack_ty output_stack_ty in
ok ()
ok code
let to_michelson_get (s:t) str : (Michelson.t * type_value) result =
let open Michelson in
let rec aux s str : (Michelson.t * type_value) result = match s with
| [] -> simple_fail "Schema.Big.get"
| [a] -> Small.to_michelson_get str a
| a :: b -> (
match Small.to_michelson_get str a with
| Trace.Ok (code, tv) -> ok (seq [i_car ; code], tv)
| Errors _ ->
let%bind (code, tv) = aux b str in
ok (seq [i_cdr ; code], tv)
let%bind (code, tv) = aux s str in
let%bind _assert_type =
let%bind (Ex_ty schema_ty) = to_ty s in
let%bind schema_michelson = to_michelson_type s in
let%bind (Ex_ty ty) = Compiler_type.Ty.type_ tv in
let input_stack_ty = Stack.(schema_ty @: nil) in
let output_stack_ty = Stack.(ty @: nil) in
let%bind error_message =
ok @@ Format.asprintf
"\ncode : %a\nschema type : %a"
Tezos_utils.Micheline.Michelson.pp code
Tezos_utils.Micheline.Michelson.pp schema_michelson
let%bind _ =
trace_tzresult_lwt (error "error parsing big.get code" error_message) @@
Tezos_utils.Memory_proto_alpha.parse_michelson code
input_stack_ty output_stack_ty
ok ()
ok (code, tv)
let to_michelson_set str (s:t) : Michelson.t result =
let open Michelson in
let rec aux s str : (Michelson.t * type_value) result =
match s with
| [] -> simple_fail "Schema.Big.get"
| [a] -> Small.to_michelson_set str a
| a :: b -> (
match Small.to_michelson_set str a with
| Trace.Ok (code, tv) -> ok (seq [dip i_unpair ; code ; i_pair], tv)
| Errors _ ->
let%bind (tmp, tv) = aux b str in
ok (seq [dip i_unpiar ; tmp ; i_piar], tv)
let%bind (code, tv) = aux s str in
let%bind _assert_type =
let%bind (Ex_ty schema_ty) = to_ty s in
let%bind schema_michelson = to_michelson_type s in
let%bind (Ex_ty ty) = Compiler_type.Ty.type_ tv in
let input_stack_ty = Stack.(ty @: schema_ty @: nil) in
let output_stack_ty = Stack.(schema_ty @: nil) in
let%bind error_message =
ok @@ Format.asprintf
"\ncode : %a\nschema : %a\nschema type : %a"
Tezos_utils.Micheline.Michelson.pp code
PP.environment s
Tezos_utils.Micheline.Michelson.pp schema_michelson
let%bind _ =
Trace.trace_tzresult_lwt (error "error parsing big.set code" error_message) @@
Tezos_utils.Memory_proto_alpha.parse_michelson code
input_stack_ty output_stack_ty
ok ()
ok @@ seq [ i_comment "set" ; code ]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
open Trace
open Types
open Tezos_utils.Memory_proto_alpha
open Script_ir_translator
module O = Tezos_utils.Micheline.Michelson
module Contract_types = Meta_michelson.Contract.Types
module Ty = struct
let not_comparable name = error "not a comparable type" name
let comparable_type_base : type_base -> ex_comparable_ty result = fun tb ->
let open Contract_types in
let return x = ok @@ Ex_comparable_ty x in
match tb with
| Base_unit -> fail (not_comparable "unit")
| Base_bool -> fail (not_comparable "bool")
| Base_nat -> return nat_k
| Base_int -> return int_k
| Base_string -> return string_k
| Base_bytes -> return bytes_k
let comparable_type : type_value -> ex_comparable_ty result = fun tv ->
match tv with
| T_base b -> comparable_type_base b
| T_deep_closure _ -> fail (not_comparable "deep closure")
| T_shallow_closure _ -> fail (not_comparable "shallow closure")
| T_function _ -> fail (not_comparable "function")
| T_or _ -> fail (not_comparable "or")
| T_pair _ -> fail (not_comparable "pair")
| T_map _ -> fail (not_comparable "map")
| T_option _ -> fail (not_comparable "option")
let base_type : type_base -> ex_ty result = fun b ->
let open Contract_types in
let return x = ok @@ Ex_ty x in
match b with
| Base_unit -> return unit
| Base_bool -> return bool
