Remove early Perl 5 and Python versions of the ADT generator
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
use Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Useqq = 1; # use double quotes when dumping (we have a few "prime'" names)
sub enumerate { my $i = 0; [map { [ $i++, $_ ] } @{$_[0]}] }
my $moduleName = "A";
my $variant = "_ _variant";
my $record = "_ _ record"; my $true = 1; my $false = 0;
sub poly { $_[0] }
my $adts_raw = [
# typename, kind, fields_or_ctors
["root", $variant, [
# ctor, builtin?, type
["A", $false, "rootA"],
["B", $false, "rootB"],
["C", $true, "string"],
["a", $record, [
# field, builtin?, type
["a1", $false, "ta1"],
["a2", $false, "ta2"],
["ta1", $variant, [
["X", $false, "root"],
["Y", $false, "ta2"],
["ta2", $variant, [
["Z", $false, "ta2"],
["W", $true, "unit"],
# polymorphic type
["rootA", poly("list"),
# Position (0..n-1), builtin?, type argument
[0, $false, "a"]
["rootB", poly("list"),
# Position (0..n-1), builtin?, type argument
[0, $true, "int"]
my $adts = [map {
my ($name , $kind, $ctorsOrFields) = @$_;
"name" => $name ,
"newName" => "${name}'" ,
"kind" => $kind ,
"ctorsOrFields" => [map {
my ($cf, $isBuiltin, $type) = @$_;
name => $cf ,
newName => "${cf}'" ,
isBuiltin => $isBuiltin ,
type => $type ,
newType => $isBuiltin ? $type : "${type}'"
} @$ctorsOrFields],
} @$adts_raw];
# print Dumper $adts ;
say "(* This is an auto-generated file. Do not edit. *)";
say "";
say "open ${moduleName}";
say "";
foreach (@{enumerate($adts)}) {
my ($index, $t) = @$_;
my %t = %$t;
my $typeOrAnd = $index == 0 ? "type" : "and";
say "${typeOrAnd} $t{newName} =";
if ($t{kind} eq $variant) {
foreach (@{$t{ctorsOrFields}}) {
my %c = %$_;
say " | $c{newName} of $c{newType}"
elsif ($t{kind} eq $record) {
say " {";
foreach (@{$t{ctorsOrFields}}) {
my %f = %$_;
say " $f{newName} : $f{newType} ;";
say " }";
} else {
print " ";
foreach (@{$t{ctorsOrFields}}) {
my %a = %$_;
print "$a{newType} ";
print "$t{kind}";
say "";
say "";
say "type 'state continue_fold =";
say " {";
foreach (@$adts) {
my %t = %$_;
say " $t{name} : $t{name} -> 'state -> ($t{newName} * 'state) ;";
foreach (@{$t{ctorsOrFields}}) {
my %c = %$_;
say " $t{name}_$c{name} : $c{type} -> 'state -> ($c{newType} * 'state) ;"
say " }";
say "";
say "type 'state fold_config =";
say " {";
foreach (@$adts) {
my %t = %$_;
say " $t{name} : $t{name} -> 'state -> ('state continue_fold) -> ($t{newName} * 'state) ;";
say " $t{name}_pre_state : $t{name} -> 'state -> 'state ;";
say " $t{name}_post_state : $t{name} -> $t{newName} -> 'state -> 'state ;";
foreach (@{$t{ctorsOrFields}}) {
my %c = %$_;
say " $t{name}_$c{name} : $c{type} -> 'state -> ('state continue_fold) -> ($c{newType} * 'state) ;";
say " }";
say "";
say '(* Curries the "visitor" argument to the folds (non-customizable traversal functions). *)';
say "let rec mk_continue_fold : type state . state fold_config -> state continue_fold = fun visitor ->";
say " {";
foreach (@$adts) {
my %t = %$_;
say " $t{name} = fold_$t{name} visitor ;";
foreach (@{$t{ctorsOrFields}}) {
my %c = %$_;
say " $t{name}_$c{name} = fold_$t{name}_$c{name} visitor ;";
say "}";
say "";
foreach (@$adts) {
my %t = %$_;
