Protocol environment / Format: remove not needed functions
This commit is contained in:
@ -13,6 +13,19 @@
(* *)
* Import version 4.06.1
* Remove channel functions
* Remove toplevel effect based functions
* Remove deprecated functions
* Remove redirecting the standard formatter output
* Remove redefining formatter output and output functions
* Remove redefining semantic tag operations (too complex and
imperative for the need of error message generation)
* Remove defining formatters and symbolic pretty printing
(** Pretty-printing.
This module implements a pretty-printing facility to format values
@ -136,7 +149,6 @@ type formatter
val pp_open_box : formatter -> int -> unit
val open_box : int -> unit
(** [pp_open_box ppf d] opens a new compacting pretty-printing box with
offset [d] in the formatter [ppf].
@ -159,11 +171,9 @@ val open_box : int -> unit
val pp_close_box : formatter -> unit -> unit
val close_box : unit -> unit
(** Closes the most recently open pretty-printing box. *)
val pp_open_hbox : formatter -> unit -> unit
val open_hbox : unit -> unit
(** [pp_open_hbox ppf ()] opens a new 'horizontal' pretty-printing box.
This box prints material on a single line.
@ -173,7 +183,6 @@ val open_hbox : unit -> unit
val pp_open_vbox : formatter -> int -> unit
val open_vbox : int -> unit
(** [pp_open_vbox ppf d] opens a new 'vertical' pretty-printing box
with offset [d].
@ -186,7 +195,6 @@ val open_vbox : int -> unit
val pp_open_hvbox : formatter -> int -> unit
val open_hvbox : int -> unit
(** [pp_open_hvbox ppf d] opens a new 'horizontal/vertical' pretty-printing box
with offset [d].
@ -198,7 +206,6 @@ val open_hvbox : int -> unit
val pp_open_hovbox : formatter -> int -> unit
val open_hovbox : int -> unit
(** [pp_open_hovbox ppf d] opens a new 'horizontal-or-vertical'
pretty-printing box with offset [d].
@ -214,29 +221,23 @@ val open_hovbox : int -> unit
(** {1 Formatting functions} *)
val pp_print_string : formatter -> string -> unit
val print_string : string -> unit
(** [pp_print_string ppf s] prints [s] in the current pretty-printing box. *)
val pp_print_as : formatter -> int -> string -> unit
val print_as : int -> string -> unit
(** [pp_print_as ppf len s] prints [s] in the current pretty-printing box.
The pretty-printer formats [s] as if it were of length [len].
val pp_print_int : formatter -> int -> unit
val print_int : int -> unit
(** Print an integer in the current pretty-printing box. *)
val pp_print_float : formatter -> float -> unit
val print_float : float -> unit
(** Print a floating point number in the current pretty-printing box. *)
val pp_print_char : formatter -> char -> unit
val print_char : char -> unit
(** Print a character in the current pretty-printing box. *)
val pp_print_bool : formatter -> bool -> unit
val print_bool : bool -> unit
(** Print a boolean in the current pretty-printing box. *)
(** {1:breaks Break hints} *)
@ -261,7 +262,6 @@ val print_bool : bool -> unit
val pp_print_space : formatter -> unit -> unit
val print_space : unit -> unit
(** [pp_print_space ppf ()] emits a 'space' break hint:
the pretty-printer may split the line at this point,
otherwise it prints one space.
@ -270,7 +270,6 @@ val print_space : unit -> unit
val pp_print_cut : formatter -> unit -> unit
val print_cut : unit -> unit
(** [pp_print_cut ppf ()] emits a 'cut' break hint:
the pretty-printer may split the line at this point,
otherwise it prints nothing.
@ -279,7 +278,6 @@ val print_cut : unit -> unit
val pp_print_break : formatter -> int -> int -> unit
val print_break : int -> int -> unit
(** [pp_print_break ppf nspaces offset] emits a 'full' break hint:
the pretty-printer may split the line at this point,
otherwise it prints [nspaces] spaces.