| Base_int -> return int
| Base_nat -> return nat
| Base_string -> return string
| Base_bytes -> return bytes
let rec type_ : type_value -> ex_ty result =
| T_base b -> base_type b
| T_pair (t, t') -> (
type_ t >>? fun (Ex_ty t) ->
type_ t' >>? fun (Ex_ty t') ->
ok @@ Ex_ty (Contract_types.pair t t')
| T_or (t, t') -> (
type_ t >>? fun (Ex_ty t) ->
type_ t' >>? fun (Ex_ty t') ->
ok @@ Ex_ty (Contract_types.union t t')
| T_function (arg, ret) ->
let%bind (Ex_ty arg) = type_ arg in
let%bind (Ex_ty ret) = type_ ret in
ok @@ Ex_ty (Contract_types.lambda arg ret)
| T_deep_closure (c, arg, ret) ->
let%bind (Ex_ty capture) = environment_small c in
let%bind (Ex_ty arg) = type_ arg in
let%bind (Ex_ty ret) = type_ ret in
ok @@ Ex_ty Contract_types.(pair capture @@ lambda (pair capture arg) ret)
| T_shallow_closure (c, arg, ret) ->
let%bind (Ex_ty capture) = environment c in
let%bind (Ex_ty arg) = type_ arg in
let%bind (Ex_ty ret) = type_ ret in
ok @@ Ex_ty Contract_types.(pair capture @@ lambda (pair capture arg) ret)
| T_map (k, v) ->
let%bind (Ex_comparable_ty k') = comparable_type k in
let%bind (Ex_ty v') = type_ v in
ok @@ Ex_ty Contract_types.(map k' v')
| T_option t ->
let%bind (Ex_ty t') = type_ t in
ok @@ Ex_ty Contract_types.(option t')
and environment_small' = let open Append_tree in function
| Leaf (_, x) -> type_ x
| Node {a;b} ->
let%bind (Ex_ty a) = environment_small' a in
let%bind (Ex_ty b) = environment_small' b in
ok @@ Ex_ty (Contract_types.pair a b)
and environment_small = function
| Empty -> ok @@ Ex_ty Contract_types.unit
| Full x -> environment_small' x
and environment = function
| [] -> simple_fail "Schema.Big.to_ty"
| [a] -> environment_small a
| a::b ->
let%bind (Ex_ty a) = environment_small a in
let%bind (Ex_ty b) = environment b in
ok @@ Ex_ty (Contract_types.pair a b)
let base_type : type_base -> O.michelson result =
| Base_unit -> ok @@ O.prim T_unit
| Base_bool -> ok @@ O.prim T_bool
| Base_int -> ok @@ O.prim T_int
| Base_nat -> ok @@ O.prim T_nat
| Base_string -> ok @@ O.prim T_string
| Base_bytes -> ok @@ O.prim T_bytes
let rec type_ : type_value -> O.michelson result =
| T_base b -> base_type b
| T_pair (t, t') -> (
type_ t >>? fun t ->
type_ t' >>? fun t' ->
ok @@ O.prim ~children:[t;t'] O.T_pair
| T_or (t, t') -> (
type_ t >>? fun t ->
type_ t' >>? fun t' ->
ok @@ O.prim ~children:[t;t'] O.T_or
| T_map kv ->
let%bind (k', v') = bind_map_pair type_ kv in
ok @@ O.prim ~children:[k';v'] O.T_map
| T_option o ->
let%bind o' = type_ o in
ok @@ O.prim ~children:[o'] O.T_option
| T_function (arg, ret) ->
let%bind arg = type_ arg in
let%bind ret = type_ ret in
ok @@ O.prim ~children:[arg;ret] T_lambda
| T_deep_closure (c, arg, ret) ->
let%bind capture = environment_small c in
let%bind arg = type_ arg in
let%bind ret = type_ ret in
ok @@ O.t_pair capture (O.t_lambda (O.t_pair capture arg) ret)
| T_shallow_closure (c, arg, ret) ->
let%bind capture = environment c in
let%bind arg = type_ arg in
let%bind ret = type_ ret in
ok @@ O.t_pair capture (O.t_lambda (O.t_pair capture arg) ret)
and environment_element (name, tyv) =
let%bind michelson_type = type_ tyv in
ok @@ O.annotate ("@" ^ name) michelson_type
and environment_small' = let open Append_tree in function
| Leaf x -> environment_element x
| Node {a;b} ->
let%bind a = environment_small' a in
let%bind b = environment_small' b in
ok @@ O.t_pair a b
and environment_small = function
| Empty -> ok @@ O.prim O.T_unit
| Full x -> environment_small' x
and environment =
| [] -> simple_fail "Schema.Big.to_michelson_type"
| [a] -> environment_small a
| a :: b ->
