Alpha/Baker: correctly filter potential overflowing manager operations, sort them using a knapsack approximation
This commit is contained in:
@ -131,30 +131,45 @@ let () =
| _ -> None)
| _ -> None)
(fun (hash, err) -> Failed_to_preapply (hash, err))
(fun (hash, err) -> Failed_to_preapply (hash, err))
let get_operation_fee op =
let get_manager_operation_gas_and_fee op =
let { protocol_data = Operation_data { contents } ; _ } = op in
let { protocol_data = Operation_data { contents } ; _ } = op in
let open Operation in
let open Operation in
let l = to_list (Contents_list contents) in
let l = to_list (Contents_list contents) in
fold_left_s (fun total_fee -> function
fold_left_s (fun ((total_fee, total_gas) as acc) -> function
| Contents (Manager_operation { fee ; _ })
| Contents (Manager_operation { fee ; gas_limit ; _ }) ->
when Tez.(fee > zero) ->
Lwt.return @@ Alpha_environment.wrap_error @@
Lwt.return @@ Alpha_environment.wrap_error @@
Tez.(total_fee +? fee)
Tez.(total_fee +? fee) >>=? fun total_fee ->
| _ -> return total_fee) l
return (total_fee, (Z.add total_gas gas_limit))
| _ -> return acc) (, l
let sort_operations_by_fee ?(threshold = (operations : Proto_alpha.operation list) =
(* Sort operation consisdering potential gas and storage usage.
Weight = fee / (max ( (size/size_total), (gas/gas_total))) *)
let sort_manager_operations
?(threshold =
(operations : Proto_alpha.operation list)
let compute_weight op (fee, gas) =
let size = Data_encoding.Binary.length Operation.encoding op in
let size_f = Q.of_int size in
let gas_f = Q.of_bigint gas in
let fee_f = Q.of_int64 (Tez.to_mutez fee) in
let size_ratio = Q.(size_f / (Q.of_int max_size)) in
let gas_ratio = Q.(gas_f / (Q.of_bigint hard_gas_limit_per_block)) in
(size, gas, Q.(fee_f / (max size_ratio gas_ratio)))
(fun op ->
(fun op ->
get_operation_fee op >>=? fun fee ->
get_manager_operation_gas_and_fee op >>=? fun (fee, gas) ->
if Tez.(<) fee threshold then
if Tez.(<) fee threshold then
return_some (op, fee))
return (Some (op, (compute_weight op (fee, gas))))
operations >>=? fun operations ->
) operations >>=? fun operations ->
let compare_fee (_, fee1) (_, fee2) =
(* We sort by the biggest weight *)
(* NOTE: inverted fee comparison to invert the order of sort *)
|||||| fee2 fee1 in
(List.sort (fun (_, (_, _, w)) (_, (_, _, w')) -> w' w) operations)
return @@ fst (List.sort compare_fee operations)
let retain_operations_up_to_quota operations max_quota =
let retain_operations_up_to_quota operations max_quota =
let exception Full of packed_operation list in
let exception Full of packed_operation list in
@ -173,8 +188,27 @@ let retain_operations_up_to_quota operations max_quota =
| Full ops -> ops in
| Full ops -> ops in
List.rev operations
List.rev operations
let classify_operations ?threshold (ops: Proto_alpha.operation list) =
let trim_manager_operations ~max_size ~hard_gas_limit_per_block manager_operations =
let t = Array.make (List.length LiftedMain.validation_passes) [] in
map_s (fun op ->
get_manager_operation_gas_and_fee op >>=? fun (_fee, gas) ->
let size = Data_encoding.Binary.length Operation.encoding op in
return (op, (size, gas))) manager_operations >>=? fun manager_operations ->
(fun (total_size, total_gas, (good_ops, bad_ops)) (op, (size, gas)) ->
let new_size = total_size + size in
let new_gas = Z.(total_gas + gas) in
if new_size > max_size || ( new_gas hard_gas_limit_per_block) then
(new_size, new_gas, (good_ops, op :: bad_ops))
(new_size, new_gas, (op :: good_ops, bad_ops))
) (0,, ([], [])) manager_operations |> fun (_, _, (good_ops, bad_ops)) ->
(* We keep the overflowing operations, it may be used for client-side validation *)
return ((List.rev good_ops), (List.rev bad_ops))
(* We classify operations, sort managers operation by interest and add bad ones at the end *)
(* Hypothesis : we suppose that the received manager operations have a valid gas_limit *)
let classify_operations ~hard_gas_limit_per_block ?threshold (ops: Proto_alpha.operation list) =
let t = Array.make (List.length Proto_alpha.Main.validation_passes) [] in
(fun (op: Proto_alpha.operation) ->
(fun (op: Proto_alpha.operation) ->