@ -289,7 +287,6 @@ val print_break : int -> int -> unit
val pp_force_newline : formatter -> unit -> unit
val force_newline : unit -> unit
(** Force a new line in the current pretty-printing box.
The pretty-printer must split the line at this point,
@ -301,7 +298,6 @@ val force_newline : unit -> unit
val pp_print_if_newline : formatter -> unit -> unit
val print_if_newline : unit -> unit
(** Execute the next formatting command if the preceding line
has just been split. Otherwise, ignore the next formatting
@ -310,7 +306,6 @@ val print_if_newline : unit -> unit
(** {1 Pretty-printing termination} *)
val pp_print_flush : formatter -> unit -> unit
val print_flush : unit -> unit
(** End of pretty-printing: resets the pretty-printer to initial state.
All open pretty-printing boxes are closed, all pending text is printed.
@ -336,7 +331,6 @@ val print_flush : unit -> unit
val pp_print_newline : formatter -> unit -> unit
val print_newline : unit -> unit
(** End of pretty-printing: resets the pretty-printer to initial state.
All open pretty-printing boxes are closed, all pending text is printed.
@ -352,7 +346,6 @@ val print_newline : unit -> unit
(** {1 Margin} *)
val pp_set_margin : formatter -> int -> unit
val set_margin : int -> unit
(** [pp_set_margin ppf d] sets the right margin to [d] (in characters):
the pretty-printer splits lines that overflow the right margin according to
the break hints given.
@ -366,13 +359,11 @@ val set_margin : int -> unit
val pp_get_margin : formatter -> unit -> int
val get_margin : unit -> int
(** Returns the position of the right margin. *)
(** {1 Maximum indentation limit} *)
val pp_set_max_indent : formatter -> int -> unit
val set_max_indent : int -> unit
(** [pp_set_max_indent ppf d] sets the maximum indentation limit of lines
to [d] (in characters):
once this limit is reached, new pretty-printing boxes are rejected to the
@ -387,7 +378,6 @@ val set_max_indent : int -> unit
val pp_get_max_indent : formatter -> unit -> int
val get_max_indent : unit -> int
(** Return the maximum indentation limit (in characters). *)
(** {1 Maximum formatting depth} *)
@ -400,7 +390,6 @@ val get_max_indent : unit -> int
val pp_set_max_boxes : formatter -> int -> unit
val set_max_boxes : int -> unit
(** [pp_set_max_boxes ppf max] sets the maximum number of pretty-printing
boxes simultaneously open.
@ -411,13 +400,11 @@ val set_max_boxes : int -> unit
val pp_get_max_boxes : formatter -> unit -> int
val get_max_boxes : unit -> int
(** Returns the maximum number of pretty-printing boxes allowed before
val pp_over_max_boxes : formatter -> unit -> bool
val over_max_boxes : unit -> bool
(** Tests if the maximum number of pretty-printing boxes allowed have already
been opened.
@ -441,7 +428,6 @@ val over_max_boxes : unit -> bool
val pp_open_tbox : formatter -> unit -> unit
val open_tbox : unit -> unit
(** [open_tbox ()] opens a new tabulation box.
This box prints lines separated into cells of fixed width.
@ -456,15 +442,12 @@ val open_tbox : unit -> unit
val pp_close_tbox : formatter -> unit -> unit
val close_tbox : unit -> unit
(** Closes the most recently opened tabulation box. *)
val pp_set_tab : formatter -> unit -> unit
val set_tab : unit -> unit
(** Sets a tabulation marker at current insertion point. *)
val pp_print_tab : formatter -> unit -> unit
val print_tab : unit -> unit
(** [print_tab ()] emits a 'next' tabulation break hint: if not already set on
a tabulation marker, the insertion point moves to the first tabulation
marker on the right, or the pretty-printer splits the line and insertion
@ -473,7 +456,6 @@ val print_tab : unit -> unit
It is equivalent to [print_tbreak 0 0]. *)
val pp_print_tbreak : formatter -> int -> int -> unit
val print_tbreak : int -> int -> unit
(** [print_tbreak nspaces offset] emits a 'full' tabulation break hint.
