diff --git a/src/compiler/compiler_environment.ml b/src/compiler/compiler_environment.ml index 386412f3f..c53dea188 100644 --- a/src/compiler/compiler_environment.ml +++ b/src/compiler/compiler_environment.ml @@ -41,109 +41,3 @@ let set : environment -> string -> michelson result = fun e s -> let code = aux position in ok code - -let add : environment -> (string * type_value) -> michelson result = fun _ (_s , _) -> - let code = seq [] in - - ok code - -let select ?(rev = false) ?(keep = true) : environment -> string list -> michelson result = fun e lst -> - let module L = Logger.Stateful() in - let e_lst = - let e_lst = Environment.to_list e in - let aux selector (s , _) = - L.log @@ Format.asprintf "Selector : %a\n" PP_helpers.(list_sep string (const " , ")) selector ; - match List.mem s selector with - | true -> List.remove_element s selector , keep - | false -> selector , not keep in - let e_lst' = - if rev = keep - then List.fold_map aux lst e_lst - else List.fold_map_right aux lst e_lst - in - let e_lst'' = List.combine e_lst e_lst' in - e_lst'' in - let code = - let aux = fun code (_ , b) -> - match b with - | false -> seq [dip code ; i_drop] - | true -> dip code - in - List.fold_right' aux (seq []) e_lst in - - ok code - -let select_env : environment -> environment -> michelson result = fun source filter -> - let lst = Environment.get_names filter in - select source lst - -let clear : environment -> (michelson * environment) result = fun e -> - let lst = Environment.get_names e in - let%bind first_name = - trace_option (simple_error "try to clear empty env") @@ - List.nth_opt lst 0 in - let%bind code = select ~rev:true e [ first_name ] in - let e' = Environment.select ~rev:true [ first_name ] e in - ok (code , e') - -let pack : environment -> michelson result = fun e -> - let%bind () = - trace_strong (simple_error "pack empty env") @@ - Assert.assert_true (List.length e <> 0) in - let code = seq @@ List.map (Function.constant i_pair) @@ List.tl e in - - ok code - -let unpack : environment -> michelson result = fun e -> - let%bind () = - trace_strong (simple_error "unpack empty env") @@ - Assert.assert_true (List.length e <> 0) in - - let l = List.length e - 1 in - let rec aux n = - match n with - | 0 -> seq [] - | n -> seq [ - i_unpair ; - dip (aux (n - 1)) ; - ] in - let code = aux l in - - ok code - - -let pack_select : environment -> string list -> michelson result = fun e lst -> - let module L = Logger.Stateful() in - let e_lst = - let e_lst = Environment.to_list e in - let aux selector (s , _) = - L.log @@ Format.asprintf "Selector : %a\n" PP_helpers.(list_sep string (const " , ")) selector ; - match List.mem s selector with - | true -> List.remove_element s selector , true - | false -> selector , false in - let e_lst' = List.fold_map_right aux lst e_lst in - let e_lst'' = List.combine e_lst e_lst' in - e_lst'' in - let (_ , code) = - let aux = fun (first , code) (_ , b) -> - match b with - | false -> (first , seq [dip code ; i_swap]) - | true -> (false , - match first with - | true -> i_dup - | false -> seq [dip code ; i_dup ; dip i_pair ; i_swap] - ) - in - List.fold_right' aux (true , seq []) e_lst in - - ok code - -let add_packed_anon : environment -> type_value -> michelson result = fun _ _ -> - let code = seq [i_pair] in - - ok code - -let pop : environment -> environment result = fun e -> - match e with - | [] -> simple_fail "pop empty env" - | _ :: tl -> ok tl diff --git a/src/mini_c/environment.ml b/src/mini_c/environment.ml index 1d7463c48..8b4bb2924 100644 --- a/src/mini_c/environment.ml +++ b/src/mini_c/environment.ml @@ -54,12 +54,6 @@ module Environment (* : ENVIRONMENT *) = struct let fold : _ -> 'a -> t -> 'a = List.fold_left let filter : _ -> t -> t = List.filter - - let closure_representation : t -> type_value = fun t -> - match t with - | [] -> T_base Base_unit - | [ a ] -> snd a - | hd :: tl -> List.fold_left (fun acc cur -> T_pair (acc , snd cur)) (snd hd) tl end include Environment