let%bind a = environment_small a in
let%bind b = environment b in
ok @@ O.t_pair a b
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
(name mini_c)
(public_name ligo.mini_c)
(pps ppx_let)
(flags (:standard -w +1..62-4-9-44-40-42-48@39@33 -open Tezos_utils ))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
include Types
module PP = PP
module Combinators = Combinators
module Environment = Compiler_environment
module Compiler_type = Compiler_type
module Compiler = Compiler
module Uncompiler = Uncompiler
module Run = Run
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
open Trace
open Types
open Compiler
open Memory_proto_alpha.Script_ir_translator
let run_aux (program:compiled_program) (input_michelson:Michelson.t) : ex_typed_value result =
let open Meta_michelson.Wrap in
let Compiler.{input;output;body} : compiled_program = program in
let (Ex_ty input_ty) = input in
let (Ex_ty output_ty) = output in
let%bind input =
Trace.trace_tzresult_lwt (simple_error "error parsing input") @@
Tezos_utils.Memory_proto_alpha.parse_michelson_data input_michelson input_ty in
let body = Michelson.strip_annots body in
let%bind descr =
Trace.trace_tzresult_lwt (simple_error "error parsing program code") @@
Tezos_utils.Memory_proto_alpha.parse_michelson body
(Stack.(input_ty @: nil)) (Stack.(output_ty @: nil)) in
let open! Memory_proto_alpha.Script_interpreter in
let%bind (Item(output, Empty)) =
Trace.trace_tzresult_lwt (simple_error "error of execution") @@
Tezos_utils.Memory_proto_alpha.interpret descr (Item(input, Empty)) in
ok (Ex_typed_value (output_ty, output))
let run_node (program:program) (input:Michelson.t) : Michelson.t result =
let%bind compiled = translate_program program "main" in
let%bind (Ex_typed_value (output_ty, output)) = run_aux compiled input in
let%bind output =
Trace.trace_tzresult_lwt (simple_error "error unparsing output") @@
Tezos_utils.Memory_proto_alpha.unparse_michelson_data output_ty output in
ok output
let run_entry (entry:anon_function) (input:value) : value result =
let%bind compiled = translate_entry entry in
let%bind input_michelson = translate_value input in
let%bind ex_ty_value = run_aux compiled input_michelson in
let%bind (result : value) = Uncompiler.translate_value ex_ty_value in
ok result
let run (program:program) (input:value) : value result =
let%bind input_michelson = translate_value input in
let%bind compiled = translate_program program "main" in
let%bind ex_ty_value = run_aux compiled input_michelson in
let%bind (result : value) = Uncompiler.translate_value ex_ty_value in
ok result
let expression_to_value ((e', _, _) as e:expression) : value result =
match e' with
| E_literal v -> ok v
| _ -> fail
@@ error "not a value"
@@ Format.asprintf "%a" PP.expression e
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
module Append_tree = Tree.Append
type type_name = string
type type_base =
| Base_unit
| Base_bool
| Base_int | Base_nat
| Base_string | Base_bytes
type type_value =
| T_pair of (type_value * type_value)
| T_or of type_value * type_value
| T_function of type_value * type_value
| T_deep_closure of environment_small * type_value * type_value
| T_shallow_closure of environment * type_value * type_value
| T_base of type_base
| T_map of (type_value * type_value)
| T_option of type_value
and environment_element = string * type_value
and environment_small' = environment_element Append_tree.t'
and environment_small = environment_element Append_tree.t
and environment = environment_small list
type environment_wrap = {
pre_environment : environment ;
post_environment : environment ;