If not already set on a tabulation marker, the insertion point moves to the
@ -491,13 +473,11 @@ val print_tbreak : int -> int -> unit
(** {1 Ellipsis} *)
val pp_set_ellipsis_text : formatter -> string -> unit
val set_ellipsis_text : string -> unit
(** Set the text of the ellipsis printed when too many pretty-printing boxes
are open (a single dot, [.], by default).
val pp_get_ellipsis_text : formatter -> unit -> string
val get_ellipsis_text : unit -> string
(** Return the text of the ellipsis. *)
(** {1:tags Semantic tags} *)
@ -575,7 +555,6 @@ type tag = string
val pp_open_tag : formatter -> string -> unit
val open_tag : tag -> unit
(** [pp_open_tag ppf t] opens the semantic tag named [t].
The [print_open_tag] tag-printing function of the formatter is called with
@ -584,7 +563,6 @@ val open_tag : tag -> unit
val pp_close_tag : formatter -> unit -> unit
val close_tag : unit -> unit
(** [pp_close_tag ppf ()] closes the most recently opened semantic tag [t].
The closing tag marker, as given by [mark_close_tag t], is written into the
@ -593,342 +571,22 @@ val close_tag : unit -> unit
val pp_set_tags : formatter -> bool -> unit
val set_tags : bool -> unit
(** [pp_set_tags ppf b] turns on or off the treatment of semantic tags
(default is off).
val pp_set_print_tags : formatter -> bool -> unit
val set_print_tags : bool -> unit
(** [pp_set_print_tags ppf b] turns on or off the tag-printing operations. *)
val pp_set_mark_tags : formatter -> bool -> unit
val set_mark_tags : bool -> unit
(** [pp_set_mark_tags ppf b] turns on or off the tag-marking operations. *)
val pp_get_print_tags : formatter -> unit -> bool
val get_print_tags : unit -> bool
(** Return the current status of tag-printing operations. *)
val pp_get_mark_tags : formatter -> unit -> bool
val get_mark_tags : unit -> bool
(** Return the current status of tag-marking operations. *)
(** {1 Redirecting the standard formatter output} *)
val pp_set_formatter_out_channel :
formatter -> Pervasives.out_channel -> unit
val set_formatter_out_channel : Pervasives.out_channel -> unit
(** Redirect the standard pretty-printer output to the given channel.
(All the output functions of the standard formatter are set to the
default output functions printing to the given channel.)
[set_formatter_out_channel] is equivalent to
{!pp_set_formatter_out_channel} [std_formatter].
val pp_set_formatter_output_functions :
formatter -> (string -> int -> int -> unit) -> (unit -> unit) -> unit
val set_formatter_output_functions :
(string -> int -> int -> unit) -> (unit -> unit) -> unit
(** [pp_set_formatter_output_functions ppf out flush] redirects the
standard pretty-printer output functions to the functions [out] and
The [out] function performs all the pretty-printer string output.
It is called with a string [s], a start position [p], and a number of
characters [n]; it is supposed to output characters [p] to [p + n - 1] of
The [flush] function is called whenever the pretty-printer is flushed
(via conversion [%!], or pretty-printing indications [@?] or [@.], or
using low level functions [print_flush] or [print_newline]).
val pp_get_formatter_output_functions :
formatter -> unit -> (string -> int -> int -> unit) * (unit -> unit)
val get_formatter_output_functions :
unit -> (string -> int -> int -> unit) * (unit -> unit)
(** Return the current output functions of the standard pretty-printer. *)
(** {1:meaning Redefining formatter output} *)
(** The [Format] module is versatile enough to let you completely redefine
the meaning of pretty-printing output: you may provide your own functions
to define how to handle indentation, line splitting, and even printing of
all the characters that have to be printed!