@ -182,17 +216,18 @@ let classify_operations ?threshold (ops: Proto_alpha.operation list) =
(Main.acceptable_passes op))
(Main.acceptable_passes op))
ops ;
ops ;
let t = List.rev t in
let t = List.rev t in
(* Retrieve the maximum paying manager operations *)
(* Retrieve the optimist maximum paying manager operations *)
let manager_operations = t.(managers_index) in
let manager_operations = t.(managers_index) in
let { Alpha_environment.Updater.max_size } =
let { Alpha_environment.Updater.max_size } =
List.nth LiftedMain.validation_passes managers_index in
List.nth Proto_alpha.Main.validation_passes managers_index in
sort_operations_by_fee ?threshold manager_operations >>=? fun ordered_operations ->
sort_manager_operations ~max_size ~hard_gas_limit_per_block ?threshold manager_operations
let max_operations =
>>=? fun ordered_operations ->
retain_operations_up_to_quota ordered_operations max_size
(* Greedy heuristic *)
trim_manager_operations ~max_size ~hard_gas_limit_per_block ( fst ordered_operations)
(* TODO ? : should preserve mempool order *)
>>=? fun (desired_manager_operations, overflowing_manager_operations) ->
t.(managers_index) <- max_operations;
t.(managers_index) <- desired_manager_operations ;
return @@ Array.fold_right (fun ops acc -> ops :: acc) t []
return @@ (Array.fold_right (fun ops acc -> ops :: acc) t [ overflowing_manager_operations ])
let parse (op : Operation.raw) : Operation.packed =
let parse (op : Operation.raw) : Operation.packed =
let protocol_data =
let protocol_data =
@ -315,11 +350,28 @@ let forge_block cctxt ?(chain = `Main) block
(* get basic building blocks *)
(* get basic building blocks *)
let protocol_data = forge_faked_protocol_data ~priority ~seed_nonce_hash in
let protocol_data = forge_faked_protocol_data ~priority ~seed_nonce_hash in
classify_operations ?threshold operations_arg >>=? fun operations ->
Alpha_services.Constants.all cctxt (`Main, block) >>=?
fun Constants.{ parametric = { hard_gas_limit_per_block ; endorsers_per_block } } ->
classify_operations ~hard_gas_limit_per_block ?threshold operations_arg >>=? fun operations ->
(* Ensure that we retain operations up to the quota *)
let quota : Alpha_environment.Updater.quota list = Main.validation_passes in
let endorsements = List.sub
(List.nth operations endorsements_index)
endorsers_per_block in
let votes = retain_operations_up_to_quota
(List.nth operations votes_index)
(List.nth quota votes_index).max_size in
let anonymous =
(List.nth operations anonymous_index)
(List.nth quota anonymous_index).max_size in
(* Size/Gas check already occured in classify operations *)
let managers = List.nth operations managers_index in
let operations = [ endorsements ; votes ; anonymous ; managers ] in
cctxt ~block ~timestamp ~sort ~protocol_data operations >>=? fun (shell_header, result) ->
cctxt ~block ~timestamp ~sort ~protocol_data operations >>=? fun (shell_header, result) ->
(* now for some logging *)
(* Now for some logging *)
let total_op_count = List.length operations_arg in
let total_op_count = List.length operations_arg in
let valid_op_count =
let valid_op_count =
@ -540,6 +592,11 @@ let filter_and_apply_operations
let votes = List.nth operations votes_index in
let votes = List.nth operations votes_index in
let anonymous = List.nth operations anonymous_index in
let anonymous = List.nth operations anonymous_index in
let managers = List.nth operations managers_index in
let managers = List.nth operations managers_index in
let bad_managers =
if List.length operations > managers_index + 1 then
List.nth operations (managers_index + 1)
else []
let validate_operation inc op =
let validate_operation inc op =
add_operation inc op >>= function
add_operation inc op >>= function
| Error errs ->
| Error errs ->
@ -570,16 +627,16 @@ let filter_and_apply_operations
filter_valid_operations initial_inc votes >>=? fun (inc, votes) ->
filter_valid_operations initial_inc votes >>=? fun (inc, votes) ->
filter_valid_operations inc anonymous >>=? fun (inc, anonymous) ->
filter_valid_operations inc anonymous >>=? fun (inc, anonymous) ->
filter_valid_operations inc managers >>=? fun (inc, managers) ->
filter_valid_operations inc (managers @ bad_managers) >>=? fun (inc, managers) ->