type var_name = string
type fun_name = string
type value =
| D_unit
| D_bool of bool
| D_nat of int
| D_int of int
| D_string of string
| D_bytes of bytes
| D_pair of value * value
| D_left of value
| D_right of value
| D_some of value
| D_none
| D_map of (value * value) list
(* | `Macro of anon_macro ... The future. *)
| D_function of anon_function
and expression' =
| E_literal of value
| E_function of anon_function_expression
| E_constant of string * expression list
| E_application of expression * expression
| E_variable of var_name
| E_empty_map of (type_value * type_value)
| E_make_none of type_value
| E_Cond of expression * expression * expression
and expression = expression' * type_value * environment (* Environment in which the expressions are evaluated *)
and assignment = var_name * expression
and statement' =
| Assignment of assignment
| I_Cond of expression * block * block
| I_patch of string * [`Left | `Right] list * expression
| If_None of expression * block * (var_name * block)
| While of expression * block
and statement = statement' * environment_wrap
and toplevel_statement = assignment * environment_wrap
and anon_function_content = {
binder : string ;
input : type_value ;
output : type_value ;
body : block ;
result : expression ;
capture_type : capture ;
and anon_function = {
content : anon_function_content ;
capture : value option ;
and anon_function_expression = anon_function_content
and capture =
| No_capture (* For functions that don't capture their environments. Quotes. *)
| Shallow_capture of environment (* Duplicates the whole environment. A single DUP. Heavier GETs and SETs at use. *)
| Deep_capture of environment_small (* Retrieves only the values it needs. Multiple SETs on init. Lighter GETs and SETs at use. *)
and block' = statement list
and block = block' * environment_wrap
and program = toplevel_statement list
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
open Trace
open Types
open Memory_proto_alpha
open Script_typed_ir
open Script_ir_translator
let rec translate_value (Ex_typed_value (ty, value)) : value result =
match (ty, value) with
| Pair_t ((a_ty, _, _), (b_ty, _, _), _), (a, b) -> (
let%bind a = translate_value @@ Ex_typed_value(a_ty, a) in
let%bind b = translate_value @@ Ex_typed_value(b_ty, b) in
ok @@ D_pair(a, b)
| Union_t ((a_ty, _), _, _), L a -> (
let%bind a = translate_value @@ Ex_typed_value(a_ty, a) in
ok @@ D_left a
| Union_t (_, (b_ty, _), _), R b -> (
let%bind b = translate_value @@ Ex_typed_value(b_ty, b) in
ok @@ D_right b
| (Int_t _), n ->
let%bind n =
trace_option (simple_error "too big to fit an int") @@
Alpha_context.Script_int.to_int n in
ok @@ D_int n
| (Nat_t _), n ->
let%bind n =
trace_option (simple_error "too big to fit an int") @@
Alpha_context.Script_int.to_int n in
ok @@ D_nat n
| (Bool_t _), b ->
ok @@ D_bool b
| (String_t _), s ->
ok @@ D_string s
| (Unit_t _), () ->
ok @@ D_unit
| (Option_t _), None ->
ok @@ D_none
| (Option_t ((o_ty, _), _, _)), Some s ->
let%bind s' = translate_value @@ Ex_typed_value (o_ty, s) in
ok @@ D_some s'
| (Map_t (k_cty, v_ty, _)), m ->
let k_ty = Script_ir_translator.ty_of_comparable_ty k_cty in
let lst =
let aux k v acc = (k, v) :: acc in
let lst = Script_ir_translator.map_fold aux m [] in
List.rev lst in
let%bind lst' =
let aux (k, v) =
let%bind k' = translate_value (Ex_typed_value (k_ty, k)) in
let%bind v' = translate_value (Ex_typed_value (v_ty, v)) in
ok (k', v')
bind_map_list aux lst
ok @@ D_map lst'
| ty, v ->
let%bind error =
let%bind m_data =
trace_tzresult_lwt (simple_error "unparsing unrecognized data") @@
