Alpha/Baker: rename threshold into fee_threshold and include it in the baker's state
This commit is contained in:
@ -48,18 +48,22 @@ type state = {
(* lazy-initialisation with retry-on-error *)
constants: Constants.t tzlazy ;
(* Minimum operation fee required to include in a block *)
fee_threshold : Tez.t ;
(* truly mutable *)
mutable best: Client_baking_blocks.block_info ;
mutable future_slots:
(Time.t * (Client_baking_blocks.block_info * int * public_key_hash)) list ;
let create_state genesis context_path index delegates constants best =
let create_state genesis context_path index delegates constants ?(fee_threshold = best =
{ genesis ;
context_path ;
index ;
delegates ;
constants ;
fee_threshold ;
best ;
future_slots = [] ;
@ -163,7 +167,7 @@ let get_manager_operation_gas_and_fee op =
let sort_manager_operations
?(threshold =
(operations : Proto_alpha.operation list)
let compute_weight op (fee, gas) =
@ -178,7 +182,7 @@ let sort_manager_operations
(fun op ->
get_manager_operation_gas_and_fee op >>=? fun (fee, gas) ->
if Tez.(<) fee threshold then
if Tez.(<) fee fee_threshold then
return (Some (op, (compute_weight op (fee, gas))))
@ -230,9 +234,9 @@ let trim_manager_operations ~max_size ~hard_gas_limit_per_block manager_operatio
(* Hypothesis : we suppose that the received manager operations have a valid gas_limit *)
let classify_operations
(cctxt : #Proto_alpha.full)
(ops: Proto_alpha.operation list) =
Alpha_block_services.live_blocks cctxt ~chain:`Main ~block ()
>>=? fun live_blocks ->
@ -255,7 +259,7 @@ let classify_operations
let manager_operations = t.(managers_index) in
let { Alpha_environment.Updater.max_size } =
List.nth Proto_alpha.Main.validation_passes managers_index in
sort_manager_operations ~max_size ~hard_gas_limit_per_block ?threshold manager_operations
sort_manager_operations ~max_size ~hard_gas_limit_per_block ~fee_threshold manager_operations
>>=? fun ordered_operations ->
(* Greedy heuristic *)
trim_manager_operations ~max_size ~hard_gas_limit_per_block ( fst ordered_operations)
@ -369,9 +373,11 @@ let error_of_op (result: error Preapply_result.t) op =
with Not_found -> None
let forge_block cctxt ?(chain = `Main) block
?operations ?(best_effort = operations = None) ?(sort = best_effort)
?(best_effort = operations = None)
?(sort = best_effort)
?(fee_threshold =
?seed_nonce_hash ~src_sk () =
@ -385,7 +391,7 @@ let forge_block cctxt ?(chain = `Main) block
let protocol_data = forge_faked_protocol_data ~priority ~seed_nonce_hash in
Alpha_services.Constants.all cctxt (`Main, block) >>=?
fun Constants.{ parametric = { hard_gas_limit_per_block ; endorsers_per_block } } ->
classify_operations cctxt ~hard_gas_limit_per_block ~block:block ?threshold operations_arg >>=? fun operations ->
classify_operations cctxt ~hard_gas_limit_per_block ~block:block ~fee_threshold operations_arg >>=? fun operations ->
(* Ensure that we retain operations up to the quota *)
let quota : Alpha_environment.Updater.quota list = Main.validation_passes in
let endorsements = List.sub
@ -757,10 +763,30 @@ let shell_prevalidation
(Some (bi, priority, shell_header, raw_ops, delegate, seed_nonce_hash))
(** Retrieve the operations present in the node's mempool and classify
them in 5 lists indexed as :
- 0 -> Endorsements
- 1 -> Votes and proposals
- 2 -> Anonymous operations
- 3 -> High-priority manager operations
- 4 -> Low-priority manager operations
let fetch_operations
(cctxt : #Proto_alpha.full)
(* Retrieve pending operations *)
Alpha_block_services.Mempool.pending_operations cctxt ~chain () >>=? fun mpool ->
let operations = ops_of_mempool mpool in
tzforce state.constants >>=? fun Constants.{ parametric = { hard_gas_limit_per_block } } ->
classify_operations cctxt
~hard_gas_limit_per_block ~fee_threshold:state.fee_threshold ~block operations
let bake_slot
((timestamp, (bi, priority, delegate)) as slot)
@ -768,6 +794,11 @@ let bake_slot
let block = `Hash (bi.hash, 0) in
Alpha_services.Helpers.current_level cctxt
~offset:1l (chain, block) >>=? fun next_level ->
let seed_nonce_hash =
if next_level.Level.expected_commitment then
Some seed_nonce_hash
None in
let timestamp =
if Block_hash.equal bi.Client_baking_blocks.hash state.genesis then
|||| ()
@ -781,16 +812,7 @@ let bake_slot
-% s bake_priorty_tag priority
-% s Client_keys.Logging.tag name
-% a timestamp_tag timestamp) >>= fun () ->
(* Retrieve pending operations *)
Alpha_block_services.Mempool.pending_operations cctxt ~chain () >>=? fun mpool ->
let operations = ops_of_mempool mpool in
let seed_nonce_hash =
if next_level.expected_commitment then
Some seed_nonce_hash
None in
tzforce state.constants >>=? fun Constants.{ parametric = { hard_gas_limit_per_block } } ->
classify_operations cctxt ?threshold ~hard_gas_limit_per_block ~block operations >>=? fun operations ->
fetch_operations cctxt state ~chain ~block >>=? fun operations ->
let next_version =
match Tezos_base.Block_header.get_forced_protocol_upgrade ~level:(Raw_level.to_int32 next_level.Level.level) with
| None -> bi.next_protocol