(* Gives a chance to the endorser to fund their deposit in the current block *)
(* Gives a chance to the endorser to fund their deposit in the current block *)
filter_map_s (is_valid_endorsement inc) endorsements >>=? fun endorsements ->
filter_map_s (is_valid_endorsement inc) endorsements >>=? fun endorsements ->
finalize_construction inc >>=? fun _ ->
finalize_construction inc >>=? fun _ ->
let quota : Alpha_environment.Updater.quota list = LiftedMain.validation_passes in
let quota : Alpha_environment.Updater.quota list = Main.validation_passes in
(* This shouldn't happen *)
tzforce state.constants >>=? fun
tzforce state.constants >>=? fun constants ->
{ Constants.parametric = { endorsers_per_block ; hard_gas_limit_per_block ; } } ->
let endorsements =
let endorsements =
List.sub (List.rev endorsements)
List.sub (List.rev endorsements) endorsers_per_block
constants.Constants.parametric.endorsers_per_block in
let votes =
let votes =
(List.rev votes)
(List.rev votes)
@ -588,14 +645,19 @@ let filter_and_apply_operations
(List.rev anonymous)
(List.rev anonymous)
(List.nth quota anonymous_index).max_size in
(List.nth quota anonymous_index).max_size in
(* manager operations size check already occured in classify operations *)
trim_manager_operations ~max_size:(List.nth quota managers_index).max_size
let operations = List.rev [ endorsements ; votes ; anonymous ; managers ] in
~hard_gas_limit_per_block managers >>=? fun (accepted_managers, _overflowing_managers) ->
(* Re-run with the final operations *)
(* Make sure we only keep valid operations *)
filter_valid_operations initial_inc votes >>=? fun (inc, votes) ->
initial_inc (List.flatten operations) >>=? fun inc ->
filter_valid_operations inc anonymous >>=? fun (inc, anonymous) ->
finalize_construction inc >>=? fun (validation_result, metadata) ->
filter_valid_operations inc accepted_managers >>=? fun (inc, accepted_managers) ->
return @@ (inc, (validation_result, metadata), operations)
filter_map_s (is_valid_endorsement inc) endorsements >>=? fun endorsements ->
(* Endorsements won't fail now *)
fold_left_s add_operation inc endorsements >>=? fun final_inc ->
let operations = List.rev [ endorsements ; votes ; anonymous ; accepted_managers ] in
finalize_construction final_inc >>=? fun (validation_result, metadata) ->
return @@ (final_inc, (validation_result, metadata), operations)
(* Build the block header : mimics node prevalidation *)
(* Build the block header : mimics node prevalidation *)
let finalize_block_header
let finalize_block_header
@ -682,7 +744,8 @@ let bake_slot
Some seed_nonce_hash
Some seed_nonce_hash
None in
None in
classify_operations ?threshold operations >>=? fun operations ->
tzforce state.constants >>=? fun Constants.{ parametric = { hard_gas_limit_per_block } } ->
classify_operations ?threshold ~hard_gas_limit_per_block operations >>=? fun operations ->
(* Don't load an alpha context if the chain is still in genesis *)
(* Don't load an alpha context if the chain is still in genesis *)
if Protocol_hash.(Proto_alpha.hash <> bi.next_protocol) then
if Protocol_hash.(Proto_alpha.hash <> bi.next_protocol) then
(* Delegate validation to shell *)
(* Delegate validation to shell *)
@ -695,7 +758,10 @@ let bake_slot
f "Client-side validation: error while filtering invalid operations :@\n%a"
f "Client-side validation: error while filtering invalid operations :@\n%a"
-% t event "client_side_validation_error"
-% t event "client_side_validation_error"
-% a errs_tag errs) >>= fun () ->
-% a errs_tag errs) >>= fun () ->
shell_prevalidation cctxt ~chain ~block seed_nonce_hash [] slot
lwt_log_notice Tag.DSL.(fun f ->
f "Building an empty block using shell validation"
-% t event "shell_prevalidation_notice") >>= fun () ->
shell_prevalidation cctxt ~chain ~block seed_nonce_hash operations slot
| Ok (final_context, validation_result, operations) ->
| Ok (final_context, validation_result, operations) ->
lwt_debug Tag.DSL.(fun f ->
lwt_debug Tag.DSL.(fun f ->
f "Try forging locally the block header for %a (slot %d) for %s (%a)"
f "Try forging locally the block header for %a (slot %d) for %s (%a)"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user