Tezos_utils.Memory_proto_alpha.unparse_michelson_data ty v in
let%bind m_ty =
trace_tzresult_lwt (simple_error "unparsing unrecognized data") @@
Tezos_utils.Memory_proto_alpha.unparse_michelson_ty ty in
let error_content =
Format.asprintf "%a : %a"
Michelson.pp m_data
Michelson.pp m_ty in
ok @@ error "this value can't be transpiled back yet" error_content
fail error
@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ end
module Print_AST = struct
module Print_AST = struct
open Format
open Format
open PP_helpers
let manual_rule : _ -> O.manual_rule -> _ = fun ppf mr ->
let manual_rule : _ -> O.manual_rule -> _ = fun ppf mr ->
fprintf ppf "%s = %s" mr.content.ast_code
fprintf ppf "%s = %s" mr.content.ast_code
@ -150,10 +151,10 @@ module Print_AST = struct
let type_element = fun ppf te -> fprintf ppf "%s" te in
let type_element = fun ppf te -> fprintf ppf "%s" te in
fprintf ppf "| %s of (%a)"
fprintf ppf "| %s of (%a)"
PP.(list_sep type_element (const " * ")) type_elements
(list_sep type_element (const " * ")) type_elements
fprintf ppf "%s = @. @[<v>%a@]"
fprintf ppf "%s = @. @[<v>%a@]"
PP.(list_sep aux new_line) gr.content
(list_sep aux new_line) gr.content
let singleton : _ -> O.singleton -> _ = fun ppf s ->
let singleton : _ -> O.singleton -> _ = fun ppf s ->
match s with
match s with
@ -164,8 +165,8 @@ module Print_AST = struct
match ss with
match ss with
| [] -> ()
| [] -> ()
| hd :: tl ->
| hd :: tl ->
fprintf ppf "%a\n" (PP.prepend "type " singleton) hd ;
fprintf ppf "%a\n" (prepend "type " singleton) hd ;
fprintf ppf "%a" PP.(list_sep (prepend "and " singleton) (const "\n")) tl
fprintf ppf "%a" (list_sep (prepend "and " singleton) (const "\n")) tl
let n_operator level_name : _ -> O.n_operator -> _ = fun ppf nop ->
let n_operator level_name : _ -> O.n_operator -> _ = fun ppf nop ->
let type_elements =
let type_elements =
@ -179,7 +180,7 @@ module Print_AST = struct
let type_element = fun ppf te -> fprintf ppf "%s" te in
let type_element = fun ppf te -> fprintf ppf "%s" te in
fprintf ppf "| %s of (%a)"
fprintf ppf "| %s of (%a)"
(get_name nop)
(get_name nop)
PP.(list_sep type_element (const " * ")) type_elements
(list_sep type_element (const " * ")) type_elements
let n_hierarchy t : _ -> O.n_hierarchy -> _ = fun ppf nh ->
let n_hierarchy t : _ -> O.n_hierarchy -> _ = fun ppf nh ->
let levels = get_content ((get_content nh).levels) in
let levels = get_content ((get_content nh).levels) in
@ -187,33 +188,34 @@ module Print_AST = struct
let name = get_name nh in
let name = get_name nh in
fprintf ppf "%s %s =@.@[%a@]" t
fprintf ppf "%s %s =@.@[%a@]" t
PP.(list_sep (n_operator name) new_line) nops
(list_sep (n_operator name) new_line) nops
let n_hierarchies (first:bool) : _ -> O.n_hierarchy list -> _ = fun ppf ss ->
let n_hierarchies (first:bool) : _ -> O.n_hierarchy list -> _ = fun ppf ss ->
match ss with
match ss with
| [] -> ()
| [] -> ()
| hd :: tl ->
| hd :: tl ->
fprintf ppf "%a\n" (n_hierarchy (if first then "type" else "and")) hd ;
fprintf ppf "%a\n" (n_hierarchy (if first then "type" else "and")) hd ;
fprintf ppf "%a" PP.(list_sep (prepend "and " (n_hierarchy "and")) (const "\n")) tl
fprintf ppf "%a" (list_sep (prepend "and " (n_hierarchy "and")) (const "\n")) tl
let language : _ -> O.language -> _ = fun ppf l ->
let language : _ -> O.language -> _ = fun ppf l ->
fprintf ppf "%a@.@." PP.comment "Language" ;
fprintf ppf "%a@.@." comment "Language" ;
let first = List.length l.singletons = 0 in
let first = List.length l.singletons = 0 in
fprintf ppf " %a@.%a@.@." PP.comment "Singletons" singletons l.singletons ;