say "and fold_$t{name} : type state . state fold_config -> $t{name} -> state -> ($t{newName} * state) = fun visitor x state ->";
say " let continue_fold : state continue_fold = mk_continue_fold visitor in";
say " let state = visitor.$t{name}_pre_state x state in";
say " let (new_x, state) = visitor.$t{name} x state continue_fold in";
say " let state = visitor.$t{name}_post_state x new_x state in";
say " (new_x, state)";
say "";
foreach (@{$t{ctorsOrFields}}) {
my %c = %$_;
say "and fold_$t{name}_$c{name} : type state . state fold_config -> $c{type} -> state -> ($c{newType} * state) = fun visitor x state ->";
say " let continue_fold : state continue_fold = mk_continue_fold visitor in";
say " visitor.$t{name}_$c{name} x state continue_fold";
say "";
say "let no_op : 'a fold_config = {";
foreach (@$adts) {
my %t = %$_;
say " $t{name} = (fun v state continue ->";
say " match v with";
if ($t{kind} eq $variant) {
foreach (@{$t{ctorsOrFields}}) {
my %c = %$_;
say " | $c{name} v -> let (v, state) = continue.$t{name}_$c{name} v state in ($c{newName} v, state)";
} elsif ($t{kind} eq $record) {
print " { ";
foreach (@{$t{ctorsOrFields}}) {
my %f = %$_;
print "$f{name}; ";
say "} ->";
foreach (@{$t{ctorsOrFields}}) {
my %f = %$_;
say " let ($f{newName}, state) = continue.$t{name}_$f{name} $f{name} state in";
print " ({ ";
foreach (@{$t{ctorsOrFields}}) {
my %f = %$_;
print "$f{newName}; "
say "}, state)";
} else {
print " v -> fold_$t{kind} v state ( ";
print join(", ", map { my %f = %$_; "continue.$t{name}_$f{name}" } @{$t{ctorsOrFields}});
say " )";
say " );";
say " $t{name}_pre_state = (fun v state -> ignore v; state) ;";
say " $t{name}_post_state = (fun v new_v state -> ignore (v, new_v); state) ;";
foreach (@{$t{ctorsOrFields}}) {
my %c = %$_;
print " $t{name}_$c{name} = (fun v state continue -> ";
if ($c{isBuiltin}) {
print "ignore continue; (v, state)";
} else {
print "continue.$c{type} v state";
say ") ;";
say "}";
@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import pprint
moduleName = "A"
variant="_ _variant"
record="_ _record"
def poly(x): return x
adts = [
# typename, kind, fields_or_ctors
("root", variant, [
# ctor, builtin?, type
("A", False, "rootA"),
("B", False, "rootB"),
("C", True, "string"),
("a", record, [
# field, builtin?, type
("a1", False, "ta1"),
("a2", False, "ta2"),
("ta1", variant, [
("X", False, "root"),
("Y", False, "ta2"),
("ta2", variant, [
("Z", False, "ta2"),
("W", True, "unit"),
# polymorphic type
("rootA", poly("list"),
# Position (0..n-1), builtin?, type argument
(0, False, "a")
("rootB", poly("list"),
# Position (0..n-1), builtin?, type argument
(0, True, "int")
from collections import namedtuple
adt = namedtuple('adt', ['name', 'newName', 'kind', 'ctorsOrFields'])
ctorOrField = namedtuple('ctorOrField', ['name', 'newName', 'isBuiltin', 'type_', 'newType'])
adts = [
name = name,
newName = f"{name}'",
kind = kind,
ctorsOrFields = [
name = cf,
newName = f"{cf}'",
isBuiltin = isBuiltin,
type_ = type_,
newType = type_ if isBuiltin else f"{type_}'",
for (cf, isBuiltin, type_) in ctors
for (name, kind, ctors) in adts
# pprint.PrettyPrinter(compact=False, indent=4).pprint(adts)
print("(* This is an auto-generated file. Do not edit. *)")