(** {2 Redefining output functions} *)
type formatter_out_functions = {
out_string : string -> int -> int -> unit;
out_flush : unit -> unit;
out_newline : unit -> unit;
out_spaces : int -> unit;
out_indent : int -> unit;
(** The set of output functions specific to a formatter:
- the [out_string] function performs all the pretty-printer string output.
It is called with a string [s], a start position [p], and a number of
characters [n]; it is supposed to output characters [p] to [p + n - 1] of
- the [out_flush] function flushes the pretty-printer output device.
- [out_newline] is called to open a new line when the pretty-printer splits
the line.
- the [out_spaces] function outputs spaces when a break hint leads to spaces
instead of a line split. It is called with the number of spaces to output.
- the [out_indent] function performs new line indentation when the
pretty-printer splits the line. It is called with the indentation value of
the new line.
By default:
- fields [out_string] and [out_flush] are output device specific;
(e.g. {!Pervasives.output_string} and {!Pervasives.flush} for a
{!Pervasives.out_channel} device, or [Buffer.add_substring] and
{!Pervasives.ignore} for a [Buffer.t] output device),
- field [out_newline] is equivalent to [out_string "\n" 0 1];
- fields [out_spaces] and [out_indent] are equivalent to
[out_string (String.make n ' ') 0 n].
@since 4.01.0
val pp_set_formatter_out_functions :
formatter -> formatter_out_functions -> unit
val set_formatter_out_functions : formatter_out_functions -> unit
(** [pp_set_formatter_out_functions ppf out_funs]
Set all the pretty-printer output functions of [ppf] to those of
argument [out_funs],
This way, you can change the meaning of indentation (which can be
something else than just printing space characters) and the meaning of new
lines opening (which can be connected to any other action needed by the
application at hand).
Reasonable defaults for functions [out_spaces] and [out_newline] are
respectively [out_funs.out_string (String.make n ' ') 0 n] and
[out_funs.out_string "\n" 0 1].
@since 4.01.0
val pp_get_formatter_out_functions :
formatter -> unit -> formatter_out_functions
val get_formatter_out_functions : unit -> formatter_out_functions
(** Return the current output functions of the pretty-printer,
including line splitting and indentation functions. Useful to record the
current setting and restore it afterwards.
@since 4.01.0
(** {1:tagsmeaning Redefining semantic tag operations} *)
type formatter_tag_functions = {
mark_open_tag : tag -> string;
mark_close_tag : tag -> string;
print_open_tag : tag -> unit;
print_close_tag : tag -> unit;
(** The semantic tag handling functions specific to a formatter:
[mark] versions are the 'tag-marking' functions that associate a string
marker to a tag in order for the pretty-printing engine to write
those markers as 0 length tokens in the output device of the formatter.
[print] versions are the 'tag-printing' functions that can perform
regular printing when a tag is closed or opened.
val pp_set_formatter_tag_functions :
formatter -> formatter_tag_functions -> unit
val set_formatter_tag_functions : formatter_tag_functions -> unit
(** [pp_set_formatter_tag_functions ppf tag_funs] changes the meaning of
opening and closing semantic tag operations to use the functions in
[tag_funs] when printing on [ppf].
When opening a semantic tag with name [t], the string [t] is passed to the
opening tag-marking function (the [mark_open_tag] field of the
record [tag_funs]), that must return the opening tag marker for
that name. When the next call to [close_tag ()] happens, the semantic tag
name [t] is sent back to the closing tag-marking function (the
[mark_close_tag] field of record [tag_funs]), that must return a
closing tag marker for that name.
The [print_] field of the record contains the tag-printing functions that
are called at tag opening and tag closing time, to output regular material
in the pretty-printer queue.
val pp_get_formatter_tag_functions :
formatter -> unit -> formatter_tag_functions
val get_formatter_tag_functions : unit -> formatter_tag_functions
(** Return the current semantic tag operation functions of the standard
pretty-printer. *)
(** {1:formatter Defining formatters}
Defining new formatters permits unrelated output of material in
parallel on several output devices.