fprintf ppf " %a@.%a@.@." comment "Singletons" singletons l.singletons ;
fprintf ppf " %a@.%a@." PP.comment "Hierarchies" (n_hierarchies first) l.hierarchies ;
fprintf ppf " %a@.%a@." comment "Hierarchies" (n_hierarchies first) l.hierarchies ;
fprintf ppf " %a@.type entry_point = %s Location.wrap@.@." PP.comment "Entry point" l.entry_point ;
fprintf ppf " %a@.type entry_point = %s Location.wrap@.@." comment "Entry point" l.entry_point ;
module Print_Grammar = struct
module Print_Grammar = struct
open Format
open Format
open PP_helpers
let letters = [| "a" ; "b" ; "c" ; "d" ; "e" ; "f" ; "g" ; "h" ; "i" ; "j" |]
let letters = [| "a" ; "b" ; "c" ; "d" ; "e" ; "f" ; "g" ; "h" ; "i" ; "j" |]
let manual_rule : _ -> O.manual_rule -> _ = fun ppf mr ->
let manual_rule : _ -> O.manual_rule -> _ = fun ppf mr ->
let {name;content} = mr in
let {name;content} = mr in
fprintf ppf "%s:@. @[<v>%a@]" name (PP.list_sep PP.string PP.new_line) content.menhir_codes
fprintf ppf "%s:@. @[<v>%a@]" name (list_sep string new_line) content.menhir_codes
let generated_rule : _ -> O.rule -> _ = fun ppf gr ->
let generated_rule : _ -> O.rule -> _ = fun ppf gr ->
let aux_rule : _ -> O.rhs -> _ = fun ppf rhs ->
let aux_rule : _ -> O.rhs -> _ = fun ppf rhs ->
@ -227,10 +229,10 @@ module Print_Grammar = struct
(match mode with | `Lead -> "lead_list" | `Trail -> "trail_list" | `Separator -> "separated_list")
(match mode with | `Lead -> "lead_list" | `Trail -> "trail_list" | `Separator -> "separated_list")
(Token.to_string sep)
(Token.to_string sep)
| `Token t -> i := !i - 1 ; PP.string ppf @@ Token.to_string t) ;
| `Token t -> i := !i - 1 ; string ppf @@ Token.to_string t) ;
i := !i + 1
i := !i + 1
fprintf ppf "%a" PP.(list_sep aux (const " ")) rhs in
fprintf ppf "%a" (list_sep aux (const " ")) rhs in
let aux_code : _ -> O.rhs -> _ = fun ppf rhs ->
let aux_code : _ -> O.rhs -> _ = fun ppf rhs ->
let i = ref 0 in
let i = ref 0 in
let aux : O.rhs_element -> _ = fun e ->
let aux : O.rhs_element -> _ = fun e ->
@ -240,13 +242,13 @@ module Print_Grammar = struct
i := !i + 1 ; s
i := !i + 1 ; s
let content = List.filter_map aux rhs in
let content = List.filter_map aux rhs in
fprintf ppf "%s (%a)" (String.capitalize_ascii PP.(list_sep string (const " , ")) content
fprintf ppf "%s (%a)" (String.capitalize_ascii (list_sep string (const " , ")) content
let aux : _ -> O.rhs -> _ = fun ppf rhs ->
let aux : _ -> O.rhs -> _ = fun ppf rhs ->
fprintf ppf "| %a { %a }"
fprintf ppf "| %a { %a }"
aux_rule rhs
aux_rule rhs
aux_code rhs in
aux_code rhs in
fprintf ppf "%s:@.%a" PP.(list_sep aux (const "\n")) gr.content
fprintf ppf "%s:@.%a" (list_sep aux (const "\n")) gr.content
let singleton : _ -> O.singleton -> _ = fun ppf s ->
let singleton : _ -> O.singleton -> _ = fun ppf s ->
match s with
match s with
@ -258,7 +260,7 @@ module Print_Grammar = struct
let i = ref 0 in
let i = ref 0 in
let element : _ -> O.element -> _ = fun ppf element ->
let element : _ -> O.element -> _ = fun ppf element ->
(match element with
(match element with
| `Token t -> i := !i - 1 ; PP.string ppf @@ Token.to_string t
| `Token t -> i := !i - 1 ; string ppf @@ Token.to_string t
| `List (mode, sep, content) ->
| `List (mode, sep, content) ->
fprintf ppf "%s = %s(%s, wrap(%s))"
fprintf ppf "%s = %s(%s, wrap(%s))"
@ -274,7 +276,7 @@ module Print_Grammar = struct
) ;
) ;
i := !i + 1
i := !i + 1
PP.(list_sep element (const " ")) ppf (get_content nop)
(list_sep element (const " ")) ppf (get_content nop)
let n_operator_code : _ -> O.n_operator -> _ = fun ppf nop ->
let n_operator_code : _ -> O.n_operator -> _ = fun ppf nop ->