@ -852,7 +874,6 @@ let pp_operation_list_list =
(* [bake] create a single block when woken up to do so. All the necessary
information (e.g., slot) is available in the [state]. *)
let bake
(cctxt : #Proto_alpha.full)
@ -868,7 +889,7 @@ let bake
(* baking for each slot *)
(bake_slot cctxt ?threshold state seed_nonce_hash)
(bake_slot cctxt state seed_nonce_hash)
slots >>=? fun candidates ->
(* FIXME: pick one block per-delegate *)
@ -925,7 +946,7 @@ let bake
the [delegates] *)
let create
(cctxt : #Proto_alpha.full)
~(context_path: string)
(delegates: public_key_hash list)
@ -936,7 +957,7 @@ let create
let constants =
tzlazy (fun () -> Alpha_services.Constants.all cctxt (`Main, `Head 0)) in
Client_baking_simulator.load_context ~context_path >>= fun index ->
let state = create_state genesis_hash context_path index delegates constants bi in
let state = create_state genesis_hash context_path index delegates constants ?fee_threshold bi in
return state
@ -947,5 +968,5 @@ let create
~pre_loop:(insert_block ?max_priority ())
~timeout_k:(bake ?threshold ())
~timeout_k:(bake ())
~event_k:(insert_block ?max_priority ())
@ -55,18 +55,18 @@ val forge_block:
#Proto_alpha.full ->
?chain:Chain_services.chain ->
Block_services.block ->
?threshold:Tez.t ->
?force:bool ->
?operations: Operation.packed list ->
?best_effort:bool ->
?sort:bool ->
?fee_threshold:Tez.t ->
?timestamp:Time.t ->
priority:[`Set of int | `Auto of (public_key_hash * int option)] ->
?seed_nonce_hash:Nonce_hash.t ->
src_sk:Client_keys.sk_uri ->
unit ->
Block_hash.t tzresult Lwt.t
(** [forge_block cctxt parent_blk ?threshold ?force ?operations ?best_effort
(** [forge_block cctxt parent_blk ?fee_threshold ?force ?operations ?best_effort
?sort ?timestamp ?max_priority ?priority ~seed_nonce ~src_sk
pk_hash] injects a block in the node. In addition of inject_block,
it will:
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ val forge_block:
computed baking priority, it will be used. Otherwise, it will be
set at the best baking priority.
* Threshold: If [?threshold] is given, operations with fees lower than it
* Fee Threshold: If [?fee_threshold] is given, operations with fees lower than it
are not added to the block.
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ end
val create:
#Proto_alpha.full ->
?threshold:Tez.t ->
?fee_threshold:Tez.t ->
?max_priority: int ->
context_path: string ->
public_key_hash list ->
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ open Alpha_context
let bake_block (cctxt : #Proto_alpha.full)
?(chain = `Main) block
?force ?max_priority ?(minimal_timestamp=false)
?src_sk ?src_pk delegate =
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ let bake_block (cctxt : #Proto_alpha.full)
None, None in
Client_baking_forge.forge_block cctxt
?timestamp:(if minimal_timestamp then None else Some ( ()))
?seed_nonce_hash ~src_sk block
~priority:(`Auto (delegate, max_priority)) () >>=? fun block_hash ->
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ val bake_block:
#Proto_alpha.full ->
?chain:Chain_services.chain ->
Block_services.block ->
?threshold:Tez.t ->
?fee_threshold:Tez.t ->
?force:bool ->
?max_priority: int ->
?minimal_timestamp: bool ->
@ -37,12 +37,12 @@ end
module Baker = struct
let run (cctxt : #Proto_alpha.full) ?threshold ?max_priority ?min_date ~context_path delegates =
let run (cctxt : #Proto_alpha.full) ?fee_threshold ?max_priority ?min_date ~context_path delegates =
~next_protocols:(Some [Proto_alpha.hash])
cctxt `Main >>=? fun block_stream ->
Client_baking_forge.create cctxt
?threshold ?max_priority ~context_path delegates block_stream >>=? fun () ->
?fee_threshold ?max_priority ~context_path delegates block_stream >>=? fun () ->
ignore min_date;
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ end
module Baker : sig
val run:
#Proto_alpha.full ->
?threshold: Tez.tez ->
?fee_threshold: Tez.tez ->
?max_priority: int ->
?min_date: Time.t ->
context_path: string ->
@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ let delegate_commands () =
@@ Client_keys.Public_key_hash.source_param
~name:"baker" ~desc: "name of the delegate owning the baking right"
@@ stop)
(fun (max_priority, threshold, force, minimal_timestamp) delegate cctxt ->
(fun (max_priority, fee_threshold, force, minimal_timestamp) delegate cctxt ->
bake_block cctxt cctxt#block
?threshold ~force ?max_priority ~minimal_timestamp delegate) ;
?fee_threshold ~force ?max_priority ~minimal_timestamp delegate) ;
command ~group ~desc: "Forge and inject a seed-nonce revelation operation."
(prefixes [ "reveal"; "nonce"; "for" ]
@ -85,11 +85,11 @@ let baker_commands () =
~desc:"Path to the node data directory (e.g. $HOME/.tezos-node)"
@@ seq_of_param Client_keys.Public_key_hash.alias_param)
(fun (max_priority, threshold) node_path delegates cctxt ->
(fun (max_priority, fee_threshold) node_path delegates cctxt ->
cctxt ( fst delegates) >>=? fun () ->
|||| cctxt
~min_date:((Time.add ( ()) (Int64.neg 1800L)))
~context_path:(Filename.concat node_path "context")
Reference in New Issue
Block a user