print("open %s" % moduleName)
for (index, t) in enumerate(adts):
typeOrAnd = "type" if index == 0 else "and"
print(f"{typeOrAnd} {t.newName} =")
if t.kind == variant:
for c in t.ctorsOrFields:
print(f" | {c.newName} of {c.newType}")
elif t.kind == record:
print(" {")
for f in t.ctorsOrFields:
print(f" {f.newName} : {f.newType} ;")
print(" }")
print(" ", end='')
for a in t.ctorsOrFields:
print(f"{a.newType}", end=' ')
print(t.kind, end='')
print(f"type 'state continue_fold =")
print(" {")
for t in adts:
print(f" {} : {} -> 'state -> ({t.newName} * 'state) ;")
for c in t.ctorsOrFields:
print(f" {}_{} : {c.type_} -> 'state -> ({c.newType} * 'state) ;")
print(" }")
print(f"type 'state fold_config =")
print(" {")
for t in adts:
print(f" {} : {} -> 'state -> ('state continue_fold) -> ({t.newName} * 'state) ;")
print(f" {}_pre_state : {} -> 'state -> 'state ;")
print(f" {}_post_state : {} -> {t.newName} -> 'state -> 'state ;")
for c in t.ctorsOrFields:
print(f" {}_{} : {c.type_} -> 'state -> ('state continue_fold) -> ({c.newType} * 'state) ;")
print(" }")
print('(* Curries the "visitor" argument to the folds (non-customizable traversal functions). *)')
print("let rec mk_continue_fold : type state . state fold_config -> state continue_fold = fun visitor ->")
print(" {")
for t in adts:
print(f" {} = fold_{} visitor ;")
for c in t.ctorsOrFields:
print(f" {}_{} = fold_{}_{} visitor ;")
for t in adts:
print(f"and fold_{} : type state . state fold_config -> {} -> state -> ({t.newName} * state) = fun visitor x state ->")
print(" let continue_fold : state continue_fold = mk_continue_fold visitor in")
print(f" let state = visitor.{}_pre_state x state in")
print(f" let (new_x, state) = visitor.{} x state continue_fold in")
print(f" let state = visitor.{}_post_state x new_x state in")
print(" (new_x, state)")
for c in t.ctorsOrFields:
print(f"and fold_{}_{} : type state . state fold_config -> {c.type_} -> state -> ({c.newType} * state) = fun visitor x state ->")
print(" let continue_fold : state continue_fold = mk_continue_fold visitor in")
print(f" visitor.{}_{} x state continue_fold")
print("let no_op : 'a fold_config = {")
for t in adts:
print(f" {} = (fun v state continue ->")
print(" match v with")
if t.kind == variant:
for c in t.ctorsOrFields:
print(f" | {} v -> let (v, state) = continue.{}_{} v state in ({c.newName} v, state)")
elif t.kind == record:
print(" {", end=' ')
for f in t.ctorsOrFields:
print(f"{};", end=' ')
print("} ->")
for f in t.ctorsOrFields:
print(f" let ({f.newName}, state) = continue.{}_{} {} state in")
print(" ({", end=' ')
for f in t.ctorsOrFields:
print(f"{f.newName};", end=' ')
print("}, state)")
print(f" v -> fold_{t.kind} v state (", end=' ')
print(", ".join([f"continue.{}_{}" for f in t.ctorsOrFields]), end='')
print(" )")
print(" );")
print(f" {}_pre_state = (fun v state -> ignore v; state) ;")
print(f" {}_post_state = (fun v new_v state -> ignore (v, new_v); state) ;")
for c in t.ctorsOrFields:
print(f" {}_{} = (fun v state continue ->", end=' ')
if c.isBuiltin:
print("ignore continue; (v, state)", end='')
print(f"continue.{c.type_} v state", end='')
print(") ;")
Reference in New Issue
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