let (name, elements) = destruct nop in
let (name, elements) = destruct nop in
@ -288,11 +290,11 @@ module Print_Grammar = struct
in i := !i + 1 ; r
in i := !i + 1 ; r
List.filter_map aux elements in
List.filter_map aux elements in
fprintf ppf "%s (%a)" name PP.(list_sep string (const " , ")) elements'
fprintf ppf "%s (%a)" name (list_sep string (const " , ")) elements'
let n_operator prev_lvl_name cur_lvl_name : _ -> O.n_operator -> _ = fun ppf nop ->
let n_operator prev_lvl_name cur_lvl_name : _ -> O.n_operator -> _ = fun ppf nop ->
let name = get_name nop in
let name = get_name nop in
fprintf ppf "%a@;| %a { %a }" PP.comment name
fprintf ppf "%a@;| %a { %a }" comment name
(n_operator_rule prev_lvl_name cur_lvl_name) nop
(n_operator_rule prev_lvl_name cur_lvl_name) nop
n_operator_code nop
n_operator_code nop
@ -301,21 +303,21 @@ module Print_Grammar = struct
match prev_lvl_name with
match prev_lvl_name with
| "" -> (
| "" -> (
fprintf ppf "%s :@. @[<v>%a@]" name
fprintf ppf "%s :@. @[<v>%a@]" name
PP.(list_sep (n_operator prev_lvl_name name) new_line) (get_content l) ;
(list_sep (n_operator prev_lvl_name name) new_line) (get_content l) ;
| _ -> (
| _ -> (
fprintf ppf "%s :@. @[<v>%a@;| %s { $1 }@]" name
fprintf ppf "%s :@. @[<v>%a@;| %s { $1 }@]" name
PP.(list_sep (n_operator prev_lvl_name name) new_line) (get_content l)
(list_sep (n_operator prev_lvl_name name) new_line) (get_content l)
let n_hierarchy : _ -> O.n_hierarchy -> _ = fun ppf nh ->
let n_hierarchy : _ -> O.n_hierarchy -> _ = fun ppf nh ->
let name = get_name nh in
let name = get_name nh in
fprintf ppf "%a@.%%inline %s : %s_0 { $1 }@.@;" PP.comment ("Top-level for " ^ name) name name;
fprintf ppf "%a@.%%inline %s : %s_0 { $1 }@.@;" comment ("Top-level for " ^ name) name name;
let (hd, tl) = List.Ne.rev (get_content nh).levels in
let (hd, tl) = List.Ne.rev (get_content nh).levels in
fprintf ppf "%a" (level "") hd ;
fprintf ppf "%a" (level "") hd ;
let aux prev_name lvl =
let aux prev_name lvl =
PP.new_lines 2 ppf () ;
new_lines 2 ppf () ;
fprintf ppf "%a" (level prev_name) lvl ;
fprintf ppf "%a" (level prev_name) lvl ;
get_name lvl
get_name lvl
@ -323,12 +325,12 @@ module Print_Grammar = struct
let language : _ -> O.language -> _ = fun ppf l ->
let language : _ -> O.language -> _ = fun ppf l ->
fprintf ppf "%a@.@." PP.comment "Generated Language" ;
fprintf ppf "%a@.@." comment "Generated Language" ;
fprintf ppf "entry_point : wrap(%s) EOF { $1 }@.@." l.entry_point ;
fprintf ppf "entry_point : wrap(%s) EOF { $1 }@.@." l.entry_point ;
fprintf ppf "%a@.@." PP.comment "Singletons" ;
fprintf ppf "%a@.@." comment "Singletons" ;
fprintf ppf "@[%a@]@.@." (PP.list_sep singleton PP.new_line) l.singletons ;
fprintf ppf "@[%a@]@.@." (list_sep singleton new_line) l.singletons ;
fprintf ppf "%a@.@." PP.comment "Hierarchies" ;
fprintf ppf "%a@.@." comment "Hierarchies" ;
fprintf ppf "@[%a@]" (PP.list_sep n_hierarchy PP.new_line) l.hierarchies ;
fprintf ppf "@[%a@]" (list_sep n_hierarchy new_line) l.hierarchies ;
@ -404,10 +406,10 @@ let () =
let arg = Sys.argv.(1) in
let arg = Sys.argv.(1) in
match arg with
match arg with
| "parser" -> (
| "parser" -> (
Format.printf "%a@.%a\n" PP.comment "Full Grammar" Print_Grammar.language language
Format.printf "%a@.%a\n" PP_helpers.comment "Full Grammar" Print_Grammar.language language
| "ast" -> (
| "ast" -> (
Format.printf "%a@.%a\n" PP.comment "AST" Print_AST.language language
Format.printf "%a@.%a\n" PP_helpers.comment "AST" Print_AST.language language
| _ -> exit 1
| _ -> exit 1
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ module Print_mly = struct
