Client: fix unregistered error when there is a node already running

This commit is contained in:
Pietro 2018-02-15 14:27:00 +01:00 committed by Benjamin Canou
parent b78d7bdaee
commit b5f9e2479f

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@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ let genesis : State.Chain.genesis = {
type error += Non_private_sandbox of P2p_addr.t
type error += RPC_Port_already_in_use of P2p_addr.t
type error += RPC_Port_already_in_use of P2p_point.Id.t list
let () =
@ -44,15 +44,15 @@ let () =
~title:"Cannot start sode: RPC port already in use"
~description:"An other tezos node is probably running on the same RPC port."
~pp:begin fun ppf addr ->
~pp:begin fun ppf addrlist ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"An other tezos node is probably running on port (%a). \
"An other tezos node is probably running on one of these addresses (%a). \
Please choose another RPC port."
Ipaddr.V6.pp_hum addr
(Format.pp_print_list P2p_point.Id.pp) addrlist
Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "addr" P2p_addr.encoding))
(function RPC_Port_already_in_use addr -> Some addr | _ -> None)
(fun addr -> RPC_Port_already_in_use addr)
Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "addrlist" (list P2p_point.Id.encoding)))
(function | RPC_Port_already_in_use addrlist -> Some addrlist | _ -> None)
(fun addrlist -> RPC_Port_already_in_use addrlist)
let (//) = Filename.concat
@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ let init_rpc (rpc_config: Node_config_file.rpc) node =
return (Some server))
|Unix.Unix_error(Unix.EADDRINUSE, "bind","") ->
fail (RPC_Port_already_in_use addr)
fail (RPC_Port_already_in_use [(addr,port)])
| exn -> Lwt.return (error_exn exn)
@ -268,7 +268,18 @@ let process sandbox verbosity args =
(lock_file config.data_dir) >>=? function
| false ->
run ?sandbox ?verbosity config
(fun () -> run ?sandbox ?verbosity config)
|Unix.Unix_error(Unix.EADDRINUSE, "bind","") ->
begin match config.rpc.listen_addr with
| None -> assert false
| Some addr ->
Node_config_file.resolve_rpc_listening_addrs addr >>= fun addrlist ->
fail (RPC_Port_already_in_use addrlist)
| exn -> Lwt.return (error_exn exn)
| true -> failwith "Data directory is locked by another process" in
match run with
| Ok () -> `Ok ()