All the parameters of a formatter are local to the formatter:
right margin, maximum indentation limit, maximum number of pretty-printing
boxes simultaneously open, ellipsis, and so on, are specific to
each formatter and may be fixed independently.
For instance, given a {!Buffer.t} buffer [b], {!formatter_of_buffer} [b]
returns a new formatter using buffer [b] as its output device.
Similarly, given a {!Pervasives.out_channel} output channel [oc],
{!formatter_of_out_channel} [oc] returns a new formatter using
channel [oc] as its output device.
Alternatively, given [out_funs], a complete set of output functions for a
formatter, then {!formatter_of_out_functions} [out_funs] computes a new
formatter using those functions for output.
val formatter_of_out_channel : out_channel -> formatter
(** [formatter_of_out_channel oc] returns a new formatter writing
to the corresponding output channel [oc].
val std_formatter : formatter
(** The standard formatter to write to standard output.
It is defined as {!formatter_of_out_channel} {!Pervasives.stdout}.
val err_formatter : formatter
(** A formatter to write to standard error.
It is defined as {!formatter_of_out_channel} {!Pervasives.stderr}.
val formatter_of_buffer : Buffer.t -> formatter
(** [formatter_of_buffer b] returns a new formatter writing to
buffer [b]. At the end of pretty-printing, the formatter must be flushed
using {!pp_print_flush} or {!pp_print_newline}, to print all the
pending material into the buffer.
val stdbuf : Buffer.t
(** The string buffer in which [str_formatter] writes. *)
val str_formatter : formatter
(** A formatter to output to the {!stdbuf} string buffer.
[str_formatter] is defined as {!formatter_of_buffer} {!stdbuf}.
val flush_str_formatter : unit -> string
(** Returns the material printed with [str_formatter], flushes
the formatter and resets the corresponding buffer.
val make_formatter :
(string -> int -> int -> unit) -> (unit -> unit) -> formatter
(** [make_formatter out flush] returns a new formatter that outputs with
function [out], and flushes with function [flush].
For instance, {[
(Pervasives.output oc)
(fun () -> Pervasives.flush oc) ]}
returns a formatter to the {!Pervasives.out_channel} [oc].
val formatter_of_out_functions :
formatter_out_functions -> formatter
(** [formatter_of_out_functions out_funs] returns a new formatter that writes
with the set of output functions [out_funs].
See definition of type {!formatter_out_functions} for the meaning of argument
@since 4.06.0
(** {2:symbolic Symbolic pretty-printing} *)
Symbolic pretty-printing is pretty-printing using a symbolic formatter,
i.e. a formatter that outputs symbolic pretty-printing items.
When using a symbolic formatter, all regular pretty-printing activities
occur but output material is symbolic and stored in a buffer of output items.
At the end of pretty-printing, flushing the output buffer allows
post-processing of symbolic output before performing low level output
In practice, first define a symbolic output buffer [b] using:
- [let sob = make_symbolic_output_buffer ()].
Then define a symbolic formatter with:
- [let ppf = formatter_of_symbolic_output_buffer sob]
Use symbolic formatter [ppf] as usual, and retrieve symbolic items at end
of pretty-printing by flushing symbolic output buffer [sob] with:
- [flush_symbolic_output_buffer sob].
type symbolic_output_item =
| Output_flush (** symbolic flush command *)
| Output_newline (** symbolic newline command *)
| Output_string of string
(** [Output_string s]: symbolic output for string [s]*)
| Output_spaces of int
(** [Output_spaces n]: symbolic command to output [n] spaces *)
| Output_indent of int
(** [Output_indent i]: symbolic indentation of size [i] *)
(** Items produced by symbolic pretty-printers
@since 4.06.0
type symbolic_output_buffer
The output buffer of a symbolic pretty-printer.
@since 4.06.0
val make_symbolic_output_buffer : unit -> symbolic_output_buffer
(** [make_symbolic_output_buffer ()] returns a fresh buffer for
symbolic output.