fprintf ppf "%%token <int> INT\n" ;
fprintf ppf "%%token <int> INT\n" ;
fprintf ppf "%%token <string> STRING\n" ;
fprintf ppf "%%token <string> STRING\n" ;
fprintf ppf "%%token <string> NAME\n" ;
fprintf ppf "%%token <string> NAME\n" ;
fprintf ppf "\n%a\n\n" (PP.list_sep token (PP.const "\n")) tokens ;
fprintf ppf "\n%a\n\n" (PP_helpers.list_sep token (PP_helpers.const "\n")) tokens ;
fprintf ppf "%%%%\n"
fprintf ppf "%%%%\n"
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ rule token = parse
{ raise (Unexpected_character (Printf.sprintf "At offset %d: unexpected character.\n" (Lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf))) }
{ raise (Unexpected_character (Printf.sprintf "At offset %d: unexpected character.\n" (Lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf))) }
let tokens = fun ppf tokens ->
let tokens = fun ppf tokens ->
fprintf ppf "%s%a\n%s" pre (PP.list_sep token (PP.const "\n")) tokens post
fprintf ppf "%s%a\n%s" pre (PP_helpers.list_sep token (PP_helpers.const "\n")) tokens post
module Print_ml = struct
module Print_ml = struct
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ let to_string : token -> string = function
let tokens = fun ppf tokens ->
let tokens = fun ppf tokens ->
fprintf ppf "%s%a" pre (PP.list_sep token (PP.const "\n")) tokens
fprintf ppf "%s%a" pre (PP_helpers.list_sep token (PP_helpers.const "\n")) tokens
let tokens = [
let tokens = [
@ -108,13 +108,13 @@ let () =
let arg = Sys.argv.(1) in
let arg = Sys.argv.(1) in
match arg with
match arg with
| "mll" -> (
| "mll" -> (
Format.printf "%a@.%a\n" PP.comment "Generated .mll" Print_mll.tokens tokens
Format.printf "%a@.%a\n" PP_helpers.comment "Generated .mll" Print_mll.tokens tokens
| "mly" -> (
| "mly" -> (
Format.printf "%a@.%a\n" PP.comment "Generated .mly" Print_mly.tokens tokens
Format.printf "%a@.%a\n" PP_helpers.comment "Generated .mly" Print_mly.tokens tokens
| "ml" -> (
| "ml" -> (
Format.printf "%a@.%a\n" PP.comment "Generated .ml" Print_ml.tokens tokens
Format.printf "%a@.%a\n" PP_helpers.comment "Generated .ml" Print_ml.tokens tokens
| _ -> exit 1
| _ -> exit 1
@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ and simpl_single_instruction : Raw.single_instr -> instruction result = fun t ->
ok @@ I_assignment {name = name.value ; annotated_expression = value_expr}
ok @@ I_assignment {name = name.value ; annotated_expression = value_expr}
| Path path -> (
| Path path -> (
let err_content = Format.asprintf "%a" (Tezos_utils.PP.printer Raw.print_path) path in
let err_content = Format.asprintf "%a" (PP_helpers.printer Raw.print_path) path in
fail @@ error "no path assignments" err_content
fail @@ error "no path assignments" err_content
| MapPath v -> (
| MapPath v -> (
@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ and simpl_single_instruction : Raw.single_instr -> instruction result = fun t ->
let%bind record = match r.path with
let%bind record = match r.path with
| Name v -> ok v.value
| Name v -> ok v.value
| path -> (
| path -> (
let err_content = Format.asprintf "%a" (Tezos_utils.PP.printer Raw.print_path) path in
let err_content = Format.asprintf "%a" (PP_helpers.printer Raw.print_path) path in
fail @@ error "no complex record patch yet" err_content
fail @@ error "no complex record patch yet" err_content
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ module Environment = struct
module PP = struct
module PP = struct
open Format
open Format
open PP
open PP_helpers
let list_sep_d x = list_sep x (const " , ")
let list_sep_d x = list_sep x (const " , ")
Reference in New Issue
Block a user