@since 4.06.0
val clear_symbolic_output_buffer : symbolic_output_buffer -> unit
(** [clear_symbolic_output_buffer sob] resets buffer [sob].
@since 4.06.0
val get_symbolic_output_buffer :
symbolic_output_buffer -> symbolic_output_item list
(** [get_symbolic_output_buffer sob] returns the contents of buffer [sob].
@since 4.06.0
val flush_symbolic_output_buffer :
symbolic_output_buffer -> symbolic_output_item list
(** [flush_symbolic_output_buffer sob] returns the contents of buffer
[sob] and resets buffer [sob].
[flush_symbolic_output_buffer sob] is equivalent to
[let items = get_symbolic_output_buffer sob in
clear_symbolic_output_buffer sob; items]
@since 4.06.0
val add_symbolic_output_item :
symbolic_output_buffer -> symbolic_output_item -> unit
(** [add_symbolic_output_item sob itm] adds item [itm] to buffer [sob].
@since 4.06.0
val formatter_of_symbolic_output_buffer : symbolic_output_buffer -> formatter
(** [formatter_of_symbolic_output_buffer sob] returns a symbolic formatter
that outputs to [symbolic_output_buffer] [sob].
@since 4.06.0
(** {1 Convenience formatting functions.} *)
val pp_print_list:
@ -1037,12 +695,6 @@ val fprintf : formatter -> ('a, formatter, unit) format -> 'a
val printf : ('a, formatter, unit) format -> 'a
(** Same as [fprintf] above, but output on [std_formatter]. *)
val eprintf : ('a, formatter, unit) format -> 'a
(** Same as [fprintf] above, but output on [err_formatter]. *)
val sprintf : ('a, unit, string) format -> 'a
(** Same as [printf] above, but instead of printing on a formatter,
returns a string containing the result of formatting the arguments.
@ -1102,51 +754,3 @@ val kasprintf : (string -> 'a) -> ('b, formatter, unit, 'a) format4 -> 'b
@since 4.03
(** {1 Deprecated} *)
val bprintf : Buffer.t -> ('a, formatter, unit) format -> 'a
(** @deprecated This function is error prone. Do not use it.
This function is neither compositional nor incremental, since it flushes
the pretty-printer queue at each call.
If you need to print to some buffer [b], you must first define a
formatter writing to [b], using [let to_b = formatter_of_buffer b]; then
use regular calls to [Format.fprintf] with formatter [to_b].
val kprintf : (string -> 'a) -> ('b, unit, string, 'a) format4 -> 'b
[@@ocaml.deprecated "Use Format.ksprintf instead."]
(** @deprecated An alias for [ksprintf]. *)
val set_all_formatter_output_functions :
out:(string -> int -> int -> unit) ->
flush:(unit -> unit) ->
newline:(unit -> unit) ->
spaces:(int -> unit) ->
[@@ocaml.deprecated "Use Format.set_formatter_out_functions instead."]
(** @deprecated Subsumed by [set_formatter_out_functions]. *)
val get_all_formatter_output_functions :
unit ->
(string -> int -> int -> unit) *
(unit -> unit) *
(unit -> unit) *
(int -> unit)
[@@ocaml.deprecated "Use Format.get_formatter_out_functions instead."]
(** @deprecated Subsumed by [get_formatter_out_functions]. *)
val pp_set_all_formatter_output_functions :
formatter -> out:(string -> int -> int -> unit) -> flush:(unit -> unit) ->
newline:(unit -> unit) -> spaces:(int -> unit) -> unit
[@@ocaml.deprecated "Use Format.pp_set_formatter_out_functions instead."]
(** @deprecated Subsumed by [pp_set_formatter_out_functions]. *)
val pp_get_all_formatter_output_functions :
formatter -> unit ->
(string -> int -> int -> unit) * (unit -> unit) * (unit -> unit) *
(int -> unit)
[@@ocaml.deprecated "Use Format.pp_get_formatter_out_functions instead."]
(** @deprecated Subsumed by [pp_get_formatter_out_functions]. *)
Reference in